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Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance

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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    F*{r o,

    F#:|"r',i;;";.Propertiesor CY-2002 provinceofAlbay.

    RepublicofhePROVINCE ALBAYLegazpi




    This ProvincialRevised Schedule of

    PresidingOfficer,BoardMember,Board Member,Board Member,BoardMember,Board Member,BoardMember,BoardMember,Board Member,BoardMember,BoardMember,BoardMember&Board Member.

    shall be knoramas Enacting theand Fair ldarket Value of Real


    1991, elative to the GeneralRevision ofProvincial Assessorzubmittedthe proposed and Property Classification, theof real properties situatedwithin theterritorial jurisdiction of the province ofAlbay, final review andapproval;WHEREAS, finding said schedule be in accordance with law. the SPCommitteeon Waysand Meansrecommended its approval;NOW TI{EREFORE, nmotion,duly by Hon.RanronAlsua,B"l IT ORDAINED,ytheSECTIONI.TITLE:

    in sessionassembled,hat:

    Board Member,PROVINCIAL ORDIN cE NO.2002-06


    AUTHOR: IION. RAM C..LAWEIYKOWHEREAS,n compliancewith 219 of the Local GovemmentCode of


  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    PageTwoProv.Ord.2002-0646eRegularSessionlday 28, 2002SECTIbN02.PURPOSE:

    SECTION03.Propertiesn the

    The enclosedValues for CY-2002ordinanceg,whosethe province.SECTION4.EFFECTTVITY:

    This Ordinanceapproval by themandatoryequirementENACTED:WE IIEREBY CERTIFYIo he

    B. CALISIN&Officer'2m?

    and Fair ldarket Values of RealAlbay or CY-2002.

    schedule f CurrentandFairMarketform part in ths enforcement f thisshallbeuniform n 2003 hroughottt

    take effect immediatelY uPonand upon compliance with the

    O D. SILERIOto the Sanggunian

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    B:-l- csJO

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    .e rrFl. _ _!

    rry.ffi Fry

    f i .epublic of i ;he Fhil ippinesPROI-IAICEF ALBAI-Legazpi Cl tyOFFICE OF THE PI?OVIdCIALA,SSESSOR

    Office Order go. ?qor-0A_ December, 2O0I--

    Pursuant to SecLion ?IZ. of Republlc AeL r{o. 7L6A,obhorwise known as tho f,ocar Gsvoramenbcodo of l99r and i1,srnprernonting Ftres and Reguratlons, thc f.rrewing gcheduloef Fair Market yarues (schedulc ef Base unrt lv'arket varuesfor Lands a4d schedure of tsase unlt ccastructi-sn cost ferBuild' ings and other rnproueneats ) are rrcroby proscribed asthe basls fcr er-assificatien, appraisal and, sseesment o.frear propertlcs locatcd in the Munlcrparlty cf T:ttr{r, 1n ,co.nccblon with the 2002 *E'{ERALR'yrsroj ' of rear propert,yAssessment and Classificabion nasdated r,rnderDection 219of bhe sane cede.I -


    I. NATrO{AL ROADa' {rom. oreek to co3nerKarieblhan sircoi : :- .b. Fren corner Katigbi ianSt. tc crcck . ;- : l - l

    e"'ffiffi2002 Sub*'ffi*tJ.- _l

    q V- 1

    . . Y 7oo.oo. . 600.00


    ?. M. Cruel gtreota. Fmrn corner Katigbihan St.to corner BarI ln-S;.- ' . . . .bo !'ron eernor- Earl ln St. tccetrlcr San MiEueI Str:eet o .3 " .XI. C,LUTARI9STREET&o Fren csrner 5an Loronzo St.to cornor San Rafa" i -Si . .- ; . . 3OO.OO4 , M. CLTDORO;-gTRFgIa. Fron o.f lul $anLorenseSb.o corner san nui iui"st. o o zro-oo

    tl*2R- t


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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    LOCA?IO$- .r ]5

    10. SArrIa;

    5. CANUTo+cIs STREETa. From cfrncr gan Lercsrrtl cernor Sa n ffferr"i-5t,.

    6. RIZAJ, STREETt, . Drru oorner t{at lonel

    - tc ccraer Berces St,.





    b. Fron cornet Bercas St. toccrncr San Fransisco St.BERcEs STIEETa. Fron egrn6r^San p.lapsiSCeSt.to eerner Rizal St : ;- :- : .KATIGBIHAITSTREETro Frrn eorncr San FranslsccSb. Co crrnor l t t . . - ,Ci l ; i : ; ; . .BAruIN TREruto Frern c.lrnor Natisnal Bo{rdro eornex M" Cruel St , " - l - .





    600. o700.00








    Fmn corner M. C::ueLSt.tc ccrne.r M. Clutar io-Si .I I .T- ccrnc-l M. crutarlo sb "o corner M. Ctld i l ro gt. . .l l . tt cerncr M. Clidorro Dt"t . cornGr Canuto pi ; i ; 5;.

    tt- t&-2n-3


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    f1l" corner Rira1 St. r jcorr tcr Borces Sf, . . : : -"I I " . eornor Berces Sr.fo eorncr M. Cruei_5i . . "Flom corner of f t1aaI gt" tsccrasr of M. Cruel st l - . . - .

