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Alumni Issue

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  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtS OPINION 2@23



    Since 1947, when Thom-

    as Goldsmith, Jr. and Es-

    tle Ray Mann simulated

    aerial battle using cath-

    ode ray tubes, the game

    industry developed into

    a very robust feld. Devel-opers, if not to simulate

    reality, create games that

    break out of it (or some-

    times a mix of both).

    Various innovations on

    gaming shaped the indus-

    try into its current state.

    However, some believe that

    these innovations do not

    exist in the gaming indus-try, as some developers

    release only copies of an

    existing game, only with a

    different interface.

    Take for example Space

    Invaders, in 1987, which

    was the basis of Galax-

    ian, Phoenix, GORF, As-

    tro Blaster, Astro Fighter,

    Moon Cresta, Pleiades, Gal-

    aga, etc. Also, we must takenote of Tekken, Tekken 2,

    Tekken 3, and Virtua Fight-

    er. And Super Mario Broth-

    ers and its brothers.

    Innovation and inven-

    tion are often confused as

    a similar concept. These

    two ideas are distinct, most

    especially because their

    meanings evolved through

    time. Invention is the crea-

    tion of an idea and innova-

    tion is the implementation

    of this idea.

    In history, most often,the innovators are the one

    who popularizes the ideas,

    not the inventors. An excel-

    lent example for this is the

    iPhone. The touchscreen

    technology already existed

    in the 70s but the iPhone

    made it popular.

    As Charles Simic says,

    Inside my empty bottle I was constructing a light-

    house while all the others

    are making ships.

    For the developers out

    there, other than the chal-

    lenge of making ships and

    lighthouses, it is worth to

    identify whether your work

    is a ship or a lighthouse.

    We will be talking a lot

    about ships and lighthous-es in the gaming industry in

    this issue. We have our sta-

    ple offers of what is new in

    the Computer Science, Ap-

    plied Physics and Statistics

    elds, as well as updates on

    the organization and UPLB.

    I hope you enjoy this issue!


    News5OVPAA requires BracketB certifcation or newreshmen, transerees

    Varsities removed romUPLB

    CPS alumnus among

    international studentambassadors o Brisbane,Australia

    6Housing Divisionincorporate STFAPbracketing into dormaccomodation ees

    Game Review: God o War


    4 Features

    Gaming industry:Bumping money out o


    CPS participates in CASNew Freshmen Party



  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    To me, that something is


    One reason why I joined

    CPS was that I wanted to

    have friends from UPLB

    to attend my debut. It

    was successful! They were

    there. In less than two

    months, already there to

    testify, give wishes, and

    party with me.

    Two years later, CPS isstill here (and I know for-

    ever will be). It is like my

    non-existent Ate or Kuya;

    it has been my mentor. The

    organization is 23 years

    old but its wisdom is even

    more than its age. CPS has

    a proud history and con-

    tinues to play a signicant

    role in the lives of its mem-bers, the various constitu-

    ents of the university, and

    the whole Filipino people

    as well.

    Cleverness, passion and

    synergy are the values very

    dominant in the organiza-

    tion, which are the three

    points of the triangle.

    Clever, that is how weall are (in whatever way).

    Inside the triangle, there


    will never be a dull mo-

    ment. The jokes, asaran,

    banatan, and kulitan

    makes college life brighter

    and lighter.

    Passion. We are an aca-

    demic organization and

    academics is our priority.

    But, despite that, CPS has

    been kept alive by passion.

    Inside the triangle, thereisnt such a thing as sac-

    rice, instead, theres pas-


    Synergy. It is the abil-

    ity of our organization

    to perform a task that is

    hard or almost impossible

    to work on alone. It is the

    driving force to produce an

    outcome when everyone is working toward the same

    goal. CPS has served as a

    leadership training ground

    for all of us. It helps us

    adopt helpful skills and ad-

    just to different situations.

    I see the circle as a

    representation of all the

    members of the organiza-

    tion, helping to connect thethree points of the triangle.

    CPS is more than clev-

    To succeed... You need to fnd something to hold on to, something to moti-vate you, something to inspire you.

