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Standard Operational Procedure AIESEC LC UI 2012/2013 A. Purpose of Standard Operating Procedure This Standard Operating procedure has several purposes: As a system in order to implement task management, and dealing with the given task for every functional As a guideline for every functional in practical and technical activities that connect to Organization Practices Help every functional to set their professional and personal goals also expectation to AIESEC as organization through every activities inside every functional As an implementation of organization knowledge base that makes duties, challenges, and consequences clear to every parties As a reference for other functional in order to implement collaboration system between every functional B. The Standard Operating Procedure Every Functional I. OGX GCDP A functional that responsible to manage Exchange Participant to go abroad for Global Community Development Program 1. General Flow Explanation Market Segmentation Promotion Recruitment Application Form Selection Focus Group Discussion Interview Pre Outgoing Exchange Seminar Raising Matching Outgoing Preparation Seminar Realization Reintegration


Standard Operational Procedure AIESEC LC UI 2012/2013

A. Purpose of Standard Operating Procedure

This Standard Operating procedure has several purposes:

• As  a  system  in  order  to  implement  task  management,  and  dealing  with  the  given  task  for  every  functional  

• As  a  guideline  for  every  functional  in  practical  and  technical  activities  that  connect  to  Organization  Practices    

• Help   every   functional   to   set   their   professional   and   personal   goals   also  expectation   to   AIESEC   as   organization   through   every   activities   inside  every  functional  

• As  an  implementation  of  organization  knowledge  base  that  makes  duties,  challenges,  and  consequences  clear  to  every  parties  

• As   a   reference   for   other   functional   in   order   to   implement   collaboration  system  between  every  functional      

B. The Standard Operating Procedure Every Functional


A functional that responsible to manage Exchange Participant to go abroad for Global

Community Development Program

1. General Flow Explanation

Market  Segmentation  



Application  Form  Selection  

Focus  Group  Discussion  


Pre  Outgoing  Exchange  Seminar  

Raising   Matching  

Outgoing  Preparation  Seminar  




1.1 Market Segmentation

Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program Members

conduct the following researches in the beginning of each quarter:

a. Internal Research shall recognized as Local Committee Universitas

Indonesia Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development

Research such as:

• Pre Exchange Questionnaire Analysis

• Post Exchange Questionnaire Analysis

b. External Research shall recognized as Local Community Universitas

Indonesia market and Traineeship Nominee Supply analysis such as:

• Student's availability research

• Student’s budget research

• Student’s amount research

• Traineeship Nominee research


Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program Relation

Team must create and maintain the promotional tools for OGX GCDP

promotion activities such as:

a. Online promotion, with the following marketing channels below:

• Official website of AIESEC Local Committee Universitas Indonesia.


• Official Facebook page of AIESEC Local Committee Universitas

Indonesia. http://www.facebook.com/groups/188196401225555/

• Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program’s

Facebook group page.


• Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program’s

registration email. [email protected]

b. Offline promotion, with the following marketing channels below:

• Posters and Flyers


Made by Communication Functional and OGX GCDP Functional

with the size of A3 International Paper for posters and A6

International Paper for flyers with showing the accurate composition

of AIESEC logo based on the Brand Visual Guideline.

• Booth

Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program

Relation Team open several booths in all faculties in Universitas

Indonesia and many universities outside Universitas Indonesia at the

most strategic spot in the area.

• Info Session

The info session’s participants will be from the people who apply for

EP selection or public participants.

• The Book of Exchange

Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program Team

will make a pinch book as the promotional tools for our GCDP.

2. Selection Process

2.1 The Global Community Development Program applicant must submit the

following documents on the specific deadline that’s is given by AIESEC

Universitas Indonesia:

• Global Community Development Program Application Form

• CV

2.2.The application form will be assessed by the OGX GCDP team with the

coordination from Talent Management functional.

2.3.The applicants who passed the application form selection must attend the

interview selection and interviewed by 2 (two) members who are already

trained by Talent Management functional.

2.4.The announcement of the selected applicants who become the exchange

participant will be held maximum on the day after tomorrow after the

interview for ongoing applicants and on the day that is agreed by the

selection committees for peak season applicants.


3. Vice President of Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development

Program is responsible for supervising and tracking all selection applicants

and results.

4. Pre Outgoing Exchange Seminar (hereafter, “Pre OPS)

4.1 Pre OPS must be held by Outgoing Exchange Global Community

Development functional, in coordination with the Talent Management

functional and Communication functional maximum within 7 (seven) days

after EP announcement.

4.2 Pre OPS can be held massively or in private if the EP is not be able to

attend the main Pre OPS.

4.3 Pre OPS materials require basic AIESEC and Exchange information such




c. Exchange Flow

d. Contract-signing

e. Expectation setting between EP and EP manager

4.4 Expectation setting between EP and EP manager is written and agreed on

the “Agreement of Expectation”.

4.5 Agreement of Expectation is a confidential agreement that is made by the

EP and EP manager regarding to every OGX process that will be done by

the EP manager.

4.6 Vice President of OGX GCDP is entitled to check the “Agreement of

Expectation” that is made by the EP and EP manager.

4.7 EP and EP manager must implement all the points that are agreed and

written on the “Agreement of Expectation.

4.8 Contract-signing procedure must be attended by at least the EP Manager

from Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program Team

under the authority from the higher level (Manager, Team Leader, or Vice

President of OGX GCDP).

4.9 EP has to pay 1.500.000 IDR for the sign contract fee to AIESEC Local

Committee Universitas Indonesia by cash or bank transfer.


4.10.Every bank transfer payment receipt must be reported to

[email protected] with the subject (OGX GCDP_sign contract


4.11.An EP manager must prepare the following documents for contract

signing process:

• 2 copies of GCDP EP contracts.

(Each EP has 2 numbers of contracts, GCDP EP contract numbering

will be handled by VP of OGX GCDP).

• 2 copies of Agreement of Expectation.

• 2 stamp duty for each contract

• 1 copy of sign contract receipt.

4.12.There are 2 types of sign contract receipt:

• Printed receipt

• Soft copy receipt: this receipt has to be CC-ed to

[email protected] with the subject (OGX GCDP sign

contract receipt).

4.13.GCDP EP Contract valid starts from Pre OPS until EP realization time.

4.14.EP Manager must be presence in the contract signing process and make

sure every Exchange Participant have a clear understanding about:

• Exchange Participant Contract.

• AIESEC Global Community Development Program Terms and


• Exchange Flow.

• Both parties’ rights and responsibilities and limit of liabilities that is

signed on “Agreement of Expectation”.

4.15.In terms of the EP is not be able to be matched with a project within 4

months duration because of the TN’s, AIESEC UI can’t refund the sign

contract fee.

4.16.GCDP EP Contract can be extended as long as there is a confirmation

from the EP with a valid reason.

4.17.EP must have done with all the Pre OPS procedure before proceeding to

the raising process.


4.18.EP manager is responsible to update the EP tracker to record all the EPs

who is already had the Pre OPS and pay the sign contract fee.

4.19.EP manager is responsible to collect GCDP EP contract to VP of OGX

GCDP on the last week of each month.

5. Raising

5.1.EP is obligated to pay for the sign contract fee before the EP form is

created in myaiesec.net, an EP who hasn’t pay the sign contract fee yet

can’t be raised on myaiesec.net.

5.2.EP is not allowed to raise their own EP form on myaiesec.net, this

process must be handled by the EP manager who is already trained by the

Outgoing Exchange Global Community Development Program Team.

5.3.EP manager shall fill the EP form with the correct information from the

EP that is written on student resume template or the EP’s Global

Community Development application form.

5.4.EP manager shall contact the Director of OGX GCDP of AIESEC

Indonesia since the form is generated on myaiesec.net.

5.5.The latest time for an EP manager to contact the Director of OGX GCDP

of AIESEC Indonesia is 2 (two) days after the form has been generated

on myaiesec.net.

5.6.An EP with status “new” on myaiesec.net will be rejected from the

system if the status is not be changed by the Director of OGX GCDP of

AIESEC Indonesia within 7 (days).

5.7.This process shall be recorded to OGX GCDP EP tracker based on the

EP’s 1st priority region preferences.


6. Matching

6.1. EP manager shall find a project that is suitable for the EPs.

6.2. EP manager is able to train the EPs to do the self-match system.

6.3. EP manager should use the following system to do the matching process:

• LC to LC Partnership between AIESEC Local Committee Universitas

Indonesia and other countries.

• Traineeship Nominee market tracker.

• Supply and Demand menu on myaiesec.net (hover to “AIESEC

Programmes tab).

• Demand Ranking (TN) menu on myaiesec.net (hover to “Global

Community Development Program tab).

6.4. EP manager should give correct information regarding to the EP’s

selection by the host Local Committee.

6.5. EP manager should give the Exchange Participant Acceptance Note and

other important letters regarding to the EP’s needs to go exchange.

6.6. EP manager should give the correct guidance regarding to the matching


6.7. This process shall be recorded to OGX GCDP EP tracker based on the

EP’s 1st priority region preferences.

6.8. The status “matched” of an EP is indicated by the exchanges between

Exchange Participant Acceptance Note (hereafter referred to as “EP

AN”) and Traineeship Nominee Acceptance Note (hereafter referred to

as “TN AN”) from EP Manager and TN manager.

