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Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · novli Alexandria.Va. X...

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VOL. LXXXVII. ALEXANDRIA, VA., WEDNESDAY EVENING DECEMBER 29, 1886. NO. 372. AYASmWJL'UJM ADVTS. special REDUCTION .made IK pp.ict;5; of. i : UU4S and W.lUiiXG JACKETS. AND SPECIAL JOB LOT OF Children's Goats. "i desiring to give as a Christmas present : ilady. :uiss or child, should securo these before it i3 too late, thereby scouring H >m« Wrap at a price th»t an ordinary one -,v >: t later on. o SJ u ftfl n'.i'.l EVuiisyhsuiisi Avcune. WASHINGTON, D. C. 3 BUILDING MATERIAL, &c. PERRY, SMOOT & GO. iramFiooriiig&PlaiiiiigMili Manufacturers of i: .«.«! WINiJO\V PRAM12?,M()LDIKGS, &c. Dealers in MBEB. ;ili INGLES, LATHS, NAILS, LIME, CALCINED PLASTER ana CEMENT. SO. l~> NORTH UNION ST., ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA. v.r delivered in the city fros-. JOSIAH ifD. SMOOT. ies, wr® \ i L ! M ", CEMENT,CALCINED PLASTER, A:c.. MANUFACTURER OF :/)0-:!SG, DOORS. SASH. BLINDS, FRAMES, -'OULUINGS, MANTELS. BRACKETS AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD WORK. .iU'.l yard No. 2! north Union st. Factory .. a;s i 25 north Lee st.. Alexandria, Va. charge for delivery in city. jau28 ' ( 'AELIN e& SONS. tfO. (:3 KING STREET l.HX ANDP.I A. VIRGINIA celt-sale and Retail Dealers in r i A } JVV A UK A ND CUTLERY. ¦; !;...¦ Hardware. Locks. Hinges. Scrcws-, 1 Latches, jc'-., Saddlery, Hardware" .*iir;, Buckles, Kings, Haines, &e.. &c.! ... ;igiwr Hardware. Axles, Ritas, nubs' ... Sit wed Fellows, Tiro Iron, &c., Pockot1 ( rv;r.g. and Butcher Knives, ic., Guns A frill and complete stock of first" ;.raj in store and sold at lowest cash anglo < BRIGHTON L SON, Wholesale ar.ri Retail Dealers in ::»WA RE, CUTLERY, HORSESHOES, I BON i. CASTINGS, NAIL RODS, AXL". '.::U%ASL, V, AGON MATERIALS .JODSEKEEPRRS' GOODS, King street, - - Alexandria. ovinia { WARLOTTESVILLE AND RAPIDAN RAIL¬ ROAD COMPANY. Alexandria. Va., December 13th, 1880. l holders ol the. Charlottesville and Rapidan i.iilroad Bonds: l'iic following boni.s tirmvi: fur redemption by t in accordance with tin- terms of mortgage, 1' pxi.l at the cilice of the Philadelphia Trust, " I'- posit am! Insurance Company, I'hiladel- with accrued inl -rest, on January 1st, 1887. ibers.31, 81, 128. of $1,000 each. .J58, 2! >5, 385, 558, 6^>2, 717, 5G(», of $500 each. 712, 75(5, *04, 82!', of $100 each. Interest to cease alter that date. JOHN V/. BURKE, dec 1-1 td Trustee C. & R. R. R. Co. f SAI L AT 88 KING STREET. ON THE COR- NER OF ROYAL STREET, Alexandria, Va. i'hu ubscribcrs have on hand a large stoc k of ' -rood* in their lino suitable for the season, i as Table and Pocket Cutlery, Skates, Tool '.csts. Men y Banks, Call Bells, &c., «fec. ( all ".d see. Store will he kept open at night during he week. d. ;-21 J. T. CBEIGHTON « SON. MiLISA CORDIAL, so extensively advertised V in the Gazette, also the Vol in a Cough Cure, lusters. Blood Pills, Soothiug Balm, Vermifuge, Quieting Syrup, Liver rills, and Pair. Cure, are acdicincs prepared by a large stock company in i.a'.timorc. We arc prepared to supply tiie trade and countrv merchants at manufactures prices. t'JJ E. 5. LEADBEATER & BRO. 1TUMPHRIES* HO.MEOPATH10 SPEC!FICS For sale by t'nl)23 J. I). H. LI N 1. rnHE ENTERPRISE MEAT CHOPPER is the I best: docs not grind the meat, like other . utters, but CHOPS IT. it i^ useful for many purposes ALL THE YEAR ROUND in preparing chicken salad, beef tc.<, mince meat, hash, &c. For Fiilo bv JAS. F. CARLIN & SONS. novli Alexandria. Va. X BEAUTIFUL LINE OF CHRISTMAS GOODS decl-i At J. D. H. LUNT'S. JUST FROM THK FA< TORY.A nice assort- 0 montof LADIES' ALL-LEATHER SATCH¬ ELS; also GENTS' POPKETBOOKS, made of leather, at dec21 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. OI6QUE FIGURES. Lava Flower Pots, Vases in China and Glass; also "The Fairy Lamp," which is having such a run in other cities, and '-'.inch has never been offered for sale here before. dec!3 E. J. MILLER, SON & CO. OCOTCH WOOL KNIT GLOVES. Cloth Gloves O and Fur-top Dogskin, at 25c, 35c. 50c, T5c. S1.S1.25 and $1.50. at "0^19 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. /"CHILDREN'S KNIT MITS, from 12^> to 25c, dgc23 At AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. ! SkmMa -teeik o _ PUBLISHED DAILY AND TB.I-WEEKLY BY EDGAR SNOWDEN. At the Gazette Buildinq. Nos. 70 and 72 Prince si j DAILY. j TRI. WEEKLY. One year ${> 00 One veer $-1 00 Six months ,'j 00 j Six months 2 00 One month 50 Three months 1 00 Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exeeeil their spare, unless the excess is paid for at transient ratexr and under no circumstances will they he allowed to advertise other than their legitimate business in the space contracted for. All transient advertisements must he paid for in ad- vance. Marriage and death notices tniisl he jjai'l for in ad¬ vance. Resolution* in memoriam, of thanks, tributes of respect, resolutions adopted by societies or persons, "unless of public concern, will only be printed in this paper as advertisements. The Gazette office is connected with the Telephone Ex- change. Advertisements, orders for the paper news or any information or business ran I; sent bv tc.'<?. 2)hone, Persons leaving th- city can have the Gazette mailed to them, postpaid, for fifty cents a month, and the address changed as ojten ay. desired. All communicaiions should be addressed to'.Gazelle," Alexandria, }'a. Entered at the Postojfice at Alexandria. Virginia, as second-class matter.] 