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Always remember !! Square meals Make round people 24/Canajoharie NY... · 2017. 7. 14. · X •...

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X TAX-PAYEES' J0UENA1 U published every THURSDAY. at Canajoharie. | Montgomery Co., N. Y. AEKELL & ALLEH, Proprietors. OJUt in Stajfwd MOCK, third fiour. Vmhmmrt \r* | Canal Strut, TBKXS-—To Mail and Village Subscribers, one j doiiax aaai isy ""a* s'-ic'Jy ia .dvance. ADT«ETI»ISG.—On* square, ant insertion, fifty j cents; every subsequent insertion, twenty-live cants. Advertising by the quarter, half or whole I column a* per agreement. Business card* not ex- ceeding tour line*, three dollars per year. Ad- vertisements from transient persona must oe p^id for in advance. PSIXTIIC lz all its branches, executed with neatness and dis- •~atch, and on reasonable terms, at this OtSce. ,.«. »Bm-PT.T- L. F. ALLZX. mm •B • «.:,' Business Cards. Pythagoras Wetmore. Attorcc-v and Counselor at Law. Odsce in Canal Street, up stairs, Canajoharie. B. & A . Sniilii. Dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries, Iron. Coal. Salt,:' riah. ccc. at the old stand of Smith & Co. Jltt gttdmiifoat £amils gsnrtal tsi &mml and |taal pfaielHgetitta j^gnratttttt, M ^httihtmu Jte. VOL. XXVIII. CANAJOHARIE, ft Y-, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1863. m. 2. Frederick Use, Has always on hand the various kinds of Crackers . » « « , - « > . . anc otnor n:a;er:ais to ueiouuu *, i>*»»*rM3».— ; Bakery two doors south of Spraker Bank. . Z i Horace Barnes. Dealer in Coach, Saddlery. Genera! Hardware. . I—.-. Steal. Nails. Sash, "Doors, BUnds, Groce- ries, &c, Canajo : iarie. j J. V. Coaover. Wagon and Sieigh Maimer. Carriage Trimmings. Painting and Biacksmithipg done to order.— ; Shop on Main Street, Canajoharie. J. 51. Davis, Dealer in Tin-ware and Stoves. Church Street, Canajoharie. All business done in his line with promptness. Uee* St, Dunckel, jSttorEe^s *.^*i Counselors at Law, Canajoharie. N. V. Ofice in Masonic Block. A. HUES. H. DrxcEBL. smith & Kimball, A.tcraeys and Counselors at Law. Canajoharie, I N. Y. 0£ce over Clinton failing's Store. GEOSCE SXITH. <j. K hltxsiLL. , Hawley, DaJer in Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps, Jlso Clothing sade u fie Canajoharie Bank. &c. . ^•^"-1 Deaer and Repairer of all kinds of Watches, | Cacka. Jewelry, etc., &c, corner of Church ancMain Street, Canajoharie, S . Y . F. & A. fiirsctaner, Dea'sain Boo't. Shoes, Leather. Pegs, &.c. Also Kinsir." Store. Church Street. Canajoharie.— Coabm'work done with dispatch. j John /••?- r'umishes ail kinds of Refreshments, :• 4c. at the Locher House, corner of Church m-d Mai" Street, Canajoharie. ^y? William J. Abelln?, Dealer in all kinds of Cigars. Tobacco. Snuff. POETRY. Wouldn't. You Like to Know. BT JOHX O. SiXI. I krr„:r - sir: with teeth oi P**.*!. Aad shoulders white as snow ; She lives—eh'. well, I raast not xAl•Wouldn't you lite to know t rier satiny Iiw»r is tro^drotts M»,r, , And wavy in its Sow ; Who luisdc i t k » s One iit'.lc tress, •Wouldn't you iiite to know ? Her eyes are fefeM (celestial h o e !) And dazzling in their glow ; On whom they beam With glowing gleam, Wouldn't yoo like to know t Her lips are red and finely wed Like roses in their blow ; What lover sips Those dewy lips Wouldn't you like to know ! iier lingers axb like lilUe* fsir, When lillies faireatgrow, Whose hand they jress With fond ;aress, Wouldn't you like to know ? Her foot is steal'!, and has a fail, Like snowflakes on the snow ; And where it goes Beneath the rose, t Wouldn't you like to know I She has a name, the sweetest name That language can bestow ; 'Twoold break the speii If I should tell— Wouldn't you like to know I The Faded Violet What thought is folded in thy leaves! 1ISCELLANE0US. Taking Cold. A Quaker Vision. The Tallow Tree. The tallow tree, caiied by the Cm- aese " Oo-fiicoa," is of the height and Japanese Little Folks. The Hoc. Frank Hall, who was in Japan a few years ago, speaks thus fiavorabiy of the Nipponese children.— The Japanese it will be remembered are heathen ; but what Christian coun- try, with all its ministers, churches, «u»rmru»_ et<v. can show such, rood children ? Mr. Hall says: "Daricg more thai! t half a year's residence I pas, I have never seen a attractions, and fifty times his wealth, struck. Not a sound escaped our lips; i '• I choose to be adored, but I don't mean but by de grees the gentlemen in the : ^^^r^r^r^r^^^^t^^^^ j Jo^pa Koag was bora ia the year to adoae." I room slipped iway ; then the matrons j Taking Cold. (n62 ^ cetident m ^ g, - m fa Kcartless, icirllcsi!—hzzKlesz »cd dropped -sdusl'y off. *H save Mrs. I A careful olocfvi.uv.-e; of the rules laid state of New York, but removed to | appearance of a pear-tree, with'twisted 1 Ii£s * iect " 'caieless even on the eve of an event Vaughan. -vho moved nearer to her | down fe t h e fo ji 0 wi£:g article, will save Versmcnt, where he died ia 1S46.—".branches and a large round he»d. The I which was to Hai: her destiny with, one daughter. Then we heard a horse gsl- ^ oo:ii htihh 5 : i d ] i f e I t b copied frool ¥Js nar(>nts ^^ ne:riberg 0 f the « . : trunk is short and thick and the bark .who. or.e -hort month before was a lop down the hill which led up to the H ^ Jounjal of Health> L ^ g ^ ^ rrienil| he had a smooth. The le^.es are alternate, and Experienced pevsicians ia all coun- birth-right membership. He and his resemble those of the black popiar. tries very well known that the immedi- wife (Huldah) were both ministers and The blossom is yellow ; but the most ite cause of a vast unmber of cases of high! disease and death is a lar-rc S!E»' fc 'cold;" it is that farauy, and all of their childr*- became which is enclosed in a husk iifcs that complete stranger to her I house, in the direction of the town.— That evening we all inspected her \ We could see from the windows all Urousseau and her jewels. They were Florence stretched out before us, the | I of the most sumptuous description ; j s»Jaite bouses jtustcutug «o t u e i s s . ><c and Mr. Temple Graham laughingly . could watch the rid,-r galloping away., _. h : c h n r c s . - ag5i:De of ^ miJi ^ -• mlDkUT . - The follow^ vision, though' a-chestnut. Wh*n tV r~iU ~ , ; ~ ; covered her with a superb suit of dia- Helen : we saw ^hra galloping back— | it b the spart , 0 ?uapowder . I t w a s M t prioted ^ ^^ pablic ^.JJ wilh . i husk afem iUe , f> showiog t h w r ^ j ^ i monds. to see how she looked in them, ana he was alone ! ; t0 a cold taken oa a r«w December day, in a few jcars, was weU known to his grains about the bigness of a filbert i I shall never forget her. with her rich The news he brought was, that Mr. j that tbe great Washington owed his f^ily and a number of his friends [ Thise grains contain the beautiful vee- i complexion, her coal-black hair, her Temple Graham had not slept »«Wf < fc -D V. It was a common cold, axn.r 4 t-: many'years before any part of it w«s« . etable tallow so usefnl to the Chrcsse ; majestic figure, as she sat there, again bed the previous night; that his ier- j ^ b y t h e j 3 j u dicicus advice of a friend' fulfilled :— with the fan n; "g :ph of red •I? the previous r.ijht; that his ier- feathers. vant. knowing he a lv,-ays let himself in! w {j ic}j u&e'md. in thi final Ubess of she shot when out late, had retired to rest,! Washing:: THE VISTC.t. at the never entertaining a doubt as to his j Almost any read- : The fruit of the tallow tree sjr.-is through ; nearly the same process as the seed of tfca knew of his! empty room Even then he glances of dazzling brilliancy circle round her. master's safety, and oni; I heard some Italians discussing her absence on entering th in tbe corner of the room as she sat' early the next morning. I rnjj, , fancied seme business connected wi "She is undeniably beautiful," said j the wedding had detained him through- I one ; "but I would not risk my fate iu j out the night at the Villa P . So j )i er hands." hours, valuable hours, were lost in "You are right," said another ; "mag- i prosecuting a search. : nificent as she iS> it is a ueauty irom oueti a scarce as was rna^ie I er can t:ace the death of some dear friend to a "little cold." The chief causes of colds are two; first cooling off too soon aftc-r exercise; second, zettine thorot-jrblv chilled while T. In the yeat 1803, in the ftsjyta or?— : . nintb -^onth, I was one day alone in: : cne field, and observed that the sun I «2*»*ts of * »»heel moved backward i shone clear, bat e mist eciipsed its: * Da forward in the trunk of the tree quarrel between old or young. I have nev»r seen a blow struck, scarcely an angry lace. I have seen the children at their sports, their kites upon the hill, aad any amount of intertangled strings or kites lodged in the trees, but no angry words or impatience. I have seen them intent upon their games of Jackstones or marbles under shaded gateways of the temples, but hive never seen au approach tv quarrel amone them. They tie taught implicit obedie.Tce to their T>ari»nts, but I have never seen one of them chastised.— I TT* .. . * „„JS -__._^^n« •., tt,A -a~&^ ic ka swcac^*ww »w —w - Q — — universal. A crying child is a rarity seldom seen. We have L-othing to teach them in thi» tespect out of our abundant civilization. I spea«. w^iat a know of the little folks of Japan, for i more than any other foreigner have I -ibeen amone them. Ot aii thai Japan holds there is nothing I like half so well as the happy children. I shall always remember their sloe-black eyes and »"^ddy brown faces with pleasure.