6.9. TN manager must change the EP’s status into matched by the time the

TN manager send the TN AN to the EP or EP manager.

Spamming  /  LC  to  LC  

Partnership  uitilization  

Interview  between  EP  and  Host  LC  

EP  AN  and  TN  AN  signing  process  


6.10. In terms of the EP’s status hasn’t be changed into “matched” by the TN

manager within 8 (eight) days, EP manager is entitled to find another

project for the EP.

6.11. By the time EP status is changed into matched, the EP has to pay

1.000.000 IDR for the “matching fee” to AIESEC Local Committee

Universitas Indonesia by cash or bank transfer.

6.12. Every bank transfer payment receipt must be reported to

[email protected] with the subject (OGX GCDP_matching

fee payment).

6.13. EP manager is obligated to give a receipt to the EP who already pay the

matching fee, there are 2 (two) kind of receipt:

• Printed receipt

• Soft copy receipt: this receipt has to be CC-ed to

[email protected] with the subject (OGX

GCDP_matching fee receipt).

6.14. EP manager is responsible to update these activities to the EP tracker

based on the 1st preference country from the EP.

7. Preparation

7.1. OGX Relation Team Division must conduct an Outgoing Preparation

Seminar (hereafter referred to as “OPS”) for all outgoing EPs at least 2

(two) days before his/her departure date.

7.2. OPS can be conducted massively or in private if the EP can’t attend the

massive OPS.

7.3. EP Manager must be present at OPS held for his/her corresponding EP.

7.4. OPS must not be held in the Local Committee Office area.

7.5. EP holds the right for refreshment. Budget of each EP in one OPS is up

to 45.000 IDR. Please refer to Internal Policies for reimbursement


7.6. To ensure Quality, every OPS must contain:

• AIESEC Preparation

EPs should have the following preparation related to AIESEC.


a. All interns must have passed through a structured induction


Relevance of exchange to the AIESEC Way and What we


b. How to be an AIESEC ambassador- in the workplace and host


c. Expectations for AIESEC involvement in the host LC.

d. Overview of the exchange measurement system and/or


e. Set and review personal goals for the internship.

f. Fill out pre-internship survey.

g. Sharing your Exchange Experience Challenge.

• Safety and Logistics Preparation:

EPs should have the following preparation related to safety and


a. Health and travel tips

b. Basic safety precautions

c. What to bring and not to bring

• Country and Cultural Preparation:

EPs should have the following preparation related to culture.

a. Culture shock preparation and effective cross-cultural


b. Basic presentation on Indonesia and how to be a good


c. Reception booklet from hosting LC

• Professional Preparation

EPs should have the following preparation related to professional


a. Information about worst case experience.

b. Raising the proactiveness of the EPs.

7.7. EP can pay for the “matching fee” in the massive OPS.

7.8. EP can’t be realized before attending OPS.


7.9. This activity shall be recorded to OGX GCDP EP tracker based on the

EP’s 1st priority region preferences by each EP manager.

8. Realization

8.1. EP Manager hold accountable for EP exact departure and return dates,

and is responsible during the EP’s travel. All of these details must be

recorded into the EP tracker based on the EP’s 1st preferred country

8.2. EP Manager is required to keep progress of each EP, contacting them at

least three times during their stay abroad:

a. Upon arrival time

b. Middle-internship period (about 3 weeks after arrival)

c. On the final week before returning home.

8.3. EP manager is required to offer new opportunities for the EP to be taken

after the EP get back to Indonesia.

8.4. This process shall be recorded to OGX GCDP EP tracker based on the

EP’s 1st priority region preferences by the EP manager.

9. Reintegration

9.1. EPs are entitled to receive the Internship Certificate from AIESEC Local

Committee Universitas Indonesia, only after they have submitted all the

following documents:

• Pre-internship Questionnaire

• Post-internship Questionnaire

• Internship Feedback (photos, story, and video)

9.2. All of these documents must be submitted no later than two weeks after

the EP’s return date to the home country.

9.3. The internship certificate must be printed and given to the EP at least

one week after the document submission.

9.4. EP Manager is responsible for the collection of these documents, and

must be submitted to Vice President of OGX GCDP for documentation.


9.5. his process shall be recorded to OGX GCDP EP tracker based on the

EP’s 1st priority region preferences.


A functional that responsible to manage Exchange Participant to go abroad for Global

Internship Program.

Procedure of Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Programme

There are several procedure regarding to delivery process in OGX GIP, they are ;

1. Market Segmentation

In this Market Segmentation process, OGX GIP will have 2 Main activities

which are

1.1. Supply and Demand Research

This activities will be conduct by Research and Relation Team in order

to research about Internal Market based on myaiesec.net system. Supply

and Demand Research will held in every first week of every quarter.

1.2. Exchange Market Review Analysis

Market  Segmentation  



Application  Form  Selection  

Student  Review  Board    

Signing  Contract  +  Induction  (Setting  Expectation)  


Matching   Outgoing  Preparation  Day  




This activities will be conduct by Research and Relation Team

collaborate with Exchange Process Team in order to research about

external market of exchange and analysis on exchange rate from process

raising to matching and realize. Exchange Market Review Analysis will

be held in every one week before matching process start.

2. Promotion

OGX GIP Promotion will have 3 main activities, which are:

2.1. Social Media Promotion

This activities will be conduct by Research and Relation Team

collaborate with Communication Functional in order to make routine and

continue promotion about Global Internship Program from AIESEC

through social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and AIESEC

UI’s website (www.aiesecui.org)

2.2. Postering

This activities will be conduct by collaboration of Communication

Functional for brand audit (brand coach) with OGX GIP Team

2.3. Global Internship Info Session (Pre-OPS)

This activities will be conduct by Research and Relation Functional in

order to tap new market to be visit directly through Info Session about

Global Internship Programme, in this info session, at least Four (4)

Member of OGX GIP Team attend to give the session.

3. Intern Selection Process

3.1. Phase 1. Application Form Selection

• People who apply for AIESEC Global Internship Programme should

submit application package consisting:

- Completed AIESEC GIP Application Form

- Curriculum Vitae

Application  Form  

Selection    Phase  1  

Focus  Group  

Discussion  Phase  2  

Student  Review  Board    

Phase  3  


- Motivation Letter

- Permit Letter from applicant’s parent/ guardian

- Proof of TOEFL Score (TOEFL Prediction Score is allowed) within

minimum score 500+

• Applicant of AIESEC Global Internship Program should be at the

latest 2 years after graduation or not be older than 30 years old. For

AIESEC Member who has worked full time for AIESEC, have a

maximum 3 years after completing his full time AIESEC position or 3

years after completing last university degree.

• To pass the application form selection process, applicant should:

- Complete all parts of AIESEC Application Form

- Have at least one organizational/ internship/ working background

- Have right motivation toward AIESEC Global Internship Programme

(self development, cultural learning, international professional

working experience and not for receiving permanent residence in the

country of internship)

- Submit permit letter with signature of applicant’s parent/ guardian (if

only under 21 years old)

- Have minimum 500+ TOEFL score for Global Internship Programme

applicant (applicant is allowed to submit TOEFL prediction score


3.2. Phase 2. Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

FGD should be conducted with at least three applicants in one group.

3.3. Phase 3. Student Review Board

The Review Board is a group of panelists who perform the last selection

phase of candidates for the internship program through personal

interviews. Before having Review Board, applicants must pass the

general selection for exchange which includes focus group discussions

and interview selection held by the corresponding local committee.

4. Signing Contract & Set Expectation Process


4.1. In this signing contract process, it should be conducted by Exchange

Process Team, within the timeline of OGX GIP Signing Contract Week.

In this Signing

4.2. Contract session, Internship Consultant (EP Manager) should attend, and

assisted by two witnesses (AIESEC UI Member).

4.3. During contract signing, Intern should:

• Get information about country preference & visa procedure

• Get detail information about each article of Intern contract & break

match-realization document

• Pay raising fee and receive payment receipt from AIESEC LC

• Get detail information about matching process : TN interview, EP

AN-TN AN process

4.4. After signing contract process, at the same time, Internship Consultant

should give Intern, “Intern Set Expectation Template” as a procedure of

finding intern preferences, timeline, and deadline of matching process.

4.5. In additional condition such as :

Intern couldn’t attend the Signing Contract Week because of sickness,

staying outside JABODETABEK area, and unmet schedule of timeline

for signing contract, this process can be processed by Private Process

(out of the timeline of Signing Contract Week or via virtual within 2

approval from witnesses)

4.6. If intern do Raising Process without taking signing contract process, they

will be set into Rejected on the system, and can’t do raising process until

7 days after signing contract as the consequences.

5. Matching

5.1. should be supervise by Internship Consultant.

5.2. The intern can do matching process by Self Match process

5.3. internship Consultant should be easy contacted within their agreement

on Intern Set Expectation Template for timing of contacting.

5.4. Internship Consultant should make EP Acceptance Notes,in this process

EP Acceptance Notes should be done within the maximum timeline three

(3) days after Intern stated Match from TN.


5.5. Internship Consultant should get every information in this matching

process, regarding to TN documents & details such as TN AN, IL,

Reception Booklet, and should ensure those document already delivered

to Intern itself.

