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ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country...

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Page 1: ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed
Page 2: ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed


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Notes1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed The Asia Foundation $2,108,761 in FY11 for expenses paid on its behalf.3 Includes $41.4 million in in-kind contributions to the Books for Asia program.

Fiscal Year 2011 (October 1, 2010 - September 30, 2011)


Afghanistan 32,710,098

Bangladesh 7,631,540

Cambodia 9,677,905

China 5,726,060

India 2,548,411

Indonesia 12,176,398

North Korea 862,544

South Korea 812,438

Liaison Offices (Hong Kong, Japan,

Singapore, Taiwan) 390,085

Laos 1,536,171

Malaysia 3,152,018

Mongolia 3,997,525

Nepal 5,774,912

Pacific Islands 365,416

Pakistan 8,047,250

Philippines 9,912,496

Sri Lanka 10,230,812

Thailand 6,045,242

Timor-Leste 3,723,121

Vietnam 3,565,906

Subtotal 128,886,349


Asian-American Exchange 688,734

Books for Asia 1,474,7711

Economic Development 642,269

Environment 429,173

Give2Asia 2,207,7962

Governance and Law 1,520,959

Luce Scholars 440,722

Regional Cooperation 924,899

Washington, DC 810,254

Women’s Empowerment 689,968

Subtotal 9,829,545

Management, Communications,

and Administrative Services 12,399,152

Grand Total 151,115,0453


92% Programs

8% Administration

programs administration

92% 8%

Page 3: ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed


Afghan Government Media Information Center:Technical Assistance and Training

Providing continuous technical assistance andtraining for a variety of Afghan government counterparts at the Government Media Information Center.

Afghan Government Media Information Center:Video Technical Assistance

Providing technical assistance of an Americanvideographer, who has also conducted training fora variety of Afghan government counterparts andmedia representatives.

Building Peace in Afghanistan: InstitutionalSupport to the National Consultative Peace Jirga

Improving communication and coordinationbetween governmental and nongovernmentalpeace workers to increase the local sense of own-ership, addressing legitimacy of efforts, and nurtur-ing long-term sustainability. Restoring relationshipsbetween community members by operating on theground-level and making recommendations to moreeffectively execute peacebuilding efforts from theground to the national-level.

Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation, andLivestock Change Management Project

Contributing to the establishment of an effectiveministry, one that is capable of contributing to sustained improvements in the rural economy ofAfghanistan through provision of technical assis-tance, training, and institutional support.

Office of Administrative Affairs and Council ofMinisters’ Secretariat (Office of the President) -Capacity Enhancement Program

Providing training and support for key staff in theOffice of Administrative Affairs and Council ofMinisters Secretariat to improve the effectivenessof their operations and coordination with otherministries.

Performance Based Governance Fund Assisting the Afghan government in addressing themulti-faceted weaknesses and problems of subna-tional governance at the provincial levels. Providingadditional operational and community resources toprovincial government entities to further strengthenthe effectiveness and responsiveness of subnationalgovernance in Afghanistan. Local Partners: Governors’ Offices through theIndependent Directorate of Local Governance

Raising Public Awareness and Strengtheningthe Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs,and the Disabled to Better Protect the Rightsof Workers in Afghanistan

Increasing understanding and awareness of theAfghan labor law and international labor standardswithin the ministry, other government institutionsat the national and provincial levels, civil societyorganizations, and Afghan society.

Strengthening Organizations Engaged in CivicEducation and Elections

Building the skills of civil society organizations(CSOs), government bodies, and political partiesinvolved in civic education and elections processesby providing learning-by-doing training sessions incommunications, finance, monitoring and evalua-tion, and democracy, elections, and governance.Supporting the goals and objectives of theIndependent Election Commission, political parties,and various members of Afghan civil society.Local Partners: Afghan Institute of BusinessManagement; Afghanistan Association of ElectoralOfficials; Afghanistan Financial Services; Free andFair Election Foundation of Afghanistan; Membersof the Afghan BRIDGE Community; Peace &Humanitarian Organization

Survey of the Afghan PeopleGathering first-hand opinions from a broad andnationally representative sample of Afghan citizenson a variety of contemporary governance anddevelopment-related issues. Providing policymakersin government, the international community, and


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the broader Afghan public with reliable data asthey make decisions and craft future policy.Local Partner: Afghanistan Center for Socio-Economic Research

Trust Building Initiatives between State andNon-State Institutions

Responding to the heavy impact, from many yearsof disruption and conflict, on government and civilinstitutions in Faryab province to promote socialstability and civic engagement. Promoting boththrough the recognition of religion in Afghan society.Working with both governmental and nongovern-mental institutions, religious leaders and institu-tions, and community leaders, to reduce the gapbetween government and people and to engagethem in social development and strengthen localgovernance.Local Partner: Masjid and Madrasa RehabilitationFoundation


Advancing Human Rights and Women’s Rightswithin an Islamic Framework across South Asia

Promoting gender equity and women’s rights within an Islamic framework in South Asia, as partof a regional program across Afghanistan,Bangladesh, and Pakistan through: developing atraining curriculum for Muslim leaders on women’shuman rights; fostering an exchange of ideas anddiscourse in South Asia on the relationship of Islam,human rights, and women’s rights; creating a locallyappropriate training curriculum for religious leadersin South Asia to advance social justice for women;and expanding and strengthening regional net-works of Muslim scholars and leaders working toadvance women’s rights in the context of Islam.Local Partner: Research and Cultural Center ofImam Shaibani in Afghanistan

Increasing Women’s Rights and Access toJustice in Afghanistan

Building broad-based support for women’s rights inAfghanistan and increasing the capacity of the

Department of Women’s Affairs (DoWA) to effec-tively advocate for, represent, and counsel women;and working in close partnership with the Ministryof Women’s Affairs, the Ministry of Hajj andReligious Affairs, the Office of the State Ministerfor Parliamentarian Affairs, relevant governmentbodies and officials, key religious leaders, and localpartners to implement the program. Striving to seta stage for the mainstreaming of women’s rights inAfghanistan by working with religious leaders andkey government officials toward the disseminationof women’s rights information to local communities. Local Partners: Opinion Research Center ofAfghanistan; Research and Cultural Center of ImamShaibani

Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA) Initiativeto Strengthen Policy and Advocacy throughCommunication and Capacity Building

Enhancing MoWA’s capacity to be a credible, visible, and effective advocate for women’s rightswithin the government and within Afghan society.Local Partner: Sayara Media and Communications

Support to Bibi Mahro Girls’ Primary SchoolSupporting improvements at Bibi Mahro School inKabul and contributing to a positive learning environment. Local Partner: Bibi Mahro Girls’ Primary School

Support to Lama-e-Shaheed Girls’ High SchoolSupporting upgrades to the Lama-e-Shaheed Girls’High School and contributing to a positive learningenvironment. Local Partner: Lama-e-Shaheed Girls’ HighSchool

Women’s Access to Justice Model CommunityProgram

Improving access to justice for women in Kunduzprovince through increasing understanding and support of women’s rights among local women andkey provincial actors by working with both maleand female Community Dialogue Groups, femaleMadrasas, community leaders, provincial Ulamacouncil, and Khateebs of Masjids. Establishing


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mechanisms between formal and informal justicesystems to resolve cases in favor of women including DoWA and Ending Violence AgainstWomen (EVAW) committees. Developing a trainingcurriculum for community and government stake-holders after religious leaders and scholars havereviewed the EVAW law.Local Partners: Afghanistan Youth & CulturalFoundation; Educational Center for Women


Supporting Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritagethrough the Expansion of International Ties

Strengthening and expanding ties between theUnited States and Afghanistan through a culturalexchange program between Americans and govern-mental and civil society leaders in Ghazni province.Providing administrative and logistical support for adelegation of Americans to Afghanistan (Kabul andGhazni) and of Afghans to the United States.


Afghanistan University Student ExchangeProgram to India

Providing Afghan university English majors andrecent graduates with the opportunity to gainintensive professional English-language teachingtraining in India, and prepare them for futurecareers as university English instructors inAfghanistan.Local Partners: English and Foreign LanguagesUniversity, Hyderabad, India; Regional Institute ofEnglish, Chandigarh, India

Traditional Leaders Discovery ProjectIncreasing the engagement and knowledge of maleand female religious and tribal leaders with thewider Islamic world through a series of exchangevisits to other Muslim countries. Contributing to abroader understanding of how scholars and com-munity leaders of other Muslim nations are able toaccommodate and negotiate with contemporaryissues of human rights, women’s rights, democracy,

minority rights, ethics, tolerance and social devel-opment, and transitional justice.


Afghan e-Learning and English Support Project Supporting the Washington State University e-Learning and English Support Project, which promotes e-learning and computer-assistedEnglish-language capabilities at seven universitiesin Afghanistan.

Belgian Small Grants Program for Bamiyan andKunduz Provinces

Increasing the range and quality of services avail-able in the Bamiyan and Kunduz provinces by pro-viding financial support and capacity building tocivil society organizations delivering educational,programmatic, and economic services in theseprovinces. Local Partners: Cooperation for Peace and Unity;Human Dignity Society; Marwa CulturalDevelopment Organization; Physiotherapy andRehabilitation Services for Afghanistan; SolidariteAfghan Belgique

English-Language Fellows ProgramContributing to the quality of English-language edu-cation in Afghanistan through placement ofEnglish-Language Fellows in Afghan universities.Enhancing the English-language capabilities ofAfghan faculty and students at Kabul University,Kabul Educational University, Herat University, andHerat Educational University through improved cur-ricula, teacher training, and teaching methodsimparted by the English-Language Fellows.

Strengthening Education in AfghanistanIncreasing the quality of educational opportunitiesfor students and educational institutions throughcapacity building, technical support, and a flexiblesmall grants program. Providing assessments thatallows partners, as well as the government, toassess certain activities for possible replication oras a model for the country.


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Local Partners: Afghan Center at Kabul University;Afghan Child Education and Care Organization; AidAfghanistan for Education; Ministry of Education(Human Resource Development Board and NationalScience Center); Ministry of Higher Education


Acquisition and distribution of 30,000 books, 245journals, and 882 educational CDs to 173 schools,universities, public libraries, and other institutions inAfghanistan. In addition, distribution of 64,600Hoopoe books to 323 schools.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSAfghan Girls’ Education Matching Grant Contributors; Australian Agency for International Development; BritishEmbassy, in Afghanistan; Canadian International Trade and Labour Program, Human Resources and SkillsDevelopment; Canadian International Development Agency; Department for International Development (U.K.);European Union; Government of Belgium; Janet Ketcham Family Foundation; Members of the Lotus Circle;National Geographic Society; Royal Netherlands Embassy, in Afghanistan; United States Agency for InternationalDevelopment; United States Department of Labor; United States Department of State; United States Embassy, inAfghanistan

FY11 Expenditures:$32,710,0981

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Community Policing ProgramDelivering intensive training and facilitation to bothlocal police and communities to create effectiveand sustainable community policing forums in communities across Bangladesh’s northwesternRajishahi and Rangpur Divisions.Local Partners: Gana Unnayan Kendra; LightHouse; Manab Kallyan Parishad; RDRS

Fair Elections and Institutional Reform ProgramStrengthening the capacity of civil society organi-zations to promote free and fair elections andimprove the accountability of elected officials and institutions between elections. Enhancing the independence of the Bangladesh ElectionCommission and strengthening its capacity to manage a transparent, accountable, and participa-tory electoral process.Local Partner: Election Working Group

Improving Elections and StrengtheningDemocracy in South Asia

Strengthening the capacity of civil society organiza-tions for voter education, election observation, and advocacy for electoral reform. Supporting the Election Working Group coalition during localgovernment elections to undertake voter and civiceducation programs, a pre-election survey, and pre-election, election-day, and post-election observation.Local Partner: Election Working Group

Leaders of Influence ProgramEnhancing the capacity of religious and secularleaders of influence to contribute to national devel-opment and democratic reform efforts, to preserveand promote values of democracy, tolerance, diver-sity, social harmony, and understanding inBangladeshi society. Local Partners: Bangladesh Centre forCommunication Programs; Data International Ltd.;Imam Training Academy of the Islamic Foundation;Rupantar

Promoting Democratic Institutions andPractices

Contributing to creating an effective and open parliament and promoting constructive engage-ment of parliamentary and civil society actors inresearch-based policymaking and legislation, aswell as executive branch performance. Local Partner: State University of New York’sCenter for International Development

Union Parishad Election ProgramConducting education and outreach to ensure voterparticipants are informed and come from a rangeof backgrounds, including poor and marginalizedgroups (especially women). Nationwide electionobservation to ensure elections are conducted in a transparent, free, and fair way, and in compliancewith established voting regulations.Local Partner: Election Working Group


Local Economic Governance Program:Enhancing the Effectiveness and Sustainabilityof Investment Climate Reforms in Bangladesh

Advancing the case for reforms that simplify busi-ness operations and reduce the informal costs ofdoing business at the subnational level. Improvingthe climate for rural small and medium enterpriseactivity and contributing to poverty reduction bystimulating private sector growth at the subnationallevel. Promoting a more business-friendly economicenvironment in the districts covered by the program,and an environment for more inclusive policymakingand regulatory formulation.

Promoting Public-Private Partnerships inBangladesh

Identifying best practices and providing recommen-dations for promoting public-private partnerships(PPPs) in Bangladesh. Supporting exposure visitsfor government, private sector, and civil societyrepresentatives to Asian countries successfullyimplementing PPPs, and convening a national dialogue between different stakeholders to takethis agenda forward.


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Advancing Human Rights and Women’s Rightswithin an Islamic Framework across South Asia

Promoting gender equity and women’s rights with-in an Islamic framework in South Asia, as part of aregional program across Afghanistan, Bangladesh,and Pakistan through: developing a training curricu-lum for Muslim leaders on women’s human rights;fostering an exchange of ideas and discourse inSouth Asia on the relationship of Islam, humanrights, and women’s rights; creating a locally appro-priate training curriculum for religious leaders inSouth Asia to advance social justice for women;and expanding and strengthening regional net-works of Muslim scholars and leaders working toadvance women’s rights in the context of Islam.Local Partners: Islamic Foundation Bangladesh;Islamic University Kushtia

Domestic Violence Shelters to SupportWomen’s Access to Justice

Supporting two Shelter Homes for women victimsof domestic violence to provide comprehensivepsychosocial services to support vulnerable womenand children, by providing counseling, medical aid,vocational training, education, and reintegration.Local Partner: Bangladesh National WomenLawyers Association


Clean Water ProjectsProviding filters for clean drinking water to hun-dreds of families in vulnerable areas of Bangladesh.Local Partner: Rupantar

Mapping Climate Change Initiatives andIdentifying Key Challenges in Bangladesh

Conducting a study to provide a clearer picture ofwho-is-doing-what in climate change related activi-ties and analyzing and identifying critical gaps andchallenges to operationalize climate change adap-tation policies, from the national to the local level.