    Tony Dorsett erness, passion and syn-

    ergy but these values are

    essential for achieving all

    our goals. We cant wait

    to showcase all what CPS

    can do and what CPS can


    Long live and more love

    to The CPS Triangle! Happy

    23rd Anniversary to us!



    7 Sports

    CPS places 4th inPalaCASan 2011

    conCePtSOPINION3 @23

    8 Features

    Elbi Review: Top 10 oodcorners in Los Baos

    Movie Review: A CrazyLittle Thing Called Love


    Whats New in CMSC andAPHY?10

    Whats New in STAT?

    EDITORIAL STAFFNew Batches: Parameterand Paradigm Shit








    Aletheia Grace del Rosario

    Hazel Anne Mozo

    Bart Acero

    Glomark Lapay

    Maritess Veraa

    Charmaine Therese Pasag

    Sheena Datingguinoo

    Noel Franz Baylosis

    Janelle Stephanie Dano

    Irish Brecenio

    Contact our editorial staf at


    [email protected]

    3/F Black Tambayan, Physical

    Sciences Bldg., UPLB

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtS FEATURES 4@23

    The God of War series has

    always posed as a chal-

    lenge not only to gamers

    but also to developers and

    businessmen. It is a deadly

    a mixture of hardcore ght-

    ing combos, puzzle solving,

    impressive 3D graphics,and Greek mythology; Sony

    Computer Entertainment

    created a masterpiece.

    You can get your ll of

    blood and gore from this

    game; the brutality and

    thrill never ceases, as ex-

    pected from the protago-

    nist, Kratos, once a leader

    of a Spartan army. He is notexactly charming; his aura

    seems to assure players

    that it is indeed possible to

    defeat Ares, the God of War

    (well get there later).

    In God of War I, he led

    his army through many vic-

    tories until they were over-

    matched by a throng of bar-

    barians. They were saved

    by Ares and, in return, Kra-tos swore to serve him.

    Kratos went on a spree

    of bloodbath against all of

    Greece, under his masters

    name. To make Kratos a

    perfect warrior, Ares inten-

    tionally placed Kratos wife,

    Lysandra, and daughter,

    Calliope, in the village. He

    abandoned his service after

    murdering his family.

    In an attempt to redeemhimself, he committed to

    serve the gods of Olympus

    for ten years. He eventually

    grew tired and summoned

    Athena to help him end

    his misery. She sent him to

    murder Ares.

    Because of the games

    popularity, Sony released

    God of War II in 2009. It

    received an aggregate score

    of 93% from GameRatings

    and MetaCritic. The IGN

    entertainment even in-

    cluded the game as one of

    the top 25 games of all time

    in the same year it was re-


    Its story now focuses on

    the search for the sisters of

    faith who can bring Kratosback to the time Zeus killed

    him because he joined an

    army of Spartans, where he

    ignored Athenas warning

    about going against Zeus.

    By the time he was killed,

    Kratos was saved by theTitan Gaia from the under-

    world for revenge. Kratos al-

    most killed Zeus but Athe-

    na shielded his sword and

    got killed. From Athenas

    last breathe, she revealed

    that Kratos true father is

    his immortal enemy, Zeus.

    The 3rd installment was

    released March of 2010.

    Improving its gameplay and

    graphics, it can now be only

    played on Xbox and PS3.

    Kratos allied with the Titans

    and storms Mount Olym-

    pus and nally killed Zeus

    and the Olympian Gods.

    I highly recommend the

    God of War.

    It is nearly perfect. So

    if you want to see brutal,gore killings and experience

    unique thrill, I suggest you

    try it out.


    GAME REVIEW: God of War

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtSNEWS5 @23

    Deiter Dizon was selectedas one of the 29 interna-

    tional student ambassa-

    dors last March. He grad-

    uated from Southbank

    Institute of Technology in

    Brisbane, Australia last

    June, with a diploma on

    Screen and Media.

    Apart from his selec-

    tion, he was also namedas one of the Top 10 Most

    Outstanding Youth of La-

    guna by Gawad San Luis

    Foundation in 2005. He

    CPS alumnus among international student

    ambassadors of Brisbane, AustraliaALETHEIA GRACE DEL ROSARIO graduated from UPLB

    in 2006 with a degree in

    Computer Science and isan alumnus of The CPS


    He moved to Australia

    in 2010 after receiving

    a scholarship from the

    Endeavor Awards, an

    Australian government

    scholarship program. He

    was nominated as one

    of the most outstanding

    international students in

    Queensland Educationand Training Internation-

    al Awards in 2010.

