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Copyright 2015 PathFinder. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No reproduction without express written consent from PathFinder. Certified Hypnotherapist Cheryl O’Neil Presents: American Hypnosis Association American Hypnosis Association jumpSTART 2015!
Page 1: AHA jumpSTART 2015! · jumpSTART 2015! 2 Ten Tips of Successful Time Management 1. Set Goals 2. Prioritize - Do A projects first - emails later 3. Use the 2 or 3 Minute Motivator

Copyright 2015 PathFinder. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No reproduction without express written consent from PathFinder.

Certified HypnotherapistCheryl O’Neil

Presents:American Hypnosis Association

American Hypnosis Association

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Ten Tips of Successful Time Management

1. Set Goals

2. Prioritize - Do A projects first - emails later

3. Use the 2 or 3 Minute Motivator

4. Circle of Concentration to ward offdistraction

5. Delegate when possible

6. The Unexpected

7. Do It Now

8. Solution Focused Thought

9. Be at ease with Decision Making

10. Can do Attitude of Follow Through andCompletion

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Goal Setting Exercise

1. On a scale from 1 to 10 – how big is your desire?(10 = “I want it big time!”)

2. Do you believe you can reach this goal?

3. Have you started brainstorming? Have you written yourgoal on paper?

4. Why is this goal important to you?

5. Where are you starting from right now?

6. What is the deadline?

7. What do you think could be an obstacle you must climbover?

8. What other information do you need in order toaccomplish your goal?

9. Who else do you have lined up to help you – supportyou – back you?

10. Have you written a Master Goal Plan? (It’s based onanswering the above nine questions!) Write a detailedplan – what will you do each day, every day?

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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What Goals in What Areas of Your Life?

� Personal

� Professional

� Spiritual

� Family/Relationships

� Educational

� Community

� Financial

� Charity

� Hobbies

� House

� Place of Business

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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What’s the Reward for Accomplishing your Goal?

What are the rewards? It might be an important link to helpmotivate you!

As you pick and choose your goals, know what the rewards are forgoal achievement!

What is the reward about? Satisfaction in moving forward?

The experience of growth?

Monetary or other material reward?

A sense of pride?

Perhaps it’s about the development of a skill or a talent.

Or, for the accomplishment on an intellectual, emotional, social,physical, or spiritual level?

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Imagination and the Subconscious

The power of your imagination is enormous. Used in a positive way, itbecomes the canvas on which you paint to actualize your dreams cometrue. Once the ability is acquired to picture, imagine, sense in any way,or even feel your goals, dreams, and ambitions in the mind, four elementsare necessary to generate the power to bring them into realization.

DESIRE – The want must be real and deep and permanent.

BELIEF – It is important to believe that the desired achievement ispossible, do-able.

EXPECTATION – It is vital to expect success, considering it a foregoneconclusion.

DEMAND – The final requirement is self-demand, a personal requirementthat those things necessary to success will be accomplished.

These four elements must be present in both the conscious andsubconscious. An effective way to build a bridge between your consciousand subconscious, is with an altered state. Through a few minutes eachday of Imagery, you can get the conscious and subconscious going in thesame direction — toward achieving your goals. Making the subconsciousconnection is a powerful tool! Impressing new positive images upon thesubconscious each day – images that encourage new positive actions andemotions – can create a fertile ground for bearing the fruit you desire. Bybuilding up the subconscious with positives – you can, in effect, overridethe old negatives – and be well on the way toward achieving your goals.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Exercise OneList Your Merits and Accomplishments of 2014!

Take a few minutes to Name them and Claim them – List both your Personal and Professional Accomplishments of 2014 –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Writing from Goal Guide Journey

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Exercise TwoWrite Your Three Top Goals!




Write Your Next Two Important Goals!



Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Exercise Three

What’s the One Thing you will do each and every day that willassist you and help you reach each one of your goals?

What Would You Do To Go Beyond? How often would you do it?

Take three deep breaths, drop in, do a nano imagery, imaginingyourself doing the daily one thing – add in the Go Beyond if desired.Reinforce at 0 and count yourself out from 1-5 eyes open wideawake.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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What’s the thing you spring out of bed for, the first thing in themorning? What’s the thing that makes your “tail wag”? What’s thething that has you jumping for joy? What’s the thing you do, thatwhen you do it, you lose track of time?

These are questions to help remind you about the quality ofenthusiasm and how important it is in doing or creating anything.And, if you have none of the above experiences – no better timethan right now to begin to bring some enthusiasm back into yourlife!

Enthusiasm is born of an intense and eager feeling of YES – afeeling of enjoyment. Enthusiasm has fire – passion – zest – gusto!And as Enthusiasm grows, it has a kind of energy that doesn’t stallor quit. It helps propel forward whatever is being created or beingdone as though that thing takes on a life of its own.

And then, as Enthusiasm continues developing and going forward– it expresses more willingness, commitment and devotion. Andbefore you know it, presto change-o, the thing is done!

Let’s invite more Enthusiasm back into our lives to help us achieveand accomplish our goals!

And, for more effectiveness, take a few deep breaths, drop in to thecomfort state and imagine or visualize yourself with the quality ofEnthusiasm. Use the nano – a short imagery – that becomes moresolid in reality because we’ve brought the subconscious on board!When complete, reinforce at 0 and count yourself out from 1-5 eyesopen wide awake and alert.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Do you BELIEVE you can reach the goal? What is important to youabout achieving the goal? Do you care about reaching the goal?What matters most to you about it?

These questions are good ones to connect with – as we tend tofollow through with and do what does matter to us. What we docare about, we do. What seems important to us, creates amotivation. We can get behind something and make it happen if webelieve in it or in our ability to make it happen. And, this is theconscious part.

Law of Belief is a Metaphysical Law that operates on asubconscious level. Acceptance that something is true before itbecomes is what this Metaphysical Law is all about. True belief isto be certain without the proof in advance. To create what youwant in your reality, for true manifestation to take place, thesubconscious must believe it.

