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1 DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT Pelengkap Ijazah AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING STUDY PROGRAMME PROGRAM STUDI TEKNIK PERTANIAN 1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification This Diploma Supplement follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international 'transparency' and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgments, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why. Pelengkap ijazah ini mengikuti model yang dikembangkan oleh European Commission, Council of Europe dan UNESCO/CEPES. Maksud dari dokumen pelengkap ini adalah menyediakan data independen yang cukup untuk meningkatkan ‘keterbukaan’ internasional dan pengakuan akademik yang adil dan profesional atas kualifikasi (ijazah, gelar, sertifikat, dll.) di dalamnya. Dokumen pelengkap ini dirancang untuk menyediakan uraian tentang sifat, tingkatan, konteks, isi dan status dari studi yang dijalani dan berhasil diselesaikan oleh individu yang namanya tertera di dalam ijazah di mana pelengkap ini dilampirkan. Dokumen pelengkap ini harus bebas dari segala bentuk penilaian, pernyataan tentang ekivalensi, atau saran mengenai pengakuan. Informasi di dalam semua bagian dari dokumen pelengkap ini harus disediakan. Apabila informasi tersebut tidak tersedia, penjelasan mengenai alasan ketidaktersediaan informasi tersebut harus diberikan. Informasi mengenai identitas pribadi pemegang gelar 1.1. Full name Nama lengkap Ilham Putra Adiyaksa 1.2. Place and date of birth Tempat dan tanggal lahir Sidoarjo, 7 November 1996 1.3. Student Identification Number Nomor Induk Mahasiswa 155100201111004 2. Information on the degree conferred Informasi mengenai gelar yang diberikan 2.1. Name of degree conferred Nama gelar yang diberikan Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) 2.2. Main field of study for the degree conferred Bidang ilmu terkait gelar yang diberikan Agricultural Engineering Teknik Pertanian 2.3. Name of the awarding institution Nama dari institusi pemberi gelar Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Department of Agricultural Engineering Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian 2.4. Name and status of the administering institution Nama dan status dari institusi pengelola program Universitas Brawijaya, Public University Universitas Brawijaya, Perguruan Tinggi Negeri 2.5. Language(s) of instruction/examination Bahasa dalam perkuliahan/ujian English, Indonesian



Pelengkap Ijazah


1. Information identifying the holder of the qualification This Diploma Supplement follows the model

developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. The purpose of the supplement is to provide sufficient independent data to improve the international 'transparency' and fair academic and professional recognition of qualifications (diplomas, degrees, certificates etc.). It is designed to provide a description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies that were pursued and successfully completed by the individual named on the original qualification to which this supplement is appended. It should be free from any value judgments, equivalence statements or suggestions about recognition. Information in all sections should be provided. Where information is not provided, an explanation should give the reason why. Pelengkap ijazah ini mengikuti model yang dikembangkan oleh European Commission, Council of Europe dan UNESCO/CEPES. Maksud dari dokumen pelengkap ini adalah menyediakan data independen yang cukup untuk meningkatkan ‘keterbukaan’ internasional dan pengakuan akademik yang adil dan profesional atas kualifikasi (ijazah, gelar, sertifikat, dll.) di dalamnya. Dokumen pelengkap ini dirancang untuk menyediakan uraian tentang sifat, tingkatan, konteks, isi dan status dari studi yang dijalani dan berhasil diselesaikan oleh individu yang namanya tertera di dalam ijazah di mana pelengkap ini dilampirkan. Dokumen pelengkap ini harus bebas dari segala bentuk penilaian, pernyataan tentang ekivalensi, atau saran mengenai pengakuan. Informasi di dalam semua bagian dari dokumen pelengkap ini harus disediakan. Apabila informasi tersebut tidak tersedia, penjelasan mengenai alasan ketidaktersediaan informasi tersebut harus diberikan.

Informasi mengenai identitas pribadi pemegang gelar

1.1. Full name

Nama lengkap Ilham Putra Adiyaksa

1.2. Place and date of birth

Tempat dan tanggal lahir Sidoarjo, 7 November 1996

1.3. Student Identification Number

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa 155100201111004

2. Information on the degree conferred

Informasi mengenai gelar yang diberikan

2.1. Name of degree conferred

Nama gelar yang diberikan Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Sarjana Teknik (S.T.)

