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Alabama Civil Defense - Apr 1945

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  • 8/9/2019 Alabama Civil Defense - Apr 1945



    VOLUME I. MONTGOMERY, ALA., f\PRIL, 1945 NUMBER 11Alabamians UrgedTo Share ClothesWith Destitute

    First Lady Of AlabamaDonates To Clothing Drive 7th War LoanYour Next Job!The goal for th e Seventh War'

    Loan ha s been se t as $14,000,000,000, of which $7,000,000,000 is to ',come from sales to indiv id ,uals. 'Again, th e major emphasis willbe p laced on sal es to individuals, lth e quota being the ' highest established in any of th e War, LoanDrives.. The dri ve will extend from:May 14 to June 30.Local Defense Councils haverendered valuabl e coopera ti onand assistance in former WarLoan Campaigns an d St at e Defense Council Director HaygoodPaterson is again calling onCounty Defense Councils, Citizens Defense Corps, and CitizensService Corps to render al l outaid for th e s u c c e ~ s f u l consummation of th e Seventh Wa r Loanin Alabama.

    War Dads BackRecreation PlanA r ec re at ion p ro je ct f or conva

    lescent soldiers, sponsored by th eMontgomery Sportsmen's ClUb, washeartily endorsed by the AmericanWar Dads. The Sportsmen' plan tomake fishing and other Ol:ltdoor recreation available to recuperatingservice personnel, according to an nouncement of Robert V. Mullen,War Dad president.A message of condolence wasframed by members of th e localchapt er and will be forwarded toth e family of th e late President.Th e War Dads a re still cO,llecting

    magazines for the canteen and theyurge that all who have surplusreading matter carry it to th e canteen at th e Union Station so thattransient soldiers can "read whilethey ride."State Praised ForEnlisting WACs

    Mrs. Carl Griffin, niece of Governor Chauncey Sparks and F ir stLady of Alabama is shown at th e Mansion donating th e Governor'sold clothing to Mrs. J. Y. B!'ame, Director of th e Montgomery CitizensSerVice Corps, in charge of clothing collection for the United NationalClothing Drive. Var ious organizations have volunteered to assist Mrs.Brame with assorting, packing, and shipping the clothing.

    Jaycees EndorseCancer Campaign


    Eric Johnston, P resident of theli . S. Chamber o f Commerce andMearns Gates, President of th e U.S. Junior Chamber of Commercehave solicited th e support of allJunior Chambe rs i n th e State int he cur rent dri ve of the AmericanCancer Society for $5,000,000_

    Carl Griff in , Chief of War Services o f t he S ta te Defense Councilin appealing to the local groupswrote:"The Alabama State Defense Legion Cited For Schools WageCouncil ha s been cha rged w it h t he 0 CD B I Of B d A letter from Miss Lamar Jeter,responsibility of ' sparking' this cam- Assisting att e ,on s Chairman of th e WAC Civilian Ad-.

    paign. We fee l as if the drive can- Lt. Gen. Will iam N. Has;{ell, chief Sylacauga City Schools ha s issued visory Committee of the Fourthno t be a success without th e sup-' of th e Office of Civilian Defense, a challenge to th e Talladega City Service Command ha s been receivport of the Junior Chambers presented The American Leg'ion, Schools t o par ti ci pa te i n 'a Seventh ed by Mrs. Bibb Graves of Montthroughout th e State. Alabama',;; through National Commander Ed- War Bond Selling Contest which gomery, Chairman of th e Alabamaquota is $50,000." ward N. Scheiberling, with an award will ge t under way April 14th and WAC Civil ian Advisory CommitteeJunior Chambers contacted in - citing the Legion for the ass is tance con ti nue for one month, until May to th e effect that the Fourth Ser

    cluded clubs at Geneva, Albertville, given th e OCD in organizing the 14th. This contest is gaining ,mo- vice Command went ' over th e topLaFayette, Andalusia, Phenix City, civ il ian defense work throughout mentum by the hour and it now in WAC enlistment for, ' technicalOpelika, Sylacauga, Montgomery, th e nation. seems that th e most heated com- hospital service.Gadsden, Mobile, Birmingh,am, An- I t is understood that only three ' p ~ t i t i o n yet expeJienced between "You deserve the happy 'satisfacniston, Tuscaloosa, Dothan and organizations ar e to receive such ci - these two rival cit ies soon will begin tion of ,a job well done," wrote MissFloreJlce. tations. . to payoff in Bonds. IJeter to Mrs. Graves.