— i have played battledore with the little maidens in the streets, and fiown kites in the fields with as happy a set of boys as one could wish to see. They have ». briehtses. The rcachine by which it is bruised been m - v 8 * ^ " "» ^ ^ 3 shoW f me where all the streams and potas were, where all the flowers h»y hid in the thicket, where the herriei lay ripen- a »ned like a canoe. \ : ,nr& with As I reflected upou aie aiagulaxity of; :r= ^r «i«i fixed in the ground. The axis in a state of rtst, without having been ; tfa ^ ^ WJJ ^ ^ j ^ ' of lia^aeei k at tached to a long pole. ing 02 rHp j iney iav have brought me that which one shrinks—a beauty one fe*rs." j missing man Florence had never known shells from th? ocean, sad blossoms from earrfeAaa; <M»1rfh. m&mtt 4^|^;^^,,^ t o k m a i wttttat!aa .; which is laden with a heavy weigVt **{'•** ***• P^°« D g the=1 « • J * * * gerous pleurisies, fatal pneumouias, ( i n - - - ^ to ^^ witoessed; ^ j| m , suspended from a horizontal b e a m . - ^^^J ***• » l«s» bashful grace than a I young American boy would do. We have hunted the fox-holes together, and looked for the green golden ducks ever before to have I Ter 7 soft, when they are quickly thrown flamation of the lungs) and deadly fe- iuW, iitu *•"« mUS ufuiseu alia UlVKleC < my unirvnanv vers of the typhoid type. I brougit ^^ deep sileoce- x saii ,j> are exposed for s. considerable time to Persons " "S 01 1 * heaIth d0 •* ^ ! myself :-"What can aU this mean • I: the action of steam, untjl they become And one of the elder trioesmaids! before. Every street, every nouse,: cold easily : they can do with impunity : do SQt ^go^j^s ever ^^^ whispered to me as we went to our rooms; every place under thesun of heaten. j wha t would be tmtml to the feeble »«i i been sensibie of"such feeUngs." {into layers of straw, COT - - u- - . -: ; fct, "Sh a does not eare a t-jandeven ..-, :•••..'-,--: -'! infirm. Dyspeptic persons take cold; ^ f ^ ^ ^ frota He=vjn ' with other layers of straw, and spread 'This which thou seestba aboutal *2 uaU J " PO»«ib!e. Men do She does not eare a straw ! and even the swift flowing Arno, were \ infirm. Dyspeptic persons take cold , |for him; it is nothing but gratified . searched : until at last, upon a heap of j readily, but they are not aware of it,! i pride and vanitv She likes his adula-1 wood and dried leaves, some miles out j because its force does not fali on the !*f^ X5 * ' | tion. If he neglected her, she wo kill him." . j sign of the present coming times. 11 xh ' a wItL liieir fee{ •** - ^ ****'?» Pipe* Tobacco Boxes. Snuff Boxes. Matches,' ^J^J tender thought, what speachless pain ! &c. Itere oppo?i*e Canajoharie I5*nlc. i ! of the town, in a lonely spot, as if he ; Jung., but on the liver through the skis, ' ~ 1 _ . ' ~ :ixe Te rv I , had crawled there to die, the body of; gj,^ sick headache ; and close ques- i took ^ r ^ l ^ n <* th » ««*»: " -- ' : from a land of oppression; I placed I —old ti" iii^o. ups in mine, Thou darling of the April rain 1 4c Cistora work done will* pro3*.ptiies« ac<i ciipatci Shop on Mtio Street. CaaijotAne. Roser &, Robc?*c, I hold thy fa-cd lips to mirje, Thon~h scent and sznre tint are fiea— , O, dry, ante lips'. ye are the type Peter Skinner. \ of siting in me cold and dead ! Fashionabe Barber and Hair Dresser. Shop in i C. r'ailig's building, (up stairs.) Hair Cutting. | Of something wilted, like thy leaves ; ShampAing, &c • done in the latest style. Qf frxgrlince floven, of beauty gone : J o l i u s F o x Yet, for the love of those white hands Wearing apparel. That found thee-April's earliest born- That found thee when thy dewy mouth As we all separated for the night,; Mr. Temple Graham was found, ljing j tioning wUl soon develope the &ct o f i ^ ^ * oppre«toii, i we missed Lily. TVe wanted to assem- j bathed and stiffening in the blood that j somg unusual bodily effort, followed by \ v " cu ' iirtu a - da K i=e r ecp» bie in her apartments in proper order had flowed from three deep stiletto- i cooling ofi" rapidly. ^ Forest; I sustained tism, a.- j in the morning, and we had still a few i stabs in the back. ^ person wakes up some sunny morn-1 *,"* y W " e ™?T* 17™** ! words to say to her; but we could not j [TO BE CONTINUED.] I jug, an <J feels as if he had been pounded | t ^ . ^ t * t°er becarae i I the drawing room untcered to run Sack to aad see if sne were *?ifT MMM . rjshionable Tailor, nvte to order, in the bestand latest styles. Stire on Church Street, (one door south of Bnsh & Stffbrd's drag store' " ik S S S S T X Y. i Was purpled as with stains of wine- j For love of hex who love forgot, S. II. Miller, Wholesaloaad Retail Dealer in Hardwire. Cnt- lery, Inr. a!id Steel. Carriage Trimmings, Hoose Triasir;"!. &c poaite theKidredge House. Canajoharie. I fold thy faded lips to mine! That thoushoc'.dst li»e when i am dead, &c , Mohawk Street, op- | Tc^i.^ nate Li dead, for rae, and wrong, A Frightened Contraband. . j cle sore, and a single step cannot Se ta- thcre ; and "as I did so, I met her at the I A letter received from an array cor-1 keQ withoat difficulty or actual pain.— door, her hands full of her jewel-cases, respondent on tne Kappahannock relates , Reflect wiU bring out ^^ unwont- "I was just saying good-by to Mr.: the followtng cam? incident: . ed exercise, and a subsequent cooling off Temple Graham." said she; "he is so j An amusing incident occurred in camp before knowing it—as working in the absurd, he would not bid me farewell j * night or two since. A portly young j earden i n t h e spr ing.time ; shewing new before all the sticsts." ; contraband, from Charleston S. C., who I sttnala how t 0 do _ "And farewell for so long •/' I ex-1 escaped from his rebel master at Antie-! A y0QEg M j r o s e f r o o her ^ o n a ' tarn, and was for awhile quartered sub- NoTember ^ ^ ^ leaned h e r s r a o n sequently in Washington, was engaged ^ CQ , d wiadow . sill t0 listen to a XI . sse« *r-. JJerciiant Caiior. Church Street. Canajoharie.— Wearin" »»-psrei mace to order, in the most «DpTovec£-yle. Shop one door South of C. (i. fames' Jewelry Store. For this I nse my sublest art, ' For this I foM thee in my song. William Hatter, Dea'»r in Keady-Hadc Clothing. Sata. Ca?^. &C. j Aao Clothing'made to order. French. English • aai American (roods received monthly, inop ose door north of the Canajoharie Fank. SELECTED STORIES. TBE EVIL EYE. A S K E T C H F R O M X.1TTE. claimed, laughing. "Farewell till the momentous morn," I she returned, lightly; and then we j joined the five young girls who were : waiting for us in Lily's room. The momin" dn^sed at last—bright' *" !uaJ 7 -"~ ' ; as a bridal morning ought to be, besuii- - T 7 gaii2n:iy ; ful as only an Italian morning can be inior st^flT was KU V " * V V. body servant, and brought down here to his quarters to attend him. Itchanc- BaCCI Sasu >cihcu aas COtau- at Sharpsbur^. where he lost a leg. below the knee, the absence ; and we were all up with the dawn, in j of which had been made up by an arti-1 ^ ~ t ... I spite of our vigils. We decked Lily j fi «al limb, which the captain wore with ; o n a ^ or ^fc I Vauzban in her snowy array, enade. Next morning she bad pneumo- nia, and suffered the horrors of asthma .«» ?«bytei« *»«^ for the remainder of a long life. health and V' . - - — - • - - - :—• =• 1 they were harcble I blessed thtm and a numerous Tfci^ the» *>*ve becotrse nroud, and have forgotteD Me, who nourished them and protected them in the wilder- ness, and are ranoiag iuto every abum-: ination and evil practice of which the old countries are geilty. aad have taken; quietude from the land and suffered a dividing spirit to ccme among them— lift up thiae eyes and behold." And I saw them dividing ia great heat. The' division began in the Churches on poists of doctrine; it commenced in and went through tbe various religious denomina- and k of course, warily trodden upon, the operation bears a resemblance to dsrjcinir The ar^ear-! ance of a number of meD grave!' and carefully performing sundry evolutions on their toes, has been described as ir- resistibly ludicrous, particularly as it is «*w.^..i^.ii wj "••"•'" j oy VMIS pro- cess large cakes are formed of the ming- led grains and straw. The cakes thus formed are afterward pressed. The tallow is hard and whits, and has all the properties of that obtained irofn asrjim*!*. ^hre 0 Tv% unds "^ wA*»a_ table oil are mixed with every ten pounds of the tallow, and a quantity oi wax is used to give, consistence. The best candles are also coated with wax. WLen property prepared thej among the hedges. Tney have laughed -it my broken Japanese, and taught me better, and for a happy, good-natured set of children, I will turn out my Jap- anese friends against the world. God bless the boys and girls of Xiphon." A Segro Marriage. This form of marriage actually took place between two negroes with a negro minister, at Live Creek, Ga., and is the form generally used there : " Here is a cctrrie who have walked oat to-night, wishing to be jinsd in, and thro love, and wishing all dera dat have anything twixen dem cum forward and speak now, if not, let dem hokl dar peace now and forevermore. I wants jverv ear to hear and every heart to enjoy. " Mr. Jim Thompson, whomsoever stands fastly by your left side, do you take her for your dearly-beloved wife •* Tiic C" b?r through, sickress ^nd life;" and we so easy a grace that ;OONT:>^ED. 'See him," said Lily ; "for I do not j j^ eathed her lovely temples—you can \ »et him suspected his misfortune—his , re:a0T i Dg tne oater dothrng. , how lovely she must have beer.!— i sable attendant being among the blissful; ^ . the dresi> for , m rarmcrs wives lose _. .. _ . _ . a t effects were the same. Those who dis- everv year is cne or two ways; by busv- i"-"*" 5 " c i c l u c * axu *- * v ^ ' ~ ^ , ~ iug themselves ia a warm kitchen until! IMMd weDt cS wlia f* *"* then throwing themselves: taantia - b =1 8 e - aad th< * wbo ke P s without covering aud ;t0 their oli &* 1 seEtia « arts fi ??«^ few persons ^ho | h i n a room ^.j^ fire . M b? . exercisea and sorrowful. And wnes bum almost without smoke, and are free j-rough health, safe and be safe, holy tA: vi _>i .n. -u,_ land be holv. loving and be loTmg? Do you love her % L\) you love her father * disagrcs Kirby Haucc. T!si Hotel is the first on entering Canajoharie Til- , . . . ,'--s. at the .'cot of Cans! S»reet 0~y) a~v>m. ! He was introduced to us oy uur liost, blossoms, heavy with fragrance; and ^tion »d attendance. All the Su»i stop j Si w;aiam Dartmouth,—an old friend then we asked for some of her jewels at this Hotel. l*iverv *oimec.<*» with toe ; '^^ * . T - Hocae. T. W. HiyGaa.«, Proprietor. I 0 f mamma's, and, in fact, a sort of I do not know how it was, but we j «**- Lpon retiring, he called rns dar irVWetiii«»Te, : guardian of mine,—and casually named were al! strack with a sudden silence ! **v servant to assist him in pulUng off: ^ Attorney. Proctor. SoUcitor,ConnselorandAdTo-i as a gentleman in search of a wife to w jj en s \ ie answered. ! his riding-boots. • and District i j i.:„ (•„... , v ^ , ^ ~ l « T.M» f^r him.: .^r rn :. i-_-t. .1 * » " Now, Jimmy, look sharp," said ' Ise ailtrs keerfti or perhaps .