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Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities · Our mission is to Keep Alaska Moving...

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Our mission is to Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure. Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2019 Annual Meeting Webinar Jim Amundsen, Anna Bosin, Jeff Currey, Elmer Marx, Carolyn Morehouse, Steve Saboundjian, & Jill Sullivan, February 26, 2019
Page 1: Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities · Our mission is to Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure. Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities

Our mission is to Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure.

Alaska Department of

Transportation & Public Facilities

Transportation Research Board (TRB) 2019

Annual Meeting Webinar

Jim Amundsen, Anna Bosin, Jeff Currey, Elmer Marx,

Carolyn Morehouse, Steve Saboundjian, & Jill Sullivan, February 26, 2019

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What is TRB?

TRB (Transportation Research Board) One of seven program units of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

• Promote National Transportation Research


• Alaska pays dues so all staff can get an account to log in and get access to annual meeting papers, publications and extensive library

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TRB Technical Representative

• Alaska staff members on standing committees

• Technical aspect of highway/marine design or construction

• Time commitment Get support from your supervisor

• First - Become a friend

• Get nominated for the committee

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Alaska TRB attendees

• Elmer Marx - Bridge

• Carolyn Morehouse – Research Chief

• Steve Saboundjian – Pavement

• Jill Sullivan - Data

• Jeff Currey – Materials

• Anna Bosin – Safety

• Jim Amundsen – Non Motorized Users

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Elmer Marx, PE

Statewide Design & Engineering Services

Bridge Design

Juneau, AK

[email protected]


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Transportation Research Board

• AFF50 – seismic bridge design

Workshops (Sunday)

Lectern Sessions

Poster Session (none this year)

Committee and Subcommittee meetings

• Joint geoseismic subcommittee

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2019 Workshop

• Jointly with AFS30 bridge foundation committee


• Challenge for Alaska DOT&PF is using shallow foundations in soils susceptible to liquefaction - - which is many sites

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2019 Lectern Sessions





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2019 Committee Meeting

• Updates on last year’s business

• Research Needs Statements (RNS) development

• Synthesis statement development

• Call for Papers (CFP)

• Technical presentations

• Workshop and webinar solicitation

• Housekeeping and committee business

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2019 Committee Meeting

• Technical presentations

Seismic Research and Observations from New Zealand

Design and Construction of a Large Laminar Soil Box for

Soil-Structure-Interaction Experiments on Deep


Research at Idaho State University

Update on Caltrans Seismic Research

AASHTO T-3 Seismic Committee Update

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November 30 2018 EQ Damage

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Research, Asset & Performance


Carolyn Morehouse, PE

Statewide Design & Engineering Services

Asset Management, Research & Technology Transfer

Juneau, AK

[email protected]


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National Cooperative Highway Research


• AASHTO/NCHRP/TRB administers http://www.trb.org/Publications/PubsNCHRPProjectReports.aspx Annual Dues $ 351,999.00

• $ opportunity NCHRP Implementation/20-44 update

Sid Mohan TRB [email protected]

Money for Implementation of any NCHRP final project/product


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Policy and Support

• “Ask a librarian” Data Services, Literature Reviews


• Janus Decision.

28 “Right to Work”

states - not a condition

of employment.

Alaska SU

3 options now

Full dues


Representation for hire

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Performance/Asset Management

• DOTs are a mobility company: Safety; Flow; Accessibility; Sustainability.

• Performance measures help to prioritize what is important and what knowledge is needed. More coming.

• Making AM the new normal. Too much $ for all GOOD.

• Risk/Vulnerable assets new challenge

• Resilience – Strategic divestment letting assets go…Maintenance is key.

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• How can you prevent today’s solutions from becoming tomorrows problems.

Extreme weather events/climate change. Divest/Coastal defenses. Design&Maintain – Design Safe to Fail

• Internationally – Immature-No rail/only highway. Crop production main freight. Alaska? Oil/Fishing. Other freight modes are low. Trying to get private sector investment. Defensive Innovation transformations/Design takes account events. Ei flooding.

• New Jersey Design caused problems. Lack of Maintenance. Need to integrate with other management systems.

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Random Interesting Tid Bits

• 25% transportation workers are 55+ (transit 40%) Average all industries 23%. Future of Trucking

• 40% of morning congestion caused by school traffic

• US population will double in 40 years. Can’t build out.

• Data Modeling. “All Models are wrong, but some are useful”

• Kentucky increase 3.3 degrees F in next 20 years and 5.6 in the following 20 years.

• Wash State sued and must correct Fish Passage by 2030 cost $3.73 Billion. Habitat Connectivity requirement. Air emissions.

• Doing something different doesn’t make it better.