India-Bangladesh DialogueEngaging prominent intellectuals and retired diplo-mats/ambassadors from India and Bangladesh toexplore priority areas for mutual collaborationbetween the two countries, including economicdevelopment and trade, transport and connectivity,water sharing, migration, climate change, educa-tion, culture, and people-to-people contact. Local Partner: Centre for Foreign Affairs Studies


Acquisition and distribution of 54,610 books andjournals to 422 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Bangladesh.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSCanadian International Development Agency; Give2Asia; International Finance Corporation; Swiss Agency forDevelopment and Cooperation, in Bangladesh; United States Agency for International Development; United StatesDepartment of State

FY11 Expenditures:$7,631,5401

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Demand for Good Governance Project: Non-State Actor Component

Strengthening the ability of citizens, civil societyorganizations, and other non-state actors to holdthe state accountable and to make it responsive to their needs, while supporting constructive part-nerships between state and non-state institutionsat the national, provincial, and local levels.Enhancing the ability of Cambodian organizationsto implement innovative governance and socialaccountability approaches, as well as strengtheningnetworking among national and local organizationsto ensure sustainability.Local Partners: Arbitration Council Foundation;Buddhism and Social Development Association;Cambodia Organization for Women Support;Cambodian Center for Independent Media;Cambodian Women’s Network for Development(AMARA); Culture and Environment PreservationAssociation; Democracy Resource Center forNational Development; Farmer LivelihoodDevelopment; Fisheries Action Coalition Team;Human Rights Vigilance of Cambodia; IntegratingHuman to Quality; Khmer Institute of Democracy;Ministry of Interior; Minority Organization forDevelopment for Economy; National ProsperityAssociation; One Window Service Office/DistrictOmbudsman; Pact Institute; People Center forDevelopment and Peace; Phnom Srey Associationfor Development; Ponleur Komar; Rain WaterCambodia; The Rural Community and EnvironmentDevelopment Organization; VBNK; Wathnakpheap;Women’s Media Center of Cambodia; YouthResource Development Program

Natural Resource Management Project: CivilSociety and Pro-Poor Markets Program

Working with local nongovernmental organizationsto build capacity of hundreds of community-basedorganizations in areas such as natural resourcegovernance, implementation of social safety netmechanisms, market access, and business knowl-edge and skills. Enhancing citizen engagement and

influence in local policy and budget decision-mak-ing governing management of natural resources.Local Partners: Cambodian CommunityDevelopment; Cambodian Human Rights andDevelopment Association; Catholic Relief Services;Concern Worldwide; Fine Art Association ofCambodia; Khmer Association for Development ofCountry-Side Cambodia; Mlup Baitong; OckendenCambodia; Oxfam GB in Cambodia; SaveCambodia’s Wildlife; Srer Khmer; The Advocacy andPolicy Institute; Wildlife Conservation Society;Women Service Organization; World Wide Fund for Nature

Program on Rights and Justice, Phase II,Human Rights Component

Developing a broader constituency to addresshuman rights violations through mobilization ofcommunities and stakeholders to protect againstabuses, investigation and documentation of humanrights violations, legal representation to victims ofrights violations, community organizing, communitycapacity building, and advocacy from the local tonational to international levels. Local Partners: Action for Environment andCommunities; Cambodian Human Rights andDevelopment Association (ADHOC); CambodianCenter for Human Rights; Cambodian HumanRights Action Committee; Cambodian League forthe Promotion and Defense of Human Rights(LICADHO); Children Development Association;Cord; Fisheries Action Coalition Team; IndigenousCommunity Support Organization

Role of Civil Society in Local GovernanceConducting research and analysis on the emergingroles of civil society in local governance. Identifyingmodels of civil society and state engagement with-in formal and informal commune level forums inorder to contribute to the ongoing discussionamong development partners, government officials,and civil society on how to strengthen the spacefor citizen participation and engagement. Local Partner: Cambodian Institute ofDevelopment Study


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Safer Communities in CambodiaProviding analysis and recommendations on crimeprevention and community safety in Cambodia toinform future justice sector initiatives.

Teaching of Democratic Kampuchea History Enhancing and broadening the teaching ofDemocratic Kampuchea history in Cambodiathrough teacher training, classroom monitoring, and public education forums. Local Partner: Documentation Center ofCambodia

Voice, Choice, Decision: A Study of LocalGovernance

Identifying and analyzing the range of formal andinformal institutions that enable and constrainpolitical decision-making and participation at thelocal level in Cambodia. Contributing to the designof the next phase of donor support to the decen-tralization process by yielding broader insights intolocal accountability and inclusion.


Cambodia Agriculture Value Chain: Study ofPublic-Private Dialogues

Conducting a feasibility study to determine thepotential of public-private dialogues to improvemarketplaces in provincial Cambodia.

Partnership on Regulatory Impact Assessment Strengthening the capacity of the parliament ineconomic policy reform by introducing regulatoryimpact assessment methodology to core officialsand staff of the Senate Research Department andconcerned commissions, and key research staff ofthe National Assembly. Local Partners: Cambodian Institute ofDevelopment Study; Senate of the Kingdom ofCambodia


Cambodia Tertiary Scholarship ProgramSupporting poor and vulnerable young women fromrural areas to pursue four-year undergraduatedegrees, giving them the opportunity to contributeto economic and social development in their com-munities and in society as a whole. Preparing thesestudents for the workplace through career counsel-ing and development activities. Local Partner: Kampuchean Action for PrimaryEducation

Counter-Trafficking in Persons ProjectStrengthening the joint efforts of the RoyalGovernment of Cambodia and civil society to combat human trafficking by addressing coordina-tion, prevention, protection, prosecution, and safe-guarding the rights of those most vulnerable toexploitation. In cooperation with the NationalCommittee to Lead the Suppression of HumanTrafficking, Smuggling, Labor Exploitation and SexualExploitation of Women and Children, promotingNational Minimum Standards for the Protection ofthe Rights of Victims of Human Trafficking.Developing and institutionalizing standard policetraining on human trafficking and criminal investiga-tion. Assisting hundreds of victims and at-risk youththrough shelter and community care, vocationaltraining, and scholarship or livelihood support.Raising awareness of thousands of Cambodians tothe issue of trafficking through national and provin-cial dialogues and community forums across thecountry. Disseminating cutting-edge legal researchon labor trafficking and safe migration.Local Partners: Agir Pour Le Cambodge;Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defenseof Human Rights (LICADHO); Damnok Toeuk;Friends International; Healthcare Center forChildren; International Justice Mission; Legal Aid ofCambodia; Ministry of Interior; Ministry of Labor;Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and YouthRehabilitation; Rural Development Association;South East Asia Investigations into Social andHumanitarian Activities; World Hope International;World Vision Cambodia


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Supporting Female Commune Councilors inCambodia

Strengthening the capacity and confidence offemale commune councilors through participant-led forums to discuss issues of shared concern,develop strategies to improve performance, andfoster a peer network of female leaders. Increasingthe overall quality of women’s participation in localgovernment and, as participants gain greater socialand political legitimacy, strengthening their abilityto sustain the network and affect broader systematic change.Local Partner: Women for Prosperity


Acquisition and distribution of 47,858 books andjournals to 140 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Cambodia.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSAustralian Agency for International Development; Danida; Department for International Development (U.K.);European Commission; Shirin Pandju Merali Foundation; New Zealand Aid Program; United States Agency forInternational Development; The World Bank

FY11 Expenditures:$9,677,9051

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China Administrative Law and ProcedureProgram

Contributing to improved government commitmentand capacity to adhere to standardized adminis-trative procedures, empowering citizens to partici-pate in and influence the government decisionsthat affect their daily lives. Strengthening judicialpractice with regard to intellectual property rightsprotection. Assisting the Shenzhen EnvironmentalProtection Bureau to develop and test detailedguidelines and practical mechanisms for imple-menting the Shenzhen Special Economic ZoneEnvironmental Protection Regulation and increas-ing awareness and capacity of business and citizen representatives to participate in the environmental decision-making process. Local Partners: Administrative Law ResearchAssociation of China Law Society; Center forPublic Participation Studies and Support; LanzhouUniversity Law School; Nanjing University ofTechnology Law School; Northwest University ofPolitics and Law Administrative Law School;Shenzhen Academy of Environmental Science;Supreme People’s Court

China’s Administrative ReconsiderationSystem

Supporting revision of China’s AdministrativeReconsideration Law.Local Partner: China University of Politics and Law

Citizen Redress for State Actions in ChinaAssessing implementation of the amended StateCompensation Law and Administrative LitigationLaw. Increasing citizen awareness and access tolegal services for state compensation and administrative review cases. Developing andtesting independent review mechanisms for statecompensation and administrative review cases.Local Partners: Administrative Law ResearchAssociation; Beijing Impact Law Firm; ChinaUniversity of Political Science and Law;

Heilongjiang University Law School; Legal AidCenters; Northwest University of Political Scienceand Law; Shanxi University Law School; SouthChina University of Technology Law School;Southwest University of Political Science and Law;State Council Legislative Affairs Office; SupremePeople’s Court; Zhengzhou University.

Mainland China-Hong Kong Exchange onPhilanthropy

Facilitating dialogue and exchange between main-land China and Hong Kong philanthropists andpractitioners in an effort to strengthen the philan-thropy sectors in Hong Kong and the mainland. Local Partners: Beijing Normal University - OneFoundation Philanthropy Research Institute; CivilAffairs Bureau of Ningxia; Civil Affairs Bureau of Shenzhen

Nongovernmental Organization (NGO) LeadersExecutive Program

Supporting the design of a new executive trainingprogram for NGO leaders, including curriculumdevelopment.Local Partner: Beijing Normal University - One Foundation Philanthropy Research Center

Open and Transparent Government in ChinaFostering more open and transparent governancein Hunan Province and at the national level.Supporting an international observation study tour on Open Government Information (OGI) tothe United States and Mexico on provision of OGIby federal and state governments, as well as perspectives of other stakeholders such as non-governmental organizations and the media. Local Partners: Administrative Law ResearchAssociation; China University of Politics and Law;Hunan Provincial Legislative Affairs Office; PekingUniversity

Open Policymaking and Good Governance in China

Strengthening open policymaking and good gover-nance in China by refining procedures and mecha-


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nisms for public participation in lawmaking andlinking these changes to broader administrativereform initiatives.Local Partners: Center for Public ParticipationStudies and Supports; Peking University; StateCouncil Legislative Affairs Office

Review and Examination of China’s LegalRegulations

Facilitating public discussion and evaluation of con-flicting stipulations among various national laws,local regulations, and normative documents, consid-ering similar international regulations and suggest-ing amendments (focusing on regulations governingselected high-priority social issues). Local Partner: China Academy of GovernanceDepartment of Law

Transparency, Accountability, and Governancein China’s Charitable Sector

Improving the regulatory framework for charitablesector governance. Strengthening organizationalgovernance and financial management practices of charitable organizations. Building civil societycapacity to monitor and oversee charitable sector activity.Local Partners: Beijing Normal University - One Foundation Philanthropy Research Center;Non-Profit Incubator


Herders’ Associations in Inner MongoliaFacilitating the development and training ofherders’ associations in Inner Mongolia on grassland management, animal husbandry, product marketing, and public participation in local decision-making. Local Partner: Inner Mongolia AgriculturalUniversity

Migrant Women EntrepreneursProviding business development loans and mentoringto migrant entrepreneurs in Beijing, with a focus onwomen beneficiaries.

Local Partner: China Foundation for PovertyAlleviation

Migrant Worker Entrepreneurship ResearchSupporting a research initiative to assess needs of migrant workers to start their own businesses,as well as existing government, NGO, and privatesector incentives and services available to migrant workers.Local Partner: Beijing Fuping DevelopmentInstitute


Educational Opportunities and Training forChinese Footwear Workers

Providing scholarships to footwear factory workersto enroll in vocational schools and colleges, therebyincreasing the knowledge, skills, personal confi-dence, and employment opportunities of hundredsof factory workers. Raising awareness of factoryworkers on issues of occupational health and safetythrough in-factory training and education.Local Partners: Stella International Ltd.; Yue YuenIndustrial (Holdings) Ltd.; Zhongshan New HopeEducation Institute

Migrant Women’s Rights Section of theConvention on Elimination of All Forms ofDiscrimination Against Women (CEDAW)Shadow Report

Developing a migrant women’s rights section of the NGO shadow report that will be produced as acompanion piece to the official government reporton China’s progress implementing CEDAW.Local Partner: Nongjianu Practical Skills TrainingCenter for Rural Women

Social Justice for Women Factory Workers in China

Improving in-factory labor relations and labor protection. Increasing knowledge and skills relatedto professional/personal development and socialintegration among workers. Providing legal aid toworkers whose labor rights have been infringed.


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Advocating for policy and legal reforms to bettersupport the needs of migrant workers.Local Partners: Beijing Impact Law Firm;Guangzhou INNO Human Resources Consultancy


Alternative Dispute Resolution forEnvironmental Conflict

Exploring alternative dispute resolution (ADR) forenvironmental conflict and improving the scope,scale, and effectiveness of resolving environmentaldisputes in China through ADR. Project activitiesinclude research on ADR for environmental conflictand developing a draft rule for conducting ADR tosolve environmental disputes.Local Partner: Peking University Law School

Earthquake Recovery: Safe Drinking Water inGansu Province

Developing long-term clean drinking water solu-tions through awareness raising, training, and intro-ducing new technologies in villages affected by theSichuan earthquake.Local Partners: Fuping Development Institute;Gansu Women and Children DevelopmentFoundation; Longyou Environmental ConservationAssociation of Tianshui

Stakeholder Engagement in Low-carbonEconomy Planning

Engaging and enhancing stakeholder engagement(particularly small and medium enterprises) in thelow-carbon economy planning, policymaking, andcity planning processes of low-carbon economydevelopment. Research on the current state ofstakeholders’ participation in the low-carbon econ-omy policymaking process, a forum facilitating dia-logue between SMEs and local government, anddeveloping a guideline for policymakers on how toincrease SME participation in the low-carbon econ-omy policymaking process.Local Partner: Center for EnvironmentalEconomics and Policy Research of GuangdongAcademy of Social Sciences


China-U.S.-Vietnam Trilateral DialogueSupporting the third dialogue in a series focusingon regional economic architecture in East Asia,political trends in the region, and effective regionalcoordination of nontraditional security issues, disaster relief, and humanitarian aid.Local Partner: China Institute of InternationalStudies

Developing a Planning Manual for China’sForeign Aid

Promoting participatory planning in China’s foreignaid by examining international best practices anddeveloping a planning manual to support future aid programs.Local Partner: China Agricultural University

Education and Dialogue on Sino-AmericanRelations: Study Tour to China

Organizing an observation tour to China for gradu-ate students from the Fletcher School of Law andDiplomacy and the Paul H. Nitze School ofAdvanced International Studies of Johns HopkinsUniversity to increase their understanding of U.S.-China relations.Local Partners: Fudan University; NorthwestUniversity of Politics and Law

Emerging Asian Approaches to DevelopmentCooperation

Engaging Chinese experts to participate in dia-logues on Asian donors in development to shareand discuss the policies and strategies that guideChina’s development cooperation. Local Partners: China Academy of SocialScience; China Agricultural University; ChineseAcademy of International Trade and EconomicCooperation


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L.Z. Yuan Fellowship in Media and InternationalAffairs

Supporting an Economic Observer journalist to visitthe U.S. to participate in a program focusing on keydomestic and international challenges confrontingthe United States through the L.Z. Yuan Fellowshipin Media and International Affairs.Local Partner: Economic Observer

Sino-U.S. Relations: Regional Security andGlobal Governance Dialogue

Supporting a multi-year dialogue program onregional security. Gathering well-established scholars and experts from China and the UnitedStates for dialogues alternating between Shanghaiand Honolulu to examine key issues affecting bilat-eral ties, including such global governance issues as foreign aid policy, energy security, climatechange, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance,and disaster relief. Local Partners: Fudan University; Pacific ForumCSIS