- -. . .-„ . ..... ... . jiore common pretend to be able to describe people. I wrea thed them with freshest orange- j ignorant as to the existence of the fact.; Q a e M soon ^ thej ente , ;he nonse jjp -••••-'---••- -liost,:s olofflomSi fceavv with frasrrarlce ; and! The captain had been "out to dine," ; ^ walking cr w0rki3g . Tbe r d e - " : ' '• = s > should be invariable to go at once to a warm room, and keep on all the cloth- at least for fire or tec minutes, un- til the forehead is perfectly dry. In all weathers, if TOO have to walk and ride Mr. Temple Graham !" I echoed; captain. " ise aiitrs keerfui, cap n, ; ^ any owt| / on d o t h e ^ ^ first , why, I thought I saw your hands full : says Smmj, draw.cg off one long wet, An eDgioeer fa l h e Tigor o{uao - DO< ^, j of the c?ses last night V , boot, with considerable difficulty, and : hn ^ ht ^ n ^^^ ^ - mbMt ^ ces-ary for the e«e and comfort of the traTel- "-• •"»«'• - - -*- ; xii *> aimost | "Of -the cases, yes," she replied ; ( standing it aside. ! ease through a cold taken by standing er. Stagesieare this Hoose daii^ior^Sharw.speajyngaioud: for I was disappointed "but those costly iewels ought not to: "Now mine your eye—Jim: The r" pens that the candles prepared with vegetable tallow bom with a great flame, throw out much smoke, and con- sume quickly ; but this is attributed to a slovenly and dirty mode of prepara- tion and to the nature of the wick, which is u«uaiiy made of a dry and light wood, not much unlike the wick of a rushlight. Candles made of thit : tallow by Europeans have been fount •Urt J!rylMM »„:..;* (.nt^r**? f§ie &v»»^rs» lasrniHvM—c* -a*—* t-«;i-.* vi*c j-~m.j of Friends, it raged in a high a degree as in any I had noticed or before dis- covered ; and, as before, thor. who separated went on witn ictty look* anc . . . . . V * m- ' *ery neariv equal to tnose made oi wax and tauuttr^nnrrmgrangtage. Those; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ & wno kept laetr aociest pnectpies rtt.reG cate in the United States Circuit i :"ft-,<':_w-.r'/". tO ©TO*CCT>t# Gov«^nen1Up epd his four ^o 0 * 31 ^ a J^ 7 (oT him - j "Mr. Temple Graham has them a!'. by themselves. It next appeared in the t ^ extensive plains and in regular order. T?^,.-, «-.-w .Clahns, hand and Pension Agency, &c, at Can- I J thought I could manage SO d o tnat: •ajoharie..VY. for h ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ h ; m _ There I i( Eldrcdse House. ^ t b e whole story." Tnis Commodious Hotel has eTery attraction ne- i.v n hear* in : * **• out in appearance like a volcano, ina*- moch as it set the country in an uproar for a time. Then it entered politics thrcnthout: leaves being either of a deep purplt or bruliaDt red, and the btossoiiis o T a l bright yehow; the contrast is said t o * * 5 M a l 7 ** l 7 b ? ^ r *f r t. . -'A-= .«•..». j -s<_ Tshall pronounce you both to be i ! ropean travelers have described the Schoharie, and other poin' Proprietor. Canajoharie. Otner—ic—is a nine tizac. ana black groves of taosc trees as the most beau- oaazinc floor as soon as he* left his i ** United Sutes. and did aot stop; lifQ j objects of a Chinese randscape.— Mrs. Ciildersleeve, Continnes to jrire Lessons on the Piano Forte.Me- lodeon and Organ. HaTing a knowledfe of Thorough-Sase, she engages that her r.ipils. with care and strict attention, shall "become adepts in the Science of Mnsic. HeV residence is on Front Street. Waiiicn M at tne »e*j *.*»<... r « . . — — - ; oe mine lUsUi a am «i*» w„c *i»ver ,^^ , i rjea »Q tne momiiig there appeared to be in the arrange- i ceremony, he wiii adorn me with them Jinmy chuckled and shewed his shining ; himse]f Many a farmer - s wlfc meat, and Liiy shrugged her shoulders. : hir3SC lf." | ^ory. as he reflected, perhaps, that his j > hteT ^ lost her m bv gUDdil;g TVe all looked *t her with a feeling master was quite as "tight" as he deem- j ^ a " da _ p Sco . houn ^ ^ oa ^ ^ of awe, so proud in heart, so majestic i ed his boots to oe. , , in person, yet without an ornament of' "Easy, now—thafs it. Pull away !" but as long as Mr.: aDy sort or kind to accompany her ex- i continued the captain, good-naturedly. ..«;•,. I>. Ellitfaorp, i Temple Graham considers me perfec- ; traordinary beaatv ; add to it yoo could i a»i enjoying the prospective joke, while Sole A jei.t in Cana^harie and Palatine. :or Ai.cn; £ ^,, I , " :»»« l~x, P ned the strarjs about his waist & Soia (Vermont] Rooting Slate, is now pre- : l»OU, a am ijuitc x n i s A s , jjoi. pared to execute au orders in Siate Roofing. T} , at eTeQ j D jr I saw Mr. Temple 1 jj. Temple Grahaaj, therefore, was which held his cork leg up—"nw you've to come to the hoose, and join the got it! Yip—there you are ! Ob, lord. •I don*t feel quite the sort of a girl for ' red-hot love-match," she return- ed, with - the usual sarcastic smile on' her beautiful lips ; ing days. An estimable lady, farmer-swife,bus.;* roon » rcl ' ical wer 5 P raE ? °P' took ied herself in household affair, on , the goTernment of the stotes, establish- iate in the afternoon, «* »>VJoaal religion, and made aE «x-irtie« tributary to snonort rrntii it produced a civii war. An T«.W*rr«o »«r ^rrm- v».»- er.~»«ff!»»r- 5 p. abundance of blood was shed in the course of the contest; the Southern states lost their power, and slavery was aanihiiated from thei: borders. Then; The Vaine af United Stotes Coitt J. AA to *s,\.i_ uuo >iv •' sXitarad W»W\,VJJ. » , . • Asa> climatized in Algeria ; it requires no care or watering;. Do you love her brothers? Do you love her master ? Do you love her sis- ter? Do you love her mistress? Do you love God the best ? " Answer—' I w3!. T " Miss Mary Thompson, whomsoever stands lastly by yosar side, io you take to be your dearty-beioved husband, to wait on him thro' conflution, safe and be safe, holy and be holy : Do you love his mother ? Do you love his sistor ? Do you love God the best ? Answer—' I will. ' I shsil "renounce Mr. Jim to hold .£? a.,_,i • T \ , a. man and wife by the Comraandmets of God ? We *aali have hopes antt trustings through God thai yoo maT live right, that you die right, jow aiid forevermore. Sow Mr. Jim, slew your bride. " L e t u s sing a hime : Handed ia a 5*tf of dark despair, Ye wretciesi signers ire, &«., Amen." r> srith promptness, neatness and unfailingdnrabil- ity.—All R0061 warranted. Parties supplied Graham, and was introduced to him as ^with.Slate on the shortest notice. .if 3 s her. lone of the bridesmaids. It was Sir bridal party there. He was to bring oh, lord • oh, lord - r ' screamed thecap- summer's day «?.v:i.at persytreu is ^uuu uooa, oiau •JCU*£ weary, she rode to town in an open ve- hicle, to do some shopping ; finding her Tes Growing ia Pwrrsyirasia, E. C. Mastier. i William Dartmouth who presented me, b ac l; the jewels, and not present them W Z2~2£?%£5?. l £j£tlCarrie, i -™* Lii ? = she ^"S^S »,» ^ e ! £««y *** ** irrevocable ring was on This was her whim ; we spected it was her command. ; as w prepared to suppiv to order, made ic of the beat material, and ironed in | chair, playing with a fan of red feathers ne r finder, "pr^nfir"" Mr'5os'ner"CTii; COT" land veiling those eyes of hers under; expected it the most tho; pairing done prompt B tiniKM to jive his personal attention to Black- 1 .v,^- th ]Q\^ d «w»onin<y laches smithing in all its branches, and guarantees good t - satisfaction in his work. Wagon Shop cOTver of sassai St. near the Iron Creek Bridge. "" may, wc all pr^-~~?3>d Bet > the DentlMtry ! at Old Pricex ! : DlDS KELLOGO. for eighteen ^veaas a successful practitioner at Fort Plain. X. Y. Halfsetaot'teeth as low a. S55. AM piates by suction—no more clasps to destroy the natural teeth. Ku'ober. Am- ber Base, or Caoutchoue plates very cheap! Old plates refitted to he as g-"^ as new. Suction plates given in exchange for old clasp plates. Teeth filled from avt... to Sl.OO. Teeth extracted with- out the least pain. All operations warranted. X. B. Cash paid for «!! kinds of old gold or ver. Fort Plain. April 30. 1S63. -;:• THE HEARSE Villaste. i^ n o w i n my charge for iis use will always rind me at the Ctgsr Store in Church street, and be promptly at- tended to. KARXEST GROFFMA'X. :Graham. H e s a w m them acts oradora Canajoharie, June 17, 18€2. uitf was the object, not which tne his mrong oi whole sou'. T"* jL.ioi , r..,,"ij,xr & vo.. cat supply tha Xi. Ladi-> with every thing they "can wish Ss> w«aV,£r«Qt Bo=2ets to Shoc-s. Also ,-. fr.'.: ,. ,. . . •flaortment >f Hoiiw- Furnishing and Domes- : WOrsaiptrs, Dy tic Goods, ct.nsttutly on hand. Call early to seemed absorbed ; and yet. throughout ' r U"T'.-!""^~-^" !the C7esi "S- she ^ !e? -y **&** |himaiook. SttW^.^W^l^?^^'. ^>"-1"'"I am not gojoit to spoilhim," was t>5 Bets, Jocki-ys, Childrens Hats, '.ndies', ° * Caps, H-ad-dr'-sse.-, Hair Nets, P.ih'.mns, .her reply to a fetct remonstrance of 0«",*l», « 3 | s * ^ > «m«J IWa Trim«V.in«. iust! ml^o a t A c h ? p<:e nvon,eot ; "as lone as received at K. DISKEXDORF & < Vs. i, ' , . , , L " aoiti he does not complain, I shall take mv rain, as contraband, corkicg, riding-boot, and ligatures tumbled across th« tent.in a heap, and the one-legged officer foil back on his pallet, convulsed with spas- modic laughter. At this moment the Mr. Temple Gtahara struck me as, sa ; te of drawing-rooms, and placed <*°<> r opened, and a lieutenant entered, tbe handsomest man I had ever seeD; Li>y ; n v -bat we laughingly called a j " G' wa y f ^ me—g - way fum me— but I doubt if he saw me, for he had ^ g e attitude. Two huge old tapestried ; lemrae be ! I ; no eyes except for Lily. He sat by . c hairs stood in niches in two corners of; no ffi13 ' her side, or he hung over her chair, the: tii€ rco=; _ Trr 9 d r c w . out ^ a=d x ^ t . : whole evening; and yet she scareiv ^ jj er i a it ^ g roU pi D g ourselves around vouchsafed him a word. The next day her as artistically as wc could ; and ; it was just the same. We had a pic-nic, w - aea we v ad fl-L>hcd, we locked to see and the whole party spent the day in t n e effect. AH was perfect, save that the open air. It was not until night: we were Te >;ed at the color the bride- i that, we returned, and then a supper e . ect nad turDed . Helen, she had more •was laid out al frtsco. and the trees. .