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AI-based autonomous forest stand generation

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AI-based autonomous forest stand generation Using forest stands as key predictor Diana Saveh Master thesis Main field of study: Computer engineer science Credits: 30hp Year: 2021 Supervisor: Magnus Eriksson Examiner: Tingting Zhang Course code: DT005A Degree programme: MSE

AI-based autonomous forest stand


Using forest stands as key predictor

Diana Saveh

Master thesis

Main field of study: Computer engineer science

Credits: 30hp

Year: 2021

Supervisor: Magnus Eriksson

Examiner: Tingting Zhang

Course code: DT005A

Degree programme: MSE


Abstract In recent years, the tech is moving towards a more automized and

smarter software. To achieve smarter software the implementation of AI

is a step towards that goal. The forest industry needs to become more

automized and decrease the manual labor. Decreasing manual labor will

both have a positive impact on both the cost and the environment. After

doing a literature study the conclusion was to use Mask R-CNN to be

able to make the AI learn about the pattern of the different stands. The

different stands were extracted and masked for the Mask R-CNN. First

there was a comparison between the usage of a computer versus Google

Colab, and the results show that Google Colab did deliver the results a

little faster than on the computer. Using a smaller area with fewer stands

gave a better result and decreased the risk of the algorithm crashing.

Using 42 areas with about 10 stands in each gave better results than using

one big area with 3248 stands. Using 42 areas gave the result of an

average IoU of 42%. Comparing this to 6 areas with about 10 stands each

gave the result of 28% IoU. The result of increasing the data split to 70/30

did gave the best IoU with the value of 47%.

Keywords: Forest stands, TensorFlow, AI, QGIS, Mask R-CNN


Acknowledgements I would like to thank CGI for the guidance, specifically Magnus Olovsson

for giving me this opportunity, and a huge thanks to Magnus Ericsson at

Mid Sweden University for being a great supervisor. Then I would also

like to thank Elijs Dima at mid Sweden university for great support and

information. Lastly, I would also like to thank TingTing Zhang for being

a great examinator and giving me advice.


Table of Contents Abstract ............................................................................................................. 2

Acknowledgements ........................................................................................ 3

Terminology ..................................................................................................... 7

1 Introduction ............................................................................................ 8

1.1 Background and problem motivation ................................................. 8

1.2 Overall aim.............................................................................................. 8

1.3 Problem statement ................................................................................. 9

1.4 Research question .................................................................................. 9

1.5 Scientific goals (Concrete and verifiable) ........................................... 9

1.6 Scope ........................................................................................................ 9

1.7 Outline ..................................................................................................... 9

1.7.1 Contributions ........................................................................................ 10

2 Theory .................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Forest stands ......................................................................................... 11

2.2 QGIS ....................................................................................................... 11

2.3 Machine learning ................................................................................. 12

2.4 Supervised learning ............................................................................. 13

2.5 Computer vision .................................................................................. 14

2.6 Convolutional Neural Networks ....................................................... 14

2.6.1 Object detection .................................................................................... 14

2.6.2 Semantic segmentation ........................................................................ 15

2.6.3 R-CNN.................................................................................................... 15

2.6.4 Fast R-CNN ........................................................................................... 16

2.7 Mask R-CNN ........................................................................................ 16

2.7.1 Loss function ......................................................................................... 17

2.7.2 Intersection over union ........................................................................ 18

2.7.3 Non-Maximum Suppression .............................................................. 18

2.8 Related work ......................................................................................... 18

2.8.1 Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised

training ............................................................................................................ 19

2.8.2 Generating retinal flow maps from structural optical coherence

tomography with artificial intelligence ...................................................... 19

2.8.3 Utilizing Mask R-CNN for Detection and Segmentation of Oral

Diseases ........................................................................................................... 19

2.8.4 Segmentation of Forest to Tree Objects ............................................. 19

2.8.5 Automating Forest stands with Image Segmentation ..................... 20

3 Methodology ........................................................................................ 21


3.1 Scientific method description ............................................................. 21

3.1.1 CRISP-DM ............................................................................................. 21

3.2 Business understanding ...................................................................... 22

3.3 Structure the work ............................................................................... 22

3.4 Datamining task ................................................................................... 23

3.5 Evaluate tool ......................................................................................... 23

3.5.1 Comparing R-CNN , Fast R-CNN and Mask R-CNN ..................... 23

3.5.2 Functionality ......................................................................................... 24

3.5.3 Usability and Support .......................................................................... 25

3.5.4 Identify resources ................................................................................. 25

3.6 Data understanding ............................................................................. 25

3.6.1 RGB band ............................................................................................... 26

3.7 Data preparation of TiFF and Shape file .......................................... 27

3.8 Evaluation ............................................................................................. 27

4 Implementation ................................................................................... 28

4.1 Handling the data ................................................................................ 28

4.2 Python .................................................................................................... 29

4.3 How Mask RCNN is used .................................................................. 29

4.3.1 Environment .......................................................................................... 30

4.3.14 Running the Mask R-CNN ........................................................... 30

4.4 Measurement setup ............................................................................. 31

5 Results ................................................................................................... 32

5.1 Manually masking a forest stand ...................................................... 32

5.2 Results of all the areas ......................................................................... 33

5.3 One area ................................................................................................. 35

5.3.1 6 areas ..................................................................................................... 38

5.3.2 42 areas ................................................................................................... 40

6 Discussion ............................................................................................. 43

6.1 Scientific discussion ............................................................................. 43

6.1.1 Manually masking a forest stand ....................................................... 43

6.2 One, six and 42 areas. .......................................................................... 43

6.3 Rpn value loss ....................................................................................... 44

6.4 Project method discussion .................................................................. 45

6.5 Ethical and societal discussion ........................................................... 46

7 Conclusions .......................................................................................... 47

7.1 Project continuation ............................................................................. 47

7.1.1 Computer set against Google Colab .................................................. 47

7.1.2 One big area with many stands versus 6 areas with smaller stands



7.1.3 Comparing 6 stands versus 42. ........................................................... 48

7.2 Scientific conclusions ........................................................................... 48

7.2.1 Is it possible to create forest stand with the help of ai? .................. 48

7.2.2 Find a good strategy. ............................................................................ 48

7.2.3 How long will it take for the AI to generate results, and will it be

more efficient than traditional methods? ................................................... 49

7.2.4 Compare generated forest stands with manually selected forest

stands. .............................................................................................................. 49

7.2.5 Compare the time and accuracy of forest stand generated in Google

Colab versus forest stands generated on the computer locally. .............. 49

7.2.6 Measure the accuracy. .......................................................................... 50

7.3 Future Work .......................................................................................... 50

Bibliography .................................................................................................. 51