Young Diplomats ProgramImproving understanding of determinants of U.S.foreign policy among Chinese diplomats by sup-porting master’s degree fellowships at the FletcherSchool of Law and Diplomacy and at the Paul H.Nitze School of Advanced International Studies(SAIS) for young and mid-level diplomats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the 2010-11and 2011-12 academic years, followed by a post-academic study tour to meet with selectedstakeholders throughout the U.S. Local Partner: Ministry of Foreign Affairs


Community-Based Disaster Management inChinaEngaging multi-sectoral partners to improve theability of communities and schools to plan for andrespond to natural disasters, thereby reducing theimpact of disasters on vulnerable populations.Activities include: developing comprehensive com-munity-based disaster management models and

training programs; providing training to communi-ties and schools in Zhejiang, Sichuan, and Jiangxiprovinces; and disseminating experiences and lessons around China. Local Partner: Ministry of Civil Affairs

Disaster Management Leadership andCoordination

Improving disaster management capacity through:developing a comprehensive training program andmaterials for government officials; conductingresearch and providing policy recommendations;and conducting a study tour to the U.S. on disastermanagement training and disaster managementcoordination mechanisms. Local Partners: Ministry of Civil Affairs; NationalInstitute of Emergency Management of the ChineseAcademy of Governance

Disaster Risk Reduction in SchoolsSupporting the expansion of the ongoing DisasterRisk Reduction project to equip teachers in twocountries in Chengdu, Sichuan with critical knowledge and skills in disaster preparedness and mitigation.Local Partner: Chengdu Education Foundation

Earthquake Recovery and Rural HousingRehabilitation in Sichuan Province

Promoting safe rehabilitation and rural shelters fol-lowing the Sichuan earthquake, focusing on themost disadvantaged households and villages.Improving disaster preparedness and mitigation inschools and communities in earthquake-affectedareas of Sichuan.Local Partners: Academy of Disaster Reductionand Emergency Management of Beijing; ChengduEducation Foundation Normal University; Ministry ofCivil Affairs; Sichuan University

Public-Private Partnerships for DisasterManagement in China

Promoting multi-sectoral approaches to disastermanagement. Expanding private sector contributionto and participation in disaster management, and


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increasing disaster management capacity in threepilot communities in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. Local Partners: American Chamber of Commercein Shanghai; Ministry of Civil Affairs


Acquisition and distribution of 20,926 books andjournals to 53 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout China.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSThe Boeing Company; Chubb Corporation; Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China; Give2Asia; TheHenry Luce Foundation; Members of the Lotus Circle; The Levi Strauss Foundation; Royal Netherlands Embassy, inChina; Two Ten Footwear Foundation; United States Agency for International Development; United StatesDepartment of State

FY11 Expenditures:$5,726,0601

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Alternative Dispute Resolution Supporting an assessment of the effectiveness offormal and informal alternative dispute resolutionmechanisms in India.Local Partner: Asian Centre for Human Rights

Enhancing Perspectives on Local Governance inthe United States

Facilitating the participation of five Indians in anobservation program to examine the processes and approaches to local governance in the UnitedStates, especially the role of planning and mecha-nisms for public participation.Local Partners: Department of Planning andDevelopment, Government of Bihar; DevelopmentAlternatives; District Planning Committee,Madhubani, Bihar; Hardnews; Society forParticipatory Research in Asia

Promoting Good Governance in BiharStrengthening governance and transparency in thestate of Bihar through the use of accountabilitytools such as social audits and “integrity pacts”between communities and government officials,and establishing advocacy and legal advice centersto facilitate the efficient delivery of services andassist citizens in redressing grievances. Local Partner: Transparency International, India


Strengthening Local Economic PlanningFacilitating public-private dialogues to improve citi-zen participation in economic decision-making infour districts in the state of Tamil Nadu, and devel-oping action plans for the improvement of servicedelivery and infrastructure. Local Partner: Centre for Development Finance,Institute for Financial Management and Research


Countering Domestic ViolenceBuilding the capacities of government protectionofficers, police, service providers, civil society repre-sentatives, family welfare workers, and self-helpgroup members to counter violence against womenin the states of Haryana, Meghalaya, and UttarPradesh. Ensuring effective implementation of theProtection of Women from Domestic Violence Act2005. Assessing government and civil society initiatives to address violence against women toidentify and recommend policy approaches to helpbridge the gaps between ongoing initiatives andrealities on the ground.Local Partners: Breakthrough Trust; Institute ofSocial Studies Trust; North East Network; Societyfor Participatory Research in Asia


Improving Water Policy Promoting evidence-based advocacy and communi-cation tools for the design and implementation ofwater policies in the state of Rajasthan, and forpresentation in national and international forums.Local Partner: Jal Bhagirathi Foundation

Media Training on Water and Climate Change Supporting an international media training work-shop on water and climate change in theBrahmaputra Basin to form a core group of journal-ists in the Himalayan region deeply familiar withclimate change and other ecological issues. Local Partner: Environics Trust

Transboundary Water GovernanceEnhancing access to information on water sharingagreements between Bangladesh, India, and Nepalthrough analysis of water agreements and thedesign and management of a website.Local Partner: Environics Trust


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India as a Regional Resource Facilitating training and exchange programs forother Asia Foundation offices, including: participation by three Indian experts in the AsianApproaches to Development Cooperation Dialogue;visits to New Delhi by four senior facilitators of theNepal Transition to Peace project; participation bytwo Indians in a Leaders of Influence study pro-gram in Bangladesh; participation of 50 Afghanstudents in English-language training programs inChandigarh and Hyderabad; and placement andmonitoring of two Luce Scholars in India.

Promoting India-Bangladesh RelationsFacilitating the participation of six Indian experts ina dialogue on “Bangladesh-India Relations: TheWay Forward” organized in collaboration with theCentre for Foreign Affairs Studies in Dhaka,Bangladesh.Local Partners: Kunzru Centre for DefenceStudies

Promoting India-U.S. RelationsSupporting the participation of three foreign serv-ice officers in a two-week seminar on U.S. ForeignPolicy at George Washington University, followed bya two-week observation program to different partsof the United States to enhance their understand-ing of U.S. foreign policy and domestic issues thatinfluence India-U.S. relations, and participation inthe Aspen Institute’s U.S.-India Dialogue.Local Partners: Kunzru Centre for Defence Studies; Ministry of External Affairs,Government of India


Acquisition and distribution of 25,271 books toschools and institutions of higher education inIndia’s Southern States: Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,Kerala, Puducherry, and Tamil Nadu. Local Partner: Confederation of Indian Industry


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

FY11 Expenditures: $2,548,4111

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Australia-Indonesia Partnership for JusticeManaging technical inputs to improve the perform-ance of Indonesia’s courts, prosecutors, and humanrights institutions to improve access to justice forIndonesians.

Building Local Capacity for Policy Analysis in Aceh

Building the capacity of researchers from universi-ties and nongovernmental organizations in Aceh toprovide empirically-based policy advice to promoteconflict-sensitive development in Aceh.Local Partners: Center for Peace and ConflictResolution Studies at Syiah Kuala University andthe International Center for Aceh and Indian OceanStudies (a joint initiative of Syiah Kuala University,the Ar-Raniry State Islamic Institute andMalikussaleh University)

Building the Capacity of Indonesia’s KnowledgeSector

Providing independent analysis of the current capacities, needs, constraints, and opportunities inIndonesia’s knowledge sector, to lay the groundworkfor a significant effort on the part of the Indonesiangovernment and the Australian Agency forInternational Development (AusAID) to strengtheneffective, evidence-based policymaking.Local Partners: Akatiga Social Analysis Center;Center for Health Insurance Financing andManagement (KP-MAK) at Gadjah Mada University;Center for Political Studies (Puskapol) at theUniversity of Indonesia; Eastern IndonesiaResearchers Network (Bakti/Jikti); Institute forResearch and Empowerment; National Secretariatof the Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency(Seknas Fitra); Survey Meter; Women’s ResearchInstitute

Case Studies of Procurement Practices at theSubnational Level

Conducting a study of procurement reform at thesubnational level to inform donor investmentsgoing forward.

Local Partners: Bandung Trust Advisory Group(B-trust)

Civil Society Initiative Against PovertyImproving services, resources, and economic opportunities for women and the poor. Helping civil society organizations and local governmentactors to become increasingly effective in produc-ing policies and budgets in ways that benefit thepoor and are gender responsive.Local Partners: Aisyiyah East Java chapter (PWAJatim); Bina Swagiri Foundation (Fitra East Java);Center for Regional Studies and Information inPekalongan (Pattiro Pekalongan); Center for Social,Cultural, and Economic Studies (PKSBE); CivilSociety Alliance for Democracy (YAPPIKA); Centerfor the Study of Islam and Society at SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University (PPIM UIN);Community and Economic Development StudyFoundation (YLP2EM); Gorontalo DevelopmentAnalysis Institute (LP2G); Humanity Study Institute(LenSA); Institute for Innovation and ParticipatoryDevelopment (INISIATIF); Jawa Pos Institute of Pro-autonomy (JPIP); Ma’arif Institute for Culture andHumanity; Metro TV; National Board of the Institutefor the Study of Human Resource Development atNadhlatul Ulama (PP Lakpesdam NU); PattiroSemarang; Pillar of the Archipelago (Pinus);Sanggar Bandung; Labda Yogyakarta

Counter-Corruption and Civil SocietyMonitoring

Supporting Indonesian Corruption Watch to designand implement a business plan to raise awareness,support, and funds for the organization to play awatchdog role in countering corruption. Supportingindependent civil society monitoring of the processto select the Head of the Corruption EradicationCommission (KPK). Local Partners: Indonesia Corruption Watch(ICW); Indonesia Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI)


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Educating and Equipping Tomorrow’s JusticeSector Reformers

Providing a new generation of Indonesian law stu-dents with more knowledge, skills, and incentives topursue a career in public service. Contributing tojustice sector reform efforts by increasing collabo-ration among law schools, civil society organiza-tions, and justice sector institutions.Local Partners: Kemitraan – the Partnership forGovernance Reform; Law Faculty AirlanggaUniversity; Law Faculty Gadjah Mada University;Law Faculty Hasanuddin University; Law FacultyUniversity of Indonesia; Law Faculty PadjajaranUniversity; Law Faculty Sriwijaya University; LawFaculty Udayana University; Law Faculty Universityof North Sumatra; University of Washington AsianLaw Center

Improving the Regulatory Framework forGoverning Elections in Indonesia

Conducting an impartial assessment of the elec-toral process that produces lessons for district andnational officials. Identifying solutions to addressproblems related to the funding of elections.Informing the dialogue around new policy initiativesto reduce impediments to women’s ability to runfor and retain political office.Local Partners: Center for Political Studies(Puskapol) at the University of Indonesia; NationalSecretariat of the Indonesian Forum for BudgetTransparency (Seknas Fitra); National Secretariat of the People’s Voter Education Network (JPPR)

Justice Sector Reform ProgramSupporting the implementation and launch ofIndonesia’s 2010 Corruption Perception Index, the fourth in the series.Local Partner: Transparency InternationalIndonesia

Local Governance Service ImprovementProgram (Kinerja)

Within the context of a local governance programaimed at improving service delivery, providing tech-nical assistance to local governments to improve

the business enabling environment, conducting economic governance surveys, and undertakinglocal budget analysis.Local Partners: National Secretariat of theIndonesian Forum for Budget Transparency (SeknasFitra); Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD)

Political Economy of Land Use, Land UseChange, and Forestry

Undertaking a study of the political economy ofland governance. Providing insights into spatialplanning, permits for key extractive industries, rela-tions between the private sector and local commu-nities during the operation of those industries, andaccountability and rule of law related to forestry.

Prison Reform in IndonesiaBuilding on the significant reforms that have takenplace in the criminal justice system by reducingprison overcrowding, further developing a computerdatabase to track inmates, and expanding protec-tion and rehabilitation programs for women andjuvenile prisoners.Local Partners: Center for Detention Studies;University of Indonesia Centre for Child Protectionand Studies (PUSKA PA- U I)

Strengthening Civic Values through ReligiousLeaders and the Police

Promoting civic values and democratic principles atthe local level. Advancing democratic governance andhuman rights through police, religious leaders, andcivil society, including Islamic school communities.Local Partners: Center for Human Rights Studies,Airlangga University (PUSHAM UNAIR); Center forHuman Rights Studies, Islamic University ofIndonesia (PUSHAM UII); Center for the Study ofIslam and Society (PPIM); Center for the Study ofReligious, Cultural and Social Dynamics(Puskadiabuma) at the Yogyakarta State IslamicUniversity (UIN); Fahmina Institute; Institute forIslamic and Social Studies (LKIS); Manikaya KauciFoundation; Nursery for the Love of Humanity(Percik); Paramadina Foundation; ParamadinaUniversity; Satunama Foundation


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Support for Bureaucratic Reform within theMinistry of Home Affairs

Increasing the organizational and staff capacity inthe Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and contribut-ing to improvements in the quality and effective-ness of MoHA operations.Local Partner: AT Kearney


Aceh Economic Governance and Women’sEmpowerment

Improving the business climate and increasing for-mal economic activity in Aceh. Advancing women’scivic participation. Engaging key officials and community leaders to support women’s civic participation and legal empowerment.Local Partners: Anti-Corruption Movement(GeRAK); Bitra Foundation; Regional AutonomyWatch (KPPOD); Regional Forum for Small andMedium Enterprises (Forda UKM) of North Sumatra

Assessment of Local Economic GovernanceGaining a better understanding of local economicgovernance conditions in Indonesia so that localgovernments, the private sector, and civil societycan address barriers to private sector developmentthrough reform and advocacy.Local Partners: AC Nielsen; Regional AutonomyWatch (KPPOD)

Increasing Women’s Economic Opportunities in Aceh

Empowering Acehnese women to participate inpost-tsunami economic recovery by providing sup-port to formalize currently informal micro-financeinstitutions, increasing the number of women whocan access small loans, and increasing the averageloan amount offered.Local Partner: Center for the Development ofWomen’s Resources (PPSW)

Subnational Business Climate Reform Program,Phase 2

Institutionalizing the capacity within local govern-ments to implement effective, efficient, and

accountable regulations and processes for businesslicensing, with an emphasis on small and mediumenterprises.Local Partners: Center for Public Policy Analysis(Akademika); Rural Technology DevelopmentInstitute (LPTP)


Building Better Budgets for Gender ResponsiveGovernance

Increasing participation of community serviceorganizations (CSOs) that represent women andthe poor in promoting gender-responsive and pro-poor policies and budgeting processes. Reforminglocal budgetary processes so that governmentspending on social services better addresses theneeds of women and the poor. Institutionalizing civilsociety participation in budgetary processes byadvocating provincial- and national-level policychanges and monitoring guidelines.Local Partners: Center for Regional Studies andInformation (Pattiro); Committee for Women andChildren (KPPA); Gorontalo Development AnalysisInstitute (LP2G); Independent Citizen’s Partnership(Yasmib); Indonesian Forum for BudgetTransparency (Fitra); Institute for CommunityJustice (ICJ); Legislative Monitoring Committee(Kopel); Pillar of the Archipelago (Pinus); Women’sEmpowerment Institute (LPP Bone)

