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1939 - 1915








€ 3{-

nlitf, lI. @pliftnE oI

The HonNable Broo&e Claxto


Io @t'@oEL th. .@tu .-!dnz.ie od

op.roti@ of ,,D E t/ie Bati,' C6ndo.sdln'

Ah flkhs Pl@, Bp,wtdtir.. of dD sov.m-

'Mtt ol th. U.itcd Kkc.!oh. Alttrl/,ic dtd |te

z..!od, mt at R.C.A.F. S,otid, tdr,or, O,t,

o. Ftiddy, S.pt nb$ 30,1?a9, LF ..,@dd

i,.,vd.d ,,'. p6d,dio oI l,Lftnldl Gd,.r to

Corod6, ord th. p6dr,o,id by ,rrE R,c.A,' of

,lrer pJoqbr ,o repEsriotirer ot tii. nold An

Fo6, Rotd Avt rclici Ai. t6e, Rotol N*

Z.ddrd An [email protected] rn U.it d 5t i.rAir fe..




On Seprember l, 1939, the Second Wond Wor besonwhen Siller uiled3hed th€ md*ed nrenslh oi Ndzi Gehonydooinst Polond. Two doys loler lhe United Kinsdon d.dfro.ce declored wdr upd rhe Rei.h ond d week Loler, onSept€nber lO. Co..do ioo enlered the nruggle ogdiBr rhe

oggre$or. The .onili.t in W€ ein Europe did nol besinwilh lhe sreol oerio onsloughb riot hod been onlicipotedond, oller the Germ.n Blitzldieg hod $dllered Pol6nd,the wdr 3eitled down, for mdny we€kr, i.lo lhe s-cllled''phony wor'. Bul in Britoin ond in rhe copilok ol lhe Common-weolth men oi yision were lookins ahedd ro d doy when lhkunnoluror situalion wourd end ond when lhere would be o needtor oncrott ond on r€w5 i. undreomed-oi numbeu. As dresoh of lhe lorerishl ol th€le men, o smoLl sroup oi oifi.iakgolh€red in the olfi.e of lhe Prime Minisrer o Po iomenrHill in Onowo, in tB eorly moming oi Sundoy,oecember 17,1939. to oflir rheir sisnolurer lo o do.omenr which, in rhe tull-nes of time, becone one of the loundotio. rr,ond ol Alli.dvi.rory in the Second world Wor, One ofter the other, tordRiv€rdol€ ol the Uniled Kinodoh, W. L. Md.kenzie King ofConodd, S. M. Bru.e of A6lrdlio, qnd w. -1. lordon of NewZedlond sisniJied the .pprovol ol rheir Govemmenk lo o.,Aqreenenr reldting to tdining o{ pilok ohd otcrofl .re$in Cdnodo ond then subsequenl seryice", From lhi! ogreementOrew ihe Sritish Commonweolh An Tr.ining Pldn *'6ich .on-nibur€d over 13l,0OO lrdired dir.rew to rire Air For.es or the

Ihe Plon hod irs tmmediole generis in o proposol hode dSeptemb€r 26, 1939, by rhe GovemFenr or the U.ited Kins-dom to ihe covernment ol Con.!o, Alslrdlio.nd NewZeolond. Cdnddd oc.epted lhe propoeol, in principle, r*od6yr l6ter, as did lhe other Oohi.iss, ond nisio.t lhendsehbled in olowo ro work our rfie detoih ol rhe {hem€.Lord Riverddle, o di:iinouished Britkh indorridlii, hedded theT.$ion I'om rhe Un eo ('ngdomr rhe Hd. L v, Fdnboim,rh. audrolion ainsre' {or Aia ond G/C H. w. t. Soundei!, rhe




. ;::j:i1:;:::-.;;::,,.





N€w Zedldnd Chiel ol ihe Air Stolf. led rhe delegorion! iromfien Doninions. Conodo *os represenl€d 6y 6 Conmittee oiCobinet consirti.s of {re Prime Minisrer, the Rt Hon. W. L.

Mo.kenzie Kins, .nd the Mini:le6 ol Norionol Detence (theHoi. Normdn Roseu), Fin.nce lcor. lhe Hon, ,r, L, Rdl,bn),Pensions ohd Norionol Heohh lthe Hon. Ldh A, Mo.kenrie),ond Tronsport lrhe H.., c. D. howe).

Wirhin o le* week the misrion! hod conplered fien 16rldnd rhe asreement w.s sisned. The Governmenr of Cdn.dowo: desighored o! odminitrotor 6t o .o.operdtive dn toihingkhene to be el up in the Dominio whkh, when tully developed,wos ro b€ cop.ble 6t produ.ing eYery four weeki 520 pilohwirh elementory hoini.si 544 piloh wirh reeice toinins, 3,t0oir obrerveu 6nd 58O wnees operororot qunne6, Toneet this obieclive the Pdh proposed b en.blish three l.iridlTroining Schoole, l3 Elementor/ Flying Troining S.hook, l6Sefrice Flying Troining S<hmls, l0 An Ob€frer S<hook, lOSohbin€ .nd Gun.ery S.hooh, rwo Ai Novioorio. S.hookond fou. Wnees S.h@15-o rorol of 5a roinins uhih, l.oddiion ir vould be ne.esory ro forn dn opp.oprial€ com'mo.d, recruiring, ond noinlenonce orqdnjzotion, qe well o:i.hook tor lroining i.srrudos ond odniniskolive 5l6ft. Theseodditionol units vere t6 include o Regd Offi.e, t*o R*ruirDepob, ihree €quipmenl Dep6':, three Ropon Depok. twoTechni(ol Troini.g SchooL, d Schol ol Admi.irtorion, onEquipn€nt ond Ac.6unldnt Sch@!, d S.h@l ol AeronooticdlEnsineerins, on An Armomeit School ond o Flyins ln:trudon5ch@1, molinq o grohd totol 6f 74 unilr ex.lusive ol the com'mond orsonizo,ior. Ihe f"t hoininq ($d, w€re ro op'n in

Moy.1940, ond aLl 58 were to be in operolid by lhe end olApril,l942, The Pldn wosto renoin ii effectunrilMorch 31,19,!3.

To toif rhir gredr ,rrudure, in full operdtion, n wor etimored 166r olmon 40,000 persnnel wourd 6e requned-2,686 oftic€ri, 30,366 onnen ond 5,951 .ivili.nr. Over 3,500oic'arr ond 6,50O c19in{ $o,lo b" 'eqrreo for inniol eqLiP_menr ond on immedidre re,erve of sO per (enr ior dnlrone.dnd 100 per.enl for e.sines.

The proboble .6st ol the i.itidl Pldn wo: eninor€d 6t$600,000,000 of *hich Conod.\ or; would b€ obel$3s0,0o0,000; rhe U.ied Kinqdon oereed ro nol. ik





/."/-.za- 7



.dtriburion "in kind by supplying engin$, oirlrones ondrpor6, ond A6trolio dnd New Zeolond wer€ lo poy shores.oirespondins io rheil quor65 oi pupik.

Su.h, in 6riel wos rhe iroiiins kheme ogreed upd 6yrhe uni€d Kinsdom, conoda, aunrotid ond New zeotond i.December, 1939, when rhe wdr wos hdrely three monrhs old.Prime Minkrer Kins in o r6dio oddres ro ihe people of Cdnodo,on rhe doy rhe ogreemerl wos rigned, referred lo the undertoking ds 'one ol sredt ndqnitude" whi.h hod or itr obie.rive''i6 odieve, by .6-operotive e$ort, oir iorces whose .o-ordi-nored.trengrh will beovevhelming . ltwdstruly o lormidoblerork thor .dlronred rhe Royol Conodi.n An For.e *ti.hbe.one the o/qonizer ond sene.ol monoger of rhe Plon, wiihhe d$ttdn.e ol o Superyisory Boord ol represeni.tiy* rrom

wheh lhe wdr beaon lhe R.C.A.F. numbered bdrely -1.000olliceii ond men, now, in .ddnion ro n. ofter vor commir-6ent.i ir hdd ro develop on orgonizolion which in 3loff oloe,nor .ountins tr.inees, woult be ien iiner ite pre,wor th6ngrh,lls lwo peoceiide lroiniig .enhes ol Cdmp Borden ohdTrenron murr be erpdnded ond nuhiplied nony ttne5 o.ro$the Oohinisr .id its tr.ining outpur, which, in rh€ tisco! teor1938-39, hdd been 45 d6 inito piloh, must be steppet up loover l9,OOO pilols, obseryeB oid wneles .n gunneE dnnuolly.

Tle fromeh ot the Ploh rh€n they presented it to theR,C.A.F. mishr well hove u.ed he words whi.h Prime /qinirre.Churchill expre$€d on dnolher dcosion a tee nonihs lorer,"l hdve nothins to otter bur bl@d, toil, tedn ond 3weol. You6I, whot ii our oifr? I con onswe. in one word'Vi.lory.. , .

Fo. rhe thoorohd: of nen ond wonen, in unilorn dnd .ivilion.lorher, fron so mony oI rhe United Norione, rhe knowledge rhotlhroush rfien eftorli thor ovefrhelning 6ir :rrenglh wdsoltoined ond viclory won, ir .dequote reword.

Unddunred 6y rhe mosnitude of the rork betore ir theR.C,A.F. s€r to work, inipted by rtE driving energy dnd zeoloi ihe Hd, C, G, Power eho, in l{oy,1940, become the ttdMnirte' ol Norionol Defencp for Atr. Fror rfie very besinni.sItE Force received oble dnd involodble d$i!t6n.e from rheDeportm€nt of lrdnrpori .nd 6rher br.hcies 6f ihe Govem-


ment, oid Jrom civilidn tlyiis clubs ond conp6ntei rhroughourihe Dominlon whch undedool rhe e1€mentory koininq ol pilohond rhe troinins of on observ€6. The itn sch@Ls open€d d..hedule or rhe end ol aprll, 1940, lhe lirn intdke ot pilorroines reporti.q ro No. I lTs, To'oro, d April 29, Itlo-.ero doy. The fict .ouse oi pupils, 38 o6$ryeu, srodooredin Octo6er, dnd by rh€ eid ol September, l9.al, olt !.it, ofrh. o'iq:nol p'o9'a., er(epr'\rec Bomb:ns ond Grnne'ySchools, w6re in operotion-sev€n no.rhr dheod oJ rhe plonnedddre. Furher, eighr EFTSe hod heen est.blkh€d i. ddditisro rhe $nreen o.isinolly propo.ed. By ihe 3prinq of l9l2lhe Pl6n w* exceedinq its sch€duLed ourpui dnd Conodo wm{ron P.erid€nl Roosev€1r the proud tiile the Airdrone of

Before rhe obiecuve wos dfloined, however, the Pl.n hodto fo.e o .rnis upon which ih whole future depended lnapril, 1940, wh€n ofter iour monrft of hord wolk the ,tsrs.hool. were preporino to open, the No!i. ofiotked Denmorkohd Notuoy, d mohrh ldrer rhe liqhtnihs stru.[ or fE lowCounties. Wilhin a tew weeks rhe Nefienonds, Belgium ondFron.e hdd follen, dnd Sritoin stood 6lohe in rhe breo.h,locins iie m6sed for.e. of rfie Wehhochl ond Luftwoffeonly 27 miles ocos rhe Chonnel. There wo. o 3rrss tenptd'rio. to scrop th€ Troinlng Plon ond rush every ovoiloble pilolond onc.oli to meet rhe threoiened invo5ion. The Plo. woe

iun beginnins, ir requned tine tor developmenr, time 16 ndl€it elled lelr in 6ofile, Mony feored. in rhe rpri^s dnd eummerol 1940. ihot ihere wos no time ro spore. Fonunal€ly, th. long-ronq€ view prevdiled ond, despite rhe ertreme groviry 6l the3ituollon in the United Kiigdom, r$e bod decision wdr mdde rocontlnue the Plon, Hirtory h.s recorded rhe verdi.r.

