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All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches

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  • 7/29/2019 All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches


    THESIS GUIDELINESAcademic Batch Fall 2011-13 (IIPM)

    Department of Thesis***************************************

    Level 0, IIPM International Campus,

    Satbari, Mehrauli-Chattarpur Road , Delhi , India

    Phone: 91.11.30168408

    e-mail: [email protected];

    web: www.iipm.edu,


    mailto:[email protected]://www.iipm.edu/http://www.iipm.edu/mailto:[email protected]
  • 7/29/2019 All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches


    As a student of 2/3 years full-time programme in Planning and

    Entrepreneurship, you are required to submit a final thesis in order tobe awarded a degree or diploma. The thesis should be prepared in

    accordance with the instructions of these guidelines.

    Why Thesis ?

    Fulfills requirement of getting Degree / Diploma

    Provides an opportunity to explore a topic in depth

    Encourages a rigorous, logical and systematic approach to problem-solving

    Career development

    General Information

  • 7/29/2019 All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches


    Thesis Procedure

    Thesis is a process which is driven by the student. You are required to

    work closely with your thesis co-ordination team and your supervisingexternal guide throughout the thesis. As set out below, the thesis process

    consists of the following steps:

    STEP 1: Get your Research Area Approved.

    For the approval of your Research Area you have to fill the Annexure A in the given

    format and send it through email to the respective thesis coordinator. You have to

    compulsorily select the research area from the specialization(s) you studied. Thesubject line of your email should clearly mention your batch, study centre and

    proposed research area of your interest. On the basis of your proposed research area

    the email should be directed as follows:

    For Marketing and Operations [email protected]

    For Human Resources [email protected]

    For Finance [email protected]

    For Information Technology [email protected]

    Any Other Area [email protected]

    STEP 2: Get your Thesis ID Generated.

    In 2 weeks from the date of receipt of your email request for approval of your

    Research Area, your thesis coordinator will verify and validate your request and, if

    approved you will be allotted a Thesis ID along with 3 suggested thesis topics from

    your approved research area. You may choose from one of the suggested topics to

    enable you to identify an appropriate, eligible and capable Supervising External Guide

    to help you with your thesis. This communication from your thesis coordinator will be

    sent to you on the e-mail id that you may have provided in Annexure A. Please ensure

    to provide us with a working e-mail id that you regularly use to avoid any delay or


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Thesis Procedure contd

    STEP 3: Get your Thesis Topic and Synopsis of your research proposalfinalized in consultation with your Supervising External Guide.

    In 4 weeks from the date of allotment of your Thesis ID, you are required to finalize

    your Thesis Topic in consultation with your External Guide and write your research

    proposal in the form of a Synopsis in the required format (see Annexure B). Please

    note that the finalization of Thesis Topic and development of Synopsis should be

    done under the guidance of your Supervising External Guide and emailed back to

    your thesis coordinator, marking a carbon copy (cc) to your Supervising ExternalGuide. Your Thesis Topic will be archived only after verifying and validating your

    Annexure B; this also includes confirming the credentials of your Supervising

    External Guide. Please provide your thesis co-ordinator with exhaustive details of

    your proposed Supervising External Guide as required in Annexure B.

    STEP 4: Get an Interim Evaluation of your Thesis done by your Supervising

    External Guide.

    You are required to meet your Supervising Guide at least 4 times during the process

    of writing your Thesis and you have to get your Interim Response Sheets filled (see

    Annexure C) and signed by your Supervising Guide after every meeting. It is

    mandatory that every Interim Response Sheet should be submitted along with a

    video recording that documents the minutes of the meeting that the candidate hasheld with the External Guide. Additionally, the student is expected to undertake at

    least two interviews with industry/subject experts during the course of thesis

    completion. These interviews too should be video recorded, and the respective

    recordings, along with a typed transcript of the recording, should be submitted

    during the final submission of the completed thesis.

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    Thesis Procedure contd

    STEP 5: Get your Thesis Submitted before the due-date and Appear for aWritten Viva.