Appendix A: ................................................................................................... 55

7.4 Different stands .................................................................................... 57

7.4.1 6 stands versus one stand on the computer ...................................... 57

7.4.2 6 stands running on computer versus running it on the cloud ..... 60

7.4.3 6 stands on the cloud versus 42 stands on the cloud ...................... 62

7.5 Areas ...................................................................................................... 65

7.5.1 One area ................................................................................................. 65

7.5.2 6 areas ..................................................................................................... 71

7.5.3 42 areas ................................................................................................... 75

7.5.4 42 areas with 70%30% .......................................................................... 76


Terminology Acronyms

CNN Convolutional Neural Network

R-CNN Region Convolutional Neural Networks

FCN Fully Convolutional Network

FPN Feature Pyramid Network

CRISP-DM Cross-Industry Standard Practice for Data Mining

RGB Red, Green and Blue

TIFF Tagged Image File Format

ROI Region of Interest

IoU Intersection over Union


1 Introduction There is a need for better technology when dividing the forest areas into

different stands. The usage of dividing the forest to different sections is

crucial because cutting down the trees to stimulate new growth makes

the forest healthy. CGI has motivated that if it is possible to generate

forest stands it will be extremely beneficial in the economical aspect.

1.1 Background and problem motivation

Today, traditional methods are used to determine what a forest stands

looks like. A forest stand is an area of the forest that is divided into

different sections.

Traditional methods use airplanes to take pictures of the forest and then

a person has to manually look at these photos to determine

approximately where the forest stand should be. Then the companies in

some instances need to send out people to go to the forest and analyze it,

mainly the height and variety of the trees. They then determine where

the forest stand should be. This is very costly, time-consuming, and

inefficient. Also, the flight photos have a negative impact on the


1.2 Overall aim

This thesis work will investigate how forest stands can be modernized

with the help of AI/ML. By using modern solutions, the vision is to

generate automated forest stands and to create a more time and cost-

efficient process.

It could be different nature stands and not just forest stands that could

use this modern technology. The parameters could be adjusted to the

specific stand.

The overall aim will be achieved by using Mask R-CNN to generate

forest stands. If this becomes accurate enough then it can replace the old

method i.e. aerial photos and to manually sending out people to look in

the different areas for where these stands should be. This will reduce the

cost by millions according to CGI. This will also be beneficial for the



1.3 Problem statement

The problem with regular that regular forest strand selection is slow and

wasteful, and there does not yet exist an automatic solution. It also cost

a lot for the forest related companies to do this forest stands.

1.4 Research question

The investigated research question of this thesis is to research whether it

is possible to generate forest stands from the coordinates and generate

forest stands based on the training data. What classification accuracy can

be achieved by using location and images in a mask-rcnn predictive


1.5 Scientific goals (Concrete and verifiable)

1. Is it possible to create forest stand with the help of ai?

2. Is it possible to use the location of the forest stand as a parameter

to create and predict new forest stands?

3. How long will it take for the AI to generate this result, and will it

be more efficient than traditional methods?

4. Compare generated forest stands with manually selected forest


5. Compare the time and accuracy of forest stand generated in

Google Colab versus forest stands generated on the computer


6. Find a good strategy.

7. Measure the accuracy.

1.6 Scope

The training data will only be focused on the Swedish coordinates for the

forest stand. The rest of the worlds forest stand may differ from the ones

used in this project.

1.7 Outline

Chapter 2 describes the theory of the forest stands and an overview of

machine learning. Then it reveals about convolutional networks and a

literature review.


Chapter 3 describes the methodology used in this essay and the tools

used to evaluate it. This is the CRISP-DM and a method from Jose Solarte.

Chapter 4 describes the implementation of the work and how the Mask

R-CNN is used. And more details about the environment and


Chapter 5 describes the results of the test conducted on 1,6 and 42 areas.

Graphs over the epoch loss and images of the ground truth and detection

is showcased.

Chapter 6 and 7 discusses results and provides a conclusion.

1.7.1 Contributions

This is a continuation of the Miun project work, the group consisted of

me, Herman Jansson, Lucas Thunberg Wessel and Jawad Ramezanja.

The code that I will be continue using to extract the stands is written by

me and Herman Jansson.


2 Theory This chapter is going to explain how the forest industry is operating with

the different forest stands. A deep explanation of the machine learning

required for this project is also given. Then it will describe an overview

of machine learning in general and its components. After that, an

explanation about Convolutional networks is given.

2.1 Forest stands

Forests do contribute to the well being of humans because of its great

properties, which is cleaning the air and giving us useful material that

we can harvest [1]. To preserve and keep the forest as long as possible it

is important to use the knowledge we have about the trees, which is

trimming and diving up the area into different sections.

A forest stand can be defined as “a contiguous group of trees sufficiently

uniform in age-class distribution, composition, and structure, and

growing on a site of sufficiently uniform quality, to be a distinguishable

unit”. [2]

There is no method to model a forest stand but there have been various

methods used. One option is to use a model which include the stand, size

class and tree. They are usually divided into three categories which is to

have specific species, varied-species, same-aged or uneven-aged. [3]

2.2 QGIS

QGIS was created 2002 and is a program where the purpose is for the

user to interact with the data and see it on the maps. QGIS is an open-

source program and is classified as a geographic information system. [4]


2.3 Machine learning

To learn something requires different methods such as

exploring/practicing new information and storing the information [5]. To

teach computers is something that has been in the interest for a decade.

The word artificial intelligence was formulated in the 1956 by a man

called John McCarthy which had a presentation about it [6]. After a

couple of years, the first paper about AI that could be acumen and for

example play chess, this article was written by Alan Turning [6] [7].

The thought process behind machine learning was to emulate the human

brain. And in the 1950’s Frank Rosenblatt did create the perceptron

which is used when the dataset is linearly separable. The perceptron is

designed after the neuron of the human brain. The neurons are receiving

and handling the incoming messages. The same thing is happening in the

perceptron. The perceptron handles one or more input and sends out an

output. The perceptron is visualized in the Figure 1. [8]

The numbered x:es is the information receiver, and the circle represents

the place where the input gets processed, which in the computer means

where the calculating takes place. When the input is processed then it

will go to the output where it is written as hθ. [8]

The Figure 2 demonstrates an overview of the different parts of the

different parts of machine learning.

Figure 1 - Perceptron visualized (source: G. Hackeling,

Apply effective learning algorithms to real-world)


2.4 Supervised learning

There are two different kinds of methods when using machine learning,

supervised and unsupervised. The supervised machine learning is data

that is classified. Problems with this method is to collect the data and

labeling it. Secondly the problem with the data can be the labeling of this

data is inaccurate, this could be a missing value or an implausible value.