    . I :"" corner "{.M: Cruel Sb. C6 corner M: Urut*rrc SL,I ' Iot "o.n.or M. Clutar ie $t .lo corner Ir4.0t ic lerr io ;,- : ' .I Io* corner M. Cl idcre St"uo cerner Cauubo-F;; i ; F; ; .

    MARKES:ALUEper glTrE-hEEer2002

    sr.. ,F 25O.OQ



  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    I.oc.dTr0{ Markct Yalue%per str,rarc Eet,erffi ?QO?Sub-

    13. SAri RAFAEL STREETa. From corner $abisnal Roadto M. Cruel $t. . F 600.00b. Fron ccrner lv l . Cr le l St.cerner M. Clutario $t .co Fron carner M. Clutariote cornor M. Cl ido::o St.d. Fros serner Cl ldoro St.corner Caauto pacls St

    1l+. SAN MIGUEL STREETs. Fron corner r{aLiorral goadto eorner M. Cruel St . ob" Fron corner M. Cr.uel St,.corner Canuto paols Sb.

    AI I lets not obherwlse elassl f ledi r! qrr l ' c : l . iss l f icat . i .o- C, I i - i i - i . ;_ZAII Iots-not obherwise classi f ied1n sub-olasslficarion R:i;;-i:t:f tBf erred t9 !A. BIG PROGNffSSITEARR^IOS'

    I . .SogoCB. SMALLERBARRIOS .. . . .

    Barangafs classi f ied as:l . *Ic le rhe road (Bagutr6.ranl .. Baybav3. Caie ' ' ' ' ' .l+. Cararavan : : : : : : : . :5" L ib ic -9" Llbf,ong i '7 " GaioS. ceio-ssrs :: : :" : : : :Y" Oyana]9. Nie" :" ' rIr. puEsanL2. i lagas

    SUBDIVISIO$: .{Our 1a4y_.ef Salvat'Ju., ViffreuCherry Roias--- ' : - l ' "TNDUSTRIALLANDS;

    tosr .to


    550.OO300.o0250 00










    bo ILd

    STANDARDI. For. . FEr

    DEPTHS:' ' . ' .esrg,entialCorunerciallands- 20Lands - 30

    CORI{ERBetersmete s

    R-3 to 'lt-tj

    fgoo.oo - t i '600.00 - i800.oo . , . . :500.00400,0c300.o0'INN'LUENCE:

    - LV/"----2W



  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    ,SCfi IULE OFBASEUNITMARK. |,,ALUEFORAGRICULTURALANDSYEAR2OO2(A) KrND OF LAIID PRODUCTIVITY CLASS,,'1" 2 i" '", 3 , . 4I. RICELAND.IRzuGATED 196.290.0015&180.0014.530.001.760.002.RICELAND, NIRRIGATED 73.530.0063.250.0046.830.0032J90.003. RICELAND.UPLAND 49.r90.00 42-s90.0032.790.0021.960.004. CORNLAND 52.390.00 40.220.00 28.570.00 17-460.005. COCONUT AND 21.180.00'18.520.00 13.230.00,7.920.006. ABACA LAND - t7.72U00 15.340.00 11.640.00 8.460.007. SUGARLAND 38.920.00 28.670.0021.600.008. NIPALAND 16.210i00 11.200.00 8.110.00 6.4901009. COFFEE AND 14.810.00,12.960.00 9.250.00 7.410.00IO.CARAGOMOYAND 14.550.00 12.960.00 10.040.00 8.730.0011.TAMBO AND 25.000.00 22.000.00 19.000.00 15.000.00I2.FIS}IPONDBANGUS 80.000.00 61.560.00 41.040.00TILAPIA,CARPA,HITO 75-000.00 s6.250.00 37.500.00

    SUGPO 60.000.0013.COMMERCIALHORTICULTURALNURSERY 550,000.00350.000.00150,000.00i4.BLACKPEPPERLAND 40.650.0015.ORC}IARD/CITRUS 16.010.0013.900.0011.000.008.7r0.0016.PASTUREAINCULTTVATED/HORT. 8.100.00I T.SEASONAL ROPLAND;(WATERMELON,SQUASH,CABBAGE;PECHAY,TOMATOES) 25,060.00{ 23,800.00 20,640.00l8.PILILAND s8.000.0047.000.0036.000.0025.000.00(B) KrNDS OF IMPROVEMENTS PRODUCTIVITY CLASS

    1 2 J 4I.COCONUTPERTREEFB 260.00 190.00 135.00 1r0.002.ABACAPLANTSPERIIA 26.530.00 23.210.0017,680.00 12.730.003.NIPAPERHA 2r.670.00 15.160.0010.840.00 8.650.004.MANGOPERTREE 105.00s.CARAGOMOYPERFIA 21.680.00 19.570.0015,090.00 12.960.006.CACAOPERTREEFB/CITRUS 160.00T.COFFEEERTREEFB 230.00S.PILINUTPERTREEFB 270.00 200.00 130.00 60.00g.JACKFRUITPER TREEFB 190.00IO.AVOCADOPERTREE 190.00I I.SANTOT, ERTREE 260.00\2.CHICOPERTREE 175.00I3.BANANA PERGROUP 70.0014.PAPAYAPERTREE 110.00Is.ANAI{AW PERTREE 110.0016:BAMBOOPERGROVE 160.00l7.PEPPER ERPLANT 70.0018.ROSE/ANTHURIUM/PLANT 5.00I9.PINEAPPLE PERHILL 7.002O.LANZONESPERTREEFB 110.00


