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Awareness of why you may be hungry

of 137

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    Awareness Journal


    Michelle May, M.D.


    Phoenix, Arizona

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    Am I Hungry? Awareness Journal Copyright 2005, Michelle May, M.D.

    Am I Hungry? is a trademark of Am I Hungry?, P.L.L.C. Visit their website at www.AmIHungry.com for more resources. Graphics designed by Norma Strange Fitness illustrations by Bill Riddle, IV All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or any other, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without the prior written permission from the publisher. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 2005905953 ISBN 978-09760444-9-9 Nourish Publishing P.O. Box 93686 Phoenix, AZ 85070-3686

    IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLEASE READ In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness issues, this book, and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions are not intended to replace the advice of

    trained medical professionals. All matters regarding ones health require medical supervision.

    The authors roles are strictly educational in the context of the Am I Hungry? workshops

    and materials. They are not providing any medical assessment, individualized therapeutic interventions, or personal medical advice in this context. Seek medical

    advice from your personal physician regarding your personal risks and benefits insofar as adopting the recommendations of this program.

    The authors disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this book or


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    Dedicated to all of our participants

    who taught us so much

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  • Awareness Journal Table of


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    Introduction Awareness is Your First Step Chapter 1 Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: The Eating Cycles Decision Point: Why Do I Eat? Fitness: Boosting Your Metabolism Nutrition: Fueling Your Metabolism Life Skills: Self-Awareness 7-Day Journal Chapter 2

    Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: Strategies for Identifying Hunger Balance, Variety, and Moderation Decision Point: Am I Hungry? Fitness: Build a Positive Attitude About Exercise Nutrition: All Foods Fit Life Skills: Goal Setting 7-Day Journal Chapter 3 Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: Im Not HungryWhat Are My Choices? Decision Point: Im Not Hungry Fitness: Live a More Active Lifestyle Nutrition: Essentials of Fluids Life Skills: Distracting Myself from Eating When I am Not Hungry 7-Day Journal Chapter 4 Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: Hunger and Fullness Decision Point: How Hungry Am I? Fitness: Essentials of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Life Skills: Using a Pedometer to Increase Your Activity Nutrition: Essentials of Carbohydrates 7-Day Journal

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    Chapter 5 Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: What Do I Choose to EatPutting It All Together Decision Point: What Do I Choose to Eat Fitness: Essentials of Flexibility Nutrition: Essentials of Fat Life Skills: Making Healthier Choices 7-Day Journal Chapter 6 Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: Strategies for Mindful Eating Decision Point: How Do I Eat? Life Skills: Mindful Eating

    Fitness: Essentials of Strength Training Nutrition: Essentials of Protein 7-Day Journal Chapter 7 Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: How Much Do I Need? I Ate Too Much Decision Point: How Much Do I Need? Fitness: Taking Charge of Your Fitness Nutrition: Essentials of Micronutrients and Nutrition Labels Life Skills: Tracking Your Progress 7-Day Journal Chapter 8 Overview Action Plan Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools: Optimal Health Decision Point: Where Does My Energy Go? Fitness: Your Personalized Prescription for Health Nutrition: Nourish Yourself Life Skills: Eating Without Guilt 7-Day Journal

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    Awareness is Your First Step Freeing yourself from Over Eating and Restrictive Eating Cycles requires awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Otherwise, you are destined to repeat your habits and patterns until you recognize and change them. For lifelong weight management without dieting, you will learn to tune into your physical sensations such as hunger, fullness, thirst, and fatigue. You will also become more attentive to your food choices and your activity levels. Most importantly, you will become aware of your thoughts and feelings and how those affect your actions. This process is not a quick fix; you will need to invest your effort and time. To markedly increase your success and effectiveness, set aside time each day, ideally 15 to 30 minutes, to read, reflect, write, and set your goals and action plan. This is one of the most powerful and meaningful gifts you could give yourself. The Am I Hungry? Awareness Journal will guide you through the change and awareness process. It is the companion to Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Dont Work. Each chapter has several sections (flip through Chapter One as an example):

    Strategies Chapter Overview Action Plan My Goals Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes Tools and Tables from Am I Hungry? including the Eating

    Cycles, Fitness Activities, and Nutrition at a Glance for quick reference

    Key questions for each section help you apply the concepts you learn from Am I Hungry? to your own experience and life.