To believe is a necessary conscious and subconscious concept forgoal accomplishment and true manifestation of desires. Again,getting the idea of believing in the whatever before it becomes iswhat we want to impress upon the subconscious for acceptance.Doing a nano imagery – strengthening the goal accomplishment –or the desire of manifestation – is an important exercise to practice.

We want the conscious and subconscious in harmony – workingtogether – going forward in the same direction – being certainwithout proof – together in belief.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Another Metaphysical law that operates on the subconscious levelis the Law of Positive Expectation. This law requires an optimisticassumption of favorable outcome. It goes hand in hand with belief.Working with phrases like, “without doubt - certain” – or “it’s aforgone conclusion” help to instill that sense of favorable outcome.This is particularly effective as suggestion after imagining orvisualizing powerful goal accomplishment imagery.

Dr. Kappas always liked to say, “when you’re on a positive roll,that’s where you turn anything and everything to the positive.” Andwhen we actually are doing that, it is creating an even deeperconnection with expecting positively. Having a strong subconsciousknown of positive expectation is an asset in goal accomplishmentand manifestation of desires.

Again, to reinforce, use nano imagery to help build that knowing ofa favorable outcome – without doubt – certain.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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The Mental Bank created by John Kappas

The Mental Bank is a re-scripting process that activates the subconsciousmind to respond in a new positive way. Since the subconscious works onexpectation and imagination and does not know the difference betweenfantasy and reality, doing the Mental Bank helps to write a new script forthe subconscious to follow. Here are the key points:

! You will write a new contract.

! Mental Bank Goal is your Double Figure. Mental Bank Balance is your4X figure. Hourly figure is a tenth of your Double Figure. Example:$100,000/$400,000/$100.

! You must have a goal (1 to 3 goals).

! Value events are things that you do that help you reach your goal.These are the things that are difficult for you to do.

! You will pay yourself fantasy dollars for the things that are difficultfor you to do.

! Subtract real income from fantasy dollars.

! As of this date, I have now earned and accumulated (fill in the blank)in my mental bank.” Sign your name to it.

! Happenings are the positive “out of the blue” experiences that cometo you that tie into your goal.

! Affirmations are an investment in yourself that help support you andsend a new message to the subconscious. “I am available andattainable to attract (fill in the blank).”

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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The Two or Three Minute Motivator

To get the client moving and doing the thing they have been putting off, let’sevoke the Two or Three Minute Motivator!

Explain to them consciously, that to choose either 2 or 3 minutes to do thatthing, gets them started. They are to do no more, no less. When they do thatamount, they win.

Next, decide with client, how many days a week to start, 2-3 or 5? Dependingon the issue and client, maybe we have to start with just one day.

Usually, it’s a 3 to 5 day process of 2 or 3 minutes each day. While this seemsto be a ridiculous amount of time to start with, anybody can do 2 or 3 minutes,and that is the point. It gets them started. Then, we need to start establishinga habit through repetition and small increments of time that increase over daysand weeks.

Clients, who really do this, become amazed at what they accomplish in just ashort amount of time. Then, they get excited, and become with stronger desirefor spending more time doing the thing.

We move it up in increments from week to week getting to 10-15-20 minuteseach day and eventually The Power Half Hour – maybe even The Power Hour.

Of course, once it is first explained consciously and we get it set up, then weput it into the subconscious and have them visualize and imagine it.

It’s a technique that has been used with great success! Do it with yourself andclients. Reap the benefits!

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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The Power Hour and the Five Minute Marathon!

So you’ve got that “A” project and you’ve got some solid time towork on it – but then there are those other pesky things around thathave to get handled, too. How are you going to get it all done?

This calls for the Power Hour and the Five Minute Marathon! Setyour timer for an hour to concentrate on the “A” project. When thetimer rings – up you go – set the timer for five minutes and go dothe thing you called “pesky.” Within the first minute – your timeconstraint of five minutes has you working with more energy,enthusiasm, and fun – you’ll find you drop that label of “pesky” andjust get stuff done!

The timer rings after five – and then its back to another PowerHour. And on you go – for as long as you have the time to do thisroutine – alternating Power Hours and Five Minute Marathons.

Now, for true effectiveness, take a few deep breaths, drop in to thecomfort state and imagine or visualize yourself doing The PowerHour and the Five Minute Marathon. It’s a nano – a short imagery– that becomes more solid in reality because we’ve brought thesubconscious on board! When complete, reinforce at 0 and countyourself out from 1-5 eyes open wide awake and alert.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Practice Builder Thoughts!Mental Bank a must! Suggested Affirmations:! Emo: More and more clients are coming to me! Phys: I am available and attainable to attract more and more clients

Your Own Positive Imaging:! Get your own thoughts going in the right direction! Your thoughts are the first most important action to take! See, imagine, sense, feel yourself in the way you want it to be and

drop it into the subconscious

Boost your own Confidence/Self-Assurance:! Get to your own hypnotherapist! See a client even for pro-bono! Spend some quality time with your materials! Go to the office and study materials there – sends the message to the

Universe that you ARE a hypnotherapist – ! Wear your hypnotherapist badge everywhere you go – stimulates

conversation – gets you talking on your subject – people are alwaysinterested and it creates the message again to the Universe – thatyou ARE a hypnotherapist –

Work with the Mantra:! Emo: I’m becoming comfortable with a wonderful work in a wonderful

way, giving wonderful service for wonderful pay.! Phys: I have a wonderful work in a wonderful way, I give wonderful

service for wonderful pay.

Hold the Positive Expectation:! Hold the positive expectation that your practice is evolving just as

you want it – that it is happening – and it is a foregone conclusion –that of course you are right on track with it –

! When anyone asks you how your practice is going, say, “Great!” – no matter what.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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How To Be The Leader In Your Life!