31 y Irritable Staler.An *>sK't3 Letter. Ye?, ir.y dear fellow-housekeer, I know all about it from experience. J know the eternal vigilance which is alcr e the price cf decent cleanliness. I have fought i-«o in- csssaut battle with dust, am' l>aye envied these notable matrons who«f: windows are always brightly polished, whose 11 a or- never show speek or fluff, whose vestibules are immacula'.e, and whose table? are f only abundantly provided, but invaiiabio daintily served. I know how beautiful, in iho read ing, is the story of thi.H woman or tbar, wb;. i affairs move with no audible jar, and no visible friction. And I am aware, toy. that it is not ertf?3\ in actual practice, lo p,o through an ordinary domestic week, with its inultifoinj activiiies, and feel neither jar nor friction. The ideal superlative traus- cends the positive actual with many ol* us, and the prettier our bom&a arc, I he harder it is, alas ! to take the proper and exquisite care which our very luxuries and con veniences demand. It came to me, the other day, as I tat in my chamber, and thought of your annoy- ances and my own. that perhaps the moU practical way of conquering the tendency to irritability of which you complain, and which I deplore, is resolutely to refuse it expression. We are not always able to con¬ trol the impetuouj rush of emot ion, but v e can repress the hasty s-peech and tho severe frown."Wo can be silent, h the llrfct flush of injured feeiiug, and refrain trom th' rb&ri> word, ihe querulous outcry, and the .n-ii:*- imnt burst, of which «., 3 art- .-nr: i r> rspral. Have w* not repented ..v. r and pv<.-r (f having spoken impatiently, wher did no good; in fact, did hut eoi.Ju.f < i-;; r servant, or vex the heart of on; rri. d? Apart fr^m the repression c> reieuimt in look or word, we may uo uuii; toward the cultivation of a gentle ai.d r.oi »:.^i .. perturbed temper, by asiua habitually a gentle quietude of tone, thai! j ;-vor lot my friend, the sweat uji-tre.-. cf a Yi.^i. i * mause, her htath fragile, her family lar.:«. her house overflowing with guest?, and i.ev hands with cares, while the 1; s *; , v;.:© at her command was <;».:< r feet and uncertain? Hit <er:ce in the booklined study was a ben. :c i n : s wo gathered for family p; v eis, eve-aieg chat, nor, under any provocation, wiw the sweet voice ev6r raise-:. S > tranquil,so un¬ hurried, wheu I am wearied the remem¬ brance of her gentleness re -,t a and soothes me still. Very precious to my hearl is B nar?s hymn. "Cilni me, my God. and keep mc calmj Soft resting 011 Tliv breast. Soothe me with lioly hymn and pealm, Aud l>id my spirit rest. "C:iliu in the hour of bouyant health, Calm in my hour of pain ; Co'ji In my poverty or wealth. Calm in my loss or gain." When wo have exhausted sill our prescij - tions, and tried all our remedies, (io-.r, r»i-i- )y-irritated sister, the one unfailing r^'-nacfa awaits us. The leaves of thy tree of iife aie forever for the healing of i!:e nation.''. But we ttri> often eo %Iow to avui! ourselves of the peace wo might have for the asking ; ....< so often buy everything clso before wo t;j !o Hira who never fails us when we carry our wants to His feet. I thiuk we instinctively tun to Him in tho time of calamity or disaster. Then we cannot help it. The impulse dominates us, and as the hurt child erica out for the mother comfort, we lly to our heavenly Friend. But, the children are naughty, the chimney smokes, there are business worries, tho servant leaves suddenly, the dinner is spoiled through somebody's cartdesenesB, the baby is teething, und we uro worn out, and we call all these little things and thiuk we must bear iheoi alone. They are the very things in whioh the Lord is waiting to be our gracious helper, if wo will only carry them etraighx. to Him, to "drop the burden at Hi3 feet, and bear a song away." I have addressed this bit of talk to ;uu, my irritable, my discouraged, my over¬ wrought sister. You are irritable, because you are overwrought, and your discourage¬ ment springs from the same reason. I do not know your name, but God knows if, for is it not written in the L?.mb's Book of Life? Let us pray for each other, and let us take care to rule our spirits if we can, lest happi¬ ly we be so importunate as to offend one of His little ones by our uukiudness or sinful exasperation..Mrs. M. E. Sangstcr in h\lc- rior. Not a Chestnut Bell..When tho pre¬ siding elder preached reaenti; lv. Hermit¬ age, Mo., he was touch annoy el at t lie sound of a smail belt which rang whenever he was particularly emphatic. At last he stopped in the sermon and said : ''I once knew a man to ring a chestnut bell in church and go to the penitentiary for it." Thereupon one of bis hearers stepped to the pulpit and moved a small call bel! tbst had 'stood just under the edge of the big Bible in such a position that when the elder banged tho book the bell rang. ADVICE TO MOTHER. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Stmu', or cai> dren teething, is tho prescription of one of tho best female nursos and physicians in tho United States, and has been used for fort y years With never-failing success by miiiicus of'mothers for their children. Daring the process of teething its value is incalculable. It relievos the chili from pain, cures dysentery and diardica. griiiu-^ in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving heaVb to the child it reste tho mother. Price U5 cent . bottle, rayo-l7iM,W&3 MEDICINAL. INFORMATION ^many persons fit this season suffer front -f e11Iter P Headache, Xcuralffla, Itiicumatism, Pains iu the J.itubs, Hack and r Sides, Had Jilood, . ~n digestion, Dyspepsia, Malaria,* onsfi nation £.JCUiney Troubles. .VOLiNA CGRDiAL CURES RHEUMATISM MS£,fl!id Sidney Troubles, by ilennsin* the of tbo bolv. strongtlicuing -ui parts VOLINA CORDIAL CURES SICK-HEADACHE, Neuralpia, Pains in the Limbs, Hack and Sides l>v iOumg tUe nerves r.:ul strengthening the muscles. -i.VOLiNA CORDIAL CURES DYSPEPSIA Indigestion and Cor.stipallon,! raiding (lie as»lni! Slating oftlie Food throut'h t in- proper actlca of !be stomach ; it creates u healthy appetite. ¦".VOLINA COnOiAL CURES NERVOUSNESS b-v ".VOLINA CORDIAL CURES OVERWORKED and Delicate Womrn. Puny and Sicklr Children It is delightful and nutritious as a general Tonic! lolinn Almanac anil l">i«rv «or 1KK7. A liiind.«oiiu', roiit|.leii; tfQS# and useful Cook, telling how to CL'ltJS Vi M1tj"SES nt .nn>'K ,n :i phwant. natural way. .Mailed ou receipt of a 2c. postage stump. Address VOLiNA DRUG & CHEMICAL COo BALTIMORE. MD., U. S. A. <. S. LEAD BEATER & BBO., Agents. LADIES' GOODS. J. C. HUTCHINSON," 907 PENNA. AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C. Beautiful Goods for And vory low in price. Unique Baskets, Sachet Bags, Oddities, Novel¬ ties, elesjaut Silk Umbrellas, Sterling Silver and Gold handles, real Duchess Laces at half tr>eir value, Handkerchiefs from.