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Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · VOL.LXXXYI. AI,EXANDRIA, VA.,...

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VOL. LXXXYI. AI ,EX ANDRIA, VA., SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 11, 1885. 0. 164 WASHINGTON ADVERTISEMENT. Great Reductions (FOE CASH ONLY) Iu all classes of goods kept by mo previous to stock taking, commencing with MEN'S, LADIES', AND MISSES' RUBBER W VTERPROOFS MEN'S GOSSAMER and MEDIUM-WEIGHT Waterproofs reduced to $1.65 and $2.50, formerly sold at $2.25 and $3.50. BOYS' GOSSAMER and MEDIUM-WEIGHT WATERPROOFS reduced to 80c., $1.(50, $1.75, and $2.25, formerly sold at $1.00, $2.00, $2.50 and $2.75. LADIES' and MISSES' JEBSEYS reduccd to $1.00, formerly sold at $1.50. 20 l'ER CENT. DISCOUNT ON LADIES* SPRING WRAPS AND MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S LIGHT-WEIGHT WRAPS and f'LOTII SUITS. DJIY OOOD>. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS Just received from the GREAT AUCTION SALE IN NEW YORK a complete line of SHEETINGS in all widths at greatly reduced prices. A large lot of TURKISH BATH TOWELS at less than original cost. Closing out sale of PARASOLS. A large line of black and colors at a great reduction. Rare bargains in STRAW MATTINGS iu all grades. Pretzfelder k Co., my30 1-14 King street, Alexandria, Va. "^EW BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING FRENCH'S, 93 and 95 KING STREET. But Yet a Woman, by Haudy 50 Missy, by the author of Rutledgc 50 The Stillwater Tragedy, Aldrich 50 The World of London (Society of) 25 The Mahdi, Past and Preseut 25 John Needham's Double. Hatton 25 That Terrible Man. Norris 25 Mr. Butler's Ward, Robinson 25 Home Letters 25 The Tinted Venus 25 James Gordon's Wifo 25 Matilda, Princess of England $1 00 Revised Old Testament 80 Adrian Vedal 25 Midsummer London Illustrated News 50 Piano Souvenir, New Music 50 " Vocal Music 50 New Books daily. j°29 GEO. E. FRENCH. ^JOTICE. We have fitted up in a neat and attractive style and are now occupying as our DRUG STORE AND SODA WATER MANUFACTORY, the Northwest corner of King and Pitt streets, and to our friends and the public generally wo solicitasharo of their patronage. Appreciating past favors wo intend by strict attention to our business to morit a con¬ tinuance of tho samo. Respectfully oct21 SUMMERS & ALLEN._ pHILIP B. HOOE, AGENT Liverpool and London and Globo Firo Ins. Co. N. Y. Underwriters Agency Fire Ins. Co. Petersburg Savings and In3. Co. Fire and Marine Ins. Co. Risks taken by tfcoso first class companies at current rates. Losses settled promptly and liberally. .fob7 Window and door screens in a knocked down state, or put togethor. None but the best quality Screen Wire sold, either plain green or figured. No common Wire. No common frames, and prices lower than you can have the frame made and put together. Call and oxamine, get prices, see the quality of goods and be convinced. [jo!8] B. W. NALLS. Green and figured screen wire 24, 30 and 36 inches, wholesale and rotail, at 88 King, corner of Royal street. You can buy wire, and havo Wiudow and Door Frames made of better quality, to cost no more than the com¬ mon Frames ottered for sale iu tho city. Call and soo. J. T. CREIGHTON & SON, je4 88 King, cor. Royal St. A A CASES CLARET and SAUTERNE WINES, 4:U from tho Millpark Wine Co., of Haymarket, \>.t just received and in store and sold at com¬ pany's prices. Orders for all kinds of Wines in bulk will be promptly executed. Call for prico list. GEO. McBURNEY & SON, ap7 S. W. cor. King and Washington sts. JUST RECEIVED TO-DAY a full line of AR¬ TISTS' MATERIAL, consisting of New Art Studies, Canvas on Stretchers, Windsor & New¬ ton's Tube Paints, Brass Plaques, Panels, Acado- my Boards, Gold Paint, &c., at JOHN D. H. LUNT'S, mh27 N. E. cor. King and Washington sts. STEEL SHOVEL PLOW PLATES, with Bolts complete, Plow Castings, Plow and other Bolts, Scythes, Scythe Stones, Trace. Hames, and other goods in same line, for sale cheap at 88 King, corner of Royal street, by apll J. P. CREIGHTON & SON. POLK, MILLER & CO'S. ITALIAN INSECT POWDER..Just received a full supply of the abovo Insect Powder. Warranted to kill Roaches, Flies, Bedbugs, Ac., &c., 10, 25 and 50 cents per bottle, at W ARFIELD & HALL S, ap3 Cor. Prince and Fairfax streets. JUST FROM THE FACTORY.60 dozen A.B.9. SHIRTS; $3.75 a half dozen, unlaundried, and $4.75 laundried. These Shirts have the im¬ proved stay, and are the best value for the money ever offered in this place. For sale only by jan27 " AMOS B. SLAYMAKER._ PARIS GREEN AND LONDON PURPLE OF best quality for the destruction of Potato Bugs. Also Insect Powder of various brands and Leadbeater's Liquid Bed Bug Poison. my2S ' E.*S. LEADBEATER A BRO. GREEN MOUNTAIN ASTHMA CURE, a sure cure for Asthma, just received and for sale by jelQ W. F. CREIGHTON & CO. GENTLEMEN'S EXTRA FINE CAMBRIC Drawers for sale by my20 AMOS B. SLAYMAKEB. POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS for Vege¬ tables, Tobacco, &c. For sale by my30 E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO. CARPET, FELT AND TACKS, all sizes, re¬ ceived this day. B. W. NALLS, my25 Cor. King and Washington streets. USE THE GOLDEN HAM.Finest Sugar- Cured Ham in the United States. Sold by Je8 GEO. McBURNEY & SON. BASKETS..20 NESTS CORD BASKETS JUST received for sale low by my29 J. C. MILBURN EDGAR SNOWDEN, A.t the Gazette Suilding, No«. 70 * 72 Frinoe at. TEEMS DAILY. TEI-WEEKLY. One year . 16 00 One year $4 00 Six months8 00 81x months 2 00 One month 50 Three months .... 100 All communications should be addressed to "Gazette Alexandria, Va." The Gazette office Is connected with the Telephone Ex¬ change. Advertisements, orders for the paper, news or any information or business can be sent by tele- phone. Persons leaving: the efty for the summer can have the Gazette mailed to them, post paid, for fifty cents per month, and the address changed as often as desired. Contract advertisers will not be allowed to excced their space, unless the excess is paid for at transient rates, and under no circumstances will they be allowed to advertise other than their legitimate business In the space contracted for itesolatlons in memoriam, of thanks, tributes of respect, resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless of public concern, will only be printed in this paper is advertisement*. A. 11 transient advertisements must be paid for in ad¬ vance. Carriage and death noticesmust be paid for in advance. Price fifty cents, when not exceeding: six lines. I Entered at the Postoflice at Alexandria. Virginia, second-class matter.) ALEXANDRIA. [From tho St. Louis Beptiblicau.] A native of Alexandria, Va., living now across the river, has had old memories freshened by the unfeeling remarks of a correspondent of one of our esteemed con¬ temporaries, and writes this letter : Alton, 111., June 24..