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Alexandria Gazette.(Alexandria, VA) 1888-11-10. · Lbauyamihomily 7 a. in.-iik prayer Hint sermon...

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RDAY EVENING, NOVEM BL'R 10 LOCAL MATTERS tion ruuc'i ..(>;.\>t weather, fair dur- , lay night, aud Sunday, westerly winds I'jU'ItCH Services, etc., To morrow.. h. -Services »lil a. m. aod 4 80 D, h* ^<-\. Siiter \* 'i CAurcA..Servicesat 11 a. m. m. l<v Rev. Dr. Norton. Lbauy ami homily 7 a. in.- iik prayer Hint sermon il a. in.: in- u Bervice -1 10 p. iu ; evening prayei I. in ii 30 p. m. './ !/'». Church. High Maas and «er- \ K-v Father Keating ; Vespers ut Sermon by Father Clark, id H eibi fct »>; Monday, service at 7;30 p. m, t.y Fnthrr Ed. A. McGurk, of Wash- rui-ilay, nervio* at 7:30 p. m., ser- I- »tu»' E a Connolly, of Wasb- v ian Church. Services ut 11 t qj in It v J M. Nourae. I Presbyterian Church. Services at I and 7:30 |>. ax. by Rev. J*iues 1. J ^diice ; ch. rvices at 11 r. m. ami tu by Rev. 1 M. Mercer. Maes f the eburcb at close ol morning service l >c usider important matters. Hap. llsni si night. Meth; Epis. Church. S -rvices at II a .I 7:i»0 p m by Rev. R F. Bishop i.'.- h'pis. Church South..Services a' II in and .".<? p in. by Rev. W. J. Youutt. Uoiuii -'ii jeci: "Brotherly Love;" even- -e "What is Al»*nt by the New Birth' j Pr<>t. Church. Services at 11a. m. aod 7:Ö«t p m by Rev. la. R Dyott. More log tubj-ci " The Campaign;" evening "Oi-lcul Periods in the Lifo of a .-"inner.'' «Kl Lutheran Church..Service at in German and 7:30 p. m. in Eng¬ lish by Rev. J A Schwoy. j Men's Christian Association.- Alms i p. tu. Prayer meeting at the .1 depot at 3:30 p. in. ami at the ruou!.- at 4:30 p. m. n tsTAKCB Telephones .The prao ity of the long distance telephone for conveying news with great rapidity wus satisfactorily demonstrated in New the night after Tuesday's election. Ritates were sont in from Albany, Hart Boston, Buffalo and other places to irl Irl tug distance U lepbone wires extend, ten to ill een minutes' lesstime than returns were sent over the wires of egraph company. The system is being extended to Detroit, Chicago, IVasbti g on aud other leading cities of the country. The increase in the demand tor long-distance telephone service ¦>. > great. Between New York and b 9ton there are now forty wires in constant use It is uot unreasonable to suppose that utire country will ere long brj covered t a nel work of long distance telephone « mi.il distance thus be practically an¬ nihilated so far as the transmission of cors- munications is concerned. One of the loug dlitance instruments has recently been (1 in the telephone exchange in tbn cit) and the service to Baltimore made much more satisfactory by its use. rj STOCK .Mr. Henry Fairfax,of Oak Hi !. Loudoun county, who returned from England about two weeks ago, yesterday received the tioe English thorough bred H rckney Blallloo Matchless, a Hackney mare and her colt, and two Welsh ponies, purchased by bim while abroad for bis stock farm in Loudoun. Matchless weighs about 1,250 pounds, took the first priz-*, a si ver medal and 2 400 francs, at last spring's »x- hibition at Biussels, returned to England, and leu dats after, took the first prizs awarded by ibe Royal Agricultural Society of England. The mare and colt are beau¬ ties._ The November Meteors.The earth ges through this gigantic meteor z >ne Ith, and stray meteors caught in the contact with the earth's atmosphere will be visible on the nights of the 12th b and 14th. There will probably he only au ordinary display, b>nt it is well to bo on watch, for no one can tell what may happen. The November meteor zone is made up of a collodion of meteors, following in the track of Teropel's comet. Trf perihe lion rests on the earth's orhir, nnd its aphe¬ lion is beyond the orbit of Uranus. PARALYZED..While Mr. John Perry was superintending the loading of a wagou of her at his planing mill this morning shout in o'clock be whs stricken with pa- aod fell to the pavement. He was oediately taken to his office near by and thence oonveyed in a carriage to his f.nme. on l'rinc« street, where he was at- ended t>v I»r Gibson, and is now in a pre- ius condition. His eutire lef: side is paralyzed and he Is unable to speak. His many ftiends in this city will be sorry to 'faro of bis serious illness. Police Report. Last night was cloudy and mild with three prisoners and one lodg¬ er at the statioti bouse. The ilavor fltis morning disposed of the following cases : . Wm. S Spriggs.colored, arrested by officer l'.-enner lor an as-ault on Henry Johnson, was fined |Ti '-in Eieeman and Joseph Cburchwell, , I. arrested by odicers Grady and Tay¬ lor i ir disorderly conduct, were fined fl each. Making it Hot..Henry Johnsou. color¬ ed w .ts assaulted last night by Wm.SpriggS, also colored, because he had voted ihe dem ocratic ticket on Tuesday. Johnsou is a Hard working man and ft well knowu well- gger, who has voted with the democrats for some time past. The weapon used by ."Vriggs whs a long roe pick. This is not the first nine Johnson has been assaulted be- causa he did not "vote with his coior.'' Tc- lay Spriggs was fined $5. 'si AGROUND .The steamer Excelsior, iota left hero on Thursday night last for .if.Ik. ran aground that night on Dade's vhoals, near Upper Cedar Point, where she Mill remains. The steamer Wakelield and a tug on their way up the river yesterday went to the assistance of the Excelsior but were unable to pull her otT. The Wakefield brought her passenger-? back to this city yesterday evening. A House Flooded..A night or two since a thief entered the unoccupied bouse on the east side of R->val street, between Cameron and Queen, lately occupied by Mr. Charles King, tore ou- ail the lead pipes which they carried od", und left the water running which completely d .oded thehousp, causing ooneideratve damage. This piece of vandalism was nol discovered fill this morning. I CfjffjON Prat.