Increasing Women’s Political Participation andStrengthening Good Governance

Increasing the capacity of women legislatures toperform their role and responsibilities as electedofficials. Increasing gender sensitivity of lawspassed by parliament. Strengthening relationsbetween women legislators and their constituents.Local Partners: Aceh Anti-Corruption Movement(GeRAK Aceh); Center for Human Rights Studies,Airlangga University (PUSHAM UNAIR); Center forPolitical Studies (Puskapol) at the University ofIndonesia; Indonesian Women’s Coalition (KPI)Institute of Public Policy Studies (LSKP); TruePartner of Indonesian Women (MISPI); Women’sPro-Democracy Group (KPPD)


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Strengthening Democracy and Developmentthrough Participation

Increasing women’s participation in public decision-making. Increasing protection of religious freedom.Improving accessibility and quality of reproductivehealth care.Local Partners: Association of Indonesian Womenfor Justice (LBH Apik); Center for Regional Studiesand Information (Pattiro); Institute for Democracyand Electoral Assistance (IDEA); Central Board ofAisyiyah (PPA); Community and EconomicDevelopment Study Foundation (YLP2EM); FahminaInstitute; Independent Citizen’s Partnership(Yasmib); Institute for the Study of Religion andPhilosophy (LSAF); Paramadina Foundation; SetaraInstitute for Peace and Democracy; SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic Institute; Women’sStudies Center (PSW)

Women’s Rights and Political Participation Providing a travel grant to support a researcherdocumenting stories of Indonesian women underthe rule of qiwamah and wilayah (generallyreferred to men’s sanctioning authority overwomen) to attend an international workshop host-ed by Musawah, a global movement of Muslimwomen advancing equality in the family. Supportingthe launch of a book on women in politics in thereform era by a senior women’s activist and politi-cal scientist, Ani Soetjipto. Local Partners: Center for Gender Studies at theUniversity of Indonesia; Semarak Cerlang Nusa


Rule of Law for Human Rights in the ASEANRegion: A Baseline Study Report

Funding the printing of a report by the HumanRights Resource Centre for ASEAN on “Rule of Law for Human Rights in the ASEAN Region: ABaseline Study.”Local Partner: Human Rights Resource Centre for ASEAN


Acquisition and distribution of 38,257 books andjournals to 207 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Indonesia.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSAustralian Agency for International Development; Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, in Indonesia;Canadian International Development Agency; Department for International Development (U.K.); Danish Embassy, inIndonesia; Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in Indonesia; Royal Netherlands Embassy, in Indonesia; United StatesAgency for International Development; United Way International; The World Bank

FY11 Expenditures:$12,176,3981

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Enhancing Korea’s Development CooperationDonors in Asia [Five-year program aimed atstrengthening the human capacity of Korea’spublic and private development assistanceprograms]:

Asian Approaches to Development CooperationDialogue: Lessons for DevelopmentEffectiveness

Facilitating a series of dialogues among develop-ment cooperation experts and practitioners fromKorea, China, India, Malaysia, Singapore, andThailand to discuss and compare developmentassistance strategies employed by these newerAsian aid donors.Local Partner: Korea Development Institute

Expert Speaker Series: The Current Debate onEffective Development Cooperation

Contributing to the debate among Korean aid play-ers on the most appropriate role and strategies forKorea’s assistance to international developmentcooperation, as well as to support Korean expertspreparing the agenda for the Fourth High LevelForum in Busan, hosted by the Korean government.

International Conference on the Role of CivilSociety in Aid and Development Effectiveness

Providing space for dialogue and reflection amongcivil society organizations engaged in aid anddevelopment to discuss how to strengthen the roleof community service organizations as a develop-ment actor, as a follow-up to the Fourth High LevelForum in Busan.

Korea Study Visit to Timor-Leste: Developmentin Fragile and Conflict-Affected States

Providing opportunities for development practition-ers from government, NGOs, and advanced students in development studies in order to learn about development challenges and newapproaches to respond to countries in fragile and conflict-affected states.

Sri Lankan Local Economic GovernanceDelegation to Korea

Facilitating the Sri Lankan delegation’s understand-ing while providing first-hand perspectives on thetopics of economic development and local gover-nance by closely examining the case of Korea.


Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)Study Visit to the United States on U.S.Economy and Business

Organizing a two-week observation trip to theUnited States by a 12-person delegation from NorthKorea, composed of mid-level managers from keyNorth Korean ministries and institutions, to expandmutual learning and dialogue with Americans thatcould contribute toward the transformation of theDPRK’s economic system and its eventual integra-tion with the international community. Partners: The Asia Society; University ofCalifornia, San Diego, Institute on Global Conflictand Cooperation

Enhancing Economic Opportunities for NorthKorean Female Refugees in South Korea

Providing administrative assistance to the Coalitionfor North Korean Women’s Rights on vocational,entrepreneurial and leadership training for NorthKorean female refugees in South Korea.

Humanitarian and Development Assistance tothe DPRK

Co-hosting an international conference in Korea tosupport peaceful relations on the Korean Peninsulaand avert a humanitarian crises in the DPRK by wayof development cooperation among Korean andinternational NGOs, governments, and individuals.Local Partner: Korea Sharing Movement

North Korean Participation in Regional SecurityMeetings

Providing opportunities for officials from the DPRKInstitute of Disarmament and Peace to participatein regional meetings in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


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and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, to interact with seniorsecurity experts and policy officials, and to engagein candid unofficial dialogue on key security issuesand concerns. Local Partner: Council for Security Cooperation inthe Asia Pacific

Promoting Development of DPRK’s RiceCultivation Sector

Providing research opportunities for four rice scientists from the DPRK Academy of AgriculturalSciences to participate in a study visit to China to share experiences on new approaches to rice cultivation with the aim of substantiallyincreasing yields. Local Partner: China National Rice ResearchInstitute


Acquisition and distribution of 13,291 books andjournals to major universities in North Korea.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSFriends of The Asia Foundation, Korea; The Henry Luce Foundation; KDI School of Public Policy and Management;Korea Development Institute; Korea Foundation; United States Embassy, in Korea

FY11 Expenditures:

North Korea: $862,5441

South Korea: $812,438

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Development of Civil Society in LaosImproving the general public and the government’sunderstanding of potential contributions of civilsociety organizations by facilitating access to information. Fostering civil society engagementwith the National Assembly.Local Partner: Learning House for Development

Legal Aid and Legal Education in Laos:Improving Access to Justice for All Lao Citizens

Building upon ongoing efforts to improve access tojustice for Lao citizens. Continuing to strengthenlegal aid and education through multiple avenues:providing legal aid for poor and rural citizens;improving the services and capabilities of the LaoBar Association; increasing understanding of laws,rights, and the legal system; strengthening theeffectiveness of grassroots justice delivery; andenhancing cooperation and collaboration amonggovernment institutions, civil society organizations,and legal aid providers. Supporting the LawCommittee of the National Assembly to providelegal dissemination in Attapu, Sekong, andSalavanh provinces and a workshop to interpretfive laws: the law on penal code; law on drugs; lawon criminal procedure; law on civil procedure; andlaw on labor.Local Partners: Lao Bar Association; LawCommittee of the National Assembly Ministry of Justice

Program Development to Support EmergingCivil Society

Serving as the designated lead organization of aconsortium of local and international organizationsworking together to design a coordinated programon civil society development.


Supporting Needs of Victims of Violence Providing support to the Lao Women’s UnionShelter, enabling them to offer basic needs and

safe shelter to victims of violence and human traf-ficking, including food, clothes, medical assistance,and legal aid. General operational support andcapacity building for the shelter staff through astudy tour to visit Chiang Khong and Mai Saewomen’s shelters and related programs in Thailand.Local Partner: Lao Women’s Union

Strengthening the Prosecution of TraffickersStrengthening the prosecution of human traffickersin Laos by improving the skills of Lao law enforce-ment, social service providers, and communitygroups, and improving coordination among theseactors to enable them to more effectively prose-cute traffickers and protect victims’ rights.Local Partner: Lao Women’s Union

University Scholarship Program for Lao GirlsSupporting a four-year scholarship programenabling 50 girls to pursue undergraduate studiesat the National University of Laos.Local Partner: National University of Laos

Women’s Leadership ProgramSupporting a three-year program to enable theGender and Development Group to expand itsSustainable Women’s Empowerment andLeadership Project and train new groups of womenin leadership and public speaking skills on an ongo-ing basis.Local Partner: Gender Development Group


Community-Based Environmental MonitoringProgram in Laos: Improving Water Quality forLao Citizens

Using river monitoring to protect natural resourcesand enable broad Lao constituencies to participatemeaningfully in building the environmental sustain-ability of Laos.Local Partners: Lao Front for NationalConstruction; Lao People’s Revolutionary YouthUnion; Lao Women’s Union; National University ofLaos; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment


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Institute of Foreign Affairs (IFA), Ministry ofForeign Affairs

Purchasing books for IFA’s Library. Publication ofthe book, Diplomatic Principles, written by the viceminister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ProvidingInternet access for IFA. Supporting the director ofthe Training Division to attend the 39th AnnualMeeting of Deans and Directors of DiplomaticAcademies and Institutes of International Relations.Local Partner: Institute of Foreign Affairs, Ministryof Foreign Affairs


Access to Information and EncouragingDevelopment of Lao Filmmaking

Organizing and hosting the 2nd Annual LuangPrabang Film Festival and related filmmaking andeducational activities around this event.Local Partner: Luang Prabang Film Festival


Acquisition and distribution of 6,496 books andjournals to 22 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Laos.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSGive2Asia; The McConnell Foundation; Shirin Pandju Merali Foundation; Swiss Agency for Development andCooperation; United States Department of State

FY11 Expenditures:$1,536,1711

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Building Community Resilience in VulnerableRegions of Sabah

Strengthening community efforts in Sabah torespond to cross border security issues by workingwith village leaders and local law enforcement toprevent, protect, and advocate around securitythreats.Local Partner: Partners of CommunityOrganizations Trust (PACOS)

Creating a Robust and Transparent ElectoralProcess in Malaysia

Continuing longstanding efforts to supportMalaysian democratization and governance.Strengthening the country’s electoral process byimproving the quality and transparency of the elec-toral roll; increasing voters’ access to informationon registration and polling processes; improving theefficiency and integrity of campaigning and elec-tion-day operations; and increasing the credibilityof absentee voting procedures.Local Partners: Centre for IndependentJournalism; Merdeka Center for Opinion Research;National Institute for Democracy and ElectoralIntegrity

Survey of Malaysian YouthConducting and analyzing a public opinion surveyto gauge Malaysian youth’s social, political andeconomic views, attitudes, and practices. Analyzingtrends by gender, state, ethnicity, and other demo-graphic criteria.


Business Environment IndexMeasuring the efficiency and effectiveness of doingbusiness at the local level in 11 districts in Malaysia.The BEI (also known as the Economic GovernanceIndex) is a country-specific diagnostic tool used toassess and rank subnational units (provinces,states, districts, etc.) on various aspects of the regulatory environment.

Local Partners: Monash University SunwayCampus Malaysia; RAM Holdings Berhad


University Scholarship Program for MalaysianGirls

Providing support for a four-year scholarship fundthat will enable 92 underprivileged girls fromacross Malaysia to pursue undergraduate degreesat highly respected universities in Malaysia.Local Partners: National Council of Women’sOrganizations; Partners of CommunityOrganizations Trust (PACOS)


Asian Approaches to Development CooperationDialogue: Lessons for Development Effectiveness

Facilitating a dialogue among development cooper-ation experts and practitioners from Korea, China,India, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand to discussand compare development assistance strategiesemployed by these emerging Asian cooperationpartners. The first dialogue in the series was heldin Kuala Lumpur.Local Partner: International Institute of PublicPolicy and Management (INPUMA)


Power of Education ScholarshipAwarding scholarships and internships to five prom-ising low-income students who are interested instudying electrical engineering, electronics, orphysics. The scholarship will support the studentsfor the duration of their studies. Local Partners: National University of Malaysia;University of Malaya


Acquisition and distribution of 35,971 books andjournals to more than 733 schools, universities,public libraries, and other institutions throughout


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Malaysia. The program has also begun shipmentand distribution to the state of Sabah directly fromthe United States. Local Partner: Partners of CommunityOrganizations Trust (PACOS)

Texas Instruments (TI) Books ProgramSupporting up to 50 schools with appropriate edu-cational textbooks and reading materials, with anemphasis on providing science, technology, engi-neering, and mathematics-oriented educationalresources with a focus on the schools in the stateof Melaka where the TI factory is located.


www.asiafoundation.org | 27

1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSBritish High Commission, in Malaysia; Korea Development Institute; Shirin Pandju Merali Foundation; The NationalSemiconductor Foundation, a corporate advised fund of the Silicon Valley Community Foundation; United StatesEmbassy, in Malaysia; United States Department of State

FY11 Expenditures:$3,152,0181

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Local Governance Pilot InitiativesEngaging in a series of pilot activities in the areaof local governance specifically aimed at develop-ing replicable models in the areas of public financemanagement training, citizen engagement at thelocal level, improvement of public services, andurban governance issues.Local Partners: Darkhan-Uul Citizens Council;Mongolian Association of Local Authorities; SantMaral Foundation

Mongolia Anti-Corruption Support ProjectSupporting the institutionalization of anti-corruptionreforms within key government ministries and lineagencies and promoting greater accountability andtransparency in the courts.Local Partners: Cabinet Secretariat; Capital CityLand Authority; General Agency for SpecializedInspection; General Authority for State Registration;General Prosecutor’s Office; Human Rights Centerfor Citizens; Independent Authority AgainstCorruption; Legal Research Center; MongolianAssociation of Local Authorities; MongolianEmployers’ Federation; Mongolian InformationDevelopment Association; Open Academy;President’s Office; Supreme Court

Mongolia Anti-Corruption Support Project:Citizen Awareness and Engagement inCorruption Prevention

Contributing to the overall Mongolia Anti-Corruption Support Project by increasing citizenengagement and capacity to combat corruption,and strengthening government capacity to combatcorruption.Local Partners: Independent Authority AgainstCorruption; Sant Maral Foundation; Voter EducationCenter

Promoting Access to Justice by Creating aCommunity-Based Mediation System

Carrying out start-up activities to establish commu-nity-based mediation boards in four pilot areas.