1. Emotionally support yourself by relying on your Inner Wisdom. Putlogic and reason to that for a dynamic blend of Intuitive CommonSense.

2. Vision first, action second.

3. Self-knowledge is above self-importance.

4. Put away the whips and chains because now it’s time for patience,compassion, understanding, and loyalty toward believing in yourself.

5. Your energy-flow works best when directed outward. Where yourfocus goes, that’s where the energy flows.

6. Keep your eye on the goal, not on the temporary hills and valleys alongthe way. Always accentuate the Positive.

7. Accept responsibility for finding solutions even if it seems there arenone.

8. When problem solving, ask yourself the question; What needs tohappen here in order for (solution) to occur?

9. Honest appraisal about what is, yet dealing with a more neutral stanceabout yourself and your situation. Then, shift to a positive expectationof declaring how you would like things to be.

10. Give up having to be right, and be willing to bend like the willow. Beopen to options and choices with the realization that you can alwaysmake another decision because there are always plenty ofopportunities.

11. Bring the wisdom you have learned and gained from past experienceforward.

12. Being a Leader in your life is acknowledging (Higher Connections) asthe deliverer and you are the vessel to receive it and give it.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Finding Your Goals Journey

Emo SuggestibleSuggestive Imagery SilentProgressive 5-0 Deep Sleep

As you calm more comfortably – naturally and normally drifting into that place –that place you know well – peaceful and secure –

As any or all of the senses begin heightening – the imagination door is wideopen for discovery – and more comes – in an easy and effortless way –

For this is the time to call for the Goal Guide – a positive directed power –helping and encouraging for knowing some of the True Goals – Goal Guide willbe leading the way to where the goals are already written –

This is the time for leaving old ideas about goals behind – the Goal Guide willbe helping with that release –

This is the time to be seeking and finding some of the True Goals – as the TrueGoals also are seeking you –

So the call for the Goal Guide is in just right timing – and without holding back –as holding back is a thing of the past – imagining and allowing Goal Guide tocome forward – bringing Goal Guide to life – freely letting it arise –

When the Goal Guide is here – there’s an inner recognizing about that – there’sa sense that whatever is the shape or form of this positive power – somewaysomehow this positive power knows the way to the True Goals – taking a fewmoments for connecting and communicating –

Longer Pause

Before the journey to the True Goals – allow for asking Goal Guide to releaseyou from any old ideas about goals –

Getting ready for this process – as it is beginning to take place – remembering –anything can be happening in the imagination – and believing with self-assurancethat Goal Guide knows just how to do this releasing in a positive way –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Longer Pause

When ready – Goal Guide begins to point the way forward – and the True Goalseeking journey begins –

Notice how this journey takes place – imagining it all as going together withGoal Guide moving forward –

On the way – Goal Guide says True Goals are written down in a way that isknown to the mind – and is only understood from within –

Soon the energy in the air begins becoming more intense – a very positivesensation starts to occur – and moving forward with Goal Guide –

It’s as though this energized air pulls you both toward an area of Light allaround – and it’s almost like there’s a circular stream all around the Light withimages and words dancing – images and words that are felt and heard in themind –

Goal Guide leading through the stream to the center of the Light – where someof the True Goals start to come clearer all around and all through –

Taking in True Goals – the images and words dancing on the stream – hearingin the mind – capturing truth of the goals – beginning to write the words down –opening eyes – writing what is important and known about some of the truegoals - Opening eyes and writing them down –

Longer Pause

When feeling complete – closing eyes again – allowing the energy of the Light –the energy of the Air – the energy of the True Goals streaming – surroundingyou in a cushion of a comfortable new positive sensation that becomes the newnormal that’s becoming the comfortable normal – on a count back from 20 - 0 -now at 20 – absorbing all the positives about this – and at 19 – with GoalGuide’s energy giving a boost as well - 18 - 17 - 16 - 15 - drifting deeper now14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 – absorbing and assimilating True Goals and imaginingthe accomplishment of them – 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0 – driftingdeeper –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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And that is the way forward now – your Goal Guide’s direction is clear – thatnothing and no one can stop you from accomplishing these goals –

With your True Goals emblazoned upon your deeper mind – so that from thispositive focusing – there is a deep appreciation for all the images and thewonders of imagination – as only positive results can occur – and that is howyour mind and your body responds – positively – and beginning to come up andout to the waking state – we first reinforce all of the positives now at 0 – andat 1 -2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - eyes open wide awake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Find Your Goals Journey

Phys SuggestibleSuggestive Imagery SilentProgressive 5-0 Deep Sleep

As you relax more comfortably it is natural and normal for you to drift into thatbeautiful – serene place – that place you know well that is yours –

As any or all of your senses heighten – that imagination door of yours is wideopen for your discovery – and more comes – in an easy and effortless way –

For this is the time to call for your Goal Guide – a positive directed power –who helps you get in touch with three True Goals – your Goal Guide will leadyou to where your goals are already written –

This is the time when you leave old ideas about goals behind – your Goal Guidewill help you with that release –

This is the time for you to seek and find three of your True Goals – as your TrueGoals also seek you –

So the call for your Goal Guide is in just right timing for you – and withoutholding back – as holding back is a thing of the past – allow your Goal Guideto come forward – visualize and imagine and allow –

Bring your Goal Guide to life – freely let it arise –

When your Goal Guide is here – you’ll know – there’s a sense that whatever isthe shape or form of this positive power – somehow the way is known – andyou can be taken to your True Goals – take a few moments to connect andcommunicate –

Longer Pause

Before the journey to three of your True Goals – ask your Goal Guide to releaseyou from any old ideas about goals –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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This process takes place now – remember – anything can happen in yourimagination as you let it – and believe with confidence that your Goal Guideknows just how to do this release in a positive way –

Longer Pause

When you are ready now – your Goal Guide begins to point the way forward – and your True Goal seeking journey begins –

