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AIT Photo Folio: 2014-2016

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Page 1: AIT Photo Folio: 2014-2016
Page 2: AIT Photo Folio: 2014-2016
Page 3: AIT Photo Folio: 2014-2016

PHOTO FOLIOtwo years of progress

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July 2014

Prof Worsak kanok-nukulchai aPPointed neW ait President

17 july 2014

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chairman subin Pinkayan revieWs ait research Programs Prior to mission to 9

us universities 15 july 2014

ait to be asian hub for ‘alliance for global sustainability’

july 2014

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national council for Peace and order (ncPo) aPProves

ait budget of 119 million thai baht

july 2014

scholarshiPs for ait students:

Pasco, kurita-gk chemical,

thai obayashi july 2014

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august 2014

bhutan ambassador h.e. mr. kesang Wangdi visits ait

26 august 2014

ait inks PartnershiP With indian non clonable id develoPer bilcare ltd

20 august 2014

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ait and WWf thailand aWarded us$ 980k Project from hsbc Water sustainability

Program august 2014

ait’s shobhakar dhakal Presents iPcc findings on mitigation in india

6 august 2014

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stanford university Pioneer

Prof oussama khatib dazzles audience at robotics talk

26 august 2014

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september 2014

Professor mukhtar ahmed,

Pakistan higher education commission

(hec) chairman discusses exPanded cooPeration

19 sePtember 2014

scholarshiPs: ejec,

mitsubishi rayon,

ait alumni club (kmutt),

aaPg sePtember 2014

mr. chusak gayWee, (ait alumnus) is neW

director-general of dePartment of

highWays, thailand sePtember 2014

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ait Welcome shoW : 19 sePtember 2014

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october 2014

Ambassador of Norway H.E. Mr. Kjetil Paulsen meets NMFA-AIT scholars from

Myanmar 14 October 2014

Ambassador of Germany H.E. Ambassador Rolf Schulze hands over DAAD

scholarship certificates from 15 October 2014


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silver jubilee celebrations of school of management

25 october 2014

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unocal myanmar grants scholarshiPs to tWo ait students

27 october 2014

israeli ambassador h.e. mr. simon

roded stresses focus on entrePreneurshiP

Programs 28 october 2014

india’s ministry of human resource

develoPment underlines

ait among its international

collaborations october 2014

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november 2014

jaPan’s vice minister for global environment h.e. mr. soichiro seki

comPliments ait 26 november 2014

us unveils thai-us creative PartnershiP and

develoPment innovation

ventures 24 november 2014

maiden visit by ambassador of

mongolia h.e. mr. battumur

chimeddorj 12 november 2014

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thai military delegations from military research and develoPment centre (mrdc) and national defense college (ndc) seek ait PartnershiP

4 november 2014, 17 november 2014

school of management

cracks global toP 250 in b-school

ranking by eduniversal

november 2014

v-Watch aWarded Prize at it

Princess aWards comPetition

november 2014

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40 comPanies ParticiPate in ait career fair 5 november 2014

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december 2014

internet hall of fame’s steven huter hands over netWork startuP resource

center (nsrc) gift of 250 Wifi access Points 17 december 2014

kurita Water and environment foundation signs mou

1 december 2014

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UNESCO-IHE Workshop on Sustainable Water and Environment Management

2 - 4 December 2014

IWA Specialist Conference on Municipal Water Management and Sanitation

9 December 2014

AGS-Asia Industrial Collaboration workshop

1 December 2014

Workshop on Climate Compatible Adaptive Urban Development

December 2014

FOSS4G Asia 2014 Conference 2 December 2014


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January 2015

hrh Princess maha chakri sirindhorn grants royal ausPices to ait library modernization

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scg gifts 10 million baht for ait library modernization

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Global RankinG

15th Agribusiness/Food Industry Management

53rd Entrepreneurship

54th Sustainable Development and Environmental Management

FaR East asia RankinG

11th Corporate Finance

13th Engineering and Project Management

16th Executive MBA

16th MBA Full time

18th General Management




ait’s management Programs ranked among global leaders, toPs in thailand

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international integrated bachelor - master degree Program gets under Way