«., a-pc^^sce of a spirit risen from the tomb than that of a living person ; and I remember to this day that it struck a cbill through osall. rlad >t not beer, for the sudden and bustling j tion towards ooe whom he thought'entrance of Sir William Dartiaonth. ' worthy of »ny amotiot of wo^bip ; it -j^ £l iXlCb -s-ould have become painful. Hut he came 10 with a oevy of gentleman-friends round hint, ostensibly to ask if; ottr decks and watches all agreed with his. or if his bad played ertions. but hirn a trick. | or i# born on leaving her carriage, and soon be- came comfo shopping it she started homward in a cooi wind; i *l»I(- r-'-- ..«*•','* *V«, a».n,'r,; M ";A,, » \ n MSAAVW1 I aaaj»,> vaaVVsaVU u a ^ « - , • j. , . , . ., „ ._„ «vvwa>s- . time and with all available precaution ; A gentleman who came from Tioga Cc- Pennsyhraaa r on Saturday iast, in- formed us that the citizens of Rutland,' sjre »j conservatories, and terraces all lighted 'Applicants with colored lamps. Still were all these bcu'.'.tits lost on Mr. Temple i.emme be i I ain't done yelled tbe contraband, lustily, and rushing to the door, really supposing ihci hi had puiitd his mssitr's leg dean off. " Lemmy go ! I didn't do nuffin— g'wav • g'way ! " And Jimmy put for the woods in his desperation, since he hasn't been seen or heard from, though his captaio has diligently sought for aim far and near. Jiracay was a good serv- ant, but we never before were treated to a sight of a thoroughly fiighte.ied We find in the Banker's Magazine, for I March, a letter from the Director of j the United States Mint, in amswer to ItS ex- ! „^«,*asT, ifwniirl^a •• tn thtx rmwirv arad .— —^ .. r —- ,, . peases ; I saw them take property aromj^oe Q e American coin—gold and Friends. I was amazed at beholding j jj^er. The writer says that since self a little chilly, she walked rapidly ; »u this ; and I heard » voice proclaim. 1 1 837 aj.j^rt-;.-- r - sre gol(1 ^ aH i ; .ng -.-"This power shall not always: ^ coha Ls ^ w . tenthSt or n i t K h u n d r e d j «** « " f « &*™™; o. a plan. Oa , 'ortaMywarm —••- wbileistaiid ; but with it I will chastise My ^ i n a thousand. British gold c o n - 1 ^ which jrows in that v.cinity " " ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ t t * - " * * ^ " * " the ^•Sr,9i6two.tnirdshiathonsa g nd. Bar ' h -, % ^ Z ~ ZTvS, fnhiess of their forefathers. Thou xe.t , d j, ^ mbso!Tltel re . R •„ d r f >^te for fte C«r««e te.. They what is coming upon thy native coun- ncolt atd .^^g t0 take ont cvery { « " f the Mountain Tea. It grows to try. tor their iniquities and the blood of 1 atom cf j ^ . Fn* bars are generallv \ iae '^•gf « « » ^ «W«^» uutf. aiTled" toro 7 "."^ I A&ica ! * «»«^=« * which hu about 953 to " S65, and the exact f.nc- { a f » ^ h f M5 - ' ^ f f ^f sue reacnea nome, cauiea varo, ano w .. „-. A i plant have been gathered by the Rut- died the victim of consumption within 'f 50 5 "P**» me - JDM stomped upon them. The five i*"\ _. * . : / .. th. war This vision u yet for many days. 1 ounces of alloy m a thousand is general-1 ,,,.,. . , , tne year. . , : . . . . , ' , •»_ land sold it to merchants who have mix- A little attention would avert a vast k»d «> »^ea of wntiag it for many. ly srrves-. f •• n . ^ . , c .. amount of human suffering in these re-1 years—until it became such a burden The silver coins arc aine-tcsths purs, gards. Sedentary persons, invalids, and th *t- tor my own relief, I have written j The only instance of debasement from those in feeble health, should go direct- ". : this standard was in 1851. when the »«_•/•••.* * V lUvvllUV.a, stMmt contraband. There is little dou darkey is ; script. running yet.—Boston Trait iy to a nre alter an tonus 01 exercise^ and keep all the garments on for a few minutes; or on an fV.r=r f^-f Tcnnd his Crowd. r-d it with the Chinese teas, which it is 1 said to resemble very much.—Elmira Press. We have for some time been aware of the existence of a large tract of land u Clinton county, oa which genuine-tea KOCSKS IN CiHXA—In Cuius, a man is sot allowed to ouiid a house above his legitimate rank in society. He may acquire a -.nrsc yea.. fc>i they were made three-fourths fine. In | -farm weather, to a" A young u clad in homespun «mj 1853.they were raised, however, to the j" f anything, throw j staadiug ia Court street. Boston, . few j *«**« «*»• »• February. 185o. ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^ additional coverbs. When no; days since, devouring a doughnut, whea| the weight of silver coins by collars j \~~T appreciable moisture is found oc the : he was accosted by one of a dozen gen-' was reduced by act. of Coogress—the ; J S: forehead, the out-doot garraents may be' teeliyPressed idlers w i t h - ; ta.Melfcr W«. rMn^d by frorr, « K 1 Q ^ ^ ft ^ ^ ..^ removed. The great rule b. cool off, " J o t come down ? " j - quarter gra.n, to 192 gra ins . and the , ^ ? ^ ^ , emM ^ u m very slowly, always after the body has: " Yes, guess I have. Gr»at place, I smaOer c o n s in proportion, ia any manner been heated beyond its ! this, ain't it, you • " said the country-; ject was to raake go orainarv temperature. 'man. t Ui •*"'" *— r - w = »..>cr ... *. S.=J— , .._, The moment a man is satisfied he | " T i s so ! HoWs your mam, ?" *k- ; P****. a, it has long been in English j ^ ' ^ ^ Momed ^ he ^ owns a ! herb is indigenous, says . tion was first called to that his atten- it by a native i his taoie. and no one detects it from the gold com the measure i. , ,, , 3 imported article. A gentleman of the fortune by his own ex- has taken cold, let him do three things.! ed the «>ty bock, bent on sport with, coinage. ^ . tested the Clinton tea ar>d pronounced unless he holds some office. Frst, eat nothing : second, go to bed.' the greeny. T»v.v.xu:w » ABKAKSAS.— " My . in simon pure. If these statements are to some rank, he has no cover cp warm, in a warm room; thi*}. " Well, she's pretty well. *•*• —»|j, w , fc,^, — ^ , , p „ , » , , , ! , , f' ] ml T. iiiHiliiiiii may soon be in- "Temple Graharr. ought to have been !ibcrtv 0 f architecture. Every matter drink as much cold «**» as yo* eaa, or me down on bunoess." ! « o « « " asked a "fatigued, traveller in dependent cf the Celestials. «o far as here at half-past ten.' We all ;;l«r>ced at the clock. It was ten minutes to eleven. The checks of relating to building is the subject of as you want v a? ai ataca hot herb tea; "She did? 32 by the po!*ce. Tb» laws of as vai* caa; aad in three cases out of are you on ! ' What kind of business i ArkiiSis, roadside fi55 * k * tr* own way "Complain ? -.nfA*?^' i 00 ? 14 !'',, Oh. Lilv, such -ITfARRANTI-.D rtarable and r.liuh,- ti:o- .. , , , , . W keepc-R.. in great variety of style and •» that wou! d nardly complain quality for sale at ' mir:. " b u t i s it trcaiir. C. «. BARNES' >w«Iry Store. a mat Isaid; him fairly ? You the bride whiter th ing ; but could Dot well have been 2 n ffi -• L .sd be now the empire detail and enforco, w ^ tl\e . foiw he will be ahaost well in toirty six " Why, she wanted me to come down 1 ,.j ^.^ t %d stranger," replied i greatest precision. t*,e njofif of coo-' hours ; if not, send for an educated and l «o Boston and look round and fis»iata.fi Q^ tea is I Utin. concerned.— Willvtmsport BuU t^iz a ;esiO{er;ce tor a prince of the experienced physician at once v &s asy woman. >4! Ilamliton Isxizr. \o. Tf>. Of Fre- a-r" - V . - . i t - . i T ^ o * * c ' u M a 4 eeta ^evcry Tuesday evening „, at the Masonic Hall. — -**ej ^••."TSTl'aa? it was now the turn of, t'^c f^e ^rst, second, or third rank, of a'; ,: cold'' which does vpX ^ jc-t better" bridesaiaid<;. Yj"c a», ajieed afterwards graodee. or of a mandarin. According : Jtithin forty-e>ji»t avoars, is neither to ought to think yourself the luokiest of ! ^ w c "at'tuaisy felt ourselves g r o w ' to tbe ancient law. the number aud \ be \r!fr* with nor experimented upon eirls to hare ^on si,c'v, a heari, arid yet p :l j c ; and as for Miss Dartmouth, she — A son of the Emerald Isle, meeting a dozen of the bigge* fole«, to educate > ""[. g B t a " ntlemaB told me had , - cowsttyman whose face was not per- cm. and I rather sues* I've got my eyes ; v ^ ^ i •» ! fectly reroewibeTcd. ».fter saluting most "" said the stoasser, tokitw* , . ^ •. !co«Rafly. rtvourpedhis Dame. "Wahh." av- 9 r ma. rcpueo. tne oa em now, ic the whole crowd at a glance Tb«i smdee his O NE CORDkOK WRAPl'IX;; PAPKR, > tvcelvrd :ind fm -"•''' <aV apd 9 *3 BC5H ,\- STAKK(»RD. D TJED FRUITS, YANKEE NOTIONS aad Ccufectionarj, at .'ebl9 FINEHCUrs. quite to _ aDce.' She langhed. ••Silly creature," she called me. "wore it aot for that devotion, do yon think I would look at him f Xot 1! no, nor at any man with five times his. height of the apartments, the \en£tj» • my, gooti gracious, woman, " what do you reckon one bar , me, and whispered, '.ad height of » V'" : \i^, .s» ail regu- ! —Begin your life-work he' arm, "Good Heavens! lated «it^ ^reewton, from the plain! sad to be sowing your seed when you doughnut. „::A,.A Jon e>--^-' C.J^C clutching ray and he w ilkcd borne in the dark w't^ catsicn to the manda: • aext moment he had the edgestone to I , , _ . . v ^„ . . ^, , , . "* rel of whiskey is to tne and mv .-'.:- » himself, where he q**trj finshed M . ,.^ whc . ^ . ^ _ t rf ^ & ,.. a!! those jewels or> h:a and from the should be reaping JOJJI harvest. •was the answer. " Walsh. Walsh."' re- p_ 'spooded Prtdy. " are ye-not from Dnb- iin ? I knew two old uixid* there of •that reune—was eitntrr of tbew yer mandarin an to the Of course, as the tea minutes passed, slowly, one by or.e, wc counted each more breathlessly, and then eleven' Tir'ue emperor himself. U —1 i —Jim rarton, biographer of Greeley mother ?" WOT A DoawAOCLEi m.Tj»rL.—" Be-! and other celehritaea, is getting op « -r —joses thhsks that, instead Of giving j ^^^ the io' is stronger than the iail. \ —- of Gen. Butler, "ia fascj colors." | —There are times ai>i ci'CJm«t»r!ces — Cherish patience as your favorite | credit to whom credit is due, the cashj \{ j,e WMn't. the tail would wutfle the> . . « . . _, Z^L. t-^«. j ia which not to speak oat is at least to fa* ^^ » -Mu*e*y is a gaii to rotoe. IC^H^ 9 I * 1 »1 «1 II 1 T -B s I i ' m ,9 Mi SB -.1 al 1 531 iSJ i 1 SI 3 I 1 a ;|1 ^S"-^»saBK jaig IH I 1 1 I I i 1 1 ml 1 had better be paid. Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com
Page 1: Always remember !! Square meals Make round people 24/Canajoharie NY... · 2017. 7. 14. · X • TAX-PAYEES' J0UENA1 U published every THURSDAY. at Canajoharie. | Montgomery Co.,