    Life Skills Learn many of the crucial skills necessary for personal change and lifelong weight management that will increase your personal effectiveness and satisfaction. Awareness Journal A 7-Day Awareness Journal that includes important concepts from each chapter. Recording your food and fluid intake, hunger levels, physical activity, thoughts, feelings, and observations will increase personal understanding and accountability throughout this process.



    Life Skills

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    Chapter 1

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    Chapter 1 Overview Decision Point: Why Do I Eat? Finally! You will truly understand why diets dont work in the long run for most people and learn how you can develop a healthy relationship with food and physical activity. You will also see that by meeting your physical and emotional needs appropriately and effectively, you will move toward achieving optimal health. Fitness: Boosting Your Metabolism Simply put, metabolism refers to the amount of energy your body uses each day. You will begin to look at your activity and exercise patterns as important contributors to your metabolism. Nutrition: Fueling Your Metabolism Your body is required to manage the difference between the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you burn. When you take in too much fuel, your body will save it as fat for later. When you take in far fewer calories than your body needs, your bodys survival mechanisms kick in and your metabolism will eventually decrease. Learning to meet your bodys needs for just the right amount of fuel is one of the keys to building optimal health. Awareness Journal Write down when and approximately how much you eat and drink so you will become more aware of your patterns. Jot down anything you did to boost your metabolism. Action Plan 1. Set aside 15-30 minutes each day for reading, journaling, and reflecting on this

    process. 2. Read Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Dont Work Introduction and Chapter 1. 3. Look at your Why, When, What, How, How Much, and Where in your Eating Cycle.

    Can you see recognize any of your patterns, triggers, and cycle drivers? 4. Whenever you have an urge to eat, ask yourself, Am I Hungry? 5. Become more aware of your thoughts about exercise in preparation for Chapter 2. My Goals for this Week

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    Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes

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    The Eating Cycles

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    Decision Point: Why Do I Eat? Am I Hungry? Self-Awareness Quiz Rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 = I completely DISAGREE with this statement and 10 = I completely AGREE with this statement.

    ____ I am hungry all the time. ____ I am never hungry. ____ I cant tell when I am hungry. ____ I am starving by the time I eat, so I eat anything I can get my hands on. ____ I sometimes ignore hunger in order to control my weight. ____ I often eat until I am uncomfortable. ____ I have been on many diets. ____ I dont have enough willpower to stick to a diet. ____ I believe that thin people have better metabolisms than I do. ____ I believe that thin people have more willpower than I do. ____ I think about food all of the time. ____ I avoid certain foods because they are fattening. ____ I eat on a schedule (i.e. six times a day) even when I am not hungry. ____ I decide ahead of time what I am going to eat for the entire day. ____ I am confused about what I should be eating. ____ I feel guilty about eating certain foods. ____ I have trouble stopping myself when I eat bad foods. ____ I have a love-hate relationship with food. ____ I am either dieting or eating too much. ____ I dread the thought of dieting but I dont know what else to do. ____ I know I am not hungry but I eat anyway. ____ I eat by the clock. ____ I eat when I am bored. ____ I eat when I am stressed. ____ I eat when I am sad. ____ I eat when I am angry. ____ I eat when I am lonely. ____ I usually celebrate special occasions or milestones by eating. ____ I comfort myself by eating. ____ I reward myself with food. ____ I dont really know why I eat.

    Look back over your scores. The statements that you rated a 5 or higher are issues that you will need to look closely at over the next eight chapters. You will take this Self-Awareness Quiz again when you have completed this program in order to check your progress.

