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ISSUe 5aUG-oct 2012


Page 2: ALDAR - Connect Magazine - Issue 5

contentSal Bandar commUnItY newS oPenInG oF JUlIUS meInl coFFee SHoP 3cleanInG oF tHe eXternal GlaSS Facade 3SoFa SetS at concIerGe loBBIeS 3al ZeIna commUnItY newSneIGHBorHood watcH 5waSte dISPoSal SYStem 5UnIt maIntenance 6car ParKInG SPace to let 6StoraGe oF ItemS In tHe common areaS 6al mUneera commUnItY newSal mUneera SwImmInG PoolS are now oPen 9GarBaGe cHUte SYStem oPeratIonS and waSte dISPoSal 10acceSS control actIVatIon In al mUneera 10connectIon oF Permanent Power to al mUneera maInland 10ParKInG allocatIon 10aldar commUnItIeS eVentSIFtar 16 aldar BaZaar 18Uae cUltUre rUBBInG noSeS GreetInG 20Uae Food 20GoInG oUt daraK dIScoUnt card 2107 daYS/06 nIGHtS toUr oF SrI lanKa 23aldar HealtH & SaFetY drIVInG adVIceS 27

AT YOUR SERVICEFor Sales, Leasing & General Enquiries: 800 ALDAR (800-25327)For Maintenance & Community Services: 02 556 4422E-mail: [email protected] AL MUNEERA

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al Bandar commUnItY newS

The cleaning of the external glass façade via rope access commenced on 12 July 2012. While the cascading look lends an aesthetic touch to the Al Naseem, it does make, maintaining and cleaning it a challenge for any cleaning company. However, with properly trained and equipped cleaners, the cleaning company has made the job look pretty easy and simple. This is also only possible with the cooperation and understanding of the residents in the community where access to the balconies are required to set up the staging to secure the cleaners who will descend down the façade like Spiderman while doing the cleaning works.

To announce the opening of the coffee shop, Julius Meinl has put up two roll up banners in the UB car park for the benefit of their customers and residents. The banners can be found at the entrance to the Upper Basement car park on the Al Naseem and Al Barza side. The opening of the coffee shop will add to the Retail Offer available to the Al Bandar Community. Residents and visitors can enjoy their premium Vienna coffee at reasonable prices.

oPenInG oF JUlIUS meInl coFFee SHoP

cleanInG oF tHe eXternal GlaSS Facade


Free wifi internet connectionFree delivery for Al Bandar residents (02 5565659)Location: Al Bandar Q No: 3


SOFA SETS AT CONCIERGE LOBBIESSofa sets were provided to all concierge lobbies of the 5 blocks on 18 July 2012. The distinctive white colour of the sofa sets is a welcome addition to the Al Bandar Community where residents and visitors alike can sit and rest while waiting for friends or residents to meet up. Residents can also gather and sit and have a good chat where they bump into each other at the lobby. This is another example of the effort by Aldar Properties PJSC to enhance the living standards and quality of life for the residents of Al Bandar Community.

REDUCTION OF RENTAL RATE FOR STORE CAGEIn response to popular demand and to boost the take up rate of the store cages, the Management has approved the reduction of the rental rate from AED 90 psm per month to AED 40 psm per month with effect from 18th July 2012. Residents whose apartments do not come with a store room can contact the Management Office to lease cages to store whatever items that they do not need on a daily basis, such as suitcases, old Christmas tree or decoration, children toys, etc. The cages come in sizes of 5 and 6.25 square meters with height of 1.9 meters which is fairly big to keep your old stuff.

OWNERS GROUP MEETINGThe 4th OG meeting was held on 30 July 2012. Issues ranging from the security of the boats in the marina, access control, the drop off point, gas billing, fire alarms were discussed during the meeting.

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al ZeIna commUnItY newS

The third quarter of 2012 witnessed the switch from temporary to permanent power in phase II (precinct A, B, F & G) and the delivery & installation of the beach furniture.

The library and the lobby furniture are in the manufacturing stage and we expect delivery in the coming weeks.

It has been observed by the management that some of the residents are not complying with the community rules. The rules are implemented on the development to maintain peace, harmony and reasonable living environment for every owner and tenant. They ensure that the behaviors of the owners, tenants and their guests or visitors are of an acceptable standard for the wellbeing of the other owners and tenants in the community.

