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Alexandria gazette & advertiser (Alexandria, Va.). 1824-02-03 [p ]. · 2019. 7. 3. · J»n. it,...

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PL HUSHED ON TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY—BY S. SNOWDEN, ROYAL-STREET, ALEXANDRIA. Vol. XXIV]TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 3, 1824 [Wo. 6481. Notice. *!it! further «ot»ct The *feamboAt PO- »1 O.MAC will disconti- Inus her rtjjular route j»n i9 por Pernambuco and a mar- ket in Brazil, The last sailin? coppered bri? y?J&Fr«der»cJrf Barrett, master; will take 500 barrel* ireitfht il offered soon. J.*J. HAKPEK. jan?9__3t_ tor Sale, THE LANDfc KOUSEon Stump Hill, laielycwned by Mr. Norton, i iem? a’Si.u* Twenty-one Acrest ^ *mJ endued; on the little river t-jrnj’.ke road, two miles from Alexandria, Tim garden contains nany valuable shrubs and Iruit trees. The situation is hand«ome and healthy. Poa*e««iin may be bad immediately**™ The tin e ol payment will be reasonably ^ "wfcilANCH. To Let, MThe House Sn<l Store formerly occupied by the subscriber, ou the comer of Fairfax and Kin? streets. It is considered a good.stand.for aav Kind of business, and will be rented tr,*v a ?ood lenant.—For terms, apply i„ THOMAS L. MART IN. nov 1_2!_ Java Coffee, JUST RECEIVED 4* FOR SALE, by dec ?0 KEKR & FITZHUGH. COHEN’S OFFICE. Baltimore, J»n. it, 1824* List of the I61A day's drawing of the Grand Stoic Lottery. No«. 19844 22170 all prizes ol dIOO *10009 510 do 60 And 196 prizes of 1* All marked Ibus* sold at Cohen s Ol* fioe, where the cash cao be bad for prizes th** moment they are drawn. STATE OF THE WHEELS. The Grand Stale Lottey has now only 4 draw- ings remaining to complete the Scheme, •nd the wheels heretofore so interesting are o;»w rendered much more so by Ibis day's drawing which produced no prize higher than 100 dots, leaving the capitals t>l 20,0tiO doll*.—two of 10,000 doHs 6.000 doRs.—8 ef t.OOU* fee.—-AM BOV floating—The greal capital ot 100,000 Dollars aim‘till undrawn—THE DRAWING w»H he continued on the 19th ol NEXT MONTH. With a view ot allowing adven- turers ala distance the opportunity of re- newing their small prizes or completing their inveitm-nt' previous to that day, when we may look tor a splendid distrihu* tmo of capitals. % Whole Tickets 15 00 Quarter* 3 75 Halves 7 501 Eighths 1 87 To be had (warranted undriwn):at COflEN’S^ Lrttcr j .%• Exchange tiffice, Il4 MarItftslrict, BAL I'lftlORE Where the great capital prizes in both the last lotteries were sold to distant adven- tmrers. a ml where more capital prizes have been sold than at any other office in Arne* ^j-OrdBfs from any part of the United St.Pes, by mail (post paid) or by private conveyance, enclosing the cash or pnsB tickets in any of the Baltimore lotteries; will meet tbe usual prompt and puuctual attention, if addressed to ian 24 J. 1. COHEN, ir; Baltimore. tfn\\ Goods. rpHK subscribers bare landing from Li- JL verpool per the Boston and Freder- ick* a large stock of GOODS particularly selected for Ibe present and approaching season. We daily expect a further sup- ply, comprehending as complete an as- sortment of ^ ^ ^ BRITISH GOODS as can be found in any market; with every variety of GERMAN ANDIKISH LINENS. In additioo to their general supply of American goods, they will receive in the course of the present week, upwards ot too Packages of Cotton and Woolen manutactures. All which are offered tor sale on reasonable terms, by ’"aLSO,CONSTANTLY ON HAND, London particular Madeira wine » ?qrt and otner red wines Colmenar and dry Malaga do Currant do and cordials W I & N E rum Country gm, old b common whiskey Whale and Bordeaux oil Baltimore manulact'd loaf sugar No. I*2*3’4 rj Do a tew bbU ol tamily loaf do D.tvaoa white 1,0 Gunpowder and Imperial tea Molasses, best retailing*' in hbds. and tierces Green coftee * Manufactured tobacco, 9, 12 4* pound twists warranted nrt quality x Window glass all sices Swedes iron do do Cut naife and brads do very superior a lulf supply from lid to 4od Nail rods and hoop iron Soap and candles Spermaceti do \ Susquehaonah herring* just inspected Dupont's powder, 4^. an* 16 A C CAZEM1VE ir Cu- Hoffman & Johnson’s Present prices for Pork, Beef, & Of which, are—flake fat. 8 cents per 'lh; lani 10 cents; spare rib?, fresh, 3 cents lb, salted* 24 cents per lb; scuiis, 10 cts each; haslets, 3 cents each, at slaughter house 2 cents; feet 61 cents per doz; sausage meat, 61 cent* per lb; hugs’ kidneys, 6 cents per doz; beef do 2 cts each; shanks, Irom 124 to 25 cents; prnne roasting pie- ces. 6l cent* per lh; steaks and rounds. 61; inferior pieces, 2 to 5; salt pork, 8 to 10 cents. Prince-street, opposite the post office_ jah 10 Pork, iiacou, &c. subscriber offers for sale at his J. shop, one door east of Columbus st. Pork Offal, and will bave a constant supply of Pork, Bacon, Beef and Beef Tongue*, dec 23—°oit SAMUEL SMITH. Jamaica Uum. H puncheons old 4th proof, landing from scbr. Exchange. For sale by un 2Wm. FQWLE & Co. Linens, £jc. JCST RECEIVED 5 cases superior 4*4 Irish linens 1 do 3-4 brown Holland* 1 do dowlas and toweling For sale by C. & I P, THOMPSON. Sugars and Duck. j Qvi hhds. Trinidad sugars of superior quality—40 bolt? first quality Kussia and 30 do do heavy Kaven’s duck—just received and for sale by dec 25 WM, FOWLE Co. District of Columbia, Alexandria County, To wit. ,Vov. Term, 1823—\ 4th Day, IN CHANCERY. George Holey and Thomas Suckley— Complainants, AGAINST Lewis Hipkins, executor of Richard Lib- by, decM, and Lewis Hipkins and Ma* ry Aon bis wite, Bartholomew Rotch- ford and Jane bis wife, Richard L. Carne, William Carne, and Nicholas Thornton and Susanna hi* wile, Devi- see* oi the said Richard