[9] It is important to correct the values for getting an accurate result when

running the algorithm.

Figure 2 - overview of the different parts in Machine learning


2.5 Computer vision

Computer vision was developed after the AI was created. Computer

vision was documented to be experimented with in the early 1970s.

Computer vision is as the name suggest the visual aspect. Computer

vision was created to assist in the development of the AI visual aspect, to

try to make a computer recognize what is shown in a picture. This was

developed in MIT. Early computer algorithms were developed to firstly

look at the boundaries of a shape in 2D. [10]

CNN is an algorithm that is used for computer vision, this algorithm is

analyzing the image and extracting data and using it to group the

different patterns and objects together to establish what it is. [11]

2.6 Convolutional Neural Networks

Convolutional networks are mostly used for the visual aspect i.e. image

data. The data is processed, and the AI is finding patterns and

constructing them. [11] [12] CNN has two different approaches which is

the two-stage [13] and one- stage system [14]. Two-stage system is

generating bounding boxes, these groups contain the created candidate

object proposals. The candidates are created in two different steps [15]

[12], while the one-stage technique does the grouping and classification

of the object proposals, all at one time [15].

2.6.1 Object detection

Object detection and image classification had a difference where the

image classification can tell what object is present but not how many,

where object detection could determine how many there are. [12] Object

detection is not limited, it can be used in computer vision, but it is

burdensome when it comes to the background structure and size

difference. [15]Object detection does simply two things, i.e. pinpoints the

units in an image and their position in it. [12]

First step is to do region proposals, which means that you read in the

image and at random and produce bounding boxes. Then an algorithm

is needed to find the optimal place for the box, for example that is the

size of the box, and where on the picture the coordinates for the box

should start and be centered. [12]


2.6.2 Semantic segmentation

Segmentation has an input and output, where the input consists of

pictures and the output entail regions and structures. When a picture has

been used it is crucial to treat the image, you treat the image by working

on the filters, gradient, and colour data. [16] Semantic segmentation is

the concept of evaluating every pixel in picture and comprehend it. [16]


2.6.3 R-CNN

R-CNN stands for “Region based Convolutional Network. R-CNN

begins with analyzing the picture and chooses some areas from it. Within

these areas it tries to identify and label each of these areas. These areas

could be bounding boxes. With the CNN algorithm it does a calculation

to use some of the characteristics of interest and to forecast the

classification. [18]

Figure 3 - R-CNN overview. Source [18]

With R-CNN there are multiple steps of clustering where the clusters gets

bigger. This type of clustering shows that the object does not share the

same size [19]. There are different parts to selective search. The first is

that the selective search is applied on the picture. The selective search

gives the best guess of the areas that would be of interest, and it will

choose them. [20]

After the selective search the data goes through a CNN prior to it

reaching the output layer. [18] The CNN can only handle a small image

that is why the different regions are removed and resized for it. [19]

Thirdly, to instruct the multiple support vector machines for the object

classification, the information that the algorithm has received is united


to create a sample for that purpose. Then the bounding box and the

attributes chosen are also united to instruct a linear model for ground-

truth bounding box forecast. [18] That can for example be AlexNet or

VGGNet. A linear model like a support vector machine is used in the

classifier. [19]

2.6.4 Fast R-CNN

Fast R-CNN is built for the purpose of enhancing the R-CNN. Ross

Girshick made enhancements to the R-CNN because of its slow speed

and memory usage. [21] One of the changes made was removing the

selective search algorithm. Looking at the architecture the input picture

has region proposals, and it is not generated by the Fast R-CNN, the

region proposals is generated beforehand. [22]

In the next step the CNN manages the images and gives the feature map,

the feature map contains the parts of interest and then selected where

they are detected on the image. [22]

Figure 4 - Fast R-CNN architecture. Source [21]

2.7 Mask R-CNN

R-CNN is an abbreviation for Region Convolutional Neural Networks

[15] and the Mask R-CNN is a development of the Fully convolutional

Network (FCN) [17]and fast R-CNN is developed because the difficulty

in instance segmentation.

[17] In instance segmentation there needs to be a more precise

classification, to be even more precise every single pixel is defined with

the object-instance [12],which is called semantic segmentation [17].


Therefore, a fusion of the two techniques is required to do the instance

segmentation which is both the object detection and semantic

segmentation [17]. The Mask R-CNN is the development of Faster R-

CNN. [23] This can be shown in the Figure 5.

Figure 5 - Mask R-CNN architecture [17]

2.7.1 Loss function

The Mask R-CNN is built on the Fast R-CNN and the mask-task loss has

a mixture of the bounding box classification and regression. The formula

is visible in Equation 1. [17]

Equation 1 - The mask-task loss formula for Mask R-CNN [17]

The Lcls is the classification loss and the Lbox is the bounding box. [17]

comparing the Lcls and Lbox it shows that it is the same in Mask R-CNN

as in Faster R-CNN, but with the only difference of adding the Lmask. So ,

Lcls added together with the Lbox gives the formula in Equation 2. [21]

Equation 2 - Faster R-CNN loss function [21]


The output of the Lmask is Km², and in the essay written by [17] says

that the K stands for the binary masks with the resolution of m x m,

which means that is the number of K classes.

2.7.2 Intersection over union

IoU stands for intersection over a union, and in some cases, it is also

recognized as the Jazzard index. The IoU is used in Mask R-CNN, and it

is well liked when it comes to segmentation. The formula for the IoU is

shown in the Equation 3. [24]

The I in the Equation 3 is the Intersection Area and the U is the Union

area. Also, in the Equation 3 the A is the prediction and B is the ground

truth bounding boxes. [24]

When normalizing the IoU the output is the area and the sizes do not

make a difference. With this information in mind the regular IoU do

consider the sizes. The IoU is used in machine learning when there is a

need to analyze how accurate the bounding box is to the ground truth.


2.7.3 Non-Maximum Suppression

Non-Maximum Suppression has an acronym that follows as (NMS). The

NMS is a powerful tool when it comes to recognizing replicas. When

recognizing the matching pair, it removes them and outputs the images

without the matching pair. [25]

2.8 Related work

The first two articles are about Facebooks scientist implementing maps

with the help of ai, and the rest is researchers using Mask R-CNN to

detect different problems with the AI.

Equation 3 - Formula for the IoU source:[24]


2.8.1 Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised training

Researchers at the Facebook AI department uses AI to draw maps where

the maps are not accurate or nonexistent, according to the researchers

they used a weak supervised training to guess different parts of the map.

