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ALE IDOC Training-Day 2

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  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    Atos, Atos and fish symbol, Atos Origin and fish symbol, Atos Consulting, and the fish itself are registered trademarks of Atos Origin SA. November 2006

    2006 Atos Origin

    ALE / IDoc Training

    Disha Jain

    Mumbai,24thSeptember, 2007

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    2 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Table of Contents

    ' Logical Steps to ALE Development - Xn: SALE

    ' ALE Cstomi!ing

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    ( A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ALE " Inbon# an# $tbon# %rocessing

    ' Outbound' Sending out the data from our system, any #$o& )hi&h is sent out from the

    system is &alled as Outbound.

    ' #nbound' *e&eiving the data in the system is termed to be inbound

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    + A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ALE Cstomi!ing - SALE

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    $efining ogi&al Systems

    %reparing the Sen#ing an# &eceiving S'stems

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    6 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Defining Logical S'stem

    ' !a&h system in the system lands&a-e must have a logi&al system name.

    ' %he name should be uniue throughout the )hole system lands&a-e. %his name &an then beassigned to one &lient of an SA/ system. %o guarantee that the name is uniue and tosim-lify the assignment, SA/ re&ommends the naming &onvention System

    name1CN%Client number1.

    ' %o vie) the eisting names of logi&al systems, &hoose the follo)ing in the

    #345Application Link Enabling (ALE)Sending and Receiing S!"tem" Logical S!"tem"#e$ine Logical S!"tem.

    ' %o vie) the assignments to &lients, &hoose the follo)ing in the #345Application Link Enabling(ALE)Sending and Receiing S!"tem" LogicalS!"tem" A""ign Logical S!"tem to a%lient.

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    7/46 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Defining &(C Destination

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    8/467 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Defining &(C Destination

    ' *8C destinations must be defined for the target systems.

    ' SA/ re&ommends &alling the *8C destinations the same names as the logi&altarget system. %his means that some settings &an be automati&ally generated.

    ' A user and a -ass)ord are s-e&ified in the *8C destination. %his user must eist inthe target system and must have the ne&essary authori9ations.

    ' %o &he&k the *8C destinations, &hoose the follo)ing in the #345Application LinkEnabling (ALE)Sending and Receiing S!"tem"S!"tem" in &et'ork#e$inearget S!"tem" $or R% %all".

    ' A! uses ty-e *"( &onne&tions for &ommuni&ating )ith a remote SA/ system. !$#uses ty-e %C/"#/ &onne&tions to &ommuni&ate )ith the !$# subsystem.

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    9/46: A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    %ort Definition

    ' Transaction )E*+

    ' A! &ustomi9ingSending and *e&eving SystemsSystems in Net)orkAsyn&hronous

    /ro&essingAssigning /orts$efine /ort

    ' A -ort defines the medium in )hi&h the data is e&hanged bet)een the t)o systems.

    ' /orts available in release +.6 are' t*8C ; for A! &ommuni&ation' 8ile /orts ;for !$# &ommuni&ation' C/#;C ;for -orts for *"2' #nternet /orts ;used to &onne&t )ith #nternet A--li&ations

    ' A

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    10/46>0 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,ore info on %orts

    ' %he t*8C -ort used in the A! -ro&ess &an be generated automati&ally )hen you generatethe -artner -rofiles or it &an be maintained manually.

    ' 8or -ort definitions to be generated automati&ally, the *8C destination name must be thesame as the logi&al system name.

    ' #n Advan&ed settings, a standard -rogram *2, else #$o&remains in status (.

    ' Cross system re-orting;' *

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    11/46>> A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,o#eling siness %rocess

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    12/46>2 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Distribtion ,o#el

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    13/46>( A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Distribtion ,o#el

    ' %o vie) the distribution system, &hoose the follo)ing in the #345

    ' Application Link Enabling (ALE)Modeling and *mplementing

    +u"ine""roce""e"Maintain #i"tribution Model and #i"tribute -ie'".

    ' %o ensure &onsisten&y, it is advisable to maintain the different vie)s of a distribution

    model in one &entral system, and distribute them or trans-ort them to the other

    systems in the -ro&ess.

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    %artner %rofile

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    %artner %rofile

    ' 8or every message ty-e, you need to make the outbound -ro&essing settings in

    the sending system, and the inbound -ro&essing settings in the re&eiving system.

    #n every system, the settings are made for ea&h -artner in the -artner -rofile.

    ' %o vie) the -artner -rofile, &hoose the follo)ing in the #345Application LinkEnabling (ALE)Modeling and *mplementing +u"ine"" roce""e" artner

    ro$ile" and ime o$ roce""ing Maintain artner ro$ile Manuall!.

