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AIESEC Global Competency Model

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Global Competency Model AIESEC Experience Leadership Competency Model Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model
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Global Competency


AIESEC Experience Leadership

Competency Model

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

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Global Competency


Why Competencies? What are Competencies?

In every job, some people perform more effectively than others. Thirty years of research conducted by Hay McBer have shown that exceptional performers use a variety of approaches and behaviours to get the job done. What the research also shows is that exceptional performers use a different variety of approaches and behaviors than those individuals who perform at the expected level.

Think of the “best’ teacher or doctor in your life experience. Chances are that teacher or doctor demonstrated not only sound technical knowledge and skills, but also a variety of behaviors (competencies) that made your experience with that professional an exceptional one. Competencies provide a means of looking at those behaviors that differentiate the “best from the rest” and a common language for talking about critical on-the-job behaviors.

In the context to AIESEC competencies are also the essential behaviours which people develop at each stage of the AIESEC Experience and in different roles within the AIESEC Experience for their personal development and AIESEC’s success to become the change agents that we wish our people to be.

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

Competencies are:Any attitude, behavior, motive or other personal

characteristic that is essential to Perform a role, or more importantly, improve the

performance and personal development from superior to solid.

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Global Competency


What are the benefits of using a competency Model? A competency Model for AIESEC will shape how we look at our people system processes, the way we view Manage Talent in the organization and the way our members develop through the AIESEC EXPERIENCE

• Everyone speaks and understands one Common language• Bring alive AIESEC’s values in leaders behaviours• Link personal performance to AIESEC’s strategy• Integrate & link all HR processes• Enable diversity• Ensure people needs are covered• Identify potential for long term planning• Fair assessment of performance & potential• Clarity & focus for personal development

The Competency Model will serve us two purposes:

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

Development AspectTo help Drive Self Driven Learning in our membership

It will help people in

Setting Goals and Developing a Learning Plan

Understand what opportunities lies in the next stage and develop competencies for the same

Review their Learning Plan and Goals Self Evaluate Themselves Members develop their competencies Members align the competencies with the

structured Learning Process

And most importantlyA competency Model can evaluate the development of strengths in different areas of Individuals, it helps people in making people understand what their strengths are and they can build on to their strengths and work on their weaknesses

Management Aspect - To manage the training, Learning and Performance of our membership

Talent Management Systems Like

• Talent Planning• Talent Selection at different stages• Talent Induction• Talent Allocation• Talent Performance Assessment at

different stages• Talent rewards and recognition• Talent Training• Education and Learning Planning• Talent Development

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Global Competency


Competency Management linking organizational objectives to personal performance

Our 3 goals can be achieved through a competency framework

• The quality of increasing volume of AIESEC Experience (development of competencies) can be measured through a competency framework

• We would be able to attract, select and retain and connect high potential talent

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

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Global Competency


Society 1





g e




tCompetencies (Behaviours Gained)

Competencies (Behaviours Gained)Competencies

(Behaviours Gained)

Competencies (Behaviours Gained)

Society 2

Competencies (Behaviours Gained)

Indirect impact

• Through promoting AIESEC as a leadership development platform based on the competency framework to the external environment, we would be able to promote and place AIESEC as the first choice for Activating Leadership

The Idea of the Competency Model

The Development of Competencies throughout the AIESEC Experience would result into the development of the 4 change agent characteristics. The Competencies from the last stage become the Selection Criterions from the Current Stage.

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

Development of 4 characteristics

• Culturally sensitive• Socially responsible• Entrepreneurial

• Active learners

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Global Competency



A change in behaviour as a consequence of an experience


The conditions that surround people and affect the way they live an experience

A Learning EnvironmentAN environment which helps people change behaviours and develop competencies

Individual discovery and



Learning Circles



Conferences and Seminars

Virtual Spaces; forums, blogs and resource


Competencies Development and AIESEC learning environment

The AIESEC Learning Environment is how people live the experience; it helps people develop competencies and improve behaviours

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

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Global Competency


Natural behaviour to change or develop

Conscious Change

New Desired Natural Behaviour

ACTIVATING LEADERSHIP: We lead by example and inspire leadership through action and results. We take full responsibility for our role in developing the potential of people.