    You are required to submit your Thesis in 1 Hardbound-Copy plus 2 Soft-Copies and

    over email in the required format (see Annexure D). Your Thesis will be accepted for

    submission only after a written confirmation from your Supervising External Guide

    mentioning his/her approval for submitting your Thesis in the required format (see

    Annexure E). At the time of submission you have to give a written viva to process

    your thesis for evaluation. You should obtain a thesis submission receipt from yourthesis co-ordinator at the time of submitting your thesis. Failure to obtain a

    submission receipt can result in future cancellation of the thesis.

    STEP 6: Get through your Final Step

    Your Thesis Evaluation will take one month from the date of submission. You have to

    appear for a verbal viva as a part of your evaluation process. Your verbal viva will

    happen either Face-to-Face or through a web cam. You will be informed about your

    date of viva around a week in advance.

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    Thesis Objectives

    Your Thesis should demonstrate that you are able to address complex

    problems/issues, which demand the integration of empirical data, theoryand rigorous methods. A Thesis is a formal document to prove that an

    original contribution has been done to enhance the knowledge. The thesis

    may be based on Primary & Secondary data, but should not be just a

    research work. Research is simply gathering of information needed to

    answer questions that can be of help in solving a problem. In thesis, you

    identify a problem or question that has not been answered before and to

    find answers to those question or to solve those problems, you conductthis study.

    The thesis must:

    Be based on a clearly formulated research question;

    Have specific objectives;

    Be based on relevant and clearly-described materials and methods;

    Present clear findings;

    Present a balanced and critical discussion of material, methods and

    findings, which is relevant literature within the field of study ;

    Fulfil the formal requirements for a commercially viable presentation and

    include a front page, an abstract, a table of contents, references, etc.

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    Thesis Objectives contd...

    On completion of the thesis, the student should be able to:

    Transform a managerial issue into a research question, identify the

    nature of the problem, as well as the process needed to solve it;

    Choose appropriate research methods;

    Collect necessary data/information and critically analyse, review and

    interpret ones own research and the relevant literature;

    Draw conclusions as to the nature of the problem and how to solve it;

    Present well-argued and referenced recommendations as to future

    practice(s) in the given field;

    Manage and plan the thesis writing process within the given timeframe;

    Where relevant, include feedback and practical policy implications for

    local authorities (if research is based on local data) to contribute to

    improvements at the local level;

    Give a short write-up, highlighting aims, main findings, conclusion and

    possible recommendations as well as discussing critical questions andremarks regarding the findings and conclusions;

    Provide critical and constructive feedback to fellow students on their


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    Thesis Deadlines

    Thesis Topic Approval: 3 weeks from the completion of Project Semester

    Synopsis Submission: 6 weeks from the approval of Thesis Topic

    Interim Evaluation: 6 weeks from the submission of Thesis Synopsis

    Final Submission: 2 weeks from Interim Evaluation of Thesis

    Dates : Delhi Center

    Thesis Topic Approval: 16thSept2013 onwards

    Synopsis Submission: 28th


    Interim Evaluation: 09th Dec2013

    Final Submission: 23rdDec2013

  • 7/29/2019 All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches


    Thesis Supervision

    Identification of supervising guideAccording to the institutes regulations, your thesis should be carried out

    under the supervision of an external guide of your choice and approved by

    the institute. The external guide can be from an academic background

    working with any institute as an assistant professor, associate professor, a

    professor or they can be a specialists working and from the industry.

    The thesis coordinator approves and archives the thesis topic and the

    chosen supervising guide. This process takes 2 weeks from the date of

    receiving the request over email from the student with the details of his

    proposed research area of interest.

    8 weeks are allocated for thesis supervision work, during this period you

    are expected to meet your supervisor at least 4 times. The supervision

    includes all tasks carried out by the supervisor in relation to the thesis:finalization of the thesis topic, developing the synopsis, reading of drafts,

    preparation for meetings, interim evaluation, etc.

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    Thesis Supervision contd...