(Editor St. Louis Republican, j .What strange feelings are awakened when, after long years, we turn to treasured memories, seeking their sacred memorials. Gone the pleasures, liko the pretteut and to-morrow. The shifting tides of trade, the war and railroads did it. It requires no etf'ort to loosen a "native Alexandrian's tongue." They scorn sensa¬ tionalism and exaggeration*; they are digni¬ fied and refined, and are the representatives of the best blood of the Old Dominion. It is one of the enigmas of the day to mark how little changed are the native residents; with them religion, politics and patriotism have always meant one and the same thine. "They still long for the good old days be¬ fore the war." As one in a dream the past is brought back into the present; its many years seem to have vanished as a vision. The good old days are missing, and we cannot find them. Where are they gone? If that old clock, which once struck the hours in Washington's home, could speak, how many tales it would tell of ancient grandeur, of courtly dames and gallant cav¬ aliers, of Old Dominion dinners and old Vir¬ ginia reels, "and wit that vied in brilliaucy with the sparkle of the rare old wines." The past loomed up before us with golden dreams, tinted with the rainbow of promise. To-day those dreams lie buried-in the past. We wish our names to be enrolled side by side with the distinguished of earth. We want to act well our part, not through the jaun¬ diced glasses of prejudice, ever leaving the result to that Great Being who "tempersthe wind to the shorn lamb," and who givethto the ravens their food. Various reminiscences of Washington are connected w;th various localities ofthe town. The town and Washington came together into active life. The first colony was Belle Haven, where Alexandria now stands. Washington's home when in Alexandria was on the south side of Cameron street, not far from the old Carey House, and not quite two squares from Christ church. Tho old house being considered unsafe, was torn down, I think, over thirty years ago, and much of it was carried away to be preserved as mementoes. Many years ago, wheu I loved to wander through the old Alexandria museum, and have Capt. Mum ford tell me what relics be¬ longed to Gen. Washington, he said : "Here is a letter written by Gen. Washington to several gentlemen in Alexandria only one month before he passed away." Here is a copy of the letter: Mount Vernon, Nov. 12,179!)..Gentlemen : Mrs. Washington and self have been honored with your polite invitation to tho assemblies in Alex¬ andria this winter, and thank you for this mark of your attention. But alas! our dancing days »r0 no inoro. Wo wish, however, all those whoso relish for so agreeable and innocent amusement remains, all the pleasuro the season will afford them. I am, gentlemen, your most obedient and obliged humblo servant, Geobcje Washington. "Alexandria's greatness has gone, but we do reverence her past." The uative Alexandrian deals with the questious and facts of life as they really are. What cau be done, and is worth doing they do. They discard the idea that little things are unimportant, and that great thingsonly are worthy of their best thoughts aud en¬ deavors. During the war of 1812, a British sergeant of marines, who had fought under the Dukes of York, Wellington aud Bruns¬ wick, swore that no American should take him alive. During an engagementhe killed an officer, aud shot at others. He was pur¬ sued by Alexander Hunter, who felled him to'the ground, and the British sergeant died. The Southern chivalry proved their admira¬ tion for the British sergeant by burying him with all the honors of war. "As you may contemplate the long rows of white headstones that mark the grass-grown mounds in the National cemetery, is it natu¬ ral to suppose that the flowers will be kept blooming as beautifully, the walks be pre¬ served as handsome and clean the next four years as they have in the past?" It is a beautiful place, so quiet and lonely, and it will stand forever! Alexandrians will never envelope themselves in their pre¬ judices and shut oat from their sight and understanding that it is a hallowed spot, consecrated to the memory of Union sold¬ iers. The institution to which Alexandria points with most pride is Christ church and the surrounding graveyard. Christ church, Alexandria, Va., is famous not on account of its size and grandeur, but because it does contain the pew where Gen. Washington s&t Sunday after Sunday, par* ticipating in the service of the church. There it still stands as in the days of the Revolu¬ tionary war. The north side of the church is overgrown with ivy, "Friendship's magic name." Washington's pew is now occupied .by Mr. Cassius F. Lee, a descendant of the father of his country and a relative of Gen. R. E. Lee. "George Washington's famous declaration of being on the side of resistance to the odious stamp act was stated to have been made on Christ church green, when a na¬ tion might be said to have been conceived." One hundred years later the same spot, was the scene of a no less memorable event. the determination of Robert E. Lee to join the confederate forces. "Scattered about, without regard to order are tho remains of slabs, waiting for the sexton of fifty years ago to come and put them in position." The slabs were broken down during the war, and since then it would be impossible to replace them where they rightfully be¬ long. The confederate dead (thirty-four prisoners of war), who died in the federal hospitals in that city and were buried in the national cc-metery, were removed to Christ church yard on tbo 27th of December, 1S79, and over them was erected a pyramidal mound, nicely sodded, and surmounted with a liandscmo vaso. On the eas<t side of the mound a tablet of marble has been plac¬ ed, with the name, regiment and State of the deceased. Gen. L?e:» surrender to Gen. Grant was quoted by the great Sunday school worker of Chicago at the convention held in this city during lant mouth. He sarcastically said in making his remarks: "And they say Gen. Grant didn't take (Jen. Lee's sword/' I whispered almost andiblj: "Nor he didn't, either!" Now that we have Gen. Grant's own words, I wish I had spokeu loud enough for ever}' one in City Hal! to have heard me. Why? Not because Gen. Lee was a confed¬ erate, but he was our townsman, our neigh¬ bor, and we worship hia memory. Gen. Grant didn't want lieu. Lee's sword. Gen. Grant was a great general and he .-ays he never knew or rend of a greater man then R. E. Lee. J. M. *. MEDICINAL. AYER'S Ague Cure IS WARRANTED to cure all cases of ma¬ larial disease, such as Fever ami Ague, Inter¬ mittent or Cliill Fever, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com¬ plaint. In caso of failure, after duo trial, dealers aro authorized, by our circular of July 1st, 1882, to refund tlio money, Dr. J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sola by all Druggists. DRUGS, CHEMICALS. .EC. EDWD. 6. LEADBEATEB. THUS. I-EADBEATK! ES. LEADBEATEE & BBO.. . Noe. o and 7 S. Fairfax dt.. Established 1792. DEALERS IN PUBE DBUGS and MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, OILS, PBOPEIETAEY MEDI¬ CINES, GAEDEN SEEDS, SPICES, AGRICULTUEAL CHEMICALS, FINE TOILET GOODS, &c. Proprietors of Anodyne Pectoral, Lubricating Liniment, Essence Jamaica Ginger and Cough Syrup; and Agents foi Ayer's Medicines, Beady- mixed and Tinted Gloss Paints, &c. Every effort will bo made to maintain the high reputation of our old establismont. mv 3 A A. WABFIELD, . (Successor to Janney & (Jo.) DEALER IN DBUGS, PAINTS, OILS, GABDEN SEED. WINDOW GLASS, SPICES. Acids, Dyo Stuffs and Druggists' Sundries. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded. Orders aiid inquiries from the country promptly attended to. NEW BUILDING, *egl No. 152 King street. UifMERS A ALLEN, s ¦' DRUGGISTS, N. W. corner King and Pitt streets, DEALERS IN DBUGS, PATENT MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, PEBFUMEBY, BBUSHES, &c., Ac. KOTTLEKS OF SODA WATER, SAESAPABILLA AND GINGEB ALE. Prescriptions carefully compounded. oct23 QAMUEL H. LUNT. DBUGGIST, CORNER KING AND FAIRFAX STBEETS. Dealer in DBUGS, CHEMICALS, FANCY and TOILET AETICLES, PEBFUMEBY, BBUSHES, &c\, &c. Physicians' proscriptions carefully prepared at all hours, day and night. ap4 F. CREIGHTON & CO., w. Wholesale and Betail Dealer in DBUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS ,DYE STUFFS, GABDEN SEEDS, &c.. See. Corner King and Eoyal streets, Alexandria, "Virginia. Physicians' Proscriptions carefully compounded. Orders will receive prompt attontion. mh24-tf JOHN D. H. LUNT, (Successor to Lunt & Davidsoc DEALEB IN DBUGS. CHEMICALS. PATENT MEDICINES AND FANCY AETICLES. N. E. corner King and Washington stroots, ALEXANDBIA, VA. Physicians' Preset -ptions a specialty. [janlO STABLEB & CO., (Successors to E. H. Stabler) DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, N. W. Corner King and Washington Streots. Dealers in Patent Medicines, Drugs, Cigars and Cigarettes, Fine Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Gorman and Domestic Cologne, Hair Brushes, Sponges, Flesh Straps, &c. Espocial care given to prescriptions. jan28-tf ¦^TABFIELD & HALL, ~ DRUGGISTS, Corner Princo and Fairfax street, i'rescriptions a specialty. English, French, Gorman and Domestic Toilet Soaps; Genuine Farina Cologno; Magnolia, Hedyosmia, Geranium and Florida Water; Genuine Lubin's Extracts; Sponges, Hair Brushes and Combs; best English Tooth Brushes; a full assortment of Patent Medi¬ cines, Coxe's Gelatine, Corn Starch; Sea Moss Fa- rine; Spices of all kinds, and a select stock of all articles sold by druggists at prices as low as the same quality can bo obtained elsewhere, dec 1 JJEADY FOE THE WAEM WEATHKR. HENEY BBENGLES' ICE CBEAM MANUFACTOEY, NO. 129 KING STREET. Will enter upon the prcsont Reason with a New Departure. Novelties in Freezing Methods and and lessened cost in pure sugars and syrups, have reduced the cost in making Ice Creams at. whole¬ sale. Mr. Breugle lias determined to give bis custom¬ ers, of town and country, the advautase of this reduction, whicli will enable him to furnish here¬ after the purest of creams with the best flavors at the following rates: PUBE CEEAMS, $1.25 per gallon. VARIGATED CREAMS in Fancy Moulds, I $1.50 per gallon. i ICEOREAMSODA Fountain._opeu night and J day. Ho still furnishes cakes and confectioaery, and caters for families,fairs, balls, entertainments ; and social parties. t- ap25 Ice] ICE! ICE! A full supply of NOBTHEBN ICE, of superior quality, constantly on handand for sale wholosalfl a-id retail on tho most favorable terms. Orders left with our drivers, at our office, or by telephone will receive prompt attention. Our facilities for delivery by the car load arf unsurpassed in any city. F'M-kinsr for country delivery a specialty. F. A. BEED & CO., jeb Janney'». Wharf. DRY GOODS. JLadies Going Away For tho summer to tho seashore, mounta ins, <ic should not uoglcct to take with them two or more Woolen Dresses; and. in view of this fact, wo pro¬ pose to inaugurate a Grand Sale of Cream White, Navy Blue and other Wool Fabric suitablo for mountain, seashore, boating, tennis and traveling dresses. ^ 38-inch ALl-WooftTlannels. in Seal, Navy Blue, Grey, French Blue. Myrtle, Tan and Saphir. SEDUCED FROM 45 TO 37 V- PER YARD. CBEAM WHITE WOOLENS. 27 inch Cream White Flannels $0.37 27 inch fine White Cream Flannels 50 40 inch Cream White Flannels 75 ¦r>4 inch Cream White Flannels 1.00 54 inch fine Cream White Flannels 1.25 ALL WOOL TBICOT CLOTHS 3H inch...$0.50 "J Colors Light and Dark Browns, 42 inch... 75 J- Navy Blue, Giays, Drabs, Dark 54 inch... 1.0<> J Greens, Tans, and Myrtle. 54 inch Habit Cloths, Blue, Seal Brown and Black, only $1.25 per yard. 54 inch All Wool Screes, Navy and French Blue, and Cream, onlv $1.00 per yard. Worth $1.25. MABLAND CHECKS. Colors. Blue, Plum, Light aud Dark Brown Mixtures, Dark Gray Mixtures, Browns and Tans. 42 inch ; 75c. 51 inch $1.00 54 INCH GILBERT'S PLAIDS, in handsome Combination Effects. Reduced from $1.00 to 75 cents. GILBERT'S G-4 CLOTHS. Colors.Myrtle,Quaker drab, saphir, cadet blue, light and dark grays and drabs and black, 54- inch. reduced from $1 to 75c. por yard. The most 'doth for the money ever offered. AM wool 52-inch SUITING CLOTH, in blue, black aud brown, onlv 05c. per vard. 54 IVCII HOME-SPUN SUITINGS. For Mountain, Seashore and 'Rough and Ready" Drcs'-v Suiting*, nothing equals these uoods In fact, f»r the uhovti mention'rt purposes they Htanri alone. A rough 1-jiglish Diagonal Cli.tli, fine, y«-f rough, heavy, 7 < 1 en 1 (' ..¦s Cream, navy blue, lijibl bnr-'. r, tan, ays, sapiitr, e c, only $1.37'i<(.\: iiv worth $1 50 p.-r yasd. \v"t/' idwa rd .v 1.1 rrn BOSTON' DRV GOODS lim rfK ONE PRICE ONI.Y, 921 Pa. Ave. 012 > St. Special fjALE OF MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND CORSETS. Wo desire to attract your attention to our well conducted and carefully selected stock of LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND COR¬ SETS, which will be found in point ot variety, style and qualify second to none. UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. THREE ' TWENTY-FIVE CENT" BARGAINS. Best obtainable for the money. 50 dozen Muslin Chemise, three clusters of threo fine tucks down the front. ONLY 25c. EACH. 50 dozen Corset Covers, made from "Fruit of the Loom" Muslin, neck trimmed with Lace, finished with 1 'earl Buttons. ONLY 25c. EACH 50 dozen Misses Striped Seeiemkcr Skirts worth 37 ^ cents each. ONLY 25r. EACH. Our "One Dollar" Lsi'lio*' Muslin Walking Skirts is a better skirt in every particular than any skirt heretofore sold by us. and is as good as is usually sold at $1.25. CORSET DKPARTM ENT. 50 dozen "Our Own" Corsets, in w!>ito. and drab jean, side steels, 5 clasps, nicely embroidered. Much better than is usually sold at this price, viz: 50c. PER PAIR. WOODWARD & r.OTHRf'l', BOSTON DRY GOODS HOUSE. ONE TRICE ONLY. *)2I Pa. avT WASHINGTON. D. C. 012 D st. SUMMER RESORTS Colonial Beach Excursions. STEAMER ARROWSM ITll Will Leave King Street Wharf Evory TUESDAYS. WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS aud SUNDAYS, at 9 a. m. Fare 50c.: Children, 25c. je22-lm LOWER CEDAR POINT! The Safe, Swift and Magnificent Steamer ARMENIA, Will leave her wharf foot of 7th street, Washing¬ ton, D. C., Daily except Saturdays, at 0 a. m. for this Popular Resort, commencing SUNDAY, June 21, and stops at Alexandria 011 Mondays. Wednes¬ days and Fridays only, landing at Hooe's Wharf. Fare 50c. the round trip. Children 25c. For further information and charters to societies and corporations apply to G. L. SHERIFF, jel3-3m Str. Mattano's Whf., Wash'n.: D. C. QHAPEL POINT! CHAPEL POINT! Grand Family Excursions to the Long Branch of tho Potomac. The Steamer George Law will loavo Hooo's wharf evory SATURDAY dur¬ ing the season at 9:15 a. m., returning at 9 p. m. Tickets 50 cents, to be had at tho Boat. Prof. Schrocdor will furnish tho music. Meals at tho Point 50 eta. each. je4-3m St. Clair Hotel, MARTINSBURG, W. VA. Tho largest Hotel in the city, and is rccognized as one of the best in the State. Liberal arrange¬ ments will bo made with Commercial Travelers and Summer Boarders. my 18-1 m P. E. DORSEY, Prop'r. Orkney Springs, SHENANDOAH COUNTY, VA., Will be open for tho reception of visitors from JUNE 1st to DECEMBER 1st. Greatest variety of medicinal waters of any Summer Resort in tho United Statos. Table unexcelled. Bed-rooms largo and airy. Hot, cold, shower aud plunge baths. Fnll Brass and String Band dur¬ ing the season. First-class livery at low rates. Magnificent roads. Beautifnl scenery. Good fishing and game in immediate vicinity. Dis- cription pamphlets containing full information can bo obtained free at A. A. WARFIELD'S, JNO. D. H. LUNT'S and SAMUEL LUNT'S Drug Stores. my8-3m A' LAiiASTINE.A natural material and tho only durable finish for walls and ceilings; pure white and a variety of beautiful tints. Sample card of tints and priccs mailed to any ad- dress upon application. For salo by A. A. WARFIELD, (Successor to Janney & Co.,) ap7 152 King street^ POULTERERS' FRIEND or CHICKEN POW- d*r. a certain cure 1 if used in time) of Gapes and other diseases in Chickens, Turkeys, &c., in ; packages at 25 ceutscach. | jeS E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO. VERA CUBA ! VERA CURA!. A sure cure for Dyspepsia and Indigestion in j all its forms. 