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    Describe someone you know that manages his or her weight with very little effort. Describe someone you know that manages his or her weight with chronic dieting. Describe someone you know that struggles with food, weight, and overeating. What are the key differences between these people? Would you describe your eating style as mostly Over Eating, Restrictive Eating, or Instinctive Eating? Describe one of your recent eating episodes that demonstrates your eating style. Complete this statement: I sometimes have trouble identifying hunger because

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    Fitness: Understanding Your Metabolism Do you think your metabolism is low, average, or high? Why do you think your metabolism is like that? What specific things will you do this week to increase your metabolism? Nutrition: Fueling Your Metabolism Why do you think diets have or havent worked for you in the past? Do you think your metabolism has been affected by your eating patterns? How?

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Self-Awareness Becoming aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions will help you understand why you get the results you doand make the necessary changes to help you achieve the results you want. You will likely be surprised by some of things you discover about yourself and the positive effect that awareness can have. This process will help you make meaningful, long-lasting changes that will help you overcome your struggle with your weight and develop healthy, happy relationships with food and activity.

    There are many ways to increase your self-awareness: Get out of autopilot. Try to be present and aware of your movements, your

    surroundings, and your experiences. Have a dialogue with yourself, asking yourself questions about why you do certain

    things. Narrate your actions, thoughts, and behaviors to yourself as though you were

    watching a ball game or a play, or writing a novel. Close your eyes and draw your attention inward toward your stomach or heart.

    Notice what feelings or emotions you find there. Simply sit with your feelings and allow them to register in your mind. Meditate or pray. Notice any associations, such as a craving for a comfort food; this can be a clue

    about what you are feeling or needing. Draw (or even scribble) any images or pictures that come to mind. Pictures often

    give you insight into your inner world. Speak your feelings into a tape recorder. Talk over your feelings with a friend or family member. Talk to a counselor or therapist. Write down your thoughts and feelings as quickly as they come, either on paper or

    on a computer. Dont worry about spelling or punctuation. Keep a daily journal. This Awareness Journal will guide you in this process. Keeping a journal is one of the predictors of successful weight loss and maintenance. However, you may be tempted to underestimate the power of this process or view it as tedious, silly, or even frightening. Some people have said that it reminds them too much of past diets and they find themselves rebelling against it. But the purpose of this Awareness Journal is not to make sure that you are following the rules but to increase your awareness and help you determine what works best for you. Since this Awareness Journal is intended solely for your benefit, it is in your best interest to be as honest, accurate, and consistent as possible.

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Self-Awareness (continued) Initially, this Awareness Journal simply helps you become aware of what you are eating and gives you a place to record your exercise. You will also begin to notice how certain types of food or patterns of eating affect you. For example, you may find that you feel sluggish if you eat a large serving of pasta or that you dont get hungry as soon when you eat some type of protein with your breakfast. As you progress through the Am I Hungry? system, you will begin to focus on important aspects of your eating behavior, exercise, and nutrition. Observing your eating patterns can also provide you with important information about what drives your eating and what changes will be most helpful through trial and error. It is crucial that you look at your behaviors and feelings in a nonjudgmental way in order to learn and grow. You will be less likely to overeat, less likely to feel guilty, and more likely to make positive changes. For example, your observations may look like this:

    I skipped lunch and I was starving by 3pm - then I overate. I felt less stressed out after going for a long walk.

    I ate too much food at dinner and now Im having difficulty sleeping.

    Make the commitment. Set aside time each day to read Am I Hungry?, write in your journal and reflect on what you are discovering. The lifelong habit of carving out time for yourself daily will benefit you in countless ways.

    Keep your Awareness Journal in an accessible place. Keep it in your purse, briefcase, desk or counter drawer, or copy a page and carry it with you.

    Dont rely on your memory. If you dont have your Awareness Journal with you, simply jot yourself a note as soon as possible and write it in later.

    Write down times when possible. This will help you recognize patterns. Practice estimating portion sizes. You may want to use a measuring cup to

    serve yourself a few times to see what a serving size looks like on your plates and in your glasses and bowls. After you have a good idea what an average serving size is there will be no need to weigh or measure your food since your hunger level will always be your guide about how much you need to eat.

    Write down your thoughts, feelings, and observations. Write your goals, insights, and questions at the bottom of each page. There

    will be new areas of focus as you progress but feel free to write down whatever comes to mind. Reread it later to learn more about yourself.