$250 to $00 each, Collarettes from $3 upward, Embroided French and Iiis-1. Linen Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Ruch- ings, Ribbons, etc., elegant novelties in Cress Trimmings. Decorative Metal Work, reproductions from original derigns: best examples of Ancient and Modern Relief Work. Desirable presents at special prices will be found iu Cloaks and Millinety. Foster Kid Movus, gentlemen's plain and em¬ broidered, at $1.50 and .>2 per pair. Also Ladies' Kid Gloves in Jill styles. Every pair fitted and warranted. Open evenings. doc22 CLOTHING. News travels fast, and the word is getting around that we have commenced our holiday presenta¬ tion of a Waterl.vury Watch and Chain. The present is given -to every cash PURCHASER OF GOODS AMOUNTING TO $12 AND ABOVE ; not a watch for every twelve dollars bought; that we could not afford ; but with every purchase exceeding this limit, whether it be fifteen or fifty dollars. The cost of the watches is but a small percentage on the average ampunt of the sales, hence the ad¬ vertisement is less expensive to us than at first might appear. It will be a pleasure to make so many boys happy, and a "WA- TERBURY" is not beneath the notice of any man not possessed of a time-piece. They are first-rate watches. If our prices seem high after you have bought an article, you know there is 110 difficulty about having your money refunded upon return of the article unin¬ jured. That's our way of guaran¬ teeing our prices to be as low as those asked anywhere for goods of equal merit. obinson&Co., 7EEVK BOYS' CLOTHING A3*D FIRNISHIKGS, 903 PENNA. AVENUE. WASHINGTON, D. C. ICE! ICE! ICE! A full supply of NORTHERN ICE, of superior quality, constantly on hand and for sale wholesale and retail on tho most favorable terms. Orders Ic't with our driver3, at our office, or by tclopnouo will receive prompt attention. Onr facilities for delivery by tho car load are unsurpassed in any city. Packing for countrv dcliverv a specialty. F. A. EEED & CO., .icS Janney's Wharf. i^XTEA TABLE MACKEREL just received bv il< decl3 J. C. MILBURN." FANCY GOODS. HOLIDAY GOODS. Now in stock nud ready for sale presents suitable lor the old and young. USEFUL PRESENTS. Men's and Ladies' Kid Gloves, Cash mere. Dogskin. Cloth, Scotch, Castor and Seal Skin. Also a full and large lino of Updogratl's Fur-top Gloves, specially selected for the holiday trade. ACCEPTABLE PRESENTS. Silk Handkerchiefs in nearly every color and shade. Prices 25c to S3 50. Silk and estra line Cashmere MutHers. Pi ices 50c to $2 50. 300 dozen Linen Handkerchiefs ; this season's selection, Prices 5c to 85c. REASON*ABLE PRESENTS. We can supply the wants of many with wnrnj Underwear at the following pricos: 50c, 75c, §1, $1 50 a ,d $2. NECKWEAR. Our assortment in this line is complete, showing the latest shape* aud colors. Price;; 25r, «0c, 75'.' and SI. CHRISTMAS T<'YS. We cannot let Christmas pa<s !»y " .tV.oJit tr\ i:itf to please the little ehihlro; in th«,:r muny wishes Let'.-fee what we havo ihis yeai: In;r Axle Wagons, . ockiug Horses Tip Carts, llinins, Tin Animals aud Wagoi-s. Do)'.-1. Trunks. Nine Pins, Heavy Artillery. Trick P.' xe?. TVilii.?rd r.n'i Pool Boards, J'auks, Childnn's t :nri;^T ., l'iau: s Musical Tops. Guns. Targets Ar. C. M. ADAMS. LARD, BACON, &c. 13 THE best. TRY it, AND YOU WILL have NO OTHER. BOOTS AND SHOES. gOOTS AND shoes. F. PAFF, NO. 99 KING STREET, Has on hand as large and .complete a stoclc of Boots, Shoes k Rubber Goods, as can bo found anywhere, and is ready to com¬ pete with dealers in any other city as to quality, make of goods au(i prices askod. His HOME¬ MADE GOODS cannot be excelled, and his estab¬ lishment for making such is the largest and best equipped in the city. Ho has a large stock of fine goods ou hand suit¬ able for holiday presents, to which he calls the at¬ tention of the public. decll FOR "S ALE AND RENT." gs, FOR RENT.a comfortable AND jgliconvenient NEW HOUSE, on Patrick street, near King. Seven rooms, pmtry, bath room, hot and cold water, gas, &c Apply to D. N. RUST, corner Prince and Washington streets. nov24 tf a for RENT.a DESIRABLE HOUSE^is m|jj rooms, ad.joiniug my residence, near Christ Church. Rent moderate. Apply to J. C. MIL- BURN. Rent $12.50 per month. nov39 tf gg FOR RENT. the THREE-STORY brick DWELLING house. At the southeast comer of Pitt and Duke 9trects. Apply to nov20 tf A. W. armstrong. 56 King st. ^JHAMPAGNE AND other WINES. G. H. mumm's & co.'s Extra Dry, pts. and qvn. " Dry Verzenay, " Urbana Gold Seal, A. Werner & Co.'s Extra Dry. Ysasi Old Spanish Sherry on draught. Old Spanish Port Pare California Port, " $1.50 $ gal Sherry, " 2.00 " Pure Catwba, " 1.00 " my21 GEO. McBURNEY & son. Egg noodles. VERMICELLI, LENTILS, « SPLIT PEAS and barley. I mh5 p^o. McBURNEY & SON. _ CIGARS AND TOBACCO. For the Holiday Season of 1886-'87. B. B. SMITH, 113 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia, MANUFACTURER OF FINE CIGARS, ANT) DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO. .S PECIALTIES:. "MY t'ET," AND * * B . B. SMITH'S ROSE CIGAR." Sold by all first-class dealers and pronounced by connoisseurs to bo tbe BEST FIVE-CENT CIGAES IN THE CITY. -iSff Also a fine stock of HAVANA GOODS. Orders from the country roccivc strict atteution. GO TO. HENRY WILDT'S, NO. SO XOKT1I ROYAL STREEET. ALEXANDRIA, VA. WHEBE YOU WILL FIND A FINE SELECTION OF Watches, Jewelry, SoM Silverware, Silver-platefl fare, CMs, lye &lasses? SPECTACLES, &c., Ac., And you will bo suro to fiud something that will suit you. dec2 lm DRY GOODS. Lansburgh&Bro. LARGEST STOKE IN WASHINGTON Most Complete Stock of Off and Fancy Goods, DRF.::S GOODS FROM THE CHEAPEST DO- MESTIC PRODUCTIONS TO THE HIGH¬ EST IMPORTED NOVELTIES. We earr? three times the amount of BILK & VELVET Carried by any one House. Our Stock of Holiday floods, j SUCH AS PI'.USH BOXES IN MANICURE, j SHAVING SETS, ETC., ALL READY FOR DISPLAY. We are Headquarters for tbese Goods. ALL OUR PRICES WARRANTED ON.. PRICE ABSOLUTELY. Monov refunded to dissatisfied juirelusars Order.