    ' %his is transa&tion )E*..

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    16/46>6 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Change Docments an# Change %ointers

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    17/46> A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Sorces of more info on ,aster Data


    ' Sour&es of #nformation for 3aster $ata $istribution

    ' #34 do&umentation3aster $ata $istribution

    ' SA/ ibrary5 A--li&ation do&umentation; for eam-le 5 Logi"tic" Logi"tic" .eneral Logi"tic" +a"ic #ata Material Ma"ter ran"$er and #i"tribution

    o$ Material Ma"ter #ata


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    18/46>7 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ALE Configration - &ECA%

    ' Setting u- the Clients

    ' $efining the ogi&al Systems for Clients

    ' $efining the Communi&ation /arameters

    ' 3odeling the $istribution' 4enerating /artner /rofiles in Sending System

    ' $istributing the $istribution 3odel

    ' 4enerating /artner /rofiles in *e&eiving System

    ' Creating the 3aster $ata

    ' Sending the 3aster $ata

    ' 3onitoring the Communi&ation

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    19/46>: A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI Configration

    ' Overvie) of !$# Configuration

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    20/4620 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    $tbon# %rocessing 3sing ,essage Control

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    21/462> A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,essage Control

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    22/4622 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Con#ition Elements

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    ,aintaining the con#ition table

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    2+ A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,aintaining the Con#ition Table

    ' %his is the table that defines the &ondition re&ord keys.

    ' %he key is a $ata Combination for )hi&h the messages are triggered. 8or ea&h

    $ata &ombination, there is a &ondition re&ord in the table.

    ' %he data -art &ontains the a&tual message. #n this you a&tually define the out-ut

    &ondition re&ords.

    ' %he &ondition re&ords are nothing but the &ombination of fields that you )ant to

    &ontrol in the out-ut determination.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    2 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,aintaining the Access Se4ence

    ' A&&ess Seuen&e is nothing but a four digit Al-ha;Numeri& Bey )hi&h is used by

    the SA/ as the sear&h &riterion to sear&h the &ondition re&ords.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    26 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,aintaining the $tpt T'pes

    ' %he out-ut ty-e re-resents the different ty-es su&h as uotations, Order

    &onfirmations and delivery notes in the SA/ system.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    2 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Assigning $tpt T'pes to partner fnctions

    '#n this ste-, you &an assign the defined out-ut ty-e to the /artner 8un&tion. #naddition to this, you also &an s-e&ify the allo)ed ty-e of out-ut ty-es for

    &ombination of out-ut ty-es and -artner fun&tions.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    27 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,aintaining $tpt Determination %roce#re

    ' #n this ste- you &an &onfigure the o"- determination Di.e. you define the ste-s say>0, then you atta&h the o"- ty-e defined by you or any std. o"- ty-e.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    2: A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Assigning the $tpt Determination to


    ' Eere you assign the o"- determination to the -ro&edure or the o"- ty-e.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    (0 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    0enerating T&(C %ort

    ' No), go to transa&tion )E*+to &reate /ort $efinition.

    ' After the above s&reen, you sele&t 4enerate /ort Name radio button. #t )ill

    automati&ally generate the -ort. %hen it )ill sho) the follo)ing s&reen )here

    you have to fill in the information like the *8C $estination for the /ort and short

    des&ri-tion et&

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    (> A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    0enerating T&(C %ort

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    (2 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    0enerate %artner %rofiles

    ' 8or any ty-e of &ommuni&ation to take -la&e, you must have -artners asso&iated

    )ith your business -ra&ti&es. %he Fendors, Customers et&. are &onsidered as the

    -artners of the -ro&ess. So for ea&h of them to be getting identified )ith

    distinguished -rofile, )e need to &reate the -rofile for all of them.

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    (( A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    %artner %rofile

    ' !e&ute the transa&tion )E*.for generating the -artner -rofile.

    ' On&e this s&reen a--ears, )e have to fill in the reuired information like 3essage

    %y-e, *e&eiver /ort, the #$o& transfer -a&ket si9e, basi& ty-e for &orres-onding

    message ty-e et&

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    (+ A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI configration' At this -oint, our &onfiguration for !$# system is over. No) )e have to a&tually

    generate the sales order and )e need to &reate the #$o& asso&iated )ith it. So go

    to the transa&tion

    ' 5A.+@ Create Sales Order. !nter in to the reuired fields of sales order and save

    it. #t )ill generate the do&ument number.

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    ( A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI Configration

    ' %hen go to transa&tion 5A.* and vie) this same do&ument.