    Be gentle and patient with yourself. Remember that this is a process, not a destination. There are bound to be many mistakes along the way. Choose to learn and grow from each one.

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    Food and Drink Type and Approximate Amount


    Fitness Activities What I did to boost my metabolism

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought At what point will society begin to doubt the wisdom of the diets

    rather than the fortitude of the dieters?

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    Food and Drink Type and Approximate Amount


    Fitness Activities What I did to boost my metabolism

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought The sensations of hunger and satiety are the simplest, yet most powerful

    tools available to you for reconnecting with your instinctive ability to know what your body needs.

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    Food and Drink Type and Approximate Amount


    Fitness Activities What I did to boost my metabolism

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Instead of following strict rules created by experts, you can become the expert on meeting your needs.

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    Food and Drink Type and Approximate Amount


    Fitness Activities What I did to boost my metabolism

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Instead of focusing on what and how much food you should eat, the key is first understanding why you want to eat in the first place. This awareness

    will give you the opportunity to meet your true needs appropriately.

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    Food and Drink Type and Approximate Amount


    Fitness Activities What I did to boost my metabolism

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Imagine what it will be like when you re-establish physical hunger as your primary cue for eating and learn to satisfy your other needs in positive and constructive ways. You will create new pathways for eating and for living.

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    Food and Drink Type and Approximate Amount


    Fitness Activities What I did to boost my metabolism

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought You can relearn to trust your body to let you know if and when

    you need food, and how much you should eat.

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    Food and Drink Type and Approximate Amount


    Fitness Activities What I did to boost my metabolism

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Step by step, you will learn a whole new system for losing weight and building optimal health. You will free yourself from your focus on food and weight and

    discover new tools and energy to lead a more fulfilling, balanced life.

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    Chapter 2

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    Chapter 2 Overview Decision Point: Am I Hungry? Hunger is a primitive yet reliable means of reaching and maintaining a healthy weight without dieting. Whenever you have an urge to eat, ask yourself "Am I hungry? Learning to your recognize hunger and satisfaction cues will guide your food choices and portion sizes. When combined with a positive attitude toward exercise and an All Foods Fit approach, you will have the foundation for lifelong weight management. Fitness: Build a Positive Attitude About Exercise Your thoughts and feelings about exercise have a powerful impact on your actions. If your thoughts are negative, you will learn to replace them with more positive thoughts that encourage you to lead a more active, healthy lifestyle. Nutrition: All Foods Fit As you choose what to eat, all foods fit when you keep in mind three essential principles: Balance, Variety, and Moderation. Balance your intake to meet your nutritional needsand your need for enjoyment from food. Eat a variety of foodsacross and within each food group. Eat moderatelyone of the keys to weight management without deprivation. Awareness Journal Notice your physical symptoms, your thoughts and your feelings when you eat and whether you are hungry or not. Jot down your thoughts about exercise. Action Plan 1. Set aside 15-30 minutes each day for reading, journaling, and reflecting on this

    process. 2. Read Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Dont Work Chapters 1 and 2. 3. Practice identifying your physical signs of hunger. 4. Begin to identify where those other urges to eat are coming from. 5. Monitor your thoughts and feelings about exercise and replace negative thoughts

    with more positive ones that you will repeat often. 6. Start (or continue) your exercise program. 7. Use the principles of Balance, Variety, and Moderation when choosing your food. My Goals for this Week

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    Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes

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    Strategies for Identifying Hunger

    Balance, Variety, and Moderation

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    Decision Point: Am I Hungry? Practice identifying the signals that let you know you are hungry. Move away from food and place your fist on your upper abdomen and focus your awareness on your body. Close your eyes for a few moments to shut out other distractions. Can you identify any physical symptoms of hunger or fullness? What are they? What other physical symptoms are you aware of? What thoughts and feelings are you aware of? Do you notice your brain trying to tell you whether you are hungry rather than just letting you feel the physical symptoms? What specific symptoms of hunger do you usually have? Hunger pangs Growling or grumbling in the stomach Empty feeling Gnawing Slight queasy feeling Weakness or loss of energy Trouble concentrating Lightheadedness Slight headache Irritability or crankiness Feeling that you must eat as soon as possible Other: What other thoughts and feelings do you think you might confuse with hunger at times?

