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All in one event platform powered by Executive Assistant...

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Executive Assistant Development MasterClass How to become your ideal PA in a year? RŪTA ČINKAITĖ Executive PA & Office manager Online MasterClass 4-5 May, 2020 50% OFF for Online MasterClass All in one event platform powered by COURSE OUTCOMES: www.glceurope.com Deal with your daily tasks better using the latest technology and apps Create opportunities for your personal development and cracking challenges better Get the best out of stress and demanding situations Make most of your time using the newest time management and action planning tools & APPs Experience fewer burn-out moments and more balance Manage stress and pressure in an increasingly challenging environment Improve your confidence, assertiveness and ensure steady carrier growth while being hands-on with your personal progress
Page 1: All in one event platform powered by Executive Assistant …video.glceurope.com/download/20_jan_y2017/Executive... · 2020-04-23 · • 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum •

Executive AssistantDevelopment

MasterClassHow to become your ideal PA in a year?

RŪTA ČINKAITĖExecutive PA & Office manager

Online MasterClass 4-5 May, 2020

50% OFFfor

Online MasterClass

All in one event platform powered by

Course outComes:


• Dealwithyourdailytasksbetterusingthelatesttechnologyandapps

• Createopportunitiesforyourpersonaldevelopmentandcracking


• Getthebestoutofstressanddemandingsituations

• Makemostofyourtimeusingthenewesttimemanagementand


• Experiencefewerburn-outmomentsandmorebalance

• Managestressandpressureinanincreasinglychallengingenvironment

• Improveyourconfidence,assertivenessandensuresteadycarrier


Page 2: All in one event platform powered by Executive Assistant …video.glceurope.com/download/20_jan_y2017/Executive... · 2020-04-23 · • 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum •

[email protected] +36 1 848 0515

4-5 May, 2020Online MasterClass


Executive Assistant Development MasterClass




Optimizing the Executive PA through Effective Use of Technology and Strategy. Improve your performance, boost your productivity and enhance your time management skills to become a more efficient and tech-savvy executive PA.

This highly interactive, tech-savvy course is designed to empower ambitious individuals who are looking for ways to enhance their performance, broaden their role and develop the managerial aspects of their position while using the newest technology. Experienced trainer will show you how to improve your confidence, productivity and time management skills using various techniques and APPs. With the help of practical exercises, demos, and presentations, you will get tools for managing yourself, your colleagues and your boss more effectively, both online and offline.

Are you the executive PA who is an invisible company wizard that makes it all work? The grey cardinal who protects executives time, priorities and image? A super-human who ensures the success of daily business operations? The one who is always there to make sure the executive team reaches outstanding results on time?

Executive PA is HR, marketing, legal, finance, administration, psychology, and events management expert in one. With so many things on their plate daily and the same 24 hours in a day, it s crucial to get their hands on the newest tools. The latest apps and technologies can help the executive’s right-hand deal with piling demands and responsibilities, while at the same time ensuring the maximum role satisfaction and personal career growth. When the executive PA improves and excels everything and everyone around does too.

Page 3: All in one event platform powered by Executive Assistant …video.glceurope.com/download/20_jan_y2017/Executive... · 2020-04-23 · • 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum •

[email protected] +36 1 848 0515

4-5 May, 2020Online MasterClass


Executive Assistant Development MasterClass


Rūta is a highly experienced senior administrative specialist & executive PA with over 10 years’ experience in international companies. Working for the last 5 years with giants like EY and biggest Spanish financial market players, she has designed and implemented a senior PA development program, that’s proved to be a great tool to improve daily performance of associates in this role.Speaking 5 languages and with a prior experience in French and British companies apart from Spanish and International leading players, she has accumulated and used her global experience and supporting executives in various languages of different seniority. Ruta’s background covers business management and journalism areas, while her industry experience extends from technology and entertainment to finance, retail and audit companies. Having been part of business of such different profiles, sectors and nationalities, she has gained a greatly varying profile of a Senior PA & admin specialist. This led her into developing a very elaborated, tech-savvy and resourceful training, which carries a lot of practical insights and real-life role play scenarios. Having worked with so many different industries and sectors, Ruta has detected main patterns of what it takes to be a successful executive PA regardless of who your boss is and what your company does. She greatly depicts what that looks like in a daily life and what are the main strategies and key areas one must develop to achieve real excellence in the role. Her holistic approach to connection of personal and professional skills and the importance of developing both areas equally, makes this training a great trampoline to improve executive PA role skills while working on personal performance. Having spent last few years as a senior EA in a start-ups world, Ruta is bringing knowledge of technology and apps available today, that help bridge the gap between traditional companies and Silicon valley work style for EAs & PAs.


