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Agricola 1960-Part 9 (Arkansas Tech University Yearbook)

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Miss Arkansas Tech 222

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Agricola Beauty 223

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A-gri Queen 224

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,, �: �·


St. Patricia 225

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Queen of Hearts 226

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Agricola Beauty 227

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Arka-Tech Queen 228

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Lady Of The Apple Blossom 229

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1959 Esquire Qu�en 230

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Agricola Beauty 231

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Who's Who










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Signing up for classes is an ordeal :thaf: mus:t be faced at :the beginning of every school year.

Registration Begins 2nd Half-Century

Student Body President Ronnie Boswell welcomes· a student to the President's Ball.

The fifty-first year of school started with the ordinary number·of lines, registration lines, classi­fication lines, bookstore lines; and, of course, lines where the subject of the usual number of jokes: "Did you know that a course is going to be offered on standing in line? It will be called 'An Under­standing and Appreciation of Linestanding'. One hour credit."

During the hassle of the first few days, assem­blies were held to 'orient everybody'. Freshmen at­tended these meetings; upperclassmen were con­spicuous by their collective absence.

The first social event of the year was the Presi­dent's Ball, which offered freshmen a chance to get acquainted and give upperclassmen the oppor­tunity for renewing old friendships.

But these tumultuous times did not last. long. After the opening week of school, things pretty much settled down.

By the second week students were well on the way into their studies, the band and ROTC were being organized for a year's work, and the football team was down to serious business in its training schedule.

Then arrived a lull in activities between the first days and football season which was not so much listlessness as an expectant pause. Another year was on the way.

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While delivering a demonstration-lecture on handling sidearms safely, Captain Henry Murphy accidentally shot himself in the hand. Fortunately the weapon was loaded with blanks. The person in sunglasses sympathis­izing with Capt. Mu.rphy could not be identified. but is assumed to be another firearms expert.

Bob Edwards, editor of the 1959 Agricola, receives a placque for having :the best all-around yearbook in the AIC. First place awards were won in photography, lay­out, and copywriting.

Ben Red, a Little Rock photographe.r, came to the campus in the early part of the year to make the individual por­traits for the yearbook.


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F oothall Center Of Interest

The Arkansas Tech Choir sang at the first of a number of convoca:tions sponsored by :the S:tudent Life Committee.

Impromptu Pep Rallies And Nightly Espionage Flourish

A walki-:talkie sys:tem was par:t of :the defense set up against night visitors.

With the advent of football season, life brightened up for many Tech students. Rivalries with other AIC schools whetted the competitive spirits of a great many of the student body, especially the freshmen.

By the middle part of the season feeling was run­ning so high - at other schools as well as at Tech -that nightly visits were exchanged between Techsters and supporters of other schools. The chief results of these clashes were a large number of shaved heads on AIC campuses in different parts of the state.

The football team did its dead-level best to overcome the opposing teams. How close it came is shown by the identical 14-12 scores in losses to State Teachers and Henderson, the eventual conference co-champions.

The band, too, worked very hard during football sea­<>on. It could be seen practicing in the late afternoons during the week. Often special rehearsals were held, sometimes on the weekends and sometimes at night during the week.

Tech's ROTC Drill Team became active about this time, marching at many of the high school football games at nearby places.

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Captain B. L. Skelton of the ROTC department helps the cheerleaders stir spirits for the Homecoming game.

That Techsters feel strongly about football can be seen. Homecoming royalty was presented at halftime of the game.


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Bad Weather Mars Dad's Day Game

I I. Despite cold weather a large crowd was on hand to see Tech trounce Ouachita in the annual Dad's Day game.

Victory Over Ouachita Is Consoling·

Despite the coldness and a light drizzle, Dad's Day turned out to be one of the most successful oc­casions held at Tech this year. Over five-hundred parents showed up by the time festivities got under way.

An all-school as�embly started things off. Both the band and choir performed a few numbers, and the modern dance group made a presentation.

James Argo, one of the captains of the football team, delivered the welcoming address to the parents, and his father responded on behalf of the moms arid dads.

Before the game the ROTC company sponsors were presented by cadet officers. The drill team executed some precision marching exercises as part of the ceremonies.