TAX-PAYEES' J0UENA1 U published every THURSDAY. at Canajoharie. |

Montgomery Co., N. Y.

AEKELL & ALLEH, Proprietors. OJUt in Stajfwd MOCK, third fiour. Vmhmmrt \r* |

Canal Strut,

T B K X S - — T o Mail and Village Subscribers, one j doiiax aaai i s y " " a * s'-ic'Jy ia .dvance.

A D T « E T I » I S G . — O n * square, a n t insertion, fifty j cents; every subsequent insertion, twenty-l ive cants. Advertising by the quarter, half or whole I column a* per agreement. Business card* not ex­ceeding tour line*, three dollars per year. Ad­vertisements from transient persona must oe p^id for in advance.

P S I X T I I C lz all its branches, executed with neatness and dis-

•~atch, and on reasonable terms, at this OtSce.

, . « . »Bm-PT.T- L. F . ALLZX.

mm •B • «.:,'

Business Cards. P y t h a g o r a s W e t m o r e .

Attorcc-v and Counselor at Law. Odsce in Canal Street, up stairs, Canajoharie.

B . & A . S n i i l i i . Dealer in Dry Goods. Groceries, Iron. Coal. S a l t , : '

riah. ccc . at the old stand of Smith & Co.

Jltt gttdmiifoat £amils gsnrtal tsi &mml and |taal pfaielHgetitta j gnratttttt, M ^httihtmu J t e .


F r e d e r i c k U s e , Has always on hand the various kinds of Crackers .

• • » • « « • , - « > . . •

anc otnor n:a;er:ais to ueiouuu *, i>*»»*rM3».— ; Bakery two doors south of Spraker Bank.

. Z i H o r a c e B a r n e s .

Dealer in Coach, Saddlery. Genera! Hardware. . I—.-. Steal. Nails. Sash, "Doors, BUnds, Groce­ries, & c , Canajo:iarie.

— j J. V. C o a o v e r .

Wagon and Sieigh Maimer. Carriage Trimmings. • Painting and Biacksmithipg done to order.— ; Shop on Main Street, Canajoharie.

J . 5 1 . D a v i s , Dealer in Tin-ware and Stoves. Church Street,

Canajoharie. All business done in his line with promptness.

U e e * St, D u n c k e l , jSttorEe^s *. *i Counselors at Law, Canajoharie.

N. V. Ofice in Masonic Block. A. H U E S . H. DrxcEBL.

s m i t h & K i m b a l l , A.tcraeys and Counselors at Law. Canajoharie, I

N. Y. 0 £ c e over Clinton failing's Store. G E O S C E S X I T H . <j. K hltxsiLL. ,

H a w l e y , DaJer in Ready-Made Clothing, Hats, Caps,

Jlso Clothing s a d e u fie Canajoharie Bank.

&c. .

^ • ^ " - 1 Deaer and Repairer of all kinds of Watches, |

Cacka. Jewelry , etc., & c , corner of Church ancMain Street, Canajoharie, S . Y .

F . & A. fiirsctaner, Dea'sain Boo't. Shoes, Leather. Pegs, &.c. Also

Kinsir." Store. Church Street. Canajoharie.— Coabm'work done with dispatch. j

J o h n / • • ? -r'umishes ail kinds of Refreshments, :•

4 c . at the Locher House, corner of Church m-d Mai" Street, Canajoharie. y?

W i l l i a m J . A b e l l n ? , Dealer in all kinds of Cigars. Tobacco. Snuff.

POETRY. Wouldn't. You Like to Know.

BT JOHX O. S i X I .

I krr„:r - sir: w i t h teeth oi P**.*!.

A a d shoulders white as snow ;

She l ives—eh'. well ,

I raast not xAl— •Wouldn't y o u l i t e to know t

rier satiny Iiw»r i s tro^drotts M»,r, ,

And wavy in i ts Sow ; W h o luisdc it k » s

One iit'.lc tress , •Wouldn't y o u iiite to know ?

Her eyes are fefeM (celestial h o e !)

And dazzling in their glow ; On whom they beam W i t h glowing gleam,

Wouldn't y o o l ike to k n o w t

Her l ips are red and finely w e d

Like roses in their blow ;

What lover s ips

Those dewy l ip s Wouldn't y o u l ike to k n o w !

i i er lingers axb l i k e lilUe* fsir,

W h e n lillies faireatgrow,

Whose hand they jress

W i t h fond ;aress,

Wouldn' t y o u l i k e to k n o w ?

Her foot is steal'!, and has a fail ,

Like snowflakes o n the snow ;

And where i t goes

Beneath the rose, t

Wouldn' t y o u l ike to know I

She has a name , the sweetest n a m e

That language can bestow ;

'Twoold break the speii

If I should t e l l—

Wouldn't y o u l ike to know I

The Faded Violet

W h a t thought i s folded in t h y l e a v e s !

1ISCELLANE0US. Taking Cold.

A Quaker Vision. The Tallow Tree.

The tallow tree, caiied by the Cm-aese " Oo-fiicoa," is of the height and

Japanese Little Folks.

The Hoc. Frank Hall, who was in Japan a few years ago, speaks thus fiavorabiy of the Nipponese children.— The Japanese it will be remembered are heathen ; but what Christian coun­try, with all its ministers, churches, «u»rmru»_ e t<v . c a n s h o w such, r o o d

children ? Mr. Hall says: "Daricg more thai! t half a year's

residence I pas, I have never seen a

attractions, and fifty times his wealth, struck. Not a sound escaped our lips; i '• I choose to be adored, but I don't mean but by de grees the gentlemen in the : ^^^r^r^r^r^^^^t^^^^ j Jo^pa Koag was bora ia the year to adoae." I room slipped iway ; then the matrons j Taking Cold. ( n 6 2 ^ cetident m ^ g , -m fa

Kcartless, ic ir l lcs i !—hzzKlesz »cd dropped - s d u s l ' y off. *H save Mrs. I A careful olocfvi.uv.-e; of the rules laid state of New York, but removed to | appearance of a pear-tree, with'twisted 1 I i £ s * i e c t " 'caieless even on the eve of an event Vaughan. -vho moved nearer to her | d o w n fe t h e foji0wi£:g article, will save Versmcnt, where he died ia 1S46.— ". branches and a large round he»d. The I which was to Hai: her destiny with, one daughter. Then we heard a horse gsl- •oo: i i h t i h h 5 : i d ] i f e I t b c o p i e d f r o o l ¥Js n a r ( > n t s ^ ^ n e : r i b e r g 0 f the « . : trunk is short and thick and the bark .who. or.e -hort month before was a lop down the hill which led up to the H ^ J o u n j a l o f H e a l t h > L ^ g ^ ^ r r i e n i l | h e had a smooth. The le^.es are alternate, and

Experienced pevsicians ia all coun- birth-right membership. He and his resemble those of the black popiar. tries very well known that the immedi- wife (Huldah) were both ministers and The blossom is yellow ; but the most i te cause of a vast unmber of cases of high! disease and death is a

lar-rc S!E»' fc 'cold;" it is that farauy, and all of their childr*- became • which is enclosed in a husk iifcs that

complete stranger to her I house, in the direction of the town.— That evening we all inspected her \ We could see from the windows all

Urousseau and her jewels. They were Florence stretched out before us, the | I of the most sumptuous description ; j s»Jaite bouses jtustcutug «o t u e i s s . ><c and Mr. Temple Graham laughingly . could watch the rid,-r galloping away., _ . h : c h n r c s . - a g 5 i : D e o f ^miJi ^ -• mlDkUT.- The f o l l o w ^ vision, though' a-chestnut. Wh*n t V r~iU ~ , ; ~

; covered her with a superb suit of dia- Helen : we saw ^hra galloping back— | it b t h e s p a r t , 0 ? u a p o w d e r . I t w a s M t p r i o t e d ^ ^ ^ p a b l i c ^ . J J w i l h . i h u s k afem i U e , f > s h o w i o g t h wr ^ j ^

i monds. to see how she looked in them, ana he was alone ! ; t 0 a cold taken oa a r«w December day, in a few jcars, was weU known to his grains about the bigness of a filbert — i I shall never forget her. with her rich The news he brought was, that Mr. j t h a t t b e g r e a t Washington owed his f^ily and a number of his friends [ Thise grains contain the beautiful vee-i complexion, her coal-black hair, her Temple Graham had not slept »«Wf<fc -DV. It was a common cold, axn.r4t-: many'years before any part of it w«s« . etable tallow so usefnl to the Chrcsse ; majestic figure, as she sat there, again bed the previous night; that his ier- j b y t h e j3judicicus advice of a friend' fulfilled :—

with the fan n;"g :ph

of red • I ?

the previous r.ijht; that his ier-feathers. vant. knowing he a lv,-ays let himself in! w { j i c } j u&e'md. in thi final Ubess of she shot when out late, had retired to rest,! Washing::


at the never entertaining a doubt as to his j Almost any read-

: The fruit of the tallow tree sjr.-is through

; nearly the same process as the seed of tfca

knew of his! empty room

Even then he

glances of dazzling brilliancy circle round her. master's safety, and oni;

I heard some Italians discussing her • absence on entering th in tbe corner of the room as she sat' early the next morning.

I rnjj, , fancied seme business connected wi "She is undeniably beautiful," said j the wedding had detained him through-

I one ; "but I would not risk my fate iu j out the night at the Villa P . So j )ier hands." hours, valuable hours, were lost in

"You are right," said another ; "mag- i prosecuting a search. : nificent as she iS> it is a ueauty irom oueti a scarce as was rna ie I

er can t:ace the death of some dear friend to a "little cold."

The chief causes of colds are two; first cooling off too soon aftc-r exercise; second, zettine thorot-jrblv chilled while • T.

In the yeat 1803, in the ftsjyta or?—:

. nintb -^onth, I was one day alone in: : cne field, and observed that the sun I «2*»*ts of * »»heel moved backward i shone clear, bat e mist eciipsed its: *D a forward in the trunk of the tree

quarrel between old or young. I have nev»r seen a blow struck, scarcely an angry lace. I have seen the children at their sports, their kites upon the hill, aad any amount of intertangled strings or kites lodged in the trees, but no angry words or impatience. I have seen them intent upon their games of Jackstones or marbles under shaded gateways of the temples, but hive never seen au approach tv quarrel amone them. They t i e taught implicit obedie.Tce to their T>ari»nts, but I have never seen one of them chastised.—

I TT* .. . * „„JS - _ _ . _ ^ ^ n « • . , t t , A -a~&^ ic ka swcac^*ww »w —w - Q — —

universal. A crying child is a rarity seldom seen. We have L-othing to teach them in thi» tespect out of our abundant civilization. I spea«. w^iat a know of the little folks of Japan, for

i more than any other foreigner have I -ibeen amone them. Ot aii thai Japan

holds there is nothing I like half so well as the happy children. I shall always remember their sloe-black eyes and »" ddy brown faces with pleasure.— i have played battledore with the little maidens in the streets, and fiown kites in the fields with as happy a set of boys as one could wish to see. They have



The rcachine by which it is bruised b e e n m-v 8 * ^ " " » ^ ^ 3 s h o W f me where all the streams and potas were, where all the flowers h»y hid in the thicket, where the herriei lay ripen-a »ned like a canoe. \:,nr& with

As I reflected upou aie aiagulaxity of; :r=^r «i«i fixed in the ground. The axis in a state of rtst, without having been ; tfa ^ ^ W J J ^ ^ j ^ ' o f l i a ^ a e e i k attached to a long pole.

i n g 0 2 rHp j iney iav have brought me

that which one shrinks—a beauty one fe*rs." j missing man Florence had never known

shells from th? ocean, sad blossoms from e a r r f e A a a ; <M»1rfh. m&mtt 4 ^ | ^ ; ^ ^ , , ^ t o k m a iwttttat!aa.; which is laden with a heavy weigVt **{'•** *** • P ^ ° « D g t h e = 1 « • J * * * gerous pleurisies, fatal pneumouias, ( i n - - - ^ to ^ ^ w i t o e s s e d ; ^ j | m , suspended from a horizontal b e a m . - ^ ^ ^ J ***• » l«s» bashful grace than a

I young American boy would do. We have hunted the fox-holes together, and looked for the green golden ducks

ever before to have I T e r7 soft, when they are quickly thrown

flamation of the lungs) and deadly fe-i u W , i i t u * • " « m U S u f u i s e u a l i a UlVKleC <

my unirvnanv

vers of the typhoid type. I b r o u g i t ^ ^ d e e p s i l e o c e - x saii ,j> are exposed for s. considerable time to P e r s o n s " "S01™1* h e a I t h d 0 • * ^ ! myself : -"What can aU this mean • I: the action of steam, untjl they become

And one of the elder trioesmaids! before. Every street, every nouse,: cold easily : they can do with impunity: d o S Q t ^go^j^s e v e r ^^^

whispered to me as we went to our rooms; every place under thesun of heaten. j w h a t would be tmtml to the feeble »«i i been sensibie of "such feeUngs." {into layers of straw, COT - - u- - . -: ;fct, "Sh a does not eare a t - j a n d e v e n . . - , :•••..'-,--: - ' ! infirm. Dyspeptic persons take cold; ^ f ^ ^ ^ frota H e = v j n ' with other layers of straw, and spread

'This which thou sees tba a b o u t a l *2u a UJ " PO»«ib!e. Men do

She does not eare a straw ! and even the swift flowing Arno, were \ infirm. Dyspeptic persons take cold , |for h im; it is nothing but gratified . searched : until at last, upon a heap of j readily, but they are not aware of it,! i pride and vanitv She likes his adula-1 wood and dried leaves, some miles out j because its force does not fali on the !*f X5* ' | tion. If he neglected her, she wo kill him." .

j sign of the present coming times. 11 xh'a w I t L l i i e i r f e e { • •** - ^ ****'?»