A se.ond moior .risis in rhe eorly ddy. of rhe Pla. *os rheproblem of.upply. Origiholly rhe Unired Kihgdom hod osreedro provide ontones, engi.er, 3pore. ond mu.h oI rhe othereqoipmenr whi<h wold be requned for ih€ operatid of rhellying schools. But rhe lufiwoffe3 dsdult on Sriroin ond lheenehy submcrine cdnpalsn an lhe high *o. mode rhe produ._tion ond deivery of rhere viiol supplies un.e.oin and, drrimer, sposhodi.. wilhoul tlyi.s equipmenr rhe PIon would heg.ound€d. Cdnddidn monufacrure^ oid fien Ameri.dn .ol_


leoques *epp€d inlo the breoch ond from ihen toctori6 in

rime po,'ed ruch o llo6d of equipn'nr-fron rhLmb 'oLkr

lor."ne.oined bodbeB-thoi i. rhe ..re ol nonv ncms,

",6d".;n eventuollv e,cced.o Conodion '.qJrenerk ondir *", po",ot" ro p'ovide quon,itier for rhe United \ilsdomFor nonr on.iole w"e( in rhe ot" .u-ner of I9/0, h6*€ve,,rhe supply problem wos.rili.ol,

Bt ih. end ofMoy,l9/2, rhe BCATP school! hod groduored22,,110 rroined oir.ret. Ihe origi..l ogreemenr was due rorun ren norl'r lor9"r, ur'il rl'e €rd ol Mo'd', 943 BJr rhe(@6e of rh. wor-lopdl had now'oincd rhe Ari Po{e'\ -mode i ollr@cl€or tho he Troininq Plon mon.onti.ue beYondthal dote dnd ih.t nony more oncrew lhon orisinollv dnri.i-por.d xdld be requ{cd. A 1e} og eercni wo' acc.'dinglY

.n nne ) 194?. to bc(one effecive dJuiv I, undcr '\ich te BCATP \o! e, e.ded r. Mo'.h 31, Ie45ond iri eJdbliehment wos expohded.

the nunber ot tdininq s.n@k wo5 :n.reosed fron 56 lo67 (inclvdins 2l dou6le schook) *ith ten odditiohol lclDoL for

n..-b,, ri . .n "..'*

", oh-,*;^"4, n*--."-h.d 12 'o

( o do,Dh)s".b

"s -d c,.rry &h;"'....... 'o

Th. speciolkt ihools included thr€e Flying ln3tru.rou'Schools, o Central Flying School, d staiddrd B€on ApProoddnd Link Troiner School, o G€nerol Reconnoi$once s.h@|, ondfour Ope'orio.ol T.oinrs Uni'\. la addil€ Conodo o!odhin{noi.,.l

'he Pld. osrmed rh€ ddnirntoron ond 6n_

nol ol 27 RAF units *hich hod b€.n lronrJe ed lo, or eslo6'li.hed in, rhe Do inion ond were now odded ro the .ombin€dhoinins .rs6.izorio.. The5e uni's were rix EFtSt l€n SFrStthre. iNs;,

".. B o.d GS, one GRS, lour OTU,, o Rddio

S.h6l ond o Peu.nnel Depoi.The .ew Plon dho mod€ some hodiJi.otioh! i. rhe iinon.i.l

deloik .nd in th€ .llolne.i oJ pupil quoror' Austrolid ogreedlo provide dnnuorry 1,300 pilot (EFIS troined), 676 ohieder


(llS ao rcd) dnd 936 si'^lps ope'oro'-on e 'nre'( ' Srar.drr ond New l"aond 450 ploN,6,/6 o.€^". .Fd715 wtele$ operarorln gonneu. wiih the some pretimindryhoi.iig. The United Kingd.m unde ook ro provide nor te$ti.r j0 pcr .er. or thF .doac.ry oI n- rcrbined roilinso,9dr,7oror re\(r!iv- of rhe trs. ond.-roin spe.'ot (hookiTbere wos one significont provko in rhe Unired Kinsdon quord,Ihe orisind dgreeme.r of 1939 hdd sriputored rhor rhis quolomiehr include pupik lrom Newfoundland. Much hdd hoppened.in.e ihe doys of rhe'phony wol, ond ihe new ooreemenrprovided thor rhe United Kingdom quoro mighr inctude, in dddi-tion to pupiG ton other poni of the Conmonweolrh ex.epr rherhree pdrrner DofrinioB, pupils f.om Allied countrier. A3 oresult mony of lhe schmh become minioture unhed Norionswhere, in rhe recreotion r@ms, could be heord holf o dolenforeign ronsuesd3well$ o n/ricd voriery ofuhe Kinss Ensti.h.

The Pldn r€oched h. peok ot the co.e of 1943 wnen 73SCATP ond 2,! RAF llyins rch@k ond 184 orher oncitory vnir3were in operdti6n wirh d rroined stoff of 10,1,1t3 (9t,289sepice ond 12,824 civilio.), over 15,000 more rere in rr.iningfor sroll oo\ir'onr, And cv- y ronrh ro,. .han 3,OOO ro,nedotr.e* !ere h.i1s odded ro ihe RAF, RCAF, pAAl ondRr\JzaF. to ry n rne fo owinq )co., b) rhe po*",-BohoAg'ee^ir, of Feb,uor/, 944, r no: onona^d. il vic* of rhelorge reserye ot ancrew dlreody rroined or under indru.rion,ro b.gir g od'o

'edL 'on ot rhp {hoots ono pupit in'ar".

ll Odobe, I94., rh" ,tojra of <hoot, qo, .c(-a,orad ondby lh€ €nd of ihe yeor rhe nunber or BCATP s.h@rs hdd beenredu.ed to 50 dnd rh6e ot the RAF ro rwo. On Morch 29,1945, lh€ Jinol "wings poradel were hetd cc.os Conddoond lwo dor loter ih€ SCATP wos olJi.ioLy rernindred, 6s*h"dred. P'iT- ainre' Chrdi' il o merooe to P'imeriinnrer rins e:pre,\-d (ons'otLtotoni on h; u(e$furd..o. olihrenr ol o \poooJ, ro\l iTog:norivel, .on.eveo ondmon Idnhlully c. ied our .

Durinq lhe s9 monlhs lMoy, 1940, ro Morch, 1945) fior rhePlon so, in ooe'or,or opp o,i-ots y 160 vhooh and onc, d'/Jnr. hod b-er "Lob..hed o.21 .ir-. ddo$ co.odo t',ontfi-.choor l.od.ore tll.>)3 alc'ew. on ov"'oee or 2.230o ron.'l. T\idy.eiqhi ou' of cv"rv t00 o'ddior.. dFi-



pnofi {49,8081i ?3 sere noviqo'o !, 'nJudils no!ieob') B

""J w 129.963)' 12 o' bombc'i {5,6/3)i 14 -ncesoperok'.or stnn.'! ll8,.06l, r2 otr sunreu r1r,700, r.luons 704 .ovol on grnrcB)i otrd rh. hJnd'rdin wor ofliahr enqincp' (lel3). Ihe RCAF hod contbur-d /2,835(s5.4 per cent, fie RAF 42,110 {32 per .ent),6e RAAF 9,606(7,3 per cenr), ond rhe RNZAF 7,002 (5.3 per.eit).

Behind lhis 6rief lkel.h ond rhe5e iimple noftlicr li€r oiory ot o.hieyenenl unporolleled in Conddidn hisrory-o norywrilt€n noi only by insrruclon .nd pupik whos. yellow-poinredoncroft were so fomilidr o .ighr in Conadion skies, but wrilr€n6lso by service ond .ivilion perconnei in fo.rorie., olficd dndonti€lds, doing the mulrirude ot lasks ne.esorY to .onve,blueprinrs inro tlyinq school., ser oncroft inio ire an .nd ke€pri€n flying, And ir should be empho3ized l1ldr rhe tory*os not resrricted ro rhe men .nd women who wore at For.€btue. r is nol posible ro dedl odequorely here with the thou-s6nds of other men dnd wonen who pLoyed lhen pdd t. monydiflereni woys, blr hibure mun be poid, nosl gratefolly,ro rhe orher DcponrenL ol rhe Ooye nmen'. ro rh- vo'iour.ivilio. orgonizolion5 ond monufdclureB whose help worindirpensoble, in the tulled eonine oJ thal w6rd,

'o rie

De€d, of heronm ore nol .onfin€d to rhe fi€ld of bofile.On the tlyins lieldi of rhe SCATP mony on o.l of gollontywo3 pedormed whi.h brouqht d6erved re.osnition in iheowdrd of de.ororion!. Two nenbea of rhe RCAF, LAcsK. M. Giovell ond (, G, Spooner, received pcthumourly lheGeorge Cro$ lor giving lhet own livei in efiorts ro ,ove lho5eof lheir conrod$, Nor $ould 6ne lorsel lhe u.drdmoric hutpotienl, er.ctins 6hd e$enriol work of the instru.lots ondothe6 who 3ep€d in the ot dnd on th€ qround, h wos lheirrpnit ol ielf-iocritice ond d€volid to duly thol ndde of nre3'il.!h Comroi*"olrh Ai' T,o,ni.g Plon o 3ucr-$ ,o' \ipo$,ngtfie dredms ot its foundeb ond enobled it lo pldy 3ovirol opol' in rhe defeor ot the enemy,

. hk rodio oddres on.ouncing rhe Plon on De.ember 17,1939, Prine Minister Kins made two propheic noiemeht."l need nor .oy ro rhose who noy .ode tron orher londs tor6ceive ihen koinins, how edrmly !6ey will b€ wel.omed


durins rh€t b.ief tdy ;n our midit , . . I dm sur.. . . th.t ourhomes will be os open lo iheh or lhey ore !o i\ose of oo.own lond . . . Conodo wos quick and pr@d ro open h6rhom6-ond her heo -ro $e youns men fr6n Britoin. tonAuslrolid dnd New Zedlond a.d trom oirer porrs or the com-monweolth 6rd Empire, ond lo lhe nen whore own home. wererempordrily in the h.nds oJ the foe,lhe nen of Fro.ce, Belgium,l}l€ Nethenond3, No oy, Poldnd ond Czechorroval<io- TheIriendship: eddblished then hove linked ldmilie. in nonyporte of lhe world. lh nore lhan 3,750 .o5ei indeed rhebondr were .onrecrored or rh€ olidr when Co.odioi girlsbecone the brider ol men who hod come lo Canod. lo winrhen winss ond fou.d lhere lheir heort! deste.

Prine Minisler Kins oho ren.rked, Whe. th6 Plon, in il!brood ourli.$, wds propo.ed by rhe Governheni ol rheUnited Kingdom, it wd5 tdred rhor the immen.e intluen.ewfii.h th. deyelopmehl ond reo izoli6n oi such o greot proiectnighr hov€ upd lh€ whole couue ol the wor, niqhl6ven Provede.isive, Sisro'y hd, undenined his words. ll th. SdtrleoI Worerloo wos won on the ployihg iields of €ton, rhe fiislorionol nre Se.ond w6rrt wor hoy, wiln s6he iu*ificor'o!, 'e.ordtior rfie dir bqllle of Europe wde wq 6 rie flying fi.tds of rheSCATP. Trdini.s L lhe founddtis of elfiden.yr 6e{or6viclory .on 5e w.n dl 3eo, on lond or li the on the conlinuDus,ney.Fendino "Sottle of Troininq nusl lirst be wo., The dnBoltle of rhe Atldnric, rhe Bdllle of Moho, ond rhe Bdfile ofGermony were rom6 ol $e rriumphs which, in lors. port,owea thek succes to "thot tn prelinihdry vi.rory of theB.tlle .f Troining which wo! wosed d the oi ieldr dnd in

Ill€ SCAIP i, now hiro./-o brrl'onr, ond proLd, pogeinlie onnok of lhe peoples of Briioin, Austrdlio, N€w Zedlo.to.d Cd.odo. 3!r hieiory, when rishlly und.det, .peo&e lolhe presenl dnd rhe tuture G werl os of

'ne posi. Todoy,

the hislory ol the BCATP should oppeol to u5.ot merely os dsre.t ochievenent bul oko oi o chollense. F6r, in lhe wor& ofrhe Hd. C, G, Power, "rhe ttory oi

'1D creotion ana develop-

meht of lhe srilish Conn6nweohh At Troinins Plon h perhdptlhe iinest example of viole-heoded e.op.rolid berweenpodncr n.iione n o (onmoh cofe in dr hnro'y os oi oeq:d-







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Good ofiernooi, lodies and qennemen. Todoy! cere.mo.ier or. the culdin.tion of o plon propded by the govern-menh ol rhe unired Kingdom, Aurrotio ond Ney zeot.nd, ro

nenorlol lo rhe Srnilh Commd*eolthAir Irdining Plon, and ro rene G o ioken of their groritude rothe Govennenr ond people oI co.odo tor the senerourport whi.h they poyed i. rhe troinns ond ...e of rhoBonde ofCommonweolih onhen durins rhe wor.

