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Aircraft AC Generators Hybrid System Modeling and Simulation

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  • 8/2/2019 Aircraft AC Generators Hybrid System Modeling and Simulation



    Aircraft AC Generators: Hybrid System Modelingand Simulation

    Ashraf Tantawy, Student Member, IEEE, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Senior Member, IEEE,and Gautam Biswas, Senior Member, IEEE

    Abstract-Integrated Drive Generators (IDGs) are the mainsource of electrical power for a number of critical systems inaircraft. Fast and accurate fault detection and isolation is anecessary component for safe and reliable operation of the IDGand the aircraft. IDGs are complex systems, and a majority ofthe existing fault detection and isolation techniques are based onsignal analysis and heuristic methods derived from experience.Model-based fault diagnosis techniques are hypothesized to bemore general and powerful in designing detection and isolationschemes, but building sufficiently accurate models of complexIDGs is a difficult task. dqO models have been developed fordesign and control ofgenerators, but these models are not suitablefor fault situations, where the generator may become unbalanced.In this paper, we present a hybrid phase-domain model for theaircraft generator that accurately represents both nominal andparametric faulty behaviors. We present the details of the hybridmodeling approach and simulation results of nominal operationand fault behaviors associated with parametric faults in theaircraft generator. The simulation results show that the developedmodel is capable of accurately capturing the generator dynamicsunder a variety of normal and faulty configurations.

    Index Terms-Hybrid modeling, integrated drive generator,phase-domain model, synchronous AC generator.I. INTRODUCTION

    The Integrated Drive Generator (IDG) is the primary sourcefor electrical power in aircraft. The system draws its powerfrom the main engines of the aircraft and comprises a numberof subsystems that convert the mechanical energy into ACvoltage. Fast and accurate fault detection and isolation is anecessary component for safe and reliable operation of theIDG and the aircraft. The majority of the existing techniquesfor fault detection and isolation of synchronous generators aremodel-free [3], [4], [11], [14]. On the other hand, model-basedfault diagnosis techniques that utilize structural and analyticinformation contained in the system model are hypothesizedto be more general and powerful in designing detection andisolation schemes [5], [6], [8]. However, building sufficientlyaccurate models of the IDG electrical subsystem is a difficulttask because of the complex nonlinearities and the timevarying spatial relations involved in defining the dynamicsof the electromagnetic behavior. In addition, the rectifiersubsystem that converts the exciter AC voltage output into DCvoltage that excites the main generator field includes switchingcomponents that introduce discrete dynamics into the overallsystem behavior.The authors are with the Institute for Software Integrated Systems and theDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 37235, USA (email: [email protected];[email protected]; [email protected]).

    9778-1-4244-1936-4/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE

    The traditional way of analyzing switching circuits relies onaveraging or discretization techniques to make analysis of thecircuit more tractable [15]. In this paper, we employ hybridmodeling [2], which combines the use of discrete and continuous behaviors to develop a hybrid model for the brushless ACgenerator that accurately captures the system dynamics. Themodel is used to simulate the machine behavior under bothnormal and faulty conditions. We explicitly model the exciterand main generators using the phase-domain representation,rather than the dqO domain representation. dqO modeling isuseful for designing and developing controllers for nominalgenerator behavior [1], [9], while phase domain representations facilitate the simulation of a wide variety of transientphenomena in the machine, and this permits the generator tobe employed in a variety of different load configurations.

    Unlike other simulation work where the generator is partof a power distribution grid [1], [9], [13], we do not assumethat the machine is connected to an infinite bus that is keptat constant balanced 3-phase voltage by other machines. Theinfinite bus assumption does not apply to the aircraft powerdistribution system, where the main generator output voltagecan vary with input and load configuration changes. We do notassume that the output from the rectifier circuit is a constantDC voltage, but that it is determined by the dynamics of themodeled feedback loop. Also, it is well known that even undernormal operating conditions, the rectifier output has ripples,and this can affect the transient behavior of the main generator,especially under fault conditions. We believe that the moredetailed models will provide a framework for developingrobust model-based diagnosis schemes that exploit analyticredundancy, and potentially reduce the number of sensorsrequired for detection and isolation of faults and degradationsin the system.