    Roles and responsibilitiesTo ensure that the working relationship between you and your supervisor

    is as productive and rewarding as possible, we have set down guiding

    principles for your respective roles and responsibilities.

    The supervising guide will:

    Guide the student in formulating clear, relevant, commercially viable, challenging,ethical and achievable research objectives;

    Guide the student in finalizing the thesis topic. The title of the thesis should be

    precise, argumentative and specific. It should not be an announcement. It should be

    a single sentence, able to reflect the key idea(s) and structure of the thesis;

    Supervise the students preparation of the synopsis in the required format;

    Guide the student in using relevant and up-to-date academic/other literature

    within the chosen area of study;

    Advise the student in the choice of research methods, authenticity of any publishedinformation (secondary data used should be of last 2-3 years, not older than that),

    any ethical clearance and data size etc.;

    Advise the student in making a realistic fieldwork schedule, primary research

    should be included to support your study;

    Review and conduct interim evaluation and approve or improve the draft;

    Provide timely feedback to the thesis coordinator and assist students in completing

    thesis in the desired format and on time.

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    Thesis Supervision contd...The student will: Decide on a thesis topic from the proposed research area of study in consultation

    with his/her assigned supervisor;

    Participate in formulating the research objectives in consultation with his/her

    assigned supervisor;

    Prepare and submit a thesis synopsis in consultation with his/her assigned


    If undertaking primary research, identify and discuss with the supervisor any

    ethical issues and secure ethical approval;

    Produce work in accordance with a schedule agreed upon with the supervisor at

    the start of the process;

    Ensure that material is presented in sufficient time to allow the supervisors

    comments, discussion and alterations, before proceeding to the next stage;

    Write your thesis and submit interim response sheet for interim evaluation in time

    and get an approval from your supervisor for final submission;

    Adhere to the deadlines strictly.

    Written agreement on supervisionBefore supervision starts, you will receive an approval mail from thesis coordinatormentioning your Thesis ID, Approved Research Area and your approved supervisor,

    outlining the terms and conditions for supervision.

    On the basis of this approval mail your supervisor and yourself will finalize the thesis

    topic and develop a synopsis in the required format. The synopsis will be a written

    document defining the different phases and deadlines in your thesis process. This

    should be signed by both you and submitted to the thesis coordinator.

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    Annex A: Research Area Approval Format

    Summer training details:

    Topic -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Company name: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    Area of specialization ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Summary on internship ----------------------------------------------------------------------







    Phone Number:

    Email Address:

    Course to which admitted IIPM ISBE A/B ICHE

    Month & year of admission

    Place of study (IIPM CENTER )

    Thesis Area Opted:

    Specialization Area:

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    Kinds/ Area of projects done in project trisemester

    Your favorite subjects you have taken interest while pursuing in IIPM





    Mention some notable internal assignments closely or distantly related to support

    your research interest area



    Kinds Scores


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    Mention how the chosen research area is related to your current career or helpful for

    your career path.



    Are you currently working? If yes, mention the following:

    Name of company ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Location -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Job Role -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Or else, if you have joined your family business, mention the following:

    Industry --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Nature of business ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Or else, if you are in an entrepreneurial drive, mention the following:

    Industry ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Nature of business ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Market Research

    Scores in market research related papers - Research methodology and Marketing



    Have you used any statistical tools:

    T TEST F TEST Z Test CHI SQUARE TEST ANOVA Pearsons Correlation &

    Bivariate Regression Others Twill be helpful for your career path.




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    Do you have knowledge about complex analytical methods. Tick any

    Multiple regressions

    Discriminant analysis


    Factor & Components Analysis

    Time Series Analysis, Program Assessment, Forecasting

    Logistic, Ordered, Multinomial, Negative Binomial & Poisson Regression

    Have you used any statistical software for doing projects or gained knowledge on

    application while pursuing in IIPM?



    Books Referred in market research



    - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



    I _____________________ the undersigned Agree that I have read the

    thesis guidelines and shall adhere to the guidelines terms &conditions.