* by mail attended to. Lansburgh & Bro., 420, 422, 424, 42G SEVENTH STREET, doc!4 Washington, D. C. CONFECTIONERS. "TlWAYS READY FOR CHRIfeTMAS! KRISS KRINGLE'S HEADQUARTERS .AT. HENRY BRENGLE'S, 329 KING STREET, Arc still open with a full assortment oc HOLI¬ DAY SUPPLIES and TOYS for the children. Hi Oyster Phil or3 for Ladies and Oyster Rooms for pentlemen arc also open. Patrons may rely upon picked Oysters, and the best cookery at all tiroes and the lowest rates. OYSTERS FRIED FOR FAMILIES. BRENGLE'S ICE CREAM, Pies for dessert or lunch, and Puro Candies aro specialties iu which lie 1ms never been excelled. Cakes of all kinds of the best material cheaper than they can be made at home. He caters of tho best for families, par ties, balls, fair3 and entertainments. dcclo rpHE OLD RELIABLE CONFECTIONERY. DAVID APP1CH Calls attention to tho immense stock of good3 in his line now to bo found at his new store, No. 127 King street. » ALL SORTS OF CANDIES, HOME-MADE CANDIES, FINE CANDIES, GOOD CANDIES, CANDIES as Rood as tho best and as cheap a- the cheapest, Aud everything else for the season. His assort¬ ment of CHRISTMAS CAKES is immense. Nuts, &c., iu abundance. Black, Fruit, Plain or any kind of Cakes furnished to ordor. TOYS of all descriptions at prices to suit every¬ body^ declO J^EADY FOR CHRISTMAS! L. SHUMAN, CORNER KING AND PITT STREETS, Announces that he is prepared to meet the waut3 of the Christmas and Holiday trade. His stock of Cakes, Black. Plain and other kinds, is large, aud his supply of Confectionery, Nuts. <Scc., unexcelled. Now is the time to leave orders. declO HARDWARE, CUTLERY,&c, just received at 8S King, corncr of Royal street and for sale ut a small advance.wholesale and retail. Rodgers <fc Son and other make of Carvers and Forks, a great variety. Rodgers « Sod, and other make of Table and Breakfast Knives. Genuine Rodgers & Son. Heinesh and other make of Scissors. Pocket Cutlery in great variety, several hundred patterns. Table Knives, with Forks to match, at j low prices. Enterprise, Champion and other j Meat Cutters, all sizes. Browne's Flexible Rub- ber Weather Strips, tho best in use, with a great varioty of other goods iu our line, for sale cheap, 'Special attention is asked to a large job lot of i-Fray:s Solid Steel Seaside Scissors and Shears, for i sale at a large deduction from usual prices. Call and see, at 88 King, corner of Roval stTeet, S dec? J.T. CREIGHTON & SON. TUST FROM THE FACTORY.10 dozen of the j pJ IMPROVED PATENT-STAY A.B.8. SHIRTS, j the best goods ever offered in Alexandria for tho price. Will outwear any Shirt _je_2 At AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S. IF YOU find it a task to select Xmas gifts, call at E. J. MILLER, SON & CO.'S and examine their new stock of ornamental and serviceable wares, which they are offering at remarkably low prices. Our store is open every night. decl3 GROCERIES, &c. HOLIDAY TRADE. Layor Baisins, Valencia Rai-ins, * New Currants, Prime Citrou, Coxe's Gelatine, Nelson's Gelatine. t'halmers' Gelatine, Dried Sugar Corn, Italian Maccaroni, Campbell's Mince Meat, Campbell's Fruit Butter Fancy New Orleans Molasses, Sweet Cider, Italian ami American Sardines, Cooking Braudy, French Brandy, Conking Wine atd very old Sherry, Scotch Whiskey and Puro Old Eye, Jamaica and St. Croix Bum, also Purest Now England Bum, Piper Eeidsick Champagne, in pints and quarts, Ackron Oat Meal, Buckwheat, Olive Oil, Mixed Pickles and Canned Goods, all at lowest prices. W. A. .lOlfXSOX A CO., Cor. Boyal and Cameron sts. Ctaisiias and NewYear Me, 1886-7. CIIOICF. GOODS AT LOWEST PBICES. J. C. MILBURN, ,\0. 17 XOItTH ROYAL STREET. ALEXANDRIA, VA., Oilers at lowest prices a carefully selected stock of Groceries and Christmas floods. LONDON LA YER RAISINS. LA YER mill MUSCATEL do. QUARTER BOXES LA YER do. HALF BOXES do. QUARTER BOXES LONDON do. HALF BOXES do. PRIME V.ALEXCIA RAISINS. PRIME SEEDLESS do. PRIME NEW CURRANTS. PRIME NEW CITRON. ENGLISH WALNUTS, PRIME PECANS. FILBERTS. CREAM NUTS aiid ALMONDS. COXES GELATINE. NELSON'S GELATINE ITALIAN MA CCARONI. ATMORES PLUM PUDDING. ATMORES MINCE 21EAT. ENGLISH CHOW CHOW. ENGLISH PICKLES. GENUINE FRENCH MUSTARD. DRIED SUGAR CORN. CHOICE CANNED CORN. TURKEY PRUNES. PRESERVES. JELLIES ami FRUIT BUTTER. CAPE COD CRANBERRIES. NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES. PRIME FRENCH PRUNES. MAPLE SYRUP. CALIFORNIA HONEY. PURE FRENCH CANDIES. CANNED GOODS, &c., &c., for sale at BOTTOM PBICES. J. C. MILBUBN, Grocer, Tea Dealer, and Comm'n Merch't, decll 17 N. Boyal St., Alexandria, Va. J^OMESTIC SEWING MACHINES. The good qualities of the above machines are now well established. Wc aro selling them at as low a price as they can be purchased in any of the larger cities, and aro prepared to allow as much for old machines of . any kind as is possible. We have seen so much good done by the "Do¬ mestic,"'that wo wish every family to have at least ono in their house. Prices fixed, but terms accommodating. Call and examine, or send for a circular. oct'22 E. S. LEADBEATEB A BBO. Ct ci Q DRY STATE! DRY 8TaTE! io.io.o. The above preparation, in 50-cent packages, for sale by ,jy3 W. F. CBEIGHTON A CO. BAUB FENCE WIRE has dropped again in price, and those in want will do well to buy now, »s when spring opens it will advance Largo stock in store. uCt28 JA3. F. CABLIN & 80N8. NLW SEASON «iR<'CERIES..Dessert Table, London Layer ami Valencia Raisins, New Currants a .d Citron, Fancy Layer Figs, 8electcd French Prunes. n v. 24- GEO. McBURNEY & SON. 7 F YOUR CHICKENS ARE SICK, 1 TRY LUST'S CHICKEN CHOLERA CUBE. Sold by all druggists and grocers rnhSl STAIN ! STAIN ! STAIN '..Walnut, Oak, Cher- ry a ad Mahogany Stain, in 15-cent boxes, for sale bv jy3* W. F. CP.EIGHTON & CO. QQUAKE, OCTAGON and FLAT CAST STEEL io will bo sold at 88 King street, corner of Boy¬ al, at a greatly roduced price Quality warrant- ecL [oct28 j J. T. CBEIGHTON A SON. TF YOU CANNOT SEE and cannot find &n> JL SPECTACLES to suit you, go to HENRY WILDT'S and have your eyes tested, and you will have no more trouble. nov20 WINCHESTER AND PLYMOUTH BOCK BUCK GLOVES; best in the States; for sale by nov6 AM03 B. SLAYMAKEB. \TTOODUUBN SARVEN WHEELS are the beet, VV Full stock at J AS. F. CABLIN & SONS', sep4 Alexandria, .Va,
Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · novli Alexandria.Va. X BEAUTIFULLINEOF CHRISTMAS GOODS decl-i AtJ. D. H.LUNT'S. 0JUST FROM THK FA< TORY.Anice assort-ELS;montof