Thi! ofrehen many of the aovernmenr ond :eryice olti.iokrho we.e respoBible for rhe succesfulo.sonizorion ond opero-rion ol 16€ Air rroinins Pton ore here 01 Trenran for rhe cer€-noie' r,^on) ol rhe p€rmdnenr lorce office( here rodoyore producrs ol $e Ploi, ond orhe( who ore rokins pod iniodoys ceremonies hove been roined by the poiwdr ronineKheme whi.h is rhe soc.esor ro rhe Ar Trdining Plon.

l^ oddition ro rhe prese.rotioi ol rhe Menoriol Gorei,an Mouhol w. a. cudis, chiet ot rfie an sloff of rhe RoyotConodion An Force, will pre.enr ,lyer ploques io the Chietof fie An Staff of rhe Royor A. Force, repreienrdrivB oJ rfiechiefs ol r6e at srofl ot rhe Royot Auird ton Air Force, ondrhe Royol New Zeolcnd At Force, ond the represe.tdtive of rheChief of Sroff ol rhe Unired Sroi6 An Force. The ptoques orero be presenied io show ihe oppreciorion o{ ihe RoyolconddionAir Fo..e for rhe co-operdrioh ond o$ieionce rendered by ourAllies durlns ihe operoiio^ ot rhe an T.oi.ln9 Plon.

Iodoyi (e'enon,e, w,r (o-n-nre .holr/ rhe GovemorGefcror ono 1,r rhi, .ei,donior o'eoby cor ond in o few doments Air Mouhol Cu i3 and AnVi.e-Ma^hol Sledm, Air Olfi.e. Conmondi.g Troini.g Com-no.d, wil neet Hn Er<elle..) o.d his poriy. vis.ountAlexonder oc.omponied by rhe Hon. BDoke Ctdxron, Minkteroi Ndrionol Delence, will rok€ rhe Royot Solure frofr rhe doi3hefor€ n.peding rhe At For.e Cuord of t-ronour. LodyAlexonder will 5e o..omponed by he. t;dy in Woiting ohdGroup Copidin G p. Duntop, Trenroi sroiion Conm.nder.

You wirr nore rhor dvrins,ne Royot s.tule, apod trom rheofric€r on p.rode, rhe covernor cenerdlonly wi! ralure.




The itn oddres this oftehoon will 6e given by rhe Hon.Brooke Cloxron, Minber of Natona Defence. who qill okointodu.e Moior lhe Hon. C. G. Power, d vo ine /r{inisler ofNorono Oe!en.- fo' Ai'.................... ..4'. Clo r ro. ..... .,.. ... ...

You. Er.e!en.r, Mr. Prime Mi.i.iea Honourobl€ Si6, todiesond Genilenen, li is my honour lo welcome rhi. di.ringvishedosembly ro rhe Trenron Srorion or the RoyaL Conodion AiForce. As I speok to you our rhonks ond e:rend to you ourgre€iing3 I know thot I rpeok lor oll the people oi Conldo-We ore hoppy ond proud rhot rh€re ould be sorbered orthis plo.e, lor thii hi.ioric .eremony, rfio.e who hove cometon the sist€r n.lions of rhe Conmonwedlrh. poniculony fieUnired Kingdom, AusrroLio ond New Zeolond, os well 03representotives o, rhe b6r ot g@d neighbouts, the Uniled

Our purpo.e roddy ie ro.ommemorore vhol wor knovn ondwill be kn6wn torever os the Brlieh Cormo.weolri An TroininqPlan- Th.t Plon, lhoped by wise nen, lound ilr toining fieldin Conodo. The men who leorned io lly on ou. proiies lefrrhG lor the skies oi the world, which they deonred oJ rhe enemywho threotened the be es of monkind. I h6s been oltenremorked rhdr ihL greor tlining schene proved ro be o.e oIrhe mosl powerful innrunen'3 of our ioinr vidory. hs pLannins,i's ors.nization .nd iB hotuest oi brove nen morked thebesinning of rhe end. And d! it srew to sre.l :rrengrh, iBgrowrh wo5 ac.onponied by d flowering o{ o brotheAoodo.d .omrodeship rhot live iodoy ond will, I hope, endure

The welconins of lhousonds of rhe bet rouns men ot $eConmonwe.lth ond then toinlns lor rhe srin lobouu o{ qarwere rosks vhi.h Conodo unde ook wirh loilh, wlth hope andwith pride. To dork ihe work whlch we olr did roserher dndrhe po whi.h our oeooraphicol poririon ond r6our.a c lowed











Conod. b ploy, lhe govehments ol ihe Unired Kinsd.d,Au5iroLlo o.d New Zeolo.d de.ided thot rcne gifi should

be mode ro ou. cou.ty vhich would nond forever 05 o nenoridlof o s.eot ond fiuittul felLowship

Ihor de.irion .^d thl oresenroiion ore evidence ol lheoen.,o\ r/ o! do nheo,red go.* o'd .5-

;nbor o, brcrhehooo n peoce old in

dc! sned by t\'. P, . 1u.". rl-c . .\ red of rle P.v.l A ro(e,whom I om glod lo se€ onong us.

*o'r -c dio ogerhe' .oJld r.tc no

b.nc' roim. her ni, oldoJ 'ep'-."1r rl-" sores of fr-edorwhi.h *e suc/ded iogerh€r and rhe pondlr which sne doy willopen upon o n€w *ord of i8tce .nd pedce.

You wll see on rhe nonework d. in{riprion No worde.ould conmemorat€ with more 3imple eloquen.e rhe c6urogeot rhe men whon we honour. From rhe time ot rhe Sort!€ oigrnoin ro 16e d.y of linol vidory

When ihe wor besan the Royol Conodioi An Foi.e hodo d.rarh or aboL a,00O nen DL'ins 1" five )ca,\ thol

Fe cojmonw-otih An T'o nino P on bo, ,1 oc,ng. 360 (hd Iond ouxiliory uhft wer€ esidblis6€d o. 231 dillerent siies.

No pad ol ah€ wor eflort ol Conodo involved lorger elto,rhon rhe enohlkhfreii of llyinq lields in o tew sho4, inreired^d hu ied monrhs whi.h fo owed the invosion of tuance whileBritoin *o: the rompod o{ Jreedom.

Fron rhe ihooli *hich vere founded dnd equipped,131,553 oncr€w were quolified to plot rhei slorious po in

rhe Air For.er ol rhe couitrie! ol the Connonweolrh 42,llowent to rhe Rovdl at Force, 9,606 ro rhe Rovol au*r.lioh AnFo ce, /.002 16 rhe Ro)ol Neq leolond a Fo'(' ond 72 F15 rdn^ Rovo' C.nadion Ai, 'o'ce. T1-y 4.w ond roJsh' in .ve ).o.ner o! rhe heoyer.. wh","ver .1"r *enr rhe/ lcfi rhe on''vivid widl thet ho.our",

Ihe huno. relorion.hips whkh sprong from rhe .omr.de5hipof w.r hdve hoppily .ontinued ond sprecd, ln Austrdlio ondNew Zeolond there dre homes lounded on unioi! mode berween


doughlefi of Conodo .nd the so6 ot Austrolid o.d NewZeol.nd. ln Conodo ihere ore mony orher hon6 which e.hoerill wirh rhe looghier ond good humour ol touns men fronBrtdih, Aus'rolio ond New Zeoond ond ore ble$ed byhenories ol then.oning . , , dnd ol thet soing.

I hos 6eei well soid rhor only the lr€e con be friends.Ihe brotherhood rhor hd. brouchr us roaerher rod6r ond rhele$on5, rhe .onrdde$ip ond rhe co-operorion which rdught!s, mut he presetued, io keep rhe peoce which we oll seek onaro froinloin the libe y whi.h ve all .herish.

It is our sood fodvne ro hove wirh us on rhL occasion oneot rhe greoi ollied leade6, Hir Excellen.y Fietd MorhotVis.ounr Alexo.der ot Tunir, GoyernoFcenerol of Conddo.Und€r him men oJ mony notiois, ond nor leo{ Cdnodidns. were

Here ore represe.tdlives ol rhe counti6 ot the Comnon-wealth whoie lordr you will s@n welcome. We ore hoppy fiorin our midst ore mony of ih6e lho not only rook o. dctireporr in rhe noking ot rhe osreenenr on whi.h rhk pton wosboFd bur dl$ in hansforning ir inio d liviis in*runent of

Th€re i3 here the lorget group ot senior on offi.eE ever tobe gdthered togerher in C6nodo. The pon fiey pldyed d!leodeB ond memhets of th€ teon i. peuonined in the warrinechl€6 0t rhe an sralf, an chiet Mdtshot Breadne. dnd an,llouhol Bob Le.kle. Civiliohs ond anmen, nembeG ot rheRoyolCcnodion Flying Clubs ond of rhe rhou.ond oge.cies rh6rhelped, *e welohe ond ihdnk rhem ott.

Ihere is one who is unoble ro 6e with us t6day. I referlo Conodo , ha rin- P, re ain..e rl-" qighr Honouoble$o.kn:i- r.ns H,, po r in.1k Prdn . ore of Ftr nor norobeconkiSutions ro Conodo ond rhe world, in o tons .e.6rd whi.hhcs been dirtinsuished by nony qreat ochievenents. I

renember how enriusiosric h€ wos when I ftr spoke ro hinoborl r\- b,opo o ro p,cr-r. rFese gore,.

lh the dorlej dols of ihe wor rhe ihmedldre responsibihytor dire(ring rhe An Troliinq Pon w.s enrrusred ro a han wirh


rhe vi5ion, rhe couroqe ond the 5pnir of odveniure to neer ond

mokh rhe choleige ol $s greor unde oling. He was our

wonim€ Minnrer lor An

You. Excell€ncy, todiE ond Genrlenen, I Prcenr ro vou rhe

Hoiouroble C. G, Power'

The British Commonweorh loini An lroihlng Plo. !o::ome-'1.ns no e rl"on on nr urion o

The Pldn b€..me o lvmbo ot rhe det€rmlnorlon of the Free

Oemocracies of rhe Cofrdonweohh to ,erisr, ro foce ond Iinollvto tiunph ove.lhe power ol Noti3m

I wo. conceived in Sritoin, fo.rer€d ln Conodo bv NornonRooe', rho wo. r. bF ore or'h t t -cr r\' ond er"( n"d b'$;a" Fo,-e\ or he comhor*"onh di e(r'd bv the Oov''''menr. ol the l6ur .otionr concerned, bot eorlY ln it hijorv ir

wos odopredi approved ond enthu:dnicollv suppo ed bt rhe

To$ or,rc peopeol rhepo h' no io.!,old In to 'or ruoPirt os$ 'r, Jndo oFdl) ' r.' Jtl'c! hr

A oron";bo.k or ih. hod, biiier, orid veots wilrsive odpre

--"'-.r-.t.. _'nd\ ord loishh ol rhe

rl,pr".' 'r'" oo-.-". - ro(! or a' ,r'e \o'rd *e'e di,., "d

r939 ond eorly l9rO-Mosinor Line mentolirv, dnd phoiev

'.,, rhen oi' B iz ot oll t,ooe olo B,io r. b o-lne( eve ,

^1-:c, .h-,eo b, ,he so,t r'i1s 'o4 ot (6dosp .nd ,roninadisplo/ed by 3' sh sl/ heroe! n rh€ Bonle of Briroin

lt4 The niunphont mo(h ol ihe Ndzi lesiod rhroughrhc oto,n, or rh- -r,-re r n" r,y qor"\ o! so,co! .ndreni;o.oo. rhe r.a.he, / or peo I Fo,bo,, rFe uipplirs or

'h'e--i- t.*r. lhe n.pu,,e ono the P4.-" ofWdle., Honq Konq, Mdnilo.