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    Fitness: Build a Positive Attitude About Exercise

    Rate the following statements about exercise on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 = I completely DISAGREE with this statement and 10 = I completely AGREE with this statement.

    ____ I know I should exercise but I hate it. ____ I know I should exercise but I just cant seem to make myself do it. ____ I dont know if exercise is really worth the effort. ____ I dont have time to exercise. ____ I dont have the energy to exercise. ____ Ill start exercising when Ive lost some of this weight. ____ Im embarrassed to be seen exercising. ____ Exercise is really hard for me. ____ Exercise is very uncomfortable for me. ____ Im so out of shape that I dont even know where to start. ____ I cant do what the experts recommend so why bother? ____ I have a strenuous job so I dont need to exercise when I get home. ____ I exercise when things in my life are going smoothly but I get off track easily. ____ In the past I have started an exercise program but quit when I didnt see the

    weight loss I expected. ____ I already exercise but I think about quitting because I am still overweight.

    What other thoughts, feelings, and attitudes do you have about exercise? Look back over your ratings of the statements above. For those that you rated a 5 or higher and for your other negative thoughts and attitudes, write down new positive, powerful replacement thoughts and statements. People often find that repeating positive, powerful statements to themselves leads to change in their behaviors because their brain finds ways to make it true. These are sometimes called affirmations, declarations, or mantras. One example of such an affirmation is I am an active person. What will your mantras be?

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    Nutrition: All Foods Fit Good food, bad food labels are common. Make lists of foods that you think of as:

    Good Bad

    Look at the foods on your lists. Why did you label each food in this manner? Are you certain that these labels are completely accurate? Why or why not? Look at the foods on your lists. How do you behave and/or feel when you eat them? If you applied the All Foods Fit principles of Balance, Variety, and Moderation, how do you think you would behave and feel if you chose to eat these foods?

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Goal Setting If losing weight and becoming healthier is a journey, then the goal setting process is like planning your trip. If you dont know where you are going then dont be surprised if you dont get there! Goals create your destiny and add structure, drive, passion, and commitment to your life. Use the following worksheet to guide you through the goal setting and achievement process.

    1. Assess Your Starting Point: You have to know where you are starting from in

    order to decide how to get where you want to be. Take an accurate and detailed assessment of where you are relative to the goal you want to achieve. Use the Health, Wellness, and Fitness chart to track your progress.

    2. Decide What Is Important to You: There are an infinite number of possible goals

    and an infinite number of paths to achieve them. But when your values and goals align, they will form a passionate attitude! Make a list of your principles and valueswhat is most important to you? Your goals should include and enhance your principles and values. Consider these two scenarios:

    Rhonda decides to lose 20 pounds before her 20th Class Reunion in two months. She gives up all bread and sweets and joins a gym. She decides she will workout for one

    hour six days a week no matter what.

    Joanne wants to feel more energetic and help her whole family develop a healthier lifestyle. She starts buying and preparing more fruits and vegetables and cutting

    down on how often they eat fast food. She and her husband and children plan a weekly family outing like hiking, biking, or flying kites.

    Who do you think is most likely to be successful in the long run? Why?

    3. Dream: Imagine what your ideal destination will be like. Inspire and challenge yourself by projecting yourself into the future to see where you are going. Create a storyboard, map, inspirational notebook, or a collage using pictures and clippings from magazines. What will it be like if your dreams come true? What will change? How will you feel?

    4. Write it Down: Your goals should be complete and focused, like a road map. The

    difference between a dream and a goal is the written word. When you write down your goals, you are creating instructions for your subconscious mind to carry out. Write out ideal scenario in great detail.

    Be positive. Write down what you want to do, not what you want to stop doing. The more positive the instructions, the more positive the result.

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Goal Setting (continued)

    Make them so clear that you can see them, feel them, and measure them. Put them on your mirror, your desk, your bedside, or any other place where you

    will see them often. Reread and recommit yourself to your goals daily. 5. Develop Your Plan: Any significant journey requires preparation and planning.