Libby—Defen- dants. PT^HE said Nicholas Thornton and Su- J. sanna his wife, not having entered their appearance and given security ac- cording to the statute & rule of the court, and if appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that the said Nicholas Thornton and Susanna bis wife are not inhabitants of the District of Columbia: Upon motion of the complainants, by their attorney, it is I Ordered* That the said absent defendants Nicholas Thornton and Susanna his wile, appear here on or before the first day of next May Term,and answer the bill ol the complainants, and that a copy ol this or- der be published in one the Newspapers printed in the town of Alexandria tor two months successively; and that another co- py be posted at the front door of the court bouse of said county. Teste jan 13—2rn EDM. !. LEE, C, C. For Rent, THE cellar under the three story brick warehouse, occupied by the subscri- bers, on Fairfax street. It is a large com- modious cellar, perfectly dry at all seasons and paved with brick, is suitable for sto- rage of any description, or would well ac- commodate a'hoot-black- To a £ood ten- ant the rent would be moderate. JAS.C.& ROBT. BARRY, nov 25 H_ if Best Chewing Tobacco. ffnj HALF kegs manufactured tobacco,, JU8’s, 10’s, 12*9, and pound twists, Bar- clay’s brand, warranted superior to any in tbe District. Just received by the schr. John, capt. Burke, from Richmond; lor sale by JOHN D. BROWN, Agent. aug 19__** Notice. THE subscribers Would again remind those who have accounts with them, i that but a short lime longer can possibly be given fbr the closing of all the busrriess of the firm ot S. & D. Reed, and that in fu- i ture no ciedit will be given at their store, and hope none will ask it, as they shall be under the necessity of refusing indiscrimi- nately* N. B. A gbnefal assortment of good SHOES. for »ale on reasonable terms at the old stand, for cash only. Si LAS R LED, oct 16 tf DAVID REEDi Beaver Hats, etc. Juet received & tor sale fca complete assortmentofd Beaver and Castor flats, making my assortment very complete.— Gentlemen in want of good and cheap bats are respectfully invited tocall and ex- amine for themselves. I can assure them they will be pleased with the article and price. Also, a few elegant FUR SEAL CAPS of the latest fashion for ladies and chil- dren, with a variety of fancy articles for sale on accommodating terms. I have made arrangements to be supplied from N. York, Philadelphia and Baltimore with the latest lasbioos and the best quality kiln, ^ (tvOrders can be furnished at the short- est notice, if left at my new comumion hat and shoe store, King-Street, Alexa a. oov 6 JOHN H. KLNNELLS. Houses and Lots on Rent, * (At Fairjax Court- ftoVu.) I OFFER at this place, all rent for one or more years, the bric*,*K»re bouse, lot, &c. now in the occupation ot Mr. Tboinp* son Simpson; the storehouse is in the most public and best situation, and has been occupied by Mr. Simpson lor many years past, and has accommodated bim, not only lor a store, but that of a family. Any person wanting si>j:b a situation, will first call and view the premises. The rent shall be agreeable to the times. Also, one or two small houses with enclosed lots, suitable for tradesmen, and a promt- able situation lor a saddler, boot and shoe maker, halier, and Tai!»f. Also, several half acre Inis, on ground lent; the store- house 2d of next month: the other proper- ty may be had immediately. Apply to der 20 RICHARD -RATCLIFFS' Dry Goods. rpifE subscribers bave^Teceived per tbe JL Pioneer, from Liverpool, Friends, from Greenock, b Meridian* from Bremen, 100 PACKAGES of Seasonable Goods, consisting ot 8 bales ro;e, point ami striped blankets 8 do Scbuifield’s tlmneis and buckings 2 do Rhodes's boinbazetts 2 do Flushings 0 do superfine 3nd second cloths 3 do kerseys and plains 2 do casimere? and vesting9 2 do peHs*e cloths (very superior) 6 cases Irish linens, *.*»irting9 &i sheetings 10 do calico prims 1 do chintz do 6 rases Manchester Scotch ginghams 4 do do dimities 6 do steam loom shirtings b do woolen and cotton hosiery 1 do gloves (assorted) A do mull and book muslins 2 do jackonet and cambric mu«iins 2 do cambric and gingham robe2 2 do Madras cotton bandana lidkfs* 1 do insertings and trimmings 1 do worsted scarfs and shawls 6 bales Scotch Oanaburgs 4r sheetings 2 do German do It) do burlaps, &c. The above goods having been ptircha- see with cash by one of the firm, wi II be I sold by the package or piece, ab low as iii any other market. i sept II A* C. CAZE$OV£4‘ CO. __ Duck, &c. frjlHIS day landidg R*wri brig Medford,, X Jacob Covington roaster1— 100 holt)! superior quality Russia duck 50 pieces Russia sheeting 60 do heavy Ravens duck 28 hags good St. Domingo coffee For sale by WM. FOWLED Co. Who have in Store, for sale, 100 bolts of 1st & 2d qual. Russia duck 150 pieces Ravens do 300 do Russia sheetings 600 do broad diapers 25 tons St. Petersburg hemp 10 casks Russia tallow * * 15 bales do feathers 5 do do qdills> cont’g 150,000 2 tons American cordage iO hbds 1st qual. St. Croix sugar 70 bags St* Domingo coffee 50 do Sumatra pepper 20 pipes brandy—a part Seignett’s brand, of superior quality 10 puncheons 4tb proof Jam, Rum, old Holland gin 30 hhds molasses 5 pipes ) Sicily Madeira 20quarter casks Wl’VF 30 half quarter casks) TT 1 5 pipes London particular Madeira do IQ quarter cask> 'J enefiffe do of superior quality 400 casks cut nails, assorted sizes 800 Liverpool filled sacks oi blown salt 20 hampers wine and porter bottles 800 tons plaster paris 14,000 bushels St. Ubesaod Cadiz salt 14 , tf Withers & Washington are now opening a very neat assortment of SPRING GOODS: consisting ot Irish linens and long (awns Superfine and low priced calicoes Plaid and stripe Cambric Ginghams Plain and figured book muslins Jaconets & swisS do Striped letaotineS and Gros de Naples Plain and figured Canton crapes Book muslin bdkls Merino points and £el?a bdkls Flag and Bandanna bdkls 4.4 & 6.4 cotton cambrics Jaconet_do apfil fe—tf Dying and Scouring, ESTABLISHMENT, On Prince-street, opposite M. Miller's Store. JObEPH WILLIAMS, Silk. Cotton, & Woolen Dyer, has lately commenced the above business in the town of Alexao- andria. He dyes canton crapes, silk dress- es; and ladies’dresses of all kinds, dyed and finished in the neatest manner, to any shade or pattern. Gentlemen’s wearing apparel, scoured and finished in the neatest manner. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Leg- boro and Straw Hats, Shoes, &c. dyed and finished in the neatest manner. Those who please to fetor him with (heir ! custom, will do well bv calling, as his pri- ces are made to suit the times, for Cash. I N. B. Watch Casen, and Fancy Articles, ! guilt on silver, copper or brass, in the | most appiovedtmanner, and on .»* most 1 reasonable terms 9 AUCTION. Marshal’s Sale, VIRGINIA- At a Superior Court of Chancery held in the town of Fredericksburg, on the 6lh day of October, 1823— Joseph Shumate, in bis own right, and as administrator oi Richard Sbute, deceas- ed, Plaintiff Against Augustus B. Carver and Luther Radcliffe, | Defendant». I ^T^HE decree nisi entered in this cause j JL at rules on the 22d day of May, 1823, j uemg returned executed on the delendaht Augustus B. Carver; and the defendant Luther Radcliffe, wbo is out of (his Com- monwealth, and against whom the plain- tiff appears to have proceeded in the mode prescribed by law against absent defend- ants; and they still tailing to appearand answer, the bill ol ihe plaintiff is taken for confessed; and on motion ot tbe plaintiff, by counsel, the Court, on consideration of the bill and exhibits, doth adjudge, order, and decree, that unless the defendants, or one ol them, do, within six weeks trom tbe dale hereof, pay to the plaintiff the sum of six hundred dollars, with interest at tbe rate ol five per centum per annum from tbe first day of January. 1822, until paid, and tbe costs by him expended in the prosecu- tion ol this suit, the said defendants, and their heirs, and all persons claiming under them, be thenceforth barred and foreclos- ed of all equity and right to tedeem the houses and lots described in tbe indenture of trust, the exhibit afoiesaid, made on the 23d day of September, 1816, between Augustus B. Carver, ot t*i6 one part, and Richard Sbute, of the other part; aud that the Marshal of ibis Court do, after adver- tising the time aud place thereol tor three months successively, in some newspaper printed in the towii of Alexandria, expose to sale, by public auction, for ready mo- ney, tbe houses and lots in the said inden- lute mentioned, and out of Ihe money aris- ing (rom the said sale, after defraying the expenses attending the same, pay to tbe plaintiff Ihe said principal money, interest and costs; and the surplus ot (be proceeds oi sale, it any, ierain in his hands, subject to ihe future order ol the Court; and report his proceedings herein te tbe court, in or- der to a final decree. Costs 33 .dels* 4b cts. Copy- Teste, J- T. FORD, C- C. {^Pursuant to lb$ loregoing decree* I shall* on the 22d day of February* l8$4, i before the front door of ihe tavern now i kept by Captam George WiHfaio# m the 1 town ot Dumfries, expose to sale by public auction, to the highest bidder* tor ready money, TWO LOTS, known in the plan ot the said town of Dumfries, by the num- bers Twenty six and Thirty-four. WM- M. CRAIG. Deputy of JOHN STANAKD. M. F C. D. hot 18 »u*rn Jamaica Hum. 10 puncheons 4th proof Jamaica Rum 3 years old, and cf superior quality, landing from schr. Chase, and lor sale by jan 27 WM FQWLE k CO White’s Gin. 0Q BBLS. of While’s Baltimore gin; of ^'"very superior quality, landing from the sloop Fanny and lor ssle by A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. Who have in Store— Old and common rye whiskey Cognac brandy, of Seignett’s brand A large stock of Madeira wines, from the house ot Murdock & Co. Scott & Co. of London. Particular and Market. Malaga, Sberry in qr. ca«k<», and Indian barrels Current hi red wines; with a great variety ot groceries, domes! ic and imported goods.—All lor sale on the best terms, as above._jao lo—If Charles County Court, August Term. 1823. ON application to Charles county court, by petition in tvriiing Of Samuel C. Robinson, of Charles county,’ for the be- nefit of the Act ol Assembly lor the relief of insolvent debtors, passed atNov'rses- sion, 1803, and the several supplements thereto, on the terms mentioned therein, a schedule of his property, and a list of bis creditors, on oath, so tar as he can ascer- tain them, being annexed to his petition; and the Court being satisfied by compe- tent testimony that the said SamuelC. Ro- binson has resided two years immediately preceding thi time ol his application in i '.be stale of Maryland; and being also *a [ iisfied tbal the said Samuel C. Robinson is i in actual confinement for d£bt, and lor no other cause; aed the said Samuel C. Ru« bfnson having entered into bond, tMh suf- ficfent security, for his personal appear- ance in Charles county court, to answer such allegations aa his creditors may make against him—It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged, that the Said Samuel C. Robin- son be discharged from imprisonment; and that by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in sosne one ol the newspapers edited in the District of Columbia once a week for twd months successively, before the third Monday in March next, he give notice to his creditor? to appear before