Notice how this journey takes place – visualize and imagine it all as you andyour Goal Guide move forward –

On the way – Goal Guide tells you that three of your True Goals are writtendown in a way that speaks to your heart – as only you can understand –

Soon the energy in the air begins to become more intense – a very positivesensation starts to occur – and as you move forward with your Goal Guide –

It’s as though this energized air pulls you both toward an area of Light allaround – and it’s almost like there’s a circular stream all around the Light withwritten words dancing – words that speak to your heart –

Your Goal Guide leads you through the stream to the center of the Light –where three of your True Goals start to come clearer all around you –

As you take in your three Goals – the words dancing on the stream – your heartcaptures the truth of the three – and you begin to write the words down – youcan open your eyes – and you can write what you know is important about yourthree true goals – open your eyes and write them down –

Longer Pause

When you are complete – close your eyes again – and let the energy of theLight – the energy of the Air – and the energy of your True Goals streaming –surround you in a cushion of a comfortable new positive sensation thatbecomes your new normal that becomes your comfortable normal – on a countback from 20 - 0 - now at 20 – absorbing all the positives about this – and at19 – with your Goal Guide’s energy giving you a boost as well - 18 - 17 - 16 -15 - drifting deeper now 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 – absorbing and assimilatingyour True Goals and the accomplishment of them – 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 -1 - 0 – drifting deeper –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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And that is the way forward now – your Goal Guide’s direction is clear – thatnothing and no one can stop you from accomplishing these goals –

With your True Goals emblazoned upon your deeper mind – so that from thispositive focusing – there is a heartfelt appreciation for all the images and thewonders of your imagination – as only positive results can occur – and that ishow your mind and your body responds – positively – and as we come up andout to the waking state – we first reinforce all of the positives now at 0 – andnow at 1 -2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - eyes open wide awake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Attracting – Magnetizing – Drawing what you want!

Emo SuggestibleProgressive – 5-0 Deep Sleep

And – as comforting comes around more deeply – opening the door ofimagination becomes easy and effortless – where any or all senses areheightening – to find a place of comfort – a place where full ownership ofyourself is possible –

In this place where it becomes even more secure – going deeply within –stretched out in full comfort – where every nook and cranny of your being iscalming and becoming more peaceful –

And – when there’s a feeling of readiness – let’s become more available to theidea of heightening your energy –

As though imagining – being stretched out – spreading out – spreading outwider – as though every inch of your being is reaching out to the Universe –and sending energy out – sending energy out and extending it –

Heightening and sending energy out – and then attracting it in – drawing it in– magnetizing it in – as though your extended energy pulls what you desire toyou –

Releasing the energy out – growing in strength and sending it out – from everynook and cranny of you – sending the energy out – and magnetizing – bringingit in – manifesting desires – hopes – and dreams –

And by this energy extension – beneficial not only singularly – but for allconcerned that by someway somehow this positive energy extension becomesgood for all –

Making a cause – a definite cause drawing it in – through your energy – thatwhich you want –

And with this cause of creation – imagining and visualizing that it is on its way– getting a sense that it’s being drawn to you – imagining it magnetically on itsway – in all the positive possibility – in this silence and stillness – magneticallyallow –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Facilitator pauses for 1 minute

So that from this causation now – let’s actualize it in full belief – that a definitepositive effect occurs – know in every inch of your being – and throughout theentire mind space of your being – in all of what you believe can become true –that it is becoming true – and so it is – comfort more deeply now –

Let the energy return to its normal natural flow – and in the just right placeswithin and all around – and all through –

Comfortable and secure – peaceful and calming throughout your entire being –

And let your mind space settle now as well – knowing all is well from thatextension of energy – that there was something of good created – beneficial forall concerned – and for the highest good of all –

This causation now brings forward an effect – that manifests – and as it isbelieved before it becomes – with a positive expectation – it can only becomethat – let it become – and be all that it can be – and with this positive intention –reinforce it all at 0 – and now at 1 -2-3-4-5 eyes open wide awake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Attraction – Magnetize – Draw to you what you want!

Phys SuggestibleProgressive – 5-0 Deep Sleep

And – as you relax more deeply – open the door of your imagination – whereany or all of your senses heighten – to find yourself in a place of trust – a placewhere you can take full ownership of being yourself –

In this place where you can go deeply within – stretched out in full bodycomfort with every muscle – tissue – fiber of you relaxed and at ease –

Let yourself come to an even deeper level of relaxation –And – when you are ready – begin to heighten your energy –

As though you can visualize and imagine – being stretched out – arms wide andspread out from the sides of your body – as though arms and legs are reachingout to the Universe – and sending your energy out –

Heighten and send your energy out to attract to you – to draw to you – tomagnetize to you – what you want –

As you let your energy grow in strength and send it out – through your fingers –through your toes – through your mind – and through every pore of your skin –

You make a cause – a definite cause to draw to you – through your energy –that which you want –

And by this energy extension – what you draw to you is of benefit not only toyou – but beneficial to all that may be concerned – in some way some how –touches all –

And with this cause of creation – you imagine and visualize that what you want –it is on its way to you – see it being drawn to you – imagine it magnetically onits way to you in as much detail as you can – in this silence and stillness –magnetize –

Facilitator pauses for 1 minute

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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And from this causation that you have made – let’s actualize it in full belief thata definite positive effect occurs – know in your heart – your mind – your body –in all of what you believe can be true – that it is true – it is so – relax moredeeply now –

Let your energy return to its natural state of being in the just right place for you –

Relaxed and secure – comfortable and peaceful throughout your entire body –

And let your mind settle now as well – knowing all is well from your extensionof energy – that you have created a good thing that benefits all concerned – forthe highest good of all –

This causation that you have made – now brings forward an effect – thatmanifests – and as you believe it before it becomes – with a positiveexpectation – it can only become –

Let it become – and be all that it can be – and with this positive intention –reinforce it all now at 0 – and at 1– with a deep cleansing breath in and release –2-3-4-5 eyes open wide awake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Freely, Let Money tell you more about it!Understanding Money – Understanding You


Emo Suggestible (To many: Money means Freedom)Suggestive Imagery Spoken or SilentProgressive – 5-0 Deep Sleep

When ready – open the door of imagination – focusing within – any or all of thesenses heightening – and easily and effortlessly now –

Bringing an image to life that stands for Freedom – Perhaps it comes as a symbol or an image – just let it easily arise – normallyand naturally it appears –

Getting a sense of it – let’s meet Freedom as it seems to come to life within –

Notice about it – like meeting a new person – how would this new person bedescribed – if it could be told to a friend later ? –

What is the true essence of Freedom?How does it feel to notice that?