    Instead of wishing for your goals to come true, decide what you are going to do.

    Set aside time each day to work toward your goals. Break your larger goals into multiple short-term goals. Keep in mind that the

    long-term is just a bunch of short-terms taped together. Layout your plan in writing and include a timeline. Identify obstacles and possible solutions. Identify a support system and consider establishing an accountability partner. Develop a reward system, for example placing a dollar in a jar each time you

    exercise to buy yourself a new CD. 6. Enjoy the Journey: The lessons you will learn on this journey are more valuable

    than simply losing weight, so appreciate the process.

    Take steps, no matter how small, toward your goal. Trust the process. Allow your mind to become a magnet for attracting information and help that will

    allow you to reach your goals. Be flexible and open to new opportunities and paths to your goals but be careful

    of detours. Every journey has its roadblocks, so expect them. Whether you go around,

    under, over, or through them will determine whether you reach your destination. Dont expect perfection. Learn from your setbacks and challenges. Periodically assess your progress and adjust your approach or goals as

    needed. Acknowledge and appreciate your successes along the way.

    Other Opportunities: If you are dissatisfied with other aspects of your life, get excited. These are opportunities to set new goals and make positive changes. This goal setting process can be applied to any other area:

    Health, Fitness, Wellness, Medical Issues, Psychological Health Love, Family, Friendships, Relationships Spirituality, Religion, Prayer/Meditation Education, Work, Career, Achievement Contribution, Service, Philanthropy Money, Finances, Material Possessions, Home Improvement Creativity, Hobbies, Skills, Self-improvement Travel, Adventure, Entertainment, Fun

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    Life Skills Goal Setting Worksheet Focus Area: Date:

    1. Assess Your Starting Point: Use your Health, Wellness, and Fitness Assessment

    as a baseline. Come back to it periodically to track your progress. 2. Decide What Is Important to You: What are your principles and values that are

    relevant to the goal you wish to achieve? 3. Dream: Shoot for the stars! 4. Write It Down: What gets written down gets done. 5. Develop Your Plan: What are you going to do to make your goals happen? 6. Enjoy the Journey: Trust the process, be flexible, learn from your challenges,

    reassess your progress, and acknowledge your successes.

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    Life Skills

    Goal Setting: My Health, Wellness, and Fitness Assessment

    Date: Age Last Check-Up Weight Clothing Size Waist (inches) Hip (inches) Waist/Hip Ratio Body Mass Index Body Fat % Resting Pulse Blood Pressure Fasting Blood Sugar Total Cholesterol Triglycerides LDL (Bad) Cholesterol HDL (Good) Cholesterol Smoking # of cigs per day Alcohol - # of drinks per day Drug Use Diet: Healthy (Scale of 1-10) Daily Fruit and Vegetables Daily Fiber Intake (grams) Low Cholesterol/Sat/Trans Fats Micronutrients (Ca, Iron, etc) Exercise: Weekly (in minutes) Exercise: Cardiorespiratory Exercise: Strength Exercise: Flexibility Stress Levels (Scale of 1-10) Coping (Scale of 1-10) Self-Nurturing (Scale of 1-10) Support System (Scale of 1-10) Daily Prayer/Meditation

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    Food Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Thoughts About Exercise

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought By focusing on hunger as your guide, you will become your own internal

    authority for when, what, and how much to eat. You dont have to be in control, but you will learn to be in charge.

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    Food Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Thoughts About Exercise

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Whenever you want to eat ask yourself, Am I hungry? This important

    question will help you recognize the difference between an urge to eat caused by the physical need for food, from an urge to eat caused by other triggers.

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    Food Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Thoughts About Exercise

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought When you wait until you are hungry, eating is more pleasurable and

    satisfying. Hunger is truly the best seasoning!

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    Food Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Thoughts About Exercise

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought If you arent hungry when you start eating,

    how do you know when to stop?

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    Food Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Thoughts About Exercise

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought For physical activity to become part of your life,

    be as consistent but as flexible as possible.