    Signature:________________________________Date: ___________

  • 7/29/2019 All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches


    Thesis Research AreaSuggestive List


    Market environment B2B marketing International Marketing

    Market economics Direct MarketingCustomer Relationship


    Consumer Behaviour Digital Marketing Service Marketing

    Market Research Marketing Channels Retail Management

    Marketing Research Ethics in MarketingStrategic Marketing: Pricing,

    Market Entry & Exit Strategy

    Brand Research Social Marketing / CSR Marketing Communication:

    Advertising, Public Relations

    & Marketing Promotions/

    Events/ ActivationsSales Management Rural Marketing

    Human Resource

    Leadership Training and Development Cultural & Cross-cultural issues

    Motivation Performance Appraisal International HRM

    Organisation Culture Compensation Management Strategic HRM

    Organisation Development Occupational health and safety Talent Management

    Work / Industry Psychology Collective Bargaining Success Planning

    Recruitment & Selection Labour Welfare Counselling Skills for Managers

    HR Audit & Human Capital

    ManagementTrade Unionism Work life balance

    Human Resource InformationSystem (HRIS)

    Quality Management &Systems

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    Thesis Research AreaSuggestive List contd...

    FinanceFinancial Accounting Business Valuations Wealth Management

    Management/Cost Accounting Mergers & Acquisitions Investment Banking

    Taxation Direct / Indirect Derivatives Corporate Governance

    Corporate Finance FOREX Financial Regulations

    Financial Planning Capital / Financial Markets Hedge Funds

    Financial Risk Management Working Capital Management Islamic Banking

    Portfolio Management Corporate Banking Microfinance

    Financial Modelling General Life Insurance Equity Analysis

    Strategic Finance International Finance Venture Capital & PrivateEquity

    OperationsSupply Chain Management

    Process Design &


    Planning & Control in

    Manufacturing Industries

    Distribution & Logistics

    Marketing & Operations


    Planning & Control in Service


    Operations Research Quality Management & Control Warehousing

    Service OperationsTechnology & Operations

    Management / e-SCM

    Operations StrategyEnterprise Resource Planning


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    Thesis Research AreaSuggestive List contd...

    StrategyBusiness Strategy

    Business process


    Strategic Management of New


    Operations Strategy Business RestructuringEntrepreneurship & Strategic


    Innovation & StrategyLeadership Skills and Strategic

    ManagementStrategy Management Models

    Competitive Strategic

    Management Strategic Investment Decisions

    Mergers & Acquisitions Corporate Entrepreneurship

    Information TechnologyKnowledge Management Technology & Competitiveness Technology in Operations

    Enterprise Resource Planning Technology in Marketing Technology & Outsourcing

    Search Engine Optimisation Technology in HR Innovation & Strategy

    Social Networks & Business

    StrategyTechnology in Finance

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    Thesis Synopsis

    A synopsis is a brief outline of your proposed thesis. As a first draft, the

    synopsis will help you clarify and structure your ideas. The synopsis

    further helps you develop your thesis research proposal in detail. You

    will develop your synopsis in collaboration with your supervising guide.

    The required length of the synopsis is 3-4 pages (1 page =

    approximately 2400 characters without spaces, font size 12 pt. line

    space 1.5, margins 2.5 on all sides, A4 paper).

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    Phone Number:

    Email address:

    Course to which admitted IIPM ISBE A/B ICHE

    Month & year of admission

    Place of study(IIPM CENTER )

    Thesis Id Allotted


    Thesis Topic:

    Specialization Area:


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    Research Objectives:





    Research methodology:

    Secondary data

    Primary data-

    Tool used

    Sampling method

    Sample size

    Target Audience

    Limitations of the study:

    Books referred:


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    Justification of choosing the topic:


    Name of the Guide:

    Phone No:

    Email Address:

    Designation :

    Name of the organization :

    Attach the visiting card :

    Attach the acceptance letter:


    Use additional pages if required.

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    Thesis ID generated

    Name of the student

    Phone No.


