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Alternate Route Application Form - Education, HR ... · Global Professional in Human Resources...

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HRPA - Alternate Route Applicaton Form – Educaton, HR Designatons & Experience Stream The HRPA Alternate Route (Educaton, HR Designatons & Experience Stream) is designed to allow HRPA members to submit their educaton, HR designatons and previous professional HR experience (can use experience from within the past 10 years) as consideraton for eligibility to write the Comprehensive Knowledge Exam (CKE1 or CKE2). Submissions are review by the HRPA Experience Assessment Commitee. Upon successful review, members are then granted permission to write the CKE1 or CKE2 under the Alternate Route provisions. This applicaton can be submited at any tme to HRPA and will go with the next submission deadline batch (submission deadlines are the last business day of each month). A Transcript Submission Form is not required to be submited with this applicaton. Please visit the ‘Regulaton and HR Designatons’ secton of our website, www.hrpa.ca , for upcoming alternate route deadlines for eligibility to write the CKE1 or CKE2, as well as for upcoming CKE1 or CKE2 registraton deadline dates. If you have questons, please contact HRPA at [email protected] or 1-800-387-1311. PLEASE NOTE: In order for this applicaton to be considered complete, items must be accompanied by their respectve supportng documentaton as outlined in SECTION C of this form. Please note that only complete applicatons will be reviewed. SECTION A: APPLICANT INFORMATION First and Last Name: HRPA Member Number (Actve membership is required to apply): Address: Primary Phone Number: Email: *All correspondence is sent to your preferred contact informaton as per the HRPA membership database. It is the responsibility of each HRPA member to ensure that their individual member profle is up to date with the most current contact informaton at all tmes, including email address. It is also the responsibility of each member to ensure that their email server accepts incoming emails from HRPA. To update your member profle, log in at www.hrpa.ca . April 2017

HRPA - Alternate Route Applicaton Form – Educaton, HR Designatons & Experience Stream

The HRPA Alternate Route (Educaton, HR Designatons & Experience Stream) is designed to allow HRPA members to submit their educaton, HR designatons and previous professional HR experience (can use experience from within the past 10 years) as consideraton for eligibility to write the Comprehensive Knowledge Exam (CKE1 or CKE2). Submissions are review by the HRPA Experience Assessment Commitee. Upon successful review, members are then granted permission to write the CKE1 or CKE2 under the Alternate Route provisions. This applicaton can be submited at any tme to HRPA and will go with the next submission deadline batch (submission deadlines are the last business day of each month). A Transcript Submission Form is not required to be submited with this applicaton. Please visit the ‘Regulaton and HR Designatons’ secton of our website, www.hrpa.ca, for upcoming alternate route deadlines for eligibility to write the CKE1 or CKE2, as well as for upcoming CKE1 or CKE2 registraton deadline dates. If you have questons, please contact HRPA at [email protected] or 1-800-387-1311.

PLEASE NOTE: In order for this applicaton to be considered complete, items must be accompanied by their respectve supportng documentaton as outlined in SECTION C of this form. Please note that only complete applicatons will be reviewed.


First and Last Name:

HRPA Member Number (Actve membership is required to apply):


Primary Phone Number:


*All correspondence is sent to your preferred contact informaton as per the HRPA membership database. It is the responsibility of each HRPA member to ensure that their individual member profle is up to date with the most current contact informaton at all tmes, including email address. It is also the responsibility of each member to ensure that their email server accepts incoming emails from HRPA. To update your member profle, log in at www.hrpa.ca.

April 2017

SECTION B: ALTERNATE ROUTE POINTS SUMMARYUse the following reference chart to complete the applicaton.

April 2017

Alternate Route Points

Other HR-related designation (see Appendix) 10 or 20

Responsibility for overall HR function in a medium to large organization 10/year

Practice in employment law 10/year

Experience at a professional level in HR 5/year

Experience at a managerial level with significant HR responsibilities (51% of time or more)


Experience as an independent HR consultant 5/year

Experience teaching an HR course at an accredited institution 5/year

Completion of any of the nine required courses in HR 5/course

Please indicate the total number of points you wish to submit for each item in the chart below. Please note that each item can only be put into ONE of the categories below. See SECTION D for defniton related to “professional-level” experience in HR. Any experience deemed to meet the professional level criteria for the alternate route may be applied towards meetng the 36 months of professional experience required, provided it meets the conditons within the Experience Requirement.