Local Partners: Gender Center for SustainableDevelopment; Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs


Anti-trafficking HotlineSupporting Mongolia’s only anti-trafficking hotline.Local Partner: Gender Equality Center

Empowering Women as EntrepreneursSupporting disadvantaged women’s capacity invegetable farming in ger districts.Local Partner: Mongolian Women’s FarmersAssociation

Reducing Trafficking in Persons in MongoliaImproving the prevention of trafficking in persons,protection of victims, and prosecution of perpetra-tors through specialized trainings and advocacy.Local Partners: Adolescents’ DevelopmentCenter; Center for Child and Women Protection;General Police Department; Gender EqualityCenter; Human Rights Center for Citizens; Ministryof Justice and Home Affairs; Mongolian StudentsUnion; Mongolian Women Lawyers’ Association

University Scholarship Program for MongolianWomen

Providing support for a scholarship fund to enable120 disadvantaged girls to pursue undergraduatestudies in science faculties at two highly respecteduniversities in Mongolia.Local Partners: Mongolia University of Scienceand Technology; National University of Mongolia;Zorig Foundation

Women’s Political Participation in the Lead Upto June 2012 Parliamentary Elections

Promoting women’s political participation in the2012 parliamentary elections.Local Partners: Globe International; Sant MaralFoundation


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Engaging Stakeholders for EnvironmentalConservation

Engaging government, civil society, and industry todirectly address the development of Mongolia’smineral sector, ensuring that natural resourcedevelopment is responsible and sustainable.Working to ensure that previously marginalized arti-sanal miners are included in the efforts to improveenvironmental conservation in Mongolia. Facilitatingdialogue, learning, and cooperation between arti-sanal miners, local communities, and the govern-ment to sustainably manage natural resourcedevelopment.Local Partners: Ariun Suvraga NGO;Bayankhongor Branch of Environmental CivilCouncil; COCONET; Economic Policy andCompetitiveness Research Center; GreenJournalists NGO; Independent Research Institute ofMongolia; Khuvsgul Branch of Environmental CivilCouncil; Mongolian Cooperative Training andInformation Center; Mongolian Employers’Federation; Mongolian Environmental Civil Council;Mongolian Nature Protection Civil MovementCoalition; National Association of Tuul RiverProtection; Onon Ulz River Movement; PressInstitute of Mongolia; Steps Without Borders; Voiceof Khongor Movement; Women for Social Progress(Gobi-Altai Branch)


Acquisition and distribution of 60,580 books andjournals to 873 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Mongolia.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSBritish Embassy, in Mongolia; Give2Asia; Shirin Pandju Merali Foundation; Royal Netherlands Embassy, in China;Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation; United States Agency for International Development; UnitedStates Department of Agriculture; United States Department of State

FY11 Expenditures:$3,997,5251

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Citizenship Rights in NepalResearch on citizenship rights in Nepal.Local Partner: Media Plus

Civil Military RelationsStudy tour on improving civil-military relations tothe Philippines.Local Partner: Nepal Army Staff College

Committee on the Elimination ofDiscrimination against Women

Participation in the Convention on the Eliminationof All Forms of Discrimination against Women conference in New York, USA.Local Partners: Forum for Women, Law, andDevelopment; Rural Health and Education ServiceTrust; Sancharika Samuha

Community Mediation in Nepal: Building theFoundation for Program Sustainability

Building a foundation for program sustainabilitythrough enhancing local capacities for conflicttransformation and strengthening community andgovernment support. Strengthening the competencyof existing and new mediators for conflict transfor-mation, establishing a professional organization ofpeacebuilders, and strengthening the effectivenessof existing community mediation programs.Local Partners: Center for Legal Research andResource Development; Community Mediators’Society; Forum for Protection of Public Interest;Institute of Governance and Development; RuralWomen’s Development Unity Center; Service forUnderprivileged Section of Society; Quicksilver

Consortium for Elections and Political ProcessStrengthening

Strengthening the legislative drafting capacity ofthe legislature. Increasing communication betweenrepresentatives and their constituents.Local Partners: Interface Nepal; NepalConstitution Foundation; New Spotlight Magazine;Rural Community Development Service Council;

Samudayik Sarathi; Women Act; Writing WorkshopPvt. Ltd.

Guide to Government in Nepal: Structures,Functions, and Practices

Conducting primary and secondary research to pro-duce a Guide to Government in Nepal, analyzing thedata and preparing the document for publication.Local Partners: Center for Study on Democracy& Good Governance; Writing Workshop Pvt. Ltd.

Improving Elections and StrengtheningDemocracy in South Asia

Enhancing the transparency and legitimacy ofscheduled and unscheduled elections in South Asiathrough cost-effective Asian international observa-tion. Building community-service organizations(CSOs) education and election monitoring capacityby facilitating regional cooperation and informationsharing. Improving the quality of planned andunplanned elections in South Asia by providing targeted sub-grants to local CSOs for priority votereducation and election observation.Local Partners: National Elections ObservationCommittee; National Election Monitoring Alliance

International PeacebuildingParticipation in peacebuilding conference in Vienna,Austria.Local Partner: National Human Rights Commissionof Nepal

Legal ReformParticipation in the judicial reform conference inToronto, Canada.Local Partner: Supreme Court of Nepal

Mapping Policy Process in NepalResearch to identify the bottlenecks and key leversin the policymaking process in Nepal.Local Partner: Niti Foundation

Nepal Peace Support ProgramAdvancing Nepal’s peace process by maintainingand strengthening the Nepal Transition to Peace


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Forum and providing support to the Political PartyPeace and Research Units. Conducting roundtableson constitutional dialogues. Local Partners: Institute for Conflict ManagementPeace and Development; Nepal ConstitutionFoundation

Opinion Poll 2011Conducting a nationwide public opinion survey onthe current political situation in Nepal, includinglocal governance.Local Partner: Himal Media

Police Reform in Nepal A study of the set-up of the Police ServiceCommission in Nepal.Local Partner: Antenna Foundation

Strengthening National Human RightsCommission

Supporting the National Human Rights Commissionto take a greater leadership role in protecting andpromoting human rights in Nepal through strength-ening and expanding the institutional capacity ofthe organization.Local Partners: Democratic Freedom and HumanRights Institute; Informal Sector Service Center;National Human Rights Commission; SyntegratePvt. Ltd.


Nefport: Docking Nepal’s Economic AnalysisPublication of economic periodical Nefport:Docking Nepal’s Economic Analysis.Local Partner: Nepal Economic Forum

Rapid Development of Hydropower in NepalIdentifying impediments to rapid development ofhydropower as well as political strategies forreforming hydropower development policy in Nepal. Local Partner: Niti Foundation

Strengthening Local Economic GovernanceProject

Conducting public private dialogues on local business climates in select urban areas, buildingweb–based issue tracker software, and analysisand dissemination of politics of resource allocationin Butwal Municipality. Local Partners: Forest Action; Institute ofGovernance and Development; Outsourcing Pvt. Ltd.


Combating Gender-Based Violence in NepalWorking to increase the knowledge base andunderstanding of the problem, players, and inter-ventions on gender-based violence (GBV), as wellas building the capacity of the office of the primeminister and council on ministers to manage central-level efforts to combat GBV.Local Partners: Center for Research onEnvironment Health and Population Activities;Forum for Women, Law, and Development

Combating Trafficking in PersonsSupporting local-level commitment and action coupled with national-level policy reform to combatinternal, international, and cross-border traffickingin persons. Countering trafficking through a holisticapproach addressing prevention, protection, and prosecution.Local Partners: Center for Legal Research andResource Development; Forum for the Protection ofPeople’s Rights Nepal; Forum for Women, Law, andDevelopment; Legal Aid and Consultancy Center;Nepal Judicial Academy; Transcultural PsychosocialOrganization; World Education Inc.

Increasing Convictions of Traffickers under theHuman Trafficking and Transportation ControlAct of 2007

Increasing prosecutions and convictions of traffickersthrough building the capacity of key law enforce-ment players and institutions to better track traf-ficking cases. Improving the collaboration between


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police and prosecutors in trafficking and witnessprotection cases, and strengthening the capacity oflawyers and public prosecutors.Local Partners: Forum for the Protection ofPeople’s Rights Nepal; Forum for Women, Law, andDevelopment; Kathmandu School of Law; Legal Aidand Consultancy Center

Micro-credit Program for War WidowsSupporting vocational training in non-traditionalskills for young war widows in Nepal.Local Partner: Women for Human Rights


Special Event: Nobel Laureate VisitFacilitating and supporting Nobel Laureate ElinorOstrom’s Nepal visit.


Acquisition and distribution of 21,771 books andjournals to 91 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Nepal.

Books for Asia-American Corners OutreachProviding books for community outreach activitieson selected programs such as gender-based vio-lence and the constitution drafting process, throughstreet drama and talks in various districts of Nepal. Local Partner: Institute of Governance andDevelopment


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSDepartment for International Development (U.K.); Give2Asia; The McConnell Foundation; United States Agency forInternational Development; United States Department of State

FY11 Expenditures:$5,774,9121

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Disaster Management Training Samoa 2011 Implementing damage assessment training with the Samoa disaster management office for keynational stakeholders to assist the development of a standardized format for use in assessmentsfollowing natural disasters. Focusing on improvedcoordination among key response agencies andorganizations in order for assessment informationto feed directly into national emergency operations. Local Partner: Samoa Disaster Management Office

Disaster Management Training Samoa PoliceImplementing disaster risk management training forthe Police, Fire and Emergency Services, DisasterManagement Office, and the Red Cross Society inSamoa. Working through the Australian FederalPolice, in support of the Pacific Police DevelopmentProgram, the training aims at up-skilling police toensure better coordination of preparedness andresponse efforts during any national emergency ordisaster that may impact the country.Local Partner: Samoa Ministry of Police, Fire and Emergency Services, and DisasterManagement Office

Pacific Disaster Risk Management Program 2Implementing disaster management training to fur-ther strengthen Pacific Island countries’ capacityfor disaster risk management (DRM). Working withpartner organizations to build organizational andleadership capability for DRM capacity develop-ment, and assisting at-risk communities to estab-lish and maintain low-cost early warning and alertsystems for disaster risk reduction.

Local Partners: National Disaster ManagementOffices in the Cook Islands, Fiji, Federated States ofMicronesia, Marshall Islands, Samoa, SolomonIslands, Tonga and Vanuatu; Secretariat of thePacific Community Applied Geoscience andTechnology Division


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DONORSAustralian Federal Police; Give2Asia; United States Agency for International Development

FY11 Expenditures:$365,416

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Dispute Resolution in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Increasing citizen’s knowledge of and participationin community dispute resolution, and enhancing theability of the North-West Frontier Province govern-ment to facilitate the peaceful resolution of conflictby strengthening community dispute resolutionmechanisms.Local Partners: Free and Fair Elections Network;Just Peace International; United Rural DevelopmentOrganization; Value Resources

Improving Elections and StrengtheningDemocracy in South Asia

Enhancing the transparency and legitimacy ofscheduled and unscheduled elections in South Asiathrough cost-effective Asian international observa-tion. Building community-service organizations(CSOs) education and election monitoring capacityby facilitating regional cooperation and informationsharing. Improving the quality of planned andunplanned elections in South Asia by providing targeted sub-grants to local CSOs for priority votereducation and election observation.Local Partner: Free and Fair Election Network

Research on State-Society Relationships andSubnational Conflict

Improving state-society relations necessary forpeace and stability in countries and subnationalregions affected by protracted conflict and fragility.Local Partner: Collective for Social Sciences

Strengthening Citizen Voice and PublicAccountability

Working primarily with the Trust for DemocraticEducation and Accountability and other partners tostrengthen citizen voice through policy advocacy andgovernment oversight. Enhancing capacity throughorganizational development and targeted training.Improving accountability through public-privatepartnership projects.Local Partners: Akhtar Hameed Khan ResourceCentre; Awaz Foundation Pakistan, Centre for

Development Services; Consumer RightsCommission of Pakistan; DAMAN - DevelopmentThrough Awareness and Motivation; DEVCON AnAssociation for Rural Development; Dir AreaDevelopment Organization; Goth SeengarFoundation; Governance Institutes NetworkInternational; The Network for Consumer Protectionin Pakistan; Participatory Educational Awarenessand Community Empowerment Balochistan(PEACE); Participatory Efforts for HealthyEnvironment; Trust for Democratic Education andAccountability; People Empowerment andConsulting Enterprises (PEACE); SemioticsConsultants (Private) Ltd.

Supporting Transparency, Accountability, andElectoral Processes in Pakistan

Building increased levels of trust and credibilitybetween citizens and the state in Pakistan andcontributing to a more effective, transparent, andaccountable government that addresses the criticalchallenges facing Pakistan today.Local Partners: AIMS Organization; Associationfor Creation of Employment; Association ofWomen’s Awareness and Rural Development; AwazFoundation/Centre for Development Services (AwazCDS); Baanhn Beli; Basic Education for AwarenessReforms and Empowerment; Bedari; Caravan;Cavish Development Foundation; Center for Peace& Development; Centre for Peace & DevelopmentInitiatives; Community Development Program; Freeand Fair Election Network; Goth SeengarFoundation; Indus Resource Center; IntegratedRegional Support Program; Karwan CommunityDevelopment Organization; Khwendo Kor; MathiniWomen Welfare Association; Paiman Alumni TrustFund; Pakistan Rural Social Welfare Organization;Pattan Development Organization; Punjab LokSujjag; Sangat Development Foundation;Strengthening Participatory Organization; SudhaarSociety; Sungi Development Foundation; South AsiaForum for Human Rights; Takhleeq Foundation;United Rural Development Organization


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Advancing Human Rights and Women’s Rightswithin an Islamic Framework across South Asia

Promoting gender equity and women’s rights with-in an Islamic framework in South Asia, as part of aregional program across Afghanistan, Bangladesh,and Pakistan through: developing a training curricu-lum for Muslim leaders on women’s human rights;fostering an exchange of ideas and discourse inSouth Asia on the relationship of Islam, humanrights, and women’s rights; creating a locally appro-priate training curriculum for religious leaders inSouth Asia to advance social justice for women;and expanding and strengthening regional net-works of Muslim scholars and leaders working toadvance women’s rights in the context of Islam.Local Partner: International Islamic University

Gender Equity ProgramEnhancing gender equity by expanding women’saccess to justice and human rights. Increasingwomen’s empowerment by expanding their knowl-edge of their rights. Combating gender-based vio-lence. Strengthening the capacity of Pakistaniorganizations to advocate for gender equity,women’s empowerment, and the elimination ofgender-based violenceLocal Partners: Anjuman Falah-o-Bahbood AidCouncil (AFAC); Awareness on Human Rights,Social Development and Active Society (AHSAS);Association Behavior for KnowledgeTransformation; Association of Global Humanists &Ethics; Aurat Association; Aware Girls; AzatFoundation; Community Support Concern; DehiIjtamai Taraqati Social Workers Council; DevolutionTrust for Community Empowerment; Forum;Foundation for Integrated Development Action;Grass-Root Organization for Human Development;Health and Nutrition Development Society(HANDS); HWA Foundation; Kainaat DevelopmentAssociation; Participatory Educational andCommunity Empowerment (PEACE); Society forAwareness, Advocacy and Development (SAAD);Society For Empowering Human Resources

(SEHER); Sindh Development Society; Society forAdvancement of Community Health, Education &Training; Society for Uplifting Community; SouthPunjab NGO; Women Welfare Organization Poonch

Research on Socio-economic Status of SingleWomen

Conducting research on the socio-legal status andcondition of single women and its impact on theirlives, both individually and as a marginalized group.Creating a greater awareness of social and legalrights among single women.Local Partner: Simorgh Resource Center

University Scholarship for Pakistani GirlsSupporting 133 low-income young women to attainuniversity and graduate education in hard sciences,medicine, and engineering.Local Partner: Care Foundation


Bright Star Mobile Library Providing books and library services to children ofprimary schools in the rural areas of Islamabadwhere they do not have library facilities for theirstudents. Cultivating and developing reading habitsamong young students.Local Partner: Bright Star Mobile Library

Conference: “Pakistan-U.S. Divergence: Can thegap be bridged?”