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Steve Saboundjian, PE

DES-Design and Engineering Services

Statewide Materials – Pavement Design Engineer



[email protected]

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• Standing Committee on Seasonal Climatic Effects On Transportation Infrastructure (AFP50):


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• Standing Committee on Seasonal Climatic Effects On Transportation Infrastructure (AFP50):


• Webinar 1: Springtime Damage to Roads and Seasonal Load Limits: http://www.trb.org/ElectronicSessions/Blurbs/175499.aspx

• Webinar 2: Reducing Pavement Damage Due to Spring Thaw: http://www.trb.org/ElectronicSessions/Blurbs/178143.aspx

• Frost Damage in Pavements Video

Executive Summary: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fkrrSys03qQ

Full Length: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnI7T5wbNjc

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• Standing Committee on Low-Volume Roads (AFB30): https://sites.google.com/site/trbcommitteeafp50/

• 12th TRB International Conference on Low-Volume Roads Conference, Kalispell, MT, Sep. 15-18, 2019:


• Pooled Fund Study for LVR2019 [TPF-5(379)]: Technology Exchange on Low Volume Road Design, Construction and Maintenance : https://www.pooledfund.org/Details/Study/631

• Proposed Session/Workshop on Challenges and Innovations in Low-Volume Roads in Cold Regions

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• Standing Committee on Pavement Structural Modeling and Evaluation (AFD80):


• Deflection at Road Traffic Speed (DARTS)

• RAPTOR (Rapid Pavement Tester): Dynatest’s Traffic Speed Deflectometer

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• Dialog with Leaders Lecture: Dave Stanley (Ret.-DOT&PF)

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• SHRP2 Solutions: Asphalt Mixture Compaction Assessment Using GPR Density Profiling Systems (DSP) - User Group Peer Exchange: Updates from AK, ID, OH, NE, FL, ME, NY, TTI, GSSI, S&S

• ASCE Meetings:

Construction Institute’s Bituminous Materials Committee

Transportation & Development Institute’s Pavement Committee

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Jill Sullivan

Statewide Planning-Statewide Program Development

Data Programs Manager

Juneau, AK


[email protected]

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Our mission is to Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure.

Alaska Department of

Transportation & Public Facilities

2019 TRB Annual Meeting

Jill Sullivan

Feb 2019

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Data Governance

• Other states have similar challenges

Silo’d data, need for new systems/data, duplication of systems, cyber attacks, shifting priorities, etc.

• Governance reduces chaos-

manage data & application prioritization process

align business and technology strategy

• Governance at the forefront- with Asset Management implementation, Performance based management approach- Must have quality data!

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Data Governance

• Approaches to governance:

Set expectations of behavior – no silos, need for newest technology

Look at business needs statewide

Look at data & technology as an “enterprise asset”

Be flexible- no one size fits all

Need resources- IT, funding, staff

Need broad support

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Data Governance

• MN DOT –focus on “Information Governance”

• Ohio DOT- “tricked” data managers into governance by recommending central database.

• Florida DOT- “Technology Strategic Plan”

• FHWA- implemented Data Governance- reduce duplication of applications- do less with more (tighter budgets)

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Data Visualization

• FHWA Data Visualization Center (DVC)

• Take spreadsheets, tables…

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Data Visualization

and turn it into…

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Other topics

• Asset Management- States face challenges with implementing, programming into STIP, documenting criteria, getting away from “worst first” concept.

Essential to AM:

• GIS- need for central mapping database, making it accessible. Ex. TIMS- Transportation Information Mapping System

• Data Governance

• Machine Learning- Develop software models to predict conditions, it “learns” as it discovers new variables.

• Data Scientists- seems to be the big buzzword- DOT’s hiring them to make/support business decisions

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Materials/Asset Management

Jeff Currey, PE

Northern Region Preconstruction - Materials

Right of Way and Utilities



[email protected]

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1-13 Presentation to Engineering Geology Committee’s Extreme

Weather & Geohazards Workshop: How Aufeis And Spring

Flooding Washed Out Alaska’s “Road To The Bank”

THE CONDITIONS• High Rainfall in 2014• Wind and Low Snow = Deep

Freezing• High Flow

THE RESULT• Aufeis Develops• River/Ice Fills Floodplain• Water/Ice Overtops the Dalton

Highway-Closure (Twice!)