    IIPM Center

    Thesis topic

    Specialization area

    Name of the guide

    Phone No.


    To be filled by the thesis data management team:

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    Annex C: Thesis Response sheet

    Response sheet number:

    Thesis Topic:


    Details of the student (Name ,Batch ,Alumni Id ,Phone No and Email Id )

    Thesis synopsis (Attach thesis synopsis [ if response sheets are emailed] with every response

    sheet )

    Date when the guide was consulted: _______________________________

    Progress of the work :(Students are required to give a gist of the literature review, data collection, analysis

    and recommendations etc... (use a separate sheet if required).

    Comments from the Supervising guide: ( To be filled only by the supervising guide)

    Signature of the Supervising guide: Signature of the Student:

    Note: -Whenever a student emails his/her response sheet, he/she has to send all the

    previous response sheets too. Response sheets should be emailed to the thesis

    coordinator. Signature of the guide is not mandatory if the student send through email.

    Thesis Id:

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    Annex D: Final Thesis Format

    The Manuscript consists of three main parts

    The Preliminaries

    The Content or the text The References

    The Preliminaries

    Title Page


    Certificate of Originality Thesis Topic approval letter sent over email


    Table of Contents

    List of Figures & Tables


    Note : Preliminary pages Numbering should be in lower case Roman numerals; Centered at thebottom of the page; Numbers at least inch from bottom edge

    Title Page

    Institute logo ,Name and place;

    Name of the Title ,Student and Guide ; Batch andAlumni No

    It should contain all capital letters ; Counted, butnot numbered ;


    This should include the problem underinvestigation; the research methodology andtheoretical orientation; and the expected outcomes and implications of the research

    Not to exceed 350 wordsCertificate of Originality

    It should include original signature of the Guide.

    It indicates that the guide has approved the thesisas a complete and final work requiring no furtheralterations. This signatory format is completelydifferent from the format when submitted at thetime of synopsis.


    It should generally include acknowledgment of

    assistance received from various persons. Center the heading ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

    Table of Contents:

    Lists all sections with pagenumbers; Double space betweenentries; Single space withinentries

    List of Figures:

    Required if figures appear inthesis

    Non-text items; Numberedconsecutively throughout

    List of Tables:

    Required if tables appear in thethesis

    Tables should be numberedconsecutively throughout.


    Original synopsis (without anyalternations) should be attached.

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    Annex D: Final Thesis Format

    The Manuscript consists of three main parts

    The Preliminaries

    The Content or the text The References

    The Content or the Text


    Research objectives & Methodology

    Literature Review

    Primary Findings & Analysis

    Recommendations Conclusions & Implications

    NOTE: Page Numbering should be in Arabic

    numerals; Upper, right-hand corner; At least

    inch from edge


    ntroduction of topic.

    Literature Review :Relevant literature to establish a sound base

    for the proposed research

    Research objectives & Methodology :

    Explanation of what is the research objectives

    and the methods used to achieve the

    specified objectives.

    Primary findings & analysis:

    Report on the primary data collected using

    the research methods and techniques .Recommendations:

    t should be based on resolving the Research

    problem. A thesis is written from a

    consultants perspective.

    Conclusions & Implications:

    t should include how the data collected and

    the literature reviewed, together contribute

    to answering the research questions and

    resolving the research problem.

    Research Methodology:

    It Should cover the following details:

    Method used

    Tool used

    Target Audience

    Sample size

    Sampling method used Research Area


    It must be appropriate to the objective of your


    Triangulation Method is mostly used at master

    level thesis (Triangulation refers to the use of

    more than one approach to the investigation of

    a research question)Justifications regarding specific methods

    chosen or used

    Data collection methods:

    Qualitative marketing research

    Generally used for exploratory purposes small

    number of respondents; not generalizable to the

    whole population; statistical significance and

    confidence not calculated. Examples include

    focus groups, depth interviews and projective


    Quantitative marketing research

    Generally used to draw conclusions tests a

    specific hypothesis; uses random sampling

    techniques so as to infer from the sample to the

    population; involves a large number of

    respondents. Examples include surveys and


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    Annex D: Final Thesis Format

    The Manuscript consists of three main parts

    The Preliminaries

    The Content or the text The References

    The References


    It should include all works which are referred

    to in the thesis. May be placed at the end of the main text.