Pipe* Tobacco Boxes. Snuff Boxes. Matches,' ^ J ^ J tender thought , what speachless pain ! &c. Itere oppo?i*e Canajoharie I5*nlc. i

! of the town, in a lonely spot, as if he ; Jung., but on the liver through the skis, ' ~1_ . ' ~ :ixe T erv I , had crawled there to die, the body of; g j , ^ s i c k headache ; and close ques- i t o o k * « ^r^l^n <* t h » « « * » : " - - '

: from a land of oppression; I placed

I —old t i " i i i^o . ups in mine ,

T h o u darling of t h e April rain 1

4 c Cistora work done will* pro3*.ptiies« ac<i ci ipatci Shop on Mtio Street. CaaijotAne.

R o s e r &, R o b c ? * c ,

I ho ld thy f a - c d l ips to mirje, Thon~h scent and sznre tint are fiea—

, O, dry, a n t e l ips ' . ye are the t y p e P e t e r S k i n n e r . \ o f s i t i n g in m e cold and dead !

Fashionabe Barber and Hair Dresser. Shop in i C. r'ailig's building, (up stairs.) Hair Cutting. | Of something wil ted, like t h y leaves ; ShampAing, &c • done in the latest style. • Qf f r x g r l i n c e floven, of beauty g o n e :

J o l i u s F o x Yet, for the love of those white hands

Wearing apparel. That found t h e e - A p r i l ' s earliest b o r n -

That found thee when thy d e w y m o u t h

As we all separated for the night,; Mr. Temple Graham was found, ljing j tioning wUl soon develope the &ct o f i ^ ^ * oppre«toii, i we missed Lily. TVe wanted to assem- j bathed and stiffening in the blood that j somg unusual bodily effort, followed by \ v"cu' i i r t u a - d a K i = e r e c p » bie in her apartments in proper order had flowed from three deep stiletto- i cooling ofi" rapidly. ^ Forest; I sustained tism, a . -

j in the morning, and we had still a few i stabs in the back. ^ person wakes up some sunny morn-1 *,"*y W " e ™?T* 17™** ! words to say to her; but we could not j [TO BE CONTINUED.] I jug, an<J feels as if he had been pounded | t ^ . ^ t * t°er becarae


I the drawing room

untcered to run Sack to aad see if sne were

*?ifT M M M .

rjshionable Tailor, nvte to order, in the bestand latest styles. Stire on Church Street, (one door south of

Bnsh & Stffbrd's drag store' " ik S S S S T X Y. i W a s purpled as w i t h stains of w i n e -

j For love of hex w h o love forgot,

S . I I . M i l l e r , Wholesaloaad Retail Dealer in Hardwire. Cnt-

lery, Inr. a!id Steel . Carriage Trimmings, Hoose Triasir;"!. &c poaite theKidredge House. Canajoharie.

I fold thy faded l ips to m i n e !

That thoushoc' .dst li»e w h e n i a m dead,

&c , Mohawk Street, op- | Tc^i.^ nate Li dead, for rae, and w r o n g ,

A Frightened Contraband. . j cle sore, and a single step cannot Se ta-

thcre ; and "as I did so, I met her at the I A letter received from an array cor-1 k e Q w i t h o a t difficulty or actual pain.— door, her hands full of her jewel-cases, respondent on tne Kappahannock relates , R e f l e c t w i U b r i n g o u t ^ ^ unwont-

"I was just saying good-by to Mr.: the followtng cam? incident: . ed exercise, and a subsequent cooling off Temple Graham." said she; "he is so j An amusing incident occurred in camp before knowing it—as working in the absurd, he would not bid me farewell j * night or two since. A portly young j e a r d e n i n t h e spring.time ; shewing new before all the sticsts." ; contraband, from Charleston S. C., who I sttnala how t 0 do_

"And farewell for so long •/' I ex-1 escaped from his rebel master at Antie-! A y 0 Q E g M j r o s e f r o o h e r ^ o n a

' tarn, and was for awhile quartered sub- N o T e m b e r ^ ^ ^ l e a n e d h e r s r a o n

sequently in Washington, was engaged ^ CQ ,d w i a d o w . s i l l t 0 l i s t e n to a XI.

sse« *r-. JJerciiant Caiior. Church

Street. Canajoharie.— Wearin" »»-psrei mace to order, in the most «DpTovec£-yle. Shop one door South of C. ( i . f ames ' Jewelry Store.

For this I nse m y sublest art, ' For th is I foM thee in my song.

W i l l i a m H a t t e r , Dea'»r in Keady-Hadc Clothing. Sata. Ca?^. &C. j

Aao Clothing'made to order. French. English • aai American (roods received monthly, i n o p ose door north of the Canajoharie Fank.



claimed, laughing. "Farewell till the momentous morn,"

I she returned, l ightly; and then we j joined the five young girls who were : waiting for us in Lily's room.

The momin" dn^sed at last—bright' *" ! u a J 7-"~ ' ; as a bridal morning ought to be, besuii- -T7 gaii2n:iy ; ful as only an Italian morning can be

inior st flT was

2£ KU


" * V V .

body servant, and brought down here to his quarters to attend him. Itchanc-

BaCCI Sasu > c i h c u aas COtau-

at Sharpsbur^. where he lost a leg. below the knee, the absence

; and we were all up with the dawn, in j of which had been made up by an arti-1 ^ ~ t... I spite of our vigils. We decked Lily j fi«al limb, which the captain wore with ; o n a ^ o r ^ fc I Vauzban in her snowy array,

enade. Next morning she bad pneumo-nia, and suffered the horrors of asthma . « » ? « b y t e i « * » « ^ for the remainder of a long life.

health and V' . — - - — - • - - - :—• =•

1 they were harcble I blessed thtm and a numerous

Tfci the» *>*ve becotrse nroud, and have forgotteD Me, who nourished them and protected them in the wilder­ness, and are ranoiag iuto every abum-: ination and evil practice of which the old countries are geilty. aad have taken; quietude from the land and suffered a dividing spirit to ccme among them— lift up thiae eyes and behold." And I saw them dividing ia great heat. The' division began in the Churches on poists of doctrine; it commenced in

and went through tbe various religious denomina-

andk of course, warily trodden upon, the operation bears a resemblance to dsrjcinir The ar^ear-! ance of a number of meD grave!' and • carefully performing sundry evolutions on their toes, has been described as ir­resistibly ludicrous, particularly as it is « * w . ^ . . i ^ . i i wj "••"•'" j oy VMIS pro­cess large cakes are formed of the ming­led grains and straw. The cakes thus formed are afterward pressed.

The tallow is hard and whits, and has all the properties of that obtained irofn asrjim*!*. ^hre 0 Tv%unds "^ wA*»a_ table oil are mixed with every ten pounds of the tallow, and a quantity oi wax is used to give, consistence.

The best candles are also coated with • wax. WLen property prepared thej

among the hedges. Tney have laughed -it my broken Japanese, and taught me better, and for a happy, good-natured set of children, I will turn out my Jap­anese friends against the world. God bless the boys and girls of Xiphon."

A Segro Marriage.

This form of marriage actually took place between two negroes with a negro minister, at Live Creek, Ga., and is the form generally used there :

" Here is a cctrrie who have walked oat to-night, wishing to be jinsd in, and thro love, and wishing all dera dat have anything twixen dem cum forward and speak now, if not, let dem hokl dar peace now and forevermore. I wants jverv ear to hear and every heart to enjoy.

" Mr. Jim Thompson, whomsoever stands fastly by your left side, do you take her for your dearly-beloved wife •* Tiic C" b?r through, sickress ^nd

l i f e ; "

and we so easy a grace that


'See him," said Lily ; "for I do not j j ^ eathed her lovely temples—you can \ » e t him suspected his misfortune—his , r e : a 0 T i D g t n e o a t e r dothrng. , how lovely she must have beer.!— i sable attendant being among the blissful; ^ . t h e d r e s i > f o r , m

rarmcrs wives lose _. .. _ . _ . a t effects were the same. Those who dis-

everv year i s cne or two ways; by busv- i"-"*"5 " c i c l u c *axu*- * v^' ~ ^ , ~ iug themselves ia a warm kitchen unt i l ! I M M d w e D t cS wlia f * *"*

then throwing themselves: t a a n t i a- b =« = 1 8 e - a a d t h < * w b o k e P s

without covering a u d ; t 0 t h e i r oli&*1 s e E t i a « a r t s fi??«^ few persons ^ho | h i n a r o o m ^.j^ fire . M b ? . exercisea and sorrowful. And wnes

bum almost without smoke, and are free j - r o u g h health, safe and be safe, holy t— A: vi _>i T» .n. -u,_ land be holv. loving and be loTmg? Do

you love her % L\) you love her father * disagrcs

K i r b y H a u c c . T!si Hotel is the first on entering Canajoharie Til- , . . .

,'--s. at the .'cot of Cans! S»reet 0~y) a~v>m.! He was introduced to us oy uur liost, blossoms, heavy with fragrance; and ^ t i o n »d attendance. All the Su»i stop j S i w ; a i a m Dartmouth,—an old friend t h e n we asked for some of her jewels at this Hotel. l*iverv *oimec.<*» with toe ; '^^ * . T -

Hocae. T. W. HiyGaa.«, Proprietor. I 0f mamma's, and, in fact, a sort of I do not know how it was, but we j «**- Lpon retiring, he called rns dar irVWetiii«»Te, : guardian of mine,—and casually named w e r e a l ! s t r a c k w i t h a sudden silence ! **v servant to assist him in pulUng off: ^

Attorney. Proctor. SoUcitor,ConnselorandAdTo-i as a gentleman in search of a wife to w j j e n s\ie answered. ! his riding-boots. • and District i j i.:„ (•„... , v^ ,^~ l « T.M» f r him.: .^r rn : . i-_-t. • .1 * » " Now, Jimmy, look sharp," said

' Ise ailtrs keerfti

or perhaps . - - . . . - „ . ..... . . . . jiore common

pretend to be able to describe people. I w r e a t h e d them with freshest orange- j ignorant as to the existence of the fact.; Q a e M s o o n ^ thej e n t e , ; h e n o n s e jjp - • • • • - ' - - - • • - - l iost , :s o l o f f l o m S i fceavv w i t h f r a s r r a r l c e ; and! The captain had been "out to dine," ; ^ w a l k i n g c r w 0 r k i 3 g . Tbe r d e

- " : ' '• = s> should be invariable to go at once to a warm room, and keep on all the cloth-

at least for fire or tec minutes, un­til the forehead is perfectly dry. In all weathers, if TOO have to walk and ride

Mr. Temple Graham !" I echoed; captain. " ise aiitrs keerfui, cap n, ; a n y o w t | / o n d o t h e ^ ^ first, why, I thought I saw your hands full : says Smmj, draw.cg off one long wet , A n e D g i o e e r fa l h e T i g o r o{uao-DO<^,

j of the c?ses last night V , boot, with considerable difficulty, and : hn^ht ^ n ^^^ ^ - m b M t ^

ces-ary for the e«e and comfort of the traTel- " - • •"»«'• - - - * - ; x i i *> a i m o s t | "Of -the cases, yes," she replied ; (standing it aside. ! ease through a cold taken by standing er. Stagesieare this Hoose daii^ior^Sharw.speajyngaioud: for I was disappointed "but those costly iewels ought not t o : " N o w mine your eye—Jim: The


pens that the candles prepared with vegetable tallow bom with a great flame, throw out much smoke, and con­sume quickly ; but this is attributed to a slovenly and dirty mode of prepara­tion and to the nature of the wick, which is u«uaiiy made of a dry and light wood, not much unlike the wick of a rushlight. Candles made of thit

: tallow by Europeans have been fount

•Urt J!rylMM »„:..;* (.nt^r**? f§ie &v»»^rs» lasrniHvM—c* -a*—* t - « ; i - . * vi*c — j-~m.j

of Friends, it raged in a high a degree as in any I had noticed or before dis­covered ; and, as before, thor. who separated went on witn ictty look* anc • . . . . .