The half-time show, done as a tribute to the par­ents, was one of the best of the season. The Dad's Day theme was carried out as MOM and DAD were spelled out in formations by the band.

To top everything off, the Wonder Boys came through with a 40-12 victory over Ouachita.

Parents were guests of the dining hall for both the noon and evening meals.

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Diplomat James Webb, speaker at a Student Life Committee convocation, talks with some Tech students.

A dance held in the student center ballroom climaxed Sadie Hawkins Day.

Sadie Hawkins Day was highlighted by siudents sporting outstanding beards.·

The twenty-two students selected for Who's Who re­ceived honor cer:tificates from Dean Crabaugh.


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Caraway Hall celebrated the ap­proach of Christmas with their tra­ditional party.

Numerous Events Mark End Of Year

The college honored Eddie Meador, former Liiile All­American from Tech who now plays for the L.A. Rams, by proclaiming an Eddie Meador Day.

Toward the middle and latter parts o� the year, activities picked up a little bit around Tech.

A rash of parties marked the approach of the Christ­mas season. This was due partly to the very fact that ,it was Christmas and partly because most students real­ized that it would be the last chance for kicking up heels until after first semester tests.

During the second half of the year events piled up so fast that they are too numerous to mention here, though we did try to get pictures of most of them. Dances, celebrations - we had them all.

Things really began to roll with the approach of warm weather. This seemed to give everyone a real lift in spirits, a brighter outlook. An enthusiasm was manifested in sports such as track and .baseball that had not been seen on campus for several months.

This was also the time of contests, Miss Arkansas Tech, Lady of the Apple Blossom, Best Dressed Woman, Esquire Queen, and many others.

Though there are several weeks of school left, it looks as if the 1959-1960 school year will go out with the big bang that is so typical of Arkansas Tech.

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The Military Ball, held in March. climaxed a year o·f activities in the ROTC Department.

On Engineers' Day the agris and engineers met, for the first time, in a tug of war. The contest ended in a draw because the rope kept breaking at cruciai moments.


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The Blue Key Varieties provide Te<:hsters with some ex­citing and memorable entertainment:

John Tucker presems J. P. Lovelady, cap­tain of the Wonder Boy basketball team, the AIC championship trophy, ai the basket­ball team's post-season banquet.

The Esquire D a n c e was> distinguished by Ralph Marterie and his Marlboro Men.

The Bowery Ball would have been one of the bei>t dances of the year but the rowdy element kept =>lipping in.