special REDUCTION.made IK pp.ict;5; of.

i : UU4S and W.lUiiXG JACKETS.


Children's Goats.

"i desiring to give as a Christmas present: ilady. :uiss or child, should securo these

before it i3 too late, thereby scouringH >m« Wrap at a price th»t an ordinary one

-,v >: t later on.

o SJuftfl

n'.i'.l EVuiisyhsuiisi Avcune.




PERRY,SMOOT& GO.iramFiooriiig&PlaiiiiigMili

Manufacturers ofi: .«.«! WINiJO\V PRAM12?,M()LDIKGS, &c.



v.r delivered in the city fros-.






.iU'.l yard No. 2! north Union st. Factory.. a;s i 25 north Lee st.. Alexandria, Va.

charge for delivery in city. jau28' ( 'AELIN e& SONS.


celt-sale and Retail Dealers inr iA } JVV A UK AND CUTLERY.

¦; !;...¦ Hardware. Locks. Hinges. Scrcws-,1Latches, jc'-., Saddlery, Hardware"

.*iir;, Buckles, Kings, Haines, &e.. &c.!... ;igiwr Hardware. Axles, Ritas, nubs'... Sit wed Fellows, Tiro Iron, &c., Pockot1

( rv;r.g. and Butcher Knives, ic., GunsA frill and complete stock of first"

;.raj in store and sold at lowest cashanglo

< BRIGHTON L SON,Wholesale ar.ri Retail Dealers in



King street, - - Alexandria. ovinia


Alexandria. Va., December 13th, 1880.l holders ol the. Charlottesville and Rapidan

i.iilroad Bonds:l'iic following boni.s tirmvi: fur redemption by

t in accordance with tin- terms of mortgage,1' pxi.l at the cilice of the Philadelphia Trust,

" I'- posit am! Insurance Company, I'hiladel-with accrued inl -rest, on January 1st, 1887.ibers.31, 81, 128. of $1,000 each.

.J58, 2! >5, 385, 558, 6^>2, 717, 5G(»,of $500 each.

712, 75(5, *04, 82!', of $100 each.Interest to cease alter that date.

JOHN V/. BURKE,dec 1-1 td Trustee C. & R. R. R. Co.


i'hu ubscribcrs have on hand a large stoc k of' -rood* in their lino suitable for the season,

i as Table and Pocket Cutlery, Skates, Tool'.csts. Men y Banks, Call Bells, &c., «fec. ( all

".d see. Store will he kept open at night duringhe week.d. ;-21 J. T. CBEIGHTON « SON.MiLISA CORDIAL, so extensively advertisedV in the Gazette, also the Vol ina Cough Cure,

lusters. Blood Pills, Soothiug Balm, Vermifuge,Quieting Syrup, Liver rills, and Pair. Cure, areacdicincs prepared by a large stock company ini.a'.timorc. We arc prepared to supply tiie tradeand countrv merchants at manufactures prices.



For sale byt'nl)23 J. I). H. LI N 1.

rnHE ENTERPRISE MEAT CHOPPER is theI best: docs not grind the meat, like other. utters, but CHOPS IT. it i^ useful for manypurposes ALL THE YEAR ROUND in preparingchicken salad, beef tc.<, mince meat, hash, &c.For Fiilo bv JAS. F. CARLIN & SONS.novli Alexandria. Va.X BEAUTIFUL LINE OF


decl-i At J. D. H. LUNT'S.JUST FROM THK FA< TORY.A nice assort-0 montof LADIES' ALL-LEATHER SATCH¬ELS; also GENTS' POPKETBOOKS, made ofleather, atdec21 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.OI6QUE FIGURES. Lava Flower Pots, Vases inChina and Glass; also "The Fairy Lamp,"which is having such a run in other cities, and'-'.inch has never been offered for sale here before.dec!3 E. J. MILLER, SON & CO.OCOTCH WOOL KNIT GLOVES. Cloth GlovesO and Fur-top Dogskin, at 25c, 35c. 50c, T5c.S1.S1.25 and $1.50. at"0^19 AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

/"CHILDREN'S KNIT MITS, from 12^> to 25c,dgc23 At AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

! SkmMa -teeiko



At the Gazette Buildinq. Nos. 70 and 72 Prince sij DAILY. j TRI. WEEKLY.One year ${> 00 One veer $-1 00Six months ,'j 00 j Six months 2 00One month 50 Three months 1 00Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exeeeil their

spare, unless the excess is paid for at transient ratexrand under no circumstances will they he allowed toadvertise other than their legitimate business in thespace contracted for.