5.6. Internship Consultant and Intern should remember that while EP AN is

sent to a TN, Intern can not apply for other TN. If the Intern does not get

any feedback from TN until 10 days starting from the EP AN is sent,

Intern is allowed to apply for other TN. But if the Intern is already

interviewed by TN, Intern can not apply for other TN until he receives

announcement result of the interview.

5.7. Intern should understand XPP and aware of each article in Intern

contract & break match-break realization document.

6. Outgoing Preparation Day

6.1. OGX GIP Functional must conduct an Outgoing Preparation Day (OPS)

for all outgoing Intern at least 2 days before his/her departure date.

6.2. internship Consultant must be present at OPS held for his/her

corresponding Intern.

6.3. OPS must not be held in the Local Committee Office area.

6.4. The exchange participant holds the right for refreshment. Budget of each

EP in one OPS is up to Rp 40.000.

6.5. EP should get following preparations:

• AIESEC Preparation

Interns should have the following preparation related to AIESEC :

a. All interns must have passed through a structured induction


b. Relevance of exchange to the AIESEC Way and What we


c. How to be an AIESEC ambassador- in the workplace and host


d. Expectations for AIESEC involvement in the host LC

e. Overview of the exchange measurement system and/or



f. Set and review personal goals for the internship

g. Fill out pre-internship survey

• Safety and Logistics Preparation

Interns should have the following preparation related to safety and

logistics :

a. Health and travel tips

b. Basic safety precautions

c. What to bring and not to bring

• Country and Cultural Preparation

Interns should have the following preparation related to culture.

a. Culture shock preparation and effective cross-cultural


b. Basic presentation on Indonesia and how to be a good


c. Professional Internship Preparation (as Additional)

7. Realization

7.1. Internship Consultant hold accountable for Intern exact departure and

return dates, and is responsible during the Intern’s travel.

7.2. Internship Consultant is required to keep progress of each Intern,

contacting them at least three times during their stay abroad:

• Upon arrival time

• Middle-internship period (about 3 weeks after arrival)

• On the final week before returning home.

7.3. sending the EPs On-Going Internship Quality Survey to Intern after 3

Weeks of their Internship.

8. Re-Integration 8.1. Interns are entitled to an Internship Certificate, only after they have

submitted all the following documents: • pre-internship Questionnaire • On-Going Exchange Quality Survey • Post-internship Questionnaire • Internship Report

8.2. All of these documents must be submitted no later than one month after the Intern’s return date to the home country.


8.3. The internship certificate must be printed and given to the Intern at least two weeks after the document submission.

8.4. internship Consultant is responsible for the collection of these documents, and must be submitted to Vice President of Outgoing Exchange Global Internship Programme for documentation.

III. ICX GCDP Responsible for the incoming exchange par,cipant that coming to Indonesia for Global Community Development Program and also managing the Project Based on Exchange on our Local Committee

1. General Process Flow :

1.1. Raising

Raising is one of obligations of the ICX GCDP Team.The policy

adopted during the raising processs is:

a. Research

• DAAL analysis must be done every quarter by ICX Research &

Relation (RnR) Team. The result of DAAL analysis must be

submitted to [email protected] maximum 3 weeks

after the beginning of new quarter.

• ICX GCDP Team Responsible to create ICX GCDP Portofolio for

Exchange Participant about GCDP Opportunities in AIESEC LC

UI every quarter and will be published in the beginning of 2nd

month of every quarter.

b. Meeting

Meeting for all ICX GCDP Team wil lbe held at least once a month to

find out the progress of the process of raising.

c. At the day of MoU signing, TN Manager must bring an invoice from

Finance to the TN Taker at maximum 2 days before the signing day.

d. TN Fee must be paid at maximum 1 week after the invoice sent to

related TN Taker. Confirm the payment immediately to Controler

Manager or send the payment evidence to

[email protected].

e. After the MoU signed by both parties, it must be submitted to finance



f. TN Form must be raised at maximum 3 days after TN Manager

received Job Questionnaire from related TN Taker and inform VP

ICX GCDP immediately.

g. After TN Form raised, TN ID must be listed in the tracker from VP


1.2. Target of Raising

Target of Raising will be giveneachaquarterin thelistof NGOsmustbe

informedandto follow-uptotheagreement with theNGO. 1quarter=


1.3. Tracking Staff

ICXGCDPTNManager will do tracking to ICX-GCDP staff to know

the progress of raising every weekat theend of theweek(Sunday) and

report to VP ICX GCDP at maximum 23.59 on that day.

1.4. Responsibility to do Mark-Call

At the endof eachquarter, staff will be charge ofNGOswhohave

beencontactedto knowwhether thecooperationfinallyacceptedornot.

2. Matching

2.1. Matching Mania

Any staff required to follow the matching mania.

2.2. Spamming

Spammingissending email with the portfolio attached in itabout the

TNtoaLocalCommitteeonseveralcountriesthathave some EPs.

2.3. Making Invitation Letter, TN AN, and collect Pre-Arrival Questionnaire

• theorganizationsagreedfor the EPtoapplytojobsprovidedby them

• send Pre Arrival Questionnaire to the EP. After the EP sends their EP

AN & Pre Arrival Questionnaire

• GCDP TN Team must send their Invitation Letter & TN AN


3. Realizing

3.1. EP Buddy System

EP buddy assigned to accompany the EP with important info about

Indonesia, such as: the transportation system, the norms

that exist and apply here.


3.2.Pre-Arrival Preparation

• TN Team will give the data of the EP that has been match to the ICX

GCDP Q&S team and the Q&S will send the pre arrival package to

the EP and the team will quickly assign the EP buddy for that EP.

• ICXGCDPQ&S and GCDP TN Team responsible to create

Incoming Preparation Seminar (IPS) for upcoming interns before

their arrival. If it’s not possible to do it before their arrival, both team

are responsible to give orientation after the EP arrived in Indonesia

before they start their internship.

3.3. Airport Pick Up

ICXGCDP Q&S& OC Exchangeis responsiblefor pick-upEP in

theairport if it is unable to come it can ask help to the

other members of ICX. If all are absent, the EP will be asked to ride

Damri Bus by its own (the info about Damri is already exist in the pre-

arrival package). If the EP can’t be picked up the EP will be let known

via Email, SMS, or Skype so there will be no miscommunication. The

TN managers have to inform the Q&S Team about the picking-up at

least a week before the arrival.

3.4.Host Family

ICX GCDP Q & S& OC Exchange is responsible for providing host-

family for the incoming EP. If indeed the EP does not want to live in the

host family, it’s the Q&S job to help them finding a suitable rent room (the

rental costs will be paid by the EP). Every host family must fill the

application form to become host family.

3.5.Visa Extension

ICXGCDPQ&S& OC Exchange is responsible to extend Exchange

Participant’s Visa if it’s needed. Exchange Participant must inform

ICXGCDPQ&Sat maximum 1 week before their Visa expired.

3.6.Exchange Activities Tracking

• ICXGCDPRnR Team responsible in monitoring exchange activities

of the incoming EP’s by taking quotation/informal report about their

job in their end of the first week and the end of the job.


• ICXGCDPRnR&responsible in monitoring the TN by visiting the

workplaceonce in two weeks and giving midterm survey report &

endterm survey report.

• Report must be submitted at the end of visit week (Sunday) to

[email protected].

3.7.Service and Learning Activities

• ICXGCDPQ&S Team responsible to create welcoming & farewell

party for all incoming EP in AIESEC LC UI.

• ICXGCDPQ&S Team also responsible to create service and learning

activities for all incoming EP in AIESEC LC UI such as gathering or

weekend activities that can introduce our culture etc.

3.8. Evaluation

• Host Family Evaluation

ICXGCDPQ&S and OC Exchange is responsible to establish a review or

two about host family program, whether there are some disputes among

the EP & host family or not. This evaluation can be seen from 2

perspectives, which are the EP’s &host family’s; in order to get a clear

explanation about the condition.EP Evaluation

a. ICXGCDPQ&S Team and OC Exchange is responsible to harmonize

the expectation from the EP about her/his internship here; if

something happens out of that expectation itself, find a way out to

bring in into the very first line, which is her/his expectation from the

first time.

b. The evaluation divided into 2 parts, 1st is in the middle of their

internship (end of week 3), which is Mid Term Evaluation for Host

LC & TN Taker, and 2nd one is in the end of their internship (end of

week 6), which are NPS for host LC and End Term Evaluation for

TN Taker.

c. The filled evaluation sheet must be submitted at maximum 1 week

after it sent to Exchange Participant related.Submit it to

[email protected]

i. NGO Evaluation


a. Evaluationmust be done byICXGCDP TN Team& Research &

Relation Team tosee whether NGO is satisfiedon the performance

oftheEPornot. Thiswillbe input forAIESECUI.

b. The evaluation divided into 2 parts, 1st is in the middle of internship

period (end of week 3), which is Mid Term Evaluation for LC UI &

Exchange Participant, and 2nd one is in the end of internship period

(end of week 6), which is End Term Evaluation for LC UI &

Exchange Participant.

c. The filled evaluation sheet must be submitted at maximum 1 week

after it sent to Exchange Participant related. Submit it to

[email protected].


Responsible for the incoming exchange participant that coming to Indonesia

for internship in professional sector, such as companies etc.