How does it feel to be with Freedom in this imagining?As this becomes clearer – allow a connection to be made – By asking Freedom a question –

Ask Freedom what it knows about your feelings toward it –Let Freedom answer – What does Freedom understand about that?

Next – in this conversation – ask it – “Freedom, How do I treat you?” And – again – let Freedom respond –

Now that Freedom has spoken of what it knows of your feelings toward it andthe treatment given to it – what’s the meaning in all of this?

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Throughout this conversation – what is noticed about how Freedom is acting– What is it’s attitude?

Imagining further – ask – “Freedom – how can I have more of you?” What does Freedom have to say about that?

Continue to be aware of what the feelings are – so that it can be shared witha friend later –

The last question – ask Freedom – “What else do you want me to know?”

As Freedom answers – listen carefully – how does it feel to know this? –

From these questions and answers – what now is understood about Freedom?What are the feelings about this understanding?

What are the positives that are important to notice from this conversation?

Would Freedom and you be willing to make further connections for even moreunderstanding?

If so – take a few moments to imagine when and how this can take place – And for now – let yourself feel the goodness in this imagining –And appreciate the wonders of your imagination –

Let the conscious and subconscious work harmoniously with these ideas – aswe begin to come up and out now at 0 – first to reinforce the positives – andnow at 1-2-3-4-5 – eyes open – wide awake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Understanding Money – Understanding YouSESSION TWO

Emo Suggestible (To many: Money means Freedom)FreeStyle Imagery Spoken or SilentProgressive – 5-0 Deep Sleep

With mind and body in harmony now – there is an availability – bringing forwardimages in an easy and effortless way – any or all senses are heightening now – Allow the imagination door to open – for discovering more – Easily let it arise – bringing an image or symbol to life that stands for Freedom – Notice about it –

How does it come forward now – shape or form?

Anything different from before or is it the same?How does it feel to be with Freedom again? Because of a desire to go a little further in knowing more about Freedom – let’simagine about an idea of Trading Places –

Trading places means merging with Freedom and becoming it – there’s alwaysa trade back to yourself again – What do you notice now after becoming Freedom?

In this imagining – what seems important to know?

Looking through the eyes of Freedom – what do you notice? What is Freedom’sworld view?

By becoming this image – what about its energy?

As the image of Freedom – imagine looking through the eyes of Freedom at yourself– what do you notice – from Freedom’s point of view?

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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As the image of Freedom – what would you like to suggest to yourself?

Notice what else is interesting by becoming the image of Freedom –

When you are ready – become yourself again – trade back places – move outof the image of money and become at one with yourself again –

What now? What is understood about Freedom?What does Freedom understand about you?

Anything more to change up – or negotiate out with Freedom?Allow that to take place now –

How might your relationship with Freedom differ now?How even better could this relationship be?

When feeling complete for now – perhaps Freedom and you might experiencea deeper appreciation for each other –

And in just right timing – as we let the images fade for now – the strength ofthem stays – as we bring back the importance of this journey into consciousouter awake life first at 0 – to reinforce the positives gained on this journey –and at 1– with a deep cleansing breath in and release – 2 – realizing whereyou’ve placed yourself – the room you are in – 3 – with a wonderful sense ofwell being – 4 – more alert and awake – and now five – eyes open – wideawake and alert – 1-2-3-4-5 eyes open wide awake and alert –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Freely, Let Money tell you more about it!Understanding Money – Understanding You


Phys SuggestibleSuggestive Imagery Silent or SpokenProgressive – 5-0 Deep Sleep

Relaxed and at ease now – when you are ready – open the door of yourimagination to focus within – any or all of your senses heighten – and easilyand effortlessly now – you visualize and imagine –

Bring an image to life that stands for Money – Just let it freely arise – normally and naturally it appears –

As you visualize and imagine Money as it comes to life –

Notice about it – like when you meet a new person – how would this newperson be described – if you were to tell about Money to a friend later ? –

What is the true essence of Money?How does it feel to notice that?

How does it feel to be with Money?As this is clearer to you – allow a connection to be made – By asking Money a question – Ask Money what it knows about your feelings toward it – let Money answer – What does Money understand about that?

Next – in this conversation – ask it – “Money – How do I treat you?” And –again – let Money respond –

Now that Money has spoken of what it knows of your feelings toward it andthe treatment given to it – what do you make of it all?

Throughout this conversation – what is noticed about how Money is acting –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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What is it’s attitude?

Imagine this – ask – “Money – how can I have more of you?” What does Money have to say about that?

Continue to be aware of what the feelings are – so that it can be shared witha friend later –

The last question – ask Money – “What else do you want me to know?”

As Money answers – listen carefully – how does it feel to know this? –

From these questions and answers – what now is understood about Money?What are the feelings about this understanding?

What are the positives that are important to notice from this conversation?

Would Money and you be willing to make further connections for even moreunderstanding?