    The primary role of the

    international student am-

    bassadors is to promote

    Brisbane as a destination

    for students. His experi-

    ences were documented

    in his social media sites.

    Source:http://specials.sunstar.com.ph/flipinoabroad/2011/03/29/flipino-selected-as-bris-bane-intl-student-ambassador/ht t p :// lo qal .ph/nat io n-and -wo rld /2010/06/08/ i l ip ino -named -amo ng-brisbane%E2%80%99s-international-student-ambassadors/

    Dizon with Brisbanes Lord MayorLarry Campbell.

    Varsities removed from UPLBALETHEIA GRACE DEL ROSARIO

    The Ofce of the Chancel-

    lor under the super visionof former Chancellor Luis

    Rey Velasco released a

    memorandum last [Insert

    date here] that abolished

    all varsities in UPLB.

    This is to benet the

    organizations that would

    like to use Copeland

    Gymnasium for their ac-

    tivities. According to theadministration, the varsi-

    ties monopolize the use of

    these facilities.

    Students staged nu-

    merous protests but the

    administration stood

    ground on their memo.

    Last July, the College of

    Arts and Sciences - Stu-

    dent Council (CAS-SC)

    held a party for the new

    freshmen from CAS at theSeniors Social Garden.

    Apart from new fresh-

    men, CAS-SC invited or-

    ganizations to help in the

    programme as ushers,

    performers, or food givea-

    ways. The CPS Triangle

    participated as ushers.

    CPS participates in CAS


    Last August, The CPS

    Triangle joined the street

    painting in front of the

    Humanities Building,

    hosted by Tau Gamma

    Phi Fraternity and Tau

    Gamma Sigma Sorority.

    The theme is in linewith the challenge of the

    students to the new ad-


    CPS joins Tau Gammas Street PaintingALETHEIA GRACE DEL ROSARIO

    Please vote or the CPS sisses (Nadz, Marijka and Karen)

    at the UPLB Hot 100!

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtS FEATURES 6@23

    OVPAA requires Bracket B certification for

    new freshmen, transfereesMARITESS VERAA

    The Ofce of the VicePresident for Academic

    Affairs (OVPAA) released

    a memorandum stating

    that changes were made

    to the Socialized Tuition

    and Financial Assistance

    Program (STFAP) brack-

    eting system, the pro-

    gram structured by the

    university to discount the

    tuition fee of student de-

    pending on their econom-

    ic status.

    Students were alarmed

    by the new scheme, with

    the assumption that all

    students were assigned

    to Bracket A. Rumors cir-

    culated about tuition fee

    increase and full revision

    of STFAP. Protests andonline campaigns were

    held against the scheme.

    The OVPAA released an-

    other memorandum last

    June 6 to clarify the revi-


    OVPAA Memorandum

    No. 2011-09 sets the de-fault bracket to A (P1,500

    per unit) and requires

    only freshmen and trans-

    fer students to submit a

    Bracket B (P1,000 per

    unit) certication.

    The certication is a

    notarized document stat-

    ing that they belong un-

    der Bracket B. It must

    be submitted along with

    two other requirements:Income Tax Return or

    overseas contract, and

    residential map.

    The changes were

    made so that the le-

    gitimate records on stu-

    dents economic status

    provide more opportuni-

    ties to students who need

    nancial assistance.

    Former Chancellor Luis

    Rey I. Velasco approved

    the proposal of the UPLB

    Housing Ofce upon the

    recommendation of the

    UPLB Fiscal Policies andOperations Committee.

    The accomodation, appli-

    ance and transient rates

    were adjusted according

    to the STFAP bracketing.

    The new rates are ef-

    fective starting First Se-

    mester A.Y. 2011-2012.

    Housing Division

    incorporate STFAPbracketing into dorm

    accomodation feesMARITESS VERAA

    TABLE 1. Accomodation ees.








    Less 80, 000

    80, 001 135, 000

    135, 001 250, 000

    250, 001 500, 000

    500, 000 1 million

    More than 1 million




    Mens, Womens, Vet,

    Foreha, Mareha, IH

    New Dorm, ATI,








    TABLE 3. Gadgets.