All owners and tenants must be familiar with and abide by the community rules at all times. If you have not received a copy of the Community rules and regulation than please collect a copy from the community management office which is located in precinct D at the grade level car park. A soft copy of the same is also available in the community portal.

Making neighborhoods safe for our families is at the top of everyone’s list. No one wants to feel unsafe in his or her own home or neighborhood. One way to help our family members stay safe is to teach them how to act and react when at home and out in the neighborhood. Simple things, like fire and street safety, as well as stranger danger are good tools for your child to learn.

A neighborhood watch can discourage break-ins, car theft and other crime by aggressively reporting any suspicious activity. It is a proven method of making our communities safer. Without a neighborhood watch, neighborhoods may end up covered in graffiti; there may be an increased presence of anti- social elements.

If you see any incidents or anti-social activities on the development, please contact the Al Zeina Security control room on 02-8107542 immediately. Let’s join our hands together and keep our community safe.

neIGHBorHood watcH waSte dISPoSal

SYStemWe refer to the July- Sept 2012 edition on the above issue and would like to mention that we are still experiencing chute blockages everyday on different residential levels in different precincts. Residents are requested to make use of this facility in an appropriate manner in order to avoid chute blockages which not only leaves a bad smell on the residential levels but it also incurs high additional cost. Such costs are recovered from the service charges. We therefore urge and request everyone to co-operate and follow the below instructions before using the system, if you wish to make everyone stay more comfortable and minimise such overheads (service charge).

• Please gather your garbage in properly secured garbage bags and dispose of them down the chute.

• Boxes, cartons and metallic objects are not to be disposed in the chute as they will block and damage the system installed in the building.

• Boxes and cartons should be flattened, glass and metallic objects be kept in separate bags, and placed neatly in the garbage room for removal.

Our aim is to ensure the safety and comfort of all our residents within the community. In the event that you have any concern or a cause for complaint about any activity or incident within the community, we encourage you to contact Aldar Customer Service.

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As you may be aware, the defect liability period for the residential units has already expired, it is strongly recommended to have an internal maintenance agreement in place with any of the approved service providers in order to provide the essential periodic planned maintenance services such as A/C filter cleaning, plumbing, sewage, electrical, etc.

The service providers that are approved by Aldar Estates have undergone through a vigorous tendering process and have shown their capabilities to provide the required level of service to the residential units based on a pre-defined scope of work that was designed in line with the method statements of the installing contractors.

The approved service providers are as follows:

a) m/s Kharafi national llc – 02-8107542b) m/s maB - Facilities management – 02-5565681c) m/s morganti Group Incorporated – 02-6766755

car ParKInG SPace to letWe have received the approval from the authorities to lease the additional car parking spaces on the development which are very limited and will be available exclusively to our residents on first come first served basis. The approved rate is AED 9600 per annum or AED 800 per month. For more information, please contact or visit the community management office which is located in precinct D at the grade level car park.

UnIt maIntenance

It has been observed by the community management team that some residents are storing their personal belongings in the common areas which is against the community rules and regulations as well as the civil defense regulations. In addition, keeping items in the common areas can damage the common assets of the development such as tiles, wall paper, paints, etc.

The community management teams have taken the initiative of leasing the available store rooms on the development to our residents at a reasonable rate of AED 40 per sqm per month. These store rooms are available in different sizes and are leased on first come first served basis. So if you are an owner and wish to avail yourself of the facility, the following documents are required to process the lease agreement:

1. Copy of the Sales and Purchase Agreement2. Copy of the passport with a valid visa page or Emirates ID

If you are tenant, the documents required are:

1. Copy of your valid tenancy agreement2. Copy of your passport with a valid visa or Emirates ID

Should you need any further clarification, please feel free to contact the Al Zeina Community Management office on 02-8107526 or email: [email protected].

StoraGe oF ItemS In tHe common areaS

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al mUneera commUnItY newS

We are delighted to inform you that all the eight swimming pools in Al Muneera are now operational. Four swimming pools on the Island are located on the Ground floor and other four Mainland swimming pools are on the first floor. The operation hours are from 6:00am to 10:00pm, seven days a week. The lifeguards are on duty from 7:00am to 7:00pm. Kindly note that disclaimer signage are available by each swimming pool, however we wish to remind all residents to observe the following guidelines:

• Swimming pools are for the exclusive use of the residents of the community;

• All users are to use the facility at their own risk and acknowledge that there is no lifeguard on duty outside the hours of 7am – 7pm;

al mUneera SwImmInG PoolS are now oPen

• Any child under the age of thirteen (13) years must be accompanied by an adult while using the facility;

• No activities are to be undertaken that would affect the peaceful use of the swimming pool by other residents including excessive noise;

• No food and drinks are allowed at the swimming pools;• All the facility users must shower before using the

swimming pool;• Ball sports, skateboards, diving, running, jumping or

pushing are strictly prohibited in and around the swimming pool areas.