For completing the maps satellite images were used, in a test they did

use training data from the entire country which predicted accurate

results in Thailand but using the same training data in other countries

did not produce the same result. [26]

2.8.2 Generating retinal flow maps from structural optical coherence tomography with artificial intelligence

This article is related because the scientist uses retinal flow maps to train

an AI and then uses this flow maps to deviate from using professional

help to classify the retina flow maps. The approach that was used by the

scientist is that their dataset was separated into training and validation

and a held-out test, the percentage of this training was split between

70%15%15%. They also explain that the most suitable parameter was

used. The scientist also tested 12 different deep learning models and the

function used for training the data was the adam learning function. [27]

2.8.3 Utilizing Mask R-CNN for Detection and Segmentation of Oral Diseases

In this paper the researchers use Mask R-CNN which was based on

Matterport Inc code (https://github.com/matterport/Mask

RCNN), they limit the research to only use it for identifying the highly

widespread disease in oral pathology which is herpes labialis and

aphthous ulcer. They compared the result to another pixelwise classifier

in the same area and found out that their model had a higher

accuracy .744 vs .621 even though the latter had 258 images and their

only had 30 images. They hypothesize that it would have been a better

result if they had been able to have more images to use as data, and

they did prove that with this algorithm the accuracy will be higher even

with less data provided. [28]

2.8.4 Segmentation of Forest to Tree Objects

In this essay they research if it is possible to do a segmentation using only

the height of trees as the data. They use the raster data. The data needed

to be separated because some of the LiDAR data containing some

variations and the irrelevant branches get removed.


LiDAR data is used to analyze the maximum and smallest reflection in a

pixel. And they do loose some of the information of the data, but this is

done so that the program would be running faster to decrease the

computational power required. [29]

2.8.5 Automating Forest stands with Image Segmentation

This work is a continuation of the work I did in a group. In the group we

used GAN to try to identify the different stands. When using GAN the

problem was that the algorithm went into a mode collapse. The solution

was using object segmentation algorithms, but the problem was that it

was not an ai, so there was not a learning process. [30]


3 Methodology This chapter discussed the methodology used in this essay. One

important aspect of this report was handling a lot of data because every

stand took space, all of the data of Sweden was 13GB (before dividing it

up). When handling a lot of data, it was important to carefully do so, or

else there could be an error when running it through the Mask R-CNN.

The methodology used to help in this process was a mixture of CRISP-

DM and a methodology proposed by Jose Solarte, which had a more

detailed approach on how to tackle a datamining task. Some parts of the

methodology steps are focused on the evaluation of the project with the

goal of delivering a product. Since this project had no intention of that,

those parts of the methodology were discarded.

3.1 Scientific method description

I used a quantitative method to measure the accuracy of the project. The

comparisons are numerical. I did experiments and measured the

accuracy and time. Gantt was used to keep the work on track. Gantt is a

schedule technique which gives the user the ability to keep the work

trackable and to do every single task that is needed to be able to complete

before the deadline.

3.1.1 CRISP-DM

CRISP-DM is an acronym for Cross-Industry Standard Practice for Data

Mining. There are 7 different steps to this process which is:

- Business understanding

- Data understanding

- Data preparation

- Modeling

- Evaluation

- Deployment

- Performance measurement


Figure 6 - Crisp DM process source: [31]

The method used was CRISP-DM and a proposed method from Jose

Solarte where the methodology was very detailed, it was based on

CRISP-DM and SEMMA. However, Solartes method was proposed for

students in industrial engineering which is why the economic

perspective was not used and the focus was on the data mining and

analyzing the data. [32]

3.2 Business understanding

First the business understanding (the first step) was analyzed for the

organization which was CGI in this particular case. CGI needed a

solution for their forest stand problem. The solution which CGI wanted

solved was to make the forest stand automatically. Details of this was

written in chapter 1 and 2.

3.3 Structure the work

After the business understanding the work needed to become more

structured and some information about the forest stand was needed,

hence a literature study was conducted. The literature study was

conducted to understand what algorithm, and how to structure the data

is the most appropriate for the task. The essay did follow the proposed

methodology of Solarte [32] which was choosing between the following:

-Description and summarization

- Segmentation


-Concept description



-Department analysis

An example of this process is found in Figure 6 [31]

The segmentation step was picked after doing the literature study for the

essay. There was an experiment [33] that used Mask-RCNN on nucleus

data, and after reading about that and how the Mask-RCNN the

segmentation looked promising.

3.4 Datamining task

According to the figure in Appendix A: Figure 26 there was a need for an

analyzation of the datamining task. When doing the analyzing the forest

stands showed a need to use segmentation. The segmentation was

necessary because the stands needed to be separated and analyzed by the

algorithm in order to find a pattern for the different stands.

The next step in Appendix A: Figure 26 was to find the technique that

was needed, the technique used was neural network because the

algorithm required it to be trained with the aim of finding patterns.

3.5 Evaluate tool

To evaluate the algorithm chosen the use of Appendix A: Figure 26

guided through the different areas that needed to be inspected.

Doing the literature study, it pointed to an algorithm called Mask R-CNN.

This algorithm did solve the segmentation of the forest stands. The Mask

R-CNN algorithm was able to run locally on the computer, the

specification of the computer is shown in Table 1.

3.5.1 Comparing R-CNN , Fast R-CNN and Mask R-CNN

Comparing the Mask R-CNN to R-CNN, Fast R-CNN and Faster R-CNN

the Mask R-CNN is superior.

The limitation of the R-CNN was the speed [18], when training the data

there was multiple steps in the process. Because of these multiple steps,

the training took time, and needed a decent computer to be able to do the


calculations. Also, a lot of space was required because every object

proposal in the data was written to the computer’s storage unit. [21] R-

CNN had a slow speed hence why it is not used a lot. [18]

Lastly the negative part of R-CNN was that the object detection was not

as fast as it could be when trained with the VGG16 network. The

conclusion was that it takes 47 seconds for every picture. [21]

Comparing the Fast-RCNN and R-CNN the difference was that Fast R-

CNN is 9 times faster when it came to training. When comparing the time

spent running the models, it was 213 times faster than R-CNN. Also, it

had a considerable better score on the mAP on the Pascal VOC 2012

dataset. [12]

Figure 7 - comparison of R-CNN and Fast R-CNN Source: [21]

Mask R-CNN was a more precise object detector than faster R-CNN.

[23]The overhead generated by Mask R-CNN was very minuscule

because the algorithm uses the already present network. Because of this

small overhead the processing is practically the same as Faster R-CNN.


