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Ale Presentation

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  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation

    SAP Legacy System MigrationWorkbench| 7.12.02 March-2005

    ALE (Application Link Enabling)

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation2 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02


    The participants will be able to:

    Describe the Purpose of ALE.

    Architecture of ALE.

    Describe the Definition of different Component of ALE.

    Standard message type used in SAP .

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation3 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    An ALE Definition

    ALE (Application Link Enabling) supports the

    construction and operation of distributed

    applications. ALE handles the exchange of businessdata messages across loosely coupled SAP

    applications, ensuring that data is consistent.

    Applications are integrated by using synchronous

    and asynchronous communication, rather than bymeans of a central database."

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation4 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    What is ALE?

    ALE is SAP proprietary technology that enables data

    communications between two or more SAP R/3 systems and/or R/3

    and external systems.

    ALE provides intelligent mechanisms whereby clients can achieveintegration as well as distribution ofapplications and data. ALE

    technology facilitates rapid application prototyping and application

    interface development, thus reducing implementation time.

    ALE comes withapplication distribution/integration scenarios aswell as a set of tools, programs, data definitions, and methodologies

    that you can easily configure to get an interface up and running.

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation5 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Architecture of ALE

    Application layer :

    This layer provides ALE withan interface to R/3 to originate or

    receive messages containing data to or from external (or other R/3)


    Distribution layer :

    The distribution layer filters and converts messages containing data

    based on predefined or custom-defined rule sets. These

    conversions may occur to ensure compatibility between different

    releases of R/3 and R/2.

    Communications layer :ALE communications are carried out both synchronously and


  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation6 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Advantages of ALE

    ALE offers better inbound interface performance compared to

    traditional techniques suchas Batch Data Communications (BDC)

    or Call Transactions. ALE does not use screen-based batch input.

    ALE is the strategic architecture for R/3 loose coupling with

    legacy and third-party applications and is a Business Framework

    key element. It provides a message-based architecture for

    asynchronous integration of Business Framework components,

    including Business Components, Business Objects, and BAPIs.

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation7 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Components of ALE

    Legacy System.

    Message type

    IDOC type

    Customer Distribution Model

    Filter object type and filter objects

    Change pointers


    Process codes.

    Partner profile.

    Message Control

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation8 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    The Customer Distribution Model is a tool that stores information

    about the flow of messages across various systems.

    A filter object type is used in the Customer Distribution Model to

    impose a selection criterion on the message (type) flowing to a

    Logical System. A filter object type witha value associated with it iscalled a filter object

    Change pointers are R/3 objects that mark changes to SAP master

    data. Change pointers are managed by mechanisms in a Shared

    Master Data (SMD) tool and are based on Change Document (CD)objects. CD objects record the changes occurring to master dataat

    a field level. These changes are stored in tables CDHDR (header

    table) and CDPOS (detail table).

    Main Design Steps

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation9 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Maintain Object Attributes

    A port is a logical representation ofa communication channel in

    SAP. There are four types of ports that can be defined in R/3: tRFC,

    File, R/2, and Internet.

    Process codes are used in ALE and EDI to identify the function

    module or API. Each process code is associated witha messagetype. Outbound process codes are stored in table TEDE1, while

    inbound process codes are stored in TEDE2.

    Use transaction WE41 to display outbound process codes and

    WE42 to display inbound codes

    Message control is a mechanism by which documents are outputbased on certain selection criteria, requirements, and sequences.

    Message control determines the type of document, its timing,

    number, and medium (print, fax, ALE, or EDI.)

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation10 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    A partner profile :

    is an identifier fora system used for communicating

    messages. There are four types of partner profiles: KU

    for Customer, LI for Vendor, B for Bank, and LS for

    Logical System. KU, LI, and B are used for EDI partners,while LS is used for ALE communications

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation11 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Idoc Definition

    An intermediate document(IDOC) is a container for distributing R/3

    application dataamong between R/3, R/2 and non-SAP systems


    ALE uses IDocs to exchange databetween logical systems. Non SAP-systems can use IDocs

    as the standard interface for data transfer. IDocs are created by message

    types and (object)

    methods when data is to be distributed. The message type is the format in

    which the data fora specific business process is transmitted electronically.

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation12 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Maintain Structure

    An IDoc represents a configuration ofan Idoc Type that determines the

    IDoc structure. An IDoc consists ofaheader, several data segments and

    status records. The functions of the individual elements ofan IDoc are as


    The contents, structure, sender, receiverand current status of the IDoc

    are defined in the IDoc header. Each data segment contains a standard header consisting ofa

    sequential segment number, a description of the segment type and a

    1000 character long string field containing the actual data of the


    The status records show the history of the processing steps applied to

    the IDoc.

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation13 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Structure of an IDoc


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    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation14 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    In the Sending System:

    Transaction Code for IDoc list is : WE05

    A list of IDocs grouped by status is displayed:

    Status Description of Status

    03, 12, 38 IDoc successfullytransferred

    02, 04, 05, 25

    26, 29 Processing error

    30 Waiting status

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation15 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    In the Receiving System

    Transaction Code for IDoc list is : WE05

    A list of IDocs grouped by status is displayed:

    Status Description of Status

    53 IDoc successfully updated

    64 Waiting status (still processing...)

    63, 65 Inbound error

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation16 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02

    Message Types :

    The flow of message across Distributed environment is done through

    Message Types.







    T-Code to view the Message Types is : WE81.

  • 8/6/2019 Ale Presentation


    IBM Global Services

    2005 IBM Corporation17 March-2005SAP Legacy System Migration Workbench| 7.12.02


    /N SALE : To Define and Assign Logical Systems .

    /N SM59 : To Establish RFC Connection.

    /N BD64 : To Create Customer Distribution Model.

    /N BD82 : To Generate Partner Profiles.

    /N WE05: To View IDoc Lists. /N BD10: To Send the Material Data.

    /N BD11: To Receive the Material Data.

    /N WE19: To Debug the IDoc.