Enabling a local NGO to hold a one-day conferenceexamining the disconnect between Pakistan andthe U.S. after the events of 9/11 and covering bothPakistani and American perspectives.Local Partner: Center for International StrategicStudies

Drop-in Center Addressing Vulnerabilities ofStreet Children

Supporting the running of an already existing Drop-in Center for street children in Karachi.Local Partner: Pakistan Voluntary Health andNutrition Association


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The Hague Forum: Course in Criminal Law forJudges and Legal Practitioners in Pakistan

Training course in criminal law for judges and legalpractitioners from Pakistan. Local Partners: Judiciary in each province

Institute of Public Policy (IPP), BeaconhouseNational University

Supporting the publishing of IPP’s 3rd and 4thAnnual Reports, 2009-2010 and 2010-2011: PullingBack from the Abyss: Public Choices and SocietalObligations and State of the Economy: Devolutionin Pakistan.Local Partner: Institute of Public Policy

Mapping Health Innovations in PakistanResearching private healthcare providers inPakistan and documenting their experiences andchallenges. Identifying opportunities for replicationand scaling up of innovative project approaches.Supporting efforts to finance innovative programsgeared toward equitable expansion of private sec-tor initiatives for pro-poor health service delivery.

Prime Minister Flood Relief FundSupporting emergency relief and regenerationefforts in the wake of the devastating 2011 floodsin Pakistan.

Regional Study: Cost of Economic Non-Cooperation to Consumers in South Asia

A comprehensive, evidence-based document (basedon meta-analysis of existing literature and ananalysis of a perception survey) on the cost of economic non-cooperation to consumers.

Local Partner: Sustainable Development PolicyInstitute

Retrospective Study on Justice SectorInterventions

Conducting a retrospective review of interventionsin the justice sector over the last 12 years in orderto identify lessons learned to inform current programming.


Acquisition and distribution of 38,945 books andjournals to 84 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Pakistan.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSAustralian High Commission, in Pakistan; Department for International Development (U.K.); Give2Asia; The HagueForum for Judicial Expertise; Shirin Pandju Merali Foundation; The Rockefeller Foundation; Royal NetherlandsEmbassy, in Pakistan; United States Agency for International Development; United States Department of State

FY11 Expenditures:$8,047,2501

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Bangsamoro Solidarity Movement, Inc. Conducting a roundtable discussion on the“Prospects for Reform in the Autonomous Regionof Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) Amidst the Issues ofPeace Talks and Upcoming ARMM Elections.”

Coalitions for Change (CfC) Expansion of a budget transparency project to thesites of the Provincial Roads Management Facility.Conducting a political economy analysis of informa-tion flows in the Department of Education, disasterrisk reduction and climate change adaptation, andkey positions in government. Conducting a studyon the utilization of the “development entrepre-neurship” approach in social sector policy reform.Mapping of issues, stakeholders, and interventionsdealing with conflict in Mindanao. Local Partners: Paglaum Community CenterDevelopment Foundation, Inc.; Rural EnterpriseAssistance Center (REACH) Foundation, Inc.;Ulangig Mindanao Inc.

Comparative Review of Community-BasedDevelopment in Conflict-Affected Areas of thePhilippines

A study to assess the impact of community-baseddevelopment projects on conflict and peacebuilding.

Conflict Management ProgramImproving state-society relations necessary for peaceand stability in countries and subnational regionsaffected by protracted conflict and fragility.Strengthening formal peace processes and informallocal peacebuilding efforts and helping make thesemore credible with conflict-affected populations.Improving local security through community responseand improved relations with security forces.Local Partners: Basilan Advocates for Peace,Environment, and Sustainable DevelopmentAssociation Inc.; Mangungaya Center for PALMAInc.; Ranao Institute for Peace and Development,Inc.; Ulangig Mindanao Inc.; Young MoroProfessionals Network

Disability-Inclusive ElectionsIncreasing participation of persons with disabilities(PWDs) in the 2013 Philippine midterm electionsand other democratic processes by heighteningvoter awareness, promoting partnerships toenhance support and awareness of PWD participatory needs, and strengthening the capabilities of disabled people’s organizations and NGOs supporting PWD advocacies.Local Partners: Cerebral Palsied Association ofthe Philippines; Commission on Elections;Foundation for Communication Initiatives (FOCI);Link Center for the Deaf; Parish Pastoral Councilfor Responsible Voting; Philippine Alliance of PatientOrganizations and Union of Local Authorities of thePhilippines; Social Weather Stations; Upholding Lifeand Nature, Inc.; Vera Files, Inc.; VSO Bahaginan

Law and Human RightsStrengthening the enforcement of human rightsand the rule of law in the Philippines by promotingrespect for human rights and freedoms, and pro-gressively securing their effective recognition andobservance. Protecting human rights of citizens inlaw and in reality through improved monitoring ofviolations and prosecuting human rights violationsthrough capacity building for better investigation,prosecution, and adjudication of cases. Local Partners: Ateneo Human Rights Center;ABS-CBN News Channel; Campaigns and Grey, Inc.;Commission on Human Rights; Center forEmergency Aid and Response; DAKILA- PhilippineCollective for Modern Heroism; Department ofJustice; Diaz; Lawyers League for Liberty; MedicalAction Group, Inc.; Parreno and Caringal Law Office;Social Weather Stations; Task Force Detainees ofthe Philippines, Inc.; Upholding Life and Nature, Inc.;Vera Files, Inc.

Philippine Campaign to Ban LandminesSupporting preliminary activities needed to imple-ment the initial work toward the implementation ofthe Guidelines on the Joint Mines/UXO (UnexplodedOrdinance) Clearance.Local Partner: Philippine Campaign to BanLandmines


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Political Economy AssessmentAn investigation of the institutional, political, economic, and power relationships within the educational sector in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao.

Promoting Transparent Fair and PeacefulElections in the Philippines in 2010

Final activities related to increasing transparencyand credibility of election processes and reducingelection-related violence in the 2010 Philippineselections.Local Partners: Alyansa ng May KapansanangPinoy (Akap-Pinoy); Ateneo School of Government;Institute for Political and Economic Reform;Northern Samar Peace and Development Forum;Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting, SIM-CARRD Inc.; Vera Files, Inc.

Transparent Accountable Governance (TAG4)Strengthening local government institutional linkages and capacities for policy reform throughdata generation, information sharing, and policydialogue; and improving the quality of local gover-nance for sustained peace and development inMindanao. Local Partners: Ateneo de Davao University;Capitol University; Father Saturnino UriosUniversity; Integrated Resource Development forTri-People; Maguindanao Foundation for GoodGovernance and Development, Inc.; MisamisUniversity Community Extension; Notre DameBusiness Resource Center Foundation, Inc.; SocialWeather Stations


Economic Growth HubsTargeting reforms that improve Philippine competi-tiveness in international economy to jumpstart economic growth. Focusing on connectivity throughinfrastructure reforms and delivery, including international maritime trade, local infrastructureinvestment and improving the policy environmentfor international air connectivity, as well as techni-

cal assistance to airports to prepare them for inter-national flights. Assisting the Department of Tourismand Department of Public Works and Highways inidentifying economically critical roads to jumpstartthe tourism industry. Improving property rights,access to credit, and investment through implemen-tation of the 2010 Residential Free Patent Law.Local Partners: Bohol Chamber of Commerceand Industry; Cebu Business Club; ClarkInternational Airport Corporation; Davao CityChamber of Commerce and Industry; Foundationfor Economic Freedom; Iloilo Business Club; MetroAngeles Chamber of Commerce and Industry;Palawan Tourism Council; Philippine Social ScienceCouncil; Research, Education, and InstitutionalDevelopment Foundation

Understanding Reform in the PhilippinesSeven case studies on the political economy ofeconomic policy reform in the Philippines and anemerging model for achieving reform.


Filipino American International Book FestivalSupporting seven Filipino writers to participate inthe “Filipino American International Book Festival(Filbookfest)” in San Francisco, California, USA.

Travel Grants to Asia Scholars Travel support for two Asia scholars to participatein the 2011 Joint Conference of the Association for Asian Studies and International Convention forAsia Scholars.


Patient Group AdvocacyCollaborating with patient groups to increase publicawareness of the needs and concerns of patientgroups, as well as promote patients’ rights andpatient-centered healthcare.


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Technical Assistance to Chevron GeothermalPhilippines Holdings, Inc.

Research and technical assistance to evaluate andrecommend improvements to Chevron’s CommunityDevelopment Program.


Distribution of 152,658 books and journals to2,510 public and private institutions across thecountry. Providing books to all three of the islandgroups Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, for govern-ment and educational institutions from pre-schoolup to university levels.Local Partner: Del Monte Foundation


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSAustralian Agency for International Development; Canadian International Development Agency; ChevronCorporation; Del Monte Pacific Limited; Department for International Development (U.K.); Pfizer; United StatesAgency for International Development; The World Bank

FY11 Expenditures:$9,912,4961

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Access to JusticeMaking justice more accessible for marginalizedcommunities by strengthening institutions andprocesses that are people’s first point of contactwith the justice system. Local Partners: Centre for Mediation & MediationTraining; Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies;Jaffna Bar Association; Kandurata CommunityDevelopment Forum; Marga Institute; MuslimFoundation for Culture and Development; MuslimWomen’s Research & Action Forum; RuralEconomic & Community Development Organization;Police In-service Training (Police Academy); TNSLanka (Pvt.) Ltd.; University of Peradeniya(Department of Law); Vehilihini DevelopmentCentre Viluthu - Centre for Human ResourceDevelopment

Emerging Leaders of Influence Undertaking a public perception survey to under-stand the roles of religion, religious leaders, andinstitutions in Sri Lankan communities.Local Partners: The Nielsen Company Lanka(Pvt) Ltd.; Social Policy Analysis & Research Centre

Improving Elections and StrengtheningDemocracy in South Asia

Supporting voter education and new voter registration in the Northern Province. Raising publicawareness on the importance of local governmentinstitutions and encouraging voter turnout in the 2011 local government elections, as part of a regional program.Local Partners: Federation of Sri Lanka LocalGovernment Authorities; Peoples Action for Freeand Fair Elections

Institutionalizing Social AccountabilityInstitutionalizing social accountability tools to makelocal government service delivery more account-able and responsive to citizens’ priorities.Local Partners: Municipal Council Nuwara Eliya;Social Policy Analysis & Research Centre-Universityof Colombo; Urban Council Vavuniya

Local Economic GovernanceBuilding sustainable partnerships between the pri-vate sector and local government to improve thebusiness environment.Local Partners: Anuradhapura District Chamberof Commerce, Industries & Agriculture; Chamber ofCommerce & Industry of Central ProvinceCommissioner of Local Government; CorporateSolutions Provider (Pvt.) Ltd.; E.C. Holdings;Government Valuation Department; HambantotaDistrict Chamber of Commerce; Initiative forPolitical and Conflict Transformation; JaffnaChamber of Commerce; Jaffna Social ActionCentre; Ministry of Local Government & ProvincialCouncil; Municipal Council Batticaloa; MunicipalCouncil Jaffna; Municipal Council Kalmunai;Northern Provincial Council; Social OrganizationsNetworking for Development; Social Policy Analysis& Research Centre (SPARC) - University ofColombo; Sri Lanka Institute of Local Government;Trincomalee Chamber of Commerce & Industries;Urban Council Ampara; Urban Council Mannar;Urban Council Trincomalee; Urban Council Vavuniya

Psychosocial ProgramStrengthening the organizational capacity of trau-ma treatment organizations to deliver effectivetreatment and healing services in the post-conflictenvironment. Local Partners: Consortium of HumanitarianAgencies; Family Rehabilitation Centre; NationalInstitute of Social Development; SarvodayaEconomic Enterprise Development Services (GTELtd.); Shanthiham Association for Health andCounseling; SYNERGY Centre for CommunityEmpowerment


Leaders of Influence Program in the Republic ofMaldives

Facilitating dialogue and cooperation between religious and social leaders and government officials to address national development challenges and priorities.


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Local Partners: Centre for the Holy Quran;Maldives Institute of Psychological Services,Training and Research; Maldives National University;Ministry of Islamic Affairs

National Perception Survey Undertaking a public perception survey in theRepublic of Maldives to better understand the perceptions of influential leaders, the communitiesthey serve, and the broader population regardingnational development. Local Partner: Think Associates (Pvt) Ltd.

National Values Survey Undertaking a national values survey to understandthe role of religion and religious institutions indevelopment in the Republic of Maldives.Local Partner: Lanka Market Research Bureau(Pvt) Ltd.


Acquisition and distribution of 111,523 books andjournals to 1,641 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Sri Lanka and20,325 books to 81 schools, universities, publiclibraries, and other institutions in the Maldives.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSAAT Sri Lanka; Australian Agency for International Development; British High Commission, in Sri Lanka; DialogAxiata PLC; European Commission; Hatton National Bank; Mas Capital (Pvt) Ltd.; National Development Bank;Peoples Bank; Sri Lanka Telecom PLC; United States Agency for International Development; United StatesDepartment of State; United States Embassy, in Sri Lanka; The World Bank.

FY11 Expenditures (Sri Lanka and Maldives): $10,230,8121

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Access to JusticePromoting enhanced citizen access to justice byproviding fellowships for Thai-Muslim students fromthe Deep South to study law.Local Partner: Muslim Attorney Center

Building Forensic Capacity to Promote HumanRights and the Rule of Law in Thailand

Enhancing the capacity of law enforcement offi-cials to prosecute human rights violators throughthe application of forensic investigative techniques.Reducing ambiguity and gaps in laws, regulations,and procedures governing forensic evidence andincreasing public awareness of the role of forensicinvestigation in human rights cases.Local Partners: Department of Regional LaborLitigation 9, Office of the Attorney General; JudgeAdvocate General’s Office; Prince of SongklaUniversity, Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Unit;Women and Peace Group

Conflict Mitigation and Management inSouthern Thailand

Strengthening influential Thai leaders who advocate for increased community engagement in policy development and its implementation in the conflict environment of southern Thailand.Advancing policy discourse on alternative gover-nance arrangements and peacebuilding in theDeep South, and building the capacity of indige-nous Thai-Malay grassroots and civil society organizations to participate in the peace process.Local Partners: Aman News Agency; Associationof Women for Peace; Islamic Cultural Foundation;King Prajadhipok’s Institute; Pattani CommunityRadio Network; Prince of Songkla University, TheInstitute for Peace Studies; Southern ParalegalAdvocacy Network; Southern Peace MediaVolunteer Network; Walailak University, School ofLiberal Arts, Regional Studies Program; Women andPeace Group

Conflict Mitigation and Management inSouthern Thailand: Perception Survey

Asia Foundation-administered public perceptionsurvey on democracy and governance in the DeepSouth and their implications for the conflict. Local Partner: MIAdvisory

Negotiating Cultural Space: Preserving Patani-Malay Culture and Promoting Patani-MalayHistory in Southern Thailand

Contributing to improved relations between thegovernment of Thailand and the local Thai-Malaycommunity by demonstrating that enhanced culturalspace and respect can be provided to this ethnicallydistinct community within the parameters of theThai state. Support for the development and dis-semination of materials to increase understandingof Patani-Malay history.Local Partners: Aman News Agency; Foundationof Islamic Culture, Southern Thailand; Muslim SiamForum for Art & Culture; Office of the AdministrativeCourt; Prince of Songkla University, Department ofMalay Studies; Prince of Songkla University, Facultyof Humanities and Social Sciences; SouthernParalegal Advocacy Network (SPAN); WalailakUniversity, The School of Liberal Arts, RegionalStudies Program

Promoting Access to Justice in SouthernThailand for Victims of Human RightsViolations