All transient advertisements must he paid for in ad-vance.

Marriage and death notices tniisl he jjai'l for in ad¬vance.

Resolution* in memoriam, ofthanks, tributes of respect,resolutions adopted by societies or persons, "unless ofpublic concern, will only be printed in this paper asadvertisements.

The Gazette office is connected with the Telephone Ex-change. Advertisements, orders for the paper newsor any information or business ran I; sent bv tc.'<?.2)hone,

Persons leaving th- city can have the Gazette mailedto them, postpaid, for fifty cents a month, and theaddress changed as ojten ay. desired.

All communicaiions should be addressed to'.Gazelle,"Alexandria, }'a.

Entered at the Postojfice at Alexandria. Virginia, assecond-class matter.]

31y Irritable Staler.An *>sK't3 Letter.Ye?, ir.y dear fellow-housekeer, I know

all about it from experience. J know theeternal vigilance which is alcr e the price cfdecent cleanliness. I have fought i-«o in-csssaut battle with dust, am' l>aye enviedthese notable matrons who«f: windows are

always brightly polished, whose 11 aor- nevershow speek or fluff, whose vestibules areimmacula'.e, and whose table? are f onlyabundantly provided, but invaiiabio daintilyserved. I know how beautiful, in iho reading, is the story of thi.H woman or tbar, wb;. i

affairs move with no audible jar, and novisible friction. And I am aware, toy. thatit is not ertf?3\ in actual practice, lo p,othrough an ordinary domestic week, withits inultifoinj activiiies, and feel neither jarnor friction. The ideal superlative traus-cends the positive actual with many ol* us,and the prettier our bom&a arc, I he harderit is, alas ! to take the proper and exquisitecare which our very luxuries and conveniences demand.

It came to me, the other day, as I tat inmy chamber, and thought of your annoy-ances and my own. that perhaps the moUpractical way of conquering the tendencyto irritability of which you complain, andwhich I deplore, is resolutely to refuse itexpression. We are not always able to con¬trol the impetuouj rush of emot ion, but v ecan repress the hasty s-peech and tho severefrown."Wo can be silent, h the llrfct flush ofinjured feeiiug, and refrain trom th' rb&ri>word, ihe querulous outcry, and the .n-ii:*-imnt burst, of which «., 3 art- .-nr: i r> rspral.Have w* not repented ..v. r and pv<.-r (fhaving spoken impatiently, wher .«

did no good; in fact, did hut eoi.Ju.f < i-;; rservant, or vex the heart of on; rri. d?

Apart fr^m the repression c> reieuimtin look or word, we may uo uuii; towardthe cultivation of a gentle ai.d r.oi »:.^i ..

perturbed temper, by asiua habitually agentle quietude of tone, thai! j ;-vor lotmy friend, the sweat uji-tre.-. cf a Yi.^i. i *

mause, her htath fragile, her family lar.:«.her house overflowing with guest?, and i.evhands with cares, while the 1; s *; , v;.:©at her command was <;».:< rfeet and uncertain? Hit <er:cein the booklined study was a ben. :c i n : swo gathered for family p;v eis, eve-aiegchat, nor, under any provocation, wiw thesweet voice ev6r raise-:. S > tranquil,so un¬hurried, wheu I am wearied the remem¬brance of her gentleness re -,t a and soothesme still.Very precious to my hearl is B nar?s

hymn."Cilni me, my God. and keep mc calmjSoft resting 011 Tliv breast.Soothe me with lioly hymn and pealm,Aud l>id my spirit rest."C:iliu in the hour of bouyant health,Calm in my hour of pain ;Co'ji In my poverty or wealth.Calm in my loss or gain."

When wo have exhausted sill our prescij -

tions, and tried all our remedies, (io-.r, r»i-i-)y-irritated sister, the one unfailing r^'-nacfaawaits us. The leaves of thy tree of iife aieforever for the healing of i!:e nation.''. Butwe ttri> often eo %Iow to avui! ourselves of thepeace wo might have for the asking ; ....< sooften buy everything clso before wo t;j !oHira who never fails us when we carry ourwants to His feet.

I thiuk we instinctively tun to Him intho time of calamity or disaster. Then wecannot help it. The impulse dominates us,and as the hurt child erica out for themother comfort, we lly to our heavenlyFriend. But, the children are naughty, thechimney smokes, there are business worries,tho servant leaves suddenly, the dinner isspoiled through somebody's cartdesenesB,the baby is teething, und we uro worn out,and we call all these little things and thiukwe must bear iheoi alone. They are thevery things in whioh the Lord is waiting tobe our gracious helper, if wo will only carrythem etraighx. to Him, to "drop the burdenat Hi3 feet, and bear a song away."

I have addressed this bit of talk to ;uu,my irritable, my discouraged, my over¬wrought sister. You are irritable, becauseyou are overwrought, and your discourage¬ment springs from the same reason. I donot know your name, but God knows if, foris it not written in the L?.mb's Book of Life?Let us pray for each other, and let us takecare to rule our spirits if we can, lest happi¬ly we be so importunate as to offend one ofHis little ones by our uukiudness or sinfulexasperation..Mrs. M. E. Sangstcr in h\lc-rior.

Not a Chestnut Bell..When tho pre¬siding elder preached reaenti; lv. Hermit¬age, Mo., he was touch annoyel at t liesound of a smail belt which rang wheneverhe was particularly emphatic. At last hestopped in the sermon and said : ''I onceknew a man to ring a chestnut bell inchurch and go to the penitentiary for it."Thereupon one of bis hearers stepped to thepulpit and moved a small call bel! tbst had'stood just under the edge of the big Biblein such a position that when the elderbanged tho book the bell rang.

ADVICE TO MOTHER.Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Stmu', or cai>dren teething, is tho prescription of one of thobest female nursos and physicians in tho UnitedStates, and has been used for fort y years Withnever-failing success by miiiicus of'mothers fortheir children. Daring the process of teethingits value is incalculable. It relievos the chilifrom pain, cures dysentery and diardica. griiiu-^in the bowels, and wind-colic. By giving heaVb

to the child it reste tho mother. Price U5 cent .

bottle, rayo-l7iM,W&3


INFORMATION^many persons

fit this seasonsuffer front

-f e11IterP Headache,Xcuralffla,

Itiicumatism,Pains iu the

J.itubs, Hack andr Sides, Had Jilood,

.~ndigestion,Dyspepsia,Malaria,* onsfi nation £.JCUiney Troubles.