    Apr il 1s t through April 30th ha s'been proclaimed United' NationalC'lothing Collection Month in Alabama by Govern or ChaunceySparks, who is calling upon everyresponsible organization and everycitizen of t he S ta te to give utmosthelp in this urgent a nd h um an itarian undertaking.Henry J. Kaiser, Chairman of th eUnited National Clothing Collectionis instituting a one month nationwide campa ign t o obtain a minimum of 150,000,000 pounds of clothin g f or th e 125,000,000 people in the-liberated areas of Europe, who ar epractically destitute oL all forms ofclothing, inclUding shg.es and bed-ding. - _

    The State Defense Cncil hasbeen charged with th e responsibility of collecting this c lo th ing for-the State of Alabama. More than80 volunteer War Relief Agenciesare concent ra ting on thi s campaignduring April. Th e Rotary, Kiwanis, and Lions Clubs have. acceptedth e assignment of spearheading thedevelopment of local coItimittees.(Turn to page 3, column 4)

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    Sheffield Group BringSalvage to Florence Depot

    The above picture was made of members of th e Sheffield CitizensDefense Corps on March 14, during an all ou t salvage drive. Six en listed men from Courtland Army Air Base and th e man in charge ofweights at the Florence Salvage Depot pose with Miss June Caruthers,Miss Sarah Hughes and Miss Cora Caruthers of th e Sheffield Corps.More than 10,000 pounds of waste paper and 1,245 pounds of ti n canswere collected in Colbert County during'the drive, which was directedby Jack J . Caruthers, County Chairman.

    The Lauderdale County Salvage Depot, which i s sponsored by th eAmerican Legion Auxiliary is outstanding in the S ta te for i ts efficientoperation. The project is headed by Mrs. Milo S. Long , Chairman ofthe Lauderdale County Salvage Commit tee. Salvage is brought fromfrom th e surrounding counties and communities t o be weighed at th eFlorence Depot.

    CD Activities InOther States

    April Hints ForVictory Gardeners

    Minnesota-State Counc il of Defense has received an appropr ia tion and will continue to functionin 1946.

    Wyoming-In October all' L ) c ~ lCouncils of Defense were asked if ,,i n their opinion, Civilian D ~ f e n s eshould pe c ontinued. Of the 75Local pouncils in the St'ate al lbu t one rep li ed in t he a ff irma tive. Wyoming now ha s 9,204. volunteers in the Defense Corps;'and 7;422 in Civilian War Ser"vices.Missouri- -: 'Kansas City Aux il ia ry,Firemen helped f ight Ii two and,one-half million dollar fire whichdestroyed vast suppl ies o f sulfaarugs and 400 pints of bloodplasma.

    North Carolina-State Office ofCivilian Defense previously scheduled . its close on Decembe r ,}1"will be continued.

    Louisiana-It was announced thafth e 15,000 Civilian Defense volun tee rs i n New Orleans will beasked to funct ion in a _post-warrole as 'a volunteer ,organization.

    Delaware-The State Council of Defense has recommended to al lLocal Council s that al l Civilian'Defense units which have beenallowed to disband, be reactivated immediately.(Turn to page 3, column 1)

    Victory gardeners should heedsuggestions for April made by W.A. Ruffin" Extension Entomologistof the Alabama Polytechnic Insti,tute, 'who advises:Most gardens were planted twoto three weeks later t hi s yea r thanusual. Thi s mean s that 'many ofus will be' tempted to plant everyrow in the garden at one time.Planting everything at one time is

    one of the worst practices to follow.I f th e garden is to produce something' to ea t every month in theyear, there should [llways be a few,rows fixed and r eady t o p lant .,Use plenty of compost and plenty

    of commercial fertilizer. Best quality vegetables are produced whereboth of these materials are used.Proper cultivation is important.If th e soil was well prepared before planting, very shallow cultivatio n often enough to keep downweeds is all that is needed whilethe vegetables ar e growing. Dig-ging or deep plowing may do moreharm than' good to growing vegetables.Insect control is always one ofthe b iggest j obs in the garden;hand-picking and destroying th efirst bugs that show up in theSpring.