the Judges ol the next county couit to be betd at Fort Tobacco, in and for the said coun- ty, oh tbe said third Monday in iVarch pexl, for the purpose ol recommending a trustee for their benefit, and to show enure, j if any they have, why the said Samuel C. , Robinson should not hAve the benefit ol the several insolvent laws of this state, as Prayivst, .. JOHN BARNES, Clerk Cltarle* County Court, jau 8 *“ AUCTIONS- Public Sale. BY virtue oi a deed of trust (rod) W il- liam Cranch to Jaqr.es H. Hooe, ire shall sell at public auction, to the highest I bidder, for cash, on the iiilh any tj i March next, at 12 o’clock of that aaj, at Calls’ tavern, at tbe West End, in tair- 1 lax county, Several Parcels of Land in (he said county* being parts ol the land called Burgundy, and ol a tract lying toh- tiguous to, and west ol thM tract, which was purchased of Wbetcroft’a heirs—viz. a lot binding on South Hun, containing »- bout 86acrea, which waa lately heio by John Dixon; one, other lot containii e a- bout 58 acres, contiguous to the before mentioned lot, and extending to a roau two poles wide, which divides it in pan troin Mr. Froble’s land: one other lot, adjoining the last mentioned lot, and binding un bite side upon the said road, and on the ctber upon ibe land lately held by Thomas Wit- son, deceased; and extending up to tb# old line, between Richard and Robert Sandlord, and containing about 27 acres; and one other lot, lying westot the Bur- gundy tract, and adjoihing thereto, con- taining about 16 acres. For further infor- mation, respecting these landr, reference may be.bad to Judge Cranch* in Alexan- dria, or to James H. Hooe, Esq. who re- sides near them. K I* TAYLOR. JACOB HOFFMAN. P. S. Tbe three first of the abovemen- tioned parcels ot land will be sold up to Mr. Frobei’s land, without any reserva- tion tor a roadjap to—tM2Q ir UK tee s bale. On Monday, 29th March, 1824, AT ten o’clock, A. M. tbe subscri- ber, under the authority of a deed of trust from the late Daniel Dougherty, to secure tbe payment ol a certain sum of money to John M’Pherson* jr. therein Mmentioned, will expose to public sale on the premises, a certain LOT OF GROUND, with lher tenements and improve* menu* thereon, situate at the intersection ol King and West streets* in the town of Alexandria, fronting on King street one hundred and twenty-three feet, five inch es, and extendihg on West street one hun- dred and seventy six leet seven inches. This valuable property will be sold lor cash; and upon (he receipt of tbe pur- chase money, the subscriber will execute a deed, conveying ail his right as ft trus- tee. N, S. WIbhi— Trustee. dec 30 __ If Virginia: At a Superior Court ot Chancery, held in the town of Fredericksburg oh the 7tb day ol October, 1822— Samuel Mark, arid Ann, his wife; and the President. Directors and Compatoy of the Dank of Potomac, f Plaintiff$, Agaitrft Benjamin (3: Thornton; and Mary, his wile; Charless Gibbs, and Lydia, his wile; William D. North, and Thomas)./., Areha W., Emily Eliza, Nathaniel G., and George C. North, infants under the age of twenty-ode years.—by Charles Gibos; assigned their guardian; Samuel D. Harper,and Sarah, bis wife; Charles Page, Jobu McKinney, and Netbantel $. Wise* Dejendantt THE com t doth adjudge and order and de- cree, that unless the defendants benjamin G. Thornton, and Mary, Ins wife; Cbaihg Gibbs, and Lydia, Ins wilt; William D. North, Thomas 1. North, Arelia W Noilh, Emily Elila Norilt,Nathaniel Green North, and S/wnuel D. Harper, and Sarah, Ins wiie, do. within six months Irom the dite- hereof* pay to tbe plaintiffs, the President, Directors and Company ot the Dank ot Fo- tomac, nine tenths of the turn ol one thou- sand linec hundred and seventy-five dol- lars, with interest thereon, at ihe rate ol 3 percent, per annum from the Itjih day of January, Ibl2, until paid, & the costs by said plaintiff* expended in the prosecution ot their suit—the maishai ot thiscotirt, at* ter having given sixty days previous no- tice* by advertisement, published in tfiift.e newspaper printed in the town o* Alexan- dria, ol the time and place thereat, do ex- pose to sale, lor ca-b, the said TKACT of land and mill, sui-j^ct to rh* right of dower of Eliza North, widow of the said George North, deceased; and out ol the proceeds ot such naif, after defray- ing the expences attending the same, pay to tbe plaintiffs, the President, Director* and Company ol tbe Dank ot Potomac, fl»e said principal money, interest, and costs and do convey tbe premises so sold to A e purchaser thereof, and make report ofbie proceedings btrfcin to (bis court, in order to finrfi dectte; and liberty is reserved to the plaintiffs, at any time herfalter, to proceed under the deed ol trust Irotto the defendants, Benjamin G. '1 horizon, and Mary, his wife, to Charles Page, bear- ing date the 6th day ot February, 18)8, in the bill mentioned, to make sal* of the aforesaid dower right, fur the put pose v specified in the said deed, or to apply to this court lor further relief, as to that sub- ject. Extract irom decree. J. T. FORD, C. C. fr^Fursbani to the foregoing decree, l shall, on the 19th day nf March fieri, on the premises, in the county of Fairfax. ex- pose lo sale, at public aociiot}. to the highest bidder, for ready money, the land and premises belote mentioned *—T bit tract contains 25 Acres, and lies about 8 oiifc-s Irom W aehir.gtou, aftd 7 IfHn Alex- andria. The improvement* are a Grist and Sav Mills, h ftu a smalt ducttirg //twit. M f'RAIG, Deputy df i JOHN hi AN A HD, Marshal F. C. C. ! jau Ik Mhl9
Page 1: Alexandria gazette & advertiser (Alexandria, Va.). 1824-02-03 [p ]. · 2019. 7. 3. · J»n. it, 1824* List of the I61A day's drawing of the Grand Stoic Lottery. No«. 19844 22170