With indian ambassdor h.e. mr. harsh vardhan shringla (right) Welcoming the

maiden batch of 55 students 15 january 2015

ait to suPPort nigeria in housing and sanitation

19 january 2015

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February 2015

australian ambassador h.e.

mr. Paul robilliard, and bangladesh ambassador h.e. ms. saida muna

tasneem visit ait 2 - 3 february 2015

student union international cultural shoW 20 february 2015

vice chairman of the ait board of

trustees. dr. john d. nelson hands over his

Personal donation to ait President

Prof. Worsak kanok-nukulchai.

26 february 2015

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ait aWarded Qs five-star ratings

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m arch 2015

President Worsak aWarded honorary doctorate by sam higginbottom institute

of agriculture, technology & sciences, india

18 march 2015

ait alumna may sabe Phyu honored With us secretary of state’s

international Women of courage aWard 6 march 2015

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taiWan Premier h.e. dr. mao chi-kuo reminisces ait, suPPorts ait entrance gate as a gift to his alma mater : 21 march 2015

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4 5 6

1 2

Photo gallery of some of the donations in march 2015

1. Pakistan Students Association (PSA) donation of 15,700 Baht. 2. Dr. Chainarong Na Lamphun (1 Million Baht) 3. Dr. Phannachet Na Lamphun, Dr. Pornlapas Na Lamphun, and Mr. Rathawit Na Lamphun (1 Million Baht) 4. Mr. Charoen Jaturasil (1 Million Baht). 5. Amata Corporation (1 Million Baht). 6. Ms. Ailee Loh (976,101 Baht)

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april 2015

Institution Student mobility

International academic staff

International joint publications

International doctorate degrees

1 asian inst. tech th a a a a

2 U Bergen NO A A A A

3 Bocconi University IT A A A A

4 U libre de Bruxelles BE A A A A

5 Central European U Budapest


6 ESSEC Business School Cergy


7 Chalmers U Tech SE A A A A

8 U College Cork IE A A A A

9 Delft U Tech NL A A A A

10 Tech U Denmark DK A A A A

international orientation rankings: institutional

ait ranked “toP international university” in the World in 2015

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ait’s first female faculty member Prof. samorn muttamara honored With a

room in her name 10 aPril 2015

ait international food fair

10 aPril 2015

ait alum Pit teong lee commits to helP transform ait library into a modernized,

e-learning Wonder 21 aPril 2015

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4 5 6

1 2

aPril 2015 saW major donations for the ait library modernization camPaign and scholarshiPs

1. Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (left) with Mr. Chaiwat Kovavisarach 2. Mr. Somchai Lertsutiwong (left) with Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai 3. H.E. Ms. Saida Muna Tasneem 4. From Left: Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Dr. Verapong Chaiperm and Ms. Srivanik Hasdin 5. AIT Alumni (Thailand) and Panya Consultants 6. Mr. Tan Chin Nyan

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m ay 2015

ait reaches out after nePal earthQuake

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123rd graduation: ait alumni reaches the 100-country mark

22 may 2015

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red bull’s 10 mil. baht grant co-brands ait With World’s no. 1 energy drink maker

7 may 2015

alumnus dr. yanyong Phataralaoha donates 2 million baht for ait library

22 may 2015

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1. Mr. Somchai Jittavisutthibvong, Managing Director, BSY Construction, donated 500,000 THB for the AIT library. 2. Mr. Robert Allen Jr., and Mr. Jyxiong Juevaxaiki of Theun- Hinboun Power Company Limited (THPC) announce scholarship for Lao nationals 3. AIT’s Hall of Fame Member Yen-Yi Tseng donated 1 Million Baht for the AIT Library. 4. Mr Thongma Vijitpongpun, CEO of Pruksa Real Estate PCL announced 2 Master’s Scholarships at AIT 5. AIT’s Vice President for Resource Development, Prof. Kazuo Yamamoto donated 500,000 Baht for the AIT Library

library / fundraising / scholarshiPs in may


4 5

1 2

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a neW milestone all ait degrees are officially recognized in india