-:r Meetings, preparatory to the evangelistic set v c s of Rav. C. H. Vatman, w:'l heid next wetk ut the vari¬ ous churches tii lb followii.ii miter: Moo- day, M. P. ( \-QrCb Tuerdny, Baptist Church; Wedn63d»y, beC>nd i'usbyterian Church; Thursday. T»ioi«y Motbodist Church. Tjme of service 7:30 p. ru. j i k Eighth District..The following nie the majinliea in the E ghtii district fork u-rresriuan, as nearly as can be ascer¬ tains up to in day LKE Ai.XhW Prince William 57«!King George. 17!» *aufkl . 1U* Alexandria . 31G Fanqnif, . 8S5 to a ha. 531 *"Ipeper. 2.37 Orange 25 Lmidoun.t. 650 Stafford. 284 133s Leo's majority.... 1181 James Pearson, living niar Brentsville, Prince William oouniy, committed suicide Thursday by shootiug bimfelf through the '.tad. The Manage Gazette sbj-h : air. Learnon lm>, had a great deal ot tiouhle for i»h< Ut a year past. Hn took h\» little hoy into the woods aud lher« rbot himself. His son jku lor assistance and Mr. IVaisoo was taktn bcm?, where he lived but a short time. t Hii Oil Oas .far the uow oil gas do-* not give satiofacfiou and many of the coueuoiers are complaining of us bod quali¬ ty. Toe tl^rne is not brilliant, thore Is a bad odor about it and it smokes 8tiU, it Is something new and Lur an experiment in this cm and it id ho[)ed that those having the. new «orks in charge will correct all the evils in tin manufacture mentioned above. AIiiAiOBiAL Tablet..Mr Jas. M. Mooro. r»l Orange (' H , wbo has the contract for filling the "Fat Nancy" trestle on the Vir giuia Mid and railroad where the recent torrib e accident occurred, has had placed vor ibe keystone of the culvert a tablet Iteming ib«> loilow iug inscription "lu mem- ory of Cornelius Cox, C. E. Botn Oat. 7th, IS46 Died July 12, l^SS." DkfkaTKD J. T. Johnstou. republican member of Congress from the Eighth Indiana district, who a few years ein;:e came to this oity,i>> invitation, to deliver au address ou Decoratiuu I>.»y, and wbo availed himsblf of (he opportunity thus afforded him to iu.iult the people of this city and the South, was (in Tuesday last defeated by Mr. Elijah V. Brocksbire, democrat. STATU Taxis .City Treasurer Harlow, as will be seen by a notice elsewhere, will on aud after Monday next be prepared to receive the State taxes for the year. Those who pay before the 6rst of December next will save the tbe 5 per cent, penalty. LOCAL BREVITIES. Postmaster Edmund R. Johnson, at Mar shal Hail, aid , has resigned, to lake effect at once. The stockholders of the Columbia Brick Company, which recently went into the bauds ol u receiver, hope soon to make ar raugemenls to liquidate their indebtedness and to resume operations at an early day. The lust will of Horace S. Johnson, late of this county, was tiled for probate in Washington yesterday. He gives hie eetate to his eider eons as trUBtees to hold for the benefit of their mother and family until tbe voungeet child reaches the ago ot 21; then tbe wife «ball receive one third Hnd tbe residue be apportioned equally among the children. Among those who received thodegree of Doctor of Diviuity at Princeton on Thursday last was Rev. Win. A. MHcAteo, a former pastor of the First Presbyterian Chnrch of this city. There was a fa'sr alarm of fire ou south Fairfax streot ah.mt noou to-day. which brought out the entiie tire departaii nt and attracted a largecrowd of people tu tiiar neighborhood. After three days of cloudy, rainy weather the sun Cttne out about noon to-day. Tne tempera¬ ture, op to .3 o'clock, was mild and springlike, I/O' colder weather is predicted. Mr J. L. Grigg, accompanied by his wife, of Cape May C il, N. J., is visiuug his parents, at 31S Duke street. i.n dies In delicate health, and nil who suffer from habitual oonstipation, will find the pleasant California liq iid fruit remedy, Syr up of Figs, more easily tuker. and more beneficial in ef¬ fect than any other remedv. It acts prompt¬ ly yet gently on the Bowels, Kidneys, Liver, and stomach, and does not sicken or .tebilitate. For sale bv E. 8. Leadbeater & Bro. m Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.a pobtive cure for Caterrb, Diphtheria and Canker- Mouth. Sold by E. S. Leadbeater & Bro. Try, Try Again. After trying ruany advertised remedies for ca¬ tarrh during the past, twelve yoars, I tried Ely's ('ream Balm, and with coinpleto success. It is over one year siuco I slopped using it and bavo had no return of the catarrh. I recommend it to all my friends in this viciuity..(Milton T. Palm, Bonding, I'a. My daughtor and myself, great sufferers from catarrh, were cured by Ely's Cream Balm. My sense of smell is rest mil.- [0. M. Stanloy, Shoe Dealer, Ithaca, N. Y. Slef.pi.ep8 Nights, made miserable by that (edible, cough. Shiloh'e Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by E S. Leadbeater & Bro. j^TOTICE TO STATE TAX PAYEES. City Treasurer's Office, Boom No. 2, City Hall, I Alexandria, Va Nov. 10th. 1888. j Ou aud after Monday, Nov. 12th, 188S, I will bo prepared to receive the State taxes for the year 18s8. All persons paying their tax bofore De¬ cember 1st will save 5 per cent., ss the penalty of ."