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AJB Team Transition Document

Date post: 24-Jul-2016
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AJB Team Member Transition 2015-2016
  • AJB Team Member



  • AJB Team Transition: 2015-20164 November 2015 London, England Paris, France Chicago, USA

    On 2 November 2015, Joao Pedro (JP) Ferraz of JB Brazil resigned from the position of Americas Junior Branch Team Member (Senior). As Alternate AJB Team Member for 20152016, Martu Cebellero of JB Argentina has accepted the offer to step in as Senior AJB Team member, finishing Joao Pedros term for 20152016.

    This document includes JPs resignation letter, the section from the Americas Junior Branch Terms of Reference which allows for this alternate transition of Martu, and a Closing Statement from the new AJB Team.

    Fernando Zamora Santa Mara & Mercedes Fogarassy & Quinn Porter AJB Team 20152016

    With the support of: Dow Linnell & Gaspard Simon IJRs 2015-2016


  • Joao Pedros Official Resignation

    I took the decision to step down from my role as AJB Team member, much due to my high paced routine of work and university, which hinder my ability to fully dedicate to this position.

    Moving forward I hope that the team is able to recognize the need for a more strategical mindset in the future of this region. Plan, not only through setting goals, but by defining actions, not attitudes.

    Look for ways to include JB action within the bigger map of CISV, instead of assuming we take our actions alone. Let us look for the opportunities to grow as an organization, with JB acting as a both a tool and player on our org`s scenario.

    Thank you for your time

    JP Ferraz


  • From the Americas Junior Branch Terms of Reference

    In the event that a member of AJB Team chooses to resign, or fails to communicate with the rest of AJB Team for a period of two months or more, the three remaining members AJB Team will work together with the International Junior Representatives (IJRs) to remove that member from the AJB. The alternate will be asked to step in. Should the alternate choose not do so, the three remaining AJB Team members, with input from the IJRs will then make a recommendation to the National Junior Representatives (NJRs) of AJB, and the NJRs will vote to approve a new member of AJB Team electronically.

    After consulting these Terms of Reference, we put the policies and procedures into action:

    October 23rd: JP tells Mercedes, Quinn and Fer that he will be resigning as AJB Team member. October 25th: Mercedes, Quinn and Fer meet with the IJRs (Dow and Gaspard) to inform them of the decision. November 2nd: Official resignation letter from JP is sent to AJB Team and the IJRs. November 2nd: Following the Americas' Junior Branch Terms of Reference (stated above) the Americas' Junior Branch Team Alternate Martu is asked to step in the Senior AJB Team member role until March 2016. November 3rd: Martu accepts the offer to step into the AJB Team role.


  • Welcome Martu!

    Hey everyone! My name is Martina Cebollero, but everyone calls me Martu. As you've read, I will be stepping in to AJB Team until March 2016. Many of you don't know me so here's a bit of info: I've been an active member in JB since I was 14, and have always kept track of IJB through social media. It wasn't until last year that I wanted to get actively involved in my region, so when I got nominated for AJB Team I of course happily accepted! After the elections in AJBM I became the team's alternate, in case a member had to step down. I am very excited and eager to work with the rest of the team! In this short period i'm involved in, I will always do my best and be as available as I possibly can for all of you. I consider this an opportunity to learn and to improve, while helping the region grow, which is a goal I have had for a long time.

    Here's some facts about me: I'm studying to become an Occupational Therapist, and I LOVE it. I like to randomly break into dancing and/or singing. I have a very deep fear of bees. I am very shy when I first meet people! Feel free to make me feel uncomfortable. I'm very, very, very, very clumsy.

    Feel free to contact me with any and I do mean ANY questions, comments, or whatever you might have! I'm really looking forward to these next months!



  • Closing

    We believe transition times are always complicated especially when we are towards the last part of the AJB year. We would like to ensure that the team together with the support of the IJRs are working to create the best strategy for development in the region.

    Thank you very much JP for your work in the team and we wish you the best in future projects, we are very sad to see you go, but we understand your reasons and the circumstances.

    We would like to welcome Martu Cebollero to the team until March and thank her for accepting and stepping in from the alternate status to a member. Questions about the role of Martu in the team might arise, but do not worry! We are planning on introducing our working methods to all of you and we are already setting new responsibilities and organizing our way of working as a team.

    Please do not hesitate on contacting us or your liaisons during meetings/emails/chats to talk about this transition. We are making sure that we have a strong and smooth transition.

    Thank you very much for your attention and understanding.

    Fernando Zamora Santa Mara & Mercedes Fogarassy & Quinn Porter & Martu Cebollero AJB Team 20152016