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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


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    From tradiunAnl: 6 fcl

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance




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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance



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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance



    qr,F.PRe,s,lde'nti-a'LSe**pqtbr.r,raI$ffiHrbd.rbedI*.fif,usitrd"eL"M'ibera!.ttliitor:f.and * *

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  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    r r FTngrorAspt g-r)a. Located. al"ong concrete road;b- i l lhere-the hi.ghest trad. ing, 6ociar or educat ionaract l rr i t les of the munlctpat i ty. takes place:c. iJlr,e{e concr.ete or high grade i:ornmeictlt Ai 'buslness buildtngs aF,e 6ftuat,edi - -d,. Wiie,reve,hicular and ped,es,tri in--irafffc flow areexceptlonally busy; '. Apparently commend he.highest land. value ofGn,emun:Lclpaliby..Il - sEpo$Lol,jAiss_coivnvrERgra!lAgpg (0:al

    LII -


    Along concrete road,. r. .' r t lhereradingr - go^cr-ar or educationar) activluieslTe consJ'd,erabry leh, but farr short'that of Lheftrsb class commercrAi ana;; -- - :":dheresen''i-concrebecotnmerclil or businessbuild:Lngs are situa.ted,.: . 'lvhere vehi,cular and pedestr ian traff ic f low areg?l:]dulabty busy uui-iifi lshort rhar of rherr.rsE crass coumerci.al lands;Comrnandsbsservalue tht; ltf i6 ft""t classcomrnerroiaL lands.T}IIND CI"ASSCOI\,MERCTALAN9S (C]3)8o Along concrete road., lb ' f i l l rere trading, soci i l or . (ed.ucacional) )acr lv l t iesaI_9 lslff icairly tess rh;-t[". "".6"0 crassc_ommerci.al ands;c. llt lhgoe.average gr,ade commerciar or. businessbutrldings aie slt,uated,:d. where vehicura ' and. ped.estr ian frows a.e fa irry. busyie. conmandsresser varue than the second classcommercia l laods.FOuiiTH OLASSCOt{lvtEilcIAL A,TDS c_+ )v T/i l r ' , fhere t, r adinar social or (ed.ucar, ionar ') acbiviL ies'?J.esigni f icarrt lyLov,|1.uuipreo; i ; ; " i ;b . Alo.ng al l ;we,ather roads,c. i l l t reremi-xed co**e". i i r -a"a resideat. iar buird ingsare sj_tuated;; i . . f leerevehicuiar aad ped.esrr iao u.aff ic f rowsregular ly Iess Uuzy. ' --e. 0orrunandsessor vaiue than the 3rct crasscomrnercia l laods;


    tJ 'i


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    LI -. $ssIDsilrTALL4{pls

    rl - g qcirp_dr"4FF,;rHgrDg.{Tr4lArO.s.R:3)

    rn- l

    1v - Foun;ry:cqAssrEsrpE_{rIA!-!A{!,9_lI=0

    I - l.a . Aloo, -concrete road;b. l { ,hete,h1$l;eI"gg aparbrn,ent, resident ia l bui ICir i . "r.*re predomiaaot ly si tuatedic" I{here publ ic ut i r i ty transl iortauion faclr i t iesare ex*eptionarry .eguray Lowards nrajoi i t ;Ji;gcenters:d, Locabed ,nexf .to iornrnercia.l,classif ied lands:e . i , /here,w?pe.rt e lecLric "oA-r"f"p[ ; ; ; - i . ; i i ; ; i ""r aval lable;J'" cornrnandslre_ ri"1hest resid.entlar lancl value l,rtHe mun.cipal iby;s . Free or i qili[;;i.; .

    C.do' .l .





    {Iong cortcrte, or asphalted. road,sil fhere senri-h igh-apar"tments or resident iar buird-]-.99s ar"e-predominaotly sibi.r.ated., :yner:publ ic ut i l i ty transportat ion f,acl l i t ies'are ral_r ly regular towards major trading centers;H:i:"$^:::t to rhe flrsr crass resid,enEi;i i ;"e;;' / inere w*!e- l ' r ereqtr ic and telephone facir i t ies - 'ar 'e avai lable;cohmands esser. ran{ varue t}ran the. f i rs t crassresld"ent ia l rands . a\ ' - ---- Y"v 4- ' eIil,re,e f squa:tters..

    d.e"f .