“Ruta has been an amazing support in a process of training our team of PAs. Her practical knowledge, examples of a daily situations and simple yet greatly efficient tools of improving daily procedures boosted capabilities of our administrative team “

Director, INSURANCE BROKER GROUP - LT leading insurance company

“Ruta shared her extensive practical experience in working with Global Companies and EY team has benefited from these real-life examples greatly. At one point she was covering 2 full time vital administrative roles in the firm simultaneously. Ruta has a contagious approach of simplifying everything around herself, which resulted in our administrative team becoming way more efficient and transparent”


“Ruta is an extremely efficient EA with a proactive focus on the client and the team. Her administration strategies of daily tasks and her time management skills are exceptional”

CEO, Servihabitat

RŪTA ČINKAITĖExecutive PA & Office manager

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[email protected] +36 1 848 0515

4-5 May, 2020Online MasterClass


Executive Assistant Development MasterClass


Perfect executive PA: turning good into great • CEo,SMTandoffice:Themainareasthattherolecovers• DefinitionofaperfectPA• ourperceptionofstrengthsandlimitations


stress management: What is stress and how do we cope with it? • ourlimitingparadigmsanddefinitionsaboutstress:Whatdoesitdotousandhowtoconquerthem?• MaintriggersofstressinPAsdailylife:howtoovercomeorminimizethem?howcantechnology

help?• howstresscanbeausefultooltoimprovesharpness,smartthinkingandbeingawake


managing stress and pressure that comes with change and challenge • Managingthefearofstress&change• howtomakestressyourallyinsteadofanenemy• Stressisn’texistent:It’sourowncreation,aswefeartheoutcomeandourmindmagnifiesit

PracticalExercise:Creatingyour‘anti-stress’mapGroupDiscussion:TechnologyasatoolforstressmanagementImportance of choosing your mood and emotional state

• Theimportanceoforder,andwhylessismore• howtosimplifyourdailylifeandmanagestressbyhavinglessaroundyou• Theimportanceofhavingclearhead,cleartable,andcleansurroundings• Theessentialityofdisconnection,andbreathing• howtosetyourselfinmotion?




Defining and improving: The main responsibilities and authorities of your role

• MainobstaclesthatstopPAsfromexecutingtheseresponsibilitiesgreatlyandmakingmostoftherole.Definingmainbumpsintheroadtosuccess

• Depictingpatternsthathavemostnegativeimpactonourdailyperformance.howcanweovercomethem?



Planning for personal growth: Identifying and overcoming your barriers to success • Stress,timemanagement,andtechnologyareverysignificantfactorsthathaveahugeimpact


• Theimportanceoffocusandrolemodel•






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Page 5: All in one event platform powered by Executive Assistant …video.glceurope.com/download/20_jan_y2017/Executive... · 2020-04-23 · • 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum •

[email protected] +36 1 848 0515

4-5 May, 2020Online MasterClass


Executive Assistant Development MasterClass


the tech-savvy PA: Creating a personal strategy to use technology to improve your skills; Learning about tools and apps that are a shortcut to PA's efficiency and productivity in a day to day

• BesttoolsformanagingCEosagenda,travels,emailsandassuringnothingiseverforgotten

• Dailyexhaustingtasksmadeeasy• howtohelpyourofficecommunitywhilehelpingyourbossandhrdepartment• howdowemanagebigprojectsandevents?• howdoweassurewesticktotimelinesandhowcantechnologyhelpwithit?