3.5.2 Functionality

The Mask R-CNN had a good set of functionalities. One of the many

good features was that it was possible to train different layers, for

example if there was an error when running all layers, there was a

possibility to divide the layers and begin with only training the head

layer. Dividing the layers was necessary in the beginning of the work, on


the first run of the algorithm because when running all the layers in the

beginning it crashed. This helped for analyzing how to input correct

parameters for the Mask R-CNN.

When training the Mask R-CNN , another neat functionality was that

there was a possibility to continue to train an already trained model,

which I did use. One example is when there was more data available. So

instead of creating a new model from scratch, it was possible to take a

previously trained model and continue to train it with the new data. This

functionality was very useful and saved a lot of time and computing


3.5.3 Usability and Support

Since the purpose of this work was not to create, nor evaluate a tool in

terms of usability, the usability, and the support of Mask-RCNN was not

considered. The focus had been towards the functionality, to make sure

the proper tests/training and analyzation of the result could be

performed in a good manner.

3.5.4 Identify resources

The next part of the process was about making sure that the project was

feasible, in short, to determine if the project could be executed or not. The

steps were to identify the resources required by the tool, determine

additional required resources and from that, decide if the project was

feasible. The resources required by Mask-RCNN was the training and

test-data, along with an environment that had sufficient memory to load

the data necessary to perform the training.

3.6 Data understanding

The next step was to gather all the data, prepare the data and then run

that through the machine learning algorithm. In this report the data

collected was the different stands of the different areas of forests. The

preparation consisted of randomly selecting smaller areas and dividing

them into test and training. Then all the different stands in those areas

was first extracted and then masked, so the Mask R-CNN had a ground

truth. All the training data was then fed into the Mask R-CNN during the

training phase.

The parameters available was:

- Height


- Tree species

- Vegetation

- Volume (m3sk / ha)

- Manually selected forest stands.

3.6.1 RGB band

The data consisted of three bands, RGB which stands for red, green and

blue. These different colors represent different data. The data in the

report these colors were representing different aspects of the trees, in this

case the red stood for the height of the trees. The height was especially

important to know because a huge part of dividing the forest stands did

depend on the height of the trees.

The green band was the basal area, and it told how much trees there were

in the area. The basal area was measured by taking the height of 1.3m of

the ground, and with a diameter of the tree’s circumference was

measured. [34] The formula for measuring the basal area was written as:

𝐵𝐴 =𝜋 𝑥 𝑑𝑏ℎ2


Equation 4 – Basal area equation

The basal area was measured in sq m. The dbh was a shortening for

“diameter at breast height” in cm which was around 1.3 m [34] from the

ground. The areas of all trees could be used as a measurement to see how

crowded the stand was. This measurement was called the basal area of

a stand. [35]

The blue band stood for the volume. The volume was calculated in m3 by

using the mid-point diameter and size of every tree. There were two

different conditions that needed to be fulfilled when measuring trees.

The one that was fulfilled first was the one that was used. The first

condition was if the overbark was 7 cm then that was used (trees at breast

height with a lesser diameter than 7 cm were routinely disregarded). The

second condition was when the main stem was distinct. [35]

To estimate the volume there was different methods, but one method

was using the following equation:


𝑉 = (𝐵𝐴

2+ 0.0019) 𝑥 𝐻

Equation 5 – Volume of trees formula in m3

The formula described the volume for the tree which was measured in

cubic meters. Then BA stands for the basal area in m2, and lastly the H

was for the height. [35]

RGB merged displayed a picture which was all the values merged. Then

this data was used for analyzing.

3.7 Data preparation of TiFF and Shape file

The file format of the data was a large Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)

file of the area in Sweden. There was also a shape file that was a layer on

the map with markings, which outlined the different stands on the map.

These stands were the target data.

To be able to make this project work, the stands needed to be extracted

from the shape file. Then each of the stands needed to be masked which

meant that it must be filled in with white where the stands was, then the

background should be colored to black according for the segmentation

to work.

A problem that could occur was the tiny stands that was consisting of

just a couple of pixels, those stands was difficult for the Mask R-CNN to

process and needed to be sorted out. It was also a problem when the

forest stand area was too big, because the computer did not have enough

processing power it to render it.

3.8 Evaluation

I was evaluating the accuracy by dividing the data to training and

validation data. The data consisted of several stands and from the stand

a lot of masks was extracted into several PNG files.

The accuracy was based on the masked data. For example, if the Mask R-

CNN founded all the masks in the test data set, the accuracy would be a

100%. The company wanted an accuracy around 80%.


4 Implementation This chapter showcased a flowchart of how the areas got extracted and

used in the Mask R-CNN. The programming language python was

chosen, and a description of how Mask R-CNN was used with the setup

was described.

4.1 Handling the data

There were different steps to train the

Mask RCNN. These steps were

demonstrated in Figure 8.

Firstly, the extraction was executed by

different steps. First step was to extract an

area. Dividing the data was important

because of the computers processing time.

If an area was not extracted, then the

processing would be too big for the

computer to handle.

Secondly, an area of choice was selected,

and in this report, it was an area in the

south of Sweden. There was a TIFF file and

a shape file for the area. The shape layer

was used to extract the different stands

from the selected area. These stands were

selected, and an extraction was made from

the area.

Thirdly the images were converted to a

different format. This format was crucial

because the input of the Mask-RCNN only

accepted PNG files.

Furthermore, the images were masked. The masking was a process

where the stands that were on the area was extracted in order to teach

the algorithm where the different stands were. With this in mind there

was not a possibility to input more than one stand at a time into the

algorithm, the different stands on the picture needed to separately be

inputted to teach the algorithm the different stands. In the masked image

Figure 8 - flowchart of the data


the stand was filled in with a white color then the rest of the picture was

filled in with black. Then a new picture was created and the stand next

to the previous one was chosen.

The first approach for masking the pictures were made in adobe

photoshop. The next step was doing it automatically.

With atomization the data was filled in using code. The code did analyze

each pixel, if the pixel contained a color, then it was colored white. If

there was not any color, then it was set to black. The black was created

by using the RGB colors in the picture and setting them to the values

0(0,0,0) and the stand was colored in by setting the RGB to white which

is the number 255 (255,255,255).

Lastly the data was then used as an input in the Mask R-CNN. All of the

data was split into two parts, one was the training data, and was the

validation data. The data sent into the algorithm was the TiFF file

converted to png and masked images for each stand.

4.2 Python

The code was written in python. Python is a programming language

which was widely used for machine learning. A benefit of using python

was that it was focused on readability which made it easy to read, and

they also did reinforce modules and packages. [36]

4.3 How Mask RCNN is used

The Mask R-CNN implementation was based on the foundation made

from matterports code from github. The code used was tested on

microscopic images. [37]

When running the Mask R-CNN it requires a set of weights. The weights

used in this paper was by MS-COCO. The MS-COCO weights were a

pretrained model which made it easier when training a new dataset for

the first time.