1. ICX Flow

The ICX flow consists of three main parts, which are : raising, matching,

and realizing.


The raising part of the ICX Process consists of sales preparation and


a. Sales Preparation

This includes:

• Internal and External Analysis

• Targeting

• Positioning Strategy

b. Selling

The process of marketing is about finding out your customer

needs and finding a way to satisfy them through the Global

Internship Program, while clearly communicating the purpose

and objectives of the program.

c. How to get referrals


i. Who do you know?

ü Parents, relatives, lecturers, friends and their family,

partners at work, alumni, BoA, interns, EP, etc.

ii. What is their profile? Who do they know? In which


ü Which organizations do your parent and relatives work


ü What do your lecturers teach and are they possibly

affiliated with other organization?

iii. Create a map of connection

ü You know the sectors you are targeting. Who has

information or contacts in your target sector?

iv. Combine your network maps with your sales team

ü Identify any links between the contacts in your sales

team. Set goals and targets for getting the contacts and


v. Approach your networks

ü Talk to people you’ve identified as being able to help

you to approach the sector/company you are targeting.

d. Marketing meeting and presentation

1. First meeting

• marketing package :

• Marketing folder

• AIESEC proposal about explanation of AIESEC and

GIP for partnership that must be printed (see the

sample on the other doc)

• Presentation about AIESEC and the GIP in PPT à if



• Job Questionnaire form

• Sample EP profile from myaiesec.net

• Recommendation letter from current TN à if any

• Business card

• The rundown:

1) Ice breaker

2) Set the agenda

3) Discuss AIESEC’s vision and purpose

4) Probing

5) The solution

6) Closing

2. Second meeting

Sections that are crucial on the job questionairre form:

1) Job description (JD)

2) Duration and dates of internship

3) Region of the world

4) Salary and administration fee

3. Third meeting

Things to be brought:

1) Job Questionnaire à 2 copies

2) Memorandum of Understanding à2 copies

3) AIESEC stamp or 2 pieces materai 6.000

4) Invoice and receipt for first payment (50%)

of administration fee

1.2. Matching

The matching process is part of the delivery process.


a. Preparation

1. Ensure the Job Questionnaire is MATCH-ABLE.

Those that raise forms should ensure that they are

matchable and of high quality. Sources of help:

i. Talk to interns to get their input and feedback on

re-signs and also types of jobs.

ii. Use knowledge that you have about international


iii. Look at the statistic in myaiesec.net! See what the

exchange numbers are and what areas are in the

most and the least demand.

iv. Email your national team if you have any

questions about quality or matchability of any


2. Key parts of the Job Questionnaire form

i. Job Description

ii. Academic and Working Background Qualifications

iii. Regional Preferences

iv. Start Date and Duration

b. Steps to match a TN

1. Job Questionnaire form is entered into MyAIESEC.net

i. Person who raised a new TN enters the JQ form


ProgrammesàTeam MemberàPartnership

ManagementàAdd Organization/Project

ii. Once the Organization/Project is successfully

addedàCreate TN Form

iii. Send an e-mail to the National Board (MC) in

order to change the status of the form: New à


2. Searching for EPs


i. When you start matching, you have to find as

many suitable EPs as possible and attract them

to send you an EP acceptance note (which

means commitment to come to your LC).

ii. Prepare a motivational email, which you can

send to the EPs. Small advice is that you should

send a personal email, rather than a spam,

because the chances to get response will be


3. Possibilities to find the best EPs in MyAIESEC.net:

1) Find a suitable EP - function

2) Free search EP Database

3) Urgent to match list (exchange menu)

4) Keep checking the TN Match Monitor, if

somebody has shown interest on your TN form.

5) Networks, personal contacts, etc.

ü For example, look project wikis from


6) Answer queries from abroad.

ü Try to reply to every email you receive

4. Pre-selecting EP candidates

When the contacted EPs will positively respond to

your email (interest), ask for following material to be

send to the organization at the same time and do not

forget to double check each of this documents:

ü CV

ü Motivation Letter - (ask for specific one for your

TN, not a general one)


ü EP Acceptance Note (scanned version) with the

dates of preference and the signature of the EP.

5. Resume presentation

6. Setting up phone interviews

i. If the company asks to have phone interviews

before selecting the EP candidates, we should

arrange the time to do that.

ii. A good way to schedule interviews is to get time

slots from the company suitable for them and then

let each EP pick one.

iii. Get the phone number of the candidate and of the

company interviewer. Tell the company to call the

candidate. If the company prefer, we could

accompany when they do the interview.

iv. If we accompany the company interviewer,

when it is done we could discuss the result

directly. Or the day after the phone interview,

phone/email the company to ensure that

everything is ok.

v. Follow up within the next couple days to find

out which EP the company has selected.

7. Acceptance procedure

i. When the EP agrees to go on an internship, the

EP after talking to the EP manager sends the

EP acceptance note.

ii. The TN manager within the time of expiry of

the acceptance note, replies of acceptance or

non acceptance of the EP

iii. Once accepted, EP needs to confirm the same

on insight, the EP cannot deny the internship


once he/she has accepted the internshipbefore

showing it to the TN.

iv. The TN registers the final match post this.

v. EP cannot accept any other internship once he

has said a yes to a particular TN and sent his

acceptance for the same.

8. Post-match procedure and preparation

i. AIESEC Preparation

- Prepare the intern for integrating into the

local AIESEC reality

- Start with basic information prior to


ii. Logistics Preparation

- Visa preparations (visa used will be the

social cultural visa)

- Preparations for accommodation (kos-


- Temporary host family for intern (if

suitable living place for intern hasn’t

been found yet)à Be clear about

housing information (internet access

availability, fee for housing, etc.)

- Provide information regarding local laws

and issues

- Arrange pick-up from airport services

iii. Cultural preparation

- Provide information about local cultures

and customs

- Provide information on local places of


iv. Professional preparation


- Provide information on the local

business culture

- Provide information on the

organizational culture of TN (if


- Provide information on general work


- Provide information on preparations that

interns would need to do related to work

- Provide information on expectations of

various industries or types of



There are several parts to realizing an intern, which are :

a. Intern Reception

This Process includes :

i. Airport Pick up

the intern should be informed about who will pick him or her at

the airport. The name and the telephone number of the person

should b egiven to the intern.

ii. Home Stay

the intern should stay for at least 1 night and 2 days with an

AIESEC member who will help the intern to understand the city

and understand how this country works. During this period

AIESEC is responsible to get the intern registered (if necessary)

as well as ensure that the intern has got a local map and a local


b. intern Induction into the Organization

This process includes:

i. Taking the intern to the organisation/company for the

first time.


ii. The TN manager should introduce the intern to the

company/organization representatives.

iii. The company/organisation needs to be introduced to


iv. There should be a clear expectation setting which

should include 3 people The TN manager, the Intern,

the company/organisation representative who is in

charge of the internship.

c. Visa Application

i. Apply socio cultural visa:

• The period of internship is< 6 months.

• Socio cultural visa is valid for 2

months.Documents needed:

1. Invitation letter from AIESEC (see

sample A)

2. ID (KTP) card sponsor à optional

ii. The procedure :

1. After matched, ask for personal information from the

intern, such as Full Name (as stated in the passport

beholder), Date of Birth, Address, Nationality, and

Passport Number.

2. This Information is used to make document no 1,

which would be a sponsor to guarantee the intern. For

most of LC, invitation letter from AIESEC is enough.

But in case there is LC which needs recommendation

letter from university (Dean), the procedure could be

read at procedure to apply VITAS below.

3. Send document no 1 - 2. The ID card is optional. The

embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in some


countries (e.g. the Netherlands) might require ID card

of the inviting people.

4. Ask the intern to call or make a visit to the Embassy

of the Republic of Indonesia, asking for required

documents in order to be able to apply for the Social

Cultural Visa. This visa application form will cost

some money in which the amount is still vague,

depends on the country in which the Embassy exists.

5. This visa application form is to be filled by the intern

and returned to the Embassy officials along with the

required documents mentioned above. Also as

standard visa application, intern will be asked to

include their air flight ticket (with return ticket every

so often), original passport, and 2 pieces of 4x6


6. Approval of visa application will usually be swift

upon completion of the necessary documents and

takes not more than 14 working days.

iii. Additional Information:

1. Putting length of duration of internship in the

Invitation Letter and/or Recommendation Letter is

not necessary, unless requested by the intern


2. TN Acceptance Note is not necessarily needed for

the visa application. This is usually needed by the

sending LC to formalize the “matched” status.

3. Return date on air flight ticket preferably be on

“open” status if Embassy officials requested the

intern to include as well the return ticket.

4. prepare in advance and be swift in the visa

application procedure


5. Never forget that the interns are here for a Cultural

Education Exchange Program (CEEP) and not work.

Hence they will not generate “income/salary”.

Otherwise this will arouse problems with the


6. make at least 3 (three) copies of all the documents

required to apply for visa.Renew socio cultural visa:

iv. The social cultural should be extended every month

after the expiration of the 2 months.

v. The maximum extensions are 4 times (at 6th month)

• Documents needed:

1. VISA’s form (bought in immigration office)

2. Letterfrom AIESEC (sponsor) + AIESEC


3. ID card sponsor

4. Passport

• The procedure :

1. Bring documents no 1 - 4 to the local

immigration office. Intern sometimes does not

need to come to the immigration office.