19,!2-Ihe loll ol SinsoPore oid r oloyo, the oblirerorionEon lndle!. rhe Pocinc klonds ov€iiun, rhe

p'odJ.ror, rhe a', IOOO p'ore oonbhg 'od on Corosne rhc

.ooi. ol Norrhe'' ani(d


R.A,F. Iighier supremo.y, ftst over Englond, rhen over rheChornel, \en over l.ore Tle Bn_ish 6onb. o,I"r!" onGemon induslriol torsels-

ln oll rhe.e eyenr. rhe emphosi3 in rhe popuor miid wos olon power. The triunphont norchi.g esions of Hitler hod heenelfirienrly ond frishtfuly .overed by cloud! of plones ond by Ibold, .urhle$ effi(ienr dtmen, TowB ond .iries hod beendeshoyed. civiion poputoiions h.d been nercitesy nochine-gvnned. ldndon, Coventy ond innumeroble row6 in Britoi.hod been blo3ted olmost our of exi te.ce.

Durins o torse pod of rhese grim doyr, we in cdnodd hodbeen.iruggling through ro bring to lruitio^ the srondiose ihenewhich wos to be our sreobn conhihution to the Allied worelJod-ihe Sriri$ Commonweolb An'Iroining Pldn,

on seprember 26, 1939, the Prime Minisrer of GreotBrnoin, in o coble oddre$ed io rhe Prine Miniier of Cdnddo,used rhe follorinq on€uosel

on of !.h o srcor PrcGd

Agreenenr on the propo.oG wos reo.hed tn December.1939, ond The Righr Sonouroble w' L.

^ o.[enzie (ing .igned

ltlo-Wos o yeor of orgonilotion.19,t, A y€orol contru.rion ond exponlion *irh o Ind sbw,

smoll tickle of oir.rew groduotes oveueo'i9r2-Furiher expdnrion ond consolidorlon of R.A.F- ond

R.C,A.F. shook in Conodo with temendou:y in.reosed copo.iryond inmen.ely inc.eas€d productlon. Formotion ot our o*nsquodro.s,lhe Clnodidn Bom6er Group, our boys, Fishte6 o.d8ombets, pddi(ipotins, and po iclpoiins sloriously, in everyroid ond every boiile. Conddo in rhe wordr oi rhe greoiPre.ideit ol the United Srotes 6ecome The Aerodrome ofDeno, o-v

19-13 The Trdinihg Pon olnost ln full produ.rion wilh otcrew qr.duore. hovins reached rhe 50,000 mork edny in thotyeo. ond wirh a nonrhly produdion of ldined dn.rew equol to


Mne the nunber of fly€^ who o.ruolly soved civilizorion inihe Bo L€ ol Britoi.. The ti.kle ol sroduoter io ovetseosbe.ame o highry nr€om.

Ou pup s tighring on every fiont, cleoriig the woy lorinvosion, blort n9 .ommunlcorioit buting iroins, doms, deteices.

The day lor *hich we londLy, poliently ond proyerfulYhoped hod drived, when rhe slie! of Europe were dorkened byihe ereot bndr rhor rained d€strudlon on ihde who menocedour lreedom. Fd Hiiler ond his s.ve5, they were btds oJ iL

ohen. For,he Alied couse they were ihe horbingen of vicrory.

rhe .u.ce$ of the J.A.T.P. wos lorged ot Sinqopore, drP€orl Horbor, or rhe reo rcrion ol the thi.ie$ of the 5piderweb cunaln *hich rhe heroer of the Bottle ot Sriroin heldroserher to sove rhe one renoini.g botion lrom Nozi on.ihilo'tion. Oui of disosier (ome knowledse ot on power' The

dor[ cloud of Ndzi m shr hod en:hrouded rh€ whole of Europe.And so rhe Connonweolrh peoples delernined rhdr they toowould ride ihe on ro vi.rory. ln rhe clear 5kles of lree Conodowould be toined rhe thou5.nds ol crusode6 ol the on who inthe couAe ot tihe would morch the eneny 6nd orer wouldsweep him from rhe skies he hod desecrored.

Ihe At Troining Ploi which oi fnn wor lo rhem i0ri onotherpo ion oJoursowly developlng wdr elfon be.ome olnosiovelnisht in rhe ninds ol our people olive now ro the lrishlfulposibiliii€r of onpower rhrough rhe Coninenro Bliiz ond theSdiile of Srhoin-rhe mort importont conrlhurion we couldn.ke to lhe dumbliis A led defence! ond, ofter rhe ogsr€sor*os once nopped, ro the srond olfensive.

With lull opp.ovol ol oll rhe people, ot oL poliricol porrietve were rold in no un.erioin tems rhor we mu:r moke thegrode. wirh rhoi rhreor, or encou/osemenr, or insPnorion,lharever you lik€ ro .o it, we proc€eded not ro whoi mishrhove 6een o Frudeni coutse ol dowi^a down our progrommebur ro ths bolder o.e ol o.(elerorlon. We plonned to openshook dcy3 dnd months .heod of rhe ollon€d tihe. Weplonned lor o'ger schoolr, ond more ol them. We lold ihepeople ol Conado whor we were nying ro do, o.d how t worbens don€. lr become d roce osann rlme, dnd w€ gdve a


btow hy bto* o.counr ol fhe ra.e. unih were opened wirhrhe droiioge dnd worer suppy o. yet uncompleredi ond wnhbuildinqs ond oc.onmoddrion untinished,

The toff ond pupib pui up whh in(onve.ience, ond evenhordship, but ihey were lhe hoh€ teod ployins on rhe home

sround and rhey hcd rhe rh.i ot unbounding en.ourogemenrond opplo$e lron fien own people. The obie.rive wasreo.hed oid rhe lon s.hedued <hool wos opened nonlhsb€fore the progronne dore, with lhe resull thol thourands oftyeu were ovciabte for odon oveuecs tong betore rhe dore3

Tte cnrhL.io! ot o,, pcopt-( orre o,ouled ,or comfJn..oied ro poreiiiol pupik ond lron every port ol Ausha io ohdNew Zeo ond, l.oh rhe Od Country, from oll rhe Provincei ofconodc, fron T€xcs ond catifonio, ond Pen6ytvonio, rhere.ohe flo.[]ns io loin ihe new lnishrhood ol the :kies, thecreon of the youth ol teedod. Our re.ruils come fromfonities in every wotk ot Lfe, trom rtch cnd poor otike, fromrhose in hiah ploce. ond rh6e ln low, fron rhe l6rm, from rhe.ity, from high s<hool o^d .ollege ond univetsity. They were d.ro$ se.rion oihe yourh otdenocro.ies. The le.sr protesionol6f soldie^, the non gollont of .iriuens. tiving $en younqver onder voryi.g (ondiiion., in diflerenr oh6pheres in rhir

commohweolrh olsuch diversenl v€ws ond inleresls,lhey yetfou.d a common potriotirm dnd o common purpo.e.

They, on ihe ihreshod of their monhooS, developed ohosnonimiiy ol soul ond o olry ond heroi. oye ol coonny.tookins dt rhe furure os rhey dld, wlth rhe wisdom of osespe€ring outot boyish eyes, ihey .ounted the.osr/ theycokuLoredrhe rkk, yel remoined nrroush it oll rerene ond undounted,ter the. relle$ endedvour, lhen common pdtiori.m, ihenonverving purpore be on exomple to us ln $e gredt.rruggle

Thereitonorherlesontowhi.hatt€ntionmishtappropriotelybe drown in there doy. ol pods dnd ogreemenk. li is rh!,rhor in rhe ioinr An lroinrig P on rhere were o$o(idred peopletron rhe opposite sid€s of the Eo h, lrom dony notion., iiompeople ot dilferent .uhures ond differenr inrerests. Autrolia

/eolord \a! ol-ot ftrowl ro r|n


Cdnodo. Briri$ interenr hod nor alwoyr been C6n6djdn

' .'e11.. lhe ColddiaF PeoPe wo'. ord i, o \o'lh Are'nonpeopLe, not o €uroPedn one.

Y€t, under $e nres and stroin ol o gredi wond conlli.t,oll ih$e peopler and lom€ orheu who podkipored in o gredreror leser desree, were able io 3hdde $en ditferencer in rhe

oveMhelhing morive of a hiqh

Ihere were diffe.e.cer of opinion, differenc€s ol vewpoinr;16e.e *ere diffi.ulri8 of undedondins, but the sreor 906lol dn $predo.y *o! olwoys forefroll in olour nindr andproblems were solyed, dilfioLrlE e.odicoled ii rhe sloriouipurlir of o fixed ond common oin.

^ onrh olter monn1, iervi.e oJfi.e.s ond .ivilioB fron .ll

rhe .ountie. of rhe Plan, Bollour, Md.donad, McKeon, l.il,Gossow, Sreodner, Leckie, Dun..n, deconerer, net, di*u*ed.ond ived then problemr in o .pn ol cod.odeihip dnd mutuor

ln rhe name of ihe Govehnenr wirh which I *os for lnerime heing d$ocidred, ond in the nome of lh€ R.C.A.F from

^.C. ro Air Chief Mo6hol, I thonk our o$ocidred norionr for

thL p.esentaiion of ihe Gorer, o ioken of adiry, po{neBhiP ond

Mr. Cloxrd w I now intodu.e rhe Brirlh CommonweohtrRepresenlotives who ore pr6€nring rhe Menoriol Gore.,Ih€ Rr. Hon. A hur Hende^6i, SritLh Se.retory ol Stote 16rAtr The Rr. Hon. F. M. Forde, Hish Commisrioner for lhe Com'monweolrh of Aulrrolio; ond The Hon. lomet Thoh, HighConhisiion€r lor rb€ Doninion of New Zeolond.