*!it! further «ot»ct

The *feamboAt PO- »1 O.MAC will disconti- Inus her rtjjular route

j»n i9

por Pernambuco and a mar-

ket in Brazil, •

The last sailin? coppered bri? y?J&Fr«der»cJrf Barrett, master; will take 500 barrel* ireitfht il offered soon.


jan?9__3t_ tor Sale,

THE LANDfc KOUSEon Stump Hill, laielycwned by Mr. Norton,

i iem? a’Si.u* Twenty-one Acrest ^ *mJ endued; on the little river

t-jrnj’.ke road, two miles from Alexandria, Tim garden contains nany valuable shrubs

and Iruit trees. The situation is

hand«ome and healthy. Poa*e««iin may be bad immediately**™

The tin e ol payment will be reasonably ^ "wfcilANCH.

To Let,

MThe House Sn<l Store formerly

occupied by the subscriber, ou the comer of Fairfax and Kin? streets. It is considered a good.stand.for

aav Kind of business, and will be rented tr,*v t« a ?ood lenant.—For terms, apply i„ THOMAS L. MART IN.

nov 1_2!_ Java Coffee,


COHEN’S OFFICE. Baltimore, J»n. it, 1824*

List of the I61A day's drawing of the

Grand Stoic Lottery. No«. 19844 22170 all prizes ol dIOO

*10009 510 do 60 And 196 prizes of 1*

All marked Ibus* sold at Cohen s Ol* fioe, where the cash cao be bad for prizes th** moment they are drawn.

STATE OF THE WHEELS. The Grand Stale Lottey has now only 4 draw-

ings remaining to complete the Scheme, •nd the wheels heretofore so interesting are o;»w rendered much more so by Ibis day's drawing which produced no prize higher than 100 dots, leaving the capitals t>l 20,0tiO doll*.—two of 10,000 doHs —

6.000 doRs.—8 ef t.OOU* fee.—-AM BOV

floating—The greal capital ot

100,000 Dollars l« aim‘till undrawn—THE DRAWING w»H he continued on the 19th ol NEXT MONTH. With a view ot allowing adven- turers ala distance the opportunity of re-

newing their small prizes or completing their inveitm-nt' previous to that day, when we may look tor a splendid distrihu* tmo of capitals. %

Whole Tickets 15 00 Quarter* 3 75 Halves 7 501 Eighths 1 87

To be had (warranted undriwn):at

COflEN’S^ Lrttcr j .%• Exchange tiffice, Il4 MarItftslrict,

BAL I'lftlORE Where the great capital prizes in both

the last lotteries were sold to distant adven- tmrers. a ml where more capital prizes have been sold than at any other office in Arne*

^j-OrdBfs from any part of the United St.Pes, by mail (post paid) or by private conveyance, enclosing the cash or pnsB tickets in any of the Baltimore lotteries; will meet tbe usual prompt and puuctual attention, if addressed to

ian 24 J. 1. COHEN, ir; Baltimore.

tfn\\ Goods. rpHK subscribers bare landing from Li- JL verpool per the Boston and Freder-

ick* a large stock of GOODS particularly selected for Ibe present and approaching season. We daily expect a further sup-

ply, comprehending as complete an as-

sortment of ^ ̂ ^

BRITISH GOODS as can be found in any market; with every


In additioo to their general supply of

American goods, they will receive in the course of the present week, upwards ot

too Packages of Cotton and Woolen manutactures. All which are

offered tor sale on reasonable terms, by

’"aLSO,CONSTANTLY ON HAND, London particular Madeira wine

» ?qrt and otner red wines Colmenar and dry Malaga do Currant do and cordials W I & N E rum

Country gm, old b common whiskey Whale and Bordeaux oil Baltimore manulact'd loaf sugar No.

I*2*3’4 rj Do a tew bbU ol tamily loaf do

D.tvaoa white 1,0

Gunpowder and Imperial tea

Molasses, best retailing*' in hbds. and

tierces Green coftee *

Manufactured tobacco, 9, 12 4* pound twists warranted nrt quality

x Window glass all sices Swedes iron do do

Cut naife and brads do very superior a lulf supply from lid to 4od

Nail rods and hoop iron Soap and candles Spermaceti do \ Susquehaonah herring* just inspected Dupont's powder, 4^.

an* 16 A C CAZEM1VE ir Cu-

Hoffman & Johnson’s Present prices for

Pork, Beef, & Of which, are—flake fat. 8 cents per 'lh; lani 10 cents; spare rib?, fresh, 3 cents lb, salted* 24 cents per lb; scuiis, 10 cts each; haslets, 3 cents each, at slaughter house 2 cents; feet 61 cents per doz; sausage meat, 61 cent* per lb; hugs’ kidneys, 6 cents per doz; beef do 2 cts each; shanks, Irom 124 to 25 cents; prnne roasting pie- ces. 6l cent* per lh; steaks and rounds. 61; inferior pieces, 2 to 5; salt pork, 8 to 10 cents. Prince-street, opposite the post office_ jah 10

Pork, iiacou, &c. subscriber offers for sale at his

J. shop, one door east of Columbus st.

Pork Offal, and will bave a constant supply of Pork, Bacon, Beef and Beef Tongue*,

dec 23—°oit SAMUEL SMITH.

Jamaica Uum.

H puncheons old 4th proof, landing from scbr. Exchange. For sale by

un 2Wm. FQWLE & Co.

Linens, £jc. JCST RECEIVED

5 cases superior 4*4 Irish linens 1 do 3-4 brown Holland* 1 do dowlas and toweling

For sale by C. & I P, THOMPSON.

Sugars and Duck. j Qvi hhds. Trinidad sugars of superior

quality—40 bolt? first quality Kussia and 30 do do heavy Kaven’s duck—just received and for sale by

dec 25 WM, FOWLE Co.

District of Columbia, Alexandria County, To wit.