2. Fees are Rp 250.000 for Visa, Rp 10.000 for

materai, Rp 10.000 for photocopy.

vi. Convert socio culture visa to VITAS:

• If the intern will stay for > 6 months, there are 2

ways to extend the visa.

• First is by coming to Indonesia Embassy in

Singapore in order to apply for new socio culture


• But there is easier way that is by converting socio

culture visa to VITAS.


• It should be done when renew the 5th visa to the

6th visa.

• Documents needed:

1. Visa’s form

2. Letterfrom AIESEC (sponsor) + AIESEC


3. ID card sponsor

4. Passport

5. Letterfrom DIKNAS

• The procedure :

1. Before convert it, get document no 5 at

Jakarta. The procedure will be explained at

the procedure to apply VITAS.

2. Once document no 5 is ready, bring

documents no 1 - 5 to the local immigration


3. Fees are Rp 700.000 for Visa, Rp 30.000 for

photo, Rp 15.000 for finger print, Rp 10.000

for materai, Rp 10.000 for photocopy.

V. Communication

Communication arrange the general instrument of communication in AIESEC UI. It consist the procedure of communication, using brand management, using promotion tools, the moment of truth, information management, media relation, raising media, and creative and promotion regulations.

Hereby the Standard Operate Procedure of Communication functional: 1. Each member of AIESEC UI must have the myaiesec.net account, and

utilize it while they interact with external as AIESEC representatives. The account should contain the signature in their email that will be updated each time AIESEC UI have new official local partner.

2. After member (or later on be the key account manager) raise new partner, he/she must send the partner's logo (logo with no background is the must) to [email protected] as soon as the MOU signed.


3. Communication functional provides the platforms and tools that need to be utilize well to support our AIESEC UI activities:

a. www.aiesecui.org b. Internal newsletter, published at the end of 2nd and 4th week

each months c. External newsletter (for public, parents, corporate),

published each 2 months d. Internal wall magazine e. External wall magazine f. Slot in media partners g. AIESEC UI YouTube account h. AIESEC UI Twitter account i. AIESEC UI Facebook Fanpage j. Promotional tools (3 standing banner, 1 backdrop, 1 banner)

4. Brand Management In General

a. Writing the word “AIESEC” should always be written in capitals, wherever possible.

b. There will be a brand coach assigned for each functional and projects.

5. Promotional tools a. All promotional or publication tools must follow the Global

Brand Visual Guidelines wiki http://www.myaiesec.net/content/viewwiki.do?contentid=10067369

b. All promotional or publication tools must contain: i. National partners of AIESEC Indonesia (If only it is a national

project) ii. Local partners of AIESEC UI

iii. Website : www.aiesecui.org iv. Twitter : @AIESEC_UI v. E-mail : [email protected]*

c. If there’s no specific email about the event/program : i. Any promotion tools (either created by functional or OC

communication of projects) must be audited first by the Promotion & Creative team before being published or printed.

ii. If there’s any promotional tools that is already published and/or printed before being audited by the Promotion & Creative team, yet didn’t fulfill the Brand Guidelines, the promotional tools have to be recalled, until it fulfill the brand visual guidelines.


iii. The loss from the recalled promotional tools that is already printed before being audited will be under the responsibility of the team in charge for the promotional tools.

d. Regulation for using the LC promotional tools LC promotional tools available for members to use:

i. AIESEC Global Descriptor Logo banner ii. 3 (three) roll banner iii. Backdrop iv. All LC promotional tools are under the responsibility of

the Promotion & Creative manager. v. To use the LC promotional tools, member has to ask for

permission to the Promotion & Creative manager at least 2 (two) days before execution and give them back to the Promotion & Creative manager no longer than 24 hour after usage.

vi. Members should fill in the form provided by the Promotion & Creative manager before borrowing the LC promotional tools.

vii. Any major damage (such as torn, dirt, stained and anything

which could make them less functional) or loss occurred to the LC promotional tools are subjected to be recovered by the borrower (no exception)

6. The moment of truth a. Members who interact with external as AIESEC UI’s representative

should give their best to deliver the high quality experience for external. (e.g. deliver the promise well, use the proper and nice language)

b. Member must not share their bad experience and/or high workload in AIESEC on any social media.

c. Using right grammar is an obligatory in any appearances of AIESEC UI on any medias (e.g. twitter, website, form, promotional tools, survey, etc).

7. Information Management

a. Information Management Manager i. The Information Management manager is the center of

information of AIESEC UI. ii. The Information Management manager is the one who

will: • Spread the information via email to all member • Manage the website www.aiesecui.org • Manage the overall internal communication of



• Manage the data of AIESEC UI overall activities • Be the ‘local musketeer’ of myaiesec.net

b. Every functional that needs to spread any information to our members or public via Information Management Manager, the content maximum has to be sent to the IM Manager at 9 PM on that day if the information want to spread on the same day. If its overtime, the information will spread in the next day.

c. The information management manager could only spread regular email to all members between 5 AM until 10 PM.

d. There is an internal wall magazine in the LC Office, each member could utilize the internal wall magazine by write any updates and/or information that willing to be communicate to any parties within AIESEC Universitas Indonesia.

e. There will be an internal newsletter each 2 weeks (at the end of 2nd and 4th week each month) that will be made and spread by the IM manager, each functional could announce any information as long as it’s beneficial to AIESEC UI. The content should:

i. Be sent to the IM manager [email protected] at least on Friday of the 2nd and 4th week of the month.

ii. Already be uploaded on wiki before the internal newsletter spread.

8. Media Relation

a. Responsible in creating, building, and maintaining AIESEC UI relation with media partners. Support LC’s external communication by ensure there are media exposure about AIESEC UI.

b. Media Relation Manager’s obligation: • Media Relation Manger will divide PIC for every media that

has already raised. • Media Relation manager check media obligations

minimum once a week. • Control everything that stated on MOU, if medias don’t

doing they promise we have to follow up and we must follow up minimum three times in a week. if medias have say “yes” we have to check it, whether

• Media Relation manager must check our obligation which stated in MOU to media in LC promotion tools every once a week.

• Count number of media appearances in LC promotion tools every once a week

• MR manager must have all MOU or kontraprestasi. c. Media Relation staff’s obligatory:


• Raise media partner for LC UI, every raise 1 media they get 1 point (TM)

• Evaluate and count spot that left in media their in charge every a week.

• Give a report to media relation manger every week about progress in raise media

9. Raising Media:

a. Every promise that Media Relation gives to medias must be realistic, so it easier for MR to do our promise with medias. Promise depends on what media can give to us.

b. Every people who are going to meeting with media have to prepare kontraprestasi and MOU, minimum two copies each

c. Before meeting with media, must doing reconfirm with medias about the schedule. When the meeting cancel, must rearrange the schedule as soon as possible. Maximum re-arrange meeting in two weeks.

d. Three types period of media partnership is 3 months, 6 months and 1 year. Be flexible on the type of partnership.

e. In utilizing media partners: • When other functional is going to utilitize medias promises,

such as blocking time/ adlips or poster, must inform MR minimum two weeks before.

• Every content must be checked by PR team and based on brand visual guidelines

f. Evaluation: • MR team and medias must doing evaluation every quarter, to

evaluate our performance . Call the media • Must have minimum two copies of MOU or

kontraprestasi, one keep it in LC and other one keep in MR manager.

• Send celebration card to medias every National Holiday Celebration such as Christmas, Idul Fitri, New Year, etc via email or postcards.

• Media relation will do the media visit at least every 6 months

9. Promotion & Creative a. The Promotion and Creative team is responsible to support the

internal and external communication of AIESEC UI by managing the promotion for any of AIESEC UI’s activities, in terms of direct and indirect (visual) promotions. Make sure the Brand Guidelines in terms of promotional tools are well implemented

b. All members are expected to understand the Brand Experience (especially OC Communication of Projects).


c. The Promotion & Creative manager is the main auditor for the Brand Visual Guidelines for AIESEC UI promotional tools.

d. Brand Audit: • Every promotional or publication tools and products (such as

shirt, notes, pin, bag, etc.) are ALL subjected to the brand audit before get published

• The promotional or publication tools that will be audited MUST BE submitted to P&C and PR Manager AT LEAST 1 (one) week before the print/publish deadline.

e. P&C Manager is responsible with the visual design while PR Manager is responsible for the contents/words used.

f. Auditing will take time min. 1 day and max. 2 days. g. Tools that are not pass the Brand Audit must be revised with no

exception. The Promotion & Creative team is not responsible for the revision.

h. In case • Each communication manager will be assigned to do brand

coach for projects related with their specialties. • Each manager should use the brand coaching booklet • Managers should forward the communication policies to the

OC Communication after the brand coaching • More than half of the organizing committees (50%+1) must

attend the brand coaching session. • Managers should encourage the OC Communication to make

interesting, eye-catching, and informative promotional tools. • Managers should also encourage the OC Communication to

do a little survey about whether the promotional tools they made are interesting or not

• for tools that are published before being audited, they have to be recalled if they do not pass the Brand Audit (no exception)

i. For functional: • Every functional are subjected to understand the policies

number 9. a-,h • Any additional promotional tools designs which are not

mentioned on Promotion & Creative team timeline are subjected to be requested maximum 2 (TWO) months before execution.