When training a Mask-RCNN model, it was possible to specify which

layers to train. The user could either train all layers, a choice of layers or

select a predefined setting, called heads. The layer that was going to be

trained was specified. The purpose of using heads was basically to keep

the training time down when the data was trained on. Similar to the data


that the model had trained on previously. When using the heads setting

only the RPN (Region Proposal Network), the FPN (Feature Pyramid

Network) and mask heads of the network was trained. [17]

RPN is a neural network that proposed what regions in an image might

contain the objects that were being looked after, also called ROI (Region

Of Interest). That way, the rest of the layers would not have to scan the

whole areas but can instead focus on the areas that had been proposed

by the RPN. [17]

FPN is, very simplified, a CNN with the purpose of trying to identify the

objects searched for in different scales that may occur in the image. When

searching for a forest stand it did find a small stand as well as a stand

that might cover a quarter of the image. [38]

Also, the Mask head would be trained which was responsible to mask all

the ROIs that had been identified in the previous steps.

4.3.1 Environment

The specifications of the computer used to train the Mask R-CNN

algorithm is specified in the Table 1.

Table 1 - Computer specifications and software version

4.3.14 Running the Mask R-CNN

An epoch was when the algorithm had passed through the whole

training dataset one time. [39]

After every epoch the model was saved, this was because of the

possibility to go back and run on a specific model, because this was

required to save time. When running the Mask R-CNN there was an

uncertainty if the algorithm would be able to run until the end, because

it could easily run out of memory if there is too much data in one batch.

4.3.2 Operating System 4.3.3 Windows

4.3.4 GPU 4.3.5 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

4.3.6 CPU 4.3.7 2.60GHz 6-Core Intel(R) Core i7-10750H

4.3.8 Memory (RAM) 4.3.9 16,0 GB

4.3.10 Cuda verision 4.3.11 10.1.243

4.3.12 Cudnn 4.3.13 7.6.3


4.4 Measurement setup

Along with the model there was logs in the file which gave the possibility

to use Tensorboard for analysing the data. The model file was saved as

a .h5 file which contained the trained model along with a timestamp. The

timestamp was from when the epoch was finished running.

In Tensorboard the information given was epoch loss i.e adding the

following losses: RPN classifier loss, RPN bounding box loss graph, loss

for the classifier head of the Mask R-CNN, loss for the Mask R-CNN

bounding box and lastly mask binary cross-entropy loss for the mask



5 Results The manually extracted stands data was not sufficient for it to be able to

run, because it did not have enough stands. When using code to run the

masking, the masking was made in an instant which is necessary when

working with a lot of training data.

Firstly, the big area with 3248 stands did take 2 days to run and was on

the verge of running out of memory. Secondly the areas were extracted

with a smaller number of stands. That made a big difference when it

came to the memory on both the computer and Google Colab, both

platforms managed to run the algorithm smoothly.

When the algorithm was done running, the log file was saved. Then the

log file was used to run the analyzing section, which was provided by

Matterport Inc [37]. The code contained a Jupiter notebook. The Jupiter

notebook helped to investigate the dataset, running statistics on it and

analyze the detection from the beginning to the end.

5.1 Manually masking a forest stand

In the Figure 9 is a picture of when the stands were masked manually in

photoshop. Then the masked images were used as a test run in Mask R-

CNN. The test run did not manage to run because the algorithm requires

at least two areas to be able to run. That was because it needed one area

for training and one for validation.

Figure 9 - manually masked stands in ps


5.2 Results of all the areas

The epoch loss of the areas 1, 6 and 42 is visible in Figure 10. The epoch

loss was all of the different losses added together. The different losses

were the RPN classifier loss, RPN bounding box loss graph, loss for the

classifier head of the Mask R-CNN, loss for the Mask R-CNN bounding

box and lastly mask binary cross-entropy loss for the mask head.

Figure 10 - Comparison of all the different areas

The RPN class loss, which was the RPN anchor classifier loss, is visible

in the Figure 11. The RPN was the region of proposal network, and it

displayed the classification loss, which signifies the belief in forecasting

the class labels.


Figure 11 - RPN class loss

The time to complete running the Mask R-CNN and the different

number of stands used. The average score was the highest when using

42 areas with one validation area, but the average IoU was the best

when using 42 areas with a 70/30 split, with a percentage of 47,5 %. This

is showed in the Table 2.

Area Time to


Stands Average




1 area ran on computer 2days 7 min 3248 64,5% 15,2%

6 areas ran on computer 1h 4 min 87 85,2% 24,7%

6 areas ran on Google


2 h 35 min 87 88,3% 28,9%

42 areas ran on Google


2h 56 min 624 88,5% 42%


42 areas ran on Google

Colab with 70%30% split

2h 51 min 624 86,9% 47,5%

Table 2 - Time to complete running the stands with different number of areas and Average score and IoU from all the

different areas

5.3 One area

The one big area was the most difficult to run because of the size of the

area and the amount of stands in it. The total amount of stands in this

area was 3248.

The setup of my environment was a laptop and a fan beneath it, and also

a mini-fan on the front to prevent the computer of overheating when it

ran for two days, this can be seen in Figure 12.

The computer did manage to run out of memory many times, with a

strike of luck, it worked. But it did not manage to run again which

indicates that it was on the edge of working and not working. This was

tested both on Google Colab and locally on the computer. The only time

it did not run out of memory was on the computer. Because of its massive

size of 3248 stands it did take a long time to run, a total of two days to be

exact. This can be seen in Table 2.

The output when analyzing the log file in Jupiter notebook is shown in

Figure 13 ,Figure 14 and Figure 15. The Figure 13 showcases all the

stands that it predicted and the ground truth. The score of the predictions

is displayed in the captions: the score/IoU. The green areas are the

ground truth in the Figure 13 and the red areas was the predictions.

The Figure 14 is displaying the detections that it did after running the

NMS. Lastly the Figure 15 shows the ROIs after refinement.


Figure 12 - Setup of computer

Figure 13 - Ground truth and Detections , captions:



Figure 15 - Detections after NMS

Figure 14 - ROIs after refinement


5.3.1 6 areas

When conducting the test on the 6 areas, the total amount of stands was

87. The head layer was running on the computer and the results is visible

in Figure 10. The time it took was 1 hour and 16 minutes to finish.