THE RESPONSE• Unified Incident Command• Diversion Channels• Snow Berms

MORE CONDITIONS• Record High Temperatures in May• Rapid Snowpack Melt• High “Break-Up” Flows

MORE RESULTS• Widespread Flooding• Multiple Washouts-Closure (Again)

Building In Resilience

Sequence of EventsThe “Perfect Storm”

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Monday 1-14 Sessions

• Seasonal Climatic Effects on Geomaterials NY State has sophisticated Load Restriction SW

• Geosynthetics in Pavements, Railways and Airfields Add’l research on H2Ri Wicking Fabric

• Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao

• Advancements in Winter Maintenance Technologies

• Pavement Maintenance Decisions Artificial Neural Network-based on Expert Advise

• Evening-Geophysics Subcommittee-A “lightbulb moment”

GPR for utility locates, EDC-5 AGaME, Networking

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Tuesday 1-15

• AM-Geotechnical Site Characterization Committee Discussed GAM for slopes

Presentations on EDC-5/AGaME, Geophysics for Slope Stability, Standardizing Logging, and Seismic/CPT tomography

Geotech Research Needs Statements


• Transportation Resilience/2018 RISE Improved hydro forecasts, assess & manage vulnerability of

assets, integrate resilience into project development, quantify performance measurements

• Advancements in Geosynthetics Optimum packing for maximum pull-out resistance: G/S = 1.5

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1-16 Presentation to Engineering Geology Committee:

Anchorage AK Nov 30, 2018 7.0 Earthquake

Vine Road Vine Road-with perspective!

NCHRP Syntheses: GAM Implementation, Slope Monitoring, Rock Scaling Practice

Subcommittee Updates: GAM, Rockfall, Landslide, Extreme Weather Resilience

Other Presentations: InSAR for GAM, Resistivity for Landslide Monitoring, Data-Driven Analysis

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The Take-Away for TRB Newbies:

• There’s a lot going on: ~50 lecture sessions and ~40 meetings at any given time. You want to be in 5-10 different events at once.

• The lecture sessions are hit & miss-some are great, some not, many are “bait & switch”-not what you expect.

• The committee and subcommittee meetings can be fascinating, and there are opportunities to interact and network. The presentations tend to be shorter, but better.

Meetings in a subject area of your expertise and interest are probably a better use of your time than random lecture sessions. Try some.

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Anna Bosin, PE

Statewide Design & Engineering Services

Asset Management, Research & Technology Transfer

Anchorage, AK

[email protected]@aashto.org

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• Sessions/Meetings/Workshops attended:

Legalization of Marijuana and the Safe Mobility of Older Drivers

Pedestrian Crossing Behavior and Safety

Speed Limits 2019: Current Perceptions, Technologies, and the Future

Safety, Horizontal Curves, and Design Speed: A Close Relationship

Using the Highway Safety Manual in the Real World

Exploring the Complexity of Pedestrian Fatality Trends: Understanding the Underlying System to Inform More Effective Action

Roadside Safety Design International Research Activities Subcommittee, AFB20(2)

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Safety (Cont.) Legalization of Marijuana and the Safe

Mobility of Older Drivers


NHTSA conducted a roadside survey in 2013-14 on alcohol and drug use.

Drug presence doesn’t necessarily equate to impairment. Many drug categories lead to difficult data analysis.

Not close to having a roadside test similar to alcohol.

Older drivers are the fastest growing licensed driver group nationally and tend to have multiple medications in their system (prescribed and non-prescribed).

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Safety (Cont.) Speed Limits 2019: Current Perceptions,

Technologies, and the Future


• Recent survey conducted by National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Task Force reviewing modifying speed studies to rely less on 85th percentile and more on Pace.

• Speed feedback sign study concluded that they can safely be installed on arterials as a speed treatment without impacting operations.

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Safety (Cont.) Roadside Safety Design International

Research Activities Subcommittee, AFB20(2)


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Our mission is to Keep Alaska Moving through service and infrastructure.

Alaska Department of

Transportation & Public Facilities


TAKE AWAYSJames E. Amundsen, P.E.

February 26, 2019

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My Committees (all are seeking 35 and younger members):



• ABE30 Major Cities

• ABE60 Accessible Transportation & Mobility

• ADA30 Planning for Small & Medium Communities

• ADA60 Public Involvement in Transportation

• AFB30 Low-Volume Roads

• AFB20 Roadside Safety Design

• And several more

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• Active Transportation – now “includes low speed motorized”

• Transportation Equity is a growing focus

• Vision Zero - reducing travel speeds focus

• Effort to separate Bikes from Peds

• Speeds above 45 MPH - separated facilities

• Autonomous Vehicles, Scooters, and Peds challenges

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• Separated Bike Lane – Cycle Tracks – 45+

• Emphasis on Separate & Protected

• NACTO & other Guidebooks – Design Guides versus Standards, liberal interpretations encouraged

• Lots of new research underway, trying to answer “What works & what does not?”

• Challenges with AV’s, Scooters, and Bikes

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DOT&PF Earthquake Briefing to TRB 2019

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