    Use any standard manual. If one is not using a

    style manual, single space within each entry and

    double space between the entries.


    Inclusions: Articles, Questionnaire format, Old

    forms or reports, Sample filled questionnaires

    with Business cards attached.Transcriptions of audio speech recordings

    should be included in the text of the thesis.

    Exclusions: Case study, Power point slides

    Response Sheets

    All thesis should contain all the Response

    Sheets in the prescribed format

    The Layout Requirements



    Header and Footer



    Overall Appearance

    Submission of Final Thesis in Hard & Soft-

    Copy along with audio visual or electronic



    1.5 Inch space or Double space throughoutExceptions: Title page and approval page, Table of contents, Captions, table or figure headings,Extensive quotations, Footnotes or endnotes, Entries in reference section, Appendices.

    FontAny standard font is acceptable; Use the same font throughout; Use font size 12Exceptions: Captions (not smaller than 9 point), Headings (not larger than 20 point)

    Header and FooterThe Header should include the Institutes Logo with Name (extreme left)The footer should include the Students Batch (Extreme left) and Thesis Id Number (Extreme Right)

    MarginsPages must have at least 1.5 inch left margin; 1 inch top, bottom, and right marginsExceptions: pg nos must have at least inch clearance from each edge

    Overall AppearanceAll corrections should be made before final copy is printedUnacceptable: Overstrikes or cross-outs ,Handwritten additions or corrections, Lines, dots or shadingfrom paste-ups .

    Final thesis submission : Hard copy & Soft CopyPortrait format; One side only; Every content of the thesis should be in New PageThesis Front Page should include following Institute Logo, Name and Place, Thesis Title, Student

    Name, Alumni No, Batch, Thesis Supervising Guide.

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    Annex E: Thesis Submission Acceptance Format

    STUDENT INFORMATION : ( To be filled in capital letters)

    Student Name:

    Thesis Id:

    Phone No.: Sp. Area : ( M), (HR), (F)

    Email address:

    Title :

    As THESIS MENTOR for the student named above, I certify by

    signing below that I have read this students final thesis

    draft, have approved changes required by me, andrecommend the Thesis for acceptance.

    Supervision Guides Name :

    Sign : Date :

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    Details to be filled by the student

    Name of the Student: _____ _____________________ Thesis Id No :_______________________________

    E Mail ID: ____________________________ Phone No: __________________ Date of viva_____________

    Title of the Thesis:___________________________________________________________________________


    Details to be filled by the Thesis Evaluator

    1. Research objective /problem definition: Weightage: 05 Marks_______________



    2. Research methodology /Description: Weightage: 05 Marks _______________



    3. Research results /analysis/technical presentation: Weightage: 25 Marks________________


    ________________________________________________________________________________________ __

    4. Achievement of aims / research objectives: Weightage: 10 Marks____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    5. Originality /Value addition: (Video transcripts) Weightage: 10 Marks _______________



    6. Quality of recommendations & conclusion: Weightage: 15 Marks _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    7. Relevance of the Literature used: Weightage: 10 Marks _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    8. Structure and presentation of the thesis: Weightage: 05 Marks ________________Use of Language :

    (Writing style, Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling and Communicativeness)

    Layout requirements : (Conformity with instructions)

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    9. Assessment of handwritten summary of thesis work: Weightage: 10 Marks____________


    10. Assessment of Process *: Weightage: 05 Marks ___________

    (Independency shown by student, Pace of work and Response sheets follow-up)


    11. Deductions (if any) for non compliance *: Marks ____________

    To be filled in by the thesis coordinators of respective centers. Deduction for non compliance includes late submission of

    synopsis, Guides signature missing on the final thesis, topic approval letter missing, non submission of response sheets on

    time etc.

