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Page 1: AlphaTrust PRONTO - Transaction Processing Overview3 / 16 Transaction Processing Overview AlphaTrust PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform is an electronic records and signature system that

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AlphaTrust PRONTO -Transaction Processing


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Table of contents

Transaction Processing Overview ....................................................................................................... 3Product Overview ............................................................................................................................. 4Transaction Processing ................................................................................................................... 6

Commentary ................................................................................................................................. 8Document Format Requirements ................................................................................................. 11Standards Support ......................................................................................................................... 12Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures ............................................................................. 13

No End User Software Requirements ..................................................................................... 14Typical Uses .............................................................................................................................. 15Further Information .................................................................................................................... 16

Page 3: AlphaTrust PRONTO - Transaction Processing Overview3 / 16 Transaction Processing Overview AlphaTrust PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform is an electronic records and signature system that

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Transaction Processing Overview

AlphaTrust PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform is an electronic records and signature system thatautomates the creation of legally enforceable, permanent business records that are thecommercial and legal equivalent of paper records, including support for electronic signaturesthat comply with a variety of laws and regulations around the world.

This document is written for information technology and business process professionals (systemanalysts, system and application architects, developers) to provide an overview of PRONTO™Enterprise Platform transaction processing and how it integrates into existing or new businessapplications.

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Product Overview

Creating enforceable electronic transactions is a major long term initiative for enterprise andgovernmental organizations. Except for a few specialized markets, most business transactions aredocumented on paper today. The credit / debit card industry has created a method for enforceableelectronic transactions using electronic networks over the last 25 years. It is effective for small valuepurchases. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) exists is certain vertical markets among largeenterprises.

Until recently there was not a method to effectively create the electronic equivalent of a bindingcommercial or governmental transaction that could replace paper documentation, and in many cases,the requirement for ink signatures on that documentation. Even within organizations, there are manyinternal processes that require documented approval, acknowledgement, or acceptance. Thisdocumentation, as well, must meet standards for accountability, enforceability, permanence,auditability, and document retention.

Business documents and records that evidence transactions have a life cycle divided into threephases:

Phase 1: Creation, collaboration and review: creating and putting a transaction record in finalform.

Phase 2: Approval, acknowledgement or acceptance: creating evidence of transaction execution,often through the use of signatures or initials.

Phase 3: Distribution, storage and destruction: mailing, filing, archiving and document retention.

Much of phase 1 of the transaction record life cycle has been automated. Many transaction recordsare generated by automated systems such as desktop software (i.e. word processing andspreadsheet software), Web-based forms, and work flow as well as mainframe systems. Somerecords, mostly forms, are created on paper. The move to automated systems for phase 1 recordshas saved organizations considerable time and money.

Phase 2, the transaction execution phase, could not be automated until the legal framework supportingelectronic document and record enforceability was in place. The only alternative method was to useprivate, contractual systems to gain enforceability (as credit card and EDI systems have used). Overthe past several years the legal framework for enforceable electronic records has fallen into place. Both statutory legislation and administrative regulations have been put in place in most developedcountries (including the USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, India,Russia and the European Union as well as others) that provide for the use, acceptance, andenforceability of electronic records and electronic signatures.

AlphaTrust PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform software provides organizations with enterprise widecapability for phase 2 and certain phase 3 functions. These functions include:

· Obtaining proper, enforceable electronic signatures on transaction documents and records.

· Authenticating signers (knowing who they are).

· Translating documents and records into human readable formats suitable for archival, filingand document retention requirements.

· Distribution of executed documents and transaction records.

· Archival of original transaction documents and records.

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AlphaTrust PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform is licensed to organizations for operation in theircomputing environments, or may be hosted by AlphaTrust as needed. PRONTO™ EnterprisePlatform technology is also licensed to third party software and services companies as OEM softwarefor inclusion in their end user software products.

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Transaction Processing

All PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform transaction processing centers around the unit of work known asthe “transaction”. Each transaction in PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform may have one or moredocuments associated with it. Each document may have one or more tasks to be performed byparticipants associated with that document. Documents submitted to PRONTO™ Enterprise Platformas part of a transaction are typically created by other software applications.

Transaction processing consists of three logical “primary steps”:

1. Transaction creation.

2. Transaction execution.

3. Transaction disposition.

In addition to transaction processing, PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform also supports administrativefunctions for user management, monitoring, reporting, logging, and accounting.

Each “primary step” has mandatory and optional “processing steps”.

The following diagram illustrates typical PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform transaction processing withcommentary afterward:

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1) Software applications communicate with PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform via Web Services (WS-I, WS-*, WCF) application programming interface. The Web Service message used to create aPRONTO™ Enterprise Platform transaction specifies all the parameters required for transactioncompletion including document information, signer information and communication methods.