.VOLiNA CGRDiAL CURES RHEUMATISMMS£,fl!id Sidney Troubles, by ilennsin* theof tbo bolv. strongtlicuing -ui parts

VOLINA CORDIAL CURES SICK-HEADACHE,Neuralpia, Pains in the Limbs, Hack and Sides l>viOumg tUe nerves r.:ul strengthening the muscles.-i.VOLiNA CORDIAL CURES DYSPEPSIAIndigestion and Cor.stipallon,! raiding (lie as»lni!Slating oftlie Food throut'h t in- proper actlca of !bestomach ; it creates u healthy appetite.¦".VOLINA COnOiAL CURES NERVOUSNESS

b-v".VOLINA CORDIAL CURES OVERWORKEDand Delicate Womrn. Puny and Sicklr ChildrenIt is delightful and nutritious as a general Tonic!

lolinn Almanac anil l">i«rv«or 1KK7. A liiind.«oiiu', roiit|.leii; tfQS#and useful Cook, telling how to CL'ltJSVi M1tj"SES nt .nn>'K ,n :i phwant. natural way..Mailed ou receipt ofa 2c. postage stump. AddressVOLiNA DRUG & CHEMICAL COo



907 PENNA. AVENUE, WASHINGTON, D. C.Beautiful Goods for

And vory low in price.Unique Baskets, Sachet Bags, Oddities, Novel¬

ties, elesjaut Silk Umbrellas, Sterling Silver andGold handles, real Duchess Laces at half tr>eirvalue, Handkerchiefs from.$250 to $00 each,Collarettes from $3 upward, Embroided Frenchand Iiis-1. Linen Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Ruch-ings, Ribbons, etc., elegant novelties in CressTrimmings.Decorative Metal Work, reproductions from

original derigns: best examples of Ancient andModern Relief Work.Desirable presents at special prices will befound iu Cloaks and Millinety.Foster Kid Movus, gentlemen's plain and em¬

broidered, at $1.50 and .>2 per pair. Also Ladies'Kid Gloves in Jill styles. Every pair fitted andwarranted. Open evenings. doc22


News travels fast, and the wordis getting around that we havecommenced our holiday presenta¬tion of a

Waterl.vury Watch and Chain.The present is given -to every

cash PURCHASER OF GOODSAMOUNTING TO $12 ANDABOVE ; not a watch for everytwelve dollars bought; that we

could not afford ; but with everypurchase exceeding this limit,whether it be fifteen or fifty dollars.The cost of the watches is but a

small percentage on the averageampunt of the sales, hence the ad¬vertisement is less expensive to usthan at first might appear.

It will be a pleasure to makeso many boys happy, and a "WA-TERBURY" is not beneath thenotice of any man not possessed ofa time-piece. They are first-ratewatches. If our prices seem highafter you have bought an article,you know there is 110 difficultyabout having your money refundedupon return of the article unin¬jured. That's our way of guaran¬teeing our prices to be as low asthose asked anywhere for goods ofequal merit.



ICE! ICE! ICE!A full supply of NORTHERN ICE, of superior

quality, constantly on hand and for sale wholesaleand retail on tho most favorable terms.Orders Ic't with our driver3, at our office, or by

tclopnouo will receive prompt attention.Onr facilities for delivery by tho car load are

unsurpassed in any city.Packing for countrv dcliverv a specialty.

F. A. EEED & CO.,.icS Janney's Wharf.

i^XTEA TABLE MACKEREL just received bvil< decl3 J. C. MILBURN."


HOLIDAY GOODS.Now in stock nud ready for sale presents suitable

lor the old and young.


Men's and Ladies' Kid Gloves, Cash mere. Dogskin.Cloth, Scotch, Castor and Seal Skin.

Also a full and large lino of Updogratl's Fur-topGloves, specially selected for the

holiday trade.


Silk Handkerchiefs in nearly every color andshade. Prices 25c to S3 50.

Silk and estra line Cashmere MutHers. Pi ices50c to $2 50.300 dozen Linen Handkerchiefs ; this season's

selection, Prices 5c to 85c.


We can supply the wants of many with wnrnjUnderwear at the following pricos:

50c, 75c, §1, $1 50 a ,d $2.


Our assortment in this line is complete, showingthe latest shape* aud colors. Price;;

25r, «0c, 75'.' and SI.


We cannot let Christmas pa<s !»y " .tV.oJit tr\ i:itfto please the little ehihlro; in th«,:r muny wishesLet'.-fee what we havo ihis yeai: In;rAxle Wagons, . ockiug Horses Tip Carts, llinins,Tin Animals aud Wagoi-s. Do)'.-1. Trunks. NinePins, Heavy Artillery. Trick P.' xe?. TVilii.?rd r.n'iPool Boards, J'auks, Childnn's t :nri;^T ., l'iau: sMusical Tops. Guns. Targets Ar.


13 THE best. TRY it, AND YOU WILLhave NO OTHER.



Has on hand as large and .complete a stoclc of

Boots, Shoes k Rubber Goods,as can bo found anywhere, and is ready to com¬pete with dealers in any other city as to quality,make of goods au(i prices askod. His HOME¬MADE GOODS cannot be excelled, and his estab¬lishment for making such is the largest and bestequipped in the city.Ho has a large stock of fine goods ou hand suit¬

able for holiday presents, to which he calls the at¬tention of the public. decll

FOR "SALE AND RENT."gs, FOR RENT.a comfortable ANDjgliconvenient NEW HOUSE, on Patrickstreet, near King. Seven rooms, pmtry, bathroom, hot and cold water, gas, &c Apply to D.N. RUST, corner Prince and Washington streets.nov24 tf

a for RENT.a DESIRABLE HOUSE^ism|jj rooms, ad.joiniug my residence, near ChristChurch. Rent moderate. Apply to J. C. MIL-BURN. Rent $12.50 per month. nov39 tf




At the southeast comer of Pitt and Duke 9trects.

Apply to

nov20 tf A. W. armstrong. 56 King st.


G. H. mumm's & co.'s Extra Dry, pts. and qvn." Dry Verzenay, "

Urbana Gold Seal,A. Werner & Co.'s Extra Dry.Ysasi Old Spanish Sherry on draught.Old Spanish PortPare California Port, " $1.50 $ gal

Sherry, " 2.00 "

Pure Catwba, " 1.00 "

my21 GEO. McBURNEY & son.


SPLIT PEAS and barley.I mh5 p^o. McBURNEY & SON.


CIGARS AND TOBACCO.For the Holiday Season of 1886-'87.

B. B. SMITH,113 King Street, Alexandria, Virginia,

MANUFACTURER OF FINE CIGARS,ANT) DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO..S PECIALTIES:."MY t'ET," AND * * B . B. SMITH'S ROSE CIGAR."Sold by all first-class dealers and pronounced by connoisseurs to bo tbeBEST FIVE-CENT CIGAES IN THE CITY.-iSffAlso a fine stock of HAVANA GOODS. Orders from the country roccivc strict atteution.