    i looe all-weather road.sIts:lt ?v-er3Serade rosidenoial build.ings arepredominant ly si tuated :where puPric ur i r l ty t iansportat ion faci l i t iesare regular towards major-Lrading cenCeisLocabed ext to the se6o,ndsraii ' iesia""i i.r rands;'rr/trereater .anderecrrie facirit i ;;-;;;-avairabre iOornr,nands-Lesser value than hhe s,econd cla"sresi .entia.L lands.;Lo,bs Located along, the National highway, next to: !-" !9cond class resideabia l area i l f i 'o ' Z kms.Eor some progr.essive bar.r ios.


    va" do

    Along al l -weather road::i4lhe,reoy grade resid,eirtiat buildines are pre_domiaant ly si tuated:Lo,sa6s4next to th l id crass resideat iar raods;.'t lf iere public utll ity transporta.tion i"":-rrt,ieuare i rregular;ivhere source of water facl l i t ies are corunonlypunp well iCommaqd ].esser thao the value of the third classresldential lands;. .g. Res' ident ia l }ots iqcatedfair ly prog,ressive. at barangays bhat are

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    I .

    11. -

    t l t -

    v-- q$'rH g!&ggn$g{b3i$,r.LAl.ltgggl"L:).. Aloog al l-weather road.ib. v{h,r,ees,identlerl buiLdiogs are stiLtsparsely construcb,od;c. lfbere public-waber aod er,ectric facirity sourceare nob, learlltry available;'d.. Located f,*rthe,s.L resident,ial land,s frsm thebradj.ng ceaber; 1. T 'ranspo.rtabion' aclr i t ies are except ional.ryl rregular;. Fredoml,ua.ntry undeveroped residenbiar area. .

    . Ir] - IITD9SITRIAL,ANp$FIRST CLASS dDUSTTIIAL A}IDS r-I) ..E. ll: ls_9?l9fg!" o1 asphatredpubric'.road,, ier orporE aavlgable r iver:b. Located wlt 'h i .n a disfa.oce of not more than rr0oometers bo the major trading centers .of tite - ' - - -.munlcipatiby;c. ' r ' /here ic ln i iy is extenstvely used f or rndustr iarpurposEs;d. Commands he highest iod.ustrial larrd. value.SECOI{DCLASS {.DUSfirIrtL LA,,{DL r-z)d'.. A1ope soncrbe or aspharted pubrtc road,r prerse:ECoast9r- Fvfgqble river; lb. Located hli.thin a-di,sLa$ce or more than trooo mclLer.si luu not beyo, ld I '090.nebers to t l ie -major ' i " io i"g- 'centers of bhe .munj.cipality;c , Where the. vicin l ty is 'exte ir6 ivety'used, forlndustrial purposi:s;.d. 0omrnands e,Ssei rand varue than the first crassindust:r la l : Iandsi -THIRD OLASS NDUSTRTAL!A${pS ( I-3 )8. 'Locat 'ed *:" : , !h_"l . f rpQ0_treters ro the major trad. ing. ceqters of the muni.cipal ibv:b. - l , r /herevi i i . ,n tr ty is ei t6"rru6iy ,rsed for industr iarpurposes;c. co,mnands-esser land varue than ihe.second crassindusbrLal lands'.

    IY - i ttrSID{lTIAL LA$D SUI3DIVISIOi,TResident i -e l Land subd, ivision are classl f iedacc'ording to the degree or extenb or aeveropmeni anofacili.t ies regardl ess of, Location fron uhe tradingcenter of t'ne rrU$cipalltyo The Unlt Martrei V;t"; ofthe sltbdivision shall nol und.er any circurnstance beless than the adjo in ing, r .and crassi i i ;d i ; - ; ;co"ao""uwith the abovo cri ter ia.

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    fRptggggylr l CLASSIF.IC.{TI0rrL, ltICIiiLAr$i, IitltlG;\lllEt)

    Isb class?nd class3 rd class4bh class

    Land. whi,ch iseash ,hecbar'eIand which iseach he,cbareIarid wfiicti i.se&Ch h,esbilreIand whibh iseach hectare

    *capable of producing annual ly f 'or: ,fronr 165 to 200 cavaus of pal i ry.*capable of pyocluclqg unnui l ly ' f ' r - ,1,l 'roru trzO to 10l+ cavans o.f palay.c.apable of produclng anoublly for.. f oir d6 to r25 cauat6 or piruy._capable of produaing anaual ly forres,s Enair UC cavans of palay.