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    Food Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Thoughts About Exercise

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought When you are hungry, instead of turning to a long list of restricted and

    allowed foods, keep in mind that all foods fit! Use the principles of Balance, Variety, and Moderation to guide your choices.

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    Food Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Thoughts About Exercise

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Start thinking of your self as an active, healthy person

    and you will become one!

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    Chapter 3 Overview Decision Point: Im Not Hungry When you ask yourself "Am I Hungry?" and the answer is "No", you have 3 options. All three options are valid and each has advantages and disadvantages. (1) Eat Anyway - This is the easiest option since you won't have to deal with whatever really triggered the urge to eat. However, the urge will come back again and again until you do and you will store the extra calories you eat as fat if your body didn't need food. (2) Distract Yourself Good option if the trigger was something in your environment, boredom, avoidance of another activity, or if it isn't a good time to sort out and deal with an emotional trigger. (3) Identify and Deal with the Trigger Best option because you will actually explore your personal triggers and develop a plan for coping in a more productive way. Fitness: Live a More Active Lifestyle Look for ways to become more active everyday in all aspects of your life - at home, at work, at leisure, and while traveling. When you exercise, incorporate the three components of fitness: Cardiorespiratory, Flexibility, and Strength which will be covered in more detail over the coming chapters. Nutrition: Essentials of Fluids Water is critical for optimal health. Chronic mild dehydration can cause fatigue and a lack of stamina. Thirst can also be confused with hunger. There are many effective strategies for increasing your water intake to improve your hydration. Awareness Journal Really pay attention to your thoughts and feelings this weekespecially when you have an urge to eat but you are not hungry. Write down your lifestyle activities and exercise. Action Plan 1. Set aside 15-30 minutes each day for reading, journaling, and reflecting on this

    process. 2. Read Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Dont Work Chapter 3. 3. Make a list of Things To Do Besides Eat and keep your supplies handy. 4. Add activity to your day everyday! 5. Work on improving your fluid intake. My Goals for this Week

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    Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes

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    Im Not HungryWhat Are My Choices?

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    Decision Point: Im Not Hungry Since you have become more aware of your hunger cues, have you found yourself feeling guilty if you eat when you arent hungry? How does that feel like dieting? Instead of feeling guilty, remember, when you arent hungry, you have three choices. What are they?

    I can choose to: I can choose to: I can choose to: What are the advantages and disadvantages of each choice for you? Eat anyway: Distract myself: Meet my true needs: What activities will you choose to distract yourself with when you arent hungry? See Life Skills: 101 Activities To Do Instead of Eat for ideas. Make a commitment to try this before eating simply out of habit. What environmental and emotional triggers have you noticed so far? How will you begin to address those triggers and needs more effectively?

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    Fitness: Live a More Active Lifestyle Take a look at your lifestyle. Are you active or sedentary? Do you avoid doing things that require effort? Are you able to do all of the things you would like? Would you like to feel more fit? What specific things will you do this week to increase your Lifestyle Activity? Review the Health Notes: Exercise Clearance section and talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program. Do you have any potential risk factors that you need to address first? If you have not been exercising regularly, what could you do to get started? (Remember: Start Now, Start Small, Be Consistent, Set Goals, Stay Motivated, Have Fun!) If you are already exercising, do you include cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and flexibility in your choice of activities? If so, great! If not, what could you add?

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    Nutrition: Essentials of Fluids Assess your current fluid intake by tracking the amount and type of fluid you are drinking in your Awareness Journal. Check the color of your urine. Do you notice a change in color depending on how much fluid you are drinking? (If you are getting enough water, you will probably notice that it is pale or almost colorless.) Are you aware of any possible signs of mild dehydration? If you decide that are not drinking enough water, what is your plan for improving your water intake? What other fluids are you drinking that you want to modify? What are your plans?

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Distracting Myself from Eating When Im Not Hungry When you recognize that an urge to eat was caused by a trigger rather than true hunger, you can choose to do another activity to distract yourself until the urge passes. Here is a list on 101 ideas of things to do besides eat. Highlight those that appeal to you and add some of your own. Remember, try to choose activities that are enjoyable, available, and preferably, eating incompatible. Create a Distraction Box or drawer with everything you need to distract yourself. Perhaps you can establish a specific area in your home or office that is food-free and perfect for just for these moments.