    Thesis coordinator: ______________________ Center:


    Viva Voce Checklist

    s the student clear about the Research Objective/Hypothesis/Problem? Yes / No

    s the candidate able to justify the Research Design? Yes / No

    s the student fully aware of the new developments in the Research area Yes / No

    Do the research objectives and research analysis correlate each other Yes / No

    Are the References and Research Authentic? Yes / No

    How do you rate the Viva on the scale of 1to 5? (Where 1 is Excellent and 5 is worst) ----------

    Any other comments:



    Name of the examiner: ______________________________ Signature : ___________________________

    Date of evaluation : ______________________________

    Overall Percentage of marks (Total marks 100): -----------------

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    Thesis Viva-Voce Evaluation

    Purpose of the Viva Voce examination

    To examine whether value addition to the existing knowledge was generated

    To establish that the research has been carried out independently and genuinely by the


    To determine the candidates understanding of the literature used in the thesis

    To examine the conceptual and logical approach and research techniques used in the


    To allow the candidate to defend the originality of the thesis

    Thesis PlagiarismPlagiarism is the presentation of another persons work as your own. Plagiarism can

    occur at all academic levels, ranging from students who copy a short passage from

    another source and paste it into their own essay without indicating its source, to

    supervising guide failing to acknowledge the real source of an idea or insight in their own


    Plagiarism is a serious academic and criminal offence. If detected in the thesis, it

    typically results in disqualification. In other words, your thesis will fail and you will not be

    awarded the degree/diploma and there will be no second chances given.

    An academic learning process requires you to work with other peoples ideas. However,

    your use of these ideas must be properly acknowledged. It is your responsibility to

    ensure that the work you submit does not involve a deliberated attempt to deceive the

    evaluator into believing that a borrowed or copied idea or passage is your own.All quotations from other sources, whether published or unpublished, must be properly

    acknowledged. This includes academic sources as well as non-published work obtained

    from other students.

    Students are advised that plagiarism software detection programs will be used to check

    all thesis submitted and no exceptions will be made for students caught plagiarizing.]

  • 7/29/2019 All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches


    Thesis Check List

    Ensure that the set research objective /problem has been achieved/solved.

    Ensure that your thesis extends the understanding of a subject and makes anadditional contribution to Human knowledge.

    Ensure that the data collected has been properly analyzed.

    Ideally a thesis is a combination of secondary as well as primary data. However therequirements may vary depending on the topic chosen.

    Ensure that the writing style should remain same throughout the thesis report.Plagiarism would lead to rejection of thesis.

    Ensure that preliminary requirements have been met.

    Students mustalways use the thesis title as approved and sent to them by email.

    The Final Thesis report should be between 10000 to 30000 words.

    Ensure that the structural requirements have been met.

    Ensure that grammar, punctuation marks etc have been met.

    The student should use Thesis Identification Number but not the Student GeneralIdentification Number for any thesis related query.

    Ensure that Appendices include Articles, News papers cuttings, Questionnaireformat, Old forms or reports.

    Ensure all data, tables and graphs should be in the color format.

    Final Thesis should be submitted in the form of 1 Hard copy, 2 soft copies & 1 softcopy by email.

    There will be video recording of two interviews with industry/ subject experts andalso with the external guide.

    There would be marks deduction or rejection of thesis for Non compliance ofthesis rules.

  • 7/29/2019 All India Thesis Guidelines Fall 2011-13 IIPM Batches


    Reach Your Thesis Coordinators

    For Marketing and Operations: [email protected]

    For Human Resources: [email protected]

    For Finance: [email protected]

    For Information Technology [email protected]

    For any other thesis related queries: [email protected]

    Contact Thesis Department

    Department of Thesis***************************************

    Level 0, IIPM International Campus,

    Satbari, Mehrauli-Chattarpur Road , Delhi , IndiaPhone: 91.11.30168408

    e-mail: [email protected];

    web: www.iipm.edu,


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.iipm.edu/http://www.iipm.edu/mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