,Vov. Term, 1823—\ 4th Day, IN CHANCERY.

George Holey and Thomas Suckley— Complainants,


Lewis Hipkins, executor of Richard Lib- by, decM, and Lewis Hipkins and Ma* ry Aon bis wite, Bartholomew Rotch- ford and Jane bis wife, Richard L. Carne, William Carne, and Nicholas Thornton and Susanna hi* wile, Devi- see* oi the said Richard Libby—Defen- dants.

PT^HE said Nicholas Thornton and Su- J. sanna his wife, not having entered

their appearance and given security ac-

cording to the statute & rule of the court, and if appearing to the satisfaction of the

court, that the said Nicholas Thornton and Susanna bis wife are not inhabitants of the District of Columbia: Upon motion of the complainants, by their attorney, it is

I Ordered* That the said absent defendants Nicholas Thornton and Susanna his wile, appear here on or before the first day of next May Term,and answer the bill ol the complainants, and that a copy ol this or-

der be published in one the Newspapers printed in the town of Alexandria tor two months successively; and that another co-

py be posted at the front door of the court bouse of said county. Teste

jan 13—2rn EDM. !. LEE, C, C.

For Rent,

THE cellar under the three story brick warehouse, occupied by the subscri-

bers, on Fairfax street. It is a large com-

modious cellar, perfectly dry at all seasons

and paved with brick, is suitable for sto-

rage of any description, or would well ac-

commodate a'hoot-black- To a £ood ten- ant the rent would be moderate.

JAS.C.& ROBT. BARRY, nov 25 H_ if

Best Chewing Tobacco. ffnj HALF kegs manufactured tobacco,, JU8’s, 10’s, 12*9, and pound twists, Bar- clay’s brand, warranted superior to any in tbe District. Just received by the schr. John, capt. Burke, from Richmond; lor

sale by JOHN D. BROWN, Agent. aug 19__**


THE subscribers Would again remind those who have accounts with them,

i that but a short lime longer can possibly be

given fbr the closing of all the busrriess of the firm ot S. & D. Reed, and that in fu-

i ture no ciedit will be given at their store, and hope none will ask it, as they shall be under the necessity of refusing indiscrimi- nately*

N. B. A gbnefal assortment of good SHOES.

for »ale on reasonable terms at the old stand, for cash only. Si LAS R LED,

oct 16 tf DAVID REEDi

Beaver Hats, etc. Juet received & tor sale

fca complete assortmentofd Beaver and Castor flats,

making my assortment very complete.— Gentlemen in want of good and cheap bats are respectfully invited tocall and ex-

amine for themselves. I can assure them

they will be pleased with the article and

price. Also, a few elegant FUR SEAL CAPS

of the latest fashion for ladies and chil- dren, with a variety of fancy articles for sale on accommodating terms. I have

made arrangements to be supplied from N.

York, Philadelphia and Baltimore with the latest lasbioos and the best quality kiln, ^

(tvOrders can be furnished at the short- est notice, if left at my new comumion hat and shoe store, King-Street, Alexa a.


Houses and Lots on Rent, * (At Fairjax Court- ftoVu.)

I OFFER at this place, all rent for one or more years, the bric*,*K»re bouse, lot,

&c. now in the occupation ot Mr. Tboinp* son Simpson; the storehouse is in the most public and best situation, and has been occupied by Mr. Simpson lor many years past, and has accommodated bim, not only lor a store, but that of a family. Any person wanting si>j:b a situation, will first call and view the premises. The rent shall be agreeable to the times. Also, one or two small houses with enclosed lots, suitable for tradesmen, and a promt- able situation lor a saddler, boot and shoe maker, halier, and Tai!»f. Also, several half acre Inis, on ground lent; the store- house 2d of next month: the other proper- ty may be had immediately. Apply to


Dry Goods. rpifE subscribers bave^Teceived per tbe JL Pioneer, from Liverpool, Friends,

from Greenock, b Meridian* from Bremen, 100 PACKAGES of Seasonable Goods,

consisting ot 8 bales ro;e, point ami striped blankets 8 do Scbuifield’s tlmneis and buckings 2 do Rhodes's boinbazetts 2 do Flushings 0 do superfine 3nd second cloths 3 do kerseys and plains 2 do casimere? and vesting9 2 do peHs*e cloths (very superior) 6 cases Irish linens, *.*»irting9 &i sheetings

10 do calico prims 1 do chintz do 6 rases Manchester Scotch ginghams 4 do do dimities 6 do steam loom shirtings b do woolen and cotton hosiery 1 do gloves (assorted) A do mull and book muslins 2 do jackonet and cambric mu«iins 2 do cambric and gingham robe2 2 do Madras cotton bandana lidkfs* 1 do insertings and trimmings 1 do worsted scarfs and shawls 6 bales Scotch Oanaburgs 4r sheetings 2 do German do

It) do burlaps, &c. The above goods having been ptircha-

see with cash by one of the firm, wi II be I

sold by the package or piece, ab low as iii

any other market. i

sept II A* C. CAZE$OV£4‘ CO. __

Duck, &c. frjlHIS day landidg R*wri brig Medford,, X Jacob Covington roaster1—

100 holt)! superior quality Russia duck 50 pieces Russia sheeting 60 do heavy Ravens duck 28 hags good St. Domingo coffee

For sale by WM. FOWLED Co.