There was a comparison made between running the head layers locally

on the computer and running it on Google Colab. The contrast of the

epoch loss and time it took to finish it is shown in Figure 16. The time it

took to run it on the cloud was 1 hour and 12 minutes. The time difference

was 4 minutes. The epoch loss graph is pretty much identical on both the

computer and Google Colab.

Once again, the results were analyzed with the Jupiter notebook and it

shows the stands that it predicted and the ground truth. The score of the

predictions is displayed in the captions: the score/IoU, which is visible in

Figure 18, the green is the ground truth, and the red is the predictions.

The Figure 17 is displaying the detections that it did after running the

NMS. Lastly the Figure 19 shows the ROIs after refinement.

Figure 16 - Epoch loss of 6 areas running locally

and on Google Colab cloud.


Figure 17 - Ground truth and Detections, captions:

score/IoU for 6 areas

Figure 18 - Detections after NMS for 6 areas


5.3.2 42 areas

The 42 areas result of epoch loss and time is visible in the Figure 10, and

the time it took to finish it was 2 hours and 56 minutes. The amount of

stands in the 42 areas were 624.

Once again, the ground truth and the algorithm predictions are visible

on the Figure 20 and the score of the predictions is displayed in the

captions: the score/IoU, where the green is the ground truth and the red

is the predictions.

The Figure 22 is displaying the detections that it did after running the

NMS. Lastly the Figure 21 shows the ROI after refinement.

Figure 19 - ROIs after refinement for 6 areas


Figure 20 - Ground truth and Detections, captions:

score/IoU for 42 areas


Figure 21 - ROIs after refinement for 42 areas

Figure 22 - Detection after NMS for 42 areas


6 Discussion The result of the literature review was that the algorithm that should be

used was Mask R-CNN.

A comparison is made between the different results of 1, 6 and 42

different areas. The Mask R-CNN did produce interesting results.

6.1 Scientific discussion

This report shows that Google Colab is faster comparing to a computer

with the specifications of the computer written in Table 1.

The limitations of this project were that the number of areas extracted

was not enough to get a high accuracy and there needed to be a bigger

set when running the Mask R-CNN. The timeframe did limit the number

of areas that could manually be extracted.

6.1.1 Manually masking a forest stand

Masking the forest stands in photoshop requires time because of the

program, and it takes a couple of steps to do.

Masking the forest stands manually is a tedious task. Completing one

small area with six stands is inadequate because when masking an area

there needs to be at least more than six stands for Mask R-CNN to be able

to run. In the future, even for testing the algorithm it is not recommended

to manually paint and mask 6 small stands.

6.2 One, six and 42 areas.

The first big area extracted was 18,9 x 16,9 km and it contained 3248

stands. This area caused the Mask R-CNN to be on the verge of crashing

and making it run was very difficult.

Examining the Figure 23 there is a visible spike after 20 epochs that is

because of a restart of the training moving from training only RPN, FPN

and mask head, to it training all the layers.


The graph in Figure 23 (the highlighted areas) indicates that it has not

really flattened out, so this model is still a little underfitted. It seems to

be moving towards a good fit which indicates a better predicting model.

If it would continue training it probably would have resulted in a good


Every graph that has to do with the validation data looks different than

the average validation data. The reason for it to look different may be

due to the validation set being set too small.

In Table 2 the score is a confidence score for the prediction. I.e. a high

confidence score means that the model is confident that the marked area

is a stand. Looking at the average of the IoU, the best average IoU is the

42 areas with a data split of 70/30. The 70/30 split means that 70% is

training data and the 30 % is the validation data, and in this case the

validation was 12 stands. The result it gave was an IoU of 47,5%. The

IoU is pretty decent and with only 624 stands it was better than expected.

To be able to get a high IoU there needs to be more automatization when

it comes to extracting the areas with the stands in it, that is to make it

possible to get a bigger training set without having to spend a lot of time

on just the extraction of the stands.

6.3 Rpn value loss

Analyzing the graphs given from the results in Figure 10, there is a more

stable line in the training and validation split where it has a 70/30 split

Figure 23 - highlighted area shows stabilization.


instead of using only one area as a validation. The Figure 24 is a zoomed

figure from the results in the Figure 11.

The reason for the values changing more rapidly is, when a small change

is made to make the model better, a bigger impact is visible in the graphs.

With a bigger impact means that it does not show a stable line. This is

partly due to the set it validates against is too small. With a bigger

validation set the outcome becomes smoother and better.

Figure 24 - Zoomed in figure of the Rpn class loss graph

6.4 Project method discussion

The chosen method was clear, concise, and easy to follow. The method

was not optimal for my particular case because it was more fitted

towards creating a product and not analyzing data.

The different stands were extracted and converted for the Mask R-CNN

to be able to process the data given and to teach the AI about the pattern

of the different stands.

To extract the different stands QGIS was used to open up the TIFF file

and then they were extracted, so they later could be converted into PNG.

The conversion made it possible for the Mask R-CNN to process the data.

When a conversion was made, the algorithm required masked images,

hence masking was done to the images by converting the RGB values.

Running the masked images through the Mask R-CNN teaches the

algorithm the position of where the stands are.


Tensorboard was a great tool to evaluate the log files. The log contains

the model performance throughout the training process.

The Jupiter notebook had a lot of great evaluation tools, such as the

ground truth and detections with the captions: score/IoU, Detection

before/after NMS and ROIs before/after refinement.

6.5 Ethical and societal discussion

The ethical prospect of this work is that if this application is successful

then the workers that manually does the work will probably have to do

something else because their services will not be needed when a

computer generates and sees a pattern of the work. So, there needs to be

a responsibility of using the software and make sure to use the workers

for other purposes.

The environment will benefit from this work if it is implemented. That is

because there will not be a reason to fly the airplanes and take the flight

photos for the stands, the data that is available is enough to make it work

without the flight photos. When the trees are cut down there needs to be

an evaluation of the forest stands. The workers would not have to use

cars to travel to the different areas which would be needed to be re-

evaluated. The companies can use the Mask R-CNN to re-evaluate the



7 Conclusions After the literature review the conclusion was to use Mask R-CNN. When

using Mask R-CNN the results show that Google Colab is faster than

running the forest stands locally on the computer. However, the IoU and

the epoch loss did not matter whether running the Mask R-CNN on the

cloud or locally. This result is limited to the stands in Sweden which are

taken from the south of Sweden. If changing the position to the north of

Sweden the results may change because the vegetation does differ when

comparing the south to the north.

To my knowledge no one has used Mask R-CNN to segment different

forest stands. Hopefully, this essay will give the forest industry what it

needs to be able to make a change when dividing different stands. This

method shows promising results and with more training it could be to

good use.

