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All Lessons 12

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Lesson 1 one

Good morning !

Hello ! = buna !Good morning ! = buna dimineata !Good afternoon ! = buna ziua !Good evening ! = buna seara !Good night ! = noapte buna !Good-bye ! = la revedere !How are you ? = ce mai faci?

Fine, thank you. = bine, multumesc !Whats your name? = Cum te cheama?

My name is = numele meu este

I am = eu sunt

Nice to meet you! = Incantat de cunostinta!Mr. = domnul

Mrs. = doamna

Miss = domnisoara

Sir = domnule

teacher = profesor

my = al meu

your = al tau

but = dar

I = euyou = tu

1.2. Lets read ! (Sa citim!)

Good morning, Dan! Good morning, teacher!

How are you?

Fine, thank you.

Good-bye, Dan!

Good-bye, teacher!

Hello, my name is Patrick.

Hello, Mr. Patrick. I am Mrs. Brown. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Brown.

How are you, Mr. Patrick?

Fine, thank you.

Good-bye, Mr. Patrick.

Good-bye, Mrs. Brown.

Good evening, Sir.

Good evening. Whats your name?

My name is Mike.

Nice to meet you, Mike.

But, whats your name, Sir?

I am Mr. Wilson, your teacher. Nice to meet you, Mr. Wilson.

Good-bye, Mike.

Good-bye, Mr. Wilson.

Lesson 2 - two

What is this?What is this ? = Ce este acesta?

It is here. = Este aici.

What is this?

This is a book.

It is here.What is this?

This is a pencil.

It is here.

What is that ? = Ce este acela?

It is there. = Este acolo.

What is that?

That is a notebook.

It is there.What is that?

That is a pen.

It is there.

It is (Its) = este (pentru lucruri si animale)

This is my pen. = Acesta este stiloul meu.

This is your pen. = Acesta este stiloul tau.


Give me your pen! = Da-mi stiloul tau!

2.2. Lets read !

Hello, Mike.

Hello, Miss Patty. How are you, Mike?

Fine, thank you.

What is that, Mike?

It is my book.

Good-bye, Mike.

Good-bye, Miss Patty.

Good morning, Steve.

Good morning, Katie

What is that?

It is a notebook. It is my notebook.

But, what is this?

It is a pencil. It is your pencil.

But, what is that?

Its your pen.

Bye, Steve.

Bye, Katie.

Lesson 3 - three

How old are you?

How old are you? = Cati ani ai?

I am years old. = Eu am ani.

One = unu

Two = doi

Three = trei

Four = patru

Five = cinci

Six = sase

Seven = sapte

Eight = opt

Nine = noua

Ten = zece

a boya girla cata dog


Here you are! = Poftim!

3.2. Lets read:

Good afternoon, boy. Good afternoon, Mrs. Brown.

Whats your name, boy?

My name is Tom.

How old are you, Tom?

I am seven years old.

What is that?

It is a cat.

What is this?

This is a dog.

Good afternoon, Mr. Patrick.

Good afternoon, girl. How are you, Sir?

Fine, thank you. Whats your name?

My name is Alice.

How old are you?

I am eight years old.

What is that?

It is a notebook, my notebook.

But, what is this?

It is a book, your book.

Very good, Alice.

Lesson 4 - FOUR

How many?

How many are in the picture? = Cate sunt in imagine?

There is = Este

There are = Sunt

There are two horses in the picture. = Sunt doi cai in imagine.

INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Horse.GIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET

one horsetwo horses

one appletwo apples

Lets play:

I say one, you say two!

girl = girls

boy = boys

book = books

pen = pens

pencil = pencils

horse = horses

apple = apples

cat = cats

dog = dogs

4.2. Lets read:

I am a boy. My name is Tom. I am five years old.

I am a girl. My name is Alice. I am four years old.

How many horses are in the picture?

INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Horse.GIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET

INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Horse.GIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET

INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Horse.GIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET

There are four horses.

But, how many pencils are in the picture?


EMBED MSPhotoEd.3 There are three pencils.

How many dogs are in the picture?

There are two dogs.

How many cats are here?

There is one cat.

Lesson 5 - FIVE


What colour is it? = Ce culoare are?

What colour is the balloon ? = Ce culoare are balonul?

The balloonis green. = Balonul este verde.


The cat is white.The blackboard is black.The horse is brown.

Is it ? = Este ?

Yes, it is (its). = Da, este.

No, it is not (it isnt) . = Nu, nu este.

Is it a cat?

Yes, it is.Is it a dog?

Yes, it is.

5.2. Listen and repeat:1. The balloon is red.

The balloons are red.2. The book is blue.

