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Ajax Applications with JSF 2 and new RichFaces 4 - Herbstcampus

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Ajax Applications with JSF2 and new RichFaces 4 at Herbstcampus 2010 conference
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Exadel Ajax Applications with JSF 2 and New RichFaces 4 Herbstcampus September 13th, 2010 Max Katz Exadel
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Ajax Applications with JSF 2 and New RichFaces 4

HerbstcampusSeptember 13th, 2010

Max KatzExadel

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Who is this guy?

● Senior Systems Engineer, RIA strategist at Exadel

◦ http://mkblog.exadel.com

◦ http://twitter.com/maxkatz

● JSF/RichFaces consulting, training

● Leads a number of projects:

◦ Exadel Tiggr

◦ Exadel Flamingo

◦ Exadel Fiji

◦ Exadel JavaFX Plug-in for Eclipse

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Author of Practical RichFaces


Co-author of RichFacesDZone Refcard

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● Products and services company

● Founded in 1998, headquarters in Concord, CA

● 350+ employees

City Country Year

Concord California, USA 1998

Moscow Russia 1999

Minsk Belarus 2002

Vitebsk Belarus 2005

Donetsk, Kharkov Ukraine 2006

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● Open Source with JBoss

◦ RichFaces

◦ JBoss Tools/JBoss Developer Studio

● Tiggr – create and share mockups online

● Flamingo

● Fiji (JSF – JavaFX/Flex integration)

● jsf4birt (JSF – BIRT/Actuate integration)

● JavaFX Plug-in for Eclipse

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● Rich enterprise application development

● Eclipse development

● Custom rich component development

● Mobile development

● Training

● Most projects are done in Eastern Europe

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The Plan

● Ajax features in JSF 2

● The new RichFaces 4

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● JSF 2 is a major upgrade over JSF 1.x

● Many features, ideas taken from projects such as Seam and RichFaces, and others

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● Facelets

● Composite components

● Navigation

● GET support

◦ Page parameters

◦ h:link, h:button

● Resource loading

JSF 2 new features

● New scopes

◦ Flash, View, custom

● Configuration

◦ Annotations

● Bean Validation support

● Ajax

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JSF 2 <f:ajax>

● Basic Ajax functionality

● Greaty inspired by RichFaces 3 <a4j:support> tag

● Ajax in JSF in 3 easy steps:

◦ How to send an Ajax request

◦ Partial view processing

◦ Partial view rendering

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<h:inputText> <f:ajax event="keyup" execute="@form" render="id1 id2" listener="#{bean.ajaxListener}" onevent="someFunction();"/><h:inputText>

Event based on which to fire the Ajax request

What to execute on the server:● @all● @this (default)● @form● @none● Id's● EL

Partial view rendering:● @all● @this● @form● @none (default)● Id's● EL

Optional server listener

Optional name of JavaScriptfunction to execute during Ajax request. Invoked 3 times, at: begin, success, complete steps

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<h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{bean.action}" > <f:ajax event="focus" execute="@form" render="output"/></h:commandButton><h:panelGrid id="output"> ... </h:panelGrid>

<h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{bean.action}" > <f:ajax execute="@form" render="output output2"/></h:commandButton><h:panelGrid id="output"> ... </h:panelGrid><h:panelGrid id="output2"> ... </h:panelGrid>

Attaching to button,specifying event

No event specified,using default event

Using <f:ajax>

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<h:inputText value="#{bean.text}" > <f:ajax event="keyup" render="text"/> </h:inputText> <h:outputText id="text" value="#{bean.text}" />

<h:selectOneListbox id="list" value="#{bean.choice}" ><f:selectItems value="#{cean.choiceList}" /><f:ajax render="info" listener="#{bean.change}"/>

</h:selectOneListbox> <h:panelGrid id="info"> ... </h:panelGrid>

Default event is onchange

No event specified so using default

Using <f:ajax>

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<f:ajax> <h:panelGrid> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> <h:inputText> <h:commandButton> </h:panelGrid> </f:ajax> <f:ajax event="click"> <h:panelGrid> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> <h:inputText> <h:commandButton> <f:ajax event="focus"/> </h:commanButton> </h:panelGrid>