Watches, Jewelry, SoM Silverware, Silver-platefl fare, CMs, lye &lasses?SPECTACLES, &c., Ac.,And you will bo suro to fiud something that will suit you. dec2 lm



Most Complete Stock of



We earr? three times the amount of

BILK & VELVETCarried by any one House.

Our Stock of Holiday floods, jSUCH AS PI'.USH BOXES IN MANICURE, j


We are Headquarters for tbese Goods.


Monov refunded to dissatisfied juirelusarsOrder.* by mail attended to.

Lansburgh & Bro.,420, 422, 424, 42G SEVENTH STREET,

doc!4 Washington, D. C.




Arc still open with a full assortment oc HOLI¬DAY SUPPLIES and TOYS for the children.Hi Oyster Philor3 for Ladies and Oyster Roomsfor pentlemen arc also open. Patrons may rely

upon picked Oysters, and the best cookery at alltiroes and the lowest rates.OYSTERS FRIED FOR FAMILIES.BRENGLE'S ICE CREAM, Pies for dessert orlunch, and Puro Candies aro specialties iu whichlie 1ms never been excelled. Cakes of all kinds ofthe best material cheaper than they can be made

at home. He caters of tho best for families, parties, balls, fair3 and entertainments. dcclo


DAVID APP1CHCalls attention to tho immense stock of good3 in

his line now to bo found at his new store,No. 127 King street. »



CANDIES as Rood as tho bestand as cheap a- the cheapest,

Aud everything else for the season. His assort¬ment of CHRISTMAS CAKES is immense. Nuts,&c., iu abundance. Black, Fruit, Plain or anykind of Cakes furnished to ordor.TOYS of all descriptions at prices to suit every¬body^ declO


L. SHUMAN,CORNER KING AND PITT STREETS,Announces that he is prepared to meet the waut3of the Christmas and Holiday trade. His stock ofCakes, Black. Plain and other kinds, is large, audhis supply of Confectionery, Nuts. <Scc., unexcelled.Now is the time to leave orders. declO

HARDWARE, CUTLERY,&c, just received at8S King, corncr of Royal street and for saleut a small advance.wholesaleand retail. Rodgers<fc Son and other make of Carvers and Forks, agreat variety. Rodgers « Sod, and other make ofTable and Breakfast Knives. Genuine Rodgers& Son. Heinesh and other make of Scissors.Pocket Cutlery in great variety, several hundredpatterns. Table Knives, with Forks to match, atj low prices. Enterprise, Champion and other

j Meat Cutters, all sizes. Browne's Flexible Rub-ber Weather Strips, tho best in use, with a greatvarioty of other goods iu our line, for sale cheap,'Special attention is asked to a large job lot ofi-Fray:s Solid Steel Seaside Scissors and Shears, fori sale at a large deduction from usual prices. Calland see, at 88 King, corner of Roval stTeet,S dec? J.T. CREIGHTON & SON.TUST FROM THE FACTORY.10 dozen of thej pJ IMPROVED PATENT-STAY A.B.8. SHIRTS,j the best goods ever offered in Alexandria for thoprice. Will outwear any Shirt_je_2 At AMOS B. SLAYMAKER'S.

IF YOU find it a task to select Xmas gifts, callat E. J. MILLER, SON & CO.'S and examinetheir new stock of ornamental and serviceable

wares, which they are offering at remarkably lowprices. Our store is open every night. decl3


HOLIDAY TRADE.Layor Baisins,Valencia Rai-ins, *New Currants,

Prime Citrou,Coxe's Gelatine,Nelson's Gelatine.

t'halmers' Gelatine,Dried Sugar Corn,Italian Maccaroni,

Campbell's Mince Meat,Campbell's Fruit ButterFancy New Orleans Molasses,Sweet Cider,Italian ami American Sardines,Cooking Braudy,

French Brandy,Conking Wine atd very old Sherry,Scotch Whiskey and Puro Old Eye,Jamaica and St. Croix Bum, alsoPurest Now England Bum,Piper Eeidsick Champagne,in pints and quarts,Ackron Oat Meal,

Buckwheat, Olive Oil,Mixed Pickles andCanned Goods,

all at lowest prices.W. A. .lOlfXSOX A CO.,Cor. Boyal and Cameron sts.

Ctaisiias and NewYear Me, 1886-7.CIIOICF. GOODS AT LOWEST PBICES.


ALEXANDRIA, VA.,Oilers at lowest prices a carefully selected stock of


J. C. MILBUBN,Grocer, Tea Dealer, and Comm'n Merch't,decll 17 N. Boyal St., Alexandria, Va.

J^OMESTIC SEWING MACHINES.The good qualities of the above machines are

now well established.Wc aro selling them at as low a price as theycan be purchased in any of the larger cities, andaro prepared to allow as much for old machines of .

any kind as is possible.We have seen so much good done by the "Do¬mestic,"'that wo wish every family to have atleast ono in their house. Prices fixed, but termsaccommodating.Call and examine, or send for a circular.oct'22 E. S. LEADBEATEB A BBO.

Ct ci Q DRY STATE! DRY 8TaTE!io.io.o.The above preparation, in 50-cent packages,for sale by,jy3 W. F. CBEIGHTON A CO.

BAUB FENCE WIRE has dropped again inprice, and those in want will do well to buynow, »s when spring opens it will advance Largostock in store.uCt28 JA3. F. CABLIN & 80N8.

NLW SEASON «iR<'CERIES..Dessert Table,London Layer ami Valencia Raisins, NewCurrants a .d Citron, Fancy Layer Figs, 8electcdFrench Prunes.n v. 24- GEO. McBURNEY & SON.7 F YOUR CHICKENS ARE SICK,1 TRYLUST'S CHICKEN CHOLERA CUBE.Sold by all druggists and grocers rnhSl

STAIN ! STAIN ! STAIN '..Walnut, Oak, Cher-ry a ad Mahogany Stain, in 15-cent boxes, forsale bvjy3* W. F. CP.EIGHTON & CO.

QQUAKE, OCTAGON and FLAT CAST STEELio will bo sold at 88 King street, corner of Boy¬al, at a greatly roduced price Quality warrant-ecL [oct28 j J. T. CBEIGHTON A SON.TF YOU CANNOT SEE and cannot find &n>JL SPECTACLES to suit you, go to HENRYWILDT'S and have your eyes tested, and youwill have no more trouble. nov20


\TTOODUUBN SARVEN WHEELS are the beet,VV Full stock atJAS. F. CABLIN & SONS',sep4 Alexandria, .Va,