25 cents a box. For sale by 1 h i- W.'F. CREIGHTON & CO. ap'*J8 anfl King street. BLACK.HARNESS SOAP, Harness Oil of sev¬ eral kinds, Kerosene Oil, Pratt's Astral Oil, Windoy, Glass, Artists' Paints, Canvas and Acad¬ emy Board, &c., just received. ap24 ... E. S. LEADBEATEB & BRO. < 'HLORITE FOE CHAPPED HANDS, LIPS \ j and face. Price 25c. per bottle. For sale by A-bia J. D. H. LUNT, Druggist_ GREAT REDUCTION IN SHIRT AND VEST goods, worth 50 cents, at 38 cts., at j an 23 AMOS B. SLAYMAKEE'S. ¦ READ CAR :l _____ Wo arc now building au extension o! 3.»xll7 feet to our already magnificent establishment, which when finished will give us . THE FINEST SHOW ROQA38 .ft: COUNTRY. WE HA\ E ALSO THE FINES! ELECTRIC LI <'3JT IX THE COUNTRY, MAKING AT NIGIIT OCR ENTIRE BUILDING AS 15RI01IT AS T JI FINEST DAY IN Sl'NLIGHT We have couio to the conclusion thai we haw morn goods and Ie?s money than we want to carry ont now enterprise of running onr building through to 8th street. We shall open this new addition with new goods only. Wc shall commence to run o-f our present without regard to eost. Onr as¬ sortment is exception ably large for this season nf tbe year. 300 pieces COLORED LACE BUNTING, yard wid-. ;>t These goods arc a great bargain at 40c per yard, but ;hey i;i;ist !. ¦ elo-sod to make room for other goods. 500 pieces FAST-COLOR LAWNS at per yard. 300 pieces YARD-WIDE LAWN, the most sel.vt patterns. 7.;, actual value 10<- per yard. SUPERIOR QUALITY DRESS GINGII.\?dS at per yar.l, Inllv wntli EJUy WHITE GOODS. We have now the largest stock of WHI TE GOODS in tin- city. and >-k b>ttom prices. YARD.WIDE INDIA LINEN ar f. and 8e per yaril. 40 inch INDIA LINEN at 1'J V i'« r Just received a lot of DOTTED and FP ICREI) SWlS-. which we will sell I. I 't. DIMITY LAWN and PIQIJE at i 'h,r. 40-inch BATISTE, in all the . vonies slia'b- a* i pi r HQS J lvfci Y, Wo have just succeeded iu | iim l.a-i:;..- V-M* * ! : ....'ri >r inado How in Seal Brown, Navy Blue and Slate, to sell :-.t Ladies' Fiue (iangc Tin Stripr Hose at .; vaiut .*>«.. Ladioo' Lisle Hone in Fancy Strip s and sioiid ' < in: .:: GL( )YES. BLACK SILK GLOVES at 34i\ woril. | r:c«. LADIES' SILK MITTS in all colois a! V e ha v.- ;. : of J jAD IES 1) Ii i a i 1 «SA * K s Made of India Linen, with Embroidered Ilullle and ii;c I , ; .1 for $1 *.0 will close them at fl$c. LADIES* NIGHT DHKsHKS. Mades of the finest cotton, with yoke of a'' «»v«v '.::»hr. v. 'I »'. '. R11 lll«» Ncck and Sloevea. Forinor price * !."»!>, now !»s.- OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE 1 '. !. YEI.'Y PEP' V M E '¦'!. ,*SEf-STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING i'N'i i. s <' i . ViC. 11U1 lli iiuUlUU U.IIU U Ullll'Jluuli u jl. uimuiiiuc, uuuuuj FANCY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Bgr MANUFACTURE OF FINK DEESS SIM UTS A SEW!ALTY. PERFECT FIT ALWAYS GUARANTEED. ggr AGENT FOR THE LICl! I'-EENMNt; \'E\V 11031E SEWING MACHINE. J. B. CHAPMAN, 92 King st., Alexandria, M itoor to Kaiil'inaiiii's. WOOD AND COAJL. Marine Railway, SMpMfliiKoal Co. n (Successors to John 1'. Agnew k Co. i WHOLESALE &. RETAIL DEALERS IN 1 Coal and Wood. I t,. George's Creek, Cumberland, Coal, ~ 2 Hun of the Mine and Lump. 5 S WEST V I li G I N I A S 1* L I N T = (The Finest Grate Coal), . 0 RED AND WHITE ASH ANTJlKAciTi . ~ - All sizes and best qualities. 2 1 Wood. I . Hickory. Oak and Pine, in the sti»-k or Fa;v- < ed and split. Ail orders left at the drugstore of W. F. (,'roi^h- ton or telephoned to our offico will receive prompt attention. Finest shipping facilities by rail and water. Oflice and yard and wharves corner Franklin and Union Btreets. my30 / 10AL! \j COAL! Wo invite tho attention of dealers and con¬ sumers to our largo stock of CAREFULLY -'RE- PARED COAL of tho following varieties . LYKEN'S VALLEY, LORBERRY and SHAMOKiN RED AS it WHITE ASH (free burning and hard i of r.loai::- or, broken, egg, stove and and uut sizes. Also GEORGE'S CREEK, CUMBERLAND ni l KANAWHA SPLINT, from West Va. Making Coal a specialty we aim to kcc]< only the HIGHEST GHADES, and havinn t wo large Storage Yards, each variety is kept separate, and is especially prepared for family use. Yards floored, and all Coal sent out WELL SCREEND AND FREE FROM IMPURITIES. Dealers, families, public institutions and man¬ ufactories supplied at lowest market rates.per toil of 2'24(> lbs. J. R. ZIMMERMAN, (Successor to T. .1. MehafTey fi (V>.) my7 Wharf and Yards foot of Queen st rnHE CHAMPION SAFETY WINDOW SASH 1 LOCKS AND FASTENERS COMBINED for sale by B. W. NALLS, myii3 Corner King and Washington sis. rnHE BEST AND PUREST SUMMER WINE. J. Heineken's Virgioia Clarets, always superior to imported. Sold by myi*7_ GEO. McBURNEY £ SON FLAX TWINES of assorted numbers, Cotton Twine, Wool Twine and Rope for wells and other purposes. For sale at h8 King, corner of Royal [my'27[ J. T. CRE1 GHTON_a: SON. BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, LONjJ AM) SHO-lT Sleeves, fine qnalitv, onlv 4~h:., at iel 1 AMOS B. SLAYMAKKR'S. C1IIAMPAGNE CIDER 30c. per gallon at ) my27 McBLRNEY'S. FANCY GOODS. WARM WEATHER. ji'ijw lii >!.>(.!{ and ready for sale: Men's, Ladies', Hoys' ami -mall Children's Slimmer Underwear, ^In.\vn in Kgyplian Yarns, 'lauze, Balhriggan, i los-sunfr, Lisle Tlire:wi and Light-weight Meri- Hit Prices, 1 to hnni'Mi r «'«»rsots.We have met with decided success in otll-iinc this popular article of wear for hidi»\i. ThisCuiset is made aide elastic over the hip* and shaped in exact imitation of a celebrated J*r< licit Cored. 2'mcc, r>Oc. Men and liny-" i antaloon Drawers, cut to suit the style <¦! jt-; now worn. Price. 50c. rummer Hosiery- To meet the increasing do- ri:a:ei :«-r ii^'ht, weight Hosiery fur warm weathor, we h:t*.-» aid in an unusually large assortment in iJ.iilirigfan. plain e >!orx an ! fancy stripes. Prices, JO.- to >J ."»«). Blue. Grey and Cieani>iaced Shirts. Shoulder Miawls, Sill: -tr-d l.isle Thread Gloves, Bustles, N<.<.!:w»-:ir, Coliarsaml ( ulls, ic. .Mi'i,'-. :nd 1 Joys' Lfundried and Unlaundried Shuts We me a^<nt for the Eighruic Patent lissom h:i:> Quaker < ity shirt Co. They are un- <ine-tioiia;<ly the. host fitting Shirts made, el 1 ' M. ADAMS, Xing st. Amos B. Slaymaker, ,VL\ %. UFACTULCER AND DEALER IN & CMldrei'sInni'ff. Goofls. DRV GOODS AND NOTIONS. Wholesale and Retail, NO . 105 KIN« STREET. cp25 ALEXANDRIA, VA. M GOODS, NOTIONS, &e. HOSIERY, GLOVES, ilandkorchiefs, Collars, and f'iiC-. in great variety. .>!!.* .>. id CHILDREN'S MERINO VESTS and i'A'.T.S, aii 3izcs and qualities. ':; t»I: VlisVOIiSTEDS, Germantown Wools and Knitting Yarns. Is all shades and colors. .,oi>29 C. C. BERRY, 72 King at. U. >!!FD. -We have a large supply of / i/iudreth':- Mixed Lawn Grass Seel which we enrec > wend. ,51,24 r. LKADBEATER it HRO. | FALIAN AND FRE .'< !: OLIVE OIL, Dur- I kee'j Salad Drcsoiug. Queeno Olives, Non¬ par ' apr- s and genuine trench Mustard. : yl4 <; FX». McBURNEY & SON._ i P>i IS TUF < IfEAPEST..Use Pio- j[ ... ,<:¦. ] \- >l Paint, put in pound, quart, Ii '!.' u;i iyli -allot, cans. B. W. NALLS, ! Ring & Washington Bte. j EN i <ALtZESHIRTS for a shilling apiece, jell At AMOS B. SLAYMAKEK'S.
Page 1: Alexandria gazette (Alexandria, Va. : 1834).(Alexandria ... · VOL.LXXXYI. AI,EXANDRIA, VA., SATURDAYEVENING, JULY11, 1885. 0. 164 WASHINGTONADVERTISEMENT. Great Reductions (FOE CASH