We hope the above rules will help enhance respectful and considerate atmosphere in the community.Enjoy your time in the sun.

SHowerS on tHe BeacHWe have recently installed showers on the beach for the convenience of all residents. We request all beachgoers to use the showers before entering any common areas. Please refrain from using any kind of shampoos or shower gels as such substances might leave stains and marks on the shower area.

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GarBaGe cHUte SYStem oPeratIonS and waSte dISPoSalGarbage chute system is fully operational in Al Muneera and we encourage our residents to use the facility to its full potential. Earlier this month we have faced few severe chute blockages caused by the residents. Such blockages may occur due to several reasons but mainly from throwing unsuitable items in the chute system. Each waste disposal room is equipped with two chutes - one for Recyclables and the other for Non-recyclable waste. Recyclable waste is: small glass bottles and containers, small plastic bottles and containers, loose paper and small tin cans. Non-recyclables waste is: kitchen and toilet waste, domestic waste, cut vegetables, food scraps and shredded paper. The waste must be sealed in a bag before dropping into the chute. We suggest every household to have two waste bins and sort the garbage as per above description.

Under no circumstances should items of the following description be disposed in the chute system:• Heavy and bulky items – furniture, electronics, metal items,

bricks etc.;• Carton boxes and other wrapping material;• Long objects – wood pieces, brooms, mops etc.;• Flammable materials – lighters, lighter fluid, spray paint

cans, perfume bottles etc.;• Sticky materials - industrial glue, glue sticks and other

adhesive material

We also request all residents to flatten boxes and cartons, place all glass and metallic objects in separates bag and keep such items neatly in the garbage room for removal by our cleaning crew.

By following these basic guidelines we can eliminate blockages and prevent damage to the chute system.We are looking forward to your cooperation.

acceSS control actIVatIon In al mUneeraPlease be advised that activation of the access control system in Al Muneera has started. This includes doors in the basement car park and ground floor entrances. The process will be phased by building and might take up to a month to complete. We request you to carry access cards with you at all times, without which you will not be able to gain entry into the building. Entry to visitors will be from the ground floor only; visitors can ring the intercom to announce their arrival and you will be able to grant them access into the building by pressing the unlock button on the intercom device.

Furthermore we would like to advise you to always carry the metal (traditional key) key of your apartment main door as a backup in case the batteries in the electronic lock of your apartment doors die out. Ensure to replace the batteries regularly with high performance ones from a reputable brand.

We thank you for your cooperation.

connectIon oF Permanent Power to al mUneera maInlandWe are pleased to inform you that Al Nada 1, Al Nada 2, Al Sana 1, Al Sana 2, Townhouses 01 – 84 are now connected to permanent power supply. Residents of the above units are kindly requested to check with Aldar Customer Service on 02- 5564422 or [email protected] if all the paperwork has been submitted to ADDC for billing.

ParKInG allocatIonIt has been noted that many residents tend to park their vehicles in other than the parking lots originally allocated to them. We have followed a fair and equitable process to allocate parking spaces based on the type and size of the unit and the allocation cannot be changed or swapped. We request our residents to respect the parking allocation and not to cause nuisance to their neighbor.

If you wish to know the parking bays allocation for your unit kindly contact Aldar Customer Service on 02- 5564422 or [email protected] and a member of Al Muneera Community Management will revert back to you with further details.

We wish you and your family a pleasant stay in Al Muneera community.

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al GUrm commUnItY newS

al GUrm reSIdentS meetInGWe last met with some of the residents in December 2011 at our HQ building.

We are now proposing to hold a follow up meeting in November 2012 at Al Gurm in our local site office.

This is a chance for you to meet the Al Gurm Community Management team, as well as Senior Management from HQ. We will be updating you on progress related to the issues discussed at the last meeting as well as new issues that we would like to discuss. At the same time it is a chance for you to express any issues or concerns that you have regarding the Al Gurm Community with ALDAR and other residents.Please feel free to email through any suggested items

that you would like to add to the agenda for discussion. Please also feel free to suggest your preferred day and time for holding this meeting..If the majority of residents prefer to have the meeting at the weekend, ,we will try to accommodate that request. Please call ALDAR customer service on 02564422 or email [email protected] to suggest items for the agenda and register your preferred time for the meeting.