j. Regulation for Brand Coaching: k. Do utilize the AIESEC promotional videos from AIESEC

International l. There is an external wall magazine in building A Faculty of Economy

Universitas Indonesia, each functional and project could utilize it by informing the Promotion & Creative at least on 2nd day of each months


V. External Relation External Relation arrange the general instrument of having relation with other legal people or legal institution. It consist the procedure of market research, marketing call, meeting, memorandum of undestanding, documantation and fulfillment agreement, Stakeholder Relationship Management, Alumni engagement. Hereby the standard operating procedure of External Relation Functional:

1. Market Research

Prior to approach external stakeholders, every ER member should: i. Conduct internal research, which will be started with external relation

internal coordination (concept of ER Garage), then continued with functional coordination (concept of ER Jogo Bonito). It shows the process of internal research will be strongly and comprehensively standardized since its beginning phase.

ii. Conduct external research to define potential stakeholder that will provide relevant benefit to AIESEC LC UI. Its purpose will be to verify information from previous step and get to more real and technical inputs of the target of External Relation.

iii. Create research output by using provided research template iv. Submit research output to VP ER, in which ER will analyze and input

the data to the template of ER Target Database. The result of process analysis will be given to team members in charge of the process.

v. Notes: • The steps are applied to the process of market research for OC

Marketing. • Stakeholders that will be approached by project OCs will be compiled to

VP ER to ensure market coordination

2. Marketing Call a. Prior to conducting marketing call, every ER member should have

contact person (CP ) of the organization / stakeholder that going to be approached

b. Every marketing call conducted with the aim of having a meeting and deliver the proposal to potential stakeholders

c. ER member shall keep tracking their progress by filling in progress report (provided in Excel form)

d. ERs Manager shall keep tracking their progress by compiling progress report from their subordinates in regular interval ( weekly is strongly preferred )

e. VP ER shall keep tracking overall ER performance by having regular meeting with ER Managers ( weekly is strongly preferred )

f. VP ER shall keep tracking overall marketing call progress of every projects through regular hearing, and then will pass it to other ER member


3. Meeting a. Every meeting with stakeholders should be attended by maximum of

three people from AIESEC LC UI. All of the members will attend should be reported to Vice President of External Relation one day before. It will be included of reason and consideration in choosing the person who will be the representatives of AIESEC UI.

b. Before the meeting, Representatives have to do the internal research (as the concept has mentioned in the previous explanation) and report the data and objectives to the leader in charge (it could be VP or Manager).

c. In every meeting, ER member should bring: • Copies of relevant booklet and proposal • Presentations about the booklet and proposal

d. In meeting with AIESEC LC UI stakeholders, ER member should present AIESEC by the side of the relevancy of potential partner, It explains that not only preparation in business side needed, but also understanding of AIESEC comprehensively.

e. About the internal meeting, ER members should fill the column of Agenda, which are conclusion, discussion, action steps, and deadline, as the output of internal meeting.

4. Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

Memorandum of Understanding ( MoU ) is a formalized agreement between AIESEC LC UI and external stakeholder, in which each parties agreed to provide benefits to each other, while having some obligations to each sides.

a. After agreement is reached, one person from ER division or AIESEC LC UI shall conduct formalized agreement with the stakeholders through Memorandum of Understanding

b. Memorandum of Understanding should at least include : • Date and number of agreement • Name and position of representative from AIESEC LC UI

and the organization / stakeholder • Rights and obligations from AIESEC LC UI side to the

stakeholder • Rights and obligations from stakeholder side to AIESEC LC

UI • Signatures and authorized stamps from AIESEC LC UI and

the stakeholder c. After signed, every Mou should have three copies, which is

• One for the stakeholder • One for AIESEC LC UI’s documentation • Scanned version of both copies

5. Documentation & Fulfillment of Agreement a. ER Division is responsible of ensuring all rights and obligations

from stakeholders and AIESEC LC UI are accomplished


b. ER Division is responsible for tracking every activities, projects, or events that have obligations to stakeholders

c. ER Division is responsible for tracking every activities, projects, or events to ensure stakeholders fulfill their obligations to AIESEC LC UI

d. Should the rights and obligations from both parties not concluded at the deadline of agreement, both parties will have a meeting to discuss about the fulfillment.

e. ER Division should create documentation of every event that involves external stakeholders of AIESEC LC UI

f. ER Division should, together with the OCs of the projects and other events, create documentation about the fulfillment of obligations to external stakeholders. Example :

• Pictures of stakeholder’s logo present in agreed locations • Pictures of external speakers deliver presentation in

AIESEC LC UI activities • Pictures of promotion materials with external stakeholder’s

presence • Videos of external stakeholder’s brand being mentioned in

the event g. ER Managers are responsible for compiling all MoUs and

documentations from each sub – division to VP ER h. VP ER are responsible for ensuring the documentations are

delivered to the stakeholders

6. Stakeholder Relationship Management

a. Strategic Relationship Management This is the strategy to build the relationship management based on the specific quality needed of each target of market. It will make any special treatment for any strategic partner. The standard of relationship management will be standardized by relation functional.

b. External Newsletter • All member of ER division are held responsible to create

External Newsletter, comprised on summaries of AIESEC LC UI activities

• to AIESEC UI stakeholders, alumni, and BoA • ER Division will create the content, and coordinate with

Communication Division to make final design of newsletter

7. Alumni Engagement – (as explained in the first part of the procedure)

a. Networking Event , ER representatives will frequently participate in networking event, which are correlated with current or target partner engagement. In the other side, ER AIESEC UI will play active role in creating networking event, named CNN as the main


networking event and any other specific need based networking event.

b. Gala Dinner. Gala Dinner is annual event of AIESEC LC UI, and a long – standing tradition in which we deliver our gratitude to all stakeholders of AIESEC LC UI through formal dinner invitation.

• Gala Dinner will be held once in June of every term of AIESEC LC UI

• Gala Dinner will be conducted by all member of ER Division

• Preparation of Gala Dinner will be done one month and a half prior to event, and that shall include :

i. Compilation of all stakeholders’ database of AIESEC LC UI, both recent and standing

ii. Invitation to all stakeholders to attend Gala Dinner, both with written template and on-line template through e-mails

iii. Following up attendance confirmation from representatives of stakeholders

iv. Preparing the Gala Dinner venue, food & drinks, and other. Approximately for 100 – 200 people

v. Ensuring all AIESEC LC UI member acknowledge the event and attend it.

vi. Prepare presentations about AIESEC LC UI general performance and activities throughout the year

vii. Prepare symbolic gesture such as certificates, year – end videos, or other things to express our thanks to those stakeholders

VI. Project Development

Project Development arrange the regulation of doing some project that improve, develop skill, and participation of AIESEC UI member or some project that give the opurtunity for AIESEC UI member to contribute something in case of developing neighbourhood. It consist the procedure of youth engagement activity, Stakeholder Relationship management, AIESEC Buddy Community,

“Youth Engagement Activity” Procedure:

1. Research and Establish Partnership

a. Research activity includes doing research about youth as the target participants and research about youth organizations or other external parties to collaborate in conducting an event or a project.


b. Youth research is conducted through in-depth interview and online questionnaire.

c. To ensure the representativeness of research result, the research should, at least, have 6 samples from each university or community targeted.

d. Youth research result will be published through internal communication channel and communicated to LCVP related.

e. Following the partnership establishment, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) should be created. MoU is a formalized agreement between AIESEC LC UI and external stakeholder, in which each parties agreed to provide benefits to each other, while having some obligations to each sides.

2. Program Creation a. Program created must be in line with the information gained from the

research. b. Program created can be a program that is only run by Project

Development function, collaboration program with other functions in LCUI, or collaboration program with other organizations and communities.

c. All programmes from all functionals which are related to youth engagement have to be audited by “EwA Activity Filtering”.

3.Program Evaluation Program evaluation takes place in 2 forms :

a. NPS for participants to evaluate the deliverable quality of the project/event.

b. Evaluation session about the project delivered and team condition with OC and EB.

4. Stakeholder Relationship management a. Every youth that has ever participated in one of AIESEC activities

will be invited to AIESEC Buddy Community. b. Every database of youth participants of LC event & project should be

submitted to Youth Engagement R&D Manager to be updated in AIESEC Buddy Google Spreadsheet Database.

c. Database of the participants include following information • Name • University/School • Faculty & major • Age • Phone number • Email Address • Facebook username/email • Twitter username

5. AIESEC Buddy Community has physical platform through short term activity held, at least once a quarter, and virtual platform through Facebook group.