Great Reductions(FOE CASH ONLY)

Iu all classes of goods kept by mo previous tostock taking, commencing withMEN'S, LADIES', AND MISSES' RUBBER

W VTERPROOFSMEN'S GOSSAMER and MEDIUM-WEIGHTWaterproofs reduced to $1.65 and $2.50,formerly sold at $2.25 and $3.50.

BOYS' GOSSAMER and MEDIUM-WEIGHTWATERPROOFS reduced to 80c., $1.(50, $1.75,and $2.25, formerly sold at $1.00, $2.00, $2.50and $2.75.

LADIES' and MISSES' JEBSEYS reduccd to

$1.00, formerly sold at $1.50.20 l'ER CENT. DISCOUNT ON





IN NEW YORK a complete line of SHEETINGSin all widths at greatly reduced prices.A large lot of

TURKISH BATH TOWELSat less than original cost.

Closing out sale of PARASOLS. A large line ofblack and colors at a great reduction.

Rare bargains in STRAW MATTINGS iu all

grades. Pretzfelder k Co.,my30 1-14 King street, Alexandria, Va.


FRENCH'S, 93 and 95 KING STREET.But Yet a Woman, by Haudy 50Missy, by the author of Rutledgc 50The Stillwater Tragedy, Aldrich 50The World of London (Society of) 25The Mahdi, Past and Preseut 25John Needham's Double. Hatton 25That Terrible Man. Norris 25Mr. Butler's Ward, Robinson 25Home Letters 25The Tinted Venus 25James Gordon's Wifo 25Matilda, Princess of England $1 00Revised Old Testament 80Adrian Vedal 25Midsummer London Illustrated News 50Piano Souvenir, New Music 50

" Vocal Music 50New Books daily.j°29 GEO. E. FRENCH.

^JOTICE.We have fitted up in a neat and attractive style

and are now occupying as our DRUG STORE ANDSODA WATER MANUFACTORY, the Northwestcorner of King and Pitt streets, and to our friendsand the public generally wo solicitasharo of theirpatronage. Appreciating past favors wo intendby strict attention to our business to morit a con¬

tinuance of tho samo. Respectfullyoct21 SUMMERS & ALLEN._


Liverpool and London and Globo Firo Ins. Co.N. Y. Underwriters Agency Fire Ins. Co.Petersburg Savings and In3. Co.Fire and Marine Ins. Co.Risks taken by tfcoso first class companies at

current rates.Losses settled promptly and liberally. .fob7

Window and door screens in aknocked down state, or put togethor. None

but the best quality Screen Wire sold, eitherplain green or figured. No common Wire. Nocommon frames, and prices lower than you can

have the frame made and put together. Calland oxamine, get prices, see the quality of goodsand be convinced. [jo!8] B. W. NALLS.

Green and figured screen wire 24,30 and 36 inches, wholesale and rotail, at

88 King, corner of Royal street. You can buywire, and havo Wiudow and Door Frames madeof better quality, to cost no more than the com¬

mon Frames ottered for sale iu tho city. Call andsoo. J. T. CREIGHTON & SON,

je4 88 King, cor. Royal St.

A A CASES CLARET and SAUTERNE WINES,4:U from tho Millpark Wine Co., of Haymarket,\>.t just received and in store and sold at com¬

pany's prices. Orders for all kinds of Wines inbulk will be promptly executed. Call for pricolist. GEO. McBURNEY & SON,ap7 S. W. cor. King and Washington sts.

JUST RECEIVED TO-DAY a full line of AR¬TISTS' MATERIAL, consisting of New Art

Studies, Canvas on Stretchers, Windsor & New¬ton's Tube Paints, Brass Plaques, Panels, Acado-my Boards, Gold Paint, &c., at

JOHN D. H. LUNT'S,mh27 N. E. cor. King and Washington sts.

STEEL SHOVEL PLOW PLATES, with Boltscomplete, Plow Castings, Plow and other

Bolts, Scythes, Scythe Stones, Trace. Hames, andother goods in same line, for sale cheap at 88King, corner of Royal street, byapll J. P. CREIGHTON & SON.

POLK, MILLER & CO'S. ITALIAN INSECTPOWDER..Just received a full supply of the

abovo Insect Powder. Warranted to kill Roaches,Flies, Bedbugs, Ac., &c., 10, 25 and 50 cents perbottle, at W ARFIELD & HALL S,ap3 Cor. Prince and Fairfax streets.

JUST FROM THE FACTORY.60 dozen A.B.9.SHIRTS; $3.75 a half dozen, unlaundried,

and $4.75 laundried. These Shirts have the im¬

proved stay, and are the best value for the moneyever offered in this place. For sale only byjan27 " AMOS B. SLAYMAKER._

PARIS GREEN AND LONDON PURPLE OFbest quality for the destruction of Potato

Bugs. Also Insect Powder of various brands andLeadbeater's Liquid Bed Bug Poison.my2S ' E.*S. LEADBEATER A BRO.


cure for Asthma, just received and for sale byjelQ W. F. CREIGHTON & CO.



POWELL'S PREPARED CHEMICALS for Vege¬tables, Tobacco, &c. For sale by


CARPET, FELT AND TACKS, all sizes, re¬

ceived this day. B. W. NALLS,my25 Cor. King and Washington streets.

USE THE GOLDEN HAM.Finest Sugar-Cured Ham in the United States. Sold by


BASKETS..20 NESTSCORD BASKETS JUSTreceived for sale low by

my29 J. C. MILBURN

EDGAR SNOWDEN,A.t the Gazette Suilding, No«. 70 * 72 Frinoe at.


One year . 16 00 One year $4 00Sixmonths8 00 81x months 2 00One month 50 Three months .... 100All communications should be addressed to "GazetteAlexandria, Va."

The Gazette office Is connected with the Telephone Ex¬change. Advertisements, orders for the paper, newsor any information or business can be sent by tele-phone.

Persons leaving: the efty for the summer can have theGazette mailed to them, post paid, for fifty cents permonth, and the address changed as often as desired.

Contract advertisers will not be allowed to excced theirspace, unless the excess is paid for at transient rates,and under no circumstances will they be allowed toadvertise other than their legitimate business In thespace contracted for

itesolatlons in memoriam, of thanks, tributes ofrespect,resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless ofpublic concern, will only be printed in this paper isadvertisement*.

A. 11 transient advertisements must be paid for in ad¬vance.

Carriage and death noticesmust be paid for in advance.Price fifty cents, when not exceeding: six lines.

I Entered at the Postoflice at Alexandria. Virginia,second-class matter.)

ALEXANDRIA.[From tho St. Louis Beptiblicau.]

