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Allied to kids - NSW Health · Allied to Kids is an initiative of the NSW Children’s Healthcare...

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Allied to Kids is an initiative of the NSW Children’s Healthcare Network. The newsletter will be circulated regularly to provide updates and information to support allied health professionals who work with kids and their families. Allied to Issue 82 November 2015 kids Inside this Edition Children get arthritis too 1-2 Understanding pretend pay - Orange workshop 6 The Sim Guide: Allied Health scenarios, and tips for simulation based education templates 3 Apps for Allied Health— CPtoys™ 6 Pregnancy Services Study Survey 3 2015 AHA Scholarship Program 7 Be the Bluebird 4 NSW Kids and Families launched the Our Health Our Way resources 7 Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Aboriginal awareness videos 4 Statewide Telehealth Education Opportunities 8 OurSpace eMentoring 5 Allied Health Educator Contact Details 8 Moving and doing: upcoming research 5 Conferences/Workshops/Webinars 9-11 Children Get Arthritis Too Have you recently managed a child with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis? Would you like any assistance with managing these patients? Did you know that we are currently undertaking a project to improve access to multidisciplinary teams for children with rheumatologic illnesses? We need your help… Please tell us what we can do for you: Would you like educational updates? Would you like the opportunity to work with the team in Sydney for a few days? If you can please help us? Can you please email the Project Officer or one of the allied health team if, in the last 2 years, you have managed a child or young person with a rheumatologic disease –JIA, Lupus, Dermatomyositis. Please send us an email – we are trying to figure out how many of you are seeing these patients. Where are we up to? The Paediatric Rheumatology Team would like to give an update on where we are up to with implementing the NSW Paediatric Rheumatology Network (PRN) Model of Care. First a bit of background: Paediatric rheumatic diseases are a significant cause of acquired disability for children and young people, affecting more than 6000 children and young people in NSW. As a result of the severity of disease and longer duration of the illness, rheumatic disease in children often leads to poorer outcomes than similar disease in adults. 1 Rheumatic disease has a major impact on children, their families and society. Fifty percent of children with arthritis continue to have arthritis into adulthood; 80% of these children have pain on a daily basis with 85% of children having limitations that lead to reduced ability to participate in school and sports. 1 Continued over the page
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Allied to Kids is an initiative of the NSW Children’s Healthcare Network. The newsletter will be circulated regularly to provide

updates and information to support allied health professionals who work with kids and their families.

Allied to Issue 82

November 2015 kids

Inside this Edition

Children get arthritis too 1-2 Understanding pretend pay - Orange workshop


The Sim Guide: Allied Health scenarios, and

tips for simulation based education templates

3 Apps for Allied Health— CPtoys™ 6

Pregnancy Services Study Survey 3 2015 AHA Scholarship Program 7

Be the Bluebird 4 NSW Kids and Families launched the Our Health Our Way resources


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Aboriginal

awareness videos

4 Statewide Telehealth Education Opportunities 8

OurSpace eMentoring 5 Allied Health Educator Contact Details 8

Moving and doing: upcoming research 5 Conferences/Workshops/Webinars 9-11

Children Get Arthritis Too

Have you recently managed a child with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis?

Would you like any assistance with managing these patients?

Did you know that we are currently undertaking a project to improve access to

multidisciplinary teams for children with rheumatologic illnesses? We need your help…

Please tell us what we can do for you:

Would you like educational updates?

Would you like the opportunity to work with the team in Sydney for a few days?

If you can please help us?

Can you please email the Project Officer or one of the allied health team if, in the last 2 years, you have managed a child or young person with a rheumatologic disease –JIA, Lupus, Dermatomyositis. Please send us an email – we are trying to figure out how many of you are seeing these patients.

Where are we up to?

The Paediatric Rheumatology Team would like to give an update on where we are up to with implementing the NSW Paediatric Rheumatology Network (PRN) Model of Care. First a bit of background:

Paediatric rheumatic diseases are a significant cause of acquired disability for children and young people, affecting more than 6000 children and young people in NSW. As a result of the severity of disease and longer duration of the illness, rheumatic disease in children often leads to poorer outcomes than similar disease in adults.1 Rheumatic disease has a major impact on children, their families and society. Fifty percent of children with arthritis continue to have arthritis into adulthood; 80% of these children have pain on a daily basis with 85% of children having limitations that lead to reduced ability to participate in school and sports.

