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Albright Support Brochure

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8/3/2019 Albright Support Brochure http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/albright-support-brochure 1/2 OUR STORY I was born in Chicago, Illinois and was raised in a pastor’s home. The memories o my childhood and teen years were flled with illustrations o God’s grace made evident through the lie o my parents who aithully served God and others in the church and consistently displayed a genuine walk with Christ. I was taught the gospel as child and came to faith in Christ as a 12-year-old boy. I went to Bob Jones University to study music, and my junior year I met my wie Sarah. The Lord began to change my heart regarding my attitude towards serving God and His Church and then ollowing graduation I spent a year traveling with the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team. That year was a defning moment in my lie as I was discipled in an atmosphere o brotherly love. I was shaped by teammates who had a deep hunger or God and served Him with Christ-like humility. In 2002, the Lord directed Sarah and I to move to Brookfeld Wisconsin to serve on the pastoral sta at Brookside Baptist Church as assistant pastor or music, media, college age adults. God has blessed us with three children; Samantha, Seth and Silas. The congregation at Brookside has illustrated the power o the gospel to save and transorm lives. God has used our years at Brookside to confrm God’s call on our lives to make disciples through the local church. I have a burden for college ministry, worship, discipleship and am fullled in caring for the ock of God. I am deeply committed to passionate private worship which uels my corporate worship and service to God, ervent evangelism through developing gospel-centered re- lationships, and intentional discipleship by instruction and imitation. In 2011, God called us to move to Salt Lake City, Utah and we are thankul or God’s kindness in allowing us to participate in Plant4theGospel or the glory o God. We move forward by faith. COMMENDATIONS Ken Keltner, PAStOr “Jonathan and Sarah Albright in ten years o ministry at Brookside Baptist Church have lived lives o aithulness, transparency, and integ- rity. Jonathan and Sarah have a tremendous passion or knowing God’s Word and eectively communicating it to others. They have touched the lives o people through discipleship and evangelism. I am excited or what God is doing in their lives and anticipating wonderul news o God’s power.” PAul Mccure, DIScIPleD At BBc “This couple reveres our King earully and serves Him tirelessly with the many gits He has given them. On numerous occasions the Lord has used Jonathan to provide me with a song, a book, or a Scripture passage I needed at that time to redirect my path. They have also taught us what biblical hospitality is on many dierent occasions.”  SAM HOrn, PAStOr “Gospel driven people live Gospel- centered lives in Gospel-centered ways no matter where it takes them. Jonathan and Sarah are such individuals and their radical pursuit o Christ and His Gospel is taking them to a place ripe or Gospel ruit. Pray that God would attend their desires and eorts with His grace and power and raise up an army o partners in prayer and support. Consider being one such partner!”  SteVe PettIt, eVAnGelISt  “How exciting is it to watch experienced, young servants o Christ launch out into new territories or the sake o the Gospel! From the day I heard that Jon and Sarah Albright were deciding to go to Salt Lake City to plant a church, my heart was thrilled and my vision was increased. They have aithully, sacrifcially, and eectively labored in the local church or a decade.” DeAn tAylOr, PAStOr “It has been my privilege to know the Albrights since 2002 when Jonathan began serving as Minister o Music at the church I pastored at the time. From day one their sincerity o heart, love or people, and use o their gits or the glory o God has characterize d all they do. Although Jonathan is very git- ed musically, I would say that he is best known or being a genuine disciplemaker. The Albright amily are genuine, passionate Christ-ollowers, and I believe will be greatly used o God in this church planting endeavor.” 262.424.3686  [email protected] www.plant4thegospel.com
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OUR STORYI was born in Chicago,

Illinois and was raised

in a pastor’s home.

The memories o my

childhood and teen

years were flled with

illustrations o God’sgrace made evident

through the lie o

my parents who

aithully served God and others in the church

and consistently displayed a genuine walk with Christ.

I was taught the gospel as child and came to faith

in Christ as a 12-year-old boy. I went to Bob Jones

University to study music, and my junior year I met

my wie Sarah. The Lord began to change my heart

regarding my attitude towards serving God and His

Church and then ollowing graduation I spent a year

traveling with the Steve Pettit Evangelistic Team.That year was a defning moment in my lie as I was

discipled in an atmosphere o brotherly love. I was

shaped by teammates who had a deep hunger or

God and served Him with Christ-like humility. In 2002,

the Lord directed Sarah and I to move to Brookfeld

Wisconsin to serve on the pastoral sta at Brookside

Baptist Church as assistant pastor or music, media,

college age adults. God has blessed us with three

children; Samantha, Seth and Silas. The congregation

at Brookside has illustrated the power o the gospel

to save and transorm lives. God has used our years at

Brookside to confrm God’s call on our lives to make

disciples through the local church. I have a burden

for college ministry, worship, discipleship and am

fullled in caring for the ock of God. I am deeply

committed to passionate private worship which uels

my corporate worship and service to God, ervent

evangelism through developing gospel-centered re-

lationships, and intentional discipleship by instruction

and imitation.