A native of Alexandria, Va., living now

across the river, has had old memoriesfreshened by the unfeeling remarks of a

correspondent of one of our esteemed con¬

temporaries, and writes this letter :

Alton, 111., June 24..(Editor St. LouisRepublican, j.What strange feelings are

awakened when, after long years, we turnto treasured memories, seeking their sacredmemorials. Gone the pleasures, liko thepretteut and to-morrow. The shifting tidesof trade, the war and railroads did it.

It requires no etf'ort to loosen a "nativeAlexandrian's tongue." They scorn sensa¬tionalism and exaggeration*; they are digni¬fied and refined, and are the representativesof the best blood of the Old Dominion. Itis one of the enigmas of the day to markhow little changed are the native residents;with them religion, politics and patriotismhave always meant one and the same thine."They still long for the good old days be¬

fore the war."As one in a dream the past is brought

back into the present; its many years seemto have vanished as a vision. The good olddays are missing, and we cannot find them.Where are they gone?

If that old clock, which once struck thehours in Washington's home, could speak,how many tales it would tell of ancientgrandeur, of courtly dames and gallant cav¬

aliers, of Old Dominion dinners and old Vir¬ginia reels, "and wit that vied in brilliaucywith the sparkle of the rare old wines." Thepast loomed up before us with golden dreams,tinted with the rainbow of promise. To-daythose dreams lie buried-in the past. Wewish our names to be enrolled side by sidewith the distinguished of earth. We wantto act well our part, not through the jaun¬diced glasses of prejudice, ever leaving theresult to that Great Being who "tempersthewind to the shorn lamb," and who givethtothe ravens their food.Various reminiscences of Washington are

connected w;th various localities ofthe town.The town and Washington came togetherinto active life. The first colony was BelleHaven, where Alexandria now stands.Washington's home when in Alexandria wason the south side of Cameron street, not farfrom the old Carey House, and not quitetwo squares from Christ church. Tho oldhouse being considered unsafe, was torndown, I think, over thirty years ago, andmuch of it was carried away to be preservedas mementoes.Many years ago, wheu I loved to wander

through the old Alexandria museum, andhave Capt. Mumford tell me what relics be¬longed to Gen. Washington, he said : "Hereis a letter written by Gen. Washington toseveral gentlemen in Alexandria only one

month before he passed away."Here is a copy of the letter:Mount Vernon, Nov. 12,179!)..Gentlemen :

Mrs. Washington and self have been honored withyour polite invitation to tho assemblies in Alex¬andria this winter, and thank you for this markof your attention. But alas! our dancing days»r0 no inoro. Wo wish, however, all those whosorelish for so agreeable and innocent amusementremains, all the pleasuro the season will affordthem. I am, gentlemen, your most obedient andobliged humblo servant,

Geobcje Washington."Alexandria's greatness has gone, but we

do reverence her past."The uative Alexandrian deals with the

questious and facts of life as they really are.

What cau be done, and is worth doing theydo. They discard the idea that little thingsare unimportant, and that great thingsonlyare worthy of their best thoughts aud en¬

deavors. During the war of 1812, a Britishsergeant of marines, who had fought underthe Dukes of York, Wellington aud Bruns¬wick, swore that no American should takehim alive. During an engagementhe killedan officer, aud shot at others. He was pur¬sued by Alexander Hunter, who felled himto'the ground, and the British sergeant died.The Southern chivalry proved their admira¬tion for the British sergeant by burying himwith all the honors of war."As you may contemplate the long rows of

white headstones that mark the grass-grownmounds in the National cemetery, is it natu¬ral to suppose that the flowers will be keptblooming as beautifully, the walks be pre¬served as handsome and clean the next fouryears as they have in the past?" It is abeautiful place, so quiet and lonely, and itwill stand forever! Alexandrians willnever envelope themselves in their pre¬judices and shut oat from their sight andunderstanding that it is a hallowed spot,consecrated to the memory of Union sold¬iers.The institution to which Alexandria points

with most pride is Christ church and thesurrounding graveyard.

Christ church, Alexandria, Va., is famousnot on account of its size and grandeur, butbecause it does contain the pew where Gen.Washington s&t Sunday after Sunday, par*ticipating in the service of the church. Thereit still stands as in the days of the Revolu¬tionary war. The north side of the churchis overgrown with ivy, "Friendship's magicname." Washington's pew is now occupied.by Mr. Cassius F. Lee, a descendant of thefather of his country and a relative of Gen.R. E. Lee."George Washington's famous declaration

of being on the side of resistance to theodious stamp act was stated to have beenmade on Christ church green, when a na¬

tion might be said to have been conceived."One hundred years later the same spot, was

the scene of a no less memorable event.the determination of Robert E. Lee to jointhe confederate forces."Scattered about, without regard to order

are tho remains of slabs, waiting for thesexton of fifty years ago to come and putthem in position."

The slabs were broken down during thewar, and since then it would be impossibleto replace them where they rightfully be¬long. The confederate dead (thirty-fourprisoners of war), who died in the federalhospitals in that city and were buried in thenational cc-metery, were removed to Christchurch yard on tbo 27th of December, 1S79,and over them was erected a pyramidalmound, nicely sodded, and surmountedwith a liandscmo vaso. On the eas<t side ofthe mound a tablet of marble has been plac¬ed, with the name, regiment and State ofthe deceased.Gen. L?e:» surrender to Gen. Grant was

quoted by the great Sunday school workerof Chicago at the convention held in thiscity during lant mouth. He sarcasticallysaid in making his remarks: "And they sayGen. Grant didn't take (Jen. Lee's sword/'I whispered almost andiblj: "Nor he didn't,either!"Now that we have Gen. Grant's own

words, I wish I had spokeu loud enough forever}' one in City Hal! to have heard me.

Why? Not because Gen. Lee was a confed¬erate, but he was our townsman, our neigh¬bor, and we worship hia memory. Gen.Grant didn't want lieu. Lee's sword. Gen.Grant was a great general and he .-ays henever knew or rend of a greater man thenR. E. Lee. J. M. *.


AYER'SAgue CureIS WARRANTED to cure all cases of ma¬

larial disease, such as Fever ami Ague, Inter¬mittent or Cliill Fever, Remittent Fever,Dumb Ague, Bilious Fever, and Liver Com¬plaint. In caso of failure, after duo trial,dealers aro authorized, by our circular ofJuly 1st, 1882, to refund tlio money,

Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass.Sola by all Druggists.



ES. LEADBEATEE & BBO... Noe. o and 7 S. Fairfax dt..

Established 1792.DEALERS IN



Proprietors of Anodyne Pectoral, LubricatingLiniment, Essence Jamaica Ginger and CoughSyrup; and Agents foi Ayer's Medicines, Beady-mixed and Tinted Gloss Paints, &c.Every effort will bo made to maintain the high

reputation of our old establismont. mv 3

A A. WABFIELD,. (Successor to Janney & (Jo.)




Acids, Dyo Stuffs and Druggists' Sundries.Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded.Orders aiid inquiries from the country promptlyattended to.

NEW BUILDING,*eglNo. 152 King street.


N. W. corner King and Pitt streets,DEALERS IN DBUGS, PATENT MEDICINES,



Prescriptions carefully compounded. oct23





Physicians' proscriptions carefully prepared atall hours, day and night. ap4

F. CREIGHTON & CO.,w.Wholesale and Betail Dealer in


GABDEN SEEDS, &c.. See.Corner King and Eoyal streets,

Alexandria, "Virginia.Physicians' Proscriptions carefully compounded.