1 Continued over the page

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Issue 82 Page 2

With this in mind, in 2013, a model of care was launched; the aim of the model of care is to support access to effective care for the 6000 children and young people in NSW with rheumatological diseases.

In 2015, the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (SCHN) and ACI collaborated to fund a project to take the first step in the diagnostic work and implementation of the state wide model of care. This Phase 1 of the project is identification and implementation as there are many system changes that may be required.

The primary aims of the project are to:

develop resources for children, families and health care professionals - potentially a website

build relationships, policies and clinical pathways with GPs, community allied health professionals, LHD teams and the Trapeze team

develop an educational plan for education of health professionals

formalise the operational structure of the multidisciplinary team involved in the care of these children and their families

develop formal transitional care plans for young people

The Allied Health Team Members

Debra Grech - Physiotherapy: [email protected] (SCH, Randwick)

Eleanor Morris - Physiotherapy: [email protected] (CHW)

Paula Bray – Occupational Therapy: [email protected] (CHW)

Carolyn Young – Physiotherapist: [email protected] (Liverpool Hospital)

If you are managing a child with a rheumatologic condition in your clinic or practice, please email Anne at [email protected]


1. Model of Care for the NSW Paediatric Rheumatology Network, Agency for Clinical Innovations, Musculoskeletal Network, 2013. http://www.aci.health.nsw.gov.au/resources/musculoskeletal/paediatric_rheumatology/paediatric-rheumatology-moc


Foster & Jandial: pGALS – paediatric Gait Arms Legs and Spine: a simple examination of the

musculoskeletal system. Pediatric Rheumatology 2013 11:44. (http://www.ped-rheum.com/content/


Paediatric Musculoskeletal Matters: http://www.pmmonline.org/; it does require you to sign on but it

is completely free and has great video on assessment in children. Highly Recommended

Written by: Anne Senner – Project Officer: [email protected]

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Issue 82 Page 3

Pregnancy Services Study Survey Services that work with families across New South Wales are partnering with the Australian Centre for Child Protection, University of South Australia to support a promising new study to explore the experiences of service practitioners, their managers and policy writers who provide services to at-risk pregnant women. Of particular interest within the service response to at-risk pregnant women, is the role of the unborn child High Risk Birth Alert in promoting positive birth outcomes for the mother/baby dyad. Child Protection and health services the world over face the challenge of providing effective early intervention to at-risk families. However, we also know that there are many high quality practitioners, managers and policy writers out there who continue to do great work with at-risk pregnant women and their families. In this study, PhD Candidate Rosa Flaherty under the supervision of Professor Leah Bromfield is examining the factors associated with risk, motivation, engagement and health literacy in the prenatal service delivery context. They are seeking staff in agencies who work with at-risk pregnant women to complete an online survey. They are hopeful that the findings from this study will be relevant to future practice support and development initiatives within services that work with families and encourage you to support this research through participation or by promoting it to other staff who work with, manage staff who work with, or write policy for at-risk pregnant women. Ctrl + click on this link to find out more about the study https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/PregnancyServices. **Please note, if your computer firewall signals there may be a problem with proceeding to the site, please continue, as it is the bona fide survey monkey site. (If you experience any problems accessing the survey via the link above, please let Rosa know via email at [email protected].)

The Sim Guide: Allied Health scenarios, templates and tips for simulation

based education

The Allied Health Professional Educators Network (AHPEN) and the Health Education and Training Institute (HETI) have developed a resource for allied health professionals to support simulation based education. The Sim Guide provides an overview of the key principles of simulation, key skills for educators, and templates to support the development of future simulation activities. Five allied health simulations, each with customised documentation, were developed for the resource:

1. Managing behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia and delirium

2. Medication and falls prevention

3. Delivering difficult news to children’s families

4. Physiotherapy management of an intubated and ventilated child requiring suctioning

5. Radiation safety and communication

The Sim Guide and the supporting documentation for the five simulations will be available on the HETI website in the near future, and hard copies of the resource distributed to Local Health Districts and Specialty Health Networks in upcoming months. For further information on The Sim Guide, contact Craig Slater (Senior Program Officer-Allied Health, HETI) [email protected].