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Seniors A

Adcock, Jerry 43 Amos, William 43

B Bergen, Bill 43 Blalock, Muriel 43

Boren, Mary Lee 43 Boswell, Betty Jo 43 Boswell, Ronnie 43 Boswell, Terry 43

Bowden, Kenneth 43 Bradley, Alice 44 Brooks, Glenn 44 Brown, Bobby 44

c Carr, Van 44 Cartwright, Jim 44 Cecil, Jack 44

Crook, Louis 44 D

Dace, S!l'm 44 Dameron, David 44

Davis, Bernice 45

Davis, Bill 45

Dobbs, Carol 45

Dukes, Dorothy 45

Dunn, Luana 45

E Ebersole, Sara 45

Edwards, Bob 45 Ehren, Norman 45

Ellis, Wiiliam 45

F Feltner, Homer 46 Fox, Bill �6

G Gamer, Ronald 46

Gingerich, Joe 46

H Hanan, Lawrence 46

Hannon, Bobby 46

Hanson, Doris 46

Harris, Terry 46 Hayward, Betty 46

Harmon, Bill 46

Heam, Jerry 47

Hendon, Bob 47

Henson, Tommy 47

Hill, Ruben 47

Huffstetler, David 47

J Jamell, Joe 47

Jennings, John 4 7

Jones, Sherleen 47

K Keith, Dottie 4 7

L Liljedahl, Henry 48

M Magness, Judy 48 Marshall, Norma 48

N Nelson, James 48

Nix, Robert 48 0

Oehlschlager, Mildred 48

p Partin, Jennings 4�

Peters, Muriel 48

Student Index Plegge, Metta 49

Price, Darwin 49

R Reasoner, Ann 49 Reed, Jerald 49

Roberts, Joni 49 Robinson, Wilbur 49

s Scherry, John 49 Shaffner, Charley 49

Shambarger, Bob 49

Shamy, James 50 Shepherd, Bill 50

Small, Bob 50

T Tancte, Bob 50

Tancre, Dolorns 50

Tate, Thomas 50

Taylor, William 50

Travis, Beverly 50

Turner, Hilda 51

v Villines, Agnes 51

w White, Thomas, 51

Witt, Isaac 51

Woodiel, Neil 51

Wool, Stephen 51

Wright, Bob 51

z Zeigler, Roland 51

Juniors A

Anderson, Grover 53

Armbruster, David 53

B Baker, William 53

Barnes, Michael 53

Bates, Barney 53

Berry, Charles 53

Boswell, Shirley 53 Bourland, Danny 53

Brown, Carl 53

Brummett, Henry 53

Bryant, Lee 54

Bushong, Jim 54

c Cates, Clarence 54

Goel, Kay 54

Collum, Charles 54 Corley, Dale 54

Crawford, Allan 54

D Dempsey, Linda 54

Duff, Kay 54

Dupwe, Bob 54

E Edwards, David 55

F Fitzgerald, Jam es 55

Ford, Marilyn 55

G Gamer, Garry 55

Godfrey, Randel 55

Grace, Barbara 55

Graham, David 55

Graham, Emmaline 55

Gray, Dan 55

Gray, Paul 55

Greer, James 56

Griffith, Carol 56

G'uess, Bob 56

H Hacker, Larry 56

Hackworth, Ray 56

Harwood, Jim 56

Hawkins, Monte 56 Hedden, Burla 56

Hefley, Joe 56

Herrin, Ramey 56

Higgins, Bill 57

Hill, Ernest 5 7

Holbrook, Beal 5 7

Hunt, Rebec.ca 57

J Jackson, Allan 5 7

Jennings, Sarah 57

K Kauffeld, Fred 57

Kent, Burl Allen 57

Kinder, La Donna 57

Kinslow, Clyde 57

Kinslow, Dortha 58

L Laney, William 58

Lewis, Marie 58

M McAlister, Bill 58

Mccafferty, Suellen 58

McCollum, Warren 58

Mccurdy, Joe 58

McFarland, Lewis 58

McGuire, Margaret 58 Martin, George 5B

Miller, Joe 59

Moore, David 59

Medley, Bill 59

Miller, Charlene 59

Moore, Dawson 59

Moore, Ellen 59

Morgart, Jim 59 Morris, James 59

Myers, Darleen 59

Myers, Laverne 59

N Neel, Charles 60

Norwood, Kenneth 60

0 Owens, Annie Lee 60

p Partin, Brenda 60

Patterson, Billy 60

Pearson, Charles Henry 60

Phillips, Hershel E. 60 Pickering, James 60

Plegge, Bill 60

Porter, Jim 60

Poteet, Marilyn 60

Poynter, Bill 61

Pullen, Bobby 61

R Rackley, Hubert 61

Rankin, Bobby 61

Reid, Troy 61 Ring, Jim 61