> per cent, will bo added to all unpaid bills on December 1st, ami their collection enforced ac¬ cording to law. M. B. HARLOW, novlO-tdecl City Treasurer. POE SALE. The stock, iixlures and goodwill of theTC- BACCO and CIGAR STORE No. 32.3 King street. ,mvl«» Iw JOHN A. FIELD, Aeont. MISSOURI HAMS.If vou have not boughtone don't fail to go MCBURNEYS STORE and get one. They are simply grand. apl 1 ELEGANT HEAVY CANTON FLANNEL DRAWERS at 0(-t30 AMQ3 B SLA YMAKER'S. CHOICE TOMATOES LOW.Large cans Toma¬ toes of tiue nualitv for sale at lOc each by mhH J. C. MIL BURN. AFEW KITS ROE HERRING for sale at one dollar per kit by ortii J. C. MILBURN. GREAT REDUCTION IN ALL-WOOL JER¬ SEYS at UOvl A MOS B. SLAYMAV.ER'S. ANEW ASSORTMENT OF BUGS and MATS last received. nets_oF.o. McBurney a s»n. PHILLIPS'S DIGESTIBLE COCOA just re¬ ceived by jv20 J ('. MILBURN. CU1F.AP CAKES- -Little Butter Cups. Pearl J Lemons, Cornhill and Ging-r Snaps 10c per lb at_fmy29J_J. C. MILBUBN'S. FRESH ITALIAN MACABONI, Breakfast Horn- iny aud Now York Beans just received. oct20 geo. McBurney a son. C_ HOICK BUTTER and FRESH EGGS constant¬ ly received and for sale by jftn20 J. C. MILBÜBN. SLICED-BAHAMA PINEAPPLE, canned, in heavy syrup, just received by nnvlS_J. C. MILBÜBN. L~TJMBEBMAN'S HEAVY. SHRUNKEN, ALL- WOOL GLOVES and.MITS at ri0Vl AMO* B. SLAYMAKER'S. OB BHEUMAT1SM and NEUBALGlA try the GERMAN BHEUMATiC REMEDV made by JOHN D. H. LUNT. Prce 50c per bottle. [mh22 NEW FAT MACKEKEL, Nos. 1 and 2, received to day by [seplOJ J. C. MILBURN. MEDICINAL. BDr. BULL'S ÄBYSYRUP Dr. BULL'S facilitates Tettliing v*o lates the Bowels. At all druggists. PrlceSScta, DE|| I 'Q Cures Coughs, Colds, DULL Coarseness, Asthma, Bronchitis, fl All AM Croup.Inci- pient Con-|^|jyu||| sumption, and relieves Consump¬ tive Persons. 25 cents. VA*7)*T LAliÖi S CUBEB ClUAHilKS fur Ca- OmUnC tanh. Price 10 Cts. ,4t all Jtugjlsxs. elixir BABEK, A SAFE AND POSITIVE CUBE FOR MALARIA,FEVER AND AGUE. AI00 as h Tonie for strengthening and invigorat¬ ing t!ie system. A vegetable compound eontaius no quinine. For sale by nil diu^gisCs. .r»'» cents * bottle; three bottles for $1.25. E. S. LEADBEATER »V URO., Wholesale Depot, Alexandria, Va, sep'2I if LOST AND FOUND! IOST A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT, No. J 368, dated March 2d, 1997. for the sum öf fourteen hundred dollars ($1,400), i-.sued by Barke & Herbert to Lucy C. Stuart, and payablo to the order of herself, which certificate has been mislaid, lost, stolen or destroyed and payment has been stoppod hii 1 application made for a new certificate. Ail persons are requested to show cause why a new certificate should not bo issued in lieu of said certificate. oct20 1 m LUCY C. STUART. AUCTION SALES. BY VIRTUE of a deed oi trust executed by Ileury Callan to John T. Nails and others, trusties of the Old Donimion Co operative Build¬ ing Association of Alexandria, Va, ditod July '2'2.1, 1896, and recorded in deed hook No. 17, fo¬ lio 291, of tho land records of Alexandria city, Va the undorsigned, trustees of slid a.viociation, t>y direction of the Board of Dircc ors of the said assoc atton, will offer for sulu at public auction, for cftih, in front of the Royal street entrance to the Market Building, at twelve o'clock hi. on THÜBSOAY, the 15th of November, 1898,all that BRICK TENEMENT and LOT OF GROUND on too south side of King street, beginning 49 feet f> inches east of Henry strcot, and running thence south parallel to Henry si rcct 100 l'oettoa 10-feet alley: thence cast and parallel to King street -1 feet; thonco north and parallel to Henry street 100 feet to King street; theico west cu King street 24 feet to tbe beginning .tho said lot of ground being subject to a rent charge of $24 per HiiMiin. THUS. LEADBEATER,) R. H LYLES. * Trustees. JONAS FISHER, I oct30 is FOR SALE AND KENT. PGR RENT AI Wtttorford, Loudoon county, \a. « Ihtl'o. NEW STORE and DWELLING, one of the best stands i:i tho State for a general store Apply to Dr. GEO. E. CON NELL, at W'a- terford, or "to tbe owner. \V. B. R0OSE, 1233 Penna. avo Washingto' I). P. novf) lw IjVrK KENT.The LARUE STOREHOUSE No. r 315 Cameron streut, lately occupied by Chas. King & Son. Apply to oci27 co2w_JXO. J. JA MI ESPN. !.K)K SALE OR ItE T, or will exchange for 1 country property, tbe HOUiE AND LOT on tbe northwest corner of Royal and Wilkcs stroets, also FOR RENT.-Tlio HOUSE No 520 south St. Asaph street Apply'o J. CLINTON SMOOT, or octlO-tf_C. C SMOOT ft SONS. IX>R SALE ok BENT.The three-story BRICK ' DWELLING on tbe east side of Fairfax st., between Camer n and Queen. Possession given immediately. A pp!y to octl tf I. M. KELL. COR RENT. THIETx ACRES OF LAND, lying immediately in front of the Theological Seminary, adjoining the fa m of '.Vni Clesveland. Apply at this offiro. sepl5 tf ITIOR RENT -A DESIRABLE THREE-STORY i1 BRICK STORE on the south side of King street, berwi en»Royal and Pitt, lately occupied by Mrs. E. C. Bradley. Porsession will be given Sept. 1. Apply to PAUL PULMAN, augll tf No. 728 south Washington st. FOR SALE. J710B sale. .200,000 MERCHANTABLE BRICK at Arlington Brick Works, near canal lock. GEO. UHLER. gppO Receiver. GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES, $3.75. We make a specialty of Optical Goods. Good Spectacles and Eye GI»s=t>s at '25c. nov3 R. C ACTON, 606 Ringst. N 0t1ce. I have this day sold thediugsloro at the orner of King and Fairfax streets to MESSRS. BEOADUS & SMITH. Thanking the public for their pr.st patronage. I earnestly wish for a continuance of tho same to my successors. SAM I EL H. LUNT. November 5th. 1888. N. B..Those indebted to me will please make payment of their accounts to the now firm. uotO tf SAM I* EL H. LUNT. PHOTOGRAPHY. I>. II. XARA9IOKE, ALEXANDRIA'S PHOTOGRAPHER, Is giving the l'.EXT BARGAINS IN FIXE PORTRAITS of auy photographor iu this section of tho coun¬ try. FIRST-CLASS CABINETS $3 per dozen, and 1 down CABINETS and a 16x20 PERMANENT CRAYON PORTRAIT for 56. This offer is for a short time only. OLD PICTURES COPIED AND ENLARGED to