7.1 Project continuation

This project is a continuation of the project made in Mid Sweden

University, where I was a part of the group. On the last project we did

not manage to get an AI to analyze the different forest stands. The only

thing we did manage to do was to use object segmentation algorithms.

But in this project, I did manage to run it in an AI and make it learn that

the different stands pattern to a degree. The best predicted stands had a

IoU of 80%.

7.1.1 Computer set against Google Colab

Comparing the different results, the difference between Google Colab

and the test computer with the RTX 2060 graphics card, shows a

difference in time when running the same data. Google Colab was faster

and managed to finish faster compared to the computer. Even though

the difference was not that huge, it could be when using a big amount of


Because there is a lot of stands to be extracted and worked on, the time

required to run the algorithm is of huge importance. Hence, why it is

better to use Google Colab and its services, if having a computer with

similar specification as in Table 1.


7.1.2 One big area with many stands versus 6 areas with smaller stands

Comparing how the algorithm can handle data, the algorithm was

running out of memory both locally and on the cloud, when running the

area with 3248 stands.

To improve both the time and accuracy I would not run such a massive

area with so many stands in it. When looking at the results, it shows it is

much more efficient and beneficial to dividing an area and concur it.

7.1.3 Comparing 6 stands versus 42.

Processing 6 different areas took 2,5 hours and processing 42 different

areas took 3 hours. Comparing these results shows that having a lot of

areas with stands is much more effective than for example having one

big area with many stands in it.

The algorithm did quickly process the data even though the amount of

data was multiplied by 7. This shows that the key to get a working model

is to extract many small areas rather than a big one.

7.2 Scientific conclusions

This work will probably help the forest industry and the company to

figure out a good solution to their problem. There is still a little work left

to be done, using this method could be a solution. Using a training and

validation split of 70/30% was better than using one area as validation.

The value loss did differ, it became more stabilized.

7.2.1 Is it possible to create forest stand with the help of ai?

It is possible to create a forest stand with the help of AI, but the difficult

part of the algorithm is to get a high IoU. Some of the stands did get a

high IoU. The company (CGI) had a requirement for the AI to have a

precision about 80%, only one stand had a precision that reached that


7.2.2 Find a good strategy.

It was difficult to find a good strategy because forest segmentation is not

anything common. So, the approach was to use the nucleus code which

is tested on microscopic data. The similarities are that a stand is an area

on an image which is similar to the microscopic data, hence why it was


chosen. When doing a literature review about the different approaches,

the Mask R-CNN seemed to be the most fitting because it was both faster

and better than the other CNN algorithms.

7.2.3 How long will it take for the AI to generate results, and will it be more efficient than traditional methods?

It is more or less instant for the Mask R-CNN to generate prediction

results. However, to train a model does take time, and evaluating the

different stands takes time. Comparing the results running on Google

Colab, the time it takes for 42 areas with a total of 624 stands, gives the

result of 2,455 hours. A forecast visible on Figure 25 shows that 504

stands would take 5,255 hours.

Figure 25 - Forecast of 504 areas

7.2.4 Compare generated forest stands with manually selected forest stands.

The manually selected forest stand is currently doing a better job than

the automized forest stand because the accuracy of the generated are still

too low to be able to compete with the manually selected stands.

7.2.5 Compare the time and accuracy of forest stand generated in Google Colab versus forest stands generated on the computer locally.

There is not a noticeable difference on the IoU when running the stands

locally on the computer versus when running them on Google Colab.

Both devices did give the same output, the difference was the time it took


to process the data. Google Colab was faster and easier to use than using

the code locally.

7.2.6 Measure the accuracy.

The accuracy was measured with the Jupiter notebook code, and it made

it possible to see what a big difference adding some areas can do to the

accuracy of the stand predicted by the Mask R-CNN. The average IoU

was at 42% with 42 stands, which makes the algorithm unusable by the

company because of their requirement of the percentage to be at around


7.3 Future Work

In the future the forest areas should be extracted and sorted

automatically from the start to the finish. Also, it is important to have

more validation data than used in this paper. For the future work it

would be interesting to try at least 1000 areas to see the results and to

compare those results with the results from this paper.

Also, the nature in north would be interesting to add to the stands ran

in the Mask R-CNN. For the most optimal result it would be best to run

all the stands from the Sweden map in the Mask R-CNN.

It could also be interesting to try to artificially enhance the resolution on

the test data to see if the output would differ. With this said, with the

data available, I believe that it is fully possible to achieve an average IoU

of 80% with more training.



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Appendix A:

Figure 26 - Proposed Methodology by Solarte [32]


Figure 27 - continue of the purposed method of Solarte [32]


Figure 28 - continue of the purposed method of Solarte [32]

7.4 Different stands

7.4.1 6 stands versus one stand on the computer




7.4.2 6 stands running on computer versus running it on the cloud



7.4.3 6 stands on the cloud versus 42 stands on the cloud




7.5 Areas

7.5.1 One area

Score IoU

0,68 0,55

0,61 0,04

0,55 0,02

0,76 0,06

0,52 0,06


0,73 0,18

0,56 0,06

0,57 0,09

0,63 0,05

0,72 0,00

0,58 0,03

0,61 0,02

0,73 0,46

0,76 0,10

0,72 0,00

0,71 0,03

0,6 0,20

0,8 0,41

0,68 0,44

0,53 0,05

0,77 0,62

0,63 0,00

0,64 0,12

0,77 0,15

0,55 0,14

0,76 0,12

0,52 0,18

0,8 0,01

0,61 0,02

0,6 0,07

0,52 0,14

0,79 0,25

0,57 0,07

0,71 0,05

0,65 0,01

0,72 0,02

0,59 0,09


0,6 0,06

0,75 0,23

0,58 0,47

0,51 0,27

0,65 0,3

0,61 0,26

0,54 0,05

0,57 0,07

0,75 0,42

0,57 0,11





7.5.2 6 areas

Score IoU

0,98 0,34

1,00 0,17

0,88 0,35

0,96 0,34

0,68 0,04

0,71 0,01

0,96 0,34


0,71 0,32

0,95 0,73

0,91 0,13

0,97 0,41




7.5.3 42 areas

Score IoU

0,96 0,4

0,90 0,13

0,56 0,30

0,89 0,47


1,00 0,45

0,82 0,73

0,97 0,7

0,62 0,31

1,00 0,20

0,83 0,40

1,00 0,54

0,88 0,24

0,97 0,76

0,99 0,25

7.5.4 42 areas with 70%30%

Score IoU

0.97 0.36

0.59 0.32

0.99 0.44

0.62 0.73

0.95 0.66

0.84 0.38

1 0.18

1 0.6

0.65 0.25

0.99 0.8


0.96 0.51