Orders will receive prompt attontion.mh24-tf


(Successor to Lunt & DavidsocDEALEB IN DBUGS. CHEMICALS. PATENT

MEDICINES AND FANCY AETICLES.N. E. corner King and Washington stroots,

ALEXANDBIA, VA.Physicians' Preset -ptions a specialty. [janlO


(Successors to E. H. Stabler)DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS,

N. W. Corner King and Washington Streots.Dealers in Patent Medicines, Drugs, Cigars and

Cigarettes, Fine Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes,Gorman and Domestic Cologne, Hair Brushes,Sponges, Flesh Straps, &c. Espocial care given to

prescriptions. jan28-tf


DRUGGISTS,Corner Princo and Fairfax street,

i'rescriptions a specialty. English, French,Gorman and Domestic Toilet Soaps; GenuineFarina Cologno; Magnolia, Hedyosmia, Geraniumand Florida Water; Genuine Lubin's Extracts;Sponges, Hair Brushes and Combs; best EnglishTooth Brushes; a full assortment of Patent Medi¬cines, Coxe's Gelatine, Corn Starch; Sea Moss Fa-rine; Spices of all kinds, and a select stock of allarticles sold by druggists at prices as low as thesame quality can bo obtained elsewhere, dec 1



NO. 129 KING STREET.Will enter upon the prcsont Reason with a NewDeparture. Novelties in Freezing Methods andand lessened cost in pure sugars and syrups, havereduced the cost in making Ice Creams at. whole¬sale.Mr. Breugle lias determined to give bis custom¬

ers, of town and country, the advautase of thisreduction, whicli will enable him to furnish here¬after the purest of creams with the best flavors at

the following rates:PUBE CEEAMS, $1.25 per gallon.VARIGATED CREAMS in Fancy Moulds,

I $1.50 per gallon. iICEOREAMSODA Fountain._opeu night and

J day. Ho still furnishes cakes and confectioaery,and caters for families,fairs, balls, entertainments

; and social parties. t- ap25

Ice] ICE! ICE!A full supply of NOBTHEBN ICE, of superior

quality, constantly on handand for sale wholosalfla-id retail on tho most favorable terms.Orders left with our drivers, at our office, or by

telephone will receive prompt attention.Our facilities for delivery by the car load arf

unsurpassed in any city.F'M-kinsr for country delivery a specialty.

F. A. BEED & CO.,jeb Janney'».Wharf.


JLadies Going AwayFor tho summer to tho seashore, mounta ins, <icshould not uoglcct to take with them two or moreWoolen Dresses; and. in view of this fact, wo pro¬pose to inaugurate a Grand Sale of Cream White,Navy Blue and other Wool Fabric suitablo formountain, seashore, boating, tennis and travelingdresses. ^

38-inch ALl-WooftTlannels. in Seal, Navy Blue,Grey, French Blue. Myrtle, Tan and Saphir.SEDUCED FROM 45 TO 37V- PER YARD.

CBEAM WHITE WOOLENS.27 inch Cream White Flannels $0.3727 inch fine White Cream Flannels 5040 inch Cream White Flannels 75¦r>4 inch Cream White Flannels 1.0054 inch fine Cream White Flannels 1.25

ALL WOOL TBICOT CLOTHS3H inch...$0.50 "J Colors Light and Dark Browns,42 inch... 75 J- Navy Blue, Giays, Drabs, Dark54 inch... 1.0<> J Greens, Tans, and Myrtle.54 inch Habit Cloths, Blue, Seal Brown and

Black, only $1.25 per yard.54 inch All Wool Screes, Navy and French Blue,

and Cream, onlv $1.00 per yard. Worth $1.25.MABLAND CHECKS. Colors. Blue, Plum,

Light aud Dark Brown Mixtures, Dark GrayMixtures, Browns and Tans.42 inch ; 75c.51 inch $1.0054 INCH GILBERT'S PLAIDS, in handsome

Combination Effects. Reduced from $1.00 to75 cents.

GILBERT'S G-4 CLOTHS.Colors.Myrtle,Quaker drab, saphir, cadet blue,

light and dark grays and drabs and black, 54-inch. reduced from $1 to 75c. por yard. Themost 'doth for the money ever offered.AM wool 52-inch SUITING CLOTH, in blue,

black aud brown, onlv 05c. per vard.54 IVCII HOME-SPUN SUITINGS.

For Mountain, Seashore and 'Rough and Ready"Drcs'-v Suiting*, nothing equals these uoods Infact, f»r the uhovti mention'rt purposes they Htanrialone. A rough 1-jiglish Diagonal Cli.tli, fine, y«-frough, heavy, 7 < 1 en 1 (' ..¦s Cream, navyblue, lijibl bnr-'. r, tan, ays, sapiitr, e c,only $1.37'i<(.\: iiv worth $1 50 p.-r yasd.\v"t/' idwa rd .v 1.1 rrn


921 Pa. Ave. 012 > St.

Special fjALEOF

MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND CORSETS.Wo desire to attract your attention to our well

conducted and carefully selected stock ofLADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR AND COR¬

SETS,which will be found in point ot variety, style andqualify second to none.

UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT.THREE ' TWENTY-FIVE CENT" BARGAINS.Best obtainable for the money.50 dozen Muslin Chemise, three clusters of threo

fine tucks down the front.ONLY 25c. EACH.

50 dozen Corset Covers, made from "Fruit ofthe Loom" Muslin, neck trimmed with Lace,finished with 1 'earl Buttons.

ONLY 25c. EACH50 dozen Misses Striped Seeiemkcr Skirts

worth 37^ cents each.ONLY 25r. EACH.

Our "One Dollar" Lsi'lio*' Muslin WalkingSkirts is a better skirt in every particular thanany skirt heretofore sold by us. and is as good as

is usually sold at $1.25.CORSET DKPARTM ENT.

50 dozen "Our Own" Corsets, in w!>ito. and drabjean, side steels, 5 clasps, nicely embroidered.Much better than is usually sold at this price,viz:



*)2I Pa. avT WASHINGTON. D. C. 012 D st.


Colonial Beach Excursions.STEAMER ARROWSM ITll

Will Leave King Street Wharf EvoryTUESDAYS. WEDNESDAYS, THURSDAYS aud

SUNDAYS, at 9 a. m.

Fare 50c.: Children, 25c. je22-lm

LOWER CEDAR POINT!The Safe, Swift and Magnificent Steamer

ARMENIA,Will leave her wharf foot of 7th street, Washing¬ton, D. C., Daily except Saturdays, at 0 a. m. forthis Popular Resort, commencing SUNDAY, June21, and stops at Alexandria 011 Mondays. Wednes¬days and Fridays only, landing at Hooe's Wharf.Fare 50c. the round trip. Children 25c. Forfurther information and charters to societies and

corporations apply to G. L. SHERIFF,jel3-3m Str. Mattano's Whf., Wash'n.: D. C.


Grand Family Excursions to the Long Branchof tho Potomac.

The Steamer George Lawwill loavo Hooo's wharf evory SATURDAY dur¬ing the season at 9:15 a. m., returning at 9 p. m.

Tickets 50 cents, to be had at tho Boat. Prof.Schrocdor will furnish tho music. Meals at thoPoint 50 eta. each. je4-3m

St. Clair Hotel,MARTINSBURG, W. VA.

Tho largest Hotel in the city, and is rccognizedas one of the best in the State. Liberal arrange¬ments will bo made with Commercial Travelersand Summer Boarders.my18-1m P. E. DORSEY, Prop'r.


Will be open for tho reception of visitors fromJUNE 1st to DECEMBER 1st. Greatest varietyof medicinal waters of any Summer Resort in

tho United Statos. Table unexcelled. Bed-roomslargo and airy. Hot, cold, shower aud plungebaths. Fnll Brass and String Band dur¬

ing the season. First-class livery at low rates.

Magnificent roads. Beautifnl scenery. Goodfishing and game in immediate vicinity. Dis-

cription pamphlets containing full informationcan bo obtained free at A. A. WARFIELD'S, JNO.D. H. LUNT'S and SAMUEL LUNT'S DrugStores. my8-3m

A'LAiiASTINE.A natural material and thoonly durable finish for walls and ceilings;

pure white and a variety of beautiful tints.

Sample card of tints and priccs mailed to any ad-dress upon application. For salo by

A. A. WARFIELD,(Successor to Janney & Co.,)

ap7 152 King street^

POULTERERS' FRIEND or CHICKEN POW-d*r. a certain cure 1 if used in time) of Gapes

and other diseases in Chickens, Turkeys, &c., in

; packages at 25 ceutscach.| jeS E. S. LEADBEATER & BRO.

VERA CUBA ! VERA CURA!.A sure cure for Dyspepsia and Indigestion in

j all its forms. 25 cents a box. For sale by1 h i- W.'F. CREIGHTON & CO.

ap'*J8anfl King street.

BLACK.HARNESS SOAP, Harness Oil of sev¬

eral kinds, Kerosene Oil, Pratt's Astral Oil,Windoy, Glass, Artists' Paints, Canvas and Acad¬emy Board, &c., just received.ap24 ...