    The rest of this paper is organized as follows: SectionII summarizes existing approaches for fault detection anddiagnosis of synchronous generators, emphasizing the need forexploration of model-based techniques. Section III describesthe hybrid model for the synchronous generator part of theIDG. Section IV provides a classification of faults typicallyfound in brushless AC generators. A subset of these faults areinjected in the developed model to simulate the faulty systembehavior. Section V summarizes simulation results for bothnormal and faulty behaviors. Finally Section VI concludes thework with future directions to extend the developed model.

  • 8/2/2019 Aircraft AC Generators Hybrid System Modeling and Simulation


    II . RELATED WORKIn this section, we review existing techniques to detect and

    isolate faults in brushless AC generators. Existing approachesare classified into three main categories: harmonic analysis,artificial neural networks, and model-based approaches.

    A. Harmonic AnalysisA fault in the generator (inter-tum fault or ground fault)

    produces additional flux harmonics in the air gap that arerelated to the nature of the fault. Although the flux is nota pure sinusoidal even in normal operation (due to windingdistribution), the additional harmonics under normal operatingconditions are small and can be neglected. Under faultyconditions, the flux harmonics in the air gap increase inmagnitude and produce noticeable harmonic currents and voltages in different windings. Different techniques are proposedto exploit these harmonics: harmonics induced in the fieldand armature windings during a fault condition are used todiagnose field and armature inter-turn faults, short-circuiteddiodes, phase to ground faults, and external faults [3], [16].The harmonic current generated in the rotor winding is usedto diagnose field and armature shorts [14]. Third harmonicvoltages induced in the armature are widely used to detectground faults [4]. However, third harmonic signals depend ongenerator construction and excitation, and change with varyingloads, making the discrimination between ground faults andload fluctuations difficult.

    B. Artificial Neural Networks, ANNThe power of neural networks to approximate functions

    with arbitrary complexity has been exploited in a number ofways. In [11], a neural network is trained using various datasets, with field and armature currents as inputs and one ofthree states: normal, internal fault, or external fault as output.Previous sample values are used as inputs to train the neuralnetwork on the dynamic behavior of the machine. A secondneural network is used to further classify the faulty phase incase of an internal fault.

    The difficulty with using neural networks is that they requirelarge, comprehensive data sets that capture different modesof operation of the machine and a number of different faultconditions and magnitudes. Different combinations of loads,faults, fault locations and magnitudes, and current values arerequired to generate the training data sets. Unless sufficientdata is available to cover a majority of these conditionsthe neural network classifier will be incomplete and it maygenerate incorrect results.

    C. Model-based FDIA model-based diagnosis approach is found in [17]. The

    excitation current can be calculated by the mathematical modeland compared with the measured exciting current. Rotorwinding inter-tum faults are diagnosed by this method. Inthis paper we explore this approach further by presenting anaccurate hybrid model that captures machine transients.

    III. BRUSHLESS AC GENERATOR MODELIn this paper, we focus on the electrical subsystems of the

    IDG, and assume that the mechanical subsystem provides aconstant angular velocity. Figure 1 shows the block diagramfor the primary electrical subsystems of the IDG. The maingenerator is connected directly to aircraft loads (via linecontactors). To keep the terminal voltage at or close to itsoperating value, a feedback loop is employed. It includes theGenerator Control Unit (GCU) that compares the measuredterminal voltage to a reference value, and regulates the fieldvoltage for the exciter generator. The 3 phase output voltageof the exciter generator is then rectified and the DC voltagesignal (with ripples) produced by the rectifier is applied tothe field winding of the main generator. A Permanent MagnetGenerator (not shown) is used as a power source for the GCU.

    The armature of the exciter generator, rectifier, and the fieldof the main generator (enclosed in a gray dashed rectangularbox) rotate with the main shaft that drives the entire IDGsystem. The rest of the electrical subsystem (exciter field,main generator armature, GCU, and the load) are stationary(a scheme that is widely known as brushless generator). Theblock diagram numbers correspond to the order in which thedetails of the subsystem models are presented in the followingsubsections. The first subsystem includes the exciter generatorand the rectifier and is modeled as a hybrid system (SectionIll-A). The second subsystem is the main generator with loadand is modeled as a continuous time-varying system (SectionIll-B). For this paper the third subsystem, the GCU, is modeledas a simple PI controller.To simplify the notation, we use the same parameter names

    and variables for both the exciter generator and main generator. This should not be confusing since each generator ismodeled separately and described in a separate section. Inpractice, the parameter values mayor may not be the same.A glossary of variables is listed in Table I, where subscriptx E {a, b, c, kq, fd , kd} represents the different generatorwindings: a, band c are the 3-phase windings, kq and kd arethe two damper windings, and fd is the field winding.