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Issue 82 Page 4

Be The Bluebird The ‘Be The Bluebird’ website and Facebook page was created this year to make it easier for health professionals and the Hunter regional community to find FREE or low cost activities to suit their location or ability. The site contains profiles for local walking, running and cycling groups, plus specialised programs including falls, rehabilitation, diabetes and disability specific activities.

The aim is to encourage people to connect with their local community so they can remain motivated while making lifestyle changes, and to build relationships with others.

As a current GP Registrar, and former dietitian and fitness instructor, I am keenly aware of the issues regarding prevention of lifestyle related diseases and am keen to find ways to maintain and expand the website into the future. I would love to hear from other health professionals who would like to contribute a profile of a group, or an article of interest for the site.

For further information visit: www.BeTheBluebird.com or www.Facebook.com/BeTheBluebirdMusic

Written by: Dr Alison Lancey

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - Aboriginal awareness videos

A number of videos have been produced for the NSW Kids and Families, and Drug and Alcohol Population and Community Programs, Centre for Population Health program on raising awareness about the risks of drinking alcohol in pregnancy.

The project aims to inform Aboriginal families planning or expecting a baby, and support health professionals to discuss the use of alcohol with Aboriginal pregnant women in a culturally appropriate way.

You can view the videos by linking into http://www.kidsfamilies.health.nsw.gov.au/publications/fetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder-aboriginal-awareness-videos/

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OurSpace eMentoring Big Brothers Big Sisters is committed to connecting vulnerable children with mentors, no matter where they are in Australia. This is the inspiration behind OurSpace, a brand new online e-mentoring program that helps to connect children (Littles) with volunteer mentors (Bigs) regardless of where they might live.

In the past, mentoring through Big Brothers Big Sisters has required Bigs and Littles to live within 30 minutes of each other, to limit the time volunteer mentors are required to travel. This has meant that Littles living outside of urban areas often were not eligible for a Big Brothers Big Sisters mentor.

OurSpace provides Bigs and Littles everywhere with a safe and secure online environment to build a positive and interactive relationship online. Through connecting on the OurSpace service, vulnerable children do not have to miss out on a mentor- even if they live too far away to participate in a traditional Big Brothers Big Sisters program. OurSpace can also be used to support children who might not be able to participate in Big Brothers Big Sisters or other mentoring programs due to chronic, mental or physical disabilities, or exclusion or isolation for cultural reasons. The platform is administered by Big Brothers Big Sisters mentoring professionals, who monitor and support each e-mentoring match.

As part of its relationship with Big Brothers Big Sisters, The Walt Disney Company Australia and New Zealand developed the technology that powers OurSpace. OurSpace features games, videos and activities that Bigs and Littles can experience together online including cooking, gardening, dancing, or creating a science experiment. Big Brothers Big Sisters CEO, Sherilyn Hanson says, "what we wanted to do was allow the mentoring relationship to grow online, much the same way as relationships grow in person and that is by having a safe place to do things together and have fun".

Early results from our pilot matches and from research overseas have confirmed the same positive impacts we have in other mentoring programs. Young people who have been mentored in Big Brothers Big Sisters programs have greater confidence, a better sense of self-worth, and are more independent. In the future, they are more likely to stay in school, less likely to turn to drugs or alcohol, and less likely to end up in jail.

OurSpace has been launched across Australia which will allow more young people to be supported by a long term one to one mentor. http://www.bigbrothersbigsisters.org.au/news/29/15/OurSpace-Launch.

Moving and Doing: Invitation for families to participate in an upcoming

research project A research project is being undertaken at Southern Cross University on the Gold Coast from 6 January - 4 February 2016. They will be investigating the changes in performance that occur when children with neuromotor disorders, such as cerebral palsy, participate in more frequent and comprehensive intervention - especially when that therapy is focused on the goals that are most important families and their children.

If you would be interested to find out more, please contact:

Chris Porter, Manager, Paediatric Therapy & Workshops on [email protected] or

Kate Bain on [email protected].