s Sadee, Paul; 61

Satterfield, J'.anan 61

Sawyer, Mary Ann 61

Schwindt, Gary 62

Siems, Allawayne 62

Simmons, Nliliine 62

Simpson, Jerry 62

Singleton, Ruby Jean 62

Slocum, Curtis 62 Smart, Franklin 62

Smith, Cline 62 Stephens, Wayne 62

T Teeter, Richard 62

Thompson, Patti Jo 62

Trowbridge, Joe 63

v Vire, Denton 63

w Waldo, Quinton 63

Weatherford, Wendeil 63

Welch, James 63

West, John 63

Whorton, Wilson Lavan 63

Wilkerson, Joe 63

Winford, Stanley 63

Woodson, Marilyn 63

y Young, Wayne 63

Sophomores A

Adams, Laura 65

Adcock, Sue 65 Aikman, Anson 65

Anderson, Bobby 65

B Back, J, Burton 65

Bailey, Richard 65

Bales, Billy 65

Ballinger, Lavon 65

Barker, Kenneth 65

Barnett, Orville 65

Barton, Arlis G. 65

Bassett, Jerry 65

Bennett, Charles 65

Berry, Paula 66

Biddle, Ann 66

Boley, Monte 66

Bourne, Carol 66

Beashears, Larry 66

B:ewer, Shirley 66

Brice, Jerrell 66

Broderick, Cecilia 66 Brooks, Bob 66

Brooks, Harold 66

Bruce, Viola 66

Bryan, Jim 66

Burnett, Georgiana 66

Burnham, Garrie 66

Burris, Gary 67

Burrow, Ann 67

Burruss, William 67

Burtner, James R. 67

Bush, Pat 67

Byrom, Paula 67

c Caldwell, Linda 67

Campbell, Gary D. 67

Carter, Darrell 67

Carter, George 67

Chambers, Gene 67

Charton, Kenneth W. 67

Chenault, Barbara 68

Claunch, Zoe 68

Collins, Michael 68

Cook, Lana 68

Cototn, Billy 68

Cowger, Lamar 68

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Craig, Saundra 68

Crawford, Barry 68

Crigler, Don 68

Crouch, Randall 68

Crum, Elizabeth 68

Crum, Paul 68

D Daly, Mary Lou 68

Darter, Henry 69

Davidson, George 69

Davidson, Karlos 69

Davis, . Dennis 69

Davis, Derrell 69

Davis, James 69

Davis, Jimmy 69

Devorak, Jerry 69

Dodd, David 69

Donahou, Eddie 69

Douglas, Don 69

Dunn, Tommy 69

Dybendal, Gary 69

E Eaton, Edward 70

Edwards, Barbara 70

Edwards, Jim 70

Edwards, Wayne 70

Ellison, Argil 70

Endsley, John 70

English, Pete 70

Eppler, Dale 70

Eppler, Pat 70

Epps, Chris 70

Ernst, Dolores 70

Ethridge, John 70

Evans, Jeptha 70

F Falls, Nadine 71 Fancher, Joe 71

Fisher, Bob 71

French, Ted 71

G Gammill, Genelle 71

Garrett, Ken 71 Giacomini, Mary 71

Gilliland, Floyd 71

Givens, Art 71

Goff, Joe 71

Goins, Marshall 71

Godwin, Walter 11

Graham, Barbara 71

Gray, Donald 72

Gray, Richard 72

Green, Bill R. 72

Gregory, Stanley 72

Grigg, Tommy 72

Grizzard, Betsy 72 Grogan, Mike 72

Guthridge, Bob 72

H Hale, Tamhra 72

Haller, Buddy 72

Hamm, Sarah 72

Hankin, Lawrence 72

Hanna, Betty 72

Hardin, Milton 73

Harrell, Jim 73

Heird, Joe 73

Henderson, Donnie 73

Hendesron, Earlene 73

Hensley, Margie 73

Hicks, James 73

Hicks, Kathleen 73

Student Index Higdon, Charles 73

Hinsley, Allen 73

Hodges, Jerry G. 73

Holbrook, Orvalene 73 Holloway, Tommy 73

Hon, Thomas 74

Hubbard, Billy 74

Hunnicutt, Jerry 74

Hwmicutt, Wayne 74

Hurst, Curtis 7 4

Hylton, Yvonne 74

I Ingram, John 74

J Jackson, Lila 74 Johnson, Jerry Paul 7 4

Johnson, Tommy 74

Jones, Wayne 74

Jordan, Ronnie 74

K Keesee, Larry 74

Keith, Bill 7 5

Kemp, Carroll 75

Kendall, Peggy 75

Kidd, Sharon 75

Koone, Ray 75

Krone, Tim 75

L Langhorne, Charlene 75

Lee, Joe 75

Lipe, Mike 75