    Variable Descriptionix Winding-x current.Vx Winding-x voltage.Ax Winding-x flux linkage.x Winding-x resistance.w Angular velocity.Or Angular displacement.

    A. Hybrid Model for the Exciter and RectifierFigure 2 shows the electrical connections between the

    exciter generator and the full wave diode rectifier. The outputvoltage, across a resistive load is connected to the fieldwindings of the main generator.

    The modes of operation for the exciter-rectifier are definedby the forward and reverse-biased diodes. Diodes are modeledas ideal switches, so they act as a short circuit when forward

  • 8/2/2019 Aircraft AC Generators Hybrid System Modeling and Simulation


    n0; - - - \ - -J . .-

    Fig. 1. IDG electrical subsystem block diagram

    biased, and open circuit when reverse biased. As an example,when Va Vb and Vb Vc diodes D1 and D6 are forwardbiased and all other diodes are reverse-biased. We call thatmode AB (first letter specifies the largest voltage and last letterspecifies the smallest voltage). Similarly we can define the 6modes of operation for the exciter-rectifier:

    1) Mode AB: diodes Dl and D6 are forward biased, andall other diodes are reverse biased.

    2) Mode AC: diodes D1 and D2 are forward biased, andall other diodes are reverse biased.

    3) Mode BC: diodes D3 and D2 are forward biased, andall other diodes are reverse biased.

    The 6 modes of operation define the hybrid model for theexciter-rectifier system [2].

    1) Discrete Dynamics: Figure 3 shows the system automaton with the six discrete modes defined above. The systemswitches from one mode to another based on the terminalvoltages of the exciter generator. The guard conditions forthe automaton describing the mode transitions are shown inFigure 3.

    2) Continuous Dynamics: We present here continuous dynamics for one mode only (mode AB). The dynamics for theremaining discrete states can be derived in a similar way.

    In Mode AB, windings a and b are connected together andwinding c is floating (see Figure 3). Therefore,

    4) Mode BA: diodes D3 and D4 are forward biased, andall other diodes are reverse biased.

    5) Mode CA: diodes D5 and D4 are forward biased, andall other diodes are reverse biased.

    6) Mode CB: diodes D5 and D6 are forward biased, andall other diodes are reverse biased.

    It is possible to reduce the number of state variables by 2,but we represent the system in terms of 7 state variables (6winding currents and the angular displacement). This keeps the

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    V a 01 03 05a

    . 0

    c >04 06 02


    Fig. 2. Exciter and Rectifier Electrical Schematic Diagram

    model representation consistent between the different modes(in terms of the state variables).

    In addition to equations (1) and (2), the following equationis derived from the loop that includes phase a and phase b:

    velocity is held constant, and the remaining dynamic equationis for the rotor angle:

    (8)The terminal voltages for the exciter are given by the vector

    equation:(3)The field winding and damper windings voltage equationsare expressed as: Vabc == A ~ b c - rabc iabc (9)

    L == sr ]sr rs ' sr ' r are given by equations (12)-(14) in the appendix. Using equations (1 )-(6), we get the following state

    space model:

    A == Li (5)where:

    A == [ Aa Ab Ae Akq Afd Akdi == [ ia ib e ikq ifd 'lkd

    The flux linkages-currents relationship is expressed as:

    The terminal voltages define the current discrete mode ofthe system. The output voltage from the system is taken acrossthe load resistance and depends on the discrete state. Bothterminal voltages and output voltage are calculated as part ofthe dynamics defined for every discrete state.

    To summarize the hybrid model (Figure 3) we have sixmodes {AB, AG, BG, BA, GA, GB} defined by the combinations of on and off diodes. With every mode there is anassociated continuous dynamic model (equation (7)), withstate variables X == {i ib' ie' i kq , fd, ikd ,Or}. The initialcondition for the system is assumed to be mode AB and allstate variables are set to zero. The transition from one mode toanother is defined by the exciter generator terminal voltages(equation (9)). For example, in mode AB the transition tomode AG occurs only when the condition Vb Ve is satisfied.When the system makes a transition from one mode to another,a reset condition is applied to the state variables. For example,when entering mode AB the reset condition is given by(ie == 0, ia == -ib).