any s:/.e required. VIEWS OF RESIDENCES and ODT-DOOR GROUPS made at short nctico. STUDIO321 KINO STREET, oct30 If Alexandiia. Virginia. s. s. TOOTH POWDER. Whitens the Teeth. Hardens tho Gums, Sweetens tho Breath, Removes Tarter, Preserves the Emanel, Neutralizes Acidity. Price 25 cents. » WARFiELD & HALL, Corner Prince and Fairfax streets By mail oa receipt of price._nov3 LADIES' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S I'NDER- WEAKat CHAPMAN'S, Agent, novT 424 King street. CANTON PRESERVED GINGER ifresh stock), 3-lb and 5-lb pots. oct23 geo McBurney & son. LADIES' SCABLET VESTS and PANTS, very fine qua'iiy, medicated, at $1 at oct23_AMOS B. s L AYMAK ER's. DRY CATAWBA WINE, pint and quart bottles ane22__ GEO. McBURNEY a SON. CHEAP HAMS.I offer fine canvassed Hams at 13c. [oct8] J. C. MILBDBN. RESTAURANTS. rpHE EXCHANGE AND BALLAKD. Bcy^I stnot, botwoen King and Canierou. SÄLT WÄTER OYSTERS Received dsi'y and served in the b -t stjles. Our arrangements for STEAMING OYHTEBä uro now perfect m it QY8TERS! üYäTEBä! RO TO PATTERSON A CO.'S, Tor Salt Water Oysters, 116 North Faiifai St., Alexandria Va. CHICE LIST. Fiiod per di^on. .Güc f iiod «in box) per doz .11.50c si er stew.25c Oyster aopp.15c Oys'ers served in every style. Choice Wiues. Liquors »nd Cigars at the Bdr. octlT PATTERSON & CO., Proprietor. FANCY GROCERIES. Buckwheat, Beans. Split Peas. Dried Corn, Oatmeal. Rolled Oats. Shredded Oats. Crushed Wheat. Pearl Barley. Hominy. Grits. Carolina Rice. Cucumber Pickles. Dried Peaches. Dried Apples. Table Raisins. Cooking do. Citron. G. WM. RAMSAY. New Packing. 200 CASES Kd TOMATOES. 100 2d CORN. iO .. :t«l PEACHES. PACKED ON TBE FARMS WHERE GROWN. Just received by Gr. WM. RAMSAY. SUNDRIES. Pineapple Cheese. Edam do. Saiisago do. Ilucliins' Soups. Liquid Kennet. C. WM. RAMSAY. FINE FRUIT. FANCY MALAGA GRAPES. CAPE COD CRANBERRIES. Jiibt received by G. WM. RAMSAY. NewCantonGinger Whole, half and quarter pots, Jest received by On WM. RAMSAY. AFINE ASSORTMENT of SOLID STERLING SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WABE at very low ligurea. nov3 _R. C. ACTON. GOG King st. JVTOTICE. Having met with many requests from custom¬ ers of my ce ebrated LY FINE CIGARS to change the shape to a newer style, I have de¬ cided to alter the shape to the latest out after No¬ vember 1st, which I hope will meet the approval of my customers generally. The high standard of quality will be retained. Thanking the public generally for past favors, I respectfully solicit a continnanco of the same. HUGO HEBFÜRTH. nct31 2w Manufacturer of Cigars, 501» King at. DIAMONDS An Absolutely I'erj'errStone, weigh- in? 1 karats ; price $115 ; a rare bargain. uov3 R. C ACTON. COGKing st. We Want Yeutc Read This! Wo are showing a lino of FURNITUBE com¬ plete in overy detail. BED ROOM SUITS in Antique Oak, Cherry, Ash, Walnut, &c. PABLOK SUITS in Silk Plnsh, Mohair Plush, Wool Plush and Hair Cloth. SIDEBOARDS in Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Ac. Fancy Tables in all styles A full line of CARPETS, BUGS, OIL CLOTHS, &c, &c. FANCY VASES and UBN8 of modern and an¬ cient design. BLANKETS, C0MF0RT3 and BEDDING of all descriptions on hand and made to order. HI. Rl BEX A SONN*' Cash and Instalment House, oc.tlS 2m _601 King street. ACOMPLETE LINE of all tho newest lines of LADIES' BONNET AND JERSEY PINS; AUo GENTS' SCABF PINS. nov3_B. C. ACTON, 606 King st. gQUABE, OCTAGON and FLAT CAST 8TEEL will be »old at 88 King street, corner of Boy- al, at a greatly reduced price Quality warran ed. foct281 J. T. CRETGHTON A 80N. TEEEMOMETEBS of several kinds and sizes at very low prices; also Thermometers for dairy use, just received. angll_E. S. LEADBEATEB A BBO. FAMILY BOE HEBBING in kits, just the size package for family trade. oct26_GEO. McBUBNEY & SON. Duffy'S MALT and g. 0. taylor's WHIS¬ KIES, in cases, just received. oct9_ geo. McBurney & son. McBUBNEY has just received Malaga Grapes, Cape Cod Cranberries, New Layor Figs and Fresh Cocoannts. oct8 ISAAC ESCHBERG&CO.'SCLOAK DEPT. IM«;i.\\. in Stripes, Plaids and LiKEWJI 1 UliT,inStripe.*, PlMidnand Plain, from sr. up to £20. Plains, from $4 up to $20. NEW PURCHASES. Lively trade makes it necessary lo constantly replenish .stock, and this our buyer in a trip lo New York, from which he has just returned, did to a marked degree. Jt will be well worth your while to come and see the New and Attractive Dress Goods, Among them you will find the newest fabrics and the mo^t fashionable shades. We call attention particularly to the BROAD CLOTHS AT SI, which are extra good values. The Figured and Solid Red Damasks at 50c are bargains in the true cense of the word. The colors are perfectly fast, and they are of superior quality, We always have something spe¬ cial in Towels, but just now we have a particula»ly and especially good value in TOWELS, 23-46, AT 20c. These goods would be very reasonable at a much higher figure, la OUR CARPET DEPARTMENT many new and choice patterns of Ingrains, Tapestry and llody Brussels are (o be found; also Art Squares in beautiful designs und a large lot of BEST QUALITY SMYRNA RUGS at prices that speak for themselves. There are Rugs at $1, worth $1 25 ; do. at $2, worth $2 50; do. at $3 50, worth $ 1 50 ; do. at $5, worth $G GO j do. at $7 50, worth §10. Then we have COMFORTS IN ALL GRADES. Plain and Striped Eider Downs in various colors, and Neck Kuchings of innumerable kinds. Every little while the opening of some new department becomes ne¬ cessary. Our latest addition comprises TRIMMING FURS. The Lynx, Real Monkey (which is so popular at present), Coney, Rus¬ sian, Hair, Beaver and many other.i. TACKETT * MARSHALL, N O S . 4 3 I \\f 133 K I * tt ST It E E T .