Le.dins omong ihoee rho hov€ cone o long woy to rdke oprincipol pod in rhis.e.emdy i. rhe dieti.sukhed represehroriv€ofrhe United Kinsdom- Your E!.ellency, tddies ohd Gentlenen,I hove ihe ho.our io inkodu.e to you ne Risht HonourobleA hur Hendenon, Se.rerory of Srar€ for air ot the Unir.dKinqdon,


fte ceremony for whi.h wehove osenued here lo-doy i3 d€*hich is unique in the hi3tory of l,1e An forcer of rhe BritkhComhonweolth, ond .onmem6rdter dn outilonding hhroricolochietene.l. I count ii, $erefofe, .s o sre.t privilege trdr Ishould be spedking ro-doy on beholf oi the Gov€rnnenr ofthe United Kingdom, ol lhe Royol At Fo(e, ond 6i the Briliri

Ite Trenton Gores and the Memoriol G6rden hove o deblesignilic6n(e. firll o. o reminder of the ochieyement ol the potin the shope ol ihe Britirh Conno.*edhh Air Trdiri.g Pldh,ond.e(ondly or o rynboLoi lhoirpirir of.o-operoli6n belweenrhe countries ol rhe Commonweohh oe well os rhe UniredSrotes, ond i.d€ed ot oll like.ninded denocrolic peopler of rheworld, whi.h h6 odieved ond con d.hieve 30 muchi ond whi.hwos n€yer dore needed rhon in the troobled *orrd of ro'ddy,

The Troinins Pldn tormed on intesrol ond i.deed o vildlpon ot our .ommon wdr effod from lhe beginning ol ihe wor.It wor but o l€w days oter the ourbredk rhdr rhe ideo of oCommonweql$ An Troining Plon wor put totuotd ot o heetingin oowning Slreet, And lron rhor nof,enr ,6e ropid develop-neni ol lhe plan, fron rhe lir lentoliv. di:.u$iont ro rheogreemenr o! r$e ITrh December, 1939, ond rom thor ogree-menr ro rhe opehi.s ot rhe tiBr *hooL in Mdy, I94o, bed^witnes ro $e remendous .o-operolive ellod vhi.h .hdrodeLized rhe pldn lrom ir. ouri€r ond whi.h enlured ik su..e$.aLl the portner counkier hod lheir ollolted shore in rie work.and lreely ond willingly wos the burden shouldered- Not slyt[e men to be toi^ed, but rhe insrru.ror ond iie whole otfd whi.h ihe plon depended, we.€ drown frob $. Common-*.olth ond from rhe Unied Srore. 03 well.

3ul ollhoush oll hod iheir port lo pl6y, it woe upon theGovehmenr ond people of Conodo, .nd espe.iollt upon rtteRoyol Conodidn Air Force, lhdt lhe mdin burden iell, 6ndwilhoul lhe enthusiostic lnd notion-*id€ support whi.h th.pl.n receiyed in Co.ddo ir .ould never hoye been lrdmloredinro o.rion ond noke, as it did nole, an i.vdlldbl€ @ntriburionto lhe .onmon wor ctlod. And .o! leoir, b ihe .redit oi Conodd,is the ldd thor onc. hovi.g o<cepred rhe rdrk of odnihi:reing


' iF'o 'qr' p\"1

'FoJq5ooronr ca1;dio6 'orr'ci ld e b.Fn.e'rnsi." ".,"',, - *. -.p'.'on! ^.- r'pr o ho-condot'lo.doy ro5k5 (ohneded wth ihe p oi

we hov€ heord nuch ol plans recenrlv, ond ir i3 perh.pr-",", or odTr

i,horire rore$o r o o pap4 ,.teme 'cg,lorrg

rh. I oh'nqof our An Forces hunon €ndeoYour inlured$nn o oen!ine so,r! o' (oopc'drion ono d-r.,Troron."u,*;i -" *'r,i'., -. .r'"(r re ,1- rives or rho ^ono' oi

Where so nany were involved in a pon. of ihe Comnd'weolih dnd whe.e $ moch ol rhe .p€ndd work ihdr was

done musi ne.e*arilY remoin ononYmo6, ir mishr be rhoughiinvdiou\ ro ''rq.! or 'om' ."c'on' of

'hP","^' .".-";."1- ,eon rho .-.i"a ond \uroh'd rl"',i- s'' **,rha.,- .1o d Lr_ o pct po'r'ira n'b rci^ --" r *". -hor .. , o,,;onfirn blo.e ro rhe Coiod on Governmeni o1 rhe dov, ond in

connibnon Conodo (ord rot' \'o,qh tha

rd rhe .onmon wor eifo , ond who direcred rhe enerqle. o{ hk

Governneni ond his people to rhe ro.k; neri ro the Roval

concdion An Force, under rhe moqinorive odd enerseiic

dte.rion ol the Hon C. G. Power, who uildilinqlv met rhe

.ondoirt .hdnqinq denondr upon rhen as rhe pldn deYelopedofd e po"d"o r; a" ,o

"-ro . ond 1' ^o 'd'r +rc bi

'li!ch6lolre, ilhoo in '"(oid ' 'e o \" (olodi.r 'on1'! $5of"o'r-d l.o1p c. r, ro rl"" men'om

;-,*^,i. " rr., ".. -"'.q r(olooo a,d'rorr ''ho rd

r,r" b "". ,'rhi; ^" " ro'1'd 1' piror'

*ith;ut *hon no dir lorce .on op€,are-men drown nor onlvfrom ihe coi rier ol the Conhonve. rh bur fron Allied couh

rhe enem\ And $1",'--mbe'i.q 'h'r ol,

l"r J, lo.dor $ro rrhe cdure for whi.h *e Ioushi

r o,o'" lo.Ooop,or. Ol h.,c, 4,r.OO0 ^e'- | o'n"o lo rF' Po'ol A ro'.";"."di.p"..oor" ord


power ol fie Royol Air Force, These lisures heor impresivewilne$ lo rhe 3ucces ol. schene whi.h wos only mdde pd3ibleby o fo.reochi.g co-operotiye efiort belween ftee qid i.de'pend€nt Goverimenlr on o s.ole never before oltempted.

I om very gldd ro lee her€ to.ddy ihe repre.entortver olrhe United Stoles Air For.e. The iiee torged belwee. oll our(oonni* by l*o world wo^ wil, Lldov, be solid ond €ndurins,ond who .on doubr th.l the nore blleciive our pdrtneEhipi rheqr.oier the goi., nor lor ou6elve. dly blr Jor rhe pedce ondndbilny ol rhe rorld. The orgdni.drion ot the Atlontic'Ireory i. beoinninq to toke shope o.d o*es nuch to Conodi.nnolesnd..hip. The he.inninqi ol reol internotionol reomwork borh ln Europe ond in rhe wider cdrexr of rhe atlo.ri.Tredry have been pronising, dllhoush rheir out ode rtill liesin rhe lorure. Bot il we con in{ure rhis new inrenotionolitructure wirh rhe 3ome 3pni of moruol help dnd .uppon, we.on mok€ it sonerhing liyiig, porhive ond .onnructive.

Mr, Prime Mlnirrer-on heholl of rhe Unlred KinsdonGovenhe^t I 6m hoppy ro ioin wnh repre.enrorives of au.nolio.nd New Zeolond in oski.g you to occepr thes€ Soternor only 05 d menoridl b $e prn bur os c symbolol th€ turure.They commemorore o frunful ochieyemenr of rhe Srhiih Coflmonweolrh in th. sphere ol lntehorionol .o.operorion. Iheysymbolize the ipnit of soodwill ond unde.it.ndins which noderhdt co op€rdrion po$ible. So ons G thor 3pUr .ontinoes,ond 6n contidenr rhor ir wil io .oniihue, re con know $or*h.i re build ond plon for ihe turure we fioll be buildins on

wo'rn. D.p ir q r" afi.r- cnd {rnr", o, Oer"n.e inhis own .ounrry, The Righr Honourobre Frdnci Forde, HishComnisioner f.r Aunrolio, hinsell plo.yed o noioble pdd inrhe Plon. we we(ohe hin becoBe of hir own sreat.o^tibu-

o! ihc .p-oo plorc Fc l"o' -'lob.lished fo. hin3elf omong u. Your Eicellen(y, Lodie. andG"nr"men, ll.e F'gh Hono,obre F,on,n !o de, H'Sh Comms.




I deen ii on honour io.doy ro reprdenr rhe Aotroiio^Governmenr ond rhe p€opeotAusholio or iiis.erenony on! tobrinq io you frarehol sreetliss fron . risler Dominid, in*hichCanodioB will be lorever remembered for $en greor kindne$ond h6spiroliiy ro 10,000 young Austolidne who were t.oi.edin Ccnod. under rhe SrirLh Conmonweol$ an Troining Plon.

rincerey rhonl ihe M]nister of Nolonol Delen.e ond Mc.Cldxrd {or the kind invnorion eirended ro my wile ond myself,ond io orher aust.aion .nlze.e ro orend rh! (eremony .oeffici€nrly orgonlzed by the R.C.A.F. lor rhe presentotio. otrhe menorlol gores by rhe Unit€d Kinsdom, Australia ond Netzeolond io the people ot Co.ddo, in (onmemororlon of rfieBrirish Commonw€olth An T.oinlnq Plo^. Thir plo. wos onot.ble o.hlevefenr in whole-heoded co.operolion i. ihenolnins of rhe tlower of rhe Empnes monhood into. nishtyBrii.h Comnonve.lth An Fo(e which pdyed on ootstandinspod in bringing obout the su.ce$ 6f rhe Arled Force.,

ore deishted thol lhe Ho.ouroble 8r@keCoxion h.s olreody poid *o visns b Austra io; ond Lhov€sugq€rted ro rhe Austolian Mini:rer lor Delen.e, tnr. Oeddon,rhor he lhoold nole on olficiol visil to Conddo or rhe eorlieit

L hoye ro opologlze for the unavoidoble o&en.e of theHonouroble A. S. Dro[eford, M.P., Minister for At in Ausrrolio,ond for Air M..ih.l lones, ihe Chiet oJ rhe Roya Aunralio.An Force, who, Secous€ al ill healih, k undble io be presenl.Air Mduhol Jo.es wos o$o.idred with lhe ote Honouroble J.

Fotbotn who, os Austrolio. Minisrer lor an in 1939, t@k Pddln lie orisinol Empne nesotiotions in Conodo ln .onneclion wilhrhe dunching of rhe 8fti.6 Conmonweollh Ai Troinins Plon-

Ar rhe outbreak of World Wor ll, oll rhe Dominions dndindeed oll rhe denocrocie., were quite u.prepored. Thesrreielh of the R.A.A.F. ot the ourbreok of lne wdr, in roundfisures, wos 300 otfceu and 3,000 nen whi.h increored roopproxmorely 21,000 ofliceu ond l52,ooo men ond womenin l9t!. Totol enlktneni5 ln rhe R.A.a.F. during rhe wdr were


217,000. one of rhe dolor efrons of rhG Fore wos, in.oniundion wilh rhe Royc conodion An Force, ro roin vdnnunbeE ol oi(e* peEonner for rhe wor osainn Germdny ond

Tweity{even rhousond four hundred nenbe( qere tuttyiroined in Aunrolia o.d 10,000 in conodo. Ihese aolndlionsprovid€d 15 rquodron! for ihe Royor An Forte 6 we 6rrhoBdnds ol individuor crew menbed vho 3erved in R.A.F..quodro.s. Aurrolion squad.ons in Europe new 31,000,000nires, node 66,000 !odi8 osoinn rhe enem./ and dropped60,000 rons of bomb3 oi eiemy iorse6. Apon fron orherresulB o.hleved, rher dejroyed o. domoqed 240 ships ond

Th6e youns Aun.olionr poid o heovy price; ot rhe9,700 od. roror e.aA.F boiire (o*o F, i1n- *o, in E,'opc,2,000 were kiled, died or wounds, died white pri.oneu, or oremissin€ ond pre5uhed dead' aid oI ieorly 5,000 bofile.osuolrie ih the wor in rhe Pa.in.,3,000 bn fiet rives.

Ihe sa onr service or rhese men who were products otrhe comnon,edrh An rroinins Ptcn was re.oqnDed 5y rheoward .l sode 3,600 de.ordiioi5 in.uding rwo vi.ro.ioCro$e',630 Oisilnsuirhed Senice OrdeE ond ove.2,000Di5rinsu shed Flyins Cro*€5.