    aLC.iJ"a,'lDUI{IBAIG.ITEULst clsss?nd. cl.ass3rd, class4bh class


    Znd ctass3rd c.lass4th cl-as,s

    4. CCRIILAND%_

    l-st classZnd cLass3rd ctrassl+th ctass,c090.{uI,A{Q

    Iand wbich. is capable of producing aaou.al ly for.garchhectare trcin 65 t6 Z'0 cavaos. of palay.rand which is _capabie of p*Ja".r"e--"o'"iirry foreach hecbare from 51 to 6i .auios-oi-;; iuy.Iand whi,ch .$^capab-e of p"oa"cioe'i"il i l ly ,fore,achhec are from l9 to-Jb cavans-of p.luy.Landw[ich ie. capab]e !-pr;d";i;s-ioil i iuy ro"eachhectare,-esi ha*036-c""ao" r-p"i.iv.tanp which iu_glp*Fle of^producing annual ly for"ea0l hectar,e monb !!.ao lr3' cavaas of pal_ay.land which is^cqpabfe oi-producing ahouai iy to"e'ach hectare froir 35 to 45 cavans-of p,alay,Larrdwhi'ch s ^eapable'of';de;;i;e-1"[[irry ror.each hectare fro ir Ze t,o-_l ' t r avaos of.palay.Iand which is. capabfe.of- f i roducing an.nual ly foreachhecrare es's 1a;;i0-e.uii i*Br*p"iiv.Iand whlch is ^capabfe of prod.ucing annually forgac4 he,c'bare ,roh Jrg to-5b cavans. of coro.land which ls _capel i i " -or- f"oduclng annual ly f ,orgacl hecrare r"oirlg ro-3b-.;;;i l-oi".Jio.land which is ^capabreor froduciag anouai iy fo,gac4 hectare froir pg $-29-cauarrs of corn.land which fs, capabi"-of-froducing annual ly foreactrhe'ctare lesi thin Zo-.uu"o" of cor.n

    lsL class -Znd class -3 rd cl,ass -41lh class -

    larrd whichproduce anarrnually.Iand. whichproduce anannual lv.Iand. whichproduce anannual lv.land whichproduce arrannraI ly..

    i .s capabLeaverage ofis capab.IeaveraAe ofis capableaverage ofis 'capa.bleaveral ie Of


    of growing' . t ,re that wi l lmore th.an 70 nuts/treegrorying tre.e that wi l lEo oy outs/breegrowing tree tha! wit lto tr9 nuts/ tree .

    of grow5.ng tree that wi l lress than 30 nuts/tree

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance



    {' ; .lljfi0"l-_L{rf.4 l , :lst erass - \*rg whictr is capabLe 61: pr:odu,cing annuarry j,cie*rehh,ec,bare ori l than l-r?O0ktrF.-of ,f, iber.znd urass - lau$.whi.r i i r s..capabfe of 'proqrlc- inB-anlualty l"c,r.rrdcrassffi:l ,i,ii:il'i"':;ll#3i ill33.lla=;":1.{il..s,cfr eatare froro ZOO o il99 klesl of fibei,.4un clrss - l$$ yi ; l , t - g*paple of, pr_oducing nnuarry for ,eacfl necc.sre oyy klgs. or less. .telrd which ls capable of produciug-eacqhectare more t, i ran 30'tons ,of-ll l9 irnigh is_capable of producing-eacn.hectare from ZJ to 29 tons ofIang wblch iseqpable of produclag.gacqhg9r.ar9 rbm ZO o 2h rons ofl1"S fnlgn is- capableof produciageach hectare less than 20- ons of-Ian9 which is capable of produglne annuat ly l tor.eachht,"!lle f r.oir?,5ogrb : ,oOOir,e;;;;, .\ LeE_azp:-ar iebv )l-and which i3 capab+,i t prgdugfng annual ly for.-eac! ectare romz,oo0^t5 ;&0'?ii""Ifiarches.kLnd whlch is ^q4rpabig^gt- i rgagglq.; anoual ly j .orgaci l hecrarerr i f r .1r 00-t6-r ,9 i9 ' i ip . ' i f iarches.Landwhich is. capab-i"-or;r;e;; i"e-5i",;; i ir- ' ;" ;eachhe,ctare es!. than lritto-" ip"-ri lu, If,u".

    SLlGrtd,rAJ.,S,*kl'st .cI,E:s$-4nd,class -}rd cl"as,,sl+bh cLas,s -

    '?n t: I ITA LdiI IU%-*-Lst c lass -.2nd class -^rt r .d ctass -4En cI&Ss -ORA$IGE "ri{D-k;_lst class -Znd c].ass -3rd class -lith cLass -COFFEELAIfD

    annually forsugar cane.annually for.sLl,g,ar ane.anrtually forsu:ar cane.aunually J'orsug,ar cane.



    Ian$ ryliich is capable of prg{u.cing annually for.eachhecraremor-elr,t"" roiooo [rg;.-oi-J""nses.l i .und whtch is capabfe,oS-;;9dTgloe ac,nualty foreq,ch eo!,are ,roii g,ooo-EE';grg -ErE,i:.Jro?anges..Land which is ^capabfg_9f prgdlg lns, anoual ly forlgg1 l..rare froir 6,000- i- ,iig-[rI""*lroranges.trand r+hich is.capabl_e of. produging annually foreachhecrare ress rhan 0r6oo-r i re" lo i"J i roe"=.10.lst clas's - rang which i,s oapable of produ.ir,* anaualry for.; - , -1 ^,^_ gacq hectare nori than go6-[ i " . or rrea,, .::l l:.,.!3","_uroritf,""9o6-i;:-;F b;il.,nd rass li"l,* ii[-i.""g1-"pii'"oi"!litiidl !ii$3itr ror?"1:l _:g!*':_rr9fi60ri i#-Hi;3 #"[H;{.3'dcrass]::* illi:1:i'":l'+# ; iii.iiiffi :I".?:ili''o,i::l .l::!p",u_rroir*oo,6 ii-iii;8 ;i'T;;;J.trrcrass ra,ngrricfi"";$;l$ ;i^ii;utiiffi :i*:ifi'r""ach hectare lesb trr i " - [0b-f i to= of l - re.rne.ach ecrare esbr[i"-[ob';i i;;"5r'tJfi".ll . LEa\lCrUAi{D1st, class _ land which ls :3l"pl" of^pl9*u.cloc annual ly forach hecbare *?I:-pl iau |OiOOO lgsr of lemons.nd cLass - Land "riic[-I""'lapabre of irodugloc anruairy fr:r:aeh ecrare roir enoOO-15-i;i iOfirl"i-l i, lu*oo*