    Gadgets (Cellphone, MP3Player, iPod, etc.)Electric Fan 8Electric Fan 10Electric Fan 12Electric Fan 14

    Electric Fan 16Electric Fan 18Electric Fan 20

    Computer w/ MonitorComputer w/ Printer


    4 cu. ft.5 cu. ft.

    Electric Iron










    TABLE 2. Transient.

    RATE PER DAYDORMDorms except IH Guest House

    Guest House, non-aircon, single


    Guest House, non-aircon, double


    Guest House, aircon, single or dou-

    ble occupancy

    90 per person

    450 per person

    500 per room

    700 per room

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtSFEATURES7 @23



    eLBi REVIEW:Top 10 ood corners in Los Baos

    Because of stress, its goodto reward yourself every

    now and then with food.

    Food has been a source of

    refreshment and inspira-

    tion for ages. Weve listed

    some of the must-try vict-

    uals around UPLB.

    BLACK AND BREWBlack and Brews is a coffee

    shop located at 2nd Floor

    Vega Center If youre look-

    ing for a ne meal, then try

    their all-day breakfast with

    a yummy cheesy mush-

    room omelette, your choice

    of ham, hotdog, salami or

    luncheon meat plus rice

    or bread for only P55. Theyalso have pasta. Try their

    best selling Mushroom Al-

    fredo and surely, youll be



    It is the only restaurant

    that sells grilled food in-

    side the campus. Feast on

    their tender juicy grilled

    porkchop and tasty grilled

    chicken. Freshness of the

    food is assured because

    they cook meals in front of

    you. Combined with a P5

    per serving extra rice, youll

    get your ll without goingout of budget. It is located

    beside One Silangan inside

    the campus.


    One of the oldest business-

    es in Los Baos, Ellens

    fried chicken still boasts its

    crispy, juicy fried chicken.

    Located in various places

    in UPLB, you can enjoy

    fried chicken for just P35.

    If you like Chicken Skin,

    they serve them at their

    Raymundo branch every

    thursday for only P20.




    Auntie Pearls offer a newtaste of burger. Try their

    delicious burgers and pas-

    tas for student-friendly

    prices. They also offer

    pizzas, sandwiches and

    corndogs. Auntie Pearls is

    located at Oregano Street

    Demarses Subdivision.



    Michas serve pasta in a

    ash. Drop by at Michas

    located at Grove and grab

    youre slice of lasagna for

    only 40 pesos. Pair it with

    any of their delicious sweets.

    Silvanas? Cream Puffs?

    Cheesecakes? They all have

    it for you.



    A diverse mix of Korean

    and Philippine culture lead

    to the formation of Ilorean,

    one of the cheapest but

    stufng Tapsilogans in

    LB. Try their spicy bulgogi

    (will set your tongue on

    re) or juicy burger steak.Their meals average at P50

    each, including a free soft

    drink or rice.



    The sister business of Cels

    Fastfood, Daniellas eatery

    offers one of the best lu-

    tong bahay viands. Sini-

    gang, adobo, mechado, shllet-- name it, they have it.

    Try their Lechong Kawali,

    crispy and juicy combined

    with a delicous sauce. Lo-

    cated at Grove, near the

    block of Demarses. They

    offer affordable, scrump-

    tious foods.



    You might mistake this

    place for a 3 star restau-

    rant. Located in Demarses

    Subdivision and SEARCA

    canteen, Cels Fastfood of-

    fers you delicacies of high

    quality. From mouth wa-



    Up for something super

    heavy? Try the Ultimate

    Double Decker which in-cludes 2 pieces of burger

    patty with cheese in be-

    tween, egg, java rice and

    kernel corn. Available at

    LB square for a friendly

    price of P85. Bring 3 more

    people and theyll give you

    a pitcher of iced tea for free.



    tering grilled chicken tosumptuous sweets, they

    caters one of the most ne

    dining meals for an average

    price of P50~P80.


    Joes is recommended for

    romantic dinners. They of-

    fer a variety of pasta and

    sweets. Try their pasta in white sauce or red sauce

    and a Blueberry Cheese-

    cake on the side. They are

    located near Los Baos Na-

    tional High School.


