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Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell...

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Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.
Page 1: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Albert Einstein

By: Kacie D. and Cory B.

Page 2: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet compass at the age of four or five. He was amazed by the unknown forces behind it, so even as a child Einstein was self sufficient and thoughtful. Family legend says that he was at first a slow talker, pausing to carefully consider what he would say! This was stimulated by the boy’s uncle, an engineer, and by a medical student who ate dinner once a week at the Einsteins’.

Although he made generally good grades (and was outstanding in math), Einstein hated the high school he was sent to in Munich, where success depended on memorization and obedience rather than abstract thinking. His real studies were done at home with books on math, physics, and philosophy. A teacher suggested Einstein leave school, since his very presence destroyed the other students’ respect for the teacher. The 15 year-old boy did quit school in mid-term to join his parents, who had moved to Italy.

Einstein's parents, Hermann and Pauline, middle-class Germans."I was the son of entirely irreligious (Jewish) parents," Einstein recalled.

Einstein’s school picture in Munich 1889. He is the 2nd from the right on the front row.

Page 3: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Early Years: Pt. 2 After Einstein’s family moved to Italy, he took the entrance exam for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, and failed. They advised him to study at a Swiss school where the teachers were humane and his ideas were set free.

Einstein graduated from high school and entered the Institute of Technology in Zurich. This was the time that he realized physics was his true subject. He also realized that he’d never be “the perfect student”. However, his friend Marcel Grossmann had the conventional traits that Einstein lacked.

While Einstein worked in the library or the lab, Grossmann took excellent notes in the math lectures, and shared them with his friend before exams. Einstein later wrote, “I would rather not speculate on what would have become of me without these notes.”

Marcel Grossman, Einstein, Gustav Geissler, and Eugen Grossman. Marcel Grossman, whom Einstein met in Zurich, quickly recognized his friend's genius. He did all he could to promote Einstein's career.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.

Page 4: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

After Graduation After Einstein graduated with an undistinguished record, he made several efforts to get a university job, but failed. He felt like a burden on his poor family, and wondered if becoming a physicist was a mistake. Finally he got a position at the Swiss Patent Office in Bern. The regular salary and stimulating work evaluating patent claims freed Einstein. Now he had time to devote his thoughts to the most basic problems of physics and began to publish scientific papers.

Einstein’s published papers began to attract respect, and in 1909 he was appointed associate professor at the University of Zurich. He was also invited to present his theories before the annual convention of German scientists. Soon Einstein was invited to the German University in Prague as a full professor.

"As a somewhat precocious young

man, I was struck by the futility of

the hopes and the endeavors that

most men chase restlessly

throughout life. And I soon realized

the cruelty of that chase, which in

those days was more carefully

disguised with hypocrisy and

glittering words than it is today."

The patent office in Bern.

Page 5: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Home Life At the Zurich Polytechnic a romance began between Einstein and a young Serbian woman, MIleva Maric, the only woman in Albert’s physics class. Einstein’s family opposed any talk of marriage, even after the birth of their daughter (who was eventually given up for adoption). They finally married in 1903 after Einstein got his job at the Patent Office. There is no solid evidence that Mileva made any significant contribution to his work. In 1904 a son was born, and a second in 1910.

“With such fame, not much time remains for his,” Mileva complained. “I am very starved for love.” Einstein felt suffocated in the strained and gloomy relationship. He found comfort in a love affair with his cousin, Elsa Lowenthal. MIleva and Albert separated in 1914, and finally divorced in 1919. The same year he married Elsa, and moved in with her and her two grown daughters from a previous marriage. “The Lord has put into him so much that’s beautiful, and I find him wonderful,” Elsa later wrote, “even though life at his side is difficult.”

Einstein and his wife Mileva with their first son. Their marriage was long delayed by his family's vehement opposition. "In spite of all the bad things, I cannot help but love him very much," she wrote, "...especially when I see he loves me just as much."