<f:ajax event="valueChange"> <h:panelGrid> <h:selectBooleanCheckbox> <h:inputText> <h:commandButton> <f:ajax event="focus"/> </h:commanButton> </h:panelGrid>


No default event, no Ajax addedonchange



onclickonclick and onfocus

No Ajax addedonchange


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RichFaces 4 – rich JSF framework● JSF 2 based

● Ajax components

◦ a4j:* tag library (core)

◦ rich:* tag library (UI)

● Skins and themes

● CDK – Component Development Kit

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RichFaces versions

Version JSF 1.1 JSF 1.2 JSF 2

RichFaces 3.1.x •RichFaces 3.3.3* • •RichFaces 4 •* Note: RichFaces 3.3.3 only has basic JSF 2 support

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What about deployment?

● All servers

● All browsers

◦ (Event IE 6.0)

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RichFaces history

2004: started by Alexander Smirnov

2004-2007: Ajax4jsf – free, open source RichFaces – commercial Exadel

2007: JBoss takes over

Exadel team continues to develop the framework

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Just tell me when RichFaces 4 is going to be released?

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RichFaces 4

JavaScript in RichFaces is now entirely based on the popular jQuery library.

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RichFaces 4

● All components are reviewed for consistency, usability

● Redesigned following semantic HTML principles

● Server-side and client-side performance optimization

● Strict code clean-up and review

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RichFaces 4

● New and easy to use CDK (Component Development Kit)

● Quickly build your own custom rich components

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Google App Engine

● Deploy RichFaces application in Google App Engine (GAE)

● Special maven-based plug-in available

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RichFaces <a4j:ajax>

● 100% based on standard <f:ajax>

● Just replace f: with a4j: and get exactly the same functionality

● But, you get extra features...

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Attribute Description

onbegin JavaScript to execute before Ajax request

onbeforedomupdateJavaScript to execute after response comes back but before DOM update

oncomplete JavaScript to execute after DOM update

bypassUpdatesSkips Update Model and Invoke Application phases, useful for form validation

limitRenderSkips all a4j:outputPanel ajaxRender=”true” areas. Only renders what is set in current render

status Status to display during Ajax request

focusSets focus on component after Ajax request

<a4j:ajax> attributes

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RichFaces 4

That's not all, there are more RichFaces goodies...

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RichFaces 4 core action

● a4j:ajax

● a4j:commandButton

● a4j:commandLink

● a4j:jsFunction

● a4j:poll

● a4j:push

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<a4j:commandButton> – Ajax button

<h:commandButton value="Save" action="#{bean.action}"> <f:ajax execute="@form" render="output"/></h:commandButton>

<a4j:commandButton value="Save" execute="@form" render="output" action="#{bean.action}" />

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<table> ... <td onmouseover="update('yellow')"/> ...</table><a4j:jsFunction name="update" action="#{bean.change}" reRender="panel"> <a4j:param value="param1" assignTo="#{bean.color}"/></a4j:jsFunction>

<a4j:jsFunction> – fire Ajax request from any JavaScript function

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<a4j:poll> – periodically send an Ajax request

<a4j:poll interval="1000" action="#{bean.count}"

render="output" enabled="#{bean.pollEnabled}" />

<h:panelGrid id="output">...</h:panelGrid>

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RichFace 4 core

● a4j:outputPanel

● a4j:status

● a4j:region

● a4j:queue

● a4j:repeat

● a4j:log

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<a4j:outputPanel> – auto rendered panel

<h:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.fruit}"> <a4j:ajax listener="#{bean.change}"/></<h:selectOneMenu><a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true"> <h:panelGrid> ... </h:panelGrid> <h:panelGrid> ... </h:panelGrid></a4j:outputPanel>

Rendered on every Ajax request

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<a4j:status> – Ajax request status

<a4j:status startText="Loading..."/>

<a4j:status name="ajaxSpecial"> <f:facet name="start"> <h:graphicImage value="ajaxStatus.jpg"/> </f:facet></a4j:status>