Who have in Store, for sale, 100 bolts of 1st & 2d qual. Russia duck 150 pieces Ravens do 300 do Russia sheetings 600 do broad diapers

25 tons St. Petersburg hemp 10 casks Russia tallow * *

15 bales do feathers 5 do do qdills> cont’g 150,000 2 tons American cordage

iO hbds 1st qual. St. Croix sugar 70 bags St* Domingo coffee 50 do Sumatra pepper 20 pipes brandy—a part Seignett’s

brand, of superior quality 10 puncheons 4tb proof Jam, Rum, old

Holland gin 30 hhds molasses

5 pipes ) Sicily Madeira 20quarter casks Wl’VF 30 half quarter casks) TT 1

5 pipes London particular Madeira do IQ quarter cask> 'J enefiffe do

of superior quality 400 casks cut nails, assorted sizes 800 Liverpool filled sacks oi blown salt

20 hampers wine and porter bottles 800 tons plaster paris

14,000 bushels St. Ubesaod Cadiz salt 14 , tf

Withers & Washington are now opening a very neat assortment of

SPRING GOODS: consisting ot

Irish linens and long (awns Superfine and low priced calicoes Plaid and stripe Cambric Ginghams Plain and figured book muslins Jaconets & swisS do Striped letaotineS and Gros de Naples Plain and figured Canton crapes Book muslin bdkls Merino points and £el?a bdkls Flag and Bandanna bdkls 4.4 & 6.4 cotton cambrics Jaconet_do apfil fe—tf

Dying and Scouring, ESTABLISHMENT, On Prince-street, opposite M. Miller's Store.

JObEPH WILLIAMS, Silk. Cotton, & Woolen Dyer, has lately commenced

the above business in the town of Alexao-

andria. He dyes canton crapes, silk dress- es; and ladies’dresses of all kinds, dyed and finished in the neatest manner, to any shade or pattern. Gentlemen’s wearing apparel, scoured and finished in the neatest

manner. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s Leg- boro and Straw Hats, Shoes, &c. dyed and finished in the neatest manner.

Those who please to fetor him with (heir ! custom, will do well bv calling, as his pri-

ces are made to suit the times, for Cash. I N. B. Watch Casen, and Fancy Articles, ! guilt on silver, copper or brass, in the | most appiovedtmanner, and on .»* most 1 reasonable terms 9

AUCTION. Marshal’s Sale,

VIRGINIA- At a Superior Court of Chancery held

in the town of Fredericksburg, on the 6lh day of October, 1823—

Joseph Shumate, in bis own right, and as administrator oi Richard Sbute, deceas- ed, Plaintiff

Against Augustus B. Carver and Luther Radcliffe,

| Defendant». I ^T^HE decree nisi entered in this cause

j JL at rules on the 22d day of May, 1823, j uemg returned executed on the delendaht

Augustus B. Carver; and the defendant Luther Radcliffe, wbo is out of (his Com- monwealth, and against whom the plain- tiff appears to have proceeded in the mode prescribed by law against absent defend- ants; and they still tailing to appearand answer, the bill ol ihe plaintiff is taken for confessed; and on motion ot tbe plaintiff, by counsel, the Court, on consideration of the bill and exhibits, doth adjudge, order, and decree, that unless the defendants, or one ol them, do, within six weeks trom tbe dale hereof, pay to the plaintiff the sum of six hundred dollars, with interest at tbe rate ol five per centum per annum from tbe first day of January. 1822, until paid, and tbe costs by him expended in the prosecu- tion ol this suit, the said defendants, and their heirs, and all persons claiming under them, be thenceforth barred and foreclos- ed of all equity and right to tedeem the houses and lots described in tbe indenture of trust, the exhibit afoiesaid, made on the 23d day of September, 1816, between Augustus B. Carver, ot t*i6 one part, and Richard Sbute, of the other part; aud that the Marshal of ibis Court do, after adver- tising the time aud place thereol tor three months successively, in some newspaper printed in the towii of Alexandria, expose to sale, by public auction, for ready mo-

ney, tbe houses and lots in the said inden- lute mentioned, and out of Ihe money aris- ing (rom the said sale, after defraying the expenses attending the same, pay to tbe plaintiff Ihe said principal money, interest and costs; and the surplus ot (be proceeds oi sale, it any, ierain in his hands, subject to ihe future order ol the Court; and report his proceedings herein te tbe court, in or- der to a final decree.

Costs 33 .dels* 4b cts. Copy- Teste, J- T. FORD, C- C.

{^Pursuant to lb$ loregoing decree* I shall* on the 22d day of February* l8$4,

i before the front door of ihe tavern now

i kept by Captam George WiHfaio# m the 1 town ot Dumfries, expose to sale by public

auction, to the highest bidder* tor ready money, TWO LOTS, known in the plan ot the said town of Dumfries, by the num- bers Twenty six and Thirty-four.

WM- M. CRAIG. Deputy of JOHN STANAKD. M. F C. D.

hot 18 »u*rn

Jamaica Hum. 10 puncheons 4th proof Jamaica Rum 3

years old, and cf superior quality, landing from schr. Chase, and lor sale by

jan 27 WM FQWLE k CO

White’s Gin. 0Q BBLS. of While’s Baltimore gin; of ^'"very superior quality, landing from the sloop Fanny and lor ssle by


Who have in Store— Old and common rye whiskey Cognac brandy, of Seignett’s brand A large stock of Madeira wines, from

the house ot Murdock & Co. Scott & Co. of London. Particular and

Market. Malaga, Sberry in qr. ca«k<», and Indian barrels Current hi red wines; with a great variety ot groceries, domes! ic and

imported goods.—All lor sale on the best terms, as above._jao lo—If

Charles County Court, August Term. 1823.

ON application to Charles county court, by petition in tvriiing Of Samuel C.

Robinson, of Charles county,’ for the be- nefit of the Act ol Assembly lor the relief of insolvent debtors, passed atNov'rses- sion, 1803, and the several supplements thereto, on the terms mentioned therein, a

schedule of his property, and a list of bis creditors, on oath, so tar as he can ascer-

tain them, being annexed to his petition; and the Court being satisfied by compe- tent testimony that the said SamuelC. Ro- binson has resided two years immediately preceding thi time ol his application in i

'.be stale of Maryland; and being also *a [ iisfied tbal the said Samuel C. Robinson is i

in actual confinement for d£bt, and lor no

other cause; aed the said Samuel C. Ru« bfnson having entered into bond, tMh suf- ■

ficfent security, for his personal appear- ance in Charles county court, to answer

such allegations aa his creditors may make against him—It is, therefore, ordered and

adjudged, that the Said Samuel C. Robin- son be discharged from imprisonment; and that by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in sosne one ol the newspapers edited in the District of Columbia once a

week for twd months successively, before the third Monday in March next, he give notice to his creditor? to appear before the

Judges ol the next county couit to be betd at Fort Tobacco, in and for the said coun-

ty, oh tbe said third Monday in iVarch

pexl, for the purpose ol recommending a

trustee for their benefit, and to show enure, j if any they have, why the said Samuel C. ,

Robinson should not hAve the benefit ol

the several insolvent laws of this state, as

Prayivst, .. JOHN BARNES, Clerk Cltarle* County Court,

jau 8 *“

AUCTIONS- Public Sale.