• • Practical Exercise: Applying the newest technologies and APPS in core areas of the PA 's life

Planning success • Thinklikeyourboss:Theimportanceofthinkingandplanningstrategically• responsibilitiesofthePAfromCEo’sperspective• Whatstrategiescanweusetosimplifyregulartasks,fixbummersandimproveefficiency?• howtobecomeyouridealPAinayear





Multitasking: The importance of prioritisation and effective time management • Practicingeffectivetimemanagementskills:Seeingabiggerpicture,andwhythedevilisinthe

details• Weallhave24hoursinaday.howtomakemostofthem,prioritizeaccordinglyandgetthings

done?howcantechnologyhelp?• CEovsofficeneeds.howtodealwithurgentneedsandprioritizeaccordingly?• howanticipationandproperplanningcanhelpyouavoidfires?• howtodefineimportanceproperly,andwhenburningisreallyburning• Planforsuccess,prepareforfailurethem?•




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Page 6: All in one event platform powered by Executive Assistant …video.glceurope.com/download/20_jan_y2017/Executive... · 2020-04-23 · • 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum •

[email protected] +36 1 848 0515

4-5 May, 2020Online MasterClass


Executive Assistant Development MasterClass

www.glceurope.comVisitformoredetails: www.trainergram.com

Upcoming Events


• Enterprise Risk Management MasterClass

• PSD2 MasterClass

• Ini� al Margin Regula� on 2020 MasterClass

• 6th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum

• 8th Annual Retail and Corporate Payments Forum (BizzPay 8.0)

• OTC Ini� al Margin MasterClass

• Digitaliza� on in Banking

• Advanced RBA MasterClass

• IFRS9 MasterClass

• 9th Annual Internal Audit Forum

• Supply Chain Management Conference

• 7th Annual Credit Risk Management Forum

• 9th Annual Retail and Corporate Payments Forum (BizzPay 9.0)

• Digitaliza� on in Banking

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

September 2020

September 2020

September 2020

September 2020

March 2021

May 2021

May 2021

May 2021

September 2021

May 2020

September 2020

September 2020

February 2021

September 2021

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

September 2020

September 2020

May 2021

September 2021

May 2020

May 2020

May 2020

September 2020

September 2020

September 2020

March 2022

PHARMACEUTICAL EVENTS• LifeScience Micro MBA MasterClass

• Risk and Pharmacovigilance MasterClass


• MBA for HSE Prac� � oners MasterClass

• European HSE Management Forum 5.0

• Advanced Human Error MasterClass

• HSE360 Summit 2021

• European HSE Management Forum 6.0

HUMAN RESOURCES EVENTS • Execu� ve Assistant MasterClass

• Coaching MasterClass

• Agile Workplace Design Summit

• Agility in HR

• Advanced Organisa� on Design MasterClass

• Advanced Compensa� on and Benefi t MasterClass

• 15th HR Minds TalentON Forum

• Agile Workplace Design

• 16th HR Minds Forum

CROSS INDUSTRY EVENTS • Audi� ng Projects MasterClass

• 2nd Annual European Internal Audit Forum (Audit Zone)

• Situa� onal Leadership MasterClass

• Women in Leadership Summit

• Machine Learning MasterClass

• Climate Risk MasterClass

• 9th Annual Internal Audit Forum (Audit Masters) + Audit Zone

About GLC

Global Leading Conferences (GLC) is an industry leader in the field of business intelligence. We provide interactive & impactful business platforms and networking opportunities for senior level executives by bringing them together for B2B Conferences, Global Summits, Training & Workshops. Being customer focused and having our client’s priorities at the forefront, are amongst our core values and is of high importance to the way we operate our business.Our passion for customer satisfaction and results, drive us to work with industry experts closely - who fully understand their peers interests and day-to-day challenges - in order to deliver the most impactful events. We are specialized in industries such as; Pharmaceutical, Banking & Finance, Energy, Oil & Gas, IT & Communication, Sales & Marketing, Law and Human Resources.Our commitment is to deliver the latest information to our clients, while maintaining highest quality and standards. By attending GLC events your company will be able to apply advanced strategies to your operations, gain the latest know-how’s and benchmark yourself higher against the competition while enjoying a 5 star environment.

What is it?

• no travel or logistic expenses for the team (wedeliveritatyourfacilities)

• Maximize roI with a depth tailored contentaccordinglytoyourcorporateneeds

• 360degreesGlC learning experience – Individualpre-questionnaireforeachparticipant,severalcasestudiesandposttrainingdiagnosewithparticipants

• Maturity assessment for the team during thepreparationofthecourse

Contact us for more information and tailored details: [email protected]

GLC’s CustomIn-House TrAInIngs