Increasing the provision of legal aid to victims ofhuman rights abuses in southern Thailand. Local Partner: Muslim Attorney CenterFoundation

Protecting and Promoting Human RightsStrengthening the capacity of local civil societyorganizations to share experience and lessonslearned and expand their international networks incombating trafficking in persons.Local Partner: Anti-Trafficking Coordination UnitNorthern Thailand (TRAFCORD)


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Strengthening Public Participation inGovernance

Promoting citizen voice and inputs in democraticreform, good governance, and corruption prevention. Local Partners: King Prajadhipok’s Institute;Transparency Thailand

Research on the Circumstances of Youth inThailand’s Conflict-Affected Southern BorderProvinces

Applying qualitative and quantitative research toolsto understand the circumstances of youth inThailand’s conflict-affected southern borderprovinces, with a focus on security, political efficacy,education, access to public health and other basicservices, career opportunities, and vulnerability tothe conflict.Local Partner: MIAdvisory


Labor Rights Reform Addressing the needs of the urban poor andmigrant communities by supporting the establish-ment of a Labor Crisis Center for crisis-affectedworkers and building the public advocacy andworker support capacity of labor organizations.Local Partners: Council of Work and EnvironmentRelated Patient’s Network of Thailand; CulturalCenter, Group of Union Omnoi-Omyai Area;Government Employee Association of Thailand;Group of Labor Unions-Rangsit and Nearby Area;Petroleum and Chemicals Workers Federation ofThailand; Promoting Community Rights Associationfor Development; Saraburi & Nearby Labor Group;Thai Labor Museum Foundation; Thai Labor

Solidarity Committee; Transport Workers’ Union ofThailand; Women Workers’ Unity Group; WorkingGroup on Alleviating the Impact of the GlobalEconomic Crisis on Affected Labors Project;Working Group on Friends for Friends Project


Post-Tsunami and Disaster PreparednessSupport in Southern Thailand

Providing support to tsunami victims for economicrecovery, legal aid services, and assistance in settling land disputes, and enhancing communitypreparedness for flooding and other emergencies.Local Partners: Andaman Project for ParticipatoryRestoration of Natural Resources; Foundation ofPrateeptham for Education; Mirror Art Foundation


Congressional Fellowship Program in the United States

Promoting enhanced Thai-U.S. relations by support-ing an officer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs(Thailand) to complete a Congressional Fellows program in Washington, DC.Local Partners: Chulalongkorn University; Ministryof Foreign Affairs; Saranrom Institute of ForeignAffairs Foundation


In cooperation with the Books for ThailandFoundation, distribution of 53,545 volumes of booksand journals to 410 schools, universities, publiclibraries, and other institutions throughout Thailand.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSDepartment for International Development (U.K.); Give2Asia; The Rockefeller Foundation; Royal NetherlandsEmbassy, in Thailand; United Nations Democracy Fund; United States Agency for International Development;United States Department of State; The World Bank

FY11 Expenditures:$6,045,2421

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Access to JusticeBuilding on the ongoing success of the Access toJustice program in providing legal services to poorand vulnerable groups and by improving quality andaccess to legal aid.Local Partners: Educação Comunidade Matebian;Fundacão Fatu Sinai Oecusse; Judicial SystemMonitoring Program; LBH Covalima; LBH Liberta

Conflict Mitigation Through Community-Oriented Policing

Mitigating the threat of violent conflict by strength-ening community public relations through research,policy dialogue, and forging partnerships betweenpolice and communities.Local Partners: Educação Comunidade Matebian;Fundasaun Mahein; National Police of Timor-Leste;Secretary of State for Security; Suco Councils ofBaucau and Dili; United Nations Police

Increasing the Capacity of Timor-Leste’sMinistry of Foreign Affairs

Strengthening human resources in Timor-Leste’sMinistry of Foreign Affairs (MNEC) and facilitatingthe institutional development of MNEC throughestablishing a Diplomatic Training Center and providing expert technical assistance to the MNECexecutive team.Local Partner: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Legislative DevelopmentStrengthening parliament’s role in national gover-nance through increasing its digital connectivity,improving access to research, and promoting publicawareness of parliamentary processes and per-formance through daily monitoring and reporting.Local Partners: Congressional Research Service;House Democracy Partnership; Judicial SystemMonitoring Program

Local Governance, Elections, and Civil SocietyContributing to more transparent and accountablegovernance through supporting credible, peaceful,and fair village, municipal, and national elections

and enhancing the capacity of newly elected village councils to strengthen citizen participationin governance.Local Partners: Church Observatory for Peaceand Social Advocacy (OIPAS); Fundacão Fatu SinaiOecusse; Lawyers Association of Timor-Leste(AATL); National NGO Forum; National YouthCouncil of Timor-Leste (CNJTL); Rede Feto

Ministry of Finance Citizen ConsultationsOrganizing workshops to provide citizen feedbackto three of the ministry’s directorates (procure-ment, tax, and customs).Local Partners: Insight Consulting LTD; Ministry of Finance

SMS PollingAssessing public opinion through development anddeployment of an SMS polling tool, using opensource software, designed for easy use by politicalparties, government service providers, civil society,and development partners. Local Partners: Catalpa; National ElectionsCommission (CNE); Office of the Ombudsman forHuman Rights and Justice (PDHJ); Rede Ba Rai

Strengthening Local Governance in Timor-LesteEnhancing community representation and involve-ment in sectoral program plans and budgets whilecreating development coordination centers at thedistrict level. Local Partners: Ministry of State Administration;National Planning Directorates of Health, Education,Agriculture, and Infrastructure

Timor-Leste Legal Education ProjectStrengthening legal education through the production of accessible educational textbooks tohelp build knowledge in Timorese universities, government institutions, and nongovernmentalorganizations.Local Partners: National University of Timor-Leste; Stanford Law School


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Primary and Secondary School ReadingContests

Promoting literacy and celebrating reading achieve-ment across all grade schools in Aleiu Districtthrough extracurricular assistance and competition. Local Partner: Aleiu Resource and TrainingCenter


Acquisition and distribution of 27,985 books andjournals to 186 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout Timor-Leste.


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSAustralian Agency for International Development; House Democracy Partnership; Irish Aid; Ministry of Finance inTimor-Leste; United States Agency for International Development; United States Department of State

FY11 Expenditures:$3,723,1211

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Civil Society Empowerment and Participation inPolicy and Lawmaking Processes in Vietnam

Strengthening Vietnam’s civil society and develop-ing its capacity to mobilize public participation andengage with government in policy and lawmakingprocesses.Local Partners: Centre for CommunityEmpowerment (CECEM); Center for EducationPromotion and Empowerment for Women; Institutefor Social Studies; Institute for Research andConsulting on Policy, Law and Development (PLD);Training Center for Elected Representatives/Officeof National Assembly; Research and Action Centerfor Community (REACOM); Viet Nam Environmentand Sustainable Development Institute; VietnamAssociation for Conservation of Nature andEnvironment

Improving the Citizen’s Petition ProcessSupporting an assessment of how citizens’ petitions are received and processed by relevantgovernment agencies to inform the development of decrees guiding the implementation of the Lawon Complaints. Local Partner: Government Inspectorate

National Assembly, Access to Information LawSupporting two public consultation workshops onthe draft Law on Access to Information.Local Partner: Ministry of Justice

National Assembly, Transparency and PublicParticipation in Lawmaking

Supporting a comprehensive update of the NationalAssembly’s D�u Th�o Online, a website portal dedi-cated to gathering public review and feedback ofdraft laws and ordinances into a more user-friendlyinformation and policy support instrument. Local Partner: Office of the National Assembly

Publication on Higher Education in Vietnamand University Models

Assisting the publication of a collected work on theideals and models of universities around the world

to contribute to the ongoing discussion in Vietnamon higher education reform.Local Partner: Knowledge Publishing House

Rural Public Services IndexSupporting the development of methodology forand piloting a rural public service index to assessthe quality of the provision of public services inrural areas.Local Partners: Institute of Policy and Strategyfor Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; RuralDevelopment Center

The Implications of Decentralization on UrbanPublic Service Delivery

Support for research examining the effects of governmental decentralization on select key publicservices in urban areas to contribute to the government’s ongoing effort to improve urban governance.Local Partners: Institute of State OrganizationalSciences; Ministry of Home Affairs


Export CompetitivenessSupport for research to improve the competitive-ness of firms in the garment, seafood, and electronic product industries in Vietnam.Local Partner: Central Institute for EconomicManagement

New Countryside PolicySupporting an assessment of the effectiveness of the implementation of the government’s NongThon Moi (New Countryside) program in Nam Dinh province.Local Partners: Institute of Policy and Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development; Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; RuralDevelopment Center


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Supporting Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Vietnam to Alleviate the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on VulnerablePopulations

Supporting CSOs to implement innovative, market-based economic development models to generateincome and employment in distressed rural areas,and to deliver critical social services to urban poorand migrant labor populations in Hanoi and Ho ChiMinh City. Local Partners: Center of Education Development;Centre for Environment and CommunityDevelopment; Center of Education Development;Environment Communication & CommunityDevelopment Association; Ho Chi Minh City ChildWelfare Foundation (HCWF); Institute for CommunityHealth and Development (LIGHT); Institute forResearch and Consulting on Policy, Law andDevelopment (PLD); Southern Center for Supportand Development of Cooperatives, Small andMedium Enterprises (SOCENCOOP); Vietnam RuralIndustries Research and Development Institute (VIRI);Worker Support Foundation

Transparency in Economic GovernanceSupport for research to identify best provincial eco-nomic governance practices on transparency andaccess to information.Local Partner: Vietnam Chamber of Commerceand Industry


Preventing Human Trafficking and ProtectingVictims in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam

Improving the quality of support to victims of trafficking through the development of nationalminimum standards for victims’ care, integratingsafe migration and anti-trafficking messages intosecondary schools’ activities, and building safemigration and human trafficking issues into teachertraining programs in the Mekong Delta. Local Partners: Ministry of Labor, Invalids andSocial Affairs; Research Center of EducationalTechnology (RECEET)

Scholarships for Disadvantaged GirlsSupporting scholarships for over 300 disadvan-taged girls to attend and complete high school in Nam Dinh, An Giang, Hau Giang, and Can Tho provinces.Local Partner: Center for Raising the IntellectualStandard of People

University Scholarship for Vietnamese WomenSupporting 100 disadvantaged young women topursue undergraduate studies in science and tech-nology through a five-year scholarship program.Local Partner: Center for Education andDevelopment


Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships forDisaster Risk Management and CommunityResilience

Building effective and sustainable disaster responsein Vietnam by developing the disaster preparationand response capacity of small and medium enter-prises and promoting disaster-related corporatesocial responsibility initiatives.Local Partners: Centre for Education andDevelopment; Da Nang Young EntrepreneursAssociation; Vietnam Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Youth in Action: Environmental Protection in Vietnam

Providing funding and mentoring support for thedevelopment and implementation of eight winningentries in a national contest for youth-led environ-ment initiatives.Local Partners: Center of Education Development;Ministry of Education and Training; VietnamNational Institute of Educational Studies


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Commemorating 15 years of U.S.-VietnamRelations

Assisting the publication of a work of researchreviewing U.S.-Vietnam relations, 1994-2010. Local Partners: Institute of American Studies;Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences

Supporting American Studies in VietnamAssistance to the Diplomatic Academy of Vietnamto support American Studies and the network ofAmerican Studies scholars in Vietnam through thepreparation and publication of a comprehensiveAmerican Studies Reader, and the organization of a workshop on American Studies.Local Partner: Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam

Vietnam-China-U.S. Trilateral DialogueThe third of three dialogues for Vietnamese schol-ars and experts to meet with their Chinese andAmerican counterparts to discuss issues of com-mon interest and concern to the three nations.Local Partner: Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam


Acquisition and distribution of 30,738 books andjournals to 122 schools, universities, public libraries,and other institutions throughout VietnamLocal Partner: National Library of Vietnam


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1 Includes in-kind value of Books for Asia donations.

DONORSBritish Embassy, in Vietnam; British Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Friends of The Asia Foundation, Korea;Jerome and Thao Dodson; Shirin Pandju Merali Foundation; The Rockefeller Foundation; Scholarship Program forDisadvantaged Girls Contributors; United States Agency for International Development; United States Departmentof State

FY11 Expenditures:$3,565,9061

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Developmental Leadership Program (DLP)Partnership

Collaborating with government, business, academic,and civil society partners around the world to pro-duce recommendations for aid policy and fundingmodalities. Supporting efforts to build an evidencebase for more politically informed approachesthrough intellectual input into DLP research activi-ties. Communicating key messages of the programto strategic audiences, including he AustralianAgency for International Development (AusAID) andthe wider international donor community.

DFID Partnership Program Agreement: Conflictand Security Programs

Regional partnership with the Department forInternational Development, United Kingdom (DFID),including seven countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan,Nepal, Timor-Leste, Thailand, the Philippines, andSri Lanka), that is working to improve state-societyrelations in conflict-affected areas throughout theregion. Helping to reduce mistrust and alienationbetween conflict-affected communities and stateauthorities. Strengthening and expanding locallydriven efforts to improve governance and resolvedisputes. Contributing to improved understanding of aid effectiveness in conflict-affected and fragile states.

Improving Aid to Subnational Conflict AreasConducting a multi-country study of developmentassistance to subnational conflict areas inSoutheast Asia (Aceh, southern Thailand,Mindanao) as part of a regional program to buildunderstanding of the causes, dynamics, and conse-quences of subnational conflicts. Providing recom-mendations for donors and host governments toimprove the effectiveness of development and gov-ernance approaches for conflict prevention, peace-building, and recovery in subnational conflict areas.Strengthening the awareness of key officials, poli-cymakers, and civil society throughout the region.

The Asia Foundation-AusAID StrategicPartnership Agreement

Strengthening collaboration between The AsiaFoundation and the Australian Agency forInternational Development (AusAID) in order to pro-vide effective development assistance in the Asia-Pacific region in sectors of mutual interest includinggovernance, law and justice, gender, and economicdevelopment. Engaging in strategic-level dialoguesto identify future work priorities and developing aframework for further programming.


Evaluating Business Environments to FosterAccess to Trade and Growth of Women’s Smalland Medium Enterprises in Southeast Asia

Conducting an eight-month research project toincrease knowledge of the factors affectingwomen’s access to trade and growth of women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) inSoutheast Asia, and offer policy recommendationsfor the Asia-Pacific Economic CooperationSecretariat (APEC) and its member economies.Increasing understanding among policymakers ofwomen SME owners’ constraints, and the rolesthese stakeholders can play to remove these barriers and promote economic growth.


Advancing Human Rights and Women’s Rightswithin an Islamic Framework across South Asia

Promoting gender equity and women’s rights with-in an Islamic framework in South Asia, as part of aregional program across Afghanistan, Bangladesh,and Pakistan through: developing a training curricu-lum for Muslim leaders on women’s human rights;fostering an exchange of ideas and discourse inSouth Asia on the relationship of Islam, humanrights, and women’s rights; creating a locally appro-priate training curriculum for religious leaders inSouth Asia to advance social justice for women;and expanding and strengthening regional net-


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works of Muslim scholars and leaders working toadvance women’s rights in the context of Islam.


Malaysia/Pacific Forum Young Leaders Meeting Two-day meeting for young, emerging leaders from Asia and the United States to discuss U.S.-Asia relations and strategic competition in theAsia-Pacific, co-sponsored with the Institute forStrategic and International Studies-Malaysia andthe Pacific Forum.