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Understanding pretend play- presented by Professor Karen Stagnitti, Orange 9th October 2015

Allied health professionals from all disciplines travelled to Orange earlier this month to attend a one day workshop run by the wonderfully interactive and engaging Karen Stagnitti. Karen is an Occupational Therapist who has spent the last 30 years studying pretend play skills in children. Among her career highlights is the development of two widely used assessments examining the pretend play skills of children. They are The Child-Initiated Pretend Play Assessment (ChIPPA) and the Symbolic and Imaginative Play Developmental Checklist (SIPDC). Karen is a leader in research in her field and her list of publications is extensive. More information on her publications can be found on her website along with

downloadable resources and handouts http://www.karenstagnitti.com. The content of the day allowed participants a refresh on the different types of play and the developmental expectations for different ages, review of the assessment process and discussion regarding the importance of pretend play development on literacy and social skills. The day concluded with a discussion of intervention approaches including the 'learn to play' program which is an excellent resource for anyone working in early intervention services. Karen is truly a pleasure to listen to as a presenter and her knowledge is both in research and practical clinical skills. To have the opportunity to have such a wonderful researcher and presenter in regional NSW was a wonderful achievement for all involved in the organisation of the day. A huge thank-you goes out to HETI for generously funding the workshop and for the staff in Orange and NSW Children’s Healthcare Network for spending countless hours making it happen. If you have the opportunity to attend one of Karen Stagnitti's workshops go! You will not regret it. Happy Playing Written by: Danielle Pears- OT- Dubbo Primary and Community Health

Apps for Allied Health

Mobile applications (apps) have a lot to offer allied health professionals and are becoming an essential part of a clinician’s toolkit. This section of A2K newsletter would like to offer allied health professionals a forum for sharing the apps that are most useful for them and how they incorporate them into therapy or their day to day work.


Providing effective, goal-directed upper limb therapy for young children with cerebral palsy is much more than just “playing with toys”. In order to acquire new skills and learn, activities or toys must be carefully matched to the ability level and age of each individual child. The toys must be challenging but not too hard. They must also be motivating and fun to provide lots of opportunities for repetitive practice and learning. Features of the toys need to be carefully considered as each toy will provoke or encourage specific actions. The size, shape and texture will also impact on the difficulty of the task and actions provoked. Getting this right can be a difficult task for both therapists and parents. Using extensive research and clinical knowledge, the CPtoys™ app designed specifically for therapists and

families, does the matching for you.

Along with a child’s individual goals, therapists and parents simply enter a few key variables and CPtoys™ provides a highly specific, individualised and targeted upper limb therapy program for children with cerebral palsy. Enter as many children or goals as you like - http://www.cptoys.org/.

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2015 Allied Health Assistant Scholarship Program - Open for Applications

The HETI Allied Health Portfolio is pleased to announce that an Allied Health Assistant Scholarship Program will run in 2015. This Program aims to provide financial support to allied health assistants (AHA) seeking to further develop their knowledge and skills through completion of either the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance or the Certificate IV in Hospital Health Services Pharmacy Support. Eligible AHA are able to apply for one-off funding of up to $4000 for payments for enrolment in Certificate IV AHA and Pharmacy assistant courses, skill sets or units of competency, which will enhance their ability to perform their current role. It is expected that these payments will be provided to support the balance of enrolment fees payable, once any other training funding has been explored.

To be eligible to apply for the Program, the applicant must meet all of the following criteria:

The applicant is working as an AHA or following training would work, under the supervision of an allied health professional(s) in one or more of the following allied health areas - occupational therapy, physiotherapy, pharmacy, dietetics, speech pathology, social work, radiography, audiology.

The applicant is permanently employed by NSW Health.

The applicant is seeking to enrol in a full or partial qualification from the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance or the Certificate IV in Hospital Health Services Pharmacy Support. This includes skill sets and individual units of competency from either of these qualifications.

The applicant is supported by their line manager.

The nomination is supported by the Allied Health Director (or equivalent) of their Local Health District/Specialty Network.

Visit http://www.heti.nsw.gov.au/funding/aha-scholarship-2015/ for further information. Application close 5th November 2015.

NSW Kids and Families launched the Our health Our Way resources

NSW Kids and Families commissioned 33 Creative, an Aboriginal media, events and communications company, to produce a series of videos for Aboriginal young people. The seven ‘Our Health Our Way’ videos feature Aboriginal young people talking about their health, where to go and what’s important to know about healthcare.

In the process of developing the videos, 33 Creative and NSW Kids and Families consulted with Aboriginal young people in metropolitan and rural/regional areas of NSW to identify the key concerns Aboriginal young people have about their health and healthcare.