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance



    3'rd of*ss - }affid lfiich ts capable of produci.ng aocual-Iy fqr. : eaoh herc' tare from 6,000 Eo 71999 klgs. of lemoas.dth class - nand, yhieh i.s capable of producing annrrally for'oach hecbare less thaa 6;000 klgs. of lemons.CAit.{GCiqOI .+rtlDl,su c}ass - lesg wirich ts capable q{,producins.ii,.nnually i 'ut'

    'ecf thectaqe motre han I,000 mats (ordinary

    variery - 5 ft . X 5 fr .)2nd class. - tr.andwtrlch i6 capi.lble of producing aarnrally I'ore,AOhhec,b'are f ron 800 to 999 mats,3rd class ,- Larul which is capal lo of , .pr.odtrcing annually .L 'oreach hectare f rom 6'00 t,o 799 rnats.Ath cl"ass each nectare less than.600'"mats.!-tAso..tAt ciiqS L..j,rujvtEl,orrA iiD/cR.squ "q,jiHLst cJ-as.s- land hrhj,ch is capable of prod,rrciag aa,cualry foreae\ hect,are nore t,han 81000 .klgs. of melooand'/or squash I 'Znd cl.ass - rand whieh :Ls capabre of prod,r.lcing anonrally for.. , eaq}l he.ctare. rom 61000 tb grO0e t

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    16. HORTICULTURALA$DThis classi f icat lon shal l be appl icable to landsdediba,bsd bo the growing of flowersr pineappler fruittre,es a,nd other r,oot,crops, the prLncipal cultlvationof which cannot be debeimlned oi prop-erly fixed tofal.t under any of the preceeding clasglficatlon.

    L7, FISHPOiTTDlsbcraseHy"::**":;.;3'fi:l: ?f,"1":1336"f;ril'l?"'f ish/harvest of not less than (2) harvesb/year.2ndlass: ilil;lli:i'li"iilrffi"lki"il;:l,n*i::two (2) harvests/y'earo .3rd crass - land which is capabre of.prod,uclng annuarlyfor each hectare:Iess thair I ,5OO Els, ofl=l l lgvest of not less rhai rwo (2) har-vesb/year.

    18. coMMERcIAL}IORIICUTIURALNURSERT1st class - land.^whlch s capable of21000 planLing mi,terials2nd class - land-which is capable of sel l ing 11000_' l r&99 plantlng mirter la l i pe" year3rd class - land. which is capable of sel l ing ggg orless planting mater la ls per yeai

    sel l ing 1r500-per year

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance



    2. UnpateaEed ,Isde mfuiiCIg sleins t. whlchnaybepatented.. o . . . , , , \71750.00Unpateated non-produclng lodeninJ"ng olaiius which nay bept tGnt0d\ , . ' . . r r . r . ?. . t . r . r

    l i .5i

    Fe,t,sn$ed pLricer ninlng olai.ns,.troducirr,g=,or qon-prod.lrc,l.ng , . ,,,., . ,

    Unpatcnted producing placer mlnirrgclains which rray be patentcd o . o . .

    ,{0N-METALLIC A}IDSIo Fatented pr,oduolng sr n@n-producl,ng . . 111880,00.2, Unpatented producing rrh ich may be,pat6ntgd . . . , o. , . . o . r r t . . r 11 ,889"003, Unpatented no+-produclngp whleh g{mey be patntgd . . r . . . . . . . . . 5rIZ0"OO


    . . ,^.;-" - :r--***- .* " .-. . ;- , * ,:* .. . ._,* !ff iq .&, F 5,o2o"oo

    cl-ass - Timberland. est imated t_o- ontaln an averagev.o].ump f bcl_ow.l00.eubic n, and above. -crass - ?inbsrla1d, estinated te contaln an averagesslrr$e sf bslow 100 cu. m. but nst lessthan 50 cu. mo


    3"231760,OO?31760 OOzi ,76o,oo

    g.6, Unpatenbed.nEn-prod,ucing placernlntng claims whlch nay b- patented, . . 111860.00


    l " t.st2. 2nd.