tion ruuc'i ..(>;.\>t weather, fair dur-, lay night, aud Sunday, westerly winds

I'jU'ItCH Services, etc., To morrow..h. -Services »lil a. m. aod 4 80

D, h* ^<-\. Siiter\* 'i CAurcA..Servicesat 11 a. m.

m. l<v Rev. Dr. Norton.Lbauy ami homily 7 a. in.-

iik prayer Hint sermon il a. in.: in-u Bervice -1 10 p. iu ; evening prayei

I. in ii 30 p. m.'./ !/'». Church. High Maas and «er-

\ K-v Father Keating ; Vespers utSermon by Father Clark, id

H eibi fct »>; Monday, service at 7;30 p. m,t.y Fnthrr Ed. A. McGurk, of Wash-rui-ilay, nervio* at 7:30 p. m., ser-

I- »tu»' E a Connolly, of Wasb-

v ian Church. Services ut 11t qj in It v J M. Nourae.

I Presbyterian Church. Services at Iand 7:30 |>. ax. by Rev. J*iues 1. J

^diice ;ch. S« rvices at 11 r. m. ami

tu by Rev. 1 M. Mercer. Maesf the eburcb at close ol morning

service l >c usider important matters. Hap.llsni si night.

Meth; Epis. Church. S -rvices at II

a .I 7:i»0 p m by Rev. R F. Bishopi.'.- h'pis. Church South..Services a' IIin and .".<? p in. by Rev. W. J. Youutt.

Uoiuii -'ii jeci: "Brotherly Love;" even--e "What is Al»*nt by the New

Birth' jPr<>t. Church. Services at 11a. m.

aod 7:Ö«t p m by Rev. la. R Dyott. Morelog tubj-ci " The Campaign;" evening

"Oi-lcul Periods in the Lifo of a

.-"inner.''«Kl Lutheran Church..Service at

in German and 7:30 p. m. in Eng¬lish by Rev. J A Schwoy.

j Men's Christian Association.- Almsi p. tu. Prayer meeting at the

.1 depot at 3:30 p. in. ami at theruou!.- at 4:30 p. m.

n tsTAKCB Telephones .The praoity of the long distance telephone for

conveying news with great rapidity wus

satisfactorily demonstrated in Newthe night after Tuesday's election.

Ritates were sont in from Albany, HartBoston, Buffalo and other places to

irl Irl tug distance U lepbone wires extend,ten to ill een minutes' lesstime thanreturns were sent over the wires of

egraph company. The system isbeing extended to Detroit, Chicago,IVasbti g on aud other leading citiesof the country. The increase in thedemand tor long-distance telephone service

¦>. > great. Between New York andb 9ton there are now forty wires in constantuse It is uot unreasonable to suppose that

utire country will ere long brj coveredt a nel work of long distance telephone

« mi.il distance thus be practically an¬

nihilated so far as the transmission of cors-

munications is concerned. One of the lougdlitance instruments has recently been

(1 in the telephone exchange in tbncit) and the service to Baltimore made muchmore satisfactory by its use.

rj STOCK .Mr. Henry Fairfax,of OakHi !. Loudoun county, who returned from

England about two weeks ago, yesterdayreceived the tioe English thoroughbredH rckney Blallloo Matchless, a Hackneymare and her colt, and two Welsh ponies,purchased by bim while abroad for bis stockfarm in Loudoun. Matchless weighs about

1,250 pounds, took the first priz-*, a si ver

medal and 2 400 francs, at last spring's »x-

hibition at Biussels, returned to England,and leu dats after, took the first prizsawarded by ibe Royal Agricultural Societyof England. The mare and colt are beau¬ties._The November Meteors.The earth

ges through this gigantic meteor z >ne

Ith, and stray meteors caught inthe contact with the earth's atmospherewill be visible on the nights of the 12th

b and 14th. There will probably he onlyau ordinary display, b>nt it is well to bo on

watch, for no one can tell what mayhappen. The November meteor zone ismade up of a collodion of meteors, followingin the track of Teropel's comet. Trf perihelion rests on the earth's orhir, nnd its aphe¬lion is beyond the orbit of Uranus.

PARALYZED..While Mr. John Perry was

superintending the loading of a wagou ofher at his planing mill this morning

shout in o'clock be whs stricken with pa-aod fell to the pavement. He was

oediately taken to his office near by andthence oonveyed in a carriage to his

f.nme. on l'rinc« street, where he was at-

ended t>v I»r Gibson, and is now in a pre-ius condition. His eutire lef: side is

paralyzed and he Is unable to speak. Hismany ftiends in this city will be sorry to'faro of bis serious illness.

Police Report. Last night was cloudyand mild with three prisoners and one lodg¬er at the statioti bouse.The ilavor fltis morning disposed of the

following cases :

. Wm. S Spriggs.colored, arrested by officerl'.-enner lor an as-ault on Henry Johnson,was fined |Ti

'-in Eieeman and Joseph Cburchwell,, I. arrested by odicers Grady and Tay¬

lor i ir disorderly conduct, were fined fleach.

Making it Hot..Henry Johnsou. color¬ed w .ts assaulted last night by Wm.SpriggS,also colored, because he had voted ihe democratic ticket on Tuesday. Johnsou is a

Hard working man and ft well knowu well-gger, who has voted with the democrats

for some time past. The weapon used by."Vriggs whs a long roe pick. This is not the

first nine Johnson has been assaulted be-causa he did not "vote with his coior.'' Tc-

lay Spriggs was fined $5.