    Schools Vie InPaper Collection

    enthusiastic in the wor.k that hasbeen assigned to them in that theyare to fire the opening gun in saidSeventh War -Loan Drive i n Mon t- .ornery County"Now, therefore, I, David E. Dunn,:as mayor of th e City of Montgomery, do prpclaim Thursday, April19, 1945 as Treasure Hunt Day for'the City of Montgomery and I dourgently request th e citizens - ofMontgomery to aid and abet theschool children of said city in every way possible in their furtherance of said drive."

    The pupils of the Montgomerypublic schools collected 21,000pounds of ~ s c r a p paper th e weekending April 14, bringing th e to talfor th e scholastic year to 459,033pounds.For the first time this schoolyear, Highland Avenue ElementarySchool ranked f ir st in th e collection. The record there was 4,941

    p o u n d ~ . Capitol, Heights Ele:nentary School, usually ranking first,was second with a record of 4,376pounds.


    Mayor Dav id E. Dunn April 19 issued a procl amat ion mak ingThursday, official "Treasure HuntDay" for th e school children ofMontgomery. The Schoo l Army,21,000 strong, will launch th e spearhead drive of t h Seventh Wa rBond offensive. They plan to visitevery home in the county to obtai r.E Bond pledges.I Mayor Dunn's. proclamation fol lows:"Whereas in the fur therance ofthe efforts to finance th e terribleconflict in ' which cu r nation is atpresent engaged and to bring thesame to an early conclusion, the: Seventh Wa r Loan Drive is begin ning, and"Whereas the scnool children ofMontgomery County have beencalled upon by the MontgomeryCounty War Finance Committee tocommence th e Seventh War LoanDrive's big offensive in this county,and"Whereas th e children, the fu ture leaders of ou r county, ar e most'

    Now comes the Seven th WarLoan, officially opening on MaY14, and ending on June 30. Moretime devoted to it, and moremoney to be raised. Unc le Samfants fourteen billion in thisSeventh War Loan-and sevenbil lions of this to be in E bonds- the kind that most of us havebeen buying.

    There will be ample reasonsgiven in speeches, in stories inth e magazines and the press, an:din newspaper advertisements, forthis biggest of all individual quo-tas. .Bu t all arguments and reasoIlSfade alongside the very elementa l one- that so long as ouryoung men. and women can takeit in battle, and as long as it isnecessary for them to take it--

    just so, long can we take it, andgive i t, at home.o.ur money; their blood andsinew. Our extra hours to earnmore money to buy War Bonds;their extra hours to maintainthe sovereignty and security ofthe nation that will redeem thebonds.

    Buy bonds in th e Seventh WarLoan? Of course we shall . Andin th e Eighth when it c omes and as many more as it will re qaire to supply them and toeventually; bring them homeeven unto seven times seven.The I National Legionnaire.,

    Yes-Even ToSeven Times Seven

    "I cannot emphasize too strongly'th e di re n eed of universal militarytraining i f America a nd t he churchin America is to survive, advanceand progress in a world of peace."-Rev: Joseph N. Barnett, GraceChurch. Wabasha, Minn.

    Salvage Needed ForAnother Year"Waste: paper and tin cans areneeded more' t oday than at anyt ime du rin g the. war", Luther E.Creel, State Salvage Manager ha sinformed State Chairman Haygood

    Paterson. Manager Creel says:"With the wa r going sowell, wear e naturally inclined to feel thatour boys have al l th e materials theyar e going to need. However, re ports we ar e receiving from th eWar Production Board in Washing-'ton are to th e effect that we needall th e salvage materials we cange t for another year, at least due:to the shortage of pap er and tin.'All allotme.nts for civilian uses have!either been recent ly reduced orcancell ed a lt ogether, due to the:shortage. Committees and individuals are urged to continue every;effort i n t he collection of these vitalmaterials unti l the j ob is complet -.ed. JJ

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    Upon completion of the pack-"ing of clothing, at th e close ofUni ted Nat iona l Cloth ing Colle,ction drive, it should be, shipped f re ight collect to:Mr. J. F. CampbellProcurement Div.,, U. S. TreasuryBel le I sl e Bldg .20 Houston st., N. E.Atlanta, 3, Georgia.