If so – take a few moments to imagine when and how this can take place – And for now – let yourself feel the positives in this imagining –And appreciate the wonders of your imagination –

Let the conscious and subconscious work harmoniously with these ideas – aswe begin to come up and out now at 0 – first to reinforce the positives – andnow at 1-2-3-4-5 – eyes open – wide awake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Understanding Money – Understanding YouSESSION TWO

Phys SuggestibleFreeStyle Imagery Spoken or SilentProgressive – 5-0 Deep Sleep

With mind and body in harmony now – you can bring forward images in an easyand effortless way – any or all of your senses heighten now –

Allow your imagination door to open – to discover more –

Freely let it arise – bring forward an image that stands for Money – Notice about it –

How does it come forward now – shape or form?

Anything different from before or is it the same?How does it feel to be with Money again?

Because of a desire to go further in knowing more about Money – visualize andimagine that you can Trade Places –

Trade Places means to merge with the Money image and become it – there’salways a trade back to yourself again –

What do you notice now after you become the image of Money?

What seems important to know?

Look through the eyes of Money – what do you see? What is Money’s worldview?

What does the energy of Money feel like?

As the image of Money – imagine looking through the eyes of Money at yourself –what do you notice – from Money’s point of view?

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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As the image of Money – what would you like to suggest to yourself?

What else is interesting to you by being the image of Money?

When you are ready – become yourself again – trade back places – move outof the image of money and become yourself again –

What is understood about Money now?What does Money understand about you?

Anything more you want to change up – or negotiate out with Money?Go ahead and let that take place now –

How might your relationship with Money be different now?How even better could this relationship be?

When you feel complete for now – perhaps money and you might experiencea deeper appreciation for each other –

And in just right timing – as we let the images fade for now – the strength ofthem stays with you – as we bring back the importance of this journey intoconscious outer awake life first at 0 – to reinforce the positives gained on thisjourney – and at 1– with a deep cleansing breath in and release – 2 – realizingwhere you’ve placed yourself – the room you are in – 3 – with a wonderfulsense of well being – 4 – more alert and awake – and now five – eyes open –wide awake and alert – 1-2-3-4-5 eyes open wide awake and alert –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Empowered Being

Emo SuggestibleProgressive – 5 - 0 Deep Sleep

So with calm and comfort all around and all through – just drifting even deeper –so that there is a sense of becoming more comfortable with imagining in aneasy and effortless way –

What if to perhaps imagine about – what it might mean to become empowered –some kind of knowing about that – wonder what that might be like?

Have you ever known anyone or observed someone from a distance that youmight think seemed like an empowered being?

What does that mean? Empowered being? Some might say it is one who hasbeen given the power from within to be their own true self – others have saidthat it is a person who determines they are in charge of their life no matter what –

And still others have acknowledged that to be empowered – is to have theultimate self-assurance to go accomplish whatever – and take the risks that arenecessary – For all success journeys somewhere along the line include takinga risk to go forward even in spite of what might be the overall feeling –

Even now – while drifting deeper and deeper – passed thinking for a fewmoments – passed trying to figure it out – just to let the mind absorb imagesof empowerment – like we could just call for empowered being images to comeforward and be what they are – what if we could do that? – just allow it to behappening –

The deeper mind would assimilate them and digest them – since there has beenan interest in knowing about the importance of feeling more in control in life –

These images that flow forward – representing an empowered being – nowsignal to the deeper mind that’s what is wanted and needed – that’s what isdesired – that’s where you want to go – toward being an empowered being –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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And what if to imagine standing at the top of symbolic staircase with the feelingof empowerment from within – that somehow someway these images helpedproduce a feeling that came all around and all through – and there came thisknowing feeling inside of being empowered –

And that every step down symbolic staircase increased and strengthened thatfeeling from within – now at 20 - 19 - 18 - 17- 16 - 15 - 14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 -9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 -3 - 2 - 1 - 0 - drifting deeper now –

Negatives have disintegrated and dissipated – and there is only the feeling ofmoving forward with the relief of an empowered being’s energy –

So that to imagine doing – being – having – saying – whatever – it is from theempowered being feeling –

Even through daily activities – wherever you are – whatever the situation ––whatever person you’re with – going forward in the relief and the result of theempowered – self-assured feeling–

And because of imagining it before it becomes – with a positive expectation –it can only become – made manifest in reality –

Because there is already that knowing of what is focused on follows – and soit would only follow to focus positively –

And that is how the mind and the whole being responds – positively –

Now – taking a few moments to allow all these positive suggestions and imagesto drift into the just right places of the deeper subconscious – taking root in apermanent way – so that there’s a happening taking place automatically –

And so for now – we reinforce all the positives at 0 – as we begin to come upand out now at 1 – with a deep cleansing breath in and release – and now at2 - 3 - 4 - 5 eyes open – wide awake – wide awake and alert –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Peak Performance

Phys SuggestibleProgressive 5-0 Deep Sleep

Right now – in this mind body harmony – you can relax even more deeply now –all systems of your body are in harmony and you can take this time and spaceand place to simply relax now – and drift even more comfortably – deeplyrelaxed –

You have decided that this is the time for you to come to know – in a deeperinner way – what it is really like for you to experience your life at an optimallevel – to do what you want to do at Peak Performance – that is – at your best –at the level of excellence that you know is your truth –

We are going to visit several scenes now where you visualize and imagineyourself in Peak Performance mode – it applies to both to your personal andprofessional life –

Begin to visualize and imagine yourself at home – in Peak Performance mode –you are your most excellent best self as you move through your home – fromroom to room as you interact with family members – you are cheerful –confident – relaxed – interested – caring – courteous – you are a genuine goodsoul who is a ‘can do’ person – strong in mind and in body – you have a goodheart and are loveable and loving – and you make sure to contribute to yourfamily and home environment in a positive way –

See it all clearly – imagine yourself in detail with the right spirit at home –attend to what needs to be handled and see yourself doing it in your bestpossible way –

You are in Peak Performance mode – it is your only mode to be in – not just asometime thing – but Peak Performance time is all the time –