'si AGROUND .The steamer Excelsior,iota left hero on Thursday night last for.if.Ik. ran aground that night on Dade's

vhoals, near Upper Cedar Point, where sheMill remains. The steamer Wakelield anda tug on their way up the river yesterdaywent to the assistance of the Excelsior but

were unable to pull her otT. The Wakefieldbrought her passenger-? back to this cityyesterday evening.A House Flooded..A night or two

since a thief entered the unoccupied bouseon the east side of R->val street, betweenCameron and Queen, lately occupied byMr. Charles King, tore ou- ail the lead pipeswhich they carried od", und left the water

running which completely d .oded thehousp,causing ooneideratve damage. This pieceof vandalism was nol discovered fill this

morning. I

CfjffjON Prat.-:r Meetings, preparatoryto the evangelistic set v c s of Rav. C. H.

Vatman, w:'l b» heid next wetk ut the vari¬ous churches tii lb followii.ii miter: Moo-

day, M. P. ( \-QrCb Tuerdny, BaptistChurch; Wedn63d»y, beC>nd i'usbyterianChurch; Thursday. T»ioi«y MotbodistChurch. Tjme of service 7:30 p. ru.

j i k Eighth District..The followingnie the majinliea in the E ghtii districtfork u-rresriuan, as nearly as can be ascer¬tains up to in day

LKE Ai.XhWPrince William 57«!King George. 17!»*aufkl . 1U* Alexandria . 31GFanqnif, . 8S5 to aha. 531*"Ipeper. 2.37 Orange25Lmidoun.t. 650 Stafford. 284


Leo's majority.... 1181

James Pearson, living niar Brentsville,Prince William oouniy, committed suicideThursday by shootiug bimfelf through the'.tad. The Manage Gazette sbj-h : air.Learnon lm>, had a great deal ot tiouhle fori»h< Ut a year past. Hn took h\» little hoyinto the woods aud lher« rbot himself. Hisson jku lor assistance and Mr. IVaisoo wastaktn bcm?, where he lived but a short time.

t Hii Oil Oas .far the uow oil gasdo-* not give satiofacfiou and many of thecoueuoiers are complaining of us bod quali¬ty. Toe tl^rne is not brilliant, thore Is abad odor about it and it smokes 8tiU, it Issomething new and Lur an experiment inthis cm and it id ho[)ed that those havingthe. new «orks in charge will correct all theevils in tin manufacture mentioned above.

AIiiAiOBiAL Tablet..Mr Jas. M. Mooro.r»l Orange (' H , wbo has the contract forfilling the "Fat Nancy" trestle on the Virgiuia Mid and railroad where the recenttorrib e accident occurred, has had placedvor ibe keystone of the culvert a tablet

Iteming ib«> loilow iug inscription "lu mem-ory of Cornelius Cox, C. E. Botn Oat. 7th,IS46 Died July 12, l^SS."

DkfkaTKD J. T. Johnstou. republicanmember ofCongress from the Eighth Indianadistrict, who a few years ein;:e came to thisoity,i>> invitation, to deliver au address ouDecoratiuu I>.»y, and wbo availed himsblf of(he opportunity thus afforded him to iu.iultthe people of this city and the South, was

(in Tuesday last defeated by Mr. Elijah V.Brocksbire, democrat.

STATU Taxis .City Treasurer Harlow,as will be seen by a notice elsewhere, willon aud after Monday next be prepared toreceive the State taxes for the year. Thosewho pay before the 6rst of December nextwill save the tbe 5 per cent, penalty.

LOCAL BREVITIES.Postmaster Edmund R. Johnson, at Mar

shal Hail, aid , has resigned, to lake effectat once.

The stockholders of the Columbia BrickCompany, which recently went into thebauds ol u receiver, hope soon to make ar

raugemenls to liquidate their indebtednessand to resume operations at an early day.The lust will of Horace S. Johnson, late

of this county, was tiled for probate inWashington yesterday. He gives hie eetateto his eider eons as trUBtees to hold for thebenefit of their mother and family until tbevoungeet child reaches the ago ot 21;then tbe wife «ball receive one thirdHnd tbe residue be apportioned equallyamong the children.Among those who received thodegree of Doctor

of Diviuity at Princeton on Thursday last was

Rev. Win. A. MHcAteo, a former pastor of theFirst Presbyterian Chnrch of this city.There was a fa'sr alarm of fire ou south Fairfax

streot ah.mt noou to-day. which brought out theentiie tire departaii nt and attracted a largecrowdof people tu tiiar neighborhood.

After three days of cloudy, rainy weather thesun Cttne out about noon to-day. Tne tempera¬ture, op to .3 o'clock, was mild and springlike, I/O'colder weather is predicted.Mr J. L. Grigg, accompanied by his wife, of

Cape May C il, N. J., is visiuug his parents, at31S Duke street.

i.n dies

In delicate health, and nil who suffer fromhabitual oonstipation, will find the pleasantCalifornia liq iid fruit remedy, Syr up of Figs,more easily tuker. and more beneficial in ef¬fect than any other remedv. It acts prompt¬ly yet gently on the Bowels, Kidneys,Liver, and stomach, and does not sicken or

.tebilitate. For sale bv E. 8. Leadbeater &Bro.


Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.a pobtivecure for Caterrb, Diphtheria and Canker-Mouth. Sold by E. S. Leadbeater & Bro.

Try, Try Again.After trying ruany advertised remedies for ca¬

tarrh during the past, twelve yoars, I tried Ely's('ream Balm, and with coinpleto success. It isover one year siuco I slopped using it and bavohad no return of the catarrh. I recommend it to

all my friends in this viciuity..(Milton T. Palm,Bonding, I'a.My daughtor and myself, great sufferers from

catarrh, were cured by Ely's Cream Balm. Mysense of smell is rest mil.- [0. M. Stanloy, ShoeDealer, Ithaca, N. Y.

Slef.pi.ep8 Nights, made miserable bythat (edible, cough. Shiloh'e Cure is theRemedy for you. Sold by E S. Leadbeater& Bro.


City Treasurer's Office, Boom No. 2, City Hall, IAlexandria, Va Nov. 10th. 1888. j

Ou aud after Monday, Nov. 12th, 188S, I willbo prepared to receive the State taxes for the year18s8. All persons paying their tax bofore De¬cember 1st will save 5 per cent., ss the penalty of."> per cent, will bo added to all unpaid bills onDecember 1st, ami their collection enforced ac¬

cording to law. M. B. HARLOW,novlO-tdecl City Treasurer.