EMBED MSPhotoEd.3 The books are blue.3. The pencil is yellow. The pencils are yellow.

4. The horse is brown.

INCLUDEPICTURE "http://www.enchantedlearning.com/Horse.GIF" \* MERGEFORMATINET The horses are brown.5. The pen is green.

EMBED MSPhotoEd.3 The pens are green.

5.2. Lets read:

Hello, girl.

Hello, Sir. Whats your name?

My name is Alice.

How old are you, Alice?

I am five years old.

What is that? It is a cat.

Is it your cat?

Yes, it is. It is my cat, Kitty.

What colour is it?

It is white.

But what is this? Is it a horse? No, it is not a horse, it is a dog.

What colour is it?

It is black.

How many books are in the picture?

There are five books.

How many horses are in the picture? There is one horse. What colour is it?

It is brown.

Is it your horse?

No, it isnt.

Lesson 6 SIX


A , AN = UN, O

vowel = vocala (a, e, i, o, u)

a girl

a boy

a tree

an apple

an elephant

an angel

This is a tree.= Acesta este un copac.

This is an elephant.= Acesta este un elefant.

today = astazi

6.2. Lets read:

Good morning, girls and boys!

Good morning, teacher!

How are you, today?

Fine, thank you!

My name is Mrs. Brown.

Hello, Mrs. Brown.

Whats your name, boy?

My name is Chris.

Nice to meet you, Chris.

Nice to meet you, Mrs. Brown.

How old are you, Chris?

I am ten years old.

What is this?

This is my book.

And what is that?

That is your book.

What is here?

It is a horse, a black horse.

But, what is there?

It is an elephant.

What colour is the elephant?

It is brown.

What is this?

This is a picture.

How many cats are in the picture?

There are five cats.

And how many dogs are in the picture?

There are seven dogs in the picture.

What colour are the dogs?

The dogs are white and black.

Is here a cat?

No, it isnt.

Is there a girl?

Yes, there is.

Is here a horse?No, it isnt.

6.3. Answer the questions:

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

What is this?This is a / an _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Lesson 7 - SEVEN

= TO BE =

(a fi)

I am = Im = eu sunt

We are = Were = noi suntem

You are = Youre = tu esti

You are = Youre = voi sunteti

He is = Hes = el este

They are = Theryre = ei, ele sunt

She is = Shes = ea este

It is = Its = el, ea este (pt. animale si lucruri)

I am a woman.

You are a man.

He is a boy.

She is a girl.

It is a ball. (pentru lucruri)

It is a bird. (pentru animale)

We are two girls.

You are two boys.

They are three angels.

7.2. Write the correct word for each picture.


7.3. Listen and tick ( ) the right box:

/ ai // ei /










THE = -ul, -a

vowel = vocala (a, e, i, o, u)

girlthe girl

horsethe horse


elephant the_elephant

birdthe bird

angel the_angel

pupilthe pupil

pupil = elev

bird = pasare

grey = gri

8.2. Lets read:

Good afternoon, pupils !

Good afternoon, teacher !

How are you today?

Fine, thank you !

What is this?

This is an angel.

What colour is the angel?

The angel is white.

Is there a pupil?

Yes, there is.

Is this a bird?

Yes, it is. It is a blue bird.

What is that?

That is an elephant.

Is the elephant red?

No, it is not. It is grey.

Very good! Good bye, pupils!

Good bye, teacher!

Lets remember:

elephantan elephanta grey elephantun elefant gri

booka booka black booko carte neagra

angelan angela white angelun inger alb

pencila pencila yellow pencilun creion galben

applean applea red appleun mar rosu

treea treea green treeun copac verde

birda birda blue birdo pasare albastra

horsea horsea brown horseun cal maro

balloona balloona pink balloonun balon roz

elephantthe elephantthe grey elephantelefantul gri

bookthe bookthe black bookcartea neagra

angelthe angelthe white angelingerul alb

pencilthe pencilthe yellow pencilcreionul galben

applethe applethe red applemarul rosu

treethe treethe green treecopacul verde

birdthe birdthe blue birdpasarea albastra

horsethe horsethe brown horsecalul maro

balloonthe balloonthe pink balloonbalonul roz

Lesson 9 NINE

My family

This is my father. He is a doctor.

This is my mother. She is a teacher.

This is my brother. He is a student.

This is my sister. She is a pupil.

This is my grandfather. He is old.

This is my grandmother. She is old, too.

This is Rex. It is my dog.

family = familie

old = batranyoung = tanar

everyone, all = toata lumea, totitoo = de asemenea9.2. Lets read:

Hello, Jane! Hello, Mary!