Littleton, Gene 75

Lowrey, Gene 75

Ludingston, Donald 75

Lundquist, Edie 75

M McClain, Glen 76

McDaniel, Lloyd 76

McDowell, James 76

McEntire, Judith 76

McGee, Kay 76

McGuire, Blake 76 Mcllroy, Barbara 76

McKnight, Eugene 76

McNutt, Joe 76

Mackey, Beatrice 76

Magness, Morgan 76

Mandeville, Sue 76

Martin, Betty 76

Martin, Dale 76

Mueller, Tom 77 Muncy, Jim 77 Murdock, Martha 77

Murtha, Glen 77

N Nahas, Nick 77

Nelson, Joyce 77

Nichols, Ralph 77

Niemeyer, Betty 77

Northrup, Jim 77

Nossard, Azghandi 77

0 Odom, George 77

Olive, Tommie 77

O'Quin, James R. 77

Ott, Lavonne 7 7

Owen, Anita 78

p Partridge, Margaret 78

Patten, Tom 78

Peak, James 78

Pearson, Sonny 78

Peer, Richard 78

Perry, Bobby 78

Perry, Glenda 78

Petty, Monroe 78

Pfeifer, Bob 78

Pigg, Ray 78

Posey, Bob 78 Poynter, Ann 78 Prewitt, William 78

Price, Laura 79

R Ransom, Frank 79

Reasoner, Jim 79

Reeder, Julia Ann 79

Reeser, Sue 79

Revis, Glenda 79

Rhodes, Phillip 79

Rickey, Benny 79

Robbins, Lanny 79

Robbins, Marguerite 79

Rogers, Kathy 79

Rollans, Bobby 79

Russenberger, Gerald 79

Rye, Bob 79

Rye, Donald 80

Rye, Stephen 80

s Sacrey, Andy 80

Salmon, Don 80

Salmon, Tom 80

Sanders, Lynn 80

Sanders, Willes 8 0

Saylors, Dorman 80

Schacht, Susan 80

Schaefers, Bob 80

Sherman, Mary Lou 80

Sherrill, Earl 8 0

Sherill, Wade 80

Shores, Laura 80

Short, Mary 81

Sinclair, Barbara 81 Singleton, Gene 81

Smee, Rosemary 81

Smith, Doyle 81

Smith, Sara 81

Snellings, David 81

Snowball, Rosemary 81

Sorrels, Robert 81 Spain, Shirley 81

Sparks, James 81

Stahl, Nina 81

Staub, Joe 81

Street, John 81

Synco, Britt 81

T Thomas, Jerry 82

Tosch, Chuck 82

Tripp, Pat 82

Tucker, Bill 82

Turner, Sue 82

Tyler, Rex 82

u Upton, Brenda 82

v Vance, Don 82

Virden, Jerry 82

w Walker, Harold 82

Washum, Bill 82

Warren, James A, 82 Waters, Gene 82 Watson, Bob 83

Wells, Ben 83

Wells, Boe 83

Wesley, Violett 83

Weston, Ann 83

Willard, Harry 83

Williams, Ann 83

Williams, Danny 83

Wilson, Larry 83

Wingard, Dan 83

Wisley, Judy 83

Wisley, Paul 83

White, Janis 83

Wolf, Rocky 83

Wood, C. B. 84

Wood, Deith 84

Wood, Laquita 84

Woods, Linda 84

Woolsey, Joe 84

Wright, Bill 84

y Yadon, Judy 84

Yandell, Charles 84

Yates, Carl 84

York, Samuel 84

Freshmen A

Alborzian, Manouchehr 86 Albritton, James 86

Anthony, Larry 86

Ashmore, Linda 86

B Baley, Junior 86

Bainbridge, Jim 86

Baker, Robert 86

Ballowe, Bill 86

Banks, Roberta 86

Barborek, Frank 86

Bates, David 86

Beasley, Gary 86

Bell, Bob 86

Bell, Judy 86

Beller, Bill 8 6

Berendji, Jamshid 86

Biggs, Scarlett 86

Billingsley, Betty 8 6

Billingsley, Steve 8 7 Birkhead, Eleanor 8 7

Bishop, Carlyn 87

Blevins, Wilma 87

Blunk, Sandra 87

Boen, Ralph 87

Bogden, Jim 87

Boseman, John 87

Bowden, Jimmy 87

Bowling, Sandra 8 7

Bradford, Jack 87

Brazil, Leon 87

Breed, Judy 87

Bridges, Jerry 8 7

Brown, Judy 87

Brown, Robert 8 7 Browning, Robert 87 Buchanan, Bob 87

Buell, Jack 88

Bufford, Janice 88

Burgess, John 88

Burnett, Frankie 88

c Caldwell, Hank 88

Campbell, Reed 88

Campbell, Wayne 88

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Canerday, Jerry 8 8 Cantrell, Rex 88