The stock, iixlures and goodwill of theTC-BACCO and CIGAR STORE No. 32.3 King street.,mvl«» Iw JOHN A. FIELD, Aeont.

MISSOURI HAMS.If vou have not boughtonedon't fail to go MCBURNEYS STORE and

get one. They are simply grand. apl 1



CHOICE TOMATOES LOW.Large cans Toma¬toes of tiue nualitv for sale at lOc each by


AFEW KITS ROE HERRING for sale at onedollar per kit by

ortii J. C. MILBURN.




nets_oF.o. McBurney a s»n.


ceived byjv20 J ('. MILBURN.

CU1F.AP CAKES- -Little Butter Cups. PearlJ Lemons, Cornhill and Ging-r Snaps 10c per

lb at_fmy29J_J. C. MILBUBN'S.

FRESH ITALIAN MACABONI, Breakfast Horn-iny aud Now York Beans just received.

oct20 geo. McBurney a son.

C_HOICK BUTTER and FRESH EGGS constant¬ly received and for sale by

jftn20 J. C. MILBÜBN.

SLICED-BAHAMA PINEAPPLE, canned, inheavy syrup, just received bynnvlS_J. C. MILBÜBN.




JOHN D. H. LUNT. Prce 50c per bottle. [mh22

NEW FAT MACKEKEL, Nos. 1 and 2, receivedto day by [seplOJ J. C. MILBURN.


BDr. BULL'SÄBYSYRUPDr. BULL'S facilitates Tettliing v*o

lates the Bowels. Atall druggists. PrlceSScta,

DE|| I 'Q Cures Coughs, Colds,DULL Coarseness, Asthma,Bronchitis, flAllAM Croup.Inci-pient Con-|^|jyu||| sumption,and relieves Consump¬tive Persons. 25 cents.

VA*7)*T LAliÖi S CUBEB ClUAHilKS fur Ca-OmUnC tanh. Price 10 Cts. ,4t all Jtugjlsxs.


MALARIA,FEVER AND AGUE.AI00 as h Tonie for strengthening and invigorat¬ing t!ie system. A vegetable compound eontaiusno quinine. For sale by nil diu^gisCs. .r»'» cents* bottle; three bottles for $1.25.

E. S. LEADBEATER »V URO.,Wholesale Depot, Alexandria, Va,

sep'2I if

LOST AND FOUND!IOST A CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT, No.J 368, dated March 2d, 1997. for the sum öf

fourteen hundred dollars ($1,400), i-.sued byBarke & Herbert to Lucy C. Stuart, and payabloto the order of herself, which certificate has beenmislaid, lost, stolen or destroyed and paymenthas been stoppod hii 1 application made for a newcertificate. Ail persons are requested to showcause why a new certificate should not bo issuedin lieu of said certificate.oct20 1 m LUCY C. STUART.


BY VIRTUE of a deed oi trust executed byIleury Callan to John T. Nails and others,

trusties of the Old Donimion Co operative Build¬ing Association of Alexandria, Va, ditod July'2'2.1, 1896, and recorded in deed hook No. 17, fo¬lio 291, of tho land records of Alexandria city,Va the undorsigned, trustees of slid a.viociation,t>y direction of the Board of Dircc ors of the saidassoc atton, will offer for sulu at public auction,for cftih, in front of the Royal street entrance tothe Market Building, at twelve o'clock hi. on

THÜBSOAY, the 15th of November, 1898,allthat BRICK TENEMENT and LOT OF GROUNDon too south side of King street, beginning 49feet f> inches east of Henry strcot, and runningthence south parallel to Henry si rcct 100 l'oettoa10-feet alley: thence cast and parallel to Kingstreet -1 feet; thonco north and parallel to Henrystreet 100 feet to King street; theico west cu

King street 24 feet to tbe beginning .tho said lotof ground being subject to a rent charge of $24per HiiMiin.


oct30 is


PGR RENT AI Wtttorford, Loudoon county,\a. « Ihtl'o. NEW STORE and DWELLING,

one of the best stands i:i tho State for a generalstore Apply to Dr. GEO. E. CON NELL, at W'a-terford, or "to tbe owner. \V. B. R0OSE, 1233Penna. avo Washingto' I). P. novf) lw

IjVrK KENT.The LARUE STOREHOUSE No.r 315 Cameron streut, lately occupied by Chas.King & Son. Apply tooci27 co2w_JXO. J. JA MI ESPN.

!.K)K SALE OR ItE T, or will exchange for1 country property, tbe HOUiE AND LOT on

tbe northwest corner of Royal and Wilkcs stroets,alsoFOR RENT.-Tlio HOUSE No 520 south St.

Asaph street Apply'oJ. CLINTON SMOOT, or

octlO-tf_C. C SMOOT ft SONS.

IX>R SALE ok BENT.The three-story BRICK' DWELLING on tbe east side of Fairfax st.,between Camer n and Queen. Possession givenimmediately. A pp!y to

octl tf I. M. KELL.


THIETx ACRES OF LAND,lying immediately in front of the TheologicalSeminary, adjoining the fa m of '.Vni Clesveland.

Apply at this offiro. sepl5 tf

ITIOR RENT -A DESIRABLE THREE-STORYi1 BRICK STORE on the south side of Kingstreet, berwi en»Royal and Pitt, lately occupiedby Mrs. E. C. Bradley. Porsession will be givenSept. 1. Apply to PAUL PULMAN,augll tf No. 728 south Washington st.


J710B sale.

.200,000 MERCHANTABLE BRICKat Arlington Brick Works, near canal lock.

GEO. UHLER.gppO Receiver.

GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES,$3.75. We make a specialty of Optical

Goods. Good Spectacles and Eye GI»s=t>s at '25c.nov3 R. C ACTON, 606 Ringst.

N 0t1ce.

I have this day sold thediugsloro at the ornerof King and Fairfax streets to

MESSRS. BEOADUS & SMITH.Thanking the public for their pr.st patronage. Iearnestly wish for a continuance of tho same to

my successors. SAM I EL H. LUNT.November 5th. 1888.N. B..Those indebted to me will please make

payment of their accounts to the now firm.uotO tf SAM I* EL H. LUNT.



l'.EXT BARGAINS IN FIXE PORTRAITSof auy photographor iu this section of tho coun¬

try.FIRST-CLASS CABINETS $3 per dozen, and

1 down CABINETS and a 16x20 PERMANENTCRAYON PORTRAIT for 56. This offer is for a


to any s:/.e required. VIEWS OF RESIDENCESand ODT-DOOR GROUPS made at short nctico.