V • * m- ' *ery neariv equal to tnose made oi wax and tauuttr^nnrrmgrangtage. Those; ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ &

wno kept laetr aociest pnectpies rtt.reG

cate in the United States Circuit i :"ft- ,<':_w-.r' /". tO ©TO*CCT>t# Gov«^nen1Upepd h i s f o u r ^ o 0 * 3 1 ^ a J^7 (oT him- j "Mr. Temple Graham has them a!'.

by themselves. It next appeared in the t ^ extensive plains and in regular order.

T?^,.-, « - . - w

.Clahns, hand and Pension Agency, & c , at Can- I J t h o u g h t I c o u l d m a n a g e SO d o t n a t : •a johar ie . .VY. for h ^ ^ ^ ^ , ^ h ; m _ T h e r e I i (

E l d r c d s e H o u s e . ^ t b e whole story." Tnis Commodious Hote l has eTery attraction ne- i . v n hear* in : * **•

out in appearance like a volcano, ina*-moch as it set the country in an uproar for a time.

Then it entered politics thrcnthout:

leaves being either of a deep purplt or bruliaDt red, and the btossoiiis oTal bright yehow; the contrast is said t o * * 5 M a l 7 **l7 b ? ^ r * f r

t. . - 'A-= .«•..». j -s<_ Tshall pronounce you both to be i

! ropean travelers have described the

Schoharie, and other poin' Proprietor. Canajoharie. Otner—ic—is a nine tizac. ana black

groves of taosc trees as the most beau-oaaz inc floor as soon as he* left his i * * United Sutes. and did aot stop; l i f Q j objects of a Chinese randscape.—

Mrs. C i i lders l eeve , Continnes to jrire Lessons on the Piano Forte.Me-

lodeon and Organ. HaTing a knowledfe of Thorough-Sase, she engages that her r.ipils. with care and strict attention, shall "become adepts in the Science of Mnsic. HeV residence is on Front Street.

Wai i icn

M at tne »e*j *.*»<... r « . . — — - ; oe mine lUsUi a am «i*» w „ c *i»ver ,^^ , — i rjea »Q tne momiiig there appeared to be in the arrange- i ceremony, he wiii adorn me with them Jinmy chuckled and shewed his shining ; h i m s e ] f M a n y a f a r m e r - s w l f c „ meat, and Liiy shrugged her shoulders.:

hir3SClf." | ^ory . as he reflected, perhaps, that his j > h t e T ^ l o s t h e r m b v g U D d i l ; g

TVe all looked *t her with a feeling master was quite as "tight" as he deem- j ^ a " d a _ p S c o . houn ^ ^ o a ^ ^

of awe, so proud in heart, so majestic i ed his boots to oe. , , in person, yet without an ornament of' "Easy, now—thafs it. Pull away !"

but as long as Mr.: a D y sort o r kind to accompany her ex- i continued the captain, good-naturedly. . .«;• , . I>. El l i t faorp, i Temple Graham considers me perfec-; traordinary beaatv ; add to it yoo could i a » i enjoying the prospective joke, while

Sole A jei .t in Cana^harie and Palatine. :or A i . c n ; £ ^ , , I , " :»»« l ~ x , P n e d t h e s trarjs a b o u t h i s w a i s t & Soia (Vermont] Rooting Slate, is now pre- : l»OU, a a m i j u i t c x n i s A s , j j o i . pared to execute au orders in Siate Roofing. T } , a t eTeQjDjr I saw Mr. Temple1 j j . Temple Grahaaj, therefore, was which held his cork leg u p — " n w you've

to come to the hoose, and join the got i t ! Yip—there you are ! Ob, lord.

•I don*t feel quite the sort of a girl for ' red-hot love-match," she return­ed, with- the usual sarcastic smile on' her beautiful lips ;

ing days. An estimable lady, farmer-swife,bus.;*roon»rc l' i ca l P ° w e r 5P r a E? °P' took

ied herself in household affair, on , the goTernment of the stotes, establish-iate in the afternoon, «* »>VJoaal religion, and made aE

«x-irtie« tributary to snonort

rrntii i t p r o d u c e d a c i v i i w a r . A n T«.W*rr«o » « r ^rrm- v » . » - er .~»«f f !»»r- 5 p .

abundance of blood was shed in the course of the contest; the Southern states lost their power, and slavery was aanihiiated from thei: borders. Then; The Vaine af United Stotes Coitt

J. AA to *s, \ . i_ u u o > i v •' sXitarad W » W \ , V J J . » , . • Asa>

climatized in Algeria ; it requires no care or watering;.

Do you love her brothers? Do you love her master ? Do you love her sis­ter? Do you love her mistress? Do you love God the best ?

" Answer—' I w3! . T

" Miss Mary Thompson, whomsoever stands lastly by yosar side, io you take to be your dearty-beioved husband, to wait on him thro' conflution, safe and be safe, holy and be holy : Do you love his mother ? Do you love his sistor ? Do you love God the best ?

Answer—' I will. ' I shsil "renounce Mr. Jim to hold

. £ ? a . ,_ , i • T — \ , a.

man and wife by the Comraandmets of God ? We *aali have hopes antt trustings through God thai yoo maT live right, that you die right, jow aiid forevermore. Sow Mr. Jim, slew your bride.

" L e t u s s i n g a h i m e :

H a n d e d i a a 5*t f o f dark despa ir ,

Ye w r e t c i e s i s igners i r e , & « . ,

Amen." r>

srith promptness, neatness and unfailingdnrabil-ity.—All R0061 warranted. Parties supplied Graham, and was introduced to him as

^with.Slate on the shortest notice.

.if 3 s h e r .

lone of the bridesmaids. It was Sir bridal party there. He was to bring oh, lord • oh, lord -r' screamed thecap-

summer's day «?.v:i.at p e r s y t r e u is ^uuu uooa, oiau •JCU*£

weary, she rode to town in an open ve­hicle, to do some shopping ; finding her

Tes Growing ia Pwrrsyirasia,

E. C . Mast ier . i William Dartmouth who presented me, bacl; the jewels, and not present them WZ2~2£?%£5?.l£j£tlCarrie, i - ™ * L i i ? = s h e * » ^ " S ^ S » , » ^ e ! £ « « y *** ** irrevocable ring was on

This was her whim ; we spected it was her command.

; as

w prepared to suppiv to order, made ic of the beat material, and ironed in | chair, playing with a fan of red feathers n e r finder,

"pr^nfir"" Mr'5os'ner"CTii; COT" land veiling those eyes of hers under; expected it the most tho; pairing done prompt B tiniKM to j i v e his personal attention to Black- 1 . v , ^ - th ]Q\^ 2 « d «w»onin<y l a c h e s smithing in all its branches, and guarantees good t -satisfaction in his work. Wagon Shop cOTver of sassai S t . near the Iron Creek Bridge. ""

may, wc all pr^-~~?3>d Bet

> the

DentlMtry ! a t Old P r i c e x ! : D l D S KELLOGO. for eighteen

^veaas a successful practitioner at Fort Plain. X. Y. Halfsetaot'teeth

as low a. S55. AM piates by suction—no more clasps to destroy the natural teeth. Ku'ober. Am­ber Base, or Caoutchoue plates very cheap! Old plates refitted to he as g-"^ as new. Suction plates given in exchange for old clasp plates. Teeth filled from avt. . . to Sl.OO. Teeth extracted with­out the least pain. All operations warranted.

X. B. Cash paid for «!! kinds of old gold or ver. Fort Plain. April 30. 1S63.

- ; : •


Villaste. i^ n o w in my charge for i is use will a lways rind me at the Ctgsr Store in Church street, and be prompt ly at­t ended to. KARXEST GROFFMA'X. : G r a h a m . H e s a w m t h e m a c t s o r a d o r a

Canajoharie, J u n e 17, 18€2. u i t f

w a s the object, not which

tne his

mrong oi whole sou'.

T"* jL.ioi ,r..,,"ij,xr & v o . . c a t s u p p l y tha X i . Ladi-> w i th every th ing they "can w i s h Ss> w«aV,£r«Qt B o = 2 e t s to Shoc-s. Also ,-. fr.'.: , . , . . . •flaortment >f Hoiiw- Furnishing and D o m e s - : WOrsaiptrs , Dy tic Goods, c t .ns t tut ly on hand. Call early to s e e m e d a b s o r b e d ; a n d y e t . t h r o u g h o u t

' r U " T ' . - ! " " ^ ~ - ^ " !the C7es i"S- she ^ ! e ?-y **&**

|himaiook. SttW^.^W^l^?^^'. ^>"-1"'"I am not gojoit to spoilhim," was t>5 Bets, Jocki-ys, Childrens Hats, ' .ndies ' , ° * • Caps, H-ad-dr'-sse.-, Hair Nets, P.ih'.mns, .her reply to a fetct remonstrance of 0 « " , * l » , « 3 | s * ^ > «m«J I W a Trim«V.in«. i u s t ! m l ^ o a t A c h ? p < : e n v o n , e o t ; " a s l o n e as rece ived at K. DISKEXDORF & < V s . i , ' , . , , „ L "

aoiti he does not complain, I shall take mv

rain, as contraband, corkicg, riding-boot, and ligatures tumbled across th« tent.in a heap, and the one-legged officer foil back on his pallet, convulsed with spas­modic laughter. At this moment the

Mr. Temple Gtahara struck me a s , s a ; t e o f drawing-rooms, and placed <*°<>r opened, and a lieutenant entered, tbe handsomest man I had ever seeD; Li>y ; n v-bat we laughingly called a j " G' w a y f^ me—g -way fum me— but I doubt if he saw me, for he had ^ g e attitude. Two huge old tapestried ; lemrae be ! I

; no eyes except for Lily. He sat by . chairs stood in niches in two corners of; noffi13' her side, or he hung over her chair, the: tii€ r c o = ; _ Trr9 d r c w . o u t ^ a = d x^t.

: whole evening; and yet she scareiv ^ j j e r i a it^ g r o UpiDg ourselves around vouchsafed him a word. The next day h e r a s artistically as wc could ; and

; it was just the same. We had a pic-nic, w - a e a w e v a d fl-L>hcd, we locked to see and the whole party spent the day in t n e effect. AH was perfect, save that the open air. It was not until night: w e w e r e Te>;ed at the color the bride-

i that, we returned, and then a supper e . e c t n a d t u r D e d . Helen, she had more •was laid out al frtsco. and the trees. .«., a-pc^^sce of a spirit risen from

the tomb than that of a living person ; and I remember to this day that it struck a cbill through osal l . rlad >t not beer, for the sudden and bustling

j tion towards ooe whom he thought'entrance of Sir William Dartiaonth. ' worthy of »ny amotiot of wo^bip ; it - j ^ £liXlCb -s-ould have become painful.