The videos address issues that are important for young people – their healthcare, their rights in healthcare, confidentiality, getting a Medicare card, finding bulk billing providers and pregnancy. They also highlight the important role played by Aboriginal Medical Services.

The videos are available on the NSW Kids and Families website and on DVD. Additional supporting resources have also been produced, including posters, brochures and lesson plans for use in schools.

To download the online version of the videos and other resources, visit Kids and Families website. To order a hard copy of the videos and resources, please contact Youth Health and Wellbeing Team, NSW Kids and Families [email protected].

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Statewide Telehealth Education Opportunities

Available to allied health professionals who provide services through NSW Health

NSW Children’s Healthcare Network Allied Health Telehealth Education

The Allied Health Telehealth sessions are held fortnightly on Tuesday from 1:00 - 2:00pm. Upcoming sessions:



Please note that this is the last session for 2015. This program is currently being reviewed and may be presented with different technology in 2016. Please visit the Allied to Kids webste http://www.nchn.org.au/a2k/index.html for latest updates and proposed dates for 2016.

To view the 2015 sessions as well as see details regarding the registration process please visit the Allied to Kids website http://www.nchn.org.au/a2k/index.html. Instructions for viewing recorded sessions online are also available on the website. Alternatively, contact one of the Allied Health Educators (details on page 9).

Sydney Children's Hospital Medical Grand Rounds The SCH Medical Grand Rounds Education Program is held each Wednesday from 1:00 - 2:00pm. Upcoming sessions:

For further details, or how to view SCH Grand Rounds from your desk, or technical assistance, please contact Natalie Rogers at [email protected].

To view past Grand Rounds sessions via the SCH intranet, visit: http://sch.sesahs.nsw.gov.au/education/video/.

John Hunter Children’s Hospital Paediatric Grand Rounds The JHCH Paediatric Grand Rounds Education Program is held each Tuesday from 1:00 - 2:00pm. Upcoming session topics include (more specific details are released one week prior to the session):

For instructions on how to view these sessions online or to access previous sessions, please email [email protected].

Issue 82 Page 8

17/11/2015 Art for the HeArt Shannon Anima Psychotherapist, Violence Prevention and Women’s Services, Taree Community Health Centre

4/11/2015 Eustachian Tube Dilation Joanna Walton

11/11/2015 TBA Ophthalmology Dept.

18/11/2015 2015 Independent learning Projects Awards Award Finalists

25/11/2015 Do these Pink marks matter? Capillary Malformation - Orli Wargon and Burcu Kim

10/11/2015 General Michael Lonergan

17/11/2015 Community Maree Guizzo

24/11/2015 General Stephen Knipe

1/12/2015 Pain Team Suzie Lord

8/12/2015 Trivia Quiz Christmas Quiz

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Jenny Nicol/Sue Sims Allied Health Educator, Southern Region

Phone: 02 9382 4471

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Sonia Hughes Allied Health Educator, Northern Region

Phone: 02 6592 9164 / 0423 823 633

Email: [email protected]

Carmel Blayden Allied Health Educator, Western Region

Phone: 6369 8120 / 0418 313 930

Email: [email protected]

For more details about any of the information included in

this newsletter, or if you have something you would like

included in a future edition, please contact one of us.

Allied to Kids Allied health education and clinical support

Submissions for Future Editions of Allied to Kids Let us know about your workshops, new programs, events, research or positions vacant. Clinical articles need to be evidence based with a relevant (albeit short) reference list. Submissions can be sent to any of the Allied Health Educators (email details are listed above) and need to be received no later than the 25th of each month to ensure inclusion in the following month’s edition. Remember, Allied to Kids is a newsletter for allied health professionals by allied health professionals.

Please note the inclusion of event/resource details in this newsletter does not constitute endorsement by the NSW Children’s Healthcare Network. Individuals are responsible for determining the credentials of events/resources in line with their own professional standards.

Issue 82 Page 9

Further details regarding Allied to Kids is available at the

Allied to Kids website:



Paediatric physiotherapy standardised assessment reliability 2016

Would you like the opportunity to come together with other physiotherapists to reflect on and

review your confidence in the use of standardised assessment tools?