22 may 2015

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June 2015

ambassador of hungary h.e. dr. Peter jakob Pays

maiden visit to ait 23 june 2015

30 afghan students arrive under adb


ait staffer anh nguyet Wins

marina van damme aWard

2 june 2015

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July 2015

royal thai armed forces establish landmark academic PartnershiP : 23 july 2015

china scholarshiP council secretary

general dr. liu jinghui visits ait

15 july 2015

thai contractors association donates

2 million baht

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ait hosts “regional forum

on climate change“ 1 - 3 july 2015

Nobel Laureate José Ramos-Horta (left) with AIT President Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai

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august 2015

ait enters china in a big Way, 5 mou's signed

ß Guizhou Provincial Education Department ß Guizhou Vocational and Technical College ß Guizhou Institute of Technology ß Nanjing Institute of Rail Technology ß Zhejiang University

mou on manPoWer develoPment in railWays, korea

26 august 2015

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400 students from 28 countries in asia, africa, euroPe, north and south america join ait 4 august 2015

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september 2015

ait launches 1st-ever aviation sector training Program With

airPorts of thailand (aot) 4 sePtember 2015

nePal ambassador to thailand, h.e. mr. khaga nath adhikari calls for

increased ties With ait 29 sePtember 2015

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google street vieW car and google trekker at ait

1 sePtember 2015

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october 2015

ait alumnus mr. adthaPorn singhaWichai aPPointed governor of surin Province

10 october 2015

bangladesh minister inaugurates 100th advanced course on administration and

management 26 october 2015

H.E. Ismat Ara Sadique (right), Minister of State of Public Administration, Bangladesh, and H.E. Saida Muna Tasneem (left), Ambassador of Bangladesh to Thailand inaugurated the 100th Advanced Course on Administration and Development (ACAD) at AIT.

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ait President at oecd’s World science and technology forum

20 october 2015

Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai delivered a keynote speech on “Science Education and Human Resource Development” at the World Science and Technology Forum (WSTF), which was a prelude event to the OECD Ministerial Meeting held at Daejeon, Korea .

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november 2015

unesco to celebrate birth centenary of ait’s first board chairman

2 november 2015

UNESCO will celebrate the birth centenary of Dr. Puey Un gphakorn, first Chairman of the AIT Board of Trustees. His birth centenary falls in 2016.

ait hosts icc World Women’s cricket 28 november - 5 december 2015

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hrh Princess maha chakri sirindhorn visits ait exhibition booth at crma,

bestoWs token of aPPreciation 17 november 2015

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december 2015

ait signs mou With irrigation dePartment,

sindh, Pakistan 7 december 2015

german ambassador hands over daad

scholarshiP certificates

German Ambassador H.E. Mr. Peter Prügel handed over DAAD scholarship certificates at the German Embassy in Bangkok to AIT students (3 December 2015).

thai PiPe announces 9 mil. baht scholarshiPs

for ait

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ring out 2015, ring in 2016: haPPy neW year! 4 december 2015

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January 2016

mou signing: college of engineering baramati, maharashtra, india

27 january 2016

mou signing: indian institute of management (iim), kashiPur

19 january 2016

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international forum on sustainable future in asia

27-28 january 2016

h.e. minister inia b. seruiratu, minister of

agriculture, rural and maritime develoPment and national disaster

management, fiji, calls on ait

20 january 2016

distinguished adjunct faculty (daf) lecture by

dr. bindu lohani 18 january 2016

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neW students at ait 5 january 2016

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February 2016

industrial estate authority of thailand (i-ea-t) signs 3-year PartnershiP

4 february 2016

Pruksa real estate Pcl aWards scholarshiP

23 february 2016

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Provincial electricity authority (Pea) signs 20 mil. baht agreement to uPgrade 24 staff 15 february 2016

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global consulting firm Pöyry at ait 2 february 2016

rePublic of korea delegation visits ait

25 february 2016

ait visits thailand international

cooPeration agency (tica)