2.2. Main field of study for the degree conferred

Bidang ilmu terkait gelar yang diberikan Agricultural Engineering Teknik Pertanian

2.3. Name of the awarding institution

Nama dari institusi pemberi gelar Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Department of Agricultural Engineering Fakultas Teknologi Pertanian, Jurusan Keteknikan Pertanian

2.4. Name and status of the administering institution

Nama dan status dari institusi pengelola program Universitas Brawijaya, Public University Universitas Brawijaya, Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

2.5. Language(s) of instruction/examination

Bahasa dalam perkuliahan/ujian English, Indonesian





3. Information on the level of the qualification Informasi mengenai tingkat kualifikasi

3.1. Duration of the programme

Durasi pelaksanaan program Four academic years (8 regular semester), 144 SCU (244.8 ECTS) Empat tahun akademik (8 semester reguler), 144 SKS

3.2. Admission requirement(s)

Persyaratan masuk High school diploma and other requirements specified by the Ministry of Education and Culture Ijazah SMA dan persyaratan lain yang diatur oleh Kementerian Pendidikan and Kebudayaan

4. Information on the programme and level of attainment

Informasi mengenai program dan capaian yang diperoleh

4.1. Modes of study

Bentuk studi Full time Penuh waktu

4.2. Programme description and learning outcomes

Deskripsi dan luaran pembelajaran program

Vision and Mission of the Programme The Agricultural Engineering study programme has a vision to become a centre of agricultural engineering education of international standard and an active role in the development of knowledge through research and community service. The Agricultural Engineering study programme having mission to carry out the education process professionally to produce graduates with competence in the field of agricultural engineering; to have an active role to resolving problems in the field of agricultural engineering through synergies with other groups of scientific disciplines; to be actively participate in global scientific activities to field agriculture engineering; and, to build and develop science and technology related to agricultural engineering. Programme Learning Outcomes (PLO) Within five years of graduation, graduates of the programme will: 1. to have a competence and confidence agricultural machinery and system designer; 2. to have enquiring mind and life-long learning professional; 3. to be globally aware and dynamic engineer in managing sustainable resources and to become enterprising innovator

involving community engagement. 4. enterprising innovator involving community engagement Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) On successful completion of the programme, graduates will be able: ILO1. to use engineering principles in designing technology products related to the field of agricultural engineering

science. ILO2. having an attitude, creative and innovative thinking in working with consistently follow professional ethics. ILO3. to manage and utilize natural resources (agriculture and environment) and the supporting resources (human

resources, infrastructure, etc.) in an optimal way and sustainable. ILO4. to have an attitudes and professional behavior as well as having strong leadership and the ability in scientific

communication effectively. ILO5. to identify, formulating, analyzing and solving problems in the field of agricultural engineering through systems

approach. ILO6. to conduct research, explore, develop and apply science and technology in the field of agricultural engineering

science. ILO7. to develop and manage entrepreneurship oriented to agribusiness and agroindustry.





Degree requirements: 144 Semester Credit Unit (SCU) / 244.80 European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) 1. Compulsory modules 133 SCU/226.1 ECTS 2. Elective modules (minimum) 11 SCU/18.7 ECTS Visi dan Misi Program Studi Program Studi Teknik Pertanian adalah salah satu program studi unggulan yang memiliki visi m menjadi pusat pendidikan Keteknikan Pertanian berstandar internasional dan berperan aktif dalam pengembangan ilmu melalui kegiatan penelitian dan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Program Studi Teknik Pertanian memiliki misi untuk melaksanakan proses pendidikan secara profesional untuk menghasilkan lulusan dengan kompetensi dalam bidang Keteknikan; berperan aktif menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam bidang Keteknikan Pertanian melalui sinergi dengan kelompok disiplin keilmuan yang lain; berperan aktif dalam kegiatan ilmiah global bidang Keteknikan; dan, membangun dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang berhubungan dengan keteknikan pertanian. Kompetensi Lulusan Dalam kurun waktu lima tahun setelah wisuda, lulusan program akan: 1. berkompeten dalam perancangan sistem dan mesin pertanian; 2. menjadi Life-long learning professional; 3. menjadi insinyur yang sadar akan globalisasi dan dinamis dalam mengelola sumber daya yang berkelanjutan; dan 4. menjadi inovator yang melibatkan keterlibatan komunitas

Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL) Setelah menyelesaikan program, lulusan akan: ILO1. Memiliki kemampuan dalam menggunakan prinsip-prinsip keteknikan untuk melakukan perancangan produk

teknologi yang terkait dengan bidang ilmu keteknikan pertanian. ILO2. Memiliki sikap dan pemikiran yang inovatif dan kreatif dalam berkarya dengan tetap memegang kuat etika

profesi keteknikan. ILO3. Memiliki keahlian dalam mengelola (manage) dan memanfaatkan (utilize) sumberdaya alam (pertanian dan

lingkungan) dan sumberdaya pendukung (SDM, saran prasarana, dll) secara optimal dan berkelanjutan. ILO4. Memiliki sikap dan perilaku profesional serta memiliki leadership yang kuat dan kemampuan berkomunikasi

ilmiah yang efektif. ILO5. Mempunyai keahlian dalam mengidentifikasi, memformulasikan, menganalisis dan memecahkan permasalahan

di bidang keteknikan pertanian melalui pendekatan sistem. ILO6. Mempunyai keahlian dalam melakukan penelitian, mengeksplorasi, mengembangkan dan mengaplikasikan

IPTEK dalam bidang ilmu keteknikan pertanian. ILO7. Mempunyai keahlian dalam pengembangan bidang enterpreunership yang sekaligus sebagai pelaku utamanya

dengan berorientasi pada agribisnis dan agroindustri.