6. The external project report must be delivered to external stakeholders which has supported the project/event.

VII. Expansion

Expansion arrange the process of AIESEC LC UI expansion to some universities that prepare it self to become a local chapter of AISEC Indonesia . It consist the procedure of the expansion flow, information flow, finance flow, exchange flow, trainings, coaching, and meeting

Hereby the Standard Operating Procedure of Expansion Functional:

1. The expansion flow might be seen as an uncommon raising-matching realization flow in AIESEC. The whole process is done considering the stages of the expansion team based on the AIESEC Indonesia Compendium, which for term 12/13 may be broken down into:

a. Raising This stage is where the expansion team are still being built, known as ‘Applicant Stage’ in AIESEC Indonesia Compendium. During the raising process of an expansion team, The Team shall be in touch with Vice President of Expansion of the potential Sister-LC and the MCVP of Expansion to fulfill the criteria of being an applicant according to the AIESEC Indonesia Compendium.

b. Matching, Known as ‘Initiative Expansion Stage’ in AIESEC Indonesia Compendium, in which the respected expansion team is being in the induction part of AIESEC operational and system, to ensure the team is capable to run their own LC in the future by fulfilling the Expansion Criteria and, additionally for Expansion under LCUI, the 10 Expansion Obligation (stated below). During the matching process, The Team shall be in touch with the VP Expansion of the assigned Sister-LC and the Expansion Functional according to the communication flow (stated below).

c. Realization, Known as ‘Official Expansion Stage’ in AIESEC Indonesia Compendium, in which the respected expansion team is able to run its operation and is aiming to fulfill the membership criteria to be a full member LC. During this stage, The Team is given the authority to contact the MCVPs straight and to create their own strategy and is given the trust to run their LC and only reports to the VP Expansion and Expansion Controlling Manager.

2. Information Flow

a. The VP Expansion will be tracking the progress ONLY through the LCP.

b. The Expansion Coordinator will be tracking the whole EB team of the expansion and is authorized to ask for LCVP of respected functional to provide necessary assistance.


c. The Expansion Controlling Manager is to compile all the trackers from the EB team of the expansion and forward it to the VP Expansion.

d. If necessary, the EB of The Team may contact to LCVP of respected functional.

e. Every e-mail regarding key information from and to EB of the expansion and EB LCUI shall be cc’ed to the respective Expansion Coordinator to ensure clarification of information flow.

f. List of potential partners are to be reviewed by LCUI before raisings take place to prevent double raising.

3. Finance Flow a. The Team is obliged to pay the expenses of their own LC. b. The Team has to create a bank account for the use of their LC

(preferably in the same bank as the sister LC). The use of personal bank account is not allowed

c. The payment of exchange fees are to be paid in the end of the month in which the activity occurred.

d. The price of OGX Program fee has to be standardized with LCUI’s OGX fee. However, the ICX Program fee may be changed according to The Team’s EB decision as long as the paid fee for the LCUI and MC is fulfilled.

e. The working capital for project or event will be given to The Team’s bank account. Inability to provide bank account of the LC may cause the working capital to be cut or depleted.

f. Matching fee of OGX activity may be kept by The Team as their profit.

4. Exchange Flow

a. Every exchange activity has to be reported to Expansion Coordinator to check and to ensure the operations is as supposed to be.

b. The Team is obliged to send their EP and TN tracker to LCUI VP OGX and ICX.

c. The Team may request LCUI to assist the ra-ma-re process if necessary.

d. The Team may request such trainings necessary regarding the exchange activity.

e. VP OGX and ICX of LCUI may halt, take over, review, and/or take necessary actions to the OGX and/or ICX operations of The Team under VP Expansion’s consent.

f. All documents are to be kept by The Team’s respective VP, and the copy shall be given to Expansion Controlling Manager in the form of PDF and/or GIF (if scanned).

6. Trainings, Coaching, and Meeting


a. Trainings are to be done by The Expansion Functional and/or by LCVP of respected functional in accordance to attachment 4.2.

b. Training materials are to be prepared D-2 of the training by sending it to VP Expansion.

c. Training is done once in a month/expansion team. Materials of the training is designated to the necessities of The Team.

d. Training has to be done physically. Virtual training is not allowed. e. Once a material for training is delivered, there should be NO second

training of the same material. The Team is expected to understand the training after it is done and to deliver it by themselves if necessary.

f. Coaching is done by Expansion Coordinator in order to help The Team progress both in essence and operations.

g. Coaching may be done to overcome a situation faced by The Team, thus the Expansion Coordinator shall be the facilitator in such case.

h. Coaching may be done virtually, and output of the coaching shall be documented as a report.

i. Meeting has to be done weekly to track the progress of The Team by the Expansion Coordinator. VP Expansion and Expansion Controlling Manager may request a meeting if necessary.

j. Meeting output has to be documented as a Minute of Meeting.

IX. Finance and Governance

Finance and Governance Functional takes responsibility to ensure LC’s

financial sustainability and the implementation of good governance.

Decide on where, when, and how much the allocation of LC’s resources.

1.1. Financial Report 1. Financial Report made by Accounting Manager

monthly using QuickBook Enterprise Solution

2. Financial Report consist of

a. Balance Sheet

b. Income Statement

c. Profit and Loss Statement

d. Budget Realization

e. Budget Realization per Functional

f. LC and Functional Analysis

3. To make Financial Report, Accounting Manager use

these documents:

a. Bank Statement


• Bank Statement can be downloaded from Internet

Banking Mandiri latest 1st of next month due to

limit of transaction history, which is 30 days.

• After download it, Accounting Manager give the

Bank Statement to LCVP Finance Governance.

LCVP Finance and Governance have to confirm the

transaction in Bank Statement and give it back to

Accounting Manager.

b. AIESEC LCUI Exchange Tracker

• AIESEC LCUI Exchange Tracker made by

Exchanger Controlling Manager and submitted to

finance email twice a month, which are every 16th

(for 1st-15th exchange activities) and 3rd of next

month (for whole month exchange activities). T

• his tracker explained more detail in AIESEC LCUI

Exchange Tracker part.

c. Cash Outflow Report

• Cash Outflow Report made by General

Administrative Manager. Reporting about any cash

outflow from General Administrative Manager.

• Submitted to finance email latest 3rd of the next


d. Compiled Functional Reimbursement Form

• Compiled Functional Reimbursement Form made

by General Administrative Manager. Reporting

about reimbursement request from functional.

• This report has to submit to LCVP Finance and

Governance first for the authorization.

• LCVP Finance and Governance have to send the

reimbursement approval latest 24 hours after the

submission to finance email.

e. Receipt Collection Folder


• Every receipt and other financial evidence must be

collected to Accounting Manager and saved in

receipt collection folder, which is placed in Finance


• Only Accounting Manager has the authorization for

manage it.

4. Due to deadline of Financial Report (exclude Budget

realization per functional and analysis) submission

given by MC is every 7th of the next month,

Accounting Manager have to submit the backup version

every 6th of the next month to avoid any mistake and

maintain the quality of the report.

5. LC and Functional Analysis used to give advice and

consideration for every decision-making in LC.

Accounting Manager has the right to conduct analysis

meeting with finance team, whether physical or online,

formal or informal, to know more about the real

condition, or only read the Functional Tracking MoM

from Controlling Managers. The form is narrative. For

LC Analysis submit to LCVP Finance and Governance

to brought in EB Meeting. For Functional Analysis

submit to respective Controlling Manager of the

functional to be presented in Functional Tracking

Meeting. The deadline of LC and Functional Analysis

maximum 3 days after Financial Report submitted to


1.2. Project Controlling

a. Here are 5 stages for Project Controlling

• Selection.

Controlling Manager has the right to access selection process in

selecting OC Finance by Recruitment Manager. For example, get the

booklet or Interview Minutes from Recruitment Manager.

• Education


Controlling Manager must educate the selected OC Finance. The

education material already standardized.

• Preparation

Controlling Manager assist OC Finance to make budget. The

‘assist’ word refers to educate how to budgeting, give advice (BCP

& GCP), and reviewing before budget approved by LCVP Finance

and Governance in 1st hearing.

• Tracking

Controlling Manager has to track the process of project, physical or

online meeting. The ‘tracking’ word must be distinguished from

‘updating information’. The true tracking activity is when the

supervisor knows “How’s the progress so far” and also evaluates

“How far the progress with the one in the plan”. Every project must

to be tracked at least 3 times with MoM submitted to finance email.

• Report

After the project closed, Controlling Manager has to collected the

Project Report, Project Financial Report and Project

Documentation. The template is already standardized. The report

submitted latest 30 days after project closing event to finance

email. Any late submission charged Rp 50.000/day. For the

Project Financial Report and Documentation should be forwarded

to Accounting Manager for the Project Audit process.

b. To ease the Project Controlling process, Controlling Manager has to

update “Project Controlling Tracker” in GoogleDocs.

1.3. Petty Cash

a. Only General Administrative Manager has the right to keep petty cash.

b. Every transaction using Petty Cash has to recorded in Cash Outflow

Report and the Receipt must be collected to Accounting Manager to be

save in Receipt Collection Folder.

c. Minimum amount of outstanding petty cash given per month is Rp

1.000.000,- . If the actual outstanding amount is already below the

minimum, then the petty cash should be refill until the amount of

outstanding is Rp 2.000.000,-.


d. The General Administrative Manager must confirm to LCVP Finance

and Governance whether additional petty cash is needed. The refill

from LCVP Finance and Governance must be recorded in Cash

Outflow Report submitted by General Administrative Manager to

finance e-mail.

1.4. Reimbursement

a. The flow of reimbursement can be seen below:

b. The reimbursement forms compiled submitted latest 3rd of the next

month. Thus General Administrative has to consider the collection day

from all EBs.

c. The review process is General Administrative match the

reimbursement form list and the receipts or claim without receipt form.