<h:form> <a4j:commandButton /> <a4j:commandButton status="ajaxSpecial"/></h:form>

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<a4j:region> – declaratively define execute region<h:form> <a4j:region> <h:inputText /> <h:inputText /> <a4j:commandButton execute="@region"/> <a4j:region></h:form>

<h:form> <a4j:region> <h:inputText /> <h:inputText /> <a4j:commandButton /> <a4j:region></h:form>

Execute options: ● @all● @this (default)● @form● @none● Id's● EL● @region

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<a4j:log> – Ajax request information● Levels:

◦ debug, info, warn, error

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JavaScript interactions

<a4j:commandLink value="Link" onbegin="alert('Link clicked')" onbeforedomupdate="alert('Response received')" oncomplete="alert('DOM updated')"></a4j:commandLink>

Easier to use than the standard onevent

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Advanced rendering option

<a4j:commandButton render="output"/><a4j:commandButton render="output" limitRender="true"/>

<h:panelGrid id="output">...</h:panelGrid>

<a4j:outputPanel ajaxRendered="true">...</a4j:outputPanel>

Turns off all auto rendered panels,only renders what is set in currentrender

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Skipping phases when validating

<h:inputText id="name" value="#{bean.name}"/> <a4j:ajax event="blur" bypassUpdates="true"/></h:inputText><rich:message for="name"/>

1.Restore View2.Apply Request Values3.Process Validation4.Update Model5.Invoke Application6.Render Response


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JSF 2 queue

● JSF 2 has very basic queue functionality

● Events are queued and fired one at a time

◦ Only one request is processed on the server at a time

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RichFaces queue upgrades

● Delay firing of a request

● Combine requests from one or more controls

● Cancel DOM updates if the same request was fired

● Define queue as:

◦ Global (all views have queue)

◦ View-based

◦ Form-based

◦ Named (used by particular components only)

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RichFaces <a4j:queue>

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/>...<a4j:commandButton value="Button1"/><a4j:commandButton value="Button2"/>

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/>...<a4j:commandButton> <a4j:attachQueue requestDelay="1000"/></a4j:commmandButton><a4j:commandButton />

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a4j:queue – “combining” events

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000"/>...<a4j:commandButton> <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId="mainGroup"/></a4j:commmandButton><a4j:commandButton> <a4j:attachQueue requestGroupingId="mainGroup"/></a4j:commmandButton>

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a4j:queue – ignoring “stale” responses

<a4j:queue requestDelay="2000 ingoreDupResponses="true"/>

<h:inputText value="#{bean.state}"> <a4j:ajax event="keyup" listener="#{bean.load}" render="states"/></h:inputText>

<h:dataTable id="states"> <rich:column/></h:dataTable>

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RichFaces UI components

● Data iteration

● Output, panels

● Input

● Menu

● Trees

● Selects

● Layout

● Client side validation

● Miscellaneous

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Rich data iteration

● a4j:repeat

● rich:dataTable

● rich:extendedDataTable

● rich:subTable

◦ rich:subTableToggleControl

● rich:list

● rich:dataGrid

● rich:dataScroller

● rich:column

● Column and row spanning

● Filtering, sorting

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Partial update







Outside the table:- tableId@header- tableId@body- tableId@footer

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Partial update

● Cell from within current row:

● Row(s) from outside the table:

● Cell(s) from outside the table:




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Rich output, panels

● rich:panel

● rich:togglePanel

● rich:accordion

● rich:popupPanel

● rich:tabPanel

● rich:panelBar

● rich:panelMenu

● rich:collapsiblePanel

● rich:message(s)

● rich:paint2D

● rich:separator

● rich:toolBar

● rich:toolTip

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Rich input

● rich:autocomplete

● rich:inputNumberSlider

● rich:inputNumberSpinner

● rich:inplaceInput

● rich:calendar

● rich:colorPicker

● rich:editor

● rich:fileUpload

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Rich menu

● rich:contextMenu

● rich:dropDownMenu

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Rich tree

● rich:tree

● rich:treeNode

● Listeners

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Rich selects

● rich:orderingList

● rich:pickList

● rich:listShuttle

● rich:selectBox

● rich:inplaceSelect

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Rich layout

● rich:page

● rich:layout

◦ rich:layoutPanel

● rich:splitter

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Bean Validation (JSR 303)