Carlon, Ancel 88

Carpentar, Gerald 88

Carty, James 88

Carrick, John Charles 88

Cash, Larry 88

Casner, Jenifer 88

Cates, Gayle 88

Chambers, Layton 88

Chapman, Jimmy 88

Chastain, James 89

Chrisco, Margaret 8.9

Clark, Bill 89

Clark, Billie 89

Clark, Donnie 89

Clark, Iris Jane 8 9

Clark, Mary Ann 89

Clay, Patsy 89

Clayborne, Johnny 89 Cline, Neil 89

Coffman, John 89

Coger, Jerry 89

Cole, Jason 8 9

Collins, Joe 8 9

Collum, Grady 8 9

Combs, Carolyn 89

Cook, Carl 89

Cook, Edward 89

Cook, James 90

Cook, James 90

Cook, Patsy 90

Cook, Phyllis 90

Cooper, James 90

Corrotto, Bill 90

Cotten, Charles 90

Cramer, Martin 90

Cravens, Donald 90

Creighton, Warr.en 90

Crocker, Kay 90

Crow, Lonnie 90

Curry, Dallas 90

D Daily, Carl 90

Dane, Larry 90

Daniel, John 90

Davis, Frank 90

Davis, Harley 90 Davis, Harvey 91

Davis, Jerry 91

Davis, Jimmy 91

Davis, Lynn 91

Davis, Thomas 91

Dean, Janice 91

Deatheridge, Billie 91 Derickson, Bill 91

Dickson, Glen 91

Dobbs, Joan 91

Doherty, Lyn 91

Donley, Harl 91

Douthitt, Kye 91

Dowdy, James 91

Downs, Michael 91

Drake, James 91

Drewy, Albert 91

Duff, Jim 92

Duke, George 92

Dunn, Royanne 92

Dunn, Rozella 92

Duvall, Malinda 92


Student Index Edwards, James A, 92

Ellen, Glen 92

Epley, Elton 92

Evans, Grover 92

F Fair, Fonald 92

Ferguson, Allan 92

Fields, Carol 92

Fields, David 92 Fisher, Larry 92

Fisher, Sam 92

Fleming, Doyle 92

Flora, Richard 92

Ford, Cecil 92 Ford, Richard 93

Foshee, Hubert 93

Foster, Billy 93

Foster, Elizabeth 93

Francis, Bobby 93

Freeman, Margret 93

Friend, Bob 93

Fulmer, Frank 93

G Ganner, Glenda 93

Gant, Lynda Beth 93

Gamer, Carroll 93

George, Campy 93

Gilliam,_ Charles 93

Glenn, Carl 93

Godfrey, Larry 93

Goldy, Charles 93

Goree, Jean 93

Grant, John 93

Gravis, Billy 94

·Green, David 94 Gresham, Linda Kay 94

Griscom, Donald 94

Grubbs, Harry 94 Grubbs, Jerry 94

Guinn, James 94

Gunter, Twedell 94

H Hale, Danny 94

Hale, James 94

Hall, Teddy 94

Hallum, Lynn 94

Hamm, Jack 94 Haney, Doil 94

Hardeman, Pat 94 Harmon, Amarlis 94 Harper, Nancy 94

Harrell, Larry 94

Haston, Archie 95

Harrison, Eddie 95

Hatfield, Don 95

Hatfield, Marshall 95

Hayhurst, Ronald 95

Heft, Thomas 95

Helmick, Sherlyn 95

Helms, Betty 95

Helton, Marion P. 95

Henderson, Jeanene 95

Henderson, Pat 95

Henry, Joe 95

Henson, Vance 95

Hickerson, Floyd 95

Hickey, Gary 95

Hise, Wendell 95

Hockersmith, Nancy 95

Hudgens, George 95

Hodges, Ernest 96

Hollabaugh, Wanda 96 Holland, Fred 96

Holt, Linda 96