This is my family.Hello, everyone!

She is Julia, my mother. She is young.

She is a teacher. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Julia.

He is Mark, my father. He is young, too. He is a doctor.Nice to meet you, Sir.

This is Rex, my dog.

It is black and white.Hello, dog, how are you?

He is my brother, Simon. He is a student.

And she is Alice, my sister.How old is Alice?

She is eight years old.She is very young.

And they are my grandmother and my grandfather. They are old.

Nice to meet you all!

Lesson 10 TEN

The alphabet (A N)AappleHhen

BbutterflyIice cream






TO BE(negative / interrogative)


I am not = Im noteu nu suntAm I?sunt eu?

You are not = You arenttu nu estiAre you?esti tu?

He is not = He isntel nu esteIs he?este el?

She is not = She isntea nu este Is she?este ea?

It is not = it isntel (ea) nu esteIs it?este el (ea)?

we are not = we arentnoi nu suntemAre we?suntem noi?

you are not = you arentvoi nu suntetiAre you?sunteti voi?

they are not = they arentei nu suntAre they?sunt ei?

10.2. Lets read:- Hello, my name is Mary.

- Hello! I am Mark. How are you?

- Fine, thank you.

- How old are you?

- I am seven years old.

- Is that your mother?

- Yes, she is. She is young.

- Is your mother a doctor?

- No, she isnt. My father is a doctor.

- Is your grandfather young?

- No, he isnt. He is old.

- Is this your sister?- Yes, she is my sister. She is a pupil.

- Is your brother a pupil, too?

- No, my brother is a student.

- And what is that?

- It is my dog, Rex.

- Nice dog.

- Good bye, Mark.

- Good bye, Mary.

10.3. Spell the words:

bell, jam, ice, milk, flag, headLesson 11 ELEVENThe alphabet (O Z)










I doeu facI do not (dont) do I?

you dotu faciyou do not (dont)do you?

he doesel facehe does not (doesnt)does he?

she doesea faceshe does not (doesnt)does she?

it doesel, ea faceit does not (doesnt)does it?

we donoi facemwe do not (dont)do we?

you dovoi facetiyou do not (dont)do you?

they doei facthey do not (dont)do they?

11.2. Lets read:

homework = tema

to go = a merge

to dance = a dansaevery day = in fiecare zi

to play = a (se) juca to read = a citiwhat? = ce?

school = scoala

to sleep = a dormiWhat do you do every day? I do my homework every day.

I play football every day.

She does her homework every day.

He plays football every day.

(tema ei)

I dance every day.

I read every day.She dances every day.

She readsevery day.

I sleep every day.

I go to school every day. He sleeps every day.

He goes to school every day.11.3. Spell the words:

queen, orange, pig, TV, school, box, zebra

Lesson 12 - TWELVETO HAVE = a avea


I haveeu amI have not(I havent)eu nu am

you havetu aiyou have not(you havent)tu nu ai

he hasel arehe has not(he hasnt)el nu are

she hasea areshe has not(she hasnt)ea nu are

it hasel, ea areit has not(it hasnt)el, ea nu are

we havenoi avemwe have not(we havent)noi nu avem

you havevoi avetiyou have not(you havent)voi nu aveti

they haveei authey have not(they havent)ei nu au


have I?orDo I have?am eu?

have you?orDo you have?ai tu?

has he?orDoes he have?are el?

has she?orDoes she have?are ea?

has it?orDoes it have?are el, ea?

have we?orDo we have?avem noi?

have you?orDo you have?aveti voi?

have they?orDo they have?au ei?

12.2. Lets read:

Do you have a bird?

No, I have not a bird.

I have a flower.Do I have a horse?

No, you have not a horse.

You have a rabbit.

Does he have an apple?

No, he has not an apple.

He has two apples.Does she have a blue balloon?

No, she has not a blue balloon.

She has an orange balloon.

Do we have three notebooks?

No, we have not three notebooks.

We have three books.Do they have four pens?

No, they have not four pens.

They have four balls.

Do you go to school?Yes, I go to school.

No, I dont go to school.Do you dance?Yes, I dance.

No, I dont dance.

Does it sleep?

Yes, it does.

No, it doesnt.Does he read?

Yes, he does.

No, he doesnt.

Does he play?

Yes, he does.

No, he doesnt.Does she write?Yes, she does.

No, she doesnt.

Do they play?Yes, they do.

No, they dont.Do we read?

Yes, we do.

No, we dont.

Do you have a red dress?Yes, I have. (Yes, I do)

No, I havent. (No, I dont)Does he have a green ball?Yes, he does. (Yes, he has)

No, he doesnt. (No, he hasnt)