Page 6: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Major WorksMarch 1905 - Einstein sent a paper with a new theory about the structure of light to the Annalen Der Physik, the leading German physics journal. This proposal seemed to contradict the universally accepted theory that light consists of smooth electromagnetic waves. But Einstein showed that light quant, as he called particles of energy, could help to explain, for example, how light ejects electrons from metals.

May 1905 – The Annalen der Physik received another paper from Einstein. He had proposed a way to put the theory of kinetic energy to a new and crucial test. He had reinforced the kinetic theory, and had created a powerful new tool for studying the movement of atoms.

June 1905 – Einstein sent another paper to the Annalen der Physik on electromagnetism and motion. He had long been convinced that the Principle of Relativity must apply to all phenomena, mechanical or not. His new theory was based on a novel analysis of space and time, an analysis so clear and revealing that it can be understood by beginning science students.

September 1905 – Einstein reported a remarkable consequence of his special theory of relativity: if a body emits a certain amount of energy, then the mass of that body must decrease be a proportionate amount. Einstein and many others were soon convinced of its truth. The relationship is expressed as an equation: E= mc2.

Page 7: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

E = mc2 The connection that Einstein discovered between energy and mass is expressed in the equation E = mc2. Here E represents energy, m represents mass, and c2 is a very large number, the square of the speed of light. In Paris in 1933, Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie took a picture showing the conversion of energy into mass. A quantum of light, invisible here, carries energy up from beneath. In the middle it changes into mass, or two freshly created particles that curve away from each other.

Meanwhile in Cambridge, England, the reverse process was seen: the conversion of mass into pure energy. With their apparatus John Cockcroft and E.T.S. Walton broke apart an atom. The fragments had slightly less mass in total than the original atom, but they flew apart with great energy.

This photograph not only shows the conversion of energy to mass, but confirms Einstein's idea that a light-particle will yield up its quantum of energy all at once in a single burst.

Atomic nuclei could be split apart in "atom-

smashers" like this one built by Cockcroft and

Walton. Since the 1930s Einstein's formula has

been an everyday tool for physicists calculating the

changes of mass and energy in these processes.

Page 8: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Life from 1907-1915During this time Einstein began to search

for particular equations; ones that would relate the measurements made by two observers who are moving in an arbitrary way with respect to one another. The search spent entire years in blind alleys. Einstein had to learn more elaborate math techniques than he had ever needed before so he could work at a higher level of abstraction than ever before. His friend Michele Besso gave him crucial help here. Meanwhile his life was unsettled. He separated from his wife and began to participate in politics after the First World War broke out.

Success in his work was sealed in 1915. The new equations of gravitation had an essential logical simplicity, despite their unfamiliar mathematical form. To describe the action of gravity, the equations showed how the presence of matter warped the very framework of space and time. This warping would determine how an object moved. Einstein tested his theory by correctly calculating a small discrepancy in the motion of the planet Mercury, a discrepancy that astronomers had long been at a loss to explain.

Page 9: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Claim to World Fame

In a letter to an astronomer in 1913, Einstein included a sketch (right) that showed how gravity should deflect light near the sun, making stars appear to shift their positions. A photograph (below) from one of the expeditions shows the eclipsed sun. Some stars are circled and artificially enhanced in this reproduction. These apparent positions deviated from the positions of the stars photographed when the sun was elsewhere in the sky. As a ripple a pane of in glass is detected when objects seen through the glass are distorted, so we detect here a warping of space itself.

Page 10: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Claim to Fame Continued

The eclipse results caused a sensation, and not only among scientists. It brought a public transformation of physics, by Einstein and others, and overturned established views of time, space, matter, and energy. Einstein had become the world’s symbol of the new physics.

"I have become ra


like King M

idas, except


everything turns not in


gold but into a circ


"Since that deluge of

newspaper articles I

have been so flooded

with questions,

invitations, suggestions,

that I keep dreaming I

am roasting in Hell, and

the mailm

an is the devil

eternally yelling at me,

showering m

e with

more bundles of letters

at my head because I

have not answered the

old ones."

Albert and Elsa in route to the U.S. on the U.S.S. Rotterdam

Einstein first visited the United States in 1921 to help raise funds for the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. "I feel like a prima donna," he said.