    Youll never trying any of

    these. Enjoy and happy

    eating, folks!

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtS FEATURES 8@23

    PalaCASan, the annual sports

    est or College o Arts andSciences (CAS) based organi-zations, was hosted by theApplied Physics Society, alsoknown as Physika, with thetheme Equilibrium: Mind andBody. From August to October,12 organizations competedagainst each other.

    BuCASan, the opening cer-emony o the sports est, washeld last July 16. The organiza-tions paraded around the cam-pus and competed in the CheerDance Competition and the Mr.and Ms. PalaCASan.

    Representing The CPS Trian-gle in Mr. and Ms. PalaCASanwere Mart Gil Cuenca and Kim-

    CPS places 4th in PalaCASan

    2011, bags third Overall

    Womens Basketball

    championship titleBART ACERO

    berly Lai. Cuenca received the

    awards Mr. Photogenic andBest in Formal Wear while Laireceived the Heroine o thenight and Ms. Photogenic.

    Sports events during thethree-month course were bas-ketball, volleyball, table tennis,swimming, badminton, chess,boggle, game o the generalsand damath.

    CPS sisses scored their thirdoverall womens basketball

    championship title. MarivicMercado was again awarded asthe Most Valuable Player in thewomens division. Members othe basketballs mythical fvewere Jay Edson Lopez, Mercadoand Co.

    Nadine Co bagged 1st place

    in the womens badmintonsingles, third place or mixeddoubles and the power smash-er award. The mixed doublesaward was shared by MeerenAguilar and Miguel Anton Pau-lo Cuenca.

    Marian Bundalian andSheena Sandoval scored CPSthe third place in womens ta-ble tennis.

    Carlo Martin Marori andHazel Anne Mozo brought CPSthe third place in boggle.

    Co placed third or the 50mbreaststroke womens divisionand 1st place in 25m breast-stroke in the swimming com-petition.

    The cutest player award wasawarded to Mr. Mart Gil Cuenca.

    Overall, CPS placed ourthamong the 12 competing or-ganizations and received theHot na Hot award.

    CPS is more motivated tobring home the championshiptrophy or next years PalaC-ASan. Go CPS! Fight CPS! WinCPS! CPS, the BEST!

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtSNEWS9 @23



    After pioneering the built-

    in projector technology for

    camera last 2009, Nikon

    has a new competitor.

    Released on the rst

    quarter of 2011, Sonys

    HDR-PJ50V allows HD re-

    cording and playback of

    captured memories any-

    time. It boasts of its high-

    contrast projector, which

    is able to display up to 60

    inches of image on any

    dark, at surface from a

    distance of 0.5m to 3m. Itcan record video at full HD

    (19201080) and shoot still

    images at 7.1-megapixels; it

    can replace a dSLR.

    It has a zoom micro-

    phone, allowing sharp au-

    dio close up; the Advanced

    Wind Noise Reduction

    system that can minimize

    noise and wind distur-bance; and the Dolby Digi-

    tal 5.1 Surround Sound in

    stereo speakers so one can

    enjoy an eargasmic audio


    This product is perfect

    for travellers. It cand record

    and store up to 91 hours of

    footage because of its built-

    in 220GB hard disk drive.

    It also has a built-in GPS

    receiver, that is capable for

    Geotagging (allows tagging

    of shooting locations), and

    NAVTEQ, which lets user

    view the current location on

    the 3.0 touch screen LCDmap display.

    PJ50V features a num-

    ber of shooting controls.

    The 12x Optical Zoom

    and additional 17x Extend-

    ed Zoom feature provides

    closer detailed images that

    are still in HD quality per-

    fect for all scenery.

    The Optical SteadyShotis perfect for the image sta-

    bilization for shaky hands.

    The Golf Shot technique

    is perfect for capturing thefast-phased actions and

    gives detailed Smooth Slow

    Record from the 22 still im-

    ages per second it took.

    The Intelligent Auto

    mode analyzes and auto-

    matically selects settings

    from ten modes (Land-

    scape, Backlight, Twilight,

    Spotlight, Low light, Macro,Portrait, Baby, Walk, Tri-

    pod) and can come up with

    90 different scene combina-


    The Tracking Focus

    feature is somewhat an ex-

    tension of Face Detection

    because object can be eas-

    ily focused by touching the

    LCD screen.HDR-PJ50V is available

    at around 54,000Php.