The re:ulh cchiev€d by rhe Brrnh Commoiweorrh ArTrcinins Plon koin€es ot orr Domiiions ore oJ rhe sofre hlshorder ond, whire they denonn.ai€ the hsh quolity ol iheyouth ot ihe sriri$ cohmonwe.th of Norions who served lnthe a r, rhey oto ndicate $e neme.dous nreigrh of rhe Briri3hCommonweorrh .s .on be done whei rheyoriou5 h€mb€r noton, c6 o,d;nore rhen etfon: ond work os

9o.r ar wor done tn rhir pto..

om derishred ro here ro.doy ot iheb--cou:e, or Depury Prime Minner of

Avn,oria ond ! Menbe, or rhe wcr cobner durins rhe do.kestperod o{ ihe wor, ,irh rhe mosiiticenr(o-ope,oiion otrd ndeed o nondns le.de6hp qive^ by ihe

5. hv.n Poc rn whire



rhe Sritkh Commonweolnr An T.dining Pion .o-ordin.red iheeffo* of Brltish Commonweolth c.untri.! in o morimum com_bined ampire An For.e, rhe some spn ol co'operoiion erilredon o qrd.d 3cole berween the Americon An For.e and lhe .om_hined Air forces of Comhohwedlih covnties Whdt wordchieved in the wdy ol ollround co'operorion dnd muruol d$n!ohce durinq the wor m6r be contlnued i. thL poj-wor periodin liidi.g o rolution tor rhe e.onomi. .nd $ciol problems iidiconf.o.l rhe demo-o.ies oi r$e world io_d.y l believerhot rh€ rwo gredien foctofi operoring in ihe world to_doytowdrds c iusl, orli.g ond equitable word pedce ore rhegredr Ameri.dn den*rd.y on rhe one hohd ond ihe Briii$comfronweohh oh the other.

ln conclusion, I wieh ro 5oy rhol Austrolia deemed ir d qreolp.ivilege o po'r'cipo - inrl'e 3rri,h Co_nor$-olrh An l'd'nngPlon oid, while sivins whole'heo*ed pporr to lhe UniledNotionr Orgd.izorion dnd hopins lor o lo.iins wo.ld P€aceldihioned on the tour freedoms, AuJrolio G deiermin€d tomdinrdin the nucleus of on ddequde delence *hene thor conbe rdpidy enldrs€d and developed in the evehr ot oryenergen.y ihdr moy orise.

willdr the oppointed line hove very much pleolure in hond-ing over rhe key ol one of lhese Memoriol Goier beoring rhe

autrolion Coor ol Ah5 rorhe Rishr Nonouroble L S Si toure.t,Prime ,{inkler 6t C6hodo, who will receive it on beholf of the

The shdrresr of rhe snier nolids ol rhe Commonweal$,New Zeaond\ ovn re.ord oJ.eryice wos 5ecoid ro noneSn.llin rize and numbe6,sloulin heon,we ore qlod towel.omerhe lriendly r€presenrdtive of lhis galldni peopLe, The Honouroble Jom6 ftom, Nigh Conmisrioner lor New Zed ond

As New Zeoldnd Hieh Commksio.er io Cdn.do I feel ii ho a .or l.ord or rhi, -eno'ohl- o!.orio.



My P,ime M,r6re, l.o, a\"eo rc ro(on,Fy rne fotto$inq n,e$og-ro concda or. ro or vn ed Kineoom ord Asl;rion (;.

Pe6op: i hoy be in order tor me ro soy very Srieftysomethins con.erning rhe psrtornonce of New Zeotond in rbean phose of rhe lote aor ond in ponicuto. rhe Commonweotrh4' T,oining 5.n"m- ar rhc oLio'"ot o, ro, on SFpr.Tbe, 4,19'19. rh. n-rsrh or rhe q.N LA.F E.\ o .,fle ove, . ,hou.ondhen. At the end of rh€ war n numbered over 33,000. Thirwas on imme.ee erpansion lor o counky ot onty fre ond rhreequo er fillion p€oplei pori.urarly in vlew ol rhe denan& ofrhe other rervicei ond ol th€ vor etfon ot hone, inctudinge$enriol produciio. ot lood for our ove^eo5 attie..

U.der rhe Comnoiweo rh AirTroiniig S.heme, New Zeotondihe R.a.F. 2,213 tuly hoined pito's. tn

2.720 pror.. oh-Np- Z"oland corpe.Fo lorilq ord s'addatcd h-.c, dnd1.78, oi, (,ed oe.or-1. orf.' iho. oito(, \im,drry compter€dtoinins in Cdnodo and qroduored.

Fbm l9r2 on, N€w Zeo ond rook on increosed pd, in rheon war in rhe Pocifi.. ln oll, rhe folowing R.N.Z.A.F. squ.drons.o^,e," !. in rhe po( 1,, 6 oo-oe.,"(on1on.of --.qudd,on1,7 rl,ina boor ,qroo o1.. rr !s\r-' .qJod'onr, dve boaoer5quodron, 2 torpedo bomber squddron, ond 2 rronsport


e j


rE I

















Neq Zeoands poriiclpoilon in rhe Conmoiweohn AirTrdininq s.heme,.nd dredy in rhe dn wdr in ih€ p6.iti.deipne ihe lod thdi ihe iniiio o(orion ol rhe world wor tookplo.e ot o dir6n.e 12,000 miles ton hoh€, indkaled our.eoizorion thot our oqn lote wos enttely bound up wifr rh6rol rhe uniied Kinqdon ond rhe re* of rhe commonwedlh.

This dfnodeonour pon.onrinuer ro doy, A prindry obiecrol New Zeolond poli(y i! to podi.ipore ln the cloren pcaiblewoy in commonveotrh defence ne.lures. The inno orion ofrhe.e Gdr$ wil .erve rhi. purpore. They ore, oid wil otwoysbe, 6 remihder of o greoi io effo, in o crkis ln our hi:tory.Moy all who re€ rhen, nov and in the tuture, remember wirhs.otiiude rhe Srove youns men who w€re nolned in co.6do,dnd 5e iEpired by rheir eronple ro !or[ lor ihe slrensth onduiiiy of our Commohweolth.


M, Sr laLenr ond b, Cloron oe now o.@npon) i9Mr. Nende6on, Mr. Ford€ o^d Mr. Thoh to unlock ih€ MenoiolGores. Eoch sore beo6 rh€ c.en ot rhet re.peciiye countriee.when rhe sore! ore un4ked rhe goie seinid !i[ otlicio ryopen rhem for ihe tirsi rime. on rheir reruh ro rhe dats,Mr. Hendetson, ,1r. Forde and Mr. Thorn will pres€nr rhe key3ro rhe P.ih€ Mlnisrer of Cdnodd, rhe Ri. Hon. touis Sr. lourenr,


Lodi6 6nd Genrenen, The Prime Mini.rer ot Cdnodo, TheRr. Ho.. touis Si. l.ureii.

h is wiih deep appr€.iorlon ihor I oc(epi, on behdlf of theGovernm€nt dnd people ol Conodo, rhis mb€niti.ent silr fromrhe sovemmehr5 o1 rbe Unired Kinedom, Aunralto .nd New


Ih*e w,oughr ton gores hoye been pre.ented 03 o3, r !1 Conno.baolrh An ,o ri1s

P dn. li is nor ioo much io soy rhor rhe couse of l.eedom wor:oved by the younq m€in who were toin€d in the qreci ner*orl of oi, noi.ns e{oSlished under rhdi pon, lr i. truerhar o. toinins d d ior reo.h it peok unri one' 1 be.one onember of rh€ Governhent or Co.odo, bui the Plon rsell wos(on(c,."d ord rl-" q ., rd^o L so. rod ord rhp o,"orr'oinrsbegun while wo5 n d privore clrizei

rhe goret o: rhe PrineMinkler or rhs rime, I (on speok of the codceprlon ond esiob'lnhnenr of rhot sreat innrum€nl of vi.ro.y withoui takinq anyaedil ro my5erf. rhe Pon *os proposed by the Prime Mlnist€rot the Unired Kisdon, bu|he propodrvor eoger y occepredby our P.ime Minner on beho I ot ihe Governme.t ol conodo.

On the Canodion side, rhree men hod the doin responr biliryfor rec.hng rhe .qre€meni ih.r the Uniled Kinsdom, Austolio,Ne* Zeo dnd oid Conddo would pool the r resourc€r ro koinrhousonds of onhei in Coiodo The f Er of rheee nen worMr. /io.k€nz€ Kinq who:e peronol orenrioi, ot ,he criricolnoses, did ro much io bri.s rhe Plon inro beine.

Mr. ^loc[enz€

Kins hod hoped to be preseni ro.doy ondwe d I regrer rhor he should nor be here when rhis remorkoblet bure k belig poid ro oh ochievemeir lor which he L enritledio so lo.se o:hore of ihe (edii.

Mr. Kins orked m€ petronolly ro ioin his rho.ls wiih nine rorhe repre.enidrves 01,he governmeit of rhe unired Kinsdon,Au*ro lo oid New zeoloid lor fin enduring menoriol ol rfieioiir eideovo!ro of our four narion:, ond olso io 5oy how verysouy he qcs thol he did nor teel equo io undeddkiig rhe

iou.ney ro lrenton ln oddiiioi to hi. other oblio.rio.s oi ihi5 rihe.

loio rhe,e ne,e rh,ee co.oc on-responsbility fd idusurorins ih€ Pioh The oiher two wererhe aie Normon Rosets, who wos Mhnrer of Ndon. Deten<awhen rhe Plon wos lndedoken, and rhe lote col. L t. Rolsion,

ot Fno..e hcdTh€re sdrer *irl 5e o.e of ihe nenorioL o{

iho:€ iwo ponioft leryo 5 ol cododd


I ad iure *e .re olr pleosed rhor Mu Nornon Roger i3

pre.enr lo-doy ro *ihes rhis.eremony.

Ihe huge tosl or .eo,ing oerodroms vos dneded by,{r. C. O. Howe. bu h€ mon whos€ node s nosr clo*ly o.$.ldredwiti rhe developmenr ond dnec on ol rhe Ploi is rhe no. whois known fron end io eid of Conddd os 'Chubby Poqe..Mr. Power be.ome Mnirre. for an on lhe eve of rhe fol ofI'on.c, and h- rhre* dll 1( | c o.d €ntutoln

oI tl.e e,(-rro o.l oI p'odrr9 onendles srre6m of fishtinq onnen. we ore dll pleoted ro hdYehim here on ihis .ommemordrlve dcorioi.

ln commemorarins the Pon, we do nor forqer, dmms thosewho helped.o.redre n, the membeK of Coiddion (ivil flying(Lobs, rhousonds ol Conodon "Sosh piloh, the Rordl Anforce petsoinel who helped to provide roin€d sroll in thee.rly stoses, rhe experi€nced llyeA irom our nelghbour to rhe

3ourhi ond rhe co-operorlon w€ rec€ived even belore the Unired

Srdrer come into the wor ton rhet Govemmenr ihelt.

8ot, obove oll othe6, we ore comm€mo.ains ro-doy rheqrddodid ol rhe S.irish Conno.veolih At Troinins S.hek whopoured oveGeos in.uch larse numbers.

Young nei lrom Briia n, Australio, ond New Zedlond whowe.e t.ined here wlllong be remembered. 3y then pr*encein Cdnodo rh€y strenstheied Conmonwedhh ties ihrough r+le

ioning 6onds ol fiiendlhip rhey €nablished virh our peoP e.

To mony o todily ihroughour ih€ Comnonweolih i$is oncontlburion ro victory brousht togedy.

Th€re sores qil r€nnd us of the.o.rlfi.e of rhose who gdverheir llve. eo rhor ve doy live i. f.eedod.

They wi1 dko ndnd or .n endurine eymbo of onity ot:pniromong rhe people! ot rhe Srirlsh Conmd*eolrh.