In 2013 and 2014 AIMS and NSMDA Reliability Sessions were facilitated via videoconference from Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick by Nadia Reid, Laura Brown and Natalie Thompson with support from the NSW Children’s Healthcare Network Allied Health Education and Clinical Support Program. Evaluation of these sessions indicated that those physiotherapists participating valued the opportunity to discuss similarities and differences in findings when using these assessments and the teleconference format allowed therapists from regional and rural locations to access the program. The NSW Children’s Healthcare Network Allied Health Educators would like to hear from you if you are interested in joining in with further reliability sessions in 2016. If so, please complete a quick survey before 1st December, 2015 at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/paedreliability.

CP Masterclass Evening 3rd December 2015

APA NSW Branch Office, Parramatta

Prue Golland, Consultant for Physiotherapy at Cerebral Palsy Alliance and Jackie Harris, Cerebral Palsy Team Physiotherapist at the Sydney Children's Hospital Randwick will be presenting case studies of clients they see, giving us practical and clinical tips to improve our practice. It will be a great opportunity to socialise and mingle with your peers and have all your CP questions answered! Don't miss out, sign up today!

Register: Online via www.physiotherapy.asn.au or contact: Sylvia Rybakowska (02) 8748 1508

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Conferences/Workshops/Webinars continued

Easing the Pressure 5 November 2015 Blacktown, NSW http://www.ilcnsw.asn.au/home/training/training 1000 Days to Make a Difference: Preconception to Toddler Nutrition 7 November 2015 Melbourne, VIC For further information email [email protected] 11th National Allied Health Conference 9-11 November 2015 Crown Conference Centre, Melbourne, VIC http://www.nahc.com.au/ Youth Health Conference 2015 11-13 November 2015 Melbourne, VIC http://www.youthhealth2015.com.au/ Making SENSE of Mealtimes - Gillian Griffiths & Dr. Denise Stapleton 12 & 13 November 2015 Sydney, NSW For further information email [email protected] Anxiety: Stress: Resilience in Children – What can Occupational Therapy do? 12 & 13 November 2015 Brisbane, QLD http://www.zimei.com.au/?espresso_events=anxiety-stress-resilience-in-children-what-can-occupational-therapy-do Emergency Care Symposium 2015 13 November 2015 Sydney, NSW http://www.ecinsw.com.au/symposium-2015#overlay-context=user/325 Risk and Resilience: A forum on improving the wellbeing of children, young people and families 16 November 2015 Merewether, NSW http://www.himh.org.au/home/events/_nocache MP4 Kids Conference 27 November 2015 Wollongong, NSW http://www.trybooking.com/Booking/BookingEventSummary.aspx?eid=160970 Introduction to the Perceive: Recall: Plan and Perform System (PRPP) 30 November 2015 Brisbane, QLD http://www.zimei.com.au/?espresso_events=introduction-to-prpp

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Conferences/Workshops/Webinars continued

2015 Indigenous Allied Health Australia National Conference 1 & 2 December 2015 Cairns, QLD http://www.iahaconference.com.au/ APA CP Masterclass evening 3 December 2015 Silverwater, NSW www.physiotherapy.asn.au/apawcm/LearningDevelopment/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=BPG151203L

The Future of Health is in Your Hands: Research driving better outcomes 3 December 2015 Port Macquarie, NSW For further information email [email protected]

NDT Certificate Course: In the Management & Treatment of Children with Cerebral Palsy & Other Neuromotor Disorders 7-27 January 2016 Venue to be confirmed http://us5.campaign-archive1.com/?u=133e04713d6044373609bdf99&id=9ba2985170&e=05c479b9df

Evaluation & Management of Paediatric Toe Walking 8-10 February 2016 Sydney, NSW 11-13 February 2016 Melbourne, VIC 15-17 February 2016 Perth, WA http://www.milestonestherapy.com.au/paediatric-toe-walking-courses-feb-2016/ Developing Pretend Play Skills in Children – Advanced 17-19 February 2016 Sydney, NSW http://www.zimei.com.au/?espresso_events=developing-pretend-play-skills-in-children-advanced Caring for Country Kids Conference Children’s Healthcare Australasia (CHA) and the National Rural Health Alliance (NRHA) 17-19 April 2016 Alice Springs, NT http://www.countrykids.org.au 3rd Eating Disorders and Obesity Conference - Collaboration, Education and Innovation 16 & 17 May 2016 Gold Coast, QLD http://eatingdisordersaustralia.org.au/