    A Crazy LittleThing Called LoveKIMBERLY LAI


    A Crazy Little Thing Called

    Love (CLTCL) is about Nam,

    a high school student, crush-

    ing on her senior, Shone, the

    school heartthrob. She is not

    the regulation hottie; shes

    dark-skinned, wears eye-

    glasses and is very skinny.

    Its your typical high

    school story. Its notalgic. It

    will remind you of your undy-

    ing crush to an upperclass-man; the strolls along his

    classroom to snatch a glance

    of him; how you get giddy

    whenever you see him smile

    even if it is not intended to

    you. Although I never con-

    fessed, I must say that I really

    could relate to Nams story.

    I loved the simplicity and

    innocence of the movie. The

    pureness of rst love is

    something to cherish. No

    wonder, it grabbed the top

    awards on the 2010 TOP

    Awards in Thailand. It was

    not something grandiose or

    boasting of beauty. It is real.

    CLTCL was indeed a hit

    to Pinoy teenagers and young

    adults. There is a Philippinefacebook fanpage of CLTCL,

    run by Filipino fans, and is

    very active. Maybe, CLTCLs

    plot is the typical Pinoy teen-

    agers high school life.

    Also, Nam and Shone

    have chemistry; they look

    good together. Actually, they

    are a good-looking couple.

    Even if they didnt have a

    kissing scene in the movie,

    they still managed to keep

    the adoration of the audience.

    How I wish they are a true

    couple (they are still young

    so there is still time for that to


    However, I didnt like

    the ending. It frustrates me;

    what happened with Namand Shone is not clear. I

    know theyll be together, but

    I want an assurance! Give me

    a much sweeter and clearer

    one, director! But neverthe-

    less, this movie is still good.

    It will have a special place in

    my heart.

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtS FEATURES 10@23



    The Travelling Salesman

    must nd the shortest

    route that allows him to vis-it all locations on his route,

    explained co-author Dr Ni-

    gel Raine,

    Computers solve it by

    comparing the length of all

    possible routes and choos-

    ing the shortest. However,

    bees solve simple versions

    of it without computer as-

    sistance using a brain the

    size of grass seed.

    The team set up a bee

    nest-box, marking each

    bumblebee with numbered

    tags to follow their behav-

    iour when allowed to visit

    ve articial owers which

    were arranged in a regular


    When the owers all

    contain the same amountof nectar bees learned to y

    the shortest route to visit

    them all, said Dr Lihoreau.

    However, by making one

    ower much more reward-

    ing than the rest we forced

    the bees to decide between

    following the shortest route

    or visiting the most reward-

    ing ower rst.In a feat of spatial judge-

    ment the bees decided that

    if visiting the high reward

    How Bumblebees Tackle theTravelling Salesman Problem

    ower added only a small

    increase in travel distance,

    they switched to visiting itrst. However, when visit-

    ing the high reward added

    a substantial increase in

    travel distance they did not

    visit it rst.

    The results revealed a

    trade-off between either

    prioritising visits to high

    reward owers or ying

    the shortest possible route.

    Individual bees attempted

    to optimise both travel dis-

    tance and nectar intake as

    they gained experience of

    the owers.

    We have demonstrated

    that bumblebees make

    a clear trade-off between

    minimising travel distance

    and prioritising high re-

    wards when consideringroutes with multiple loca-

    tions, concluded co-author

    Professor Lars Chittka.

    These results provide the

    rst evidence that animals

    use a combined memory of

    both the location and prof-

    itability of locations when

    making complex routing

    decisions, giving us a newinsight into the spatial

    strategies of trap-lining ani-


    Excerpts o the article rom http://www.sciencedaily.com/releas-es/2011/06/110628191339.htm



    A High-Bandwidth Interplan-etary ConnectionIf your slow Internet con-nection has you frustrated,

    just be glad you dont have

    to communicate with a

    probe on Mars. A new study

    suggests that by twisting

    laser light, scientists could

    pack enough information

    into interplanetary beams

    to speed up extraterres-trial communications to the

    multi-gigabit level.