Item Points Submited

Points Approved

(Ofce Use Only)1. Other HR-related designaton (see APPENDIX for point calculaton summary) – Must be a current

holder.2. Responsibility for overall HR functon in a medium to large organizaton. State the positon(s) to

which you are referring:

3. Practce in employment law:

4. Experience at a professional level in HR. State the positon(s) to which you are referring:

5. Experience at a managerial level with signifcant HR responsibilites (51% of tme or more). State the positon(s) to which you are referring:

6. Experience as an independent HR consultant. State the positon(s) to which you are referring:

*If applicable, please use the ‘Independent HR Consultant-Contractor Supplementary Form’ at the end of this applicaton.

7. Experience teaching an HR course at an accredited insttuton. Please refer to our ‘School Search Tool’ for a list of current HRPA approved courses.

8. Completon of any of the nine required courses in HR. Approved courses can be found using the ‘School Search’ tool on our website. Note that these individual courses must have been taken within the last 10 years and meet the required grade level.

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SECTION C: SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATIONThe following is a list of required supportng documentaton that must be submited for each of the items listed in the chart above. Please note that in order for this applicaton to be considered complete, supportng documentaton must be submited with this applicaton.

Alternate Route Item Required Supportng Documentaton

1. Other HR-related designaton (see APPENDIX for point calculaton summary) – Must be a current holder.

Proof of current designaton must come in the form of an e-mail or leter of good standing sent directly from the organizaton to HRPA.

2. Responsibility for overall HR functon in a medium to large organizaton.

The Experience Questonnaire located in SECTION D of this applicaton must be completed.

3. Practce in employment law. The Experience Questonnaire located in SECTION D of this applicaton must be completed.

4. Experience at a professional level in HR. The Experience Questonnaire located in SECTION D of this applicaton must be completed.

5. Experience at a managerial level with signifcant HR responsibilites (51% of tme or more).

The Experience Questonnaire located in SECTION D of this applicaton must be completed.

6. Experience as an independent HR consultant. *If applicable, please use the ‘Independent HR Consultant-Contractor Supplementary Form’ at the end of this applicaton.

The Experience Questonnaire located in SECTION D of this applicaton must be completed.

7. Experience teaching an HR course at an accredited insttuton. The Experience Questonnaire located in SECTION D of this applicaton must be completed.

8. Completon of any of the nine required courses in HR. An ofcial hard copy original transcript from the educatonal insttuton must be submited with this applicaton. Approved courses can be found using the ‘School Search’ tool on our website, www.hrpa.ca. Note that these individual courses must have been taken within the last 10 years and meet the required grade level.

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Please review the appendix informaton about professional experience. If you are submitng points for items that require you to fll out the Experience Questonnaire, your completed questonnaire must be accompanied by the following documentaton:

A chronological resume which includes an employment history with start and fnish dates for each listed positon. Include the month and year you began and ended each positon. Dates on the resume must coincide with the dates listed on the job questonnaires. If they do not coincide, please provide a short leter of explanaton as to why they are diferent. Functonal resumes do not provide the required informaton and therefore will not be accepted.

Job descriptons detailing current and relevant jobs. Employer documents are preferred but not mandatory. Supportng documentaton must span the entre period you are submitng. If submitng teaching experience, a detailed descripton of the course(s) taught must also be submited.

Organizatonal charts detailing to what positon you reported and the positons reportng to you. Please include informaton indicatng the size of the organizaton(s). These organizatonal charts can be either ofcial company documents, but duplicatons created by the applicant are also acceptable.

Instructons for Completng the Questonnaire:

Make copies of the questonnaire and complete a separate copy of this questonnaire for EACH positon you plan to submit for consideraton as part of this applicaton. If you need more writng space, feel free to atach additonal pages or copy and paste the applicaton content into a Microsof Word/other word processing program if you prefer. Please ensure all applicaton documents are submited on 8.5" x 11" leter size paper.