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Global Competency


DEMONSTRATING INTEGRITY: We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our identity.

LIVING DIVERSITY: We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.

ENJOYING PARTICIPATION: We create a dynamic environment by active and enthusiastic participation of individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE: We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve.

ACTING SUSTAINABLY: We act in a way that is sustainable for our organisation and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.

The Logic behind the Competency Model

Competency Framework broken up according to the 4 change Agent Characteristics

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

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Global Competency



In a Certain town, there lived a Father and his son named TIM.TIM studied in a school nearby, and his grades in his class were really low.So one day when Tim came back home, his father asked him what he learned in his class today, so Tim explained him. Again the next day his father asked him, and Tim explained again and this thing continued and Tim’s father started asking him about not just what he studied that day but also what he is going to study next day. Now because of this Tim became more conscious and started preparing in advance. In about a month’s time, Tim’s grade in the Class started increasing. (Time first influenced Himself – personal)

So the teacher of class, sparked by recent increased grades of TIM asked his father, about the reasons of Tim’s sudden increase in Intellect, and the father explained him and also some of the other student’s parents. The other students tried it and their grades started going high as well. (The influence was Interpersonal)

Slowly the whole class started doing it and the class came first in school – (The influence was

ExplanationIt is based on Circles of Influence (Steven Covey) and the 4 levels of competency development.

1) Personal Competencies: The core to development is Peronal.The Change in an Individual starts from himself and through development of Personal Competencies and Influencing himself.

2) Interpersonal Competencies – The Second Sphere is when the Competencies are developed through interpersonal (me with you) influence

3) Team Competencies – The 3rd Sphere is when the development of competencies is when an Individual finds himself/herself with a group of People (influence by a Team environment) and it helps him/her grow in a team.

4) Organizational Competencies: The final Sphere is when an Individual develops competencies while leading the organization and it helps him/her grow in an organization.

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

Culturally Sensitive

Active LearnerSocially Responsible





Social Inclusiveness

Self Confidence


Results Orientation

Stakeholder focus



Developing Others

Resource Management

Self Awareness

Effective Communication

Innovation and Creativity

Org. Understanding





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Global Competency


These competencies are then clustered into the 4 change Agent Characteristics

The Indirect Impact of AIESEC

AIESEC wants to develop individuals would, after completing their AIESEC experience have a direct impact on society. Thus the Impact of AIESEC is indirect and competencies developed through AIESEC experience reflect that.

The Model is called the AIESEC Experience Leadership Competency Model.

AIESEC Experience because it is based on Competency development at each stage of AIESEC experience, and Leadership because the Objective of the model is to develop the 16 competencies which would develop the four change agent characteristics.

Change Agent in AIESEC’s Case = LEADER, so the 16 competencies are leadership Competencies

The Competency Framework- based on the 4 clusters

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

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Global Competency


Competency Definitions1. Respect - Having a feeling or attitude of admiration and deference toward

somebody or something

2. Empathy -The ability to identify with and understand another person’s feelings or difficulties

3. Adaptability - To be able to adjust easily to changes and new conditions

4. Social Inclusiveness relating to the way people in groups behaves and interacts and leverage on the cultural diversity. Involving everyone in the group in group decision making by inspiring trust and respect.

