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Aliens copy - copy

Date post: 07-Aug-2015
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  2. 2. HOW MANY OF YOU BELIEVE IN ALIENS ? By the end of this presentation , I hope all of you start believing in Aliens.
  3. 3. QUESTIONS IN YOUR MIND :- Do they exist ? Where they live ? How do they communicate ? What are their genetic code & DNA?
  4. 4. INRODUCTION In addition to the biochemical basis of extraterrestrial life, many have considered evolution and morphology. Science fiction has often depicted extraterrestrial life with humanoid or reptilian forms. Aliens have often been depicted as having light green or grey skin, with a large head, as well as four limbsi.e. fundamentally humanoid. Other subjects, such as Felines, insects, blobs, etc., have occurred in fictional representations of aliens.
  5. 5. FACTS Ever since people have started observing the sky, there has been the question of whether we are alone or not. Frank Drake, the scientist who invented the Drake equation which is an equation to find the number of civilizations in our galaxy, estimates that there are 10,000 communicating civilizations in our galaxy alone. NASA estimated in 1999 that there were 125 billion galaxies in our universe. Very conservative estimates say that there are approximately 6.25 billion life supporting solar systems in the universe. It is very probable that there is a least one planet out there that is currently supporting life.
  6. 6. ALIEN Extraterrestrial life that does not originate from earth. it is also called alien life. These include hypothetical forms of life range from simple bacteria like organism to being far more complex than humans. The development and testing of hypothesis on extraterrestrial life is known as exobiology or astrobiology
  7. 7. WHAT IS LIFE ? The condition that distinguishes animals and pants from inorganic matter , including the capacity for growth , reproduction , functional activity , and continual change preceding death.
  8. 8. INTELLIGENT LIFE IN MILKY WAY Milky way galaxy contains an estimated one trillion planets. Billions of these planets are earth size and in the habitable or so called goldilocks. Radio and television signals from Earth have been leaking into space since the middle of the 20th century. Traveling at the speed of light, the first broadcasts from Earth are 65 light years away from our world. The first episodes of "Star Trek," broadcast in 1966, are just now reaching Alpha Cephei, 48 light years away. Many SETI programs are listening for similar signals leaking into space from distant worlds. scientist believes aliens are likely to use more direct methods of communication, such as tightly focused beams.
  9. 9. DOES ALIEN LIFE EXIST ? 5 Bold Claims of Alien Life Microbes in Meteorites NASA scientist Richard Hoover published a paper March 4, 2011, claiming to have found fossil evidence for cyanobacteria in carbonaceous meteorites from outer space. Observed slices of meteorites through scanning electron microscopes, and identified filaments and structures that he said resemble the tiny single-celled algae.
  10. 10. Arthur C. Clarke's Bushes on Mars Credit: NASA Science fiction author Sir Arthur C. Clarke, famous for penning the novel "2001: A Space Odyssey," made headlines in the year 2001 when he claimed that recently returned photos from NASA's Mars Global Surveyor showed evidence of trees and bushes on Mars.
  11. 11. Allan Hills Meteorite When scientists announced in 1996 that they'd discovered evidence of fossilized microbial life . Subsequent analysis of the research, on a meteorite called Allan Hills 84001(ALH 84001), produced controversy a meteorite from Mars. The evidence is still debated, and the space rock remains a topic of ongoing research.
  12. 12. Mars Canals The idea that Mars was traversed by a complex network of canals was first put forward in 1877 by Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli, and later popularized by astronomer Percival Lowell. Lowell made intricate drawings of what he took to be canals based on observations he made at his observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona.
  13. 13. Viking Lander Results In 1976 NASA's two Viking landers touched down on the surface of Mars. The probes conducted a host of biological experiments, including collecting samples of Martian soil to test for organic compounds the building blocks of life and biosignatures that could indicate the presence of microorganisms
  14. 14. SEARCHING FOR ALIENS The search for extraterrestrial intelligence(SETI) is based at university of California in Berkley and has several radio telescopes that are dedicated to listening out signals from alternative life form. To detect ET civilizations, we must identify an artificial, coherent signal that produce radio waves, the telescope capable of this include Arecibo telescope in Puerto rico. Allen telescope array in hat creek,california
  15. 15. CONTINUE Project Cyclops was commissioned by NASA in 1970s to investigate the signals ETI. IN 2006,European space agency launched the kepler space observatory. it discovered 1901 confirmed exoplanets. SEVENDIP(search for extraterrestrial visible emissions from nearby developed intelligent populations) at university of California are using electromagnetic spectrum to search ET signals.
  16. 16. COMMUNICATION WITH EXTRATERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE(CETI) It is a branch for the search of extraterrestrial intelligence that focus on composing and deciphering messages that could be understood by another technological civilization. In 2010,general purpose binary language used in lone signal project to transmit crowdsourced messages to ETI. Two pioneer probes (pioneer 10 & 11) was launched in 1972 & 1973 depicting the location of earth and form of human body. In 1977,voyager probes were lunched with two golden records that were inscribed with diagram depicting human form & sound from earth.
  17. 17. CONTINUE The Arecibo message transmitted in 1974 was a 1679 pixel image with 73 rows and 23 columns. it shows double helix structure of DNA,figure of human beings, our solar system,etc.. The cosmic call messages included bilingual image glossary,text,video,audio .the message is designed with noise resistant format. These messages were sent in 1999 and 2003 from evpatoria planetary radar. In 1974, they beamed their own signal out into space from the Arecibo telescope in Puerto rico
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  20. 20. CONCLUSION Despite the huge number of sightings ,abductions and government sponsored cover ups that have allegedly taken place over the years, there is no proof that alien life forms exists. with the latest calculations that have extended the goldilocks zone, the area where life could happen around stars. And then add the fact that life happens spontaneously, even under the most extreme conditions, and the idea of a Milky Way thriving with life is impossible to deny. There's no doubt that, statistically, there's life out there.
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