Hoobler, Donald 96

Howard, Sonya 96

Hudson, Tommy 96 Hulse, Bill 96

Hunt, Charles 96

Hurley, John 96 Hurley, Pat 96

J Johnson, Harvey 96

Jones, Arlin 96

Jones, Zettie Mae 96

Judy, James 96

K Kealer, Louis 96

Keathley, Robert Farrow 96

Keene, Manuel 96

Keeter, Jerry 97

Kidd, Dickie 97

Kisner, Howard 9 7

Kizziar, Georgia 97

L Laird, Joe 97

Law, Allan 97

Lawrence, Loyd 97

Lee, Jerry 97

Lee, Lou 97

Lee, Van 97 Lefler, Joe 97

Lemon, Margaret 97

Leonard, George 97

Leonard, Pat 97

Lewis, Carol 97

Lewis, Larry 97 Lewis, Sherry 98

Liles, Paul 98

Lindsey, Mary 98

Littrell, Fred 98

Lowery, James 98

M McArthur, Homer 98

McAteer, James 98 McBride, Chester 98

McClellan, Joy 98

McConnell, Bonnie 98

McCoy, Imagine 98

McCullar, David 98

McDaniel, Paula 98

McDonald, Jamis 98

Maloney, Bob 98

Mann, Don 99

Marcrum, Leroy 99

Martin, Doris 99

Martin, Martha 99

Martin, Sidney 99

Matthews, Sara 99

May, Hal 99

Meehan, Edward 99

Meek, Sam 99

Melton, Charles 99

Menard, Billy 99

Metcalf, Merle 99

Michau, Gene 99

Middlebrooks, Doris 99

Miller, Dell 99

Miller, Joan 99

Miller, John 100

Mills, Judy 100

Millsapps, Olen l 00

Milum, Jimmy 100

Minor, Bevelry 100

Mitchell, Bob 100

Mobley, Louise 100

Moore, Susan 100

Morse, Bobbie 100

Morton, Don 100 Morris, Pauline 100

Mosley, Glynn 100

Muckelrath, Sandra 100

N N ea ville, Harold 100

Necessary, Ken l 0 0

Nelson, Ronald 100

Newlon, Bobby 101

Neven, Elizabeth 101

Northcutt, Travis 101

0 O'Brien, Joe 101

Osburn, Pruitt 101

Owens, Jean 101

OV{ens, Lina 101

p Padgett, Tom 101

Parnell, Max 101

Patton, Beckie 101

Patton, Kenneth 101

Payne, Carroll 101

Payne, Randy 101

Pennington, Judy 101

Phillips, Bobby 101

Pike, Paul 101

Pilgram, Robert 102

Pirpour, Ali Mohammed 102 Pistole, Sondra 102

Plumlee, Joyce 102

Pope, Rebecca 102

Porter, Eugene 102

Poley, Reba 102

Potter, Donald 102 Powers, Charles 102

Prisley, Travis 102

Price, Bobby 102

Price, Ronald 102

R Rankins, Amald 102

Ratzlaff, Ben 102

Reed, Cecelia l 02

Reid, Dan 103

Rennie, Robert 103

Reynolds, Gerald 103

Reynolds, Ray l 03

Richesin, Danny l 03

Rimer, Ronald 103

Robberson, Mona 103

Roberson, Ronnie 103

Roberts, Dean 103

Roberts, Jamie 103

Robertson, Bob 103

Robinsen, Ralph 103

Robinson, Ray 103

Roden, Paul 103.

Rogers, Elva 103

Rogers, Harold W. 103

Rogers, Louise 104

Rogers, Robert 104

Ross, Ronnie 104 Roth, Larry 104

s Sadem, Akbar 104

Sammons, Judy 104

Page 29: Agricola 1960-Part 9 (Arkansas Tech University Yearbook)