    0] [ rkq==

    o 0


    B. Main Generator ModelThe state equations governing the behavior of the main

    generator system are derived from Figure 4 where:~ = = r i + v (10)

    The expression for M and N are given by equations (15)(20) listed in the appendix. We assume that the angular

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    ----. 011 ac 06

    Fig. 3. System Automaton


    From equations (5), (6), and (10) we obtain the state spacemodel for the synchronous generator:

    (11)The state variables were chosen as the flux linkages. It

    is common also to take winding currents as state variables.Equation (11) with the load equations completely specify thesystem for simulation.

    C. Generator Control Unit (GCU)The GCU is modeled as a simple PI controller. The input

    to the GCU (the rms value for the main generator 3-phasevoltages) is compared to a reference value, and the errorsignal is the input to the PI controller. The PI controlleroutput determines the exciter generator field voltage. For thesimulated model parameters the PI controller is tuned to aproportional gain K == 3, and an integral gain K i == 5.

    In this section we present a classification of faults that aretypically encountered during operation of AC generators. Asubset of this list will be used in Section V to inject faults intothe developed model to study the resultant faulty behaviors.

    Generator faults can be classified into one of two maincategories: parametric faults and structural faults. Parametricfaults are characterized by a change in the magnitude ofone (or more) system model parameters. These faults donot affect the structure of the system, and, therefore, thesystem model is still a valid representation for the actualsystem. Structural faults change the system configuration andcannot be represented by a magnitude change in the systemparameters. The system model under these faults is no longervalid, and a new model representing the new configuration isnecessary to generate the system behavior.

    Structural faults can be classified into internal faults andexternal faults. External faults are the ones that happen outsidethe machine terminals, and although they do not change thestructure of the machine, the overall system model changes.Sometimes it is possible to represent external faults by aparameter change by introducing auxiliary elements in theoriginal model, but this may not always be possible. Internal

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    Fig. 4. Main generator schematic diagram

    faults are intrinsic to the machine itself (within the machineboundary).

    In some situations, parametric and structural faults arenot independent. For example, an incipient parametric faultrepresenting a small number of shorted turns may causeoverheating in the magnetic core of the generator, which aftera period of time causes structural winding to ground fault.Therefore, detecting incipient faults at early stages is veryimportant for machine protection.A. Parametric Faults

    Following the model presented in Section III, the physicalparameters of the synchronous generator are summarized inTable II. All other model parameters (inductances) can beexpressed as a function of one or more of the parameters inTable II.One should note that this list of parameters is valid onlyunder nominal operations with no faults. This is because thestator windings are assumed symmetric, and, therefore, thenumber of turns for all windings are represented by a singleparameter s ). Similarly, the mutual inductance betweenevery stator winding and the other machine windings (fieldand damper windings) is represented by a single parameter;for example L Under faulty conditions, there should be adistinct representation for the faulty winding by using differentparameters. As an example, given a fault in winding a, the newparameters that need to be introduced into the model are listedin Table Ill. Since r, QI, and Q2 represent the geometry forthe machine, they are not considered as fault candidates.B. Structural Faults

    1) External Faults: Phase to ground and phase to phaseshort circuits are the most common external faults.


    Parameter Descriptionr Radius to the mean of the gap (to the insidecircumference of the statorAxial length of the air gap of the machine

    O I , 02 Geometrical constantsN s Number of turns of the equivalent sinusoidally dis-tributed stator winding, which would give rise to thesame fundamental component as the actual windingdistribution.N fd Number of turns of the equivalent sinusoidally dis-tributed field winding.Nkq Number of turns of the equivalent sinusoidally dis-tributed damper winding on q-axis.Nk d Number of turns of the equivalent sinusoidally dis-tributed damper winding on d-axis.Ll s Stator winding leakage inductance.Llfd Field winding leakage inductance.Llkq Damper winding q leakage inductance.Llkd Damper winding d leakage inductance.r a Stator winding a resistance.rb Stator winding b resistance.rc Stator winding c resistance.rId Field winding resistance.rkq Damper winding q resistance.rk d Damper winding d resistance.