1A) Documents processed using PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform are formatted as either HTMLdocuments (HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0, HTML 4.01, XHTML 1.0, HTML 5) or Adobe Acrobat® PDFdocuments. HTML is used to avoid the need for client side software, to meet governmentalrequirements for the use of open standard data formats as well as accessibility requirements forusers (imposed by law and regulation). Due to advances in HTML rendering over the last severalyears (CSS1 / CSS2) it is usually quite easy to provide precise document layout in HTML that willmeet specific formatting requirements. PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform validates the formatting ofthe document by parsing the documents submitted in the transaction and making sure theyconform to processing requirements (see below). Viewing signed Adobe® PDF documentsrequires that users have the free Adobe® Reader (version 6 or higher is required) or AdobeAcrobat®. Adobe® Reader (and any other client side technology other than a Web browser) is notrequired to participate in any signing or other PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform process.

1B)Signature placeholders are inserted into each document at the location specified by the callingapplication. If no locations are specified, the signatures are added at the bottom of the document.

1C) Documents are stored in the PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform document database.

2A) PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform contacts each signer and requests that they sign their document.In the case of online users (i.e. users who have just completed a form or document and will signimmediately), the user will be enter the signing process immediately. In the case of other businessprocesses, each signer will be contacted by PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform via email or viaplacement of a notification at a file share location. PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform can beconfigured to retry at set intervals and / or to expire the transaction after a set time.

2B)PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform supports several methods of access control (identification andauthentication of signers). PRONTO™ defines two types of users: registered and unregistered.Registered users have a signature profile stored on the PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform.Registered users have more options available to them, such as additional access control options,and stored signature bitmaps. Registered users are typically organizational employees ormembers of a community of interest who use the server regularly. Unregistered users are typicallycasual Internet users.

Unregistered users have the following authentication options: none, one-time password, and real-time knowledge-based authentication using challenge questions (requires the use of a third partydata reporting service).

Registered users have the following access control options: none, user name / password, digitalcertificate or integration with single sign-on systems.

2C) Signer Notice and Identification collection – some applications (such as consumer applications)require that users are informed and agree to participate in electronic transactions. Also, certaintransactions may request that the user supply their name and identification information to be usedin the transaction.

2D) A critical part of the signing process (a legal / regulatory process requirement) is the properpresentation of the actual document to the signer along with a request for their signature.

2E) PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform supports four methods of electronic signature capture (asopposed to digital signature computation) and display:

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Scripted: The user's name is rendered in a blue, script-based font along with their signature blockinformation.

Font Image: The user's name is rendered in any font available on the server.

Registered: A bitmap image of the registered user's handwritten signature is displayed using a GIFor JPG image stored in their signature profile. This requires that an image of their handwrittensignature be scanned and stored in the signature profile. Otherwise, a standard signature is used.

Mouse: a live “handwritten” (mouse-written) signature. The PRONTO™ Enterprise Platformconverts the captured signature into an image that is embedded in the document for display. Thistype also includes “finger written” signatures, such as when using touch sensitive mobile tablet andphone devices.

Signature Pad: This method captures a live handwritten signature using an electronic signaturepad. In addition to capturing a picture of the handwritten signature, biometric signature information(speed, pressure, stroke, direction) is captured as well and can be used for later verification. Thisoption requires the use of an electronic signature pad supported by PRONTO™ EnterprisePlatform (currently SigGem or SigLite pads from Topaz Systems (www.topazsystems.com).

2F) Once the signature is submitted by the signer, PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform creates thesignature block and inserts it into the document (see sample below).

2G) A digital signature is computed for the document (the information displayed to the signer) and thesigner's private key is used to digitally seal the document as they viewed it. Normally, signers donot possess a PKI-based digital signature key and digital certificate. In this case, the PRONTO™Enterprise Platform uses its key and certificate to seal the document. The transaction can beconfigured to use the private key on the signer's computer (software-based or smart card-based). PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform currently supports client side digital signature operations on theMicrosoft Windows platform using Microsoft CryptoAPI v2 operations. If you required integrationwith other PKI systems please contact AlphaTrust. A PKI digital signature keyset (digital certificate+ private key) is supplied with each instance of the software. A client may elect to use a keysetissued from any PKI system if prefers. PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform supports standardX.509v3 digital certificates with a 1024 bit or higher RSA public key. Standard digital signingoperations use the Microsoft FIPS certified cryptographic providers on the Windows Serveroperating system. Cryptographic digital signing operations involve hashing the data to be signed(usually the bytes of a PDF documents) using a SHA-1 has algorithm. The hash is then encryptedby means of the RSA algorithm using the private key of the public-private keyset assigned to thesoftware instance. This signed data blob is then stored as an artifact of the transaction so that ismay later be used to verify the authenticity (data integrity) of document by means of a standarddigital signature verification process using the public key contained within the digital certificateassociated with the public key of the public-private keyset assigned to the software instance.

