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Align technology and business with Enterprise Architecture assessments

Date post: 14-Jun-2015
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Determine if your IT applications, data, or infrastructure is no longer meeting your business needs and see how an Enterprise Assessment can help you close the business - technology gap.
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intelligence innovation integrity Higher Standards. Better Results. Overview Architecture Practice
  • 1. intelligence innovation integrity Higher Standards. Better Results. Overview Architecture Practice

2. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM What is the purpose of an Enterprise Architecture Assessment? Provide a set of recommendations to align technology with business needs. Time Today Gap 3. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM What causes gaps in Business and Technology? Current technology is no longer helping the companys business sales, operations, finance, strategy The company is making a major strategic shift and needs to shift its IT infrastructure to support it New market segment, new services, new products Upgrade its current capabilities to be more faster or more efficient Market forces are driving the use of new technologies Competitors have new, improved capabilities Provide a long term roadmap for IT investments in order to ensure a good ROI Need to improve information sharing across the company Need to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of IT 4. intelligence innovation integrity Services and Delivery 5. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Architecture Services Offered Determine Business and IT Alignment Provide Future Targets for Business and Technology Create Enterprise Roadmap to Achieve Targets Small Company to Large Enterprises Scope can Range from Department to Company Enterprise Architecture Assessment Assessment Process Scaled for Single Application Scaled Down Enterprise Assessment with focus on how Application fits into the Enterprise Often Planning detail sufficient to begin development, including Product Backlog and Proposal Application Architecture Discovery Architecture Group Formation Governance Architecture Practice Setup 6. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Assessment Project - Process 7. intelligence innovation integrityThe Spitfire GroupTM Assessment Project Process and Deliverables Kickoff Deck Architecture Scope Deliverables Project Plan Current State Current State Business Architecture: Industry, Models, Processes Current State Technical Architectures: Application, Data, Infrastructure Gap Analysis Business Capabilities and Strategy vs. Technology Architecture Future State Future Technical Architectures: Application, Data, Infrastructure Future Business Architecture: New/Enhanced Capabilities, Improved Business Processes Often presented in combination with Roadmap Roadmap Plan to get to Future State Intermediate Architectures 8. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Roles Officer In Charge Solution Manager Business Architect Filled by Solution Manager, EA, and/or Business Specialist Technical Architect(s) Filled by Enterprise Architect, Application Architect, and/or Infrastructure Expert Specialists as needed Technology Specialist (e.g. Java, .Net, Kentico) Others (Business Vertical, etc.) 9. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Assessment Projects Deliverables are Future Oriented Practical and Actionable Not usually sufficient for immediate implementation Can vary widely in scope Full Enterprise Part of an Enterprise Specific Business Capability Specific Application Technical Infrastructure Typically Small Team Solution Manager, Enterprise Architect, and specialists as needed Duration Typically 2 4 Weeks for midsize business Ranges depending on Architecture Scope 10. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Architecture Artifacts What artifacts are needed to provide sound Enterprise Architecture recommendations? 11. intelligence innovation integrityThe Spitfire GroupTM Architecture Assessment Analysis Areas Architecture Scope What is included in the Assessment Business Architecture How the Business works and its capabilities goals and strategies Application Architecture Application inventory and integration Data Architecture Business and Technical Data organization Infrastructure Architecture Servers, networks, security, etc. Gap Analysis Difference between Business needs and the Application, Data, and Infrastructure Architecture Roadmap and other Plans Governance Plan (Optional) How the Enterprise Architecture, projects, etc. will be managed going forward 12. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Business Architecture - Artifacts Product and Services Offered List Business Value Model Business Capabilities List Key Business Processes Model Business Capabilities to Application Matrix Organization Roles to Application Matrix Organization Model Strategy and Objectives List Competitive Analysis Business Culture Applicable Compliance / Standards List RACI Matrix (Responsible- Accountable-Consulted- Informed) Industry Structure and Trends List and Models Company History Company Pain Points List Required artifacts vary by Engagement, largely depending on scope 13. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Information Architecture - Artifacts Application Architecture Application Portfolio Capability / Application Matrix Role / Application Matrix Data Flow Model Domain Driven Design Model Deployment Model Use Case Manageability Model Application Migration Model Software Models Hierarchy Sequence Diagrams Class Diagrams, etc. Etc. etc. Data Architecture Conceptual Data Model Logical Data Model ERD System Data Model Application / Data Matrix Data Lifecycle Data to Role Security Matrix Data Migration Model Data Migration Map Required artifacts vary by Engagement, largely depending on scope 14. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Technical Infrastructure - Artifacts Technology Portfolio Catalog Technologies in use Systems List What systems are in use and how are they configured Deployment List Map of Servers and what is currently deployed to them Network Topology Network Zone Model Vendor / Partner List Required artifacts vary by Engagement, largely depending on scope 15. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Enterprise Architect Team 16. intelligence innovation integrity The Spitfire GroupTM Roles Officer In Charge Executive in charge of the project Solution Manager Responsible for Customer Engagement Steering Committee prep and facilitator Business Architect Responsible for understanding and documenting the business architecture Assess Business process, capabilities, strategy, and gaps Enterprise Architect Understand Business Architecture sufficient to assess Business/Technical alignment Understand and recommend improvements an entire business technical architecture Technical Architect(s) Understand and Recommend Application, Data, Infrastructure architectures Understand the Business Architecture and make IT recommendations that meet Business needs Specialists Technology Specialist (e.g. Java, .Net, Kentico) Others (Business Vertical, etc.) 17. intelligence innovation integrityThe Spitfire GroupTM Skill Areas Category Skills Generic Skills Leadership, Inter-personal skills, Oral and Written Communication, Risk Management etc. Business Skills & Methods Business Modeling, Organization, Business Process, Strategic Planning, Finance, KPIs, etc. Enterprise Architecture Skills Modeling, Building Block Design, Applications and Role design, Systems Integration, etc. IT General Knowledge Skills Brokering applications, Asset management, Migration planning, SLAs, etc. Technical IT Skills Software engineering, Security, Data, Data Management, Infrastructure, Networking, etc. Program or Project Management Skills Managing business change, Project Management and Tools, Spitfire Solutions Manager Skills Legal Environment Data Protection Laws, Contract Law, Procurement Law, Fraud Required skills often vary by Engagement 18. intelligence innovation integrityThe Spitfire GroupTM Assessment Project Skills by Role Solution Management Program Management Project Management Managing Business Change Change Management Value Management Budget Management Business Architect Visioning Business Culture Business Case Business Scenario Business Process Design Business Functions Business Modeling Benefits Analysis Organization Design Strategic Planning Business Metrics Legacy Investments Budget Management Enterprise Architect Technical Architecture Principles Design Solutions Modeling Application Design Services Design Data Design Systems Integration Systems Behavior Building Block Design IT Industry Standards Business Modeling Business Process Role Design Benefits Analysis Business Interworking Project Management 19. intelligence innovation integrityThe Spitfire GroupTM Assessment Project Skills by Role Application Architect Software Engineering User Interface Transaction Processing Graphics & Image Application Security Application Integration Programming Languages Information Consumer Applications Information Provider Applications Web-based Services Internationalization Application Development Methodologies & Tools Migration Planning Data Architect Data Management Data Interchange Database Systems BI Systems Unstructured Data Big Data Internationalization Technical Architect IT Infrastructure Other Infrastructure Servers and other Systems Storage Management Networks Service Level Agreements Asset Management Management Utilities Systems & Network Management Location & Directory Operating System Services Network Services Communications Infrastructure Infrastructure Security International Operations 20. intelligence innovation integrityThe Spitfire GroupTM Next Steps 21. intelligence innovation integrityThe Spitfire GroupTM Next Steps Determine if your IT applications, data, or infrastructure is no longer meeting your business needs Contact Spitfire Group for information on how an Enterprise Assessment can help you close the Business Technology Gap Spitfire Group, LLC Mark Richtermeyer, CEO [email protected] 22. intelligence innovation integrity Higher Standards. Better Results. Phone 303-485-1880 Web www.SpitfireGroup.com Email [email protected]