A separate invitation letter will be sent out confirming the time and date of the meeting in due course. We look forward to meeting you again.

Be part of the action. Join thousands of people at the nation’s biggest family day out and walk the F1 track at Yas Marina Circuit this November 16th. Show that every step counts towards a healthier lifestyle.

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Yas Central.The entertainment hub at Yas Marina Circuit.

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Page 10: ALDAR - Connect Magazine - Issue 5

aldar commUnItIeS eVentS


Aldar residents shared the community spirit by attending Aldar communities Iftar.

Aldar Estates have arranged for a special Iftar event for all residential communities. Event has been attended by almost 150 guests of our communities, where at the end of the feast some valuable gift draws were conducted, gifts included VB cutlery sets, Mont Blanc pens and various gift vouchers.

The event took place at Crowne plaza , Abu Dhabi Yas Island.

“ Iftar effort is appreciated, well organized and nice food, thanks for the iftar invitation a lot, don’t hesitate to contact me for any further needs or help, have a great day”

Hind Al Amiri Villa Number 955

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aldar commUnItIeS eVentS

aldar BaZaar

Aldar Communities Bazaar was held at du Forum on Yas Island on Friday, September 28th, where participating community residents and other major retailers offered visitors a bonanza of artworks and handicrafts, homemade items, second hand items and local products in a great family atmosphere.

Sponsored by Crown Plaza, Nirvana Travel and Yas Marina, the event offered a unique collection of products from more than one hundred different vendors and independent artists and craftspeople. A range of food and beverage outlets were also present throughout the day.

Number of visitors exceeded 1500, entry was free of charge and everyone enjoyed a packed programme of entertainment including performances and displays by the Dubai Drummers and the Julli Music Centre, as well as activities for children such as a bouncy castle, an arts and crafts corner for drawing and painting, face painting activities, balloon benders, mascots and lots more. There were also stands operated by Abu Dhabi Heritage Club and health awareness organizations

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neXt commUnItY eVentS

HalloweenDate: 31st October 2012

aBU dHaBI HalF maratHonDate: 09 November 2012

UaenatIonaldaYDate: December 2012

Uae cUltUre Uae cUltUre

rUBBInG noSeS GreetInGRubbing noses is a tribal custom and way of greeting that represents the values of respect, pride and Bedounism mostly practiced by Arabs in the Gulf region. The nose has a valuable symbol for the Arabs because it is in the centre of the face -- it is the place where they greet someone with respect. Arab men inherited this tradition as a way of greeting generations from the past.

For more information please visit: www.aldar.com/connect

Uae FoodFried Fish (Sa-mak ma-ga-lee)

Fried fish is served daily in many homes throughout the UAE. While some prefer to eat it dry with white boiled steamed rice, others may make a tomato gravy to serve as an accompaniment. Personally, I like both.

Sliced limes are a must for presenting this dish – the juice brings out the full flavour of the fish. Fresh herbs are also served, as are radishes and often saloona is served as a side dish.

Ingredients:• 1.2 lbs (550 grams) sea bream• 1/2 cup fresh lemon juice• 3 cloves garlic, crushed• 1 teaspoon bezar, to coat

salt to taste

Since the fish guy took care of the gutting and descaling, all what you have to do with the sea bream is rinse, pat dry and with paper towels, make three slits on both sides of the fish so that the inside would cook evenly, and then sprinkle on sea salt and bezar.

The fish should place in a marinade of lemon and garlic and turn every once in a while. After marinating for the 2 hours, remove the fish from the lemon-garlic and pat it dry.

Heat a large pan with enough sunflower oil to cover 1 cm of the bottom and fried the fish until it looked done, then place the fish on a plate with paper towels to absorb some of the oil.

This kind of fish will be tasty if it will serve it with white boiled rice

daraK dIScoUnt card

Darak Reward Card is a program designed to offer discounts on a variety of products and services in Abu Dhabi to ALDAR employees, purchasers, and residential tenants. It’s a program that will grow in tandem with ALDAR as a company and its projects as a whole. The card will allow holders to avail themselves of offers and discounts from a growing list of service providers and retailers ranging from electronics, fashion, travel, hotels etc. and it’s a yearly renewable card. The card objectives is to:Promote Abu Dhabi as a destination and drive traffic, through exclusive discounts available in the emirates of Abu Dhabi and other emirates.