    2) Internal Faults: An example of an internal fault thatchanges the structure of the system is one phase to groundfault. The short circuit from winding to the ground createsa new loop with additional current component and with loopvoltage equal to 0 [12]. The situation becomes more complexwhen there is a dual fault from two phases to the ground.

    V. SIMULATION RESULTSThe complete AC generator model is simulated in Matlab/

    Simulink [10] with a balanced resistive load (100 and a

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    N sa Equivalent number of turns in the winding a.Lsajd Mutual inductance between winding a and field wind-ing.Lsakd Mutual inductance between winding a and damperwinding kd.Lsakq Mutual inductance between winding a and damperwinding kq.L sa s Mutual inductance between winding a and winding b(or c).

    PI controller to regulate the main generator output voltageat V RMS. A parallel capacitor is added at the rectifieroutput instead of the resistance to help smoothing the voltageapplied to the main generator field. A capacitance value of 1Farad is used in the simulation.Table IV shows a set of parameter values (in SI units) for a

    built in synchronous machine in Simulink, which is in dqOdomain. For the simulated model these values are transformedto the phase-domain values using the equations shown in TableV. The transformation is not unique since more than one ratioof the windings may result in the same set of parameter valuesin phase domain.


    Parameter Value Parameter ValueL l s 0.004527 H L md 0.1086 HL mq 0.05175 H L lk q 0.01015 HL l f d 0.01132 H Llkd 0.007334 HTa 1.62 Tb 1.62T 1.62 rk q 4.772rJ d 1.208 rkd 3.142N s 100 NJd 100Nkq 100 N kd 100

    A. Normal BehaviorThe normal model is simulated for 2 sec starting from

    zero initial conditions for all state variables and the followingvariables are plotted:

    Rectifier output voltage (Figure 5). It is clear that thesteady state output is a DC voltage with very small ripplesthat are smoothed by the parallel capacitor at the rectifieroutput. Main generator 3-phase voltage (Figure 6). After thetransient period the 3-phase output from the main generator is stabilized at 115 V RMS.

    Main generator state currents (Figure 7). This includesthe 3-phase output currents from the generator, fieldcurrent, and damper winding currents. Damper windingcurrents are non-zero during the transient period only andthen go to zero. The field current approaches its steadystate DC value after the transient period.

    2 0 r - - - . , - - - - - - - . - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - r - - . - - - - - . - - ~ - - - - - - . - - - ~ - - - - - - ,

    18~ 1 ~ 1 15 12~ 1 o 8; 60:: 4

    0 ~ - 0 - ' - . 2 - - - - - : - ' 0 . - - : - 4 ---:0--'--::.6---&'0.-8-------'--1- - - - - ' -1 . 2 - -1J--.4--1---'-.6--1.'---8-----'

    Fig. 5. Rectifier Output Voltage

    TABLE VPHASE-DOMAIN MODEL PARAMETERS CALCULATION 200r - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - -. - - - - - - , - - - - - -- , - - - . - - - - . . - -- - - - - - . - - - - - . -- - - - - - - ,

    I ~

    0.6 0.8 1 1.2.4


    (2) (N ) -2000 0.2rk d


    L l jd

    Parameter Expression Parameter Expressiont - - L - - - - + - . L ~ m ~ . ~ a ~ + - r - . L ~ m ~ q - - - - - + l - L - - - - + - . . . . , . L ~ ' m ~ ~ a ~ - ~ . L r - - ' m - - q - - - ~t - - - A - - - + - _ - - ' ~ ~ _ : _ _ r T " - - _ _ + l - - B - - - + _ _ - ~ ~ " - - - _ _ _ r r - - _ _ _ t n ~ 100(i) ~ 8 :l lk q L mkq (i) ( ~ 8 q ) : l L mq

    (i) ( ~ 8 d rt l fd Llkd (i)( ~ 8 d ) 2 t lk d o t - - - - - - - + - - - - + - - - o f - - - - - - - + t ~ - - - _ _ + _ - - _ r _ - ~ - - _ _ _ 4