2H) In addition to the digital signature (seal) of each individual signer, the PRONTO™ EnterprisePlatform also computes a digital signature (over the document and signature information) to serveas witness to the transaction and maintain document integrity over the entire transaction. PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform, as an option, may also embed a special PDF certifying digitalsignature compliant with long term validation (LTV) standards (all PKI artifacts embedded per EUETSI / PAdES standards). This permits a PDF document to be self-validating – anyone candetermine the document's validity without reference to any other software or online system, evendecades into the future. Note: this special signature type is different than a standard PDF certifyingsignature which requires online systems to validate and whose PKI artifacts expire. ContactAlphaTrust for further details.

3A) PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform logs all transaction information and history in its SQL database.

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3B) All documents are stored in the PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform document database in serialorder by transaction number.

3C) If the transaction has been defined to send copies to signers, PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform willsend the signers a copy of all documents in the transaction via email or Web download.

3D) The transaction may be configured to send the transaction (and signed documents) to anotherinformation system via a store and forward process, or via email.

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Document Format Requirements

PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform processes HTML and Adobe PDF documents. PRONTO™Enterprise Platform can process HTML documents conformant to HTML 3.2, HTML 4.0, HTML 4.01and XHTML 1.0 or PDF documents in PDF 1.3 through 1.8 formats. Documents in other formatsshould be converted to HTML or PDF prior to submission to PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform. Documents may be authored according to this specification in other data formats and using othertools, such as Microsoft Word. Documents must be saved to HTML or PDF format prior tosubmission to PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform, or use server side format conversion tools.

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Standards Support

PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform is a Web-based work flow and transaction technology. AlphaTrust iscommitted to open standards, both technical and legal/regulatory.

PRONTO™ actively supports technical standards initiatives including:

· W3C: HTML 4.01 HyperText Markup Language· W3C: XHTML 1.0 Extensible HyperText Markup Language· W3C: CSS Level 1 Cascading Style Sheets· W3C: XML 1.0 Extensible markup Language· W3C: XML Namespaces Namespaces in XML· W3C: WCAG 1.0, 2.0 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines· W3C: WAI-ARIA Web Accessibility Initiative - Rich Internet Application Suite· USA: Section 508 Rehabilitation Act (Accessibility Requirements)· IETF: PKIX PFC 3270 X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Certificate and CRL Profile

PRONTO™ actively supports legal and regulatory standards including:

· USA: E-SIGN Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act· USA: UETA Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (State law)· USA: FDA 21 CFR 11 Electronic Signature Regulations· USA: HHS-HIPAA HIPAA Security Standards (Proposed)· USA: SEC / NASD Electronic Signature and Records Standards (Brokerage)· USA: Federal Reserve/OCC Electronic Records Standards· USA: GPEA Government Paperwork Elimination Act· Canada: Electronic Commerce Act· EU: ESD EU Electronic Signatures Directive (all EU Countries)· Hong Kong Electronic Transactions Ordinance· India Information Technology Act· Japan Law Concerning Electronic Signatures· Australia Electronic Transactions Act· Singapore Electronic Transactions Act· South Korea Basic Law on Electronic Commerce· Others Inquire

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Electronic Signatures and Digital Signatures

You have likely heard these terms used interchangeably. In reality, they are very different, and the factthat both terms use the word “signature” has caused no end of confusion.

An electronic signature is a legal concept for using an electronic symbol to represent a person'svolitional consent to be bound to the terms of a document. What you must achieve with any businessprocess that requires an enforceable document, is to obtain a legally-valid electronic signature for thatdocument using the proper processes. This is what PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform is designed todo.

A digital signature is a technical security concept for a data integrity process using cryptographic datahashing and encryption. Simply applying a digital signature process to the data of a document willgenerally not result in an enforceable electronic signature. Digital signatures are a very importantsecurity tool and PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform uses digital signature technology in its electronicsignature processes.

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No End User Software Requirements

One of the strengths of the PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform architecture is that the only user softwarerequirement is a Web browser. PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform does not use any client sidesoftware, plug-ins, Java code, ActiveX controls, or similar technology. It supports wireless touchdevices such as smart phones and tablets, as well as standard PC and Mac computers. When usingthe optional client-side digital certificate capability PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform requires InternetExplorer v7.0 or higher on the desktop. Adobe Acrobat® Reader v6.0 or higher is required for viewingsigned Adobe® PDF documents, but is not required for the review and signing process.

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Typical Uses

PRONTO™ Enterprise Platform is typically integrated into Web-based business process work flow toperform the function of creating legally enforceable documents including the proper gathering ofelectronic signatures from all parties to a transaction. The software is broadly applicable to anybusiness process requiring documents or records in permanent form.

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Further Information

AlphaTrust Corporation8226 Douglas Ave., Ste 625Dallas, TX 75225+ x1Email: [email protected]: www.alphatrust.com