Foster a relationship between ALDAR (and its partners) with employees and ALDAR end users.Increase SalesCreate a community through exclusive membership into this niche group. The synergy by which all elements function will help promote loyalty.

Extend ALDAR Reward Card’s marketing arm by providing services through sister companies and suppliers.Through the Privilege Card, ALDAR Reward Card will enhance lifestyle via benefits and perks that augment a quality life. Enhance Brand Image of ALDAR Reward Card. The launching date of the card is 21st of October 2012, An email will be sent to you shortly once the card is ready. In order to receive your Darak reward cards by courier you need to submit your service request through Aldar community portal www.aldar.com/connect following the below steps : 1- Log in to the portal2- Submit a new request 3- Select request type as service request4- Enter your contact number5- Select “other” from the service request type6- Enter the word DARAK and your full name the way you like be printed on the card and your full address inside the request description box.7- Submit your request For portal user name and password please contact Aldar Customer Service Centre: 02 5564422

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daY 01 daY 02

07 daYS/06 nIGHtS toUr oF


On arrival you will be met and welcomed by the representatives of Tropical Asia Tours and transferred to Colombo


The business and commercial center and the new capital is Sri Jayawardhanapura Kotte, only a few miles away. Colombo was only a small seaport, which came into prominence in the 16th Century with the arrival of the Portuguese in 1505 and the development of it as a major Harbour took place during the British period. Colombo became the capital of Sri Lanka in 1815 after Kandyan Kingdom was ceded to the British.

The remains of the buildings during the period of the Portuguese, Dutch and British rule are found in every area of the city. None of the Portuguese & Dutch fortifications are found today but some of their buildings and churches could be seen in the Fort & Pettah areas.Visit Fort, the former British administrative center and military garrison, Sea Street - the Goldsmith’s quarters in the heart of Pettah, the Bazaar area where there is also a Hindu Temple with elaborate stone carvings, the Kayman’s Gate with the Belfry at the original gate to enter the Fort, the Dutch Church of Wolfendhaal dating back to 1749, Kelaniya Buddhist Temple dating to 6th C.B.C., Davatagaha Mosque, Colombo Museum and the Natural History Museum are some of the sites to be visited. Also visit the BMICH (Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall), see the replica of Avukana Buddha in front and the Independence Memorial. (Entrance fees not included)

Overnight at Hilton Colombo (Hilton Guest room on Half Board basis), Colombo Or Similar.

After breakfast check-out and proceed to Sigiriya en-route visit the Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage.

PInnawela elePHant orPHanaGe

App. 55 miles from Colombo, off the Colombo - Kandy road is Pinnawela, where an orphanage was started in 1975 to house the abandoned and the wounded elephants. The number of elephants has increased to more than 65 now; including Baby Elephants brought from various parts, as well as some of the more than 25 babies born, as a result of the captive breeding programme. The best time to visit is the feeding time from 0930-1000 hrs and 1330-1400 hrs and the bathing time from 1000-1030 hrs and 1400-1430 hrs when all the elephants are taken to the river close by. (Entrance fees not included)

Overnight at Elephant Corridor (Deluxe Suite on Half Board basis), Sigiriya or Similar

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daY 05

daY 06After breakfast, check-out and proceed to Nuwara Eliya. En route visit Tea Plantation and Water Falls...

tea PlantatIonS

Tea was first planted in Sri Lanka in 1824 at the Botanical Gardens at Peradeniya, when a few plants were brought from China. More were introduced from Assam in 1839. In 1867, a Scottish Planter named James Taylor planted tea seedlings in 8 hectares of forestland, in the Loolkondura Estate. In 1873, the tea export industry of Sri Lanka began with a modest 23 lbs. being shipped to London. Tea will grow only on rolling terrain and is classified by elevation into low grown, medium grown and high grown into 3 main groups. Today more than 200,000 hectares in highlands and other areas are under Tea and around 300 million Kilograms, with a 25% of world tea exports are done by Sri Lanka as the World’s largest Tea exporter.