In 2011, God called us to move to Salt Lake City, Utah

and we are thankul or God’s kindness in allowing

us to participate in Plant4theGospel or the glory o

God. We move forward by faith.

COMMENDATIONSKen Keltner, PAStOr “Jonathan and Sarah Albright

in ten years o ministry at Brookside Baptist Church

have lived lives o aithulness, transparency, and integ-

rity. Jonathan and Sarah have a tremendous passion or

knowing God’s Word and eectively communicating it

to others. They have touched the lives o people through

discipleship and evangelism. I am excited or what God

is doing in their lives and anticipating wonderul news o

God’s power.”

PAul Mccure, DIScIPleD At BBc “This couple reveres

our King earully and serves Him tirelessly with the many

gits He has given them. On numerous occasions the Lord

has used Jonathan to provide me with a song, a book, or

a Scripture passage I needed at that time to redirect my

path. They have also taught us what biblical hospitality is

on many dierent occasions.”

 SAM HOrn, PAStOr “Gospel driven people live Gospel-

centered lives in Gospel-centered ways no matter where

it takes them. Jonathan and Sarah are such individuals

and their radical pursuit o Christ and His Gospel is taking

them to a place ripe or Gospel ruit. Pray that God would

attend their desires and eorts with His grace and power

and raise up an army o partners in prayer and support.

Consider being one such partner!”

 SteVe PettIt, eVAnGelISt “How exciting is it to watch

experienced, young servants o Christ launch out into new

territories or the sake o the Gospel! From the day I heard

that Jon and Sarah Albright were deciding to go to Salt

Lake City to plant a church, my heart was thrilled and my

vision was increased. They have aithully, sacrifcially, and

eectively labored in the local church or a decade.”

DeAn tAylOr, PAStOr “It has been my privilege to

know the Albrights since 2002 when Jonathan began

serving as Minister o Music at the church I pastored at

the time. From day one their sincerity o heart, love or

people, and use o their gits or the glory o God has

characterized all they do. Although Jonathan is very git-

ed musically, I would say that he is best known or being

a genuine disciplemaker. The Albright amily are genuine,

passionate Christ-ollowers, and I believe will be greatly

used o God in this church planting endeavor.”

262.424.3686 [email protected]


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By God’s grace our families are partnering with indi-

viduals and churches to raise monthly support. This

will allow our team to ocus as a team on planting new

church-planting churches in Salt Lake City, UT that cen-

ter on genuine worship, intentional relational evange-

lism, gospel-centered discipleship and community, and

purposed multiplication.

A NEEDY CITY. A RIPE HARVEST.O the 2.6 million in Utah, over 2 million

live within one hour of downtown Salt

Lake City.

The region has the youngest population,

the highest birthrate, the most educated

adult workorce, and the lowest number

of gospel preaching churches per person

o any state in the country.

Gospel luminance in the city is just 1

evangelical church for every 10,000 people. 

“Only” 45% of Salt Lakers claim to be connected

to the LDS church. Many think it is higher.

30,000 students in downtown Salt Lake call Uni-

versity o Utah home.

Current statistics show that there are more than

400,000 religisly “claimed” peple i Salt

Lae City.

HOW THE TEAM CAME TOGETHER.Over the last year, God has been moving individually

and yet similarly in all our o our amilies. He began

poking at our comort zones and working on our

hearts about steps o aith. We have been serving in

our current ministries or the last 7-10 years. Through

dierent riends and ministry connections, we began

to talk and pray about mission-minded church plant-

ing. We took a survey trip together to Salt Lake City,

and God ignited incredible unity o vision and mis-

sion in our hearts!

We believe that God has brought us all together “or

such a time as this.” The more we have sought God’s

will, the more we believe that we must take what

God has taught us over the last decade and share it

with people who do not have access to it.

GIVING WILL ENABLE GOSPEL WORK.We operate by aith, depending on God to work in

the hearts o His people to meet our needs and help

us to begin this aith endeavor. Your giving frees us

to take the Gospel quickly and directly to Salt Lake

City to the praise o Christ’s name and the advance-

ment o His kingdom.

LukuS Counncharged as a main voice

with proclaiming vision

and truth.

Reserve Chaplain at Hill

Air Force Base

Jonn Lb

n Jon koare speakers, musicians,

organizers, techies

and disciplers. They

will serve each other inthese areas o ministry.

Jonn Lbspecifcally burdened to lead college ministry, team

building, and worship.

Jon kospecifcally burdened or preaching, youth ministry,

communications, and community involvement.

WLL Lknweaves philosophy or discipleship into the abric o

the plant

connects the burden and needs o Salt Lake City with alarge network o churches.

HOW THE ALBRIGHT FAMILY FITS INor family is ready ad excited t tae the chal-

lege f chrch platig. Ater 10 years in church min-

istry, we believe God has prepared us or this unique

endeavor. We understand this is a aith venture, and we

are only just beginning to realize how dicult the path

will be along the way. “But without aith it is impossible

to please Him, or he who comes to God must believe

that He is and that He is a rewarder o those who dili-

gently seek Him.” Our heart’s desire is to please God

and to see people saved and discipled in Utah.