    3. 3rd class - Tfunberland,est lmated, bo contain an averagevolune of betow 50 cu. m,

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    $O!lSUu'Li$F B,{SIiU.'Jtr'nVIARi(liTALUE Ctl QUARBIIISBASI{Uulr'l vAL,tlE iid t{ECTI\itE

    CIi$"$$ : SAr'l',lJ,r I{AVUL, EAftitllF'ILL

    I ! PJ\'490 oot . . . t 2b1450.003 i L5r09'0.00l+ I ] r7TA.AO

    sAllD, G,{AVELAr'tDDARTHFILL:tr ' ls,b cla,ss * estirnaued bc {tuarry tr677 qu. m. of sunci,A,ravel and earthf i l l per yedr for every' hecbare.'2" Znt l c la,ss * l , ,es! !qaued bo quarry f rorn In44O .cu.m. to' L16'6,6-of sa,nd, eravet and earthfl l l per.year for every hectare,3. 3rr l cLass - -es^t , i rya0ed

    o quarry f rom 602 cu.rn. to- . I l3_9?_l ;and, ' g* . i r " I u, r , t " " " ihf j I r) ]p. ygr f.or . .V;r] hoctare.

    ' 4. &'bh cLass - .estrmat,ed t,o q,*arry f,rom 60r- cu.m. ando'erow of sand, . .gravel and ear thf i l l peryear for ev,ery hectare,


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    ) .

    l { "


    ,ffiFOIJI{DAtUO$- 6sliafne in excsss .ef threc (3) storey add:

    Type I. - f,urndetion area X PtfO,OO X aumber ofcxGeaa fleorsType 11. - ' fdr iudabion aroa X,,1I0.OOX hurnber ofexcesc floorsPl l lne . - ( oonqrsle, -steeI or t lnber) . 3lO.OO/Ii lear neter fer type I aad ILI'LOOnXSIG - f|9or finlsh other: then "o4n""ru or cenenubLl_esr,o ll1r1ufgphlc^Iinoti le, vtnyll asphalt & wood rllesL :{ rq; f+f uourJ_pergquare_netEr to base rateD,r l i.ruyour marbter^adqi F490.00 per Bquare meterocr Marble,,add: f6j .O,OOper square meuorWAttI!{E ATD PARTITIONro Marble, .dgi_fgloroQ/s31+are,e!e5affecred area),u. .{rntheriq.nSrbte and, rher'poii{rr i i i i;i; add:r350./sr,m,Gc \{ashout lntsh & crher slniiar-ii"i"iir-iaaz-Fi10"/i,olr'.'do r{arra& srher slmi lar p"oer,-"ae;7i [6,662;rt; :"o/ ' un'r"oCell ing3. Ord. lnary drop celp"g on R.C. BIdg., add: ,F230./sq..m., T,u,mlnous,ad.dt fiplOa/sq.m.c c $arra.and ether. 'speelal ' p inels, add: / lg0.OOSPECIALALUMIIIIJM A$EL3. Ord.{nary slre, add: F6tA.OA/etom.Do !;xrra sj. le, add: l I1IO0.Og/sq;n.

    6. HEIcfiT (Sbjndard Helghr)e. Classlf lcatlos I bo 1O . . t .b. Clegsif ioat lonLl o,, .cc Classif,j.cation 12 Eo W ; : :d." Classlf{catlsn i3 ts f5 . : :

    ,0 . , ,3r . r t lOo -b.5. . "5meters.meuersto ! netersmebers

    .foot to basic rate("301*8m) f ootP*gg"?heishrt Sddt LAS sr everV (,304g4.1Def oiency^height, .subri"act: tOll ' t i i-;#;'from basie rate.

    ,/ O DECKio Qpen areg X 50%et base rateoo Uovered (ne sl lding) area X ?O%of base raue8. CARPORT,set 9Oy'" f base value

    9. MEEZATTIIr{S,se : I0O/ of base valueI0. TERRACE, evered, us:.LOOfi of base valueII. BA9EMEN,I, sez Tey'" f Uase valus!2" BALCO$T, use! LOO/" f base value13. ROOFINGr ray blres, asbestos, use i6,y'" f base vaLue

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance



    F_cflppglrEFJl,s E_vqggg.'gLEErrEgr' cotfcitETtsroltoW BLocKs: granctarc tlelght of z meterso. lt crn. wf plaster flnlsh , t . . . y61}"0O,/Iinear15 .cm. out plaster f in lsh . , . ' l+9o"00/ l inear. b. 19 r*. wf l las. ter f lnlsh . . . , . .390.00/I lnearru cm. Vout plaster f ln ish , . , 310"00/ l inear2. ADOBE fO{,{E gtandard t{e.lght of 2 nerers

    nr wl.bh pl*:g:" flnl:sh. (boun sid,es) , 310. OL/Linearw/ouu plaster f laistr ' : - . -- . - ;*; ' . . 25o.0O/r iuear1.. . APITOIIGRAILL,IGsI Apltong parbs on' coqcrbe oundatron ,-. . ' , . . 1 3ro.00/r . lnearb" WOOD AILINGSI yacal posts on cono,rsgu;5. WROUOHTn0or & BLACK$H,EETGATES .R0uilD, r[AT. ORSQUAREARS --;-; ' . . , , ,. 310 OOrltinear6" gE-I![ErrqF, IoGtrIiE oNSECONDlAsgIII{BER FRAMESt{DpO$Ts-; ;--: :-. -: . . . Li,o"oo/LLnear?. BAR WIRSFEIICEWITHBA},IB00 RWOODOSTS . r . , . . , : : -- . . . . . . l3oiOo/ I lnear