In the Evening commence the City Tour of Nuwara Eliya

nUwara elIYa

The ‘Little England’ of Sri Lanka, is set against beautiful backdrops of Mountains, Valleys, Waterfalls and Tea Plantations. It is supposed to be one of the coolest places in the Island, but it is really just like an English spring day, although the temperature does drop at night. All around Nuwara Eliya you will see evidence of the British influence, houses like country cottages or Queen Ann style mansions. The Victoria Park, in the middle of the town, is a lovely place for a stroll or a picnic and is also good for Birding as you get some rare birds in this Park. Seasons may be absent elsewhere in Sri Lanka, but here you can read them by the flowers, which bloom in the spring (March to May) and the fall (August and September). These are the “seasons” when low-country folk flock to Nuwara Eliya to escape the sea level heat and humidity.

Overnight at Grand Hotel (Deluxe Room on Half Board basis), Nuwara eliya or Similar

After breakfast, check-out and proceed to Colombo, via Kitulgala


a small town in the west of Sri Lanka. It is in the wet zone rain forest, which gets two monsoons each year, and is one of the wettest places in the country. Nevertheless, it comes alive in the first three months of the year, especially in February, the driest month. The Academy Award-winning The Bridge on the River Kwai was filmed on the Kelani River near Kitulgala, although nothing remains now except the concrete foundations for the bridge (and, supposedly, the submerged train cars that plunged into the river in the climactic scene). Kitulgala is also a base for white-water rafting, which starts a few kilometers upstream.

In the evening do some shopping in Colombo city

Overnight at Hilton Colombo (Hilton Guest room on Half Board basis), Colombo or Similar

daY 03

daY 04

After breakfast, climb & visit the Rock Fortress in Sigiriya


A “World Heritage Site” and the 5th Century “Fortress in the Sky” which is perhaps the most fantastic single wonder of the Island. It is also known as Lion Rock because of the huge lion that used to stand at the entrance to the Palace on the summit of the 600-foot high rock. On its summit are the foundations of the Royal Palace, Water Tanks to supply water and all other buildings and at the edges the guardhouses. On one of the stairways the only known ancient work of Sinhala secular painting survived in the form of Frescoes of 21 life sized damsels still shining in their original colors. The Water Gardens, Fountain Garden, Summerhouses, Boulder Gardens and the Caves within the enclosed area should not be missed. (Entrance fees not included).

In the evening visit Minneriya National Park by Jeep.

mInnerIYa natIonal ParK

This National Park with 8889 hectares in extent is famous for its large population of elephants in herds of 100 to 150 roaming in the jungle and seen in the catchment area of the lake. Entrance is at Ambagaswewa about 6 km from Habarana on the main Habarana Polonnaruwa road. Office is by the side of the main road. Elephants, about 300 wild elephants, wild buffaloes, wild boar, spotted deer, sloth bear, Sambhur, leopards, crocodiles, jackals, 9 kinds of amphibians, 25 kinds of reptiles, 160 species of birds, 26 varieties of fishes, 78 varieties of butterflies are recorded from the Minneriya National Park. (Entrance fees not included)

Overnight at Elephant Corridor (Deluxe Suite on Half Board basis), Sigiriya or Similar

After breakfast, check-out and proceed to Kandy, en-route visit the Spice Garden in Matale

SPIce GardenS at matale

You will see many spice gardens at Matale and in Mawanella on the Colombo-Kandy road where Cinnamon, Cardamom, Pepper Creepers and all other spice trees, plants and creepers are planted for visitors to see them. Spice products are also available for those who would like to buy them. At all Spice Gardens visitors are taken round explaining each tree and plant and at the end explaining the use of them in food preparations.

Afterwards visit a Batik Factory where you can see the manufacture of beautiful Batik prints. These shops contain a wide variety of Batik items

In the evening commence the city tour of Kandy including visit Temple of Tooth Relic


The hill capital is another “World Heritage Site”. It was the last stronghold of the Sinhalese Kings during the Portuguese, Dutch and British rule and finally ceded to the British in 1815 after an agreement.To the Buddhists of Sri Lanka and the World, Kandy is one of the most sacred sites as it is the home of the “Dalada Maligawa” - Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic of Lord Buddha.