● JSF 2 has support for Bean Validation (on the server)

public class Bean { @Email private String email;}

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{bean.email}"> <a4j:ajax event="blur"/></h:inputText><rich:message for="email"/>

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RichFaces client validation

Public class Bean { @Email private String email;}

<h:inputText id="email" value="#{bean.email}"> <rich:clientValidator event="blur"/></h:inputText><rich:message for="email"/>

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RichFaces client validation

<h:form> <rich:clientValidator /> <h:inputText/> <h:inputText/> <h:inputText> <rich:clientValidator event="blur"/> </h:inputText> <h:inputText> <rich:clientValidator disabled="true"/> </h:inputText></h:form>

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RichFaces functions

● rich:clientId(id) - returns component client id

● rich:element(id) - returns DOM element

● rich:component(id) - returns RichFaces client component instance to call JS API method

● rich:isUserInRole(role) - returns if the user has specified role

● rich:findComponent(id) - returns component instance for given short id

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rich:component(id) function

● Allows to call JS API on a component

<input type="button" onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.show();"

value="Open" />

<rich:popupPanel id="popup"> <h:outputLink value="#"

onclick="#{rich:component('popup')}.hide(); return false;">

<h:outputText value="Close"/> </h:outputLink></rich:popupPanel>

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Rich miscellaneous

● rich:componentControl

● rich:jQuery

● rich:hotKey

● rich:gmap

● rich:virtualEarth

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● Allows to call JS API on a component in declarative fashion

<h:outputLink id="openLink" value="#"><h:outputText value="Open" /><rich:componentControl event="click"

operation="show" target="popup" /></h:outputLink>

<rich:popupPanel id="popup">... </rich:popupPanel>

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<input type="button" id="changeButton" value="Change title" /><rich:jQuery selector="#changeButton" query="click(function(){

$('#panel #panel_header').text('Capital of Russia');})"/>

<rich:panel header="Moscow" id="panel"> Moscow is the capital, the most populous ...</rich:panel>

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● Lightweight extension on top of CSS

● Change look and feel of all Rich component with a few minor changes

● Can be applied to standard JSF and HTML tags as well

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Ready-to-use skins

● classic

● emeraldTown

● blueSky

● ruby

● wine

● deepMarine

● plain

● japanCherry

● laguna

● glassX

● darkX

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>ruby</param-value></context-param>

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Skin file (properties file)


generalBackgroundColor=#f1f1f1generalTextColor=#000000generalSizeFont=11pxgeneralFamilyFont=Arial, Verdana, sans-serif


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● Modify existing or create your own

● Change skins in runtime

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>myCustomSkin</param-value></context-param>

<context-param> <param-name>org.richfaces.skin</param-name> <param-value>#{bean.skin}</param-value></context-param>

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Overwriting skins<style> .rf-p-hr { // your custom style, applied to all panels on // on page } .panelHeader { // custom header style } </style>

<rich:panel id="panel1">... </rich:panel id="panel2"><rich:panel headerClass="panelHeader">... </rich:panel>

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Exadel Tiggr

● Create, collaborate and share mockups online

● RichFaces palette

● Upcoming features

◦ HTML generation

◦ More widgets and controls

● Give it a try - http://tiggr.exadel.com

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Exadel Tiggr – create, share and collobrate on application mockups


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Exadel Tiggr

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Upload yourown imagesas assets

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Exadel Fiji

● Insert any Flash/JavaFX widget into as JSF component into a JSF page

◦ Comes with 7 ready-to-use charts (Flash)




JSF page

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How can we help with RichFaces● Web application development with


● Custom component development

● Training:Training Days

JSF 1.2, 2 1-2RichFaces 3, 4 1-2JSF and RichFaces 2-3RichFaces 3 to 4 1-2

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Thank you!

[email protected]

● http://mkblog.exadel.com

● http://twitter.com/maxkatz

● http://exadel.org