    ~ s L mq Ls fd (i ) ( ~ 8 d ) L md ~ - 5 0t - - - - - - + - - ~ - " - - - - - - - - + l l _ _ _ - - - _ + _ _ _ _ r _ - ~ - ' - - - - - _ _ _ I C )(i) ( ~ 8 d ) L md L fdkd ( ~ ~ ~ ) L mkd -100. . . .----t--(_-2) - - N - k q ~ ' L . - - - - + + - - - - - + - - - : ( : . . . . . 2 d - ) - - - r ~ ~ - - - - I ~ -150

    Tkq 3 N s rk q Tjd 3' IV;" r jd

    The implementation of the hybrid model presented inthe paper is useful for general use and different simulationexperiments since it is encapsulated in SimPower interface(SimPowerSystems software is a library of power engineering blocks that operates in Simulink environment) [7].Therefore, the developed model can be dragged and droppedin any network simulation.

    Fig. 6. Main Generator Output Voltage

    B. Faulty BehaviorsFollowing the fault classification presented in Section IV,

    only parametric faults are considered in this paper. The firstfault to be considered is an abrupt jump in the resistance of the

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    2 5 r - - - - . - - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - - , - - - - r - - r - - . , - - - - , - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ,

    ~ -20 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

    ~ ~ : ~-0.020 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

    ~ , , : r ~ : : i ' : J0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2:]-::[;I : ~ : :l10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2

    ~ 2

    S( 515

    o 1 0 t5c:: 5 ~ J .

    0.5 1.5 2.5 3.5 4 4.5

    Fig. 7. Main Generator Winding Currents

    field winding of the exciter generator. In practice, this may becaused by overheating of the winding. The nominal value forthe resistance is fd == 0.8 0 and the faulty value is fd == 1 O.The fault is injected at simulation time t == 2 sec and systemvariables are plotted:

    Recti fier output voltage (Figure 8). The voltage increasesdue to the existence of the controller to compensate forthe new generator dynamics. It reaches a new steady statevalue after about 3 sec. The new value stabilizes the 3phase output voltage for the main generator under a faultycondition at 115 V RMS.

    Main generator 3-phase voltage (Figure 9). The fault isevident by the sudden decrease of the amplitude of thethree phase voltages. The closed loop controller bringsthe system to its operating condition within about 3 sec.

    Main genera tor state currents (Figure 10). For the 3phase currents (subplot a sudden decrease occurs thenthe controller brings the current signals back to theirnominal values. The damper winding kq current (subplot2) and field winding fd current (subplot 3) undergo anegative spike, while damper winding kd current (subplot4) undergoes a positive spike. Note that it takes thefield winding current more time to return to its normaloperating value, while the damper winding currents returnto zero much faster.

    For the type of fault presented, it may be more appropriateto use the field winding current, since it has slower dynamicscompared to damper winding currents. Also, phase currentshave much higher frequency and to detect faults from thesewaveforms, either faster sensors are required or frequencyresponse analysis is needed. However, one should note thatthe field and damper winding current measurements are notdirectly available since their relative windings are mountedon the rotating part of the generator and it is usually hard toinstall sensors for reliability issues. Observability o f the ACgenerator presented here and state estimation is an interestingsubject that needs to be addressed.The second fault injected is a partial decrease in the effective

    number of turns of the exciter field windings N f d . In practicethis may be due to shorted turns. However, this fault cannot

    Fig. 8. Rectifier Output Voltage-Field winding resistance fault

    2 0 0 r - - - - - . - - - - - - . - - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - - - - - , - - - - - - - , - - r - ~





    -2000 0.5

    Fig. 9. Main Generator Output Voltage-Field winding resistance fault

    be represented by a change in N fd only, since there are otherparameters expressed as a function of N fd . The list of theseparameters is shown in Table VI.It is assumed that fd is decreased by Other affectedparameters are calculated according to the formulas presented

    in the appendix. The fault is injected at t == 2 sec and systemvariables are plotted:

    Rectifier output voltage (Figure 11). The voltage decreases due to the existence of the closed loop controllerto compensate for the new generator dynamics. It reachesa new steady state value after about 3 sec. The newvalue stabilizes the 3-phase output voltage for the maingenerator under a faulty condition at 115 V RMS.

    Main generator 3-phase voltage (Figure 12). The 3phase voltage is disturbed by a small amount due to this


    Ls fd Mutual inductance between stator windings and fieldwinding.Lm fd Magnetizing inductance for the field winding.L fdkd Mutual inductance between damper winding kd andfield winding.

    rJ d Field winding resistance.