Claim without receipt cannot be used for lost receipt reason.

d. The reimbursement repayment must be finished maximum 7 days after

LCVP Finance and Governance give the reimbursement fund needed.

1.5. Cash Advance

a. The flow how the cash advance works can be seen below:

General  Administrative  Manager  collect  

Reimbursement  form  (Softcopy)  and  Receipt  

Folder  from  EBs  

General  Administrative  Manager  review  and  

compile  the  reimbursement  forms  

Reimbursement  forms  compiled  sent  to  LCVP  

Finance  and  Governance  to  be  approved  

LVCP  Finance  and  Governance  approve  the  reimbursement  request  

LCVP  Finance  and  Governance  send  back  the  approved  Reimbursement  

form  to  General  Administrative  Manager  

General  Adminsitrative  calculate  total  fund  needed  

to  reimburse.  


b. LCVP Finance and Governance can hold the authorization and

consideration process in formal or informal.

c. General Administrative has to control the execution after the cash

advance approval.

1.6. Letters in and Out

a. Thus General Administrative Manager must have the lettering tracker

consist of:

• Letter Number

• Sender

• Purpose

• Letter Copy Checkbox

b. The Letter Tracker reviewed quarterly.

c. Any letter out must be given numbers. Example: 001/UI/Fin/VII/2012.

For project letter number example:


General  Administrative  give  cash  advance  form  

to  member  

Member  send  Willed  cash  advance  form  to  

Winance  email  

LCVP  Finance  and  Governance  authorize  

and  consider  

If  it  approved,  the  member  has  to  submit  the  receipt  of  execution  at  least  7  days  after  the  

fund  given.  


1.7. Functinal Tracking Meeting

a. The Functional Tracking Meeting conducted ideally twice a month,

whether online or physical. 1st meeting for preparation and last month

evaluation and 2nd meeting for progress report. The progress report

could be conducted informally.

b. The Functional Tracking Meeting agenda depends on the Controlling

Manager. LCVP Finance and Governance can request special agenda if

there is any.

c. The Functional Tracking Minutes of Meeting must be submitted to

finance email with the clear subject.

1.8. Invoice

a. Both Invoice in and Invoice Out must has tracker consist of:

• Invoice Number

• Sender (for invoice in) or Receiver (for invoice out)

• Purpose

• Deadline

• Date of Payment

b. The tracker is in excel form and reviewed monthly between LCVP

Finance and Governance and Accounting Manager.

c. The invoice out number format for example : 001/UI/FIN-

ICXGCDP/VII/2012. Means this is the 1st invoice out from Finance

and Governance for ICX GCDP TN in July 2012.

d. All Invoice out must be sent in PDF format.

1.9. Merchandaising

a. General Administrative Manager must make merchandising strategy

first before the execution. The approval must be come from all EBs

represented by LCP and/or LCVP Finance and Governance

b. There is no budget constrain in making merchandising strategy.

c. General Administrative Manager can ask other manager, for example

Promotion and Creative manager to done this project

X. Talent Management


Talent Management is responsible in managing and developing the human resource of the organization. For example through allocation of member to functional, training, conference, and assessment.  

1. Recruitment and Allocation

1.1. Recruitment Internally

The Recruitment internally is done to fulfill the position needed in team or project. The procedure in having the internal recruitment: a. Executive board should make a talent planning at the beginning of the

term to define what are the teams or project that will be made for one term ahead and the resources needed with VPTM tracking

b. The open opportunity for teams or project done by the recruitment manager to all active member by the supervise of VPTM and VP from the related functional based on the talent planning document

c. All opportunities should be opened in myaiesec.net as Team and the url link of team should be stated in any promotional media.

d. All active member have the rights to apply for the opportunity

e. Personal approach and tracking from the member pipeline is done to help in fulfilling opportunity with the right people by TM functional and to ensure all the opportunity is filled

f. The applicants for the team member or project should contact the recruitment manager and apply in myaiesec.net for having the interview

g. The interview conducted by the recruitment manager/VPTM/representative functional related, with the standardize interview list for the applicants in order to ensure the quality of assessment tool and assessor

h. Once the applicants already selected, he/she will be announced by the recruitment manager

1.2. Recruitment Externally

The Recruitment externally is done to fulfill the position needed in functional by recruiting new members. The procedure in having the recruitment externally are: a. Executive board with the VPTM responsibilities, should make a talent

planning at the beginning of the term to define what are the needs of every functional for one term ahead to define how many members will be recruited

b. Recruitment internally done for the opportunity of Recruitment Team and AIESEC Fair with the procedure above. All of the EB and MB team are recommended to be recruitment team to ensure the quality of


assessor. Once the RT and the OC already selected, they need to have the coaching before run the recruitment process

c. Recruitment Manager is responsible to track the recruitment both for the recruitment teams and AIESEC fair committee

d. AIESEC fair committee is responsible for conduct and organize the recruitment in terms of applicants, booth, seminar preparation, etc

e. Recruitment team is responsible for conduct the recruitment for the applicants using the GCM assessment tool

f. Comm. and TM functional is responsible for the talent planning to ensure the effectiveness of the recruitment by having a right message and right promotion tools

g. The targets for the applicants number, submitted form number, diversify member percentage must be achieved as the measurement of success

h. For ongoing OGX selection, recruitment manager will coordinate with the OGX functional. The OGX functional responsible for the EP applicants while recruitment manager is responsible for the recruitment team to assess the EP applicants

i. In ongoing recruitment, at least one and a half week before the day, with OGX contact the Recruitment manager for having the recruitment.

2. Members Development

2.1. Talent Induction a. Induction is of the process after the member from recruitment external

selected. Once they god selected, they need to have a learning circle done by induction buddy with the learning area is about the introduction of AIESEC

b. Learning Circle covers AIESEC basic knowledge and the delegation of induction project

c. Local conference is done to ensure the induction process run well under VPTM responsibilities

d. There will be a team for the conference that recruited internally from the member. The team has responsibilities to organize the conferences outside the plenary in terms of venue, logistic, program, etc. It’s accountable to TD manager

e. Conference Team need to submit the budget to the finance for the approval and present it to TD manager and VPTM

f. The session of the conference is the responsibilities of FACI where VPTM as the conference manager. All the EB must be the FACI and it’s open to eligible senior member also and to our ICX exchange participants


g. Evaluation need to be done every day during and after the conferences with the measurement of success as the guideline

2.2. Talent Education / Coaching

a. Every member that recruited internally must have a good preparation and basic knowledge about the related project or the functional team, with the Talent Development manager as the one who track the implementation

b. Training is done to increase the member performance with the responsibilities of TD. TD will coordinate with comm to help the promotion of the training and ER to have our alumni or partner as the speaker for the training

c. In define what kind of training that will done and who are the participants is based on the document; training survey, member tracking form, PA, EB/ functional needs

3. Member Tracking

3.1. Performance Appraisal/ Member Tracking form/ CAT/ Mentoring

a. Every teams/projects/functional must have a Performance Appraisal to measure the achievements of personal development and professional targets

b. The creation of PA done in the beginning of the project with the lead of the team leader and help by the tracking manager and VPTM in conduct the PA

c. PA is check regularly at the middle of the project and the end of the project to track the success of the project/team/functional

d. The scoring of PA becomes the measurement of reward and recognition where VPTM and VP finance define the right person and right RnR to give

e. CAT done before, mid, and after the project or functional to measure the personal development with the responsibilities of Tracking manager

f. CAT report will be submitted quarterly to the MCVP g. Mentoring done once in every month with specific agenda, where

there is an evaluation done by the mentee to ensure the mentoring quality

h. The tracking document is used for AIESEC internal needs and cannot publish randomly

i. There will be measurement for the submission of the document of the team/Project/functional as the measurement for RnR also warning, for example:

j. Collecting CAT and PA and Mentor Report parameter: • in time = plus 2 points; • on time = 0 points, • late = minus 2.


k. Every Individual assessment should be printed and given to each member.

3.2. Full Membership

a. Raise a organization as TN Taker b. Raise a partner or project sponsor for any exchange related

activity c. Managing exchange by having 1 realization from ICX or OGX d. Participate in global exchange program e. Participate in international conferences or CEED f. Undertake any leadership role in LC, MC, or international level g. Where there are some rules:

• Same activity can be done twice by the member to get the full membership

• To be recognized as a full member, his/ her myaiesec.net stage should be set to TM, TL or GCDP/GIP

• Due time to become full member is 6 months after selection and being accepted as member.

h. The benefits of full member are: • Have a voice right to choose LCEB; • Get recommendation letter from AIESEC (if you need it) • Get a chance to get scholarship

3.3. Disciplinary Policy

a. It’s a policy to ensure the AIESEC member run the job professionally related with their responsibilities in AIESEC. This needs to be done to ensure member retention rate and lose member. It will be given to underperform member.

b. First warning is done by the email or contact directly and need to be response in two week after the warning. Job rotation can be done if the reason of the member is because not feeling allocate in the right position

c. Second warning will be given if the member still cannot perform as the expectation and needs to be response by the member in two weeks after the warning given

d. Third warning is given to the member who really not responds the first and second warning and not showing good attitude to improve their performance.

e. If the member do not responds at all in two weeks, there is a possibility they need to leave their membership in AIESEC with the consideration of EB first.