Persyaratan penyelesaian program: 144 SKS / 244.80 ECTS 1. Mata Kuliah Wajib 133 SKS 2. Mata Kuliah Pilihan (minimal) 11 SKS

4.3. Programme details and completion requirements

Detail dan persyaratan penyelesaian program The curriculum of the Agricultural Engineering Study Programme is structured into 9 subject-related competences and according to SSC 01 ASIIN. The Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering will be awarded upon successful completion of 144 SCU / 244.80 ECTS from the following subject-related competences: 1. Broad and sound knowledge in mathematics and natural sciences applicable to engineering (47.6 ECTS) 2. In-depth knowledge and methodological competence of sub-disciplines of engineering (61.2 ECTS) 3. Knowledge and skills in process operations (28.9 ECTS) 4. Ability to apply engineering methods to specific machines and equipment (68 ECTS) 5. Acquisition and enhancement of specific knowledge in special disciplines of engineering (11.9 ECTS) 6. Ability to evaluate technical products and procedures relating e.g. their economic and ecological effects (20.4 ECTS) 7. Ability to work and communicate in national and international team (20.4 ECTS) 8. Knowledge and skill to work independently on scientific tasks in engineering sciences and to present work results

(10.2 ECTS) 9. Ability of autonomous processing of practice tasks in engineering within a professional environment (10.2 ECTS)





Kurikulum Program Studi Teknik Pertanian disusun menjadi 9 kompetensi mata kuliah yang disesuaikan dengan SSC 01 ASIIN. Gelar Sarjana Teknik Pertanian akan diberikan setelah berhasil menyelesaikan 144 SKS / 244.80 ECTS dari kompetensi dasar yang berhubungan dengan mata kuliah sebagai berikut: 1. Pengetahuan yang luas dan baik dalam matematika dan ilmu alam terapan untuk bidang Teknik (28 SKS) 2. Memperdalam pengetahuan dan kompetensi metodologis dari sub-disiplin ilmu teknik (36 SKS) 3. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan dalam proses operasi (17 SKS) 4. Kemampuan untuk menerapkan metode teknik pada mesin dan peralatan tertentu (40 SKS) 5. Akuisisi dan peningkatan pengetahuan spesifik dalam disiplin khusus Teknik (7 SKS) 6. Kemampuan untuk mengevaluasi produk dan prosedur teknis yang berkaitan, contohnya adalah hubungan antara

efek ekonomi dan ekologisnya (12 SKS) 7. Mampu bekerja dan berkomunikasi dalam tim baik nasional maupun internasional (12 SKS) 8. Pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk bekerja secara mandiri pada tugas-tugas ilmiah di bidang ilmu teknik dan

mempresentasikan hasil karya tersebut (6 SKS) 9. Kemampuan pemrosesan tugas praktik otonom dalam teknik di lingkungan professional (6 SKS)

The following SSC01-ILO scored matrix defines the contribution level of specific courses towards the attainment of specific ILOs (H=high; M=medium, L=low) Matrik SSC01-CPL berikut menggambarkan tingkat kontribusi mata kuliah tertentu terhadap pencapaian CPL tertentu.