Start with your most recent positon, and then move through your previous positons. Submit informaton for each positon as far back as is needed to accumulate the required points, as far back as 10 years, anything older than this cannot be used to accrue points. “Professional-level experience” for the purposes of this applicaton is defned as meetng four dimensions:

Independence of actons — relates to the amount of planning, self-directon, decision-making and autonomy involved in the work experience; Depth of work requirements — relates to the extent to which work experience requires informaton analysis and interpretaton of relevant

informaton; Level of interacton — relates to the degree to which the individual interacts with a broad spectrum of contacts, including decision-makers; and Responsibility for work outcome — relates to the level of accountability for work and decisions.

April 2017

Positon Held:


Length of Service in Above Positon (month/year – month/year):

1. In this positon, what porton of your tme (%) is/was spent doing HR work or supervising the delivery of HR services?


2. Describe the level of autonomy in your positon. What kind of decisions or actons are you empowered to make?


3. Describe the kinds of data-gathering, analysis and interpretaton you are typically required to do in your positon.


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4. Describe the level of your interactons both within and outside of your organizaton. Who do you typically interact with?


5. Describe your accountabilites. What does your organizaton hold you accountable for?


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Applicaton Fee (non-refundable):

$500 + HST ($565.00)

Method of Payment (please circle):

Cheque Visa MasterCard AMEX

Credit Card Informaton (if applicable):

Name as it appears on card (please print):

Credit Card Number:

Expiry Date (MM/YY):


I hereby apply to have my Alternate Route Applicaton reviewed for the purposes of meetng HRPA’s coursework requirement in the context of HRPA’s certfcaton process. I atest that all informaton on this form or in any supportng document is accurate, complete and fairly represents my educaton and/or experience. I understand that it is a breach of HRPA’s Rules of Professional Conduct to provide false or misleading informaton.

Signature: _______________________________________ Date (DD/MM/YY):______________________

Send completed form and all supportng documentaton to:

HRPA - Ofce of the Registrar150 Bloor Street West, Suite 200Toronto, ON M5S 2X9

April 2017



The following designatons are worth 20 points:

Canadian Payroll Manager (CPM) Canadian Registered Safety Professional (CRSP) Certfed Benefts Professional (CBP) Certfed Compensaton Professional (CCP) Certfed Employee Benefts Specialist (CEBS) Certfed Health & Safety Consultant (CHSC) Certfed Training & Development Professional (CTDP) Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) Professional in Human Resources (PHR) *Professional in Human Resources – Internatonal (PHRi)

*HRBP has rebranded to PHRi

The following designatons are worth 10 points:

Certfed Training Practtoner (CTP) Compensaton Management Specialist (CMS) Global Remuneraton Professional (GRP) Group Benefts Associates (GBA) Payroll Compliance Practtoner (PCP) Registered Assessment Specialist (RAS) Registered Professional Recruiter (RPR) Retrement Plans Associate (RPA) Work-Life Certfed Professional (WLCP)

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What is professional experience?

The crux of the experience requirement is that the experience must be at the professional level. In determining whether HR experience is at the professional level, the following factors are taken into consideraton:

Independence of actons — relates to the amount of planning, self-directon, decision-making and autonomy involved in the work experience;

A depth of work requirements — relates to the extent to which work experience requires informaton analysis and interpretaton of relevant informaton;

Level of interacton — relates to the degree to which the individual interacts with a broad spectrum of contacts, including decision-makers; and

Responsibility for work outcome — relates to the level of accountability for work and decisions.

To be clear, professional does not mean supervisory or managerial. Also, it does not mater whether one is working in a specialist positon or a generalist positon. It does not mater whether one is working as an independent practtoner or as an employee of a company. Professional does not require that one has overall responsibility for the HR functon.

Junior levels in a human resources department performing administratve functons are not considered to be at the appropriate level; tme spent in these positons will not be credited against the experience requirement.

What is HR experience?

The defniton of HR experience is identcal to the defniton provided in the scope of practce delineated in HRPA’s Rules of Professional Conduct.

The Scope of HR Practce is the creaton and implementaton of all policies, practces and processes to efectvely organize and manage all human capital resources in the workplace in service of the ultmate goal of enhancing business outcomes. Human resources management involves maintaining or changing relatons between employees, between employers or between employers and employees.

The Practce of Human Resources Management includes, but is not limited to, one or more of the following:

(1) The development and implementaton of human resources policies and procedures;(2) Consultaton in the area of human resources management;(3) Providing advice to clients, managers, and employees in maters pertaining to management of human resources;(4) The representaton of clients and organizatons in proceedings related to human resources management;(5) Program development and evaluaton in the area of human resources management;

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(6) The supervision of other Human Resources professionals whether registered or non-registered;(7) Coaching of employees, managers, and other individuals in maters relatng to work and employment;(8) The conduct of research in the area of human resources management;(9) Teaching in the area of human resources management.

