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Algorithms for Context-Free Grammars

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Algorithms for Context-Free Grammars. Section 3.6 Mon, Oct 31, 2005. The Membership Problem. The Problem: Given a grammar G and a string w , is w  L ( G )? The Algorithm: First rewrite the grammar in Chomsky Normal Form (CNF). Chomsky Normal Form. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Algorithms for Context-Free Grammars Section 3.6 Mon, Oct 31, 2005
Page 1: Algorithms for Context-Free Grammars

Algorithms for Context-Free


Section 3.6

Mon, Oct 31, 2005

Page 2: Algorithms for Context-Free Grammars

The Membership Problem The Problem: Given a grammar G and a string w, is w

L(G)? The Algorithm: First rewrite the grammar in

Chomsky Normal Form (CNF).

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Chomsky Normal Form A grammar is in Chomsky Normal Form if every rule

is of the form

A XY, or

A a

where A V – and X, Y V. Theorem: For every context-free grammar G, there is

a context-free grammar G' in CNF such that

L(G') = L(G) – ( {e}).

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CNF Algorithm The following algorithm will convert a grammar to

Chomsky Normal Form. Divide the rules A for which || 2 into three

groups. long rules: || 3. short rules: || = 1. e-rules: = e.

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CNF Algorithm Eliminate the long rules.

Let the rule be A X1X2…Xn, for n 3.

Rewrite it as a series of rules:

A X1A1

A1 X2A2


An – 3 Xn – 2An - 2.

An – 2 Xn – 1Xn.

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CNF Algorithm Eliminate the e-rules.

We first determine which nonterminals are erasable. = {A V – | A * e}.

Use the following algorithm: Let = . While there is a rule A with * and A ,

Add A to . For every A and every rule in which A appears on the

right side, add a copy of that rule, with A replaced by e. Delete the e-rules from R.

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CNF Algorithm Eliminate the short rules.

For each A V, determine the set of individual symbols that can be derived from A.

Call this set (A). For each A V – , use the following algorithm:

Let (A) = {A}. While there is a rule B X with B (A) and X (A),

Add X to (A).

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CNF Algorithm For every rule A XY, add a new rule A X'Y' for every

possible choice of X' (X) and Y' (Y). For every rule A XY, with A (S) – {S}, add the rule

S XY. Eliminate the short rules.

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Example Convert the following grammar to CNF.

S ABA aA | eB aBb | e

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Example Eliminate the long rules.

Replace B aBb with B aB1

B1 Bb

The grammar is nowS AB

A aA | e

B aB1 | e

B1 Bb

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Example Find the set of erasable nonterminals.

It is obvious that = {S, A, B}.

Eliminate the e-rules. Add S A and S B. Add A a. Add B1 b.

Eliminate A e and B e.

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Example The grammar is now

S AB | A | B

A aA | a

B aB1

B1 Bb | b

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Example Find the sets of derivable symbols.

(S) = {S, A, B, a} (A) = {A, a} (B) = {B} (B1) = {B1, b}

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Proof Eliminate the short rules.

Add the rulesS aB

S aB1

A aa

B ab

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Proof Eliminate the short rules.

Eliminate the rules



S a

A a

B1 b.

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Example The grammar is now

S AB | aB

A aA | aa

B aB1 | ab

B1 Bb

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Example (S) – {S} = {A, B, a}, so add the rules

S aA

S aB1

S aa

S ab

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Example The final grammar is

S AB | aA | aB1 | aB | aa | ab

A aA | aa

B aB1 | ab

B1 Bb

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Derivations in CNF In the grammar of the example, derive the string

aaaabb. S AB aaB aaaB1 aaaBb aaaabb.

How many steps did it take? Was that predictable? Can we generalize that to a string of length n?

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The Membership Problem Now we have a way to solve the membership

problem. Any string of length n must be derivable in exactly n

– 1 steps (which is finite). At worst, check every possible derivation of length n

– 1.

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Example Show that abb is not derivable in the previous example. Find every derivation of length 2.


S AB Aab S aA aaA S aA aaa S aB1 aBb

S aB aaB1

S aB aab

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Example Only the strings aaa and aab are derived. Therefore abb L(G).

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The Emptiness Problem The Problem: Given a CFG G, is L(G) empty? Lemma: If L(G) contains no string of length less than

n (of the Pumping Lemma), then L(G) is empty. Proof:

By the Pumping Lemma, for any string w L(G) with length at least n (from the Pumping Lemma), we may write w as uvxyz, where v and y are not both empty.

Then the string uxz is in L(G). By repeating this, we will get a string of length less than n

that is in L(G).

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The Emptiness Problem The Problem: Given a CFG G, is L(G) empty? The Algorithm:

Rewrite G in CNF. Test every possible string of length less than n.

The Decision: If no string of length less than n is in L(G), then L(G) is

empty. Otherwise, L(G) is not empty.

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The Finiteness Problem The Problem: Given a CFG G, is L(G) finite? Lemma: If L(G) is infinite, then L(G) contains a

string w such that n |w| < 2n. Proof:

If L(G) is infinite, then there exists a string in L(G) of length at least 2n (n of the Pumping Lemma).

Let w be a shortest such string. Rewrite w = uvxyz, according to the Pumping Lemma. Then uxz is also in L(G), and |uxz| < |w|. Then |uxz| < 2n.

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The Finiteness Problem However, |vy| n, so |uxz| > n. Therefore, n |uxz| < 2n.

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The Finiteness Problem The Algorithm:

Rewrite the grammar in CNF. Test every possible string of length at least n, but less than


The Decision: If L(G) contains a string of length at least n, but less than

2n, then L(G) is infinite. Otherwise, L(G) is finite.