5 february 2016

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m arch 2016

ait ranked among the global best in three subjects 21 march 2016

bbc shines the light on Prof kanchana

kanchanasut 8 march 2016

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delegation from embassy of china

at ait 11 march 2016

visit to office of civil service

commission, thailand

24 march 2016

team ait Wins fao debate for third successive year

21 march 2016

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Civil and Infrastructure Engineering

Industrial Systems Engineering



Environmental Engineering & Management

Regional & Rural Development Planning

Aquaculture & Aquatic Resources Management


TRF Index 3rd Research Ratings 2014



Rated best in 7 disciplines,

perfect score of 5 in 5 disciplines

ait bags the toP honor in thailand’s university ratings 1 march 2016

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april 2016

germany ambassador h.e. mr. Peter Prügel makes a maiden visit to ait

5 aPril 2016

theun-hinboun PoWer comPany grants scholarshiP for laos student

25 aPril 2016

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a drone’s eye vieW of the ait camPus

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ait signs triPartite agreement With diPonegoro university (undiP), agency for human resources

develoPment (ahrd), ministry of Public Works and

housings(PuPr), indonesia for joint master’s Program

12 aPril 2016

ait signs mou With indonesia’s khairun university

20 aPril 2016

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neW ait institute-level advisory board constituted

1. Professor Sahol Hamid Abu Bakar 2. Professor Tissa Illangasekare 3. Dr. P.J. Lavakare. 4. Professor Wang Li 5. Dr. Za-Chieh Moh 6. Professor Tso-Chien Pan 7. Mr. Ragnar Soegaard 8. Professor Charas Suwanwela 9. Professor William C. Webster 10. Dr. Suchitra Punyaratabandhu

3 4 51 2

6 7 98 10

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m ay 2016

our relationshiP With ait is very Precious:

ambassador of france h.e. mr. gilles garachon

may 2016

ait President at un dPi conference in seoul, south korea

30 may 2016

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ait holds landmark 125th graduation

19 may 2016

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ait joins 35 organizations to drive

‘food innoPolis’ 27 may 2016

ait exPands its china PartnershiP focusing on high

sPeed railWays, faculty exchange and scholarshiPs

ß Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) : 6 May 2016

ß China Scholarship Council (CSC): May 2016

ß Beijing Jiaotong University (BJTU)

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ait unveils four innovative environment friendly sanitation Products that

‘reinvent the toilet’ 26 may 2016

collaboration and innovation: ait takes the lead

12 - 13 may 2016

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June 2016

secretary-general of iau, ms. eva egron-Polak

comPliments ait 10 june 2016

china scholarshiP council (csc)

delegation visits ait 27 june 2016

former indian minister

mr. sharad PaWar kicks off unified

Program 13 june 2016

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ait visits h.e. noh kWang-il, ambassador of the rePublic of korea to thailand

june 2016

nstda and ait sign landmark agreement 29 june 2016

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ait’s dr noPPadol Phien-Wej aPPointed

President of seags 2 june 2016

ait alumni association (thai chaPter) visits ait

june 2016

alumnus dr seree suPharatid aPPointed governor, Provincial

WaterWorks authority, thailand

8 june 2016

alumnus mr. Worasart aPaiPong aPPointed

director-general, dePartment of

groundWater resources 21 june 2016

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donation to the ait library modernization camPaign : 1 jan 2015 - 30 june 2016

Donor Number % Amount (THB)

members of ait hall of fame / board of trustees

19 6.7 5,332,535

organizations/corporates 40 57.9 45, 926,100

former faculty/staff 26 1.4 1.088.849

Present ait faculty/staff/students 19 2.6 2,041,700

alumni chapter/groups 15 6.1 4,816,177

individual alumni 105 16.4 12,935,624

individuals / friends of ait 3 0.1 80,000

donations under 15,000 thb 434 8.9 7,036,023

Total 661 100 79,317,008

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library modernization june 2016

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Produced by

Office of Media and Communications

Asian Institute of Technology
