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All grades Pixel Art: Design a Rubik's Cube...

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Pixel Art: Design a Rubik's Cube Mosaic Designing a Rubik’s Cube mosaic involves creativity, collaboration, pattern recognition, and computer skills. Common Core Standards: Next Generation Science Standards CCSS.Math Practice 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. CCSS.Math Practice 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. CCSS.Math Practice 5 Use appropriate tools strategically. CCSS.Math Practice 6 Attend to precision. CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HS.G-MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios). MS-ETS1-1 Engineering Design Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution. MS-ETS1-2 Engineering Design Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem. All grades

Pixel Art: Design a Rubik's Cube Mosaic

Designing a Rubik’s Cube mosaic involves creativity, collaboration, pattern recognition, and computer skills.

Common Core Standards:

Next Generation Science Standards

CCSS.Math Practice 1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them.

CCSS.Math Practice 2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

CCSS.Math Practice 5 Use appropriate tools strategically.

CCSS.Math Practice 6 Attend to precision.

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HS.G-MG.A.3 Apply geometric methods to solve design problems (e.g., designing an object or structure to satisfy physical constraints or minimize cost; working with typographic grid systems based on ratios).

MS-ETS1-1 Engineering Design Define the criteria and constraints of a design problem with sufficient precision to ensure a successful solution.

MS-ETS1-2 Engineering Design Evaluate competing design solutions using a systematic process to determine how well they meet the criteria and constraints of the problem.

All grades



Background Knowledge: 


Students   will   design   their   own   pixelated   picture   or pattern   and   then   replicate  i t   using   Rubik’s   Cubes. 

3x3   Rubik’s   Cubes Colored   Pencils Graph   paper   ­   or   use  i ncluded   student   page(s) 

Mosaics   can   also   be   made   with   the   help   of   online programs,  i n   which   case   you   will   also   need: Computers   with   Internet   access Color   printer 

It  i s   helpful  i f   students   know   how   to   solve   one   face   of   the Rubik’s   Cube   (manipulate   edges   and   corners),   but students   can   also  l earn   that   skill   while   working   on   this lesson.  

Before   class: ● Copy   mosaic   templates   based   on   the   number   of

students   and   cubes   you   have   available.● If   you   are   going   to   use   the   Google   Sheets   option,

save   a   copy   of   the   file   found   athttp://tinyurl.com/ycy5unnh    for   yourself.   If   studentshave   their   own   Google   drives,   share   a  ‘ view   only’copy   with   them   before   they   do   part   2   of   thislesson.

● Watch   the   video   at     https://youtu.be/ENLdthKtsJc     forinstructions   on   part   2   of   this  l esson   (using   GoogleSheets   to   create   a   mosaic   template).

Part   1:   Design   a   mosaic   template   by   hand. 1. Using   only   the   colors   yellow,   blue,   orange,   red,

and   green,   students   draw   a   pattern   or   picture   ontothe   template   sheet,   or   grid   paper,   using   one   colorper   box.

2. After   templates   are   designed,   students   can   use   9,16,   or   25   Rubik’s   Cubes   to   create   their   mosaic.

Technology Connection: 

Part   2:   Design   a   template   using    Google   Sheets . Instructions   for   this   part   of   the   lesson   can   also   be   found in   this   video:    https://youtu.be/ENLdthKtsJc  

1. Make   a   copy   of   the   Google   Sheets   file   found   athttp://tinyurl.com/ycy5unnh    (The   file   has   “ViewOnly”   restrictions,   so   you   need   to   make   a   copybefore   you   will   be   able   to   edit   it.)

2. After   sharing   a   “View   Only”   version   of   the   file   withyour   students,   have   them   save   a   personal   copy   ofthe   file.   (Or   send   them   to   the   original   file   to   maketheir   own   copies.)

3. Students   will   use   the   “Fill   Color”   tool   to   color   thepixels   in   the   template   grids   to   make   their   ownimages   and   designs.

Pixel   art   images   can   be   found   online   to   assist   students. The   number   of   squares   of   the   image   and   the   given space   for   each   student   is   often   not   the   same   and   they will   need   to   adapt   the   image   to   fit   the   grid   space   they have.   An   internet   image   search   of   “pixel   art”   will   give ample   results,   and   be   narrowed   by   adding   a   subject such   as   “pixel   art   unicorns” 

Extend   the Activity:  

Notes   to Teacher: 

Students   can   also   examine   how   adding   more   cubes   / more   pixels   to   their   design   affects   the   area   of   the mosaic. 

3x3   and   2x2   Rubik’s   Cubes   are   available   to   borrow   from the    You   CAN   Do   the   Rubik’s   Cube    Lending   Program   at no   cost   other   than   return   shipping. www.youcandothecube.com/lending­library 

Teachers   and   youth   leaders   can   borrow   Mosaic   Builder Sets   sets   of   50­600   Rubik’s   Cubes   from    You   CAN   Do the   Rubik’s   Cube    at   no   cost   other   than   return   shipping. https://www.youcandothecube.com/mosaics/borrow­a­set/ 

Design Your Own Rubik’s Cube Mosaic: 9 cubes

Create a template to make a pattern or picture using only Rubik’s Cube colors: white, yellow, green, blue, red, and orange. Each individual square may consist of only one color.

Design Your Own Rubik’s Cube Mosaic: 16 cubes

Create a template to make a pattern or picture using only Rubik’s Cube colors: white, yellow, green, blue, red, and orange. Each individual square may consist of only one color.

Design Your Own Rubik’s Cube Mosaic: 25 cubes

Create a template to make a pattern or picture using only Rubik’s Cube colors: white, yellow, green, blue, red, and orange. Each individual square may consist of only one color.