    At the moment, laser-

    based communication be-

    tween Earth and satellites

    uses so-called pulse-posi-

    tion modulation (PPM).

    But the faster, more

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue


    conCePtSFEATURES11 @23

    On an interview last No-

    vember 25, Ms. Nancy A. Tandang, Coordinator for

    Instruction at the Insti-

    tute of Statistics, said that

    changes in the curriculum

    was made due to small

    changes in the GE courses.

    Some GE courses were re-

    quired and have to be ac-

    commodated into the cur-

    riculum. The changes were as

    follows: the new curricu-

    lum is made to adapt to

    the new GE University rule

    that entails for English 1

    and 2 as well as the newly

    made PI 10 be required

    GE courses, PI 100 is now

    replaced by a new theory

    course (STAT 147) enti-

    tled Introduction to the Theory of Non-Parametric

    Statistics, STAT 146 was

    revised (non-parametric

    parts were removed), STAT

    182 was revised (it is no

    longer software based),

    only 9 units will be re-

    quired in the MST domain,

    complex electronics needed

    to do that would make for

    an expensive and power-

    hungry system, says Ivan

    Djordjevic, an optical com-

    munications expert at the

    University of Arizona, Tuc-son. Instead, he says, we

    should scrap time encod-

    ing and harness a different

    property of light: its orbital

    angular momentum (OAM),

    a twisting pattern in the


    The combination of dif-

    ferent shapes and intensi-

    ties can encode more infor-

    mation into a single pulse

    than is practical through

    pulse-position modulation,

    Djordjevic says. He argues

    that the equipment needed

    to encode and decode OAM

    waves can be built by low-

    cost upgrades to current

    technologies. The pulses

    would be sent by a laser

    and passed through a holo-

    gram or multimode opticalber, which twists the light.

    On the other side, a tele-

    scope would focus the light

    and a second hologram, or

    ber would decode the sig-


    Djordjevic suggests that

    OAM could also provide In-

    ternet links of 100 gigabits

    per second through the air.

    Data rates between satel-

    lites and Earth, between

    satellites, and even between

    satellites and aircraft could

    get a boost from harness-

    ing twisted light. Standard

    telescopes are sufcient for

    these short distances, he


    Experts are cautious

    about the advance. It is

    one of those things thatworks well in theory, says

    Hamid Hemmati, a laser

    communications expert

    at NASAs Jet Propulsion

    Laboratory in Pasadena,

    California. However, he and

    others point out a practi-

    cal hurdle: The trouble is

    that beams spread out as

    they travel. Hemmati and

    his colleagues estimate that

    receiving OAM data from a

    transmitter as distant as

    the sun would require a

    kilometer-wide telescope.

    STATISTICSthe new curriculum nowhas 153 units, and, fromthe 20-series of Calculus,

    BS Statistics students now

    take the 30-series.

    Before the 2002 cur-

    riculum revision, BS Sta-

    tistics students took the

    30 series. They observed

    that students were getting

    held back by it, but when

    they nally get to takeSTAT courses, these stu-

    dents didnt seem to have

    problems. To help students

    avoid graduation delays,

    they changed into the

    Math20-series. Though the

    students were no longer

    held up on Math courses,

    students now have prob-

    lems with STAT courses,

    specically the theories. Training students got in

    tackling the harder Calcu-

    lus series worked better in

    preparing students for fu-

    ture theory classes.

    Since the move of PI100

    to a required GE course

    called PI10, the old curric-

    ulum, along with its sub-

    jects, would then be short

    one subject or three units

    of course work. Though

    other courses opted for

    an additional elective, the

    Institute of Statistics pre-

    ferred an additional course.

    Ms. Tandang assuredthat the changes in the

    curriculum does not nec-

    essarily imply that the old

    curriculum is not good.

    It is just for strengthen-

    ing the curriculum. The

    students wont really uses

    the new course if they get

    jobs that focus on the ap-

    plications of Statistics. This

    course was really useful forthose intending to take on

    graduate studies. Those

    that will not take them

    need not worry.

    Upon approval, these

    changes would then be im-

    plemented to the students

    of Batch 2011.

    The New BS Statistics Curriculum

  • 8/3/2019 Alumni Issue

