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Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9

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  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    Resource personAli Khalid

    Department of Aviation Management & Technology

    Superior University, Lahore.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    By the end of this session , you will be able to:

    Understand the basics of aircraft engineering industry.

    Understand the roles of aircraft maintenance certifyingstaff.

    Understand the aircraft certification.

    A little bit dimag ki daii is going to start so be prepared

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The global aircraft industry encompasses a vast networkof companies working either as large internationalconglomerates or as individual national and regional


    Conglomerates means:A number of different things orparts that are put or grouped together to form a whole but

    remain distinct entities.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The two biggest international aircraftmanufacturers are the American owned

    Boeing Aircraft Company and the Europeanconglomerate, European AeronauticDefence and Space Company (EADS), whichincorporates airbus industries.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    These, together with the American giantLockheed-Martin, BAE Systems and

    aerospace propulsion companies, such asRolls-Royce and Pratt and Whitney, employmany thousands of people and have annualturnovers totalling billions of pounds.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    For example, the recently won Lockheed-Martin contract for the American Joint Strike

    Fighter (JSF) is estimated to be worth 200billion dollars, over the next 10 years! Asubstantial part of this contract will involveBAE Systems, Rolls-Royce and other UKcompanies.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The airlines and armed forces of the world who buy-inaircraft and services from aerospace manufacturers arethemselves, very often, large organizations.

    For example British Airways the national carrier of UK,even after recent down-sizing, employs around 50,000personnel.

    UK airlines, in the year 2000, employed in total, justover 12,000 aircraft maintenance and overhaulpersonnel.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    Even after the events that took place on 11thSeptember 2001, the requirement for maintenancepersonnel is unlikely to fall.

    Apart from the airlines, individuals with aircraftmaintenance skills may be employed in general aviation(GA), third-party overhaul companies, component

    manufacturers or airframe and avionic repairorganizations.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    GA companies and spin-off industries employ largenumbers of skilled aircraft fitters.

    Aircraft maintenance certifying staff are recognizedthroughout Europe and indeed, throughout many partsof the world, thus opportunities for employment aretruly global!

    Added to this, the global and diverse nature of theaircraft maintenance industry, it can be seen thataircraft maintenance engineering offers an interestingand rewarding career, full of opportunity.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    Individuals may enter the aircraft maintenance industryin a number of ways and perform a variety ofmaintenance activities on aircraft or on their associated

    equipments and components.

    The nature of the job roles and responsibilities forlicensed certifying mechanics, technicians and

    engineers can be classified as:

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    Since the aircraft maintenance industry is highlyregulated, the opportunities to perform complexmaintenance activities are dependent on the amount of

    time that individuals spend on their initial and aircraft-type training, the knowledge they get and their lengthof experience in post.

    These maintenance activities require people with a

    sound basic education, who are able to demonstratematurity and the ability to think logically and quicklywhen acting under time constraints and otheroperational limitations.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The activities of the certifying mechanic include thelimited rectification of defects and the capability toperform and certify minor scheduled line maintenance

    inspections, such as daily checks.

    These rectification activities might include tasks, such

    as a wheel change, replacement of a worn brake unit,navigation light replacement or a seat belt change

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    Scheduled maintenance activities might include:replenishment of essential oils and lubricants,lubrication of components and mechanisms, panel and

    cowling removal and fit, replacement of panel fasteners,etc., in addition to the inspection of components,control runs, fluid systems and aircraft structures forsecurity of attachment, corrosion, damage, leakage,

    obstruction and general wear.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    All these maintenance activities require a workingknowledge of the systems and structures being rectifiedor inspected.

    For example, to replenish the hydraulic oil reservoirs ona modern transport aircraft requires knowledge of theparticular system, the type of oil required. Thereplenishment equipment being used, all related safety

    considerations and knowledge of the correct positioningof the hydraulic services prior to the replenishment.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    In addition, for this task, the mechanic must be able torecognize the symptoms for internal or externalhydraulic oil leakage when carrying out these

    replenishment activities on a particular hydraulic systemreservoir.

    For example, figure shows the hydraulic reservoirreplenishing point for the Boeing 767.

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    The replenishment process requires the changeovervalve to be selected and oil sucked into the reservoir, viathe replenishment hose which is placed in the oil


  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The certifying mechanic then operates the hand pumpto draw the hydraulic fluid up into the reservoir.

    When the reservoir is full, as indicated by the contents

    gauge, the hose is withdrawn from the container,blanked and stowed.

    The changeover valve is put back into the flightposition, panel is secured and the appropriate

    documentation is completed by the certifyingmechanic, who will have a company approval to performthis task.

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    For this job role, there is a statutory requirement for aparticular period of training and experience before amaintenance mechanic is issued with limited certifying


  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The role of the category B certifying technician issubdivided into two major sectors: category B1(mechanical) and category B2 (avionic).

    B1 maintenance technicians will have an in deptknowledge of airframe, engine and electrical powersystems and equipment in addition to a thorough

    knowledge of aircraft structures and materials.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    While category B2 maintenance technicians will havean in-depth integrated knowledge of aircraft electrical,instrument, autopilot, radio, radar, communication and

    navigation systems.