To be credited toward the experience requirement, ffy-one percent or more of an applicant’s actvites must be in human resources as defned above. Beyond this, tme will be credited proportonally. For instance, an applicant for whom seventy-fve percent of their tme is dedicated to human resources actvites as defned above will have their tme multplied by .75. It would take four years of experience in such a positon to be equivalent to three years of fulltme experience in human resources.

The experience must have occurred within the last ten years to count towards the experience requirement and the individual must have worked in HR within the last two years.

Work experience in a line capacity will not be credited towards the experience requirement; for example, a positon at a managerial level with human resources responsibilites but not a human resources management positon i.e., Manager of Engineering would not be considered as HR experience.

General management work may be considered if the human resources work comprises at least ffy-one percent and there is no HR department or manager in the workplace where the general management work takes place. The general manager must be the person who has direct responsibility and accountability for the strategy, design, implementaton, and co-ordinaton or one or more HR functonal areas for the organizaton.

Small business owners/operators may gain suitable work experience towards the experience requirement provided that the business is established to provide HR advice. Time spent on business development, supervising staf for example, are not applicable towards the experience criteria. The remainder of the HR work will be prorated accordingly.

Employment lawyers are able to meet the experience requirement. However work experience advising clients or conductng litgaton is not eligible. Applied human resources work experience for the law frm or a client, such as conductng labour negotatons or conductng downsizing actvites, would be considered. Such actvity must comprise a signifcant part of the applicant's work experience and will be prorated accordingly.

Teaching experience enables the applicant to be considered for the experience requirement providing that the courses taught are:

•HPRA-approved courses (Please refer to our ‘School Search Tool’ for a list of current HRPA approved courses.), or

•HR courses taught at an accredited college or university.

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If your course and corresponding academic insttuton are not currently pre-approved, you will need to complete an applicaton through Comparatve Educaton Services to determine if the college or university where you provided HR instructon was accredited at the tme you were teaching. Once you have received the report from Comparatve Educaton Services, you will need to send it in along with your applicaton.

Teaching “full-tme” means teaching a course load of at least three HR courses per semester. HR instructors who are not teaching at least three courses per semester will have their tme pro-rated as follows:

- Teaching one HR course per semester – 1/3 of 100%

- Teaching two HR courses per semester – 2/3 of 100%.

Work experience gained while serving as a labour union representatve or a union employee (such as a Grievance Ofcer) is not considered to meet the criteria towards the experience requirement unless these actvites fall within a positon clearly identfed as an HR positon.

Please note that informaton regarding other Alternate Route applicatons cannot be submited as part of the applicaton.

The Experience Requirement is a criterion-referenced decision

The decision as to whether one passes the experience requirement is entrely criterion-referenced. This means that only factor that counts is where applicants stand with respect to the criteria elaborated above. The experience requirement criteria are never adjusted based on the number or proporton of applicants that pass the experience requirement—there are no quotas and there is no targeted pass rate. Indeed, because the criteria a made available to applicants, it is expected that the pass rate will be quite high. This does not mean that the experience requirement is ‘too easy,’ it means that most individuals who do not meet the experience requirement are aware of this and don’t apply.

The Experience Assessment Commitee (EAC)

Determinatons with respect to the experience requirement are made by panels consttuted by the Chair of the Experience Assessment Commitee from among the members of the Commitee.

The Experience Assessment Commitee is a standing commitee of HRPA’s Professional Regulaton and Standards Commitee (PRSC). The Commitee is responsible for making determinatons as to the appropriateness and adequacy of qualifcatons of individuals who have applied for accreditaton by HRPA in accordance with parameters developed by the Professional Regulaton and Standards Commitee and approved by the Board. Upon referral of the Registrar, the Experience Assessment Commitee reviews and makes determinatons pertaining to individual applicatons in accordance with the By-laws and Board approved policies.

The Experience Assessment Commitee consists of volunteers with the CHRL designaton with representaton from the public and private sector. Members have included university instructors, consultants, and HR managers.