    Ship ClothingFreight Collect

    Now Is Time ToPlace Coal Order!Consumers ; who expec t to usecoal next winter should f ile declaration with their dealers andplace their orders now!Haygood Paterson, Solid FuelsAdministrator for Alabama isagain calling attention to th eregulation requiring coal consumers to file declarations and'place orders for the ir nex t win-'ter's coal supplies.Advantages will accrue tot ho se who file before May 15 asthey will be given special preferential t reatment and will obt ai n the ir entire 80 per c en t of 'last year's tonnage.'


    Free Lots ToVets Is PlanSt. Petersburg, Fla. - Veteranswho were residents of this city be,'fore entering th e service wil l re ceive free building lots under a planformally approved by the city council.The lots to be distributed arethose that were obtained under cityforeclosure proceedings, and veterans Who apply for th em mus t beable to quali fy for bUilding tinderloans under the GI Bill of R ight s.

    Throughou t t hi s l and, e ach heart will keepWorld-wide vigil for lads who sleepAt hero-haunted Corregidor,On Iceland's rugged fog-gray shore;In sun-drencned sand at Alamein,In coral crypt at Kwajalein;On Roman roads, gun-swept and red,Where crosses mark our honored dead;In soi l of France, wher e side by sideRest 'sons and fathers. In' Maytide,Only the spirit can repai rTo linger With our loved ones there;Bu t l ike a bough of May-sweet bloom,Our prayers will wreathe each lonely tomb.


    Mrs. Julius Rice, County Commander, F ie ld Army of th e American Society for Control of Cancer presents Governor Chauncey Sparkswith a brochure dealing with cance r control. The Governor hasheartily endorsed th e April drive in Alabama to combat thi s greatscourge. Alabama's quota in the National campaign is $50,000.

    County ,Commander DiscussesCancer..,I)rive With Governor

    Ramer StudentsSponsor Plane

    '(Continued f rom page 1, column 1)In 'cOmInunities where ' there areno civic clubs , loca l Defense ,Councils with the aid of Salvage ComT,o stimulate interest in the bond mit tees are ' asked to lead the camdrive th e students will wage a con-t + tIt 1'4 R H' h paign.' , ,eso . 0 e ec a r. amer Ig Collect ion depots should be estab-School and a ' Miss Ramer High

    The Montgomery Count y H'l'gh' SChool. Votes cos t I-cent each in, lished at cenhtral pOintshin lthe comd'munity suc as sc 00 s a nSchool at Ramer has' s t a r t e d , ' , a n ~ ~ h : J u ~ ~ d P : / : h : i ~ n ~ ~ r c ~ ~ ~ d ~ r ~ ~ ; ~ churches and transportation' ofactive campaign to secure" $21,000 A, stud,ent, must have t,875 votes in' c lothjng from depots to a designat -as ltS, "uota, l'n th!" Seventh War' ed pOl'nt rna" be ha'ndled by' mu-Y. ' order to become a' candidate. ,Loan. Their drive ha s been sched-: nic ipal or county transportation fa-uled from April 9th to May 9th so: This s chool is part icipating ac- Cilities. 'that it JIlay be compl et ed before, tively in all Red 'Cross drives and' At the end of Apr il the packagedth e close of the school term.. clothing is to be sent collect tosalvage' drive1!, co ll ect ing paper;, Mr. J. F . Campbel l, ProcurementThese boys and girls 'always hitch'their wagon to a star. This time rags, rubbe r, and metal; is also, Division, U. S. Treasury' Departthey will sponsor a primary trainer serving as a station for the recep- ment, Belle Isle Bui lding, 20 Housp lane, a four inch compass,' and 5 tion of clo th es fo r the United Na- ton Street, N. E., Atlanta, 3, Geor-potato peelers. tional Clothing Collection. gia.