BY virtue oi a deed of trust (rod) W il- liam Cranch to Jaqr.es H. Hooe, ire

shall sell at public auction, to the highest I bidder, for cash, on the iiilh any tj i March next, at 12 o’clock of that aaj, at

Calls’ tavern, at tbe West End, in tair- 1 lax county,

Several Parcels of Land in (he said county* being parts ol the land called Burgundy, and ol a tract lying toh- tiguous to, and west ol thM tract, which was purchased of Wbetcroft’a heirs—viz. a lot binding on South Hun, containing »- bout 86acrea, which waa lately heio by John Dixon; one, other lot containii e a-

bout 58 acres, contiguous to the before mentioned lot, and extending to a roau two poles wide, which divides it in pan troin Mr. Froble’s land: one other lot, adjoining the last mentioned lot, and binding un bite side upon the said road, and on the ctber upon ibe land lately held by Thomas Wit- son, deceased; and extending up to tb# old line, between Richard and Robert Sandlord, and containing about 27 acres; and one other lot, lying westot the Bur- gundy tract, and adjoihing thereto, con- taining about 16 acres. For further infor- mation, respecting these landr, reference may be.bad to Judge Cranch* in Alexan- dria, or to James H. Hooe, Esq. who re- sides near them. K I* TAYLOR.

JACOB HOFFMAN. P. S. Tbe three first of the abovemen-

tioned parcels ot land will be sold up to Mr. Frobei’s land, without any reserva- tion tor a roadjap to—tM2Q

ir UK tee s bale. On Monday, 29th March, 1824,

AT ten o’clock, A. M. tbe subscri- ber, under the authority of a deed of

trust from the late Daniel Dougherty, to secure tbe payment ol a certain sum of money to John M’Pherson* jr. therein

Mmentioned, will expose to public

sale on the premises, a certain LOT OF GROUND,

with lher tenements and improve* menu* thereon, situate at the intersection ol King and West streets* in the town of Alexandria, fronting on King street one hundred and twenty-three feet, five inch es, and extendihg on West street one hun- dred and seventy six leet seven inches. This valuable property will be sold lor cash; and upon (he receipt of tbe pur- chase money, the subscriber will execute a deed, conveying ail his right as ft trus- tee. N, S. WIbhi— Trustee.

dec 30 __


Virginia: At a Superior Court ot Chancery, held in

the town of Fredericksburg oh the 7tb day ol October, 1822—

Samuel Mark, arid Ann, his wife; and the President. Directors and Compatoy of the Dank of Potomac, f Plaintiff$,

Agaitrft Benjamin (3: Thornton; and Mary, his

wile; Charless Gibbs, and Lydia, his wile; William D. North, and Thomas)./., Areha W., Emily Eliza, Nathaniel G., and George C. North, infants under the age of twenty-ode years.—by Charles Gibos; assigned their guardian; Samuel D. Harper,and Sarah, bis wife; Charles Page, Jobu McKinney, and Netbantel $. Wise* Dejendantt

THE com t doth adjudge and order and de- cree, that unless the defendants benjamin G. Thornton, and Mary, Ins wife; Cbaihg Gibbs, and Lydia, Ins wilt; William D. North, Thomas 1. North, Arelia W Noilh, Emily Elila Norilt,Nathaniel Green North, and S/wnuel D. Harper, and Sarah, Ins wiie, do. within six months Irom the dite- hereof* pay to tbe plaintiffs, the President, Directors and Company ot the Dank ot Fo- tomac, nine tenths of the turn ol one thou- sand linec hundred and seventy-five dol- lars, with interest thereon, at ihe rate ol 3 percent, per annum from the Itjih day of January, Ibl2, until paid, & the costs by said plaintiff* expended in the prosecution ot their suit—the maishai ot thiscotirt, at* ter having given sixty days previous no- tice* by advertisement, published in tfiift.e newspaper printed in the town o* Alexan- dria, ol the time and place thereat, do ex- pose to sale, lor ca-b, the said TKACT of land and mill, sui-j^ct to rh* right of dower of Eliza North, widow of the said George North, deceased; and out ol the proceeds ot such naif, after defray- ing the expences attending the same, pay to tbe plaintiffs, the President, Director* and Company ol tbe Dank ot Potomac, fl»e said principal money, interest, and costs and do convey tbe premises so sold to A e purchaser thereof, and make report ofbie proceedings btrfcin to (bis court, in order to finrfi dectte; and liberty is reserved to the plaintiffs, at any time herfalter, to

proceed under the deed ol trust Irotto the defendants, Benjamin G. '1 horizon, and Mary, his wife, to Charles Page, bear- ing date the 6th day ot February, 18)8, in the bill mentioned, to make sal* of the aforesaid dower right, fur the put pose v

specified in the said deed, or to apply to this court lor further relief, as to that sub- ject.

Extract irom decree. J. T. FORD, C. C.

fr^Fursbani to the foregoing decree, l shall, on the 19th day nf March fieri, on

the premises, in the county of Fairfax. ex-

pose lo sale, at public aociiot}. to the highest bidder, for ready money, the land and premises belote mentioned *—T bit tract contains 25 Acres, and lies about 8 oiifc-s Irom W aehir.gtou, aftd 7 IfHn Alex- andria. The improvement* are a Grist and Sav Mills, h ftu a smalt ducttirg //twit.

M f'RAIG, Deputy df i JOHN hi AN A HD, Marshal F. C. C. ! jau Ik Mhl9