The sotes wil be o .emind€r to rh6e, in ihe wo.ld ro'doy,who horbour ogqre$ive ntenrions.

we o.e to.doy dedicoii.g on endurinq mmun.nr ro lnevkon of rfide who conceived rhe on troininq plon, to rhe-rc'Sy ol rh6e ^ho o.gon7-d.. ond.o rl.e roned oi,ndlrom il3 schook who fought ond woi vidory in the oir,


wirh humilly .nd oppre.iorlon, I am yery slod to o..epirhe MemoJio Gores for Conddo.

t - rer, o o\\o-i" -a. torpor..-\d" t.rq,.lon.o(d c€r remer.ieneni5 ei d donner aur repraseiio.ts duRoyorme Un,de lAunrolie etde o Nouveile.Zalonde, I asuronce

orodelF ro. c1f:," qiit-,, -\p m-u.e g,orirude qui 5ero ou$l durdble que le

On heholf ot rhe Royol Conodian Air Fo(e, Air r{cdalw. a. cudis, rhe chi€f ol ihe An srofJ, wirr now prelenr sirverploq!€s to r€pr€seniotives of rhe Roya Air Force, RoyalAunrolidn At Fo(e, RoyaL New Zealand An Force .nd iheUnired Sroiei An Force, ii oppre.iorion of the cooperorionre.eived by rhe Royol Conodian An Fo(e durns rhe 5ucce$fuloperorion ol ihe Sritirh Commonweollh Ai lroinn€ Pl.n. .. . .

An MotholCu i3. . ,. ,.

Your Ercellencis, Mr Prime Minister, llonoured Gu6r3,Lodes ond G€nt€men, Today is a prood day Jor nre Royal

As lnond here lconiot help but feel thdi this c€remonydenoniror$ ro ihe world or lorge the (ohrode$lp ondsoidoiiy ol rhe A.med For.es ol the Brirkh Connonvedlih ol

The RoyaL Canod dn Air Force to-d../ has recelved nontsro.ious tlbur4. ihoud ike ro reod one Jrom Hi1 Wo6h pMoyor soronon ol Holborn where our Oye6eo: Heodqud €Bwos locored du.ins Wond wdr ll


Lsqfedi r A. Bo,onoi, Moyor)

Aport fron the men ond wonen of our lon& who seryedin vniform, tfiere were ndny oth€6 who* contlburions helpedin .o ff6ll neosure to .pell socce$ to the Srilish ConndweolthAn Traininq Pl.n. Lorqe i.deed vos rhe nombe. of ther. fircpeopler rhey lndoded nen ond wone. who served so oblyin rhe Depddme.r of Norionol Defence lor an, fiose whowo&ed wiihin R.C.A-F. Sroiions oid Depob throughout rhe@onry, memheE of the Royol Conodion Flyins Clu$ Asoci6'rion dnd rho.e who oided rfiem in the operorid of rie Civilio.Flying S.h@k, rhose in orher Goyernment DepartnenE podid-lorly ih€ Dep.dm€nt ot Muiitiois ond Supply ond the Depod_menr of Trohspod, qnd ol1 rfiore in induslr'/ rhrou9houl thelersth 6nd breodth ot Cdnddo.

To ollof rhese lwish ro poy, on Seholtol rhe RoyolC.nadi6rAir For.€, sincere 6nd grdretul hibure!

i nust r@, erpre$ our ordreiul oppreciorion ro r$ore who.dme from both ollied dnd neuhol c.untries to ioi. or help wilnfE ploi. they con€ tom oll porE of ihe ameri.an Conrinenr,Bernudo, Nosou, Belgiun, Froi.e, Notuoy ond nany orhercounties. Sone hod escoped ifom th€n honeldnds whi.hhdd 6een oveFrun. Iiey hod trovelled.mony niler, rhroushneutrol c&nties. Otheu were lr6fr neutrol rounties, noinlyih. Unired Srore! of aren(o A nurbc, ol rhere w.,. e,pen










en.€d Dloh ond lhei' he'p al o riTe \hen ke ke'' e'kenelvddr6i d k'e* to ol 4eor \olu" _he

orhe's 1o.ed sirfi our

own youhs nen ohd seRea sid. by,ide in the.ou,e ot iutice.

One ot ihe hiqhlishle ot lhe Plon, to nv mihd, wos lhe Wings

Pordde held o.ros Co.od., tiBt honthlY dnd loter olmo!'doly. tony oJ vol *ill 'emenber lhe toJnq tren fror rh'rhn:" Ki"dd;n. A6lrdlio, N"w Zeolond ond Conodo r^ed JP

in o hollo-- squo,", b"ins prcleired wlh lhei' Wngs-ihewno! whi.h tnev cheided eo deorlv Thc one rhing in

."-"i". *irr' orr ih*. -e. ** lhe erP'"$ion or p'id" ondio, sni.h 3*eot ocro$ ther foce! os rhe Wing\ we'e Pin.ed; a"i' trnid- Ih€ receiDl ol o lheepsl

^ from . univeBirY, o'

eve. d motridqe ce ificote fron lhe po6d, were minor ev'hts

On lhi! occdlion, on beholf of the R.C-AF ! would like ro

ndte lhot we ore bolh hiqhlv honoured 6nd extem€lv proud lobe rhe cusrodid6 of the Memoriol Gdres.

L wduld ike reDresenlotivd of the Rovol An Force, the

Ror'ol Aui'o on An ro'.e and lhe qo/ol New Teolord An

F",i. oa ne, nrhe Plon, ohd o 'ep'etelldrive

ofrFc United

sior; Ai' lo<e w'lh whon we hoy' *o'led !o.loselv, b6ih

ddind dnd 3in.e rhe 'o',lo o.c-pr o. oehdll ol lhen relpe.iveseRi:€r oiilv"' DloqLerocomrero'ol"orrdd'6 ope'd'i6n'nrhe

'da so',ond o. o.o6rd

'er'nderotoLr reod n.s r'o t'nd

logelher in the tulure ond pre.enr o uniled lront io dnY enemv

I eirend . verv worn wel.om€ to Lord T€dder, Chief ofihe Air Srdff of ihe R.A.F., G€nerol Notsrdd, represenrinqCen€ral vandenberd 6, rhe lr'SAr', OroLp Coproin Peor.e,,"-,...nrno

^n Mor:hdlroie, of rfi^ R.aA,F, dnd ar Co.mo'

r;'" F:.dl-"' '."*r.nrind

An v'.e M.'\hol N'vill of rfie

eN7^F ";d *;'ld dsl rhem ro Lone foso,d ond e.eiv"lheie rilver ploques os o tongible medenlo of 6ur .ontiiuing

ar rhe comhohd of An Vke-Mo^hal C. R Sledon, AnOlfk.' C6mnond.nd T'oin,.o Corm.rd, rh. ploqre po rv ofhe Jnired rinodon ;' od"o;.e w hrheproqu'tobeo'esenred- M-+"1 "ic" R"""1 A Fo,L€ to'd Tedoer' Chet of rh"Air Slolt ol the Foyol Air Fo(e.







,ddvonce the Ploque Pa{ier, Uniled Kinsdom.


fte second pldqoe will be o.cepred by Group CopioinC. W- Peorce. on beholf oi the Chiel ot ihe An Srofl of i6eRoydl Aunrdlion An Force.

Advance, Austrolio.


Air Connodore L t. Findldy wil occepr rhe find ploqueton At /v\o6hol cu.tis on beholt of rhe Chiel ot rhe Air Srotlof rhe Royol New Z€olond An For.e.

AdYonce, tl€w Zeoland.


The founn ploque will be or.epred by Lieulenonl Generdltduri. Nourdd, repr6eniinq rhe Chef of Sro{f of the Uniied

Advon.ei lniled Stdle,,



t.dies lnd GenrLemen, Md6hd! of rfie Royol Air Forcetord Tedder, Chiel ol the Air Slotl oi the Royol An For.e.


Your Excerlen(y, Lodres ond Ge rened, an MdBhol curis:One ot the d6i dilliculr probleds whlch fccer free independenrdemo(alic people is howto o.h eve uniry, wnhout socrificing rhotridividuo ond noriono inresrhy whi.h ie rh€ k€y of our betiets.we oirmen ore,Isuppose,sone ol the no individuoli!ti. peopleinou. rerpective .onnuniriesr ond wete proud of it. Yet thinkve .on wirhour ony .onpldcence leel proud thot w€ hoye, I

rhihl, o(hieved o5 high o sroidord ot unity omoign ouEelves,os hor been o.hieved in ony orhe. field of inrernotiohal .lfons.lwooldnr pur lt hsher rhon ihor. Bur ir i: in thir cen*riondnd ln rhi. .piri hdi occepr on beho f of the oflicets, men ond*ohei ot rhe Royol An Foi.e lhe beauiiJul ploque thot you,An MoGhol Cudk, hove e ven me. o.cepr i po ly in memoryal one of ihe findr bii. ol reom wor[ lhich ollied otmen hoveo.hieved, but I rhink even m6.e os o ninul.ni, ond inspirorion.io rhe furure/ .emindins us rhor unry i. no e$ neceso.y nowand ln the lurure thon n hds been ln rhe polt ond n ls op ro utro do our uhon ond go on doing our otmoi ro o din o^d

rold rd of Jn l) crongr o ,ed o,menond ve wlll do our ber in rhar spi.ir. I rfionl you.

'Ihs dfrernoon ihe (ock exhibirion oeroboric teom of,heR.C.A.F.! fir+ pon.war fiqhrer sqrcdron,4lO Squodr6, bosedoi 5r. Hubert, wil sive o dirplly of formoiion ohd iihsle ploneoerobari.s similar ro rhor whlch (oushr the foncy of oudiencerot dre Conodio. Norionol E(hibnion, the Clevelond An Roceiond orher Anericon ond Conodion c€nhe. where it pe ormedihis :unmer. Plloa ol $e vompte iet oircrolt ore F/t W. R.rew, D.F.c.; F/t o. C. Loubnon, D.r.C. ond bdr; F/L R. o.schuhz, D.F.C. ond b.() F/l J. A. O- Leve5que, ond F/OM. F. Ooye. All these men ore eip€rien.ed worine nghterpioh ond oll are srod!.i6 of rhe Britkh conmonweolrh AnIroinins Prdn. One ot ihe squodron pioa, F/O M. c.cfohom,O.F.C., i3 or present in rhe Contol Tow€r, he G in dnect cdroctvirtl rhe pilots of the oeroboric reoh, ond will give yee o

of 'h-




tadies ond Genrem€n: Before rhe .ereno.y ro-ddy .d'clude., would like ro mo[e oie pres€nrorion. I is of o 5peci6lkey for rhe qd€r ond iow preienr lr io rhe non who, asMinisrer ol An, hdd mor€ 1o do wirh rhe pLon rhon onyoneel5e .eIer ro rhe friend ot eve.yone here and rhe tiend ofrh€ more rhan one hundred rhou3ond dirdew whom th€ plohproduced-Chubby Pow€r.


Your Fr.elency, my triend Brool€ Clorton. om deeplygroielullor rhe presenrcton of o key ro rhe goies- lhad bee.sohewhot puzned ,hen ftn I heord of $is prerenrorion G toiut who h€ sores 'epr6eired. I wos sure ol one thi.g rhoirh€ condud of a sre.r many ol rhose conned€d wirh the RoyolConodion An Fore, noi io say anyihlng of our .$diotedAir Forces, wos such rhor it *os hardly likely rhor rhe presenta'ron of ihe key io these gorei wovLd be exo.rL/ oppropridre-How€ver, l roke rhe sdes ond rhe pre.enratlon ot n1e ley romeoi rhoi rhe.e qores represenr, os I soid before, the deteFninoion of people of free.ounhies to keep our of ow nonn€rof vinq ond our of our couiiry oll ihoie who do hoi .ee eYeto eye wiih us in our qay of lite. rhonl you, Mr. Clario., foryour []ndne$ in pre.enrlnq me *ith thk ley ond con osureyou rhor ! wil olwoy5 oppre.idie ii.