    (, "; '


  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    criAssIrI!{EIo tl. gF'-Il,ILgr$GpANL, rllpR IMlR0Yq\1&{'l'$Bq,l1d,,inEsehatL be cLaesified acsordlng ts t'heir use and

    sgns,bruct,lo,n-shariasberi,stlcs and unit vaLues established forcagh al.ass and sub-c1a,ss together with a set of addltion and,deduct ion factor .Build{ng shall be classtfted ascord.ing.'ts i$s structural' characterlsf,tr,csr -as f,oLlowErType I - I lei.nforoed. 0sncrete' &1 Col.runs, beamo, waL1s1 flo.or and.roof&r alf. relnforced concreter completewith ftnishes on walls ana ito

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    0$E FAMTLTDlf,'$L,I{Esc--a debached bur.Ld,ing {eq,igned foror occupied exclusively by one famif i . - ' .-TWO.AMtrLI ryqFT_{G.- S.derached bullding d.esigned for orocggpte{ lTa}*r'l,ve ty ;by iwo famfie s-rivj"E--i.aii rri_eatr.v of each orher-i.n- uhetr-;"'Fr;[]1ve awer:-ing unibs.![trf]sEPf.u al|E&r'rtrG_ a burritlng gsed, as a house or resldenceof rhreeior"moFeamiiies-liyllu-i.auii?uioiiv-iioil"""''ore arstfu*r1 93^gf occupyi.ng one-or reoie room as a single. bousekooptng unlts.

    '4- '?AGsB$'s0sitAno{Ecwo-use- a houseof got mor.than wosbor,e:rs. ,Gom.posedf row ;f l&"iil"e uniis eoir.r"rv. ntf,ance foi each dwelfine-i.oft,l*-.5' [email protected]"ttoupT- a r-rousewtbfr apartmeot for flve or morefamini.es !ivJ.ng indep,endegti;--;i" 'Jou. anoi l ler. anci doingbheiir cooki..qs on. the' prerniiel r-l,ri ' wtth one or morenbrance commono thb "p"rtm6"is,APAfiTNlAr-f,t- q I :bm.,.:o.r_s.ilteof .two or..more rooms,$esi.gned and intena6O.rJ" or occupiedby one amlry or riiriil li"Iiiiar*=*and cooking purpooes:6, tt0TELS- i..ry+diTe,.wlrh more han 15 sleepi.ng ooms,ur""q{- oceupi6d inery,.*irere liaisrent are providedw'i'rhrempor?:{ ioaei;e';riii-oi ri[.fro"t, mears -and noooking'iaciritr""-".E p"J.ili"a"ii. '.rry lndivtrdualsulbe7 ' BoARDri{G ousE - a house containing of nou more thanr'5 sreeplSq"nrr. rytie"eboarseis-ire pnovldedw-tthl3deto-e, ndnea.rs or a rixef,-s"^-pura by the rnouthr weekr tn accordance--wi [ i l - ; " ; ; iof iu "rr .ogement.iJo [OD0fr{t HOU,S.|J- a .build.ing conbai.nlng nor; more thanl5 streeplng roo's-wt,uiu-iooeii.!"i""provlced for afired amount9" AGCE$S0RI.BlrrrrDrr{,G- a.bulrdlng subord,lnate bo Lhe mainbulldi"ng on bhe same. oi uEeJ*iriif,-rir" purpose cus-omariry tncr.dentar bo ttrosJ-or*iiie marn bulrd.1ngs,:ff: as servanrb quarrer, ei"" iui--I .rnp house, Iaundry,

    10. ' . OFFrcEBLI$"DIN:G'- building'malnry used. f,or and/orof f icesl ' l ' THEATERS:.,1-b}+.td+o*rt::l*lv*1::leneg ror rhs prr-entat ion of plays, bperasr-mot ioi prccures, eLc.L2' I'IAR-EH.''E'BoDEeA$r oLDsroRAGE- a buirding malnrysed for. deposit or st,oragel13" sUPERptAilKpT,^:HgfprryGCENTE|:. a bultdlng used as a marker\rarse/ or srore, especlal ly , iooa'-3roi"*oiJ" i , r i [ . inpar.bor a self_servel cash-carr i - i i " r " .

    l .

    2.i .

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


    14. FACTORIBUILDING- agood or finLshedbuitding uLll i .aed for manufacturingproducts, mEnufacuurlng pl.ant,L5, .'RscilEATroNSurLDrNG a bulld1ng used fdr riicreat,ronalpur.po,a*s j.k,e a borrttne or S,tittira naii; ;i;h; -cruclubhouse; etc.

    16. . Saw Mi-l ls and other" Iumber shedL?. Gasol iue Service $tat ion.

    - Thg new values shaLl be.used .to compute new buildingsonlyv the v,erue-,sf-old,buitdlnii-*iir i- i iL rorained and correpo-ndin'g,atlprv,abre- d.eprecj.ati.on-oeaucCea to arrlve at theircurrent merket valuei .

  • 7/29/2019 Albay Prov'l. Tax Ordinance


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