No Subject-related

competences Courses SCU ECTS


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


Broad and sound

knowledge in

mathematics and

natural sciences

applicable to


Basic Mathematics 2 3.4 H

Calculus 1 2 3.4 H

Calculus 2 3 5.1 M H

Applied Mathematics 3 5.1 H M

Numerical Method 2 3.4 H M

Modelling and

Simulation Technique 3 5.1 H M L

Basic Chemistry 3 5.1 L M H

Organic Chemistry 3 5.1 M L H

Biology 3 5.1 H M L

Physics 4 6.8 H


In-depth knowledge

and methodological

competence of sub-

disciplines of


Statics and Dynamics 3 5.1 H M

Statistics 3 5.1 M H

Fluid Mechanics 3 5.1 H M L

Thermodynamics 3 5.1 M H

Heat Transfer 3 5.1 L M H


Measurement 3 5.1 M H

Introduction to

Agricultural Technology 2 3.4 M H

Agricultural Material

Science 2 3.4 H H

Food Physical

Properties 2 3.4 H M

Engineering Material

Science 2 3.4 L H M

Strength of Material 3 5.1 H M

Control System 3 5.1 H M





Experimental Design 2 3.4 H H

Research Method and

Seminar 2 3.4 H M L

3 Knowledge and skills

in process operations

Pumps and

Compressors 2 3.4 H H H

Bioenergy Engineering 2 3.4 M H

Food Processing

Technique &

Agricultural Products

3 5.1 H L M

Drying and Cooling

Techniques 2 3.4 H M

Operational Unit 2 3.4 M H

Power in Agriculture 1 3 5.1 H M

Power in Agriculture 2 3 5.1 H M


Ability to apply

engineering methods

to specific machines

and equipment

Plant Design 3 5.1 H M

Agricultural Electricity

and Energy 3 5.1 H M

Agricultural Cultivation

Tools and Machineries 3 5.1 L M H

Dynamics of Machine

and Soil 3 5.1 M M H


Mechanization of

Plantation Crop

3 5.1 L M H

Ergonomic and

Occupational Health

and Safety

2 3.4 L H M M

Land Surveying and

Mapping 3 5.1 H

Technique of Irrigation

and Drainage 3 5.1 M H

Agricultural Science and

Biosystem 4 6.8 H

Machine Element

Design 2 3.4 H H H

Farm Building 2 3.4 L H M

Workshop Engineering 3 5.1 M H

Design of Agricultural

Tools and Machineries 3 5.1 L M H

Technical Drawing 3 5.1 L M H


Acquisition and

enhancement of

specific knowledge in

special disciplines of


Computer Application 2 3.4 M H

Robotics in Bio-system 3 5.1 H M L

Post-Harvest Handling

Technology 2 3.4 M L H








Ability to evaluate

technical products

and procedures

relating e.g. their

economic and

ecologic effects

Engineering Economics 3 5.1 H H H

Operational Research 2 3.4 H M L

Engineering Systems 2 3.4 H H H

Soil and Water

Conservation 3 5.1 H H

Relationship of Soil,

Water and Plant 2 3.4 H H H


Ability to work and

communicate in

national and

international teams


Entrepreneurship 3 5.1 L M H

Business Management 2 3.4 L M H

English Language 2 3.4 H H H

Indonesian Language 3 5.1 H M L

Professional Ethics 2 3.4 H H H

Competences in

work methodology


Knowledge and skill

to work

independently on

scientific tasks in

engineering sciences

and to present work


Bachelor Thesis 6 10.2 H H H H H H H


Ability of


processing of

practice tasks in

engineering within a



Student Community

Service 3 5.1 H L M

Internship 3 5.1 H L M

4.4. Grading scheme

Skema penilaian

Alphabetical Grades Huruf Mutu

Score Range Rentang Nilai Mutu

A 81 – 100

B+ 76 – 80

B 70 – 75

C+ 61 – 69

C 56 – 60

D+ 51 – 55

D 45 – 50

E 0 – 44





4.5. Graduation predicate

Predikat kelulusan

Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK)

Predicate Predikat

3.50 – 4.00 Cum Laude

(Dengan Pujian)

3.00 – 3.49 Distinction

(Sangat Memuaskan)

2.75 – 2.99 Satisfactory


2.00 – 2.74 Sufficient (Cukup)

4.6 CGPA, graduation predicate, percentile, and ILO attainment of the holder of the qualification IPK, predikat kelulusan, persentil, dan ketercapaian CPL pemegang gelar PASS with CUM LAUDE (GPA )

LULUS dengan predikat CUM LAUDE (IPK ) ILO attainment:

Ketercapaian CPL:

5. Information on the function of the qualification

Informasi mengenai fungsi dari kualifikasi

5.1. Access to further study

Akses untuk studi lanjut Post-graduate studies Studi pascasarjana

5.2. Professional status conferred

Status keprofesian






100ILO 1






Achievement index





This programme does not confer any professional status Program ini tidak memberikan status keprofesian

6. Additional information

Informasi tambahan The degree programme was accredited A by BAN-PT on December 27th, 2017, valid until December 17th, 2022 Program ini telah terakreditasi A oleh BAN-PT pada 27 Desember 2017, berlaku sampai 17 Desember 2022 https://tep.ub.ac.id/en/s1tep/

7. Certification of the supplement Pengesahan dari dokumen pelengkap ini

Malang, 21 Januari 2021

Dean Dekan

Head of Agricultural Engineering Study Programme Ketua Program Studi Teknik Pertanian

Prof. Dr. Ir. Imam Santoso, MS Dr. Ir. Musthofa Lutfi, MP. NIP. 19681005 199512 1 001 NIP. 19691113 199802 1 002