    ' %hen, to &reate #$o&, go to the menu level in the follo)ing manner. !tras


    ' On&e the above s&reen gets dis-layed, after saving it, the #$o& gets generated.

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    (6 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Displa' IDoc

    ' After that you &an go to the transa&tion )E.* " Displa' IDoc List.

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    ( A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    %rchase $r#er Scenario

    ' As the -ur&hase order is &reated in 33, outbound -ro&essing has to take -la&e using3essage Control. %he master data for the vendor therefore &ontains a &ondition re&ord )hi&huses the order to find the &orres-onding !$# message and )rites an 3C re&ord.

    ' %he key fields in the 3C re&ord are assigned to the &orres-onding key fields in the -artner

    -rofile Doutbound -ro&essing using 3essage ControlG. %hey determine the -ro&ess &ode,)hi&h in turn defines the outbound -ro&essing Dgenerating an outbound #$o& using a fun&tionmoduleG.

    ' %he key fields in the -artner -rofile Doutbound -ro&essing using 3essage ControlG areassigned to the &orres-onding key fields in the -artner -rofile Dgeneral outbound -ro&essingG.%his determines the #$o& ty-e DO*$!*S0>G and the -ort.

    ' %he #$o& #nterfa&e no) kno)s )hi&h #$o& ty-e to generate )ith )hi&h fun&tion module. %he#$o& is &reated. %he -artner -rofile s-e&ifies that the #$o& is immediately sent to the -ort.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    (7 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI "&elevant ,aster Data in %rchasing

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    (: A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI "&elevant ,aster Data in %rchasing

    ' %he 33 master data must &ontain &ertain -arameters )hi&h are sent to the order re&i-ientvia #$o&5

    ' A-art from the -artner number and ty-e, the vendor master re&ord must &ontain the-artner fun&tion. %he -artner fun&tion is a reuired field entry in the additional outbound-artner -rofile using 3essage Control D3CG.

    ' %he vendor master re&ord should &ontain the name )hi&h a--ears as the -artner numberin the re&i-ient -artner -rofiles as the Ha&&ount )ith vendorH Dfield 8;!#B%OG. %his fieldis &om-ared )ith the -artner number value in the re&i-ient inbound -artner -rofile. #f thisfield is not maintained, additional &onversions are reuired in the re&i-ient system.

    ' %he vendor material information must &ontain the material name for the vendor, be&ausethe re&i-ient determines from the &ontents of a segment of ty-e !>!$/>: )hi&h materialhas been ordered.

    ' %he 3C &ondition re&ord must &ontain a transmission medium H6I D!$#G. %he re&i-ient&annot see this value. #f another transmission medium is entered, the #$o& #nterfa&e )illnot be a&tivated.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    +> A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI Specific ,aster Data In Sales

    ' %he S$ master data must &ontain !$#;s-e&ifi& -arameters )hi&h are &om-ared )ith the datafrom the order #$o&5

    ' /artner number, ty-e and fun&tion of the sender are assigned a&&ording to the data in the-artner -rofile. %his data must also eist in the S$ master data.

    ' %he material number is transferred in a segment of ty-e !>!$/>:. %his material musteist in the material master re&ord. %he ualifier 002 in the segment sho)s that this is thematerial number for the vendor.

    ' #f the !$# subsystem does not assign the &ombination of &ustomer and vendor to a salesorgani9ation via segments of ty-e !>!$B>+ Ddo&ument header organi9ational dataG, you

    must maintain this assignment yourself using the &ustomi9ing transa&tion DFO!$G.

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    +2 A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    ,ore on EDI

    ' NAC! ; Configuring 3essage Control setting &orres-onding to various a--li&ations.

    ' NACO ; Configuring 3essage Control setting &orres-onding to various a--li&ations.

    ' J!7> ; $efining ne) message ty-es.

    ' J!72 ; inking the message ty-e )ith the basi& #$o& ty-e.

    ' J!20 ; /artner /rofile settings.

    ' J!2> ; /ort $efinition

    ' S3: ; *8C $estination

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    +( A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI- &ECA%

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    ++ A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    EDI Configration-&ECA%

    ' Ste- by Ste- Overvie) for Sales and $istribution' 3aintaining the Condition %able' 3aintaining the A&&ess Seuen&es' 3aintaining the Out-ut ty-es

    ' Assign out-ut ty-es to the -artner fun&tions' 3aintain out-ut determination -ro&edure' Assign out-ut determination /ro&edures

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    + A!."#$OC %e&hni&al %raining

    Information Sorces

    ' htt-s5"")ebsm-20.sa-;ag.de"int;adviser

    ' #nformation on /redefined A!

  • 7/18/2019 ALE IDOC Training-Day 2


    Than6 7o