Southeast Asia RoundtableMonthly roundtable discussions held in Washington,DC on salient political, economic, and securityissues important to Southeast Asia and U.S. inter-ests in the region.

U.S. National Committee for the Council ofSecurity Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific

Support for the leading Track 2 Forum focusing onsecurity issues in the Asia-Pacific region.

United States-People’s Republic of China-JapanTrilateral Dialogue

Fourteenth conference in a series held in Tokyo,Japan that provided for an exchange of viewsamong key officials and scholars in the Americanforeign policy community, and their Chinese andJapanese counterparts on issues of critical impor-tance to the three nations.


Give2Asia is The Asia Foundation’s partner providingguidance to private donors on their philanthropy toAsia. In addition to $145,822 in direct support forAsia Foundation projects in FY11, Give2Asia provided $3,156,010 in the fields of women’sempowerment, environment, and economic reformand development, as well as $23,209,762 foractivities in health, education, social welfare, disaster response, and culture.


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Acquisition and distribution of nearly one milliondonated books and educational materials with anestimated in-kind value of more than $41 million toover 7,500 of recipient schools, universities, publiclibraries, and other institutions in 19 countriesacross Asia.


Climate Change and Green GrowthHalf-day seminar highlighting opportunities for U.S.-ROK private sector collaboration on green growth,featuring the chairman of South Korea’s GreenGrowth Commission, and co-sponsored with theKorea Economic Institute. Sponsoring quarterlyreports which reviewed the latest developments inSouth Korea’s pursuit of its green growth strategy,including international collaborative efforts to pro-mote green growth.

International Development AssistanceWorkshop and Policy Report

Bilateral development cooperation workshop hostedin Seoul, providing an opportunity for a small groupof American and South Korean specialists and gov-ernment officials to discuss in-depth prospects forbilateral development cooperation.

North Korea in Transition/Engaging AdversarialStates�

Co-sponsorship of a workshop with leading NorthKorea experts, the revised draft papers are to bepublished as a book entitled, North Korea inTransition.


A year-long fellowship program in Asia for 17 youngscholars. Operational and program costs providedthrough The Asia Foundation’s San Francisco andAsian offices.


Governance and Law

Ghazni-Hayward ExchangeCoordination of U.S. Embassy-funded exchangesbetween the Sister Cities of Hayward, California, andthe historic city and province of Ghazni, Afghanistan,with the dual focus on exploring good governanceand promoting awareness of Ghazni designation as a“Capital of Islamic Culture” in 2013.

Open Government Initiatives for ChinaFunding for officials from Hunan Province, a journalist, and several academic specialists to participate in an observation program on opengovernment information policies and practices in the U.S.

Promoting Nonprofit Sector Development in China

Arrangements for the Beijing Normal University –One Foundation Philanthropy Research Institutedirector and the deputy director for CooperativeProjects to examine U.S. executive education programs for the nonprofit sector.

Strengthening Administrative Law in China Support for research affiliations at prominent U.S.law schools followed by a study tour on variousaspects of intellectual property rights issues forfour young judges of the Supreme People’s Courtand Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court.

William P. Fuller Fellowship in ConflictResolution

Fellowship honoring the Foundation’s former presi-dent, awarded to a prominent Pakistani journalistand research consultant with the Pak Institute forPeace Studies, Islamabad, to conduct research forsix months at the New America Foundation,Washington, DC.


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Developing Environmental LeadershipSupport for environmental leaders from Bangladesh,China, India, and Nepal to participate in the Beahrs Environmental Leadership Program at the University of California, Berkeley.

Strengthening Capacity in DisasterManagement Leadership and Coordination in China

Support for Academy of Governance/NationalInstitute of Emergency Management (NIEM) facultyto participate in a workshop on disaster manage-ment leadership and coordination conducted by the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs,Syracuse University, followed by a Foundation-organ-ized observation program on disaster preparednessand response systems at FEMA’s EmergencyManagement Institute, and coordination with federal,state, and local agencies in several locales.

Regional Cooperation

Asia Foundation-Stanford Walter H.Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center(APARC) Fellowship

Funding for a faculty member from the Departmentof International Relations of Chulalongkorn University,Bangkok, Thailand, to spend an academic year ofresearch at Stanford University.

Chang-Lin Tien Visiting Fellows ProgramFellowship honoring the Foundation’s late chair ofthe board and chancellor of the University ofCalifornia, Berkeley, awarded to a prominent Chineseeconomist who is also president of the InternationalFinance Forum, Beijing, for public presentations andmeetings with academic specialists in the UnitedStates, focused on China’s policies and strategiesand issues of common interest to the U.S. and China.

China Study Tour for American GraduateStudents

Liaison with officials of the Fletcher School of Lawand Diplomacy, Tufts University, and the School ofAdvanced International Studies, Johns HopkinsUniversity in screening of master’s degree studentsapplicants for a study tour in China focusing on thecountry’s internal challenges and their effect onexternal relations.

Fostering Mutual Understanding with the DPRKIn cooperation with the UC Institute on GlobalConflict and Cooperation and The Asia Society,support for a delegation from Ministries ofAgriculture, Finance, Foreign Trade, and MetalIndustry to participate in a study tour on the U.S.economy and business practices, to advanceengagement with North Korea.

L.Z. Yuan Fellowship in Media and InternationalAffairs

Fellowship honoring the Foundation’s late senioradvisor for China Programs, awarded to a youngChinese journalist from a prominent Chinese economic daily to participate in the U.S. Foreign Policy Institute Summer Course at TheElliott School of International Affairs, GeorgeWashington University; a visit to Houston, Texas to discuss energy issues; and meetings in California to examine the state of the media inthe United States.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fellows Program,China

Support for three young diplomats in masters’degree programs in international relations at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and at the School of AdvancedInternational Studies, Johns Hopkins University, followed by an observation program on the role of innovation in the U.S. economy and U.S. foreign relations.


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Ministry of External Affairs Fellows Program,India

Funding for three Indian young diplomats to attendthe U.S. Foreign Policy Institute Summer Course atThe Elliott School of International Affairs, GeorgeWashington University, followed by a Foundation-organized observation program on U.S. domesticconcerns and their influence on U.S. foreign policyand implications for U.S.-India relations.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Fellows Program,Thailand

Support for a diplomatic officer in the Ministry’sDepartment of Public Information to participate inthe American Political Science AssociationCongressional Fellowship program for 2010-2011.

Promoting Social Entrepreneurship and PrivateDevelopment Assistance in Japan

Support for three visitors from Osaka School ofInternational Public Policy, Sony’s Department ofCorporate Social Responsibility, and Civil SocietyOrganization-Network Japan (CSONJ), respectively,to participate in meetings focused on social entre-preneurship in the United States and innovativeapproaches to private development assistance.


Brayton F. Wilbur, Jr. Memorial Fellowship inAsian Art

Support for two directors from museums inThailand and India to participate in the forum for Museum Directors of Asian Art from Asia and the United States hosted by the Asian ArtMuseum of San Francisco to foster greater globalawareness of Asian art and cultures while exploringmodels for collaboration and partnerships among the institutions.

Margaret F. Williams Memorial Fellowship inAsian Art

Support for four directors from major museums inSingapore, Japan, Korea, and China to participatein the first forum for Museum Directors of Asian

Art from Asia and the U.S., hosted by the Asian ArtMuseum of San Francisco to foster greater globalawareness of Asian art and cultures while exploringmodels for collaboration and partnerships amongthe institutions.

U.S.-Asia Collaboration on Asian ArtFunding for administration of the first forum hosted by the Asian Art Museum of San Franciscofor museum directors of Asian Art from Asia andthe United States to foster greater global aware-ness of Asian art and cultures while exploring models for collaboration and partnerships amongthe institutions.


2011 Survey of the Afghan People: WashingtonDC Release

A public release of findings from Afghanistan in2010: A Survey of the Afghan People.

The 14th Japan-U.S.-China TrilateralFourteenth conference in a series of meetings thatprovides an opportunity for an exchange of viewsamong key officials and scholars in the Americanforeign policy community and their Chinese andJapanese counterparts on critical issues to thethree countries, held in Tokyo, Japan.

Accessing Justice in AfghanistanA breakfast discussion with the program managerin The Asia Foundation’s Afghanistan office, sharinginsights on the current situation facing Afghanwomen and how engaging men can improve socialjustice for women.

Afghan Minister of Education A delegation including Afghanistan’s minister of education, to visit Washington DC and Charlottesville,Virginia, as part of a series of high-level meetingsto observe the functioning of the American publiceducation system and to meet with American educators to exchange ideas and best practices.


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Asian Perspectives - The Philippines:Challenges and Opportunities for the NewAquino Administration

An in-depth Asian Perspectives seminar on “ThePhilippines: Challenges and Opportunities for theNew Aquino Administration,” providing insight intocurrent and upcoming political, security, and socialchallenges facing the Philippines.

Bangladesh Women Members of ParliamentStudy Program

A 10-day observation program as part of The AsiaFoundation’s Promoting Democratic Institutions andPractices program in Bangladesh, which involvedleadership training, witnessing hearings and meet-ing with congressional leaders on Capitol Hill, visit-ing Washington-area NGO leaders focusing onwomen’s issues, and meeting with the Marylandstate legislature’s Women’s Caucus.

China Supreme Court DelegationA visiting delegation from China’s SupremePeople’s Court consisting of six judges who were in Washington, DC to take part in a study tourfocused on highlighting key international experi-ences and best practices in implementing statecompensation laws.

Combating Human Trafficking in Asia: FromPolicy to Practice

Event featuring ambassador-at-large at the U.S.Department of State’s Office to Monitor andCombat Trafficking in Persons and chief of party ofThe Asia Foundation’s Counter Trafficking inPersons program in Cambodia.

Community Mediation in NepalDiscussion on the importance of increasingwomen’s influence in local mediation, as well as thechallenges to safeguarding women’s rights andsecurity through informal justice mechanisms.

Expanding Access to Justice for AfghanWomen: A Field Perspective

A discussion held at the National GeographicSociety addressing the successes and challenges of

working to advance the rights of women in Afghanistan.

Gender and Conflict in Nepal: Women asAgents of Change

A panel discussion on the root causes of conflictand the repercussions that disproportionately affectwomen, and featuring three gender and conflictexperts from Nepal.

Ghazni, Afghanistan – Hayward, CaliforniaSister City Exchange

A delegation from Ghazni, Afghanistan visiting theWashington, DC area to promote goodwill andfriendship and highlight the city’s selection as the2013 Capital of Islamic Culture. The delegation ofAfghan government officials, including the governorof Ghazni as well as Afghan journalists, visited thenation’s capital for a series of meetings beforetraveling to Hayward, California, the Sister City of Ghazni.

Human Trafficking in Cambodia Emerging:Issues & Lessons Learned

A co-hosted luncheon with Vital Voices to discussU.S. efforts to combat trafficking, emerging researchon male trafficking, and human trafficking trials.

Human Trafficking in Nepal: Toward aComprehensive Response

A moderated panel on human trafficking with fourNepalese gender experts.

Improving Leadership & Coordination ofDisaster Management in China Study Tour

A study-tour with training sessions and meetingswith U.S. government disaster management special-ists for a group of experts form China’s Ministry ofCivil Affairs and other provisional–level organizations.

Indonesia’s Democratic Reform: Challenges andAchievements 13 Years Later

A panel discussion focusing on the current state ofreform in Indonesia, sharing perspectives on“Indonesia’s Democratic Reform: Challenges andAchievements 13 Years Later.”


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Intellectual Property Rights in China: ChineseJudges Study Tour

A two-day study tour in Washington, DC for fourjudges focusing on intellectual property rights fromthe Supreme People’s Court and the BeijingIntermediate Court, visiting key agencies focusingon intellectual property such as the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, the Federal TradeCommission, and the U.S. Court of Appeals for theFederal Circuit.

L.Z. Yuan Fellowship in Media and InternationalAffairs

A two-week summer course at George WashingtonUniversity’s Foreign Policy Institute and a month-long fellowship placement at The BrookingsInstitution’s Thornton China Center for a Chinesejournalist visiting the United States.

Open Government Information in China A diverse delegation of Chinese government offi-cials, academics, and journalists visiting theWashington, DC area to learn about key issues surrounding Open Government Information.

The Philippines and the Partnership for Growth A roundtable discussion organized to discuss thePhilippines Partnership for Growth Initiative withWashington DC-based organizations.

Reform Agenda: Prospects for Thai Politics in 2011

A discussion of current developments in Thailand,featuring a presentation by the acting governmentspokesman and deputy secretary-general toThailand’s prime minister for political affairs.

Roundtable with U.S. Ambassador to ASEANA roundtable discussion with the U.S. ambassadorto ASEAN, including a wide range of participantsrepresenting civil society, academia, and embassiesfrom ASEAN countries.

Sources of Violent Conflict in Asia: TheStruggle Over Identity

An Asian Perspectives panel discussion featuring a journalist and community leader in southernThailand, a representative from the Colombo-basedNGO Initiative for Political and ConflictTransformation (INPACT) in Sri Lanka, and The Asia Foundation’s regional director for conflict and governance.

Strengthening Local Economic Governance inAsia: Book Launch

An event to release The Asia Foundation’s newbook on Strengthening Local EconomicGovernance In Asia: Experience and Innovations,featuring case studies on Vietnam, Cambodia,Bangladesh, and the Philippines.

Updates from the FieldA series of presentations from Asia Foundationcountry representatives to provide members of theWashington, DC development and policy communi-ties with updates on current events and significantdevelopments from the field.

U.S.-China-Japan RelationsA luncheon discussion with two of the AsiaFoundation’s trustees and the director of The AsiaFoundation’s Center for U.S.-Korea Policy, providingperspectives and insights regarding areas in whichthe U.S., China, and Japan are cooperating andwhere policy differences remain.

U.S.-China-Vietnam Trilateral DialogueThird U.S.-China-Vietnam Trilateral Dialogue inAnnapolis, Maryland, examining the regional archi-tecture of East Asia, political and security issues,and efforts at effective regional coordination of disaster relief and humanitarian assistance.

U.S.-Philippine BilateralA Track 2 closed session two-day conference onthe challenges facing the new Aquino administra-tion, security, economics, and other issues inSoutheast Asia and the Philippines. Participants


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included high-level officials and policymakers fromthe Philippines and the United States.

Visiting Delegation of Indian DiplomatsA two-week summer course focused on U.S. foreignpolicy for three mid-career diplomats from India’sMinistry of External Affairs to visit the UnitedStates and complete their course work with meet-ings in Washington, DC, with policy experts and atwo-week study tour built around national security,the economy, and immigration.

Women’s Empowerment Program FilmScreening: Saving Seca

A co-hosted film screening with the U.S. Agency forInternational Development of Saving Seca, a Khmer-language film used as a police training tool demon-strating best practices for ensuring the protection oftrafficking victims during brothel raids and rescues.


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Page 58: ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed

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Page 59: ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed


Cover photo: Marco Ryan

Editorial and Production: Molly Mueller with additional support by Sierra Ewert, Maureen W. Hasib, and Gordon Hein.

Page 60: ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed
Page 61: ALLOCATIONS...ALLOCATIONS | 1 Notes 1 Includes San Francisco Books for Asia operations; country programs include Books for Asia expenditures in those locations.2 Give2Asia reimbursed