Student Index Sanderson, Sue 104 Steele, Phillip 106 Sawyer, Tom 104 Stewart, Jane 106 Saylors, Kenneth 104 Stewart, Jane 106 Schiefer, Bernadine 104 Stewart, J. W. 106 Scott, James 104 Strickland, John 106 Scott, Robert 104 Stringfellow, Dorsey 106 Schackelford, Eugenia 104 Storment, Betty 106 Shaddox, Mackie 104 Summerfield, Vernon 106 Shadle, Jimmy 104 Swilling, Lind� 106 Siems, Curtis 105 Syfeit, Lynda 106 Sivils, Donald 105

v Vaughn, Earnest 107

Vann, Robert 107

Vaught, Marilyn 107

Virneau, Lois 107

w Wakefield, Tommy 107

Waldrip, Lowell 107

Ward, Gene 107

Ward, James 107

White, Vernon 108

Whitecotton, Jeanne 108

Wiggins, Bill 108

Wilhelm, Paul 108

Willhite, Henrye�ta 109

Williams, Orven l09

Wilson, Gordon 109

Winstead, Bazel 109

Wisdom, Gerald 109

Wood, Bobby 109

Warner, Charles 107 Wood, Jack 109 Smee, Sandra 105 T Warren, ,Bertie 107 Woods, Jackie 109

Woods, Jackie 109

Woolf, Don 109

,Smiley, Phillip 105 Taylor, Eula Jane 106 Warriner, John 108 Smith, Janet Hale 105 Taylor, Warren Neal 106 Watson, Richard 108 Smith, Jerry 105 Thaxton, Patricia 106

Smith, Joe 105 Thrasher, Willie 106 Smith, Patsy 105 Thomas, Marion 106

Stnith, Richard 105 Thompson, Gordon 106

Watts, James 108

Watts, Webster 108

Weatherford, Gail 108

Word, Paula 109

Workman, James 109

Wright, Jack 109

Snider, Watha 105 Tillery, Michael 106

Snow, Wasson 105

Wells, Carolyn 108

West, Junie 108

Wright, Mary Beth 109

Wynns, Eddid 109 Tilmon, Bonita 107 Westbrook, Thomas 108 y

Stafford, James 105 Tramel, Carl 107

Stakl, Bernice 105 Treat, Leo 107 Stanley, Keith 105 Tucker, Charles 107

Weston, David 108 Weston, Renee 108

Young, Carolyn 109

z White, Ben 108

Staton, Mary 105 Turner, James 107 White, Logan 108

Zarenejad, Hassan 109

Zrig, Zoe 109

Editor's Page When this page is completed, the 1960 Argicola will finally be finished.

The editor will be just about finished too. At the time this book was being planned, I was green enough, and con­

ceited enough, to think that it would take a whole page to say everything necessary. Probably at the first of the year some fantastic notion of going out in a blaze of glory by virtue of a brilliant burst of literary creativity existed in my mind. Or maybe I planned some notable farewell -you know, old sailors fade away. Fortunately, such notions, if they ever were, have been forgotten. Unfortunately, it leaves me little to say.

There are, however, several people who deserve some thanks from me, and (I say this sincereiy) if I took the space to do it properly, it would take many more pages than this one.

First there is my roommate and sports editor, Jim Davis, who, besides doing the sports section, helped out with writing copy any time it was necessary.

Bob Edwards, editor of last year's Agricola, aided me with his advice as well as doing a great deal of the photography. His brother, Dave Ed.wards, also helped with pictures.

Robert Vann, school photographer first semester, covered the football games, but he was unable to be with us the second half of the year.

Rosemary Smee, Barbara Chenault, and Glenda Perry assisted me in getting through the class sections by the time they spent at the typewriters.

Ann Burrow did a great deal. She classified and alphabetized the class sections, identified pictures, typed, and would try to get done anything that needed doing.

The two who helped me at a most crucial moment - after the photog­rapher left - are not even students of this school. They are Gerald Edgars and Leon Gershner. Mr. Edgars is the journalism instructor here, and Leon is a Tech alumnus of one year's standing. Between them they did the bas­ketball games and many of the informal shots. Mr. Edgars managed to help me at any time, even with his other duties. I cannot begin to thank them.

The Hurley Company, which prints this book, has done a lot for me. As a matter of fact, Mr. Tom Walker, chairman of the yearbook division, planned a large part of this year's Agricola and got me started.

B. L. Harton, public relations officer and yearbook advisor, deserves some credit for having kept me working on this for so long.

As for me - I spent a large amount of time and effort on the 1960

Agricola. I hope you like it.