Hut he came 10 with a oevy of gentleman-friends round hint, ostensibly to ask if; ottr decks and watches all agreed with his. or if his bad played ertions. but hirn a trick. | or i# born

on leaving her carriage, and soon be­came comfo shopping it she started homward in a cooi wind; i * l » I ( - r-'-- . . « * • ' , ' * * V « , a » . n , ' r , ; M " ; A , , » \ n MSAAVW1 I aaaj»,> v a a V V s a V U u a ^ « - , • j . , . — , . . , „ . _ „ « v v w a > s - .

time and with all available precaution ;

A gentleman who came from Tioga C c - Pennsyhraaar on Saturday iast, in­formed us that the citizens of Rutland,'


»j conservatories, and terraces all lighted 'Applicants with colored lamps. Still were all

these bcu'.'.tits lost on Mr. Temple

i.emme be i I ain't done yelled tbe contraband, lustily,

and rushing to the door, really supposing ihci hi had puiitd his mssitr's leg dean off. " Lemmy go ! I didn't do nuffin— g'wav • g'way ! " And Jimmy put for the woods in his desperation, since he hasn't been seen or heard from, though his captaio has diligently sought for aim far and near. Jiracay was a good serv­ant, but we never before were treated to a sight of a thoroughly fiighte.ied

We find in the Banker's Magazine, for I March, a letter from the Director of j the United States Mint, in amswer to

ItS e x - ! „^«,*asT, ifwniirl^a • • tn thtx rmwirv arad — . — —^ — .. r—- ,, . peases ; I saw them take property a r o m j ^ o e Qe American coin—gold and Friends. I was amazed at beholding j jj^er. The writer says that since

self a little chilly, she walked rapidly ; »u this ; and I heard » voice proclaim. 1 1 8 3 7 a j . j ^ r t - ; . - - r - s r e g o l ( 1 ^ a H i ; .ng -.-"This power shall not always: c o h a Ls ^w.tenthSt o r n i t K h u n d r e d j « * * « " f « &*™™; o. a plan. Oa

, 'ortaMywarm —••- wbileistaiid ; but with it I will chastise My ^ i n a thousand. British gold c o n - 1 ^ which jrows in that v.cinity

" " ' • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • t t ™ * - " * * ^ " * ™ " t h e ^ • S r , 9 i 6 t w o . t n i r d s h i a t h o n s a g n d . Bar ' h - , % ^ Z ~ ZTvS, fnhiess of their forefathers. Thou xe . t , d j , ^ m b s o ! T l t e l r e . R •„ d r f > ^ t e for fte C«r««e te.. They what is coming upon thy native coun- n c o l t a t d . ^ ^ g t 0 t a k e o n t c v e r y { « " f the Mountain Tea. It grows to try. tor their iniquities and the blood of 1 a t o m c f j ^ . F n * bars are generallv \iae ' ^ • g f « « » ^ « W « ^ » u u t f .

aiTled" toro7"."^ I A & i c a ! * « » « ^ = « * which h u • a b o u t 953 to" S65, and the exact f.nc- { a f » ^ h fM 5- ' ^ f f ^f sue reacnea nome, cauiea varo, ano w .. „- . A i plant have been gathered by the Rut-died the victim of consumption within 'f50™5 " P * * » m e - J D M • stomped upon them. The five i * " \ _. * . : / . . t h . war This vision u yet for many days. 1 ounces of alloy m a thousand is general-1 , , , . , . . , , tne year. . , : . . . . , ' , •»_ land sold it to merchants who have mix-

A little attention would avert a vast k»d «> » ea of wntiag it for many. ly srrves-. f •• n . ^ . , c . . amount of human suffering in these re-1 years—until it became such a burden • The silver coins arc aine-tcsths purs, gards. Sedentary persons, invalids, and th*t- tor my own relief, I have written j The only instance of debasement from those in feeble health, should go direct- ". : this standard was in 1851. when the

»«_•/•••.* * W« V l U v v l l U V . a , s tMmt

contraband. There is little dou darkey is

; script. running yet.—Boston Trait

iy to a nre alter an tonus 01 exercise^ and keep all the garments on for a few minutes; or

on an

fV.r=r f^-f

Tcnnd his Crowd.

r-d it with the Chinese teas, which it is 1 said to resemble very much.—Elmira

Press. We have for some time been aware

of the existence of a large tract of land u Clinton county, oa which genuine-tea

KOCSKS IN CiHXA—In Cuius, a man is sot allowed to ouiid a house above his legitimate rank in society. He may acquire a

-.nrsc yea.. fc>i they were made three-fourths fine. In |

-farm weather, to a" A young u clad in homespun «mj 1853.they were raised, however, to the j " f anything, throw j staadiug ia Court street. Boston, . few j * « * * « « * » • »• February. 185o. ^ ^ ^ * ^ ^ ^ ^

additional coverbs. When no; days since, devouring a doughnut, whea| the weight of silver coins by collars j \~~T appreciable moisture is found oc the :he was accosted by one of a dozen gen-' was reduced by act. of Coogress—the ; J

S : forehead, the out-doot garraents may be' teeliyPressed idlers w i t h - ; ta.Melfcr W « . rMn^d by frorr, « K 1Q ^ ^ ft ^ ^ . . ^ removed. The great rule b. cool off, " J o t come down ? " j - quarter gra.n, to 192 gra in s . and the , ? ^ ^ , e m M ^ u m

very slowly, always after the body has: " Yes, guess I have. Gr»at place, I smaOer cons in proportion, ia any manner been heated beyond its ! this, ain't it, you • " said the country-; ject was to raake go orainarv temperature. 'man. t U i •*"'" * — r - w = »..>cr ... *. S . = J — , . ._,

The moment a man is satisfied he | " T i s so ! HoWs your mam, ?" *k- ; P * * * * . a, it has long been in English j ^ ' ^ ^ Momed „ ^ h e ^

owns a ! herb is indigenous, says . tion was first called to

that his atten-it by a native

i his taoie. and no one detects it from the gold com the measure i . , , , ,

3 imported article. A gentleman of the

fortune by his own ex- has taken cold, let him do three things.! ed the «>ty bock, bent on sport with, coinage. ^ . tested the Clinton tea ar>d pronounced

unless he holds some office. Frst, eat nothing : second, go to bed.' the greeny. T»v.v.xu:w » ABKAKSAS.— " My . in simon pure. If these statements are to some rank, he has no cover cp warm, in a warm room; thi*}. " Well, she's pretty well. *•*• — » | j , w , fc,^, — ^ , , p „ , » , , , ! , , f' ] m l T. iiiHiliiiiii may soon be in-

"Temple Graharr. ought to have been ! i b c r t v 0 f architecture. Every matter drink as much cold «**» as yo* eaa, or me down on bunoess." ! « o « « " asked a "fatigued, traveller in dependent cf the Celestials. «o far as here at half-past ten.'

We all ;;l«r>ced at the clock. It was ten minutes to eleven. The checks of

relating to building is the subject of as you wantv a? ai ataca hot herb tea; "She did? 32 by the po!*ce. Tb» laws of as vai* caa; aad in three cases out of are you on ! '

What kind of business i A r k i i S i s ,


fi55 * k * tr*

own way "Complain ? - . n f A * ? ^ ' i 0 0 ? 1 4 ! ' ' , , Oh. Lilv, such

-ITfARRANTI- .D rtarable and r . l iuh, - t i :o - . . , , , „ , . W keepc-R.. in great variety of s ty le and • » t h a t w o u ! d n a r d l y c o m p l a i n

qua l i ty for sale at ' m i r : . " b u t is i t trca i ir . C. « . B A R N E S ' > w « I r y Store .

a m a t

Isaid; him fairly ? You

the bride whiter th ing ; but

could Dot well have been 2 n ffi -• L.sd be


the empire detail and enforco, w ^ tl\e . foiw he will be ahaost well in toirty six " Why, she wanted me to come down 1 , . j ^ . ^ t % d stranger," replied i greatest precision. t*,e njofif of coo-' hours ; if not, send for an educated and l«o Boston and look round and fis»iata.fi Q ^

t e a i s

I Utin. concerned.— Willvtmsport BuU

t^iz a ;esiO{er;ce tor a prince of the experienced physician at oncev &s asy woman.

>4! I l a m l i t o n Isxizr. \o. Tf>.

Of Fre- a-r" -V.- . i t - . i T ^ o * *c'u M a4eeta ^evcry Tuesday evening „, at t h e Masonic Hal l .

— -**ej ^••."TSTl'aa?

it was now the turn of, t'^c f^e ^rst, second, or third rank, of a'; , : cold'' which does vpX ^ jc-t better" bridesaiaid<;. Yj"c a», ajieed afterwards graodee. or of a mandarin. According : Jtithin forty-e>ji»t avoars, is neither to

ought to think yourself the luokiest of ! ^ w c "at'tuaisy felt ourselves g r o w ' t o t b e ancient law. the number aud \ be \r!fr* with nor experimented upon eirls to hare ^on si,c'v, a heari, arid yet p : lj c ; and as for Miss Dartmouth, she

— A son of the Emerald Isle, meeting a dozen of the bigge* fole«, to educate > ""[. g B t a " n t l e m a B told m e had , - cowsttyman whose face was not per-

cm. and I rather sues* I've got my eyes; v ^ ^ i •» ! fectly reroewibeTcd. ».fter saluting most "" said the stoasser, tokitw* ,. •. !co«Rafly. rtvourpedhis Dame. "Wahh."

av- 9 r ma. rcpueo. tne • oa em now, ic the whole crowd at a glance Tb«i

smdee his

ON E CORDkOK WRAPl ' IX; ; PAPKR, > tvcelvrd :ind fm -"•''' <aV

apd 9*3


DTJED F R U I T S , YANKEE NOTIONS aad Ccufectionarj, at .'ebl9 FINEHCUrs.

quite to _ aDce.'

She langhed. ••Silly creature," she called me.

"wore it aot for that devotion, do yon think I would look at him f Xot 1! no, nor at any man with five times his.

height of the apartments, the \en£tj» •

m y , gooti gracious, woman, " what do you reckon one bar

, me, and whispered, ' . a d height of » V ' " : \ i ^ , . s» ail regu- ! —Begin your life-work he' arm, "Good Heavens! lated « i t^ ^reewton, from the plain! sad to be sowing your seed when you doughnut.

„::A,.A Jon e>--^- ' C.J^C clutching ray and he w ilkcd borne in the dark w ' t ^ catsicn to the manda:

• aext moment he had the edgestone to I , , _ . . v^„ . . ^ , , , . " * rel of whiskey is to tne and mv

.-'.:- » himself, where he q**trj finshed M . , . ^ w h c . ^ . ^ _ t rf ^ & , . .

a!! those jewels or> h:a and from the should be reaping JOJJI harvest.

•was the answer. " Walsh. Walsh."' re-p_ 'spooded Prtdy. " are ye-not from Dnb-

iin ? I knew two old uixid* there of •that reune—was eitntrr of tbew yer

mandarin an to the Of course, as the tea minutes passed,

slowly, one by or.e, wc counted each more breathlessly, and then eleven' Tir'ue

emperor himself. U —1 i —Jim rarton, biographer of Greeley mother ?"

WOT A DoawAOCLEi m.Tj»rL.—" Be-! and other celehritaea, is getting op « —-r —joses thhsks that, instead Of giving j ^^^ the io' is stronger than the iail. \ —- of Gen. Butler, "ia f a s c j colors." | —There are times ai>i ci'CJm«t»r!ces

— Cherish patience as your favorite | credit to whom credit is due, the cashj \{ j,e WMn't. the tail would wutfle the> . . « . . _ , Z^L. t- «. j ia which not to speak oat is at least to fa* ^ ^ » - M u * e * y is a gaii to rotoe. I C ^ H ^


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