  • 8/2/2019 Aircraft AC Generators Hybrid System Modeling and Simulation



    ~ < ~ t f t + ! ! :. 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

    ~ ~ ~ t : J : t0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5~ _ ~ lo 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

    ~ 1 ~ 1 S>

    ~ 1 "So 8Q);;:::gc:: 4

    0.5 1.5 3.5 4 4.5

    Fig. 10. Main Generator Winding Currents-Field winding resistance fault Fig. 1]. Rectifier Output Voltage-Field winding turns fault

    Fig. 12. Main Generator Output Voltage-Field winding turns fault

    signals, like damper winding currents, more than machineterminal variables. However, damper winding currents arenot directly measured and accurate estimation methods arerequired if these signals will be used for fault detection andisolation.As future work, we will study the efficiency of using the

    developed model to detect and isolate faults assuming noisymeasurements. The available measurements are terminal voltages and currents only, with no sensors on the rotating part ofthe machine. Hybrid system observability and state estimationwill be studied to investigate the possibility of detecting andisolating faults. Also the hybrid model could be extended toincorporate other phenomena that are prevalent during faultyconditions like harmonics and magnetic saturation. Thesephenomena become especially important with structural faults.In this case we will have a hierarchical hybrid model whereeach mode represents either normal operation or a specificfault type.Discrete faults in cables and connectors and their effect

    on the machine behavior will be studied. These faults arevery important practically since they occur frequently duringnormal operation of the machine. Particular attention will begiven to discrete faults in cables connecting terminal sensors tothe GCU, since faults in these cables may cause delayed fault

    fault, with small transient period. I t then sets back tothe regulated value of 115 V RMS. Due to the smalltransient period after fault injection and the existence ofthe controller in the loop, it may be hard to detect thefault by solely using the output voltage signals.

    Main generator state currents (Figure 13). A very similareffect is noticed in the current waveforms with oneexception for the 3-phase currents. The magnitude of thechange is very small and may not be even noticed. However, the change in damper winding and field windingcurrent signals is significant during the transient periodfollowing fault injection. Damper winding currents returnto their zero steady state value, while the field windingcurrent sets to a new DC value to regulate the voltageunder the new faulty conditions.

    When performing fault detection in the time domain usingthe phase-domain representation for the machine, the 3-phasevoltages and currents (which are usually the measurements)may not be the appropriate signals for the task. Faults couldbe detected easily by using other system variables like rectifieroutput voltage, damper winding currents, and main generatorfield current. However, as pointed out before, these variablesare not measurable and state estimation may be needed.The faults considered in this paper do not affect the capabil

    ities of the feedback controller to bring the machine back to itsregulated condition. It may happen, depending on the systemnew dynamics after the fault, that the tuned controller maynot be able to regulate the machine. Fault adaptive controlis required in this case to automatically tune the controllerbased on the new system dynamics. This is not addressed inthe current study and it is of interest for further research.

    VI. CONCLUSIONSIn this paper we have presented a hybrid model for an

    aircraft brushless AC generator, modeled in phase-domain representation, which is more appropriate for asymmetrical andfaulty machine analysis. Themodel was simulated successfullyfor both normal and parametric fault conditions, and the effectof faults on different system variables has been investigated.Simulation results have shown that faults are apparent in some






    0.5 1.5 2 2.5 3.5 4 4.5

  • 8/2/2019 Aircraft AC Generators Hybrid System Modeling and Simulation


    ~ t : :-0.20 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

    ~ : ~ 5 ? : r:::: .::]0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5~ ~ - : :20 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

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    Fig. 13. Main Generator Winding Currents-Field winding turns fault

    detection, misclassification of faults, or even loss of machinecontrol.


    This work was supported in part by the National ScienceFoundation under Grants CNS-0615214 and CNS-0347440,and NASA NRA NNX07AD12A.


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    Ashraf Tantawy received the B.Sc. in electronics and communication engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 1995. He has receivedboth an M.Sc. in computer science from the University of Louisville, KY,in 2005, and an M.Sc. in electrical engineering from Vanderbilt University,Nashville, TN, in 2008, where he is currently working toward his Ph.D. From1995 to 2005, he was a telecommunication and control systems engineerworking in the design and implementation of communication and controlsystems for the oil and gas industry. Since January 2006, he has beena Graduate Research Assistant with the Institute for Software IntegratedSystems, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Van-derbilt University, Nashville, TN. His research interests include detectionand estimation theory, sensor networks, embedded systems and control, andmodeling and simulation of complex hybrid systems.