Page 11: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

The Solvay CongressMax Planck found the first hints of the quantum theory in 1900. H.A. Lorentz: "He meant more than all the others I have met on life's journey." Erwin Schrödinger and Louis de Broglie developed a quantum theory that appealed to Einstein. He said de Broglie had "lifted a corner of the great veil." But it was soon found that this theory was mathematically equivalent to the Heisenberg theory, which Einstein distrusted. Max Born, another pioneer of the quantum theory, was a friend of Einstein for many years. Niels Bohr, showed in 1913 how the quantum idea could explain the actions of electrons inside atoms.

Page 12: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Work With Other Famous People!

In 1929 the American astronomer Edwin Hubble discovered evidence that distant galaxies of stars are moving away from our galaxy, and away from each other, as if the entire universe were expanding. The original Einstein equations might give an exact description of our universe after all. Quickly convinced by Hubble's evidence, Einstein felt that his notion of a "cosmological term" was a mistake. Other scientists withheld judgment, and debate over the cosmological term still continues today. But most astronomers agree that with or without the cosmological term, Einstein's equations give the best available language for a description of the overall structure of the universe.

Hubble at his telescope.

Page 13: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.


"I am happy because I want nothing from anyone. I do not care for money. Decorations, titles, or distinctions mean nothing to me. I do not crave praise. The only thing that gives me pleasure, apart from my work, my violin, and my sailboat, is the appreciation of my fellow workers."

Page 14: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Involvement in the Nuclear Age

In August 1939 nuclear physicists came to Einstein, not for scientific but for political help. The fission of the uranium nucleus had recently been discovered. A long-time friend, Leo Szilard, and other physicists realized that uranium might be used for devastating bombs. They had reason to fear that Nazi Germany might construct such weapons. Einstein, reacting to the danger from Hitler's aggression, had already abandoned his strict pacifism. He now signed a letter that was delivered to the American president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, warning him to take action. This letter, and a second Einstein-Szilard letter of March 1940, joined efforts by other scientists to prod the United States government into preparing for nuclear warfare. Einstein played no other role in the nuclear bomb project. As a German who had supported left-wing causes, he was denied security clearance for such sensitive work. But during the war he did perform useful service as a consultant for the United States Navy's Bureau of Ordnance.

Above is a re-creation of the signing of the Einstein’s letter to FDR.

Page 15: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Old AgeAlthough his activity was limited by advancing age and ill health, Einstein made clear his commitment to civil liberties. He attacked racial prejudice and supported the black civil rights movement. He called for a homeland in Palestine for the Jewish people, in which the rights of Arabs would also be respected. Meanwhile, he supported the creation of a Jewish university in the United States (the future Brandeis University). When the House Committee on Un-American Activities maligned teachers and other intellectuals, Einstein publicly advised the people under attack not to cooperate, but to follow the principle of civil disobedience. He was equally uncompromising when he refused any association with Germany. He even rejected honors from his native land -- he could not forgive the murder of Jews by Germans. In 1952 Einstein was offered the position of President of Israel, a chiefly honorific post. Old and sick, but at peace in his Princeton home and office, he turned down the invitation

Page 16: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

Einstein’s Last YearsFrom before 1920 until his death in 1955, Einstein struggled to find laws of physics far more general than any known before. In his theory of relativity, the force of gravity had become an expression of the geometry of space and time. The other forces in nature, above all the force of electromagnetism, had not been described in such terms. But it seemed likely to Einstein that electromagnetism and gravity could both be explained as aspects of some broader mathematical structure. The quest for such an explanation -- for a "unified field" theory that would unite electromagnetism and gravity, space and time, all together -- occupied more of Einstein's years than any other activity.

Page 17: Albert Einstein By: Kacie D. and Cory B.. Einstein’s Early Years One story Einstein liked to tell about his childhood was when he saw his first magnet.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity

has its own reason for existing. One cannot help

but be in awe when he contemplates the mysteries

of eternity, of life, of the marvelous structure of

reality. It is enough if one tries merely to comprehend a little of this mystery every

day. Never lose a holy curiosity.