For this is you at your best – which is what you want – and when you leavehome to go out into the world – you imagine yourself in detail with the rightspirit – you see yourself doing what you do professionally – you are in PeakPerformance – you perform well at each task – spread sunshine wherever yougo – with your peers – with your associates – with your clients – with others

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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whom you work with – authority figures and all – you are confident – strongyet relaxed – enthused and passionate about what you do – doing it withexcellence – always interested to step up to the next level – willing to grow –learn more – with a great attitude you propel yourself ever forward –

You see it and sense it vividly – this is your Peak Performance mode and youactually feel quite comfortable with it all – when you are at your best – you arefree to be yourself wholly and completely – more things flow – in an easy andeffortless way –

And it is a lighter feeling overall – which uplifts you – right to the top of yoursymbolic staircase where we seal the deal – you in Peak Performanceeverything –

With every step down you reinforce to the deeper mind your Peak Performanceimage – and you mean it – with the left foot first at 20 - 19 -18 - 17 - 16 - 15 -14 - 13 - 12 - 11 - 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 0 - and drifting deepernow –

Any negatives have long ago dissipated and disintegrated – and you go forwardnow with the forgone conclusion that Peak Performance is your mode of being –in full belief and with positive expectation – as each day unfolds you seeyourself fully actualized in Peak Performance both personally and professionally –

And when the day is over – you unwind and slip into the in between time – youappreciate it all and account for all the good – and when your head is on thepillow – you easily drift into the unconscious good nocturnal sleep of sleep atnight – knowing you have done another good day – a good day at your best – andnow it’s time for good sleep at night –

And this is your positive focusing for now – and you know that a positivefocusing can only produce positive results – which is how your mind and bodyresponds now – positively –

So let’s reinforce all positives now at 0 – and at 1– with a deep cleansingbreath in and release – 2 – realizing your body – where you have placedyourself – the room you are in – and at 3 with a very good feeling about it all – 4 - 5 -eyes open – wide awake and alert – 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - eyes open wide awake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Discovering about The Never Give Up Spirit!

Emo SuggestibleFreeStyle Imagery Spoken or SilentProgressive 5-0 Deep Sleep

Going within to focus leads to more comfort and calm – any or all of the sensesheightening and more–

When an imagination door opens – images come forward easily – finding animage that stands for The Never Give Up Spirit comes effortlessly –

Simply – freely – let it come forward – when it’s here – give a nod –

Imagine bringing this Never Give Up Spirit image to life by getting a sense of it –

What's the essential thing that grabs your attention?

In the imagination anything can happen – What else?

What is the sense of its energy?

How does it feel to be with this image of The Never Give Up Spirit?

Imagine connecting with the image – so that further communication can happen –allow to prepare for this –

In just right timing – there is a sense to tell this image about emotions felt bybeing with it –

Imagine how the image responds – Let the communication come about naturally –

What might it be like – if it feels right – to even imagine walking with The NeverGive Up Spirit image as things are talked over together?

At some point – ask the image what it wants – What seems to matter most to The Never Give Up Spirit?

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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When hearing about it – how does it feel to know that?

What if to imagine – Trading Places?Becoming The Never Give Up Spirit image and the image becomes you – There is always a trade back again –

Now – what's it like becoming the image?How does the energy of the image feel?

As The Never Give Up Spirit – what is the viewpoint looking into the world?

Again as the image – look over at yourself – what's that like?As the image – what might be suggested to yourself?

Anything more?

When ready – Trade Back – and return fully to yourself again – Observe The Never Give Up Spirit carefully – What is noticed now? What more about the energy of yourself and the image?

Anything more that The Never Give Up Spirit wants to say?

What is now understood about this Never Give Up Spirit?

Allow the positives of this journey to be experienced more vividly – and let itsettle in just the right place in the mind – let it flow all around and all through – sothere’s a sense of a positive energy connection in the whole being –

And as we bring this journey to a close for now – let’s allow the conscious andsubconscious to work together harmoniously and bring back the positives intoconscious outer awake life – and now at 0 – 1-2-3-4-5 – eyes open wideawake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Discover about The Never Give Up Spirit!

Phys SuggestibleFreeStyle Imagery Spoken or SilentProgressive 5-0 Deep Sleep

With mind body harmony now – you relax and drift even more comfortably –

And – as you focus within – you’ll notice a positive sensation – as any and allof your senses heighten –

Open the door of your imagination now to discover an image that stands for TheNever Give Up Spirit – visualize and imagine it – simply – easily – freely – itcomes forward – when the image is here – nod your head –

Now bring this image to life –

In your imagination anything can happen –

What is the essential thing about The Never Give Up Spirit image?What is its energy like?

How does it feel to be with this image?

To further connect – you and The Never Give Up Spirit can communicate –

Go ahead – just internally – tell the image how you feel by being with it –

What does the Never Give Up Spirit have to say about that? Let the communication come about naturally –

If you like – and it feels right – visualize and imagine that you and the imagecould walk together as you talk things over –

Ask The Never Give Up Spirit what it wants – what matters most to the image?

When the image replies – how does it feel to know that?

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Let’s Trade Places –

You become the image – the image becomes you – you will always trade backto yourself again –

Now – as The Never Give Up image – what do you notice?

How do you feel being in the energy of the image?

As the image – what is your viewpoint as you look into the world?

Now – again as The Never Give Up Spirit – look over at yourself – what do younotice?

What would you – as the image – like to say to yourself?

When you are ready – Trade Back – and return to yourself again – Look the image over carefully – What changes are you aware of? What about the energy of the image? – or of yourself?

Anything more that The Never Give Up Spirit wants to say to you now?Anything else you want to say to it?

What do you understand now about The Never Give Up Spirit?