STUDIO321 KINO STREET,oct30If Alexandiia. Virginia.


Whitens the Teeth. Hardens tho Gums,Sweetens tho Breath, Removes Tarter,Preserves the Emanel, Neutralizes Acidity.Price 25 cents. »

WARFiELD & HALL,Corner Prince and Fairfax streets

By mail oa receipt ofprice._nov3LADIES' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S I'NDER-

WEAKat CHAPMAN'S, Agent,novT 424 King street.

CANTON PRESERVED GINGER ifresh stock),3-lb and 5-lb pots.

oct23 geo McBurney & son.

LADIES' SCABLET VESTS and PANTS, veryfine qua'iiy, medicated, at $1 at

oct23_AMOS B. s LAYMAK ER's.

DRY CATAWBA WINE, pint and quart bottlesane22__ GEO. McBURNEY a SON.

CHEAP HAMS.I offer fine canvassed Hamsat 13c. [oct8] J. C. MILBDBN.



Bcy^I stnot, botwoen King and Canierou.

SÄLT WÄTER OYSTERSReceived dsi'y and served in the b -t stjles.Our arrangements for STEAMING OYHTEBä

uro now perfect m vö it




Tor Salt Water Oysters,116 North Faiifai St., Alexandria Va.

CHICE LIST.Fiiod per di^on..Gücf iiod «in box) per doz .11.50co» si er stew.25cOyster aopp.15c

Oys'ers served in every style.Choice Wiues. Liquors »nd Cigars at the Bdr.octlT PATTERSON & CO., Proprietor.


Buckwheat,Beans.Split Peas.Dried Corn,Oatmeal.Rolled Oats.Shredded Oats.Crushed Wheat.Pearl Barley.Hominy.Grits.Carolina Rice.Cucumber Pickles.Dried Peaches.Dried Apples.Table Raisins.Cooking do.Citron.


New Packing.200 CASES Kd TOMATOES.100 2d CORN.iO .. :t«l PEACHES.



Pineapple Cheese.Edam do.Saiisago do.Ilucliins' Soups.Liquid Kennet.



Jiibt received by


NewCantonGingerWhole, half and quarter pots,

Jest received by


SILVER AND SILVER PLATED WABE atvery low ligurea.nov3 _R. C. ACTON. GOG King st.

JVTOTICE.Having met with many requests from custom¬

ers of my ce ebrated

LY FINE CIGARSto change the shape to a newer style, I have de¬cided to alter the shape to the latest out after No¬vember 1st, which I hope will meet the approvalof my customers generally. The high standardof quality will be retained. Thanking the publicgenerally for past favors, I respectfully solicit a

continnanco of the same.HUGO HEBFÜRTH.

nct31 2w Manufacturer of Cigars, 501» King at.

DIAMONDS An Absolutely I'erj'errStone, weigh-in? 1 karats ; price $115 ; a rare bargain.

uov3 R. C ACTON. COGKing st.

WeWant Yeutc Read This!Wo are showing a lino of FURNITUBE com¬

plete in overy detail.BED ROOM SUITS in Antique Oak, Cherry,

Ash, Walnut, &c.PABLOK SUITS in Silk Plnsh, Mohair Plush,

Wool Plush and Hair Cloth.SIDEBOARDS in Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Ac.

Fancy Tables in all stylesA full line of CARPETS, BUGS, OIL CLOTHS,

&c, &c.FANCY VASES and UBN8 of modern and an¬

cient design.BLANKETS, C0MF0RT3 and BEDDING of all

descriptions on hand and made to order.HI. Rl BEX A SONN*'

Cash and Instalment House,oc.tlS2m _601 King street.


AUo GENTS' SCABF PINS.nov3_B. C. ACTON, 606 King st.

gQUABE, OCTAGON and FLAT CAST 8TEELwill be »old at 88 King street, corner of Boy-

al, at a greatly reduced price Quality warraned. foct281 J. T. CRETGHTON A 80N.

TEEEMOMETEBS of several kinds and sizes atvery low prices; also Thermometers for dairy

use, just received.angll_E. S. LEADBEATEB A BBO.

FAMILY BOE HEBBING in kits, just the sizepackage for family trade.

oct26_GEO. McBUBNEY & SON.

Duffy'S MALT and g. 0. taylor's WHIS¬KIES, in cases, just received.

oct9_ geo. McBurney & son.

McBUBNEY has just received Malaga Grapes,Cape Cod Cranberries, New Layor Figs and

Fresh Cocoannts. oct8


IM«;i.\\. in Stripes, Plaids and LiKEWJI 1 UliT,inStripe.*, PlMidnandPlain, from sr. up to £20. Plains, from $4 up to $20.

NEW PURCHASES.Lively trade makes it necessary lo constantly replenish .stock, and

this our buyer in a trip lo New York, from which he has just returned,did to a marked degree. Jt will be well worth your while to come andsee the

New and Attractive Dress Goods,Among them you will find the newest fabrics and the mo^t fashionableshades. We call attention particularly to the

BROAD CLOTHS AT SI,which are extra good values.The Figured and Solid Red Damasks at 50care bargains in the true cense of the word. The colors are perfectlyfast, and they are of superior quality, We always have something spe¬cial in Towels, but just now we have a particula»ly and especially goodvalue in

TOWELS, 23-46, AT 20c.

These goods would be very reasonable at a much higher figure, la

OUR CARPET DEPARTMENTmany new and choice patterns of Ingrains, Tapestry and llody Brusselsare (o be found; also ArtSquares in beautiful designs und a large lot of

BEST QUALITY SMYRNA RUGSat prices that speak for themselves. There are Rugs at $1, worth$1 25 ; do. at $2, worth $2 50; do. at $3 50, worth $ 1 50 ; do. at $5,worth $G GO j do. at $7 50, worth §10. Then we have

COMFORTS IN ALL GRADES.Plain and Striped Eider Downs in various colors, and Neck Kuchingsof innumerable kinds.

Every little while the opening of some new department becomes ne¬

cessary. Our latest addition comprisesTRIMMING FURS.

The Lynx, Real Monkey (which is so popular at present), Coney, Rus¬sian, Hair, Beaver and many other.i.

TACKETT * MARSHALL,N O S . 4 3 I \\f 133 K I * tt ST It E E T .