5. Self Confidence: confidence in oneself and ones own abilities. Managing and continually improving one's own performance

6. Negotiation: Working with others in order to reach an agreement. A successful negotiation is one where all parties are satisfied with the agreement

7. Results Orientation - Knowing what results are important and focusing resources to achieve them

8. Stakeholder Focus - Identifies key internal and external customers and works with them to understand their requirements and concerns

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

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Global Competency


9. Integrity -Demonstrates a sense of responsibility and commitment

10. Accountability -Accepts responsibility for actions and results. Sets goals which are clear measurable

11. Developing Others - Helping Other People grow personally and professionally. Invest time and energy in development of other's thereby developing AIESEC's capacity for future. Taking personal responsibility to mentor and coach future leaders and about enthusiastic to see others grow

12. Resource Management - Managing internal and external resources in a sustainable manner

13. Self Awareness - Having a balanced and honest view of your own personality, and often an ability to interact with others frankly and confidently

14. Communication - Clearly conveying and receiving messages to meet the needs of all

15. Innovation and Creativity - Taking risks, adapting quickly to change, leading the change process Innovation is the creation of new solutions for current challenges or a new approach to an old situation

16. Organizational Understanding: Understanding and commitment to Organization's Vision, Mission, Identity and strategic direction. Understanding who to approach and how to get things done

Where to use the Model? Use the Global Competency Model for the following

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

Before Induction

Do your Talent planning based on it

Do your Talent Marketing and promotions based it

Do you initial member Selections based on it

At the time of Induction

Induct your members based on the competencies of the introduction to AIESEC Stage

- Make members set their personal Goals and do a learning plan based on it. Refer to goal setting and learning plan based on the competency model

- Give members a copy of “How to develop competencies, which will help them make there own learning plan”After Induction – Taking

responsibility stage

Allocate people in different team based on their competencies and needs of teams and also based on the competencies and behaviours they want to develop.

Make a member development plan based on it and design training and learning activities based on the development needs of LC members

Make members self evaluate themselves (personal goals and Learning plan)

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Global Competency


Continuous Elements

Your Member Education and Training Cycle should be based on the competency Model

Your Rewards and Recognition should be based on the Competency Model Succession and Career Planning of members should be based on the

Competency Model

Golden rules for using the competency Model

The Competency Model should be used primarily as a development tool for members to enhance their performance, Competencies and the behaviors based these competencies. Members can choose which competencies they want to develop at each stage if they already have the rest.

In creating LC activities around the AIESEC experience, emphasis should be placed on creating opportunities that enable the LC membership to develop the competencies at different stages of the AIESEC experience.

With respect to selection, the competencies of the previous stage act as the selection criteria for the next stage. For example, the competencies of the Taking Responsibility stage should be the criteria for evaluation when someone applies for an EB role.

At different stage of the AIESEC experience people choose which competency and behaviours they want to develop, if they already have a particular competency and behaviours, they can concentrate on other competencies under the same stage

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model

Leadership Role

Selections should be based on the competencies developed in the last stage.

Make members self evaluate themselves (personal goals and Learning plan)

Manage member’s performance using the performance Management system


Selections should be based on the competencies developed in the last stage

Make people self evaluate themselves (personal goals and Learning plan)

People manage their own performance based on the competencies they lack and need to develop

Heading for the future

Give Training and skills based on the competency model and the heading for the future framework

Make members self evaluate themselves (personal goals and Learning plan)

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Global Competency


The behaviours developed at each stage are possible behaviours people develop, but they are not the only Behaviours which are possible to develop, they for sure can be more

A competency Framework will not work if it is used asNumbering scale rather than assessment

Assessment method can help Determine gap what is needed competencies gap is the base for people development strategy

How: Self assessment, assessment centre, 360

Focus on developing weakness

o Developing weakness is harder and has a lower pay back o Not all competencies can be learn & taught So gap for the new job

should be developed but never become the entire focus of the development plan

o Developing strengths has a much higher impact

Levels of Competencies

Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model


Demonstrates a very high level of understanding of the Particular competency to perform fully and independently related tasks. Frequently demonstrates application that indicates profound level of expertise. Can perform adviser or trainer roles. Work activities are carried out consistently with high quality standards.


Demonstrates a sound level of understanding of the particular competency to adequately perform related tasks, practically without guidance. Work activities are performed effectively within quality standards.

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Global AIESEC Experience leadership Competency Model


Demonstrates a relatively high understanding of the particular competency to be used in the work place, but requires guidance. Tasks or work activities are generally carried out under direction.


Demonstrates a sufficient understanding of the particular competency to be used in the work place.