    Xenofon Koutsoukos is an Assistant Professor in the Department of ElectricalEngineering and Computer Science at Vanderbilt University and a Senior Research Scientist in the Institute for Software Integrated Systems. His researchinterests include hybrid systems, real-time embedded systems, and sensornetworks. He received the Diploma in electrical and computer engineeringfrom the National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, in 1993,M.S. degrees in electrical engineering and applied mathematics, and the Ph.D.degree in electrical engineering from the University of Notre Dame in 1998and 2000, respectively. From 2000 to 2002, he was a member of Research Staffwith the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC) working in the EmbeddedCollaborative Computing Area. He currently serves as Associate Editor for theACM Transactions on Sensor Networks and for Modelling Simulation Practiceand Theory. Dr. Koutsoukos is a senior member of IEEE and a member ofACM. He was the recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREERAward in 2004.

    Gautam Biswas is a Professor of Computer Science and Computer Engineering in the EECS Department and a SeniorResearch Scientist at the Institute forSoftware Integrated Systems (ISIS) at Vanderbilt University. He has a Ph.D.degree in Computer Science from Michigan State University in E. Lansing,MI. His primary interests are in hybrid modeling, simulation, and analysisof complex embedded systems, and their applications to diagnosis and faultadaptive control. He has also worked on planning and scheduling algorithmsfor robotic task planning in uncertain environments, and dynamic resourceallocation in distributed real-time environments. In other research projects,he is involved in developing simulation-based environments for learning andinstruction. He has published extensively, and has over 300 publications. Heis a senior member of the IEEE Computer Society, ACM, AAAI, and theSigma Xi Research Society.

  • 8/2/2019 Aircraft AC Generators Hybrid System Modeling and Simulation


    ApPENDIXThe following are expressions for the continuous time model matrices that are presented in Section III

    [Ll s LA - LBcos20r - !LA - LBCOs2(Or - i ) - ~ L - LBCOs2(Or i) ]L s = - tLA - LBCOs2(Or - i) Ll s LA - LBCOs2(Or - 7JLA - LBCOs2(Or 1r)

    - 7JLA - LBCOs2(Or i) - !LA - LBCOs2(Or 1r) Ll s LA - LBCOs2(Or


    Llkq Lmkqaa

    LsjdSinOrLsjdSin(Or - ~ LsjdSin(Or

    aLljd Lmjd


    LskdsinOrLskdsin(Or - ~ Lskdsin(Or


    Llkd Lmkd


    Ll s !LA - LBCos20r LBCOs2(Or - f)1a-LskqCOSOr

    -LsjdSinOr-LskdsinO r

    [MI l M12]- ! LA - Ll s - LB(Cos2(Or - i) - cos2(Or - ~ ) 1

    a-LskqCOS(Or - ~ -LsjdSin(Or --Lskdsin(Or -

    LB(cos20r - cos2(Or f) )aa-LskqCOS(Or ~


    -LskqCOSOr LskqCOS(Or -aaLlkq Lmjdaa

    -LsjdSin(Or) LsjdSin(Or -aaaLljd Lmjd


    [N I l N 12 ]

    -Lskdsin((Jr) Lskdsin(Or -aaaLjdkd

    Llkd Lmkd


    -2wLB(s in(20r ) - sin(20r - T a - Tb -aa

    WLskqsinOr-WLsjdCOSOr-WLskdCOSO r

    -2wLB(s in(20r - sin(20 r -aa

    WLskqsin(Or - ~ -WLsjdCOS(Or - :f)-WLskdCOS((Jr -

    -2wLB(s in(20r sin(20r ))aa

    WLskqsin(Or ~ -WLsjdCOS(Or :f )-WLskdCOS(Or

    -WLskqsinOr WLskqsin(Or - ~ aa-Tkqaa

    WLsjdCOS(Or) - WLsjdCOS(Or -aaa-T jda

    WLskdCOS(Or) - WLskdCOS(Or -aaaa-Tkd