< 'HLORITE FOE CHAPPED HANDS, LIPS\ j and face. Price 25c. per bottle. For sale byA-bia J. D. H. LUNT, Druggist_

GREAT REDUCTION IN SHIRT AND VESTgoods, worth 50 cents, at 38 cts., at




Wo arc now building au extension o! 3.»xll7 feet to our already magnificent establishment,which when finished will give us .


OCR ENTIRE BUILDING AS 15RI01IT AS TJI FINEST DAY IN Sl'NLIGHTWe have couio to the conclusion thai we haw morn goods and Ie?s money than we want to carry

ont now enterprise of running onr building through to 8th street. We shall open this new additionwith new goods only. Wc shall commence to run o-f our present without regard to eost. Onr as¬

sortment is exceptionably large for this season nf tbe year.300 pieces COLORED LACE BUNTING, yard wid-. ;>t

These goods arc a great bargain at 40c per yard, but ;hey i;i;ist !. ¦ elo-sod to make room for othergoods.

500 pieces FAST-COLOR LAWNS at per yard.300 pieces YARD-WIDE LAWN, the most sel.vt patterns. 7.;, actual value 10<- per yard.SUPERIOR QUALITY DRESS GINGII.\?dS at per yar.l, Inllv wntli EJUy

WHITE GOODS.We have now the largest stock of WHI TE GOODS in tin- city. and >-k b>ttom prices.YARD.WIDE INDIA LINEN ar f. and 8e per yaril.40 inch INDIA LINEN at 1'JV i'« r

Just received a lot of DOTTED and FP ICREI) SWlS-. which we will sell I. I 't.DIMITY LAWN and PIQIJE at i 'h,r.40-inch BATISTE, in all the . vonies slia'b- a* i pi r

HQSJ lvfciY,Wo have just succeeded iu | iim l.a-i:;..- V-M* * ! : ....'ri >r inado How inSeal

Brown, Navy Blue and Slate, to sell :-.t

Ladies' Fiue (iangc Tin Stripr Hose at .; vaiut .*>«..

Ladioo' Lisle Hone in Fancy Strip s and sioiid ' < in: .::

GL()YES.BLACK SILK GLOVES at 34i\ woril. | r:c«.

LADIES' SILK MITTS in all colois a! V e ha v.- ;. : .« of

JjAD IES 1) Ii i a i 1 «SA * K sMade of India Linen, with Embroidered Ilullle and ii;c I , ; .1 for $1 *.0 w« will

close them at fl$c.

LADIES* NIGHT DHKsHKS.Mades of the finest cotton, with yoke of a'' «»v«v '.::»hr. v. 'I »'. '. R11 lll«» Ncck and

Sloevea. Forinor price * !."»!>, now !»s.-


,*SEf-STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING i'N'i i. s <' i . ViC.

11U1 lli iiuUlUU U.IIU U Ullll'Jluuli u jl. uimuiiiuc, uuuuuj



J. B. CHAPMAN,92 King st., Alexandria,M itoor to Kaiil'inaiiii's.


Marine Railway,SMpMfliiKoal Co.n (Successors to John 1'. Agnew k Co.i WHOLESALE &. RETAIL DEALERS IN

1 Coal andWood. It,. George's Creek, Cumberland, Coal,


2 Hun of the Mine and Lump. 5

S WEST V I li G I N I A S 1* L I N T =

(The Finest Grate Coal), .


- All sizes and best qualities. 2

1 Wood. I. Hickory. Oak and Pine, in the sti»-k or Fa;v-

< ed and split.Ail orders left at the drugstore of W. F. (,'roi^h-

ton or telephoned to our offico will receive promptattention.

Finest shipping facilities by rail and water.

Oflice and yard and wharves corner Franklinand Union Btreets. my30/ 10AL!

\j COAL!Wo invite tho attention of dealers and con¬

sumers to our largo stock of CAREFULLY -'RE-

PARED COAL of tho following varieties .



WHITE ASH (free burning and hard i of r.loai::-

or, broken, egg, stove and and uut sizes.Also GEORGE'S CREEK, CUMBERLAND ni l

KANAWHA SPLINT, from West Va.Making Coal a specialty we aim to kcc]< only

the HIGHEST GHADES, and havinn t wo largeStorage Yards, each variety is kept separate, andis especially prepared for family use.

Yards floored, and all Coal sent out WELLSCREEND AND FREE FROM IMPURITIES.

Dealers, families, public institutions and man¬

ufactories supplied at lowest market rates.pertoil of 2'24(> lbs. J. R. ZIMMERMAN,

(Successor to T. .1. MehafTey fi (V>.)

my7 Wharf and Yards foot of Queen st


sale by B. W. NALLS,myii3 Corner King and Washington sis.


J. Heineken's Virgioia Clarets, always superiorto imported. Sold bymyi*7_ GEO. McBURNEY £ SON

FLAX TWINES of assorted numbers, CottonTwine, Wool Twine and Rope for wells and

other purposes. For sale at h8 King, corner of

Royal [my'27[ J. T. CRE1GHTON_a: SON.

BALBRIGGAN SHIRTS, LONjJ AM) SHO-lTSleeves, fine qnalitv, onlv 4~h:., at


C1IIAMPAGNE CIDER 30c. per gallon at

) my27 McBLRNEY'S.


WARM WEATHER.ji'ijw lii >!.>(.!{ and ready for sale: Men's, Ladies',

Hoys' ami -mall Children's Slimmer Underwear,^In.\vn in Kgyplian Yarns, 'lauze, Balhriggan,i los-sunfr, Lisle Tlire:wi and Light-weight Meri-Hit Prices, 1 to

hnni'Mi r «'«»rsots.We have met with decidedsuccess in otll-iinc this popular article of wear forhidi»\i. ThisCuiset is made aide elastic over thehip* and shaped in exact imitation of a celebratedJ*r< licit Cored. 2'mcc, r>Oc.Men and liny-" i antaloon Drawers, cut to suit

the style <¦! jt-; now worn. Price. 50c.rummer Hosiery- To meet the increasing do-

ri:a:ei :«-r ii^'ht, weight Hosiery fur warm weathor,we h:t*.-» aid in an unusually large assortment iniJ.iilirigfan. plain e >!orx an ! fancy stripes. Prices,JO.- to >J ."»«).

Blue. Grey and Cieani>iaced Shirts. ShoulderMiawls, Sill: -tr-d l.isle Thread Gloves, Bustles,N<.<.!:w»-:ir, Coliarsaml ( ulls, ic.

.Mi'i,'-. :nd 1Joys' Lfundried and UnlaundriedShuts We me a^<nt for the Eighruic Patentlissom h:i:> Quaker < ity shirt Co. They are un-

<ine-tioiia;<ly the. host fitting Shirts made,el 1 ' M. ADAMS, Xing st.


& CMldrei'sInni'ff. Goofls.DRV GOODS AND NOTIONS.

Wholesale and Retail,NO . 105 KIN« STREET.


M GOODS, NOTIONS, &e.HOSIERY, GLOVES, ilandkorchiefs, Collars,

and f'iiC-. in great variety..>!!.* .>. id CHILDREN'S MERINO VESTS

and i'A'.T.S, aii 3izcs and qualities.':; t»I: VlisVOIiSTEDS, Germantown Wools and

Knitting Yarns. Is all shades and colors..,oi>29 C. C. BERRY, 72 King at.

U. >!!FD. -We have a large supply of/ i/iudreth':- Mixed Lawn Grass Seel which

we enrec > wend.,51,24 r. LKADBEATER it HRO.

| FALIAN AND FRE .'< !: OLIVE OIL, Dur-I kee'j Salad Drcsoiug. Queeno Olives, Non¬par ' apr- s and genuine trench Mustard.:

yl4 <; FX». McBURNEY & SON._i P>i IS TUF < IfEAPEST..Use Pio-

j[ ... ,<:¦. ] \- >l Paint, put in pound, quart,Ii '!.' u;i iyli -allot, cans. B. W. NALLS,

! Ring & Washington Bte.

j EN i <ALtZESHIRTS for a shilling apiece,jell At AMOS B. SLAYMAKEK'S.