    (Cant inued from page 2, column 4)Illinois-Chicago has made an ap propriation of $150,000 for Civilian'Defense purposes' during 1945. 'California-San Francisco AuxiliaryPolice have pet it ioned th e Police'Commissioner to make them reserves with the regular Police Department.


    State To Raise$50,000 As QuotaIn Cancer DriveApril ha s been des igna ted as th etime for a nation wide campaign,on Cance r Control and Alabama isparticipating simultaneously with

    all other states.A new army is under mobilizationn America, today-men and womenare organizing in every State in theUnion to combat the greatestscourge that ha s ever afflicted th eNation-Cancer.Sponsoring th e fight against cancer is th e American Cancer Society,In Alabama under the chairmanship of Mrs. Ray Meade, State Commander of th e society's field armyand Haygood Paterson, State Chair-'man of' th e campaign for cancercontrol in Alabama, this State hopesto attain its quota of $50,000.' .'During April ," says Mrs. Meade,

    "men and women of the field armyare going to exert every effort toraille funds for'this cause. We realize that wh.en American peoplethoroughly understand the vital necessity f or adequat e r es ea rch tocomba t c ance r t hey will demand'that funds be provided."'The money realized from thecampaign will be employed to opendetection clinics and to carryonan extensive educational program,Mr. Paterson has contacted a llorganizations and industr ies in th eState appealing for assistance inraising Alabama's quota . He wrote :."The time is short. This campaign must be completed duringAp'ril. We need your active andfinancial support in order that Alabama may do its part in the rais;ngof the $5,000,000. Alabama's shareis $50,000. Won't you please s e n d ~us your check at once?"Heads of County D e f e n s ~ Coun-'cils , Cit izens Defense Corps, andCitizens Service Corps liave been

    urged by Mr. Pat er son t o o ff er theservices of their organ iz at ions i nthis important drive. County quota s have been. based on membe rship allotment .According to satistics just released, from th e date of Pearl Harborto April 1, 189,541 Americans were'illed on al l bat tl ef ront s and duro' oIing the same period 570,000 Americans died o-f cance r. Money is needed for the threefold purpose of educa tion , servi ce to patients, ,andresearch.

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    Clubs And SchoolsCollect ClothesDr. M. L. Orr, head of th e Department of Educat ion of AlabamCollege is acting as Chairman oth e U ~ i t e d National Clothing Col

    lection for Shelby County.

    8'00 School BoysTo Dig Potatoes

    Charles H.arris, Governor of thKiwanis Clubs of Alabama b,apromised th e cooperation of th e 3Kiwanis Clubs in t he S ta te in thClothing Drive. Other Civic Chibare likewise lending their supporto the campaign.,


    In an official statement, GovSparks gave his '.'hearty supportto th e observance .of May 1 as Cb,ilHealth Day in Alabama anthroughout th e nation. Thi:s year'observance will focus particular .att en tion upon th e need .for registerin,g all births as soon as, or SQoafter , they occur.

    The Montgomery County HigSchool at .Ramer i s serving ,as ,a reception station for th e communityfor used clothing for the NationaDrive.

    Eight hundred school boys whhave volunteered to help harvesthe 1945 potato crop in BaldwiCounty' w i ~ l report to th e fieldabout April 28, under a co-operative plan drawn up by heads ostate agencies.Chairman Frank Broadway of thstate labor supply committee saithe youths, who will receive thprevail ing wage scale, will be t llansported to Baldwin by bus and trai:lThe 800 already signed include 600white boys and 200 negroes, ,according to Earl Williams, farm labosupervisor for the state extensioservice.They will J;em:;J,in in . 'Baldwiabout six weeks.

    Sparks s.upportsChild Health Day

    Cora Caruthers OnRadio ProgramMiss Cora LaMarr Caruthers, Civilian Defense Off icer of Sheffieldwas interviewed on th e program"American Woman'" 'Thursday,April 5 ove r WSM, of Nashville, inregard to he r outstanding workwith th e Sheffield Citizens DefenseCorps. Miss Caruthers known asthe "Heroine of CDC" is th e daughte r of Mr. and Mrs. Jack J. Caruthers of Sheffield; and'wears th eCDC service pin , th e gold 5,000 h o u ~service bar and has a certificate of:

    merit. !te r ,In ,the City Hall durinz blacr