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The experience requirement and Internatonally Educated Professionals (IEPs)

Simply, it does not mater where the experience has occurred; if it meets the criteria elaborated above, it can count towards the experience requirement. Experience in human resources at a professional level is also a component of the alternate route process.

The majority of Panel members must be in agreement as to the result of the applicaton.

Review by the Experience Assessment Commitee will result in one of the following outcomes:

(1) The Experience Assessment Commitee may determine that the applicant’s experience meets the requirement, or

(2) The Experience Assessment Commitee may determine that the applicant’s experience falls short of the requirement in some respect, in which case the Commitee will provide feedback to the candidate.

Should the candidate’s experience be found to fall short of the requirement, the applicaton will be kept on fle. In the future, applicants can re-submit their applicaton. The cost to re-submit an applicaton is $100.00 plus HST.

The result of the review is communicated to the applicant via email.

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Appeal Process

All decisions of the Certfcaton Commitee can be appealed. Appeals should not be construed as a second opinion. Appeals will be considered on the grounds of denial of natural justce or defciencies in the decision. The fact that the Experience Assessment Commitee’s decision was not the one hoped for is not grounds for appeal.

April 2017

Independent HR Consultant/Contractor Supplementary Form

The Independent HR Consultant/Contractor Supplementary Form is designed to allow HRPA members to submit informaton related to the work performed in this capacity and outcomes achieved for roles where the HRPA member was performing consultng services or contract work for a client. Refer to the defniton on the next page for greater clarity.

If the HRPA member has performed independent consultant or contract work as defned on page 2, this supplemental form must also accompany the Validaton of Experience Applicaton Form or the Alternate Route Applicaton Form. Submissions are reviewed by the HRPA Experience Assessment Commitee, submission deadlines are the last business day of each month. If you have questons, please contact HRPA at [email protected] or 1-800-387-1311.

PLEASE NOTE: In order for this applicaton to be considered complete, items must be accompanied by supportng documentaton. Please note that only complete applicatons will be reviewed.


First and Last Name:

HRPA Member Number (Actve membership is required to apply):


Primary Phone Number:


*All correspondence is sent to your preferred contact informaton as per the HRPA membership database. It is the responsibility of each HRPA member to ensure that their individual member profle is up to date with the most current contact informaton at all tmes, including email address. It is also the responsibility of each member to ensure that their email server accepts incoming emails from HRPA. To update your member profle, log in at www.hrpa.ca.

April 2017

Independent HR Consultant/Contractor defniton

While the defniton and dutes performed by Independent HR Consultants or Contractors will vary from organizaton to organizaton and person to person, Independent HR Consultants or Contractors typically refect the following characteristcs. Where the term “Contractor” is used below, it is implied to also mean “Consultant”.

Contractor is not an employee of the organizaton who is paying for their services. Contractor receives a statement of work. Contractor receives lump sum payment for completed project or upon submission of invoice. Contract exists between the organizaton and the contractor. Contractor is not provided any employee benefts. Contractor may provide their own tools and equipment needed to conduct the work. Contractor may sub-contract or hire staf. Relatonship terminates upon completon of specifed task/project. Contractor may work for a number of diferent clients simultaneously. No Record of Employment or T4 slip is provided upon completon of the specifed task/project.

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SECTION B: HR Consultant/Contractor Questonnaire

Please respond to all of the questons below.

1. Consultancy Positon Held:

2. Company/Organizaton Consultancy Work performed for:

3. Length of Consultancy in Above Positon (number of hours worked & specifc dates):

4. Describe the project/task/ objectves to be performed and what you achieved.

5. Indicate the porton of your tme (%) is/was spent doing HR work.

*** If you were issued a Statement of Work (or similar document), please include a copy with this form. Please also ensure that you redact any confdental informaton from the form, if applicable.

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Use if more than one Independent Consultant/Contractor job was performed for which the applicant seeks certfcaton. Atach as many additonal sheets as are required.

1. Consultancy Positon Held:

2. Company/Organizaton Consultancy Work performed for:

3. Length of Consultancy in Above Positon (number of hours worked & specifc dates):

4. Describe the project/task/ objectves to be performed and what you achieved.

5. Indicate the porton of your tme (%) is/was spent doing HR work.

*** If you were issued a Statement of Work (or similar document), please include a copy with this form. Please also ensure that you redact any confdental informaton from the form, if applicable.

April 2017