    The knowledge and skills gained from their initialtraining, together with aircraft-type knowledge and a

    substantial period of practical experience, will enablecategory B technicians, once granted approvals, toundertake one or more of the following maintenanceoperations:

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    In-depth scheduled inspection activities. Complex rectification activities. Fault diagnosis on aircraft systems propulsion units,

    plant and equipments. Airframe and other aircraft repairs. Functional tests and checks on aircraft systems,

    propulsion units and sub-systems.

    Aircraft engine ground running activities. Supervise and certify the work of less experienced

    technicians and mechanics.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    As can be seen from the above list of maintenanceoperations, the category B maintenance technician canbe involved in a very wide and interesting range of

    possible activities.

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    The inspections, rectification and other associatedmaintenance activities which takes place on the aircraft,on the live side of an airfield are carried by line

    maintenance personnel's.

    The depth of maintenance performed by linemaintenance personnel is restricted to that

    accomplishable with the limited tools, equipment andtest apparatus available on site. It will include first-linediagnostic maintenance, as required.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    Base maintenance, as its name implies, takes place at adesignated base away from the live aircraft movementareas.

    The nature of the work undertaken on basemaintenance sites will be more in-depth than thatusually associated with line maintenance and may

    include: in-depth strip-down and inspection, theembodiment of complex modifications, majorrectification activities, off-aircraft component overhauland repairs.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    These activities, by necessity, require theaircraft to be on the ground for longer

    periods of time and will require themaintenance technicians to be conversantwith a variety of specialist inspectiontechniques, appropriate to the aircraftstructure, system or components beingworked-on.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The category C certifier acts primarily in a maintenancemanagement role, controlling the progress of basemaintenance inspections and overhauls.

    The category C certifier will upon completion of all basemaintenance activities sign-off the aircraft asserviceable and fit for flight.

    This is done using a special form known as a certificateof release to service (CRS).

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    Thus the category C certifying engineer has a veryresponsible job, which requires a sound all-roundknowledge of aircraft and their associated systems and

    major components.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The CRS is ultimately the sole responsibility of thecategory C certifying engineer, who confirms by his/hersignature that all required inspections, rectification,

    modifications, component changes, airworthinessdirectives, special instructions, repairs and aircraft re-build activities have been carried out in accordance withthe laid-down procedures and that all documentation

    have been completed satisfactorily, prior to releasingthe aircraft for flight.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    What is certification?Certification is the process of proving that a productmeets the (safety or airworthiness standards) applicable

    to that product

    No certification = no sales = no money = no company.Even if the product is perfect !!!

    So, even if you dont work in certification make sure you

    do everything possible to ensure that they succeedoryou may not work anywhere.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    JAR Joint Aviation Requirements - Prior to the creation ofthe European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) the JointAviation Authorities (JAA) was responsible for publishing

    regulations governing the operations, maintenance,licensing an certification/design standards for aircrafts.

    These regulations are known as Joint Aviation Requirements(JARs).

    JARs had no legal status until they were ratified by nationalgovernments, but many European countries adopted all orpart of JARs as the basis for their own national regulations.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    Qualifications structure

    The licensing of aircraft maintenance engineers is

    covered by international standards that are

    published by the International Civil AviationOrganization (ICAO).

    In the UK, the Air Navigation Order (ANO) provides

    the legal framework to support these standards.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The purpose of the licence is not to permit the holder toperform maintenance but to enable the issue ofcertification for maintenance required under the ANO


    This is why we refer to licensed maintenance personnelas certifiers.

    At present the CAA issue licences under two differentrequirements depending on the maximum take-off massof the aircraft.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    For aircraft that exceeds 5700 kg, licenses are issuedunder JAR 66.

    The JAR 66 license is common to all European countrieswho are full members of the Joint Aviation Authority(JAA).

    The idea being that the issue of a JAR 66 licence by anyfull member country is then recognized as having equalstatus in all other member countries throughout Europe

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    There are currently over 20 countries throughoutEurope that go to make-up the JAA.

    In US, the US Federal Aviation Administration (USFAA)is the equivalent of the JAA.

    These two organizations have been harmonized to the

    point where for example, licences issued under JAR 66are equivalent to those licences issued under FAR 66.

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The JAR 66 license is divided into categories A, B and C.

    For clarity, all levels and categories of license that may beissued by the CAA/FAA are listed below:

    Levels Category A: Line maintenance certifying mechanic Category B1: Line maintenance certifying technician

    (mechanical) Category B2: Line maintenance certifying technician

    (avionic) Category C: Base maintenance certifying engineer

  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


    The JAR 66 syllabus may be taught and examined on amodule-by-module basis.

    In all, there are currently 17* modules in the JAR 66


    Examinations and levels The JAR 66 examinations are modular and designed to

    reflect the nature of the JAR 66 syllabus content.

    These modular examinations may be taken on CAApremises, or on the premises of approved JAR 147organizations.

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  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9


  • 7/29/2019 Aircraft Engineers and Maintenance Technicians - Lec 9