Ihe representotive Wins ol rhe Royol C.nadio. Air Force,comp.isins 30O men fron R.CA.F. Srorion, Trenron, $€ Guordof Honour lrom Mdnninq Depor, Aylmer, Onl,, the ploquepo ie. oid rhe 105 piece mo$ed hond fiom An Force tieoa-quode6, No h W.st An Conrdnd ond Tr.ninq Commondond a flighr of the Trenton Squad.on ot At Codeh, winneE ofrhe lord Srofi.ono dvord lor Ccnodion Codets fo. l9!9,wi now ponicipore in o Serne Moi.h Pon. Hi5 Er(elency,Vkcount Alexonder ot lonis, rhe Govehdr Generol, wil rdk€rhe s.ture lrom ih€ ddi5.



I++tf i I fr

* l**'it'



tf +




+,+' +t +tI ttt


Du.ins the operoron ot the Eriti5h Conhonweohh AirTroininq Plon, rh€ experien.e gained by rhe RC.A.F. wo5 noibeing d.corded. Even before rhe e^d of the wor plons wereor'-oar bFhq o'd lo o oeo.e'-- ,u(.c!o, .o in. T'on,ngPlon. To-day rhoi p€ocetme pldn G o reoiry ond or cen-trolio ohd Clinron ln Onrorio ond Sunme6lde in Priice Edwordkland, youhq nen or€ beina qroduoted os pilok, rodio offi.euond novlgorotri and dre ro[ig fien placer along.ide rhenwodine brorhe6, The oncr€w rudent\ hove o new .onk, rhorof F shr Cader, ond ihe n€xr disploy ot r.nins oircrotrwil be flo*n hy rhese pon.wor Frqhr Codei., Froh iheFying lroini.s S(hool or Cenkolio ond Centror fryi.s S.hethere at Trenton 66 Harvord oncrol ore olr€ody onborne ioprdeni o Fy Pon. You w riore rhci rhe tormoriig oncrofiore speliig the leriet R c A F


when ihe trumpere* srr" k sounded i morks rhe preporo-iion tor rhe tihol evenr in to-doyr cerebrorion. Accordins romilitary (erenoniolihis ii o preporotory s sna which i. folowed6, rhe Ar",r,q1J/ina rh" r.,-,ar oi or,o do' !.e,.mori..wirh rhe ptoyins of o conddo", "rhe sror sponsted Bdnner".nd God Sove rhe King .


The Gv6r! ot Hohour lill now pas nrrovah rhe MemoriolGores, ond tolLoqins then deponure, rhe R.C.A,F. md$ed bond*ill hold o bcnd conced in rhe sunlen gorde^r ro which you dre

G6d ofrehoon,ladi6 ond senrlemen.








HL Ex.ellency Field Mo6hoL ihe Riqht Hnouroble rhe Vi{ou.rAlexonder of Tunk, KG, GCB, GCMG, CSl, DSO, MC.

Vkcounies Alex.ider ot Tunis.

The Righi Honouroble louis Srephen St. Lourent, PC, KC, MP,

Colonellhe Hoouroble Colin Gibron, MC, VO, KC, MP,

R€presenl.iiyes and Guene lrom rhe unired Kinqdom:

The Righr Hohouroble Arrhur HendeEon, KC, /rtP-Sir Jomes 8oher, KCB, KBE.

Lord Harold Horingron Bdlfoor of ln.hrye, MC,

Sn Ar6ur Sl.eel, KCB, KBE, CMG, ClE.Mo6h.l of lhe Royo Air Force tE tord Tedder, GCS,

An chiel /i\otshol sn lomes Milne Robb, KBE, cB, Dso,

An Chiel Mouho St Guy Godod, KCB, OBE, MC, DFC.An Chiet MatsholSn Cho.le. E, H, Medhu6r, KCB, OBE, MC,

An Mouhdl Sir Lesi€ Norman HoliishuGl, KCB, CBE DFC.Air Vice-Mo6holSi. Lionel Douslos Dolzell M.Keon, KBl, CA,

Squodron telder F, 3, Suiion, DFC.

Repr$enldtiv€r and Gve* lrom A6rrolidlGroup Coprdin C. W. Peorce, CBE, OFC.


t pr.sdrofives ond Gu.tr. trm New Z.olotrd:Ai Commodor. J. t. findldy, CBE, MC,

R.p.66nidrjvet 6nd Ou..lr lrd the Unit.d Srdt.r ol An..i.d:Lidtononl Geherol Louri! Noaiod,

Cold.l ,erry D. Pd96.

Ai. MqBhol W. A, Corrir, CB, CBE, DSC, E

Dr, O. r . Solqndr, OBE

R.orAdnndl F. L. riadhrd, CBE,

Moior Gs.ror H. D, Grohdn. CBE DSO, ED,

ne H@roblo sir at.x.nd.r clulre.bu.k (cMG, Mc.

Ific Rishr Hsourobr. F.d..is Michoer F6rd., PC.

fie H-ouroblg Jdn.r 'ftor..

Hi. Er.ell.ncy Lowr€ft. A, Sreir$ordt.li6 H@robl. S, K Kirp.loni.

Tfi. Hd@roble A. Adnor Robe.tt,

Air Cdnrcdore C. w. B!!1, CB, rlc, AFC

Coloel J. G, Hodsn.


e Howroble W. A, Fro!..,

l'{oio. th. Howrobl. C. G. Pov6r, MC, (C, MP

^{.. F. G. Rob.rtd, ,AP.

Mr. L S, Folt{.||, MP.Mr. C. rl, Orurr, CBE, DsO.

Mr. A. D. P, H..net K9,r,{r N A. R.b.rt.d.

Cold.l Pool Mohieu, DSO, lD.

Mr, J. A, Shorp., OBEl r B. B. Compb€ll OaE.

l L A, E, Coultd, OBE.

M.. s. L. d.Correr.t, C[tG,Mr, H. a, Gordd, CMG.

Mr, ri. G. Nom.n, Cir{G,

Hn Wo6hip l qyor K. J, CouGfi, Ir.hla. Onr.

Hir worihip r,{oyor D, L Sror€r B6ll€vill., Onr,

Hi, WoBhip Mdyor Clifidd Curri., Xirgtd, O' ,

An Chi.f MqBhol L. S Br.odncr, CB, DSC.

An M.Eh.l R. L€.ki., C8, DSO, D5C, DFc.

An MoEhol G, O. Joh@, C8, r,\c.

Air vie.Mo*lor C. t, Sl6md, CB, CBE



Orhcr Gueth:--<dfiu.dAn vi..-|{o6hdl A. L, ,.n.r, CBE.

Air Vi.e-l'{a6hdl H, L Cdmpb.ll, CBE,

An vic.-MdEnol E, E. M'ddbro., CBE

Air vi.e-|{o6hol R. E. McBurney. CBE

Air Vi.e.Moahdl I L, Plonr, COE, AFC,

An vic.-M.6hol C, R. D!nl.p, CBE.

Air vi.e-MdBhol F. R. Mill6r, CBE,

An Vi.e.MoAhol G, E, l.@tei, C3, OBE

An vic.-Md6hdl ,i! T. N. Cowl.y, CEC,

An Vi..-Md6h.l G. v. Wolrl CB, CBE

An vic.-Mo*hdl ,A. E. Godn y, MCr Aag VO.

At vi.e-r oBhot A. F.i.ier. C6.1,\c.

An Vi.e.Mdr{ol G, R. Hdrch, CB, MC.

An vic.-M.nhol T,l" Lo*rd.6, C8,

Aii Vi..-MdEhol C. M. M.Ewen, CB, Mc, Drc.

Air Vi..-Mo6h.l K l{, Guthri., Ca, Cae

At vi.e-McBhol A, l- M.rf66. C8. CBE

An Vi.6-MoBhot G. E. Wdir, C3E

Air Vi..-Mor*al L A. Sully, CB, AFC.

An Vi.e-M6r:hdl r, S. M.GilL CS.


O$er Guesls:_ _contiiued

an Vi.e'Mo6hol A. Roymond, CBE-

Moior Generol H. F, G. telsh, CB, CSE, MC, ED,

Briqodier R. -1, Orde, CBE.

An Cdmmodore F. G, Woil, CBE.

an Commodo.e A- D. Ros, GC, CBE.

At Comhodore i. G. Ket, CBE, AFC

an Comnodore M. Co ello. CBA

At cornddore R. C. Gordon, CBE.

Ai. Commod.re W. W, Srown

Air Commodore J. L. Hurley, CgE,

Srisodier H, t. Coneron, OBE.

Air Commodore L W. Iice, CBq ED-

Hdorory An Commodor€ J. S. Dun.on,Group Copidin R. C. HowheY

Group Cdproi. G, P. Dunlop, afc.

Group c.proin J, A. Edtd, OBE.

Group Cdptoin F. S. Co'penler, AfC.

Group Coproin J, B. Hodey, aFC.

Group Coptoin S, A. Greer, MBE,

Groop Coptdin C- A. D6vidF., oaE.Group C.ptain J, O. Rde.Group Coptoin H. L. Wright.coprdin L D. Kelly, cBE.



Oth.r Gu*r!--{ot lud.dHonorory wins conn.ndor L A codelloHoh6rory Wihg Commonder R M, Frdyn6,

Wing Commd.der R C. Srov.L ArC.

Winq Comoonder M. W. B.own, MBE.

Wing Offcer K O, Wolket, MBE,

Li.ulenonl Col6hel B, G, Bolct

Squddrd Ledd€, E, J. w- Higgin,

Squodrd tedder L F. aodd, DFC

fliqht ti.llenont A, F. lonvill..

M.. c. Gordd 8rown,

l!\8. Nomon Rog.u,Mr Slewdrl Johi.rd.

Di K, N. E, Br.dn6ld.

Mr. fto os Ddbobin

Mr. M. B.ll6du. ,t\BE

l is. An € srealner.




I6e Rtslr, Honouro6le Vi.cent Mosel, Hleh Connisi.nt fotcdnddd i. th. U^it.d Kinsdon lrcn 1935 t.1916.

.\^ B!'D.\r x,od r;.t,.\ tor.h...Rsn,) dt;ch ,ta,k: s.

IAe Right fionourcbie Sir /r.,r,bold Siiclon, 3.lir6 S*retd.y ofStot. tot Ait noh 1910 to t915.

'"I tt ., t t. al1t,... ., D,.,.itDs ino' x Fftt)s,,t shrtrxla aLiar.w5 un nrri\h.t1

) t atttt nae .l lDqtj ttaircitb Lht:.\,rti,t 2'.1\atfiLk tt

'thr crMdiar tr\ct'n) r Nvtr r)\ rrtt !kiuut utDlii^t.2tior al thc


L@N Dar th.:Ln.i.t car|n|tsb!||,djl,45a<l}if|l,'a,taf' ' \': .' |"ht

-r.L t, t .t, dLJ ,n?(\h tut :nhh d.tiaht ta hantt.

Lod Rircrddle, llad ol lhe United Kinsdon Mnsion to Ottowona ris^et of lhe A.C.A.|.P. Adreerent, De..nh.t,1939,

' 'I \i- :. /a,d L .,3-3 '/ \ !/o"d1!r.1 appn\iand a.ct^\n ir Ctr^tti!,to.ts nltr ttLt ctDl? rr.. tt ttairir!:

/n,lD.t lll' \ .1 l .1, ^.|


An Vi.a.lAdt$d Sn L@nod |tift, KBE, ldnetr NN Zeldtd AnLioiw Oti.d k Candda d"d Chbl 6l th2 Ai. Stdll, R,N.Z.A-F.

t r?qt, th J ',r.c q,\., it inDo\it t. t.t t ldv L,tt

o t tl,o"eht.;.d sood ,,dt. iitlb.;ith)ouan that dn!.,tIit,E t\. datk ds,r ot to4 a,4

$, 3...,!L',J Ai't' th"m hta121,,, t.,nt ,10|| rcad b\ictol th. h t,

an.i inDt.n,rtsti.n NJ\ dn .do't ihic! thc Attot t npt" ar t;tt,.LJ patti.utath teosdr

^- ^h.,n, ttE butd.L L an,t ,he ane

Eatew'! 't

'Ire,to, is a littinS m.mo.j.t to this Ercat crto .