Allow the positives of this journey to be experienced more vividly now – and letit settle in just the right place in the mind – let it flow around – so there’s asense of a positive energy connection in your mind and your body –

And as we bring this journey to a close for now – let’s allow the conscious andsubconscious to work together harmoniously and bring back the positives intoyour conscious outer awake life – and now at 0 – 1-2-3-4-5 – eyes open wideawake –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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GOAL EMPOWERMENT IMAGERYAn Imagery Equation for the Realization of Goal Achievement:

Take 3 deep breaths – go within – begin to imagine and visualize – ! Focus on one goal to achieve this year. Allow the choice to be possible –

yet feel the push –

! Visualize – imagine – or sense doing – being – achieving the goal –

! What ONE attribute do you notice that is an important ingredient – for doing –being – achieving the goal?

! Image yourself with that attribute – totally – use any one or all of yoursenses to create that image –

! Imagine stepping into that image of yourself – find the feeling of theattribute within – where is it located in your being?

! Now – let’s future pace – imagine being in the place of doing – being – achieving the goal with that attribute – like it is now – project that imageof yourself with the attribute – take a few moments to explore –

! Now – after imaging yourself – doing – being – achieving it – with theattribute – what emotion do you notice about having accomplished the goal?

! Notice where the emotion is in your body – concentrate on that emotion – Anchor that emotion in with a physical gesture or anchor it in within yourmind –

! Bring back the feeling of the attribute – the feeling of the accomplishment – as you come back to your waking state – let the anchor and the feelings bea reminder for you as you take steps toward actually accomplishing yourgoal –

! Reinforce at 0 – Count up and out from 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 eyes open wideawake – wide awake and alert –

Attribute image+goal imaging+emotion=goal empowerment!

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Plan of Where Your Going

! Allow a half hour for yourself–

! Listen to a jumpSTART 2015! cd – approx 20 min –

! Write on your Master Goal Plan – approx 10 min –

! Do this process every 3 or 4 days until complete with plan –

! Each time you listen – you can imagine one of your top 5 goalsaccomplished –

! When complete with Master Goal Plan – you have your map forthe year and you are set to follow through –

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Emo Setting and Reaching Goals Affirmations

! Writing goals and imagining them becoming realized.

! Writing goals and creating a feeling of a happy future.

! Each day is a day that counts toward being all that is possible.

! Conscious and subconscious work in harmony for success.

! Setting goals and working to reach them gives me more control.

Phys Setting and Reaching Goals Affirmations

! I write out my goals and imagine them fulfilled.

! I write goals as a way to create my happy future.

! I decide who I am and become that. By setting goals, andworking daily to achieve them, I claim my own destiny.

! I use my conscious to make decisions that affect my life andfuture in the most positive way. I use my subconsciousconnection to imagine success.

! I choose to live my life by choice, not by chance. Setting goalsand working to reach them keeps me on my success path.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Emo Abundance and Prosperity Affirmations

! As the Universe is abundant, so I’m becoming.

! The idea of worthiness is becoming more comfortable.

! Magnetizing the mind with abundant thoughts.

! The idea of embracing freedom, becomes a way of bringingmore abundance.

! Unlimited prosperity is becoming more and more believable.

Phys Abundance and Prosperity Affirmations

! As I see myself prosperous, I am prosperous.

! I choose to focus on abundance and prosperity.

! What is Divinely rightly mine flows to me.

! I have an attitude of abundance and I act as though it is alreadyhere.

! I love my work and I feel richly rewarded for it. The Universe ismy abundant supplier.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Emo Image Affirmations

! Enjoyment of life and living starts with thinking.

! Letting go means becoming more comfortable with myself.

! Results are happening when eating smaller portions.

! Positive changes are happening more often as I imagine them.

! Embracing a sense of value within is becoming more important.

Phys Body Image Affirmations

! Feeling fit feels good. I like feeling fit and I keep myself thatway.

! I see myself doing what it takes to be fit, exercise more and eatless.

! I hold an image in my mind of a trim, fit, good feeling me.

! Today is the day that counts, and I how I do today mattersmost.

! It matters to me how I think, feel, act, and do.

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Your Mission Statement for the Year

This is a statement that is written in the present. It informs anddefines the desired level of performance. It describes yourfundamental purpose for the year.

EXAMPLE: “My mission this year is to enthusiastically do what I sayI’m going to do– to joyfully follow through – to be a person ofhonor who can keep their word not only to others, but to myself.”

Your Vision Statement for the Year

This is a statement that aspires and inspires toward the future. Itoutlines how you see yourself by year’s end. It describes how you’llfeel with the success of your mission and achievement of yourgoals.

EXAMPLE: “I see myself in joy, having reached new heights ofachievement, completing many projects, and feeling happierbecause of these positive contributions made to others, my familyand friends, to my home, and to myself.”

What’s the Name of Your Year?

Name your year to represent the theme of your year. What youname it can be a touchstone to remind you of what you are allabout for this year. Would it be in the never give up spirit realm?Something like – “Keep Going 2015!” Or “Onward and Upward2015!” or what? Name it and claim it as yours!

As you give it a name – it helps you to own it!

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Wrap UP Thoughts!

� Believe it before it becomes! Without doubt – certain!Remember, a positive focusing can only bring about positiveresults.

� Do the 2 or 3 Minute Motivator!

� Remember, “Just Start!”

� Come to know about The Never Give Up Spirit!

� Practice doing nano imagery – short, vibrant imaginings severaltimes during the day.

� Practice saying “Yes”! It gets you into a stronger habit offorward motion.

� Get comfortable with attracting and magnetizing!

� Find and embrace Enthusiasm!

� Every person is a golden link in your chain of good that you putinto motion here today at jumpSTART 2015!

The best way to get something done is to start!

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder

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Keep Going!Go Forward!

Cheryl O’Neil, C.Ht. i 433 N. Camden, S. 400 i Beverly Hills, CA 90210 i 310-274-5998 © 2015 PathFinder