Close by are the remains of the Royal Palace (“Maha Wasala”), “Palle Wasala”- where the Queens stayed-now used for the National Museum, “Meda Wasala” where other close relatives lived, Audience Hall, Natha Devala and Vishnu Devala are situated close by. The Bathing Pavilion (“Ulpenge”) is by the Lake and in the Center of the lake is the Island called “Kiri samudraya” (Milk white ocean) used by the kings as the summerhouse.Today it is the center of Buddhism, Arts, Crafts, Dancing, Music and Culture. (Entrance fees not included)

Evening witness the Cultural Dance Show featuring various dancing types of Sri Lanka …….(Entrance fees not included)

Overnight at Mahaweli Reach Hotel (Deluxe Room on Half Board basis), Kandy or Similar

24 25 ISSUe 5aUG-oct 2012

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Page 15: ALDAR - Connect Magazine - Issue 5

Dear Residents.We are heading into the period of year where fog is a major issue on the roads. As a refresher please find below a list of do’s and don’ts while driving in foggy conditions.

do:• Slow down gradually in foggy conditions and drive at a speed that suits the conditions.• Make sure your vehicle’s lights are turned on.• Use low beam headlights. High beam reflect off the moisture droplets in the fog, making it harder to see.• If you have fog lights on your vehicle, use them, in addition to your low beam.• Be patient. Avoid passing, changing lanes and crossing traffic.• Use pavement markings to help guide you. Use the right edge of the road as a guide, rather than the centre

line.• Increase the distance between you and the car in front. You will need extra distance to brake safely.• Reduce distractions in your vehicle your full attention is required for driving.• Look out for any electronically operated warning signs.• Keep looking as far ahead as possible.• Keep your windows and mirrors clean. Use your defroster and wipers to maximize your vision.• If the fog is too dense to continue, pull completely off the road and try to position your vehicle in an area away

from other traffic. Turn on your emergency (hazard) lights.

don’t:• Don’t stop directly on the road. You could become the first link in a chain reaction collision.• Don’t drive with your hazard lights on – these are for emergencies only.• Don’t speed up suddenly, even if the fog seems to be clearing. You could find yourself back in fog.• Don’t speed up to pass a vehicle moving slowly or to get away from a vehicle that is following too closely.• Before you drive, and during your trip, check weather forecasts and road reports. If there is a weather

warning or reports of poor visibility and driving conditions, delay your trip until conditions improve, if possible.


aldar HealtH & SaFetY

drIVInG adVIceS

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Leave for airport your connecting departure flight…

coSt:rates are net in aed (Valid from 01st oct – 31st dec 2012)

delUXe cateGorYNo of pax Rate02 Pax aed 3550.00 per person, sharing DBL/TWIN room

entrance Fees (Per person, per visit) you can either ask clients to pay directly OR include in the package. Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage 80.00 Kandy Tooth Relic Temple 40.00Colombo Museum 20.00Sigiriya Rock Fortress 150.00Cultural Dance Show 15.00Minneriya National Park 115.00Minneriya Jeep Hire 150.00

SupplementsHotel Name Cricket T20 Supplement (01-Oct-2012 to 06-Oct-2012)Mahaweli Reach aed 250.00 per room per day

Peak Period Supplement• Mahaweli Reach 370.00 aed from 20th Dec to 31st Dec 2012• Grand Hotel 100.00 aed from 01st Nov to 31st Dec 2012

compulsory SupplementHotel Name X’ Mas Supplement New Year SupplementHilton Colombo aed 195.00 per person aed 190.00 per personElephant Corridor aed 560.00 per person aed 560.00 per personMahaweli Reach aed 380.00 per person aed 395.00 per personGrand Hotel aed 280.00 per person aed 330.00 per person

above cost onlY includes• Meet & Greet service at the airport• Hotel accommodation at above

mentioned hotels on mentioned meal basis

• Transport by an air conditioned Vehicle• Service of an English Speaking Driver

Guide (up to 6 Pax) OR English Speaking National Guide (7 pax and above)

• 02 Mineral water bottles (500ml) per person, per day Above cost DOES NOT include

Please note that this is not a reservation confirmation. Reservation confirmation shall be subject to availability after your consent to confirm the room. Availability is subject to change without prior notice

For reservation please call +971 2 6277997 (Holidays department)

26 27 ISSUe 5aUG-oct 2012

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above cost doeS not include• Return air ticket from Abu Dhabi or

Dubai / Colombo / Abu Dhabi or Dubai • Breakfast on arrival day• Lunch through-out• Entrance fees for the places mentioned

in the itinerary• Camera & Video permits• Any beverages• Visa fees (If applicable)• Any additional visits which occur a cost• Any other personal expenses not

mentioned• Early Check-in & Late Check-out


Page 16: ALDAR - Connect Magazine - Issue 5

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