    Imagine a slimmer, healthier you * Walk around the block * Call a friend * Make a list of your Top Ten Reasons to Lose Weight * Read a child a book * Make a To Do list * Dance a little * Plan a vacation * Get a massage * Jot a

    thank you note to someone * Go to bed early * Read a great book * Write in your Awareness Journal * Give yourself a manicure or pedicure * Plan a healthy meal for your family * Surf the Internet * Finish an unfinished project * Walk your dog * Feel your feelings * Volunteer in your community * Start a hobby * Brush your teeth *

    Tape your favorite show to watch while exercising * Take 5 slow, deep cleansing breaths * Practice an instrument * Balance your checkbook * Plan a party * Say a prayer * Buy yourself some flowers * Do a few sit-ups * Make a

    phone call to someone you like * Chop veggies to keep on hand * Set your priorities * Try a new hairstyle * Give a massage * Write down something you are proud of this week * Clean out a junk drawer * Play a game with your

    kids * Try a new route on your walk * Scream! * Plant fresh herbs to use in your cooking * Drink a glass of water * Kiss someone * Try on some of your clothes * Catch up on your reading for work * Look at old pictures * Rent a

    video * Smell the roses * Wash your car * Chew some gum * Plan a date for someone special * Swim a few laps * Read Am I Hungry * Take a hot, soothing bath * Update your calendar * Get it off your chest * Build something *

    Check in on an elderly person * Work in your yard * Start your holiday shopping list * Count your blessings * Write a letter * Fold some laundry * Listen to your inner conversations * Take a nap * Run an errand * Work on your

    budget * Take a bike ride * Check your e-mail * Make a positive statement about yourself - repeat often * Give your dog a bath * Start a project youve been wanting to get around to * Send a birthday card * Meditate * Try a healthy new recipe * Play cards * Set your goals * Freshen your make-up * Hug someone * Rearrange some furniture * Go take a hike! * Help with homework * Light a fire or some candles * Say STOP! out loud * Put your pictures in an album * Walk around your workplace * Try a new relaxation technique * Talk it over with someone * Get a head

    start on your taxes * S-t-r-e-t-c-h * Do a Honey Do * Say whats on your mind * Go pick up your mail * Straighten a closet * Think * Do something nice for someone anonymously * Check the stock market * Plan a romantic

    encounter * Clean out a files * Tell someone how you really feel * When you become truly physically hungry, eat!

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Lifestyle Activities Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought When a craving doesnt come from hunger,

    eating will never satisfy it.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Lifestyle Activities Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought When you eat food your body didnt ask for, it has no choice but to store it.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Lifestyle Activities Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought People wait for the perfect time to begin exercising. It is unlikely that the

    perfect time will ever comeand it wont last forever anyway so make fitness fit into your life just the way it is today!

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Lifestyle Activities Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Eating to deal with certain emotions is simply a way of coping. Once you are aware of your triggers, you have an opportunity to

    meet those needs in a more productive way.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Lifestyle Activities Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought If you continually struggle with fatigue and lack of stamina, you may be

    living in a state of slight dehydration. Imagine being able to boost your energy level just by consuming a sufficient amount of fluid!

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Lifestyle Activities Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Many of the people who have conquered their weight challenges

    have made increased activity a way of life.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Am I Hungry?

    Fitness Activities Lifestyle Activities Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought It is not necessary to make a perfect choice every time in order to break free from overeating. It is more a matter of becoming aware, recognizing that

    you have choices, and taking steps toward meeting your true needs.

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    Chapter 4

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    Chapter 4 Overview Decision Point: How Hungry Am I? Learn to tune into your body to see how hungry you are and understand the many factors that affect your hunger levels. Determine how hungry you are before you start eating, halfway through, and when you are finished eating by checking in with yourself and using the Hunger and Fullness Scale. Observe how different amounts and types of food affect you so you can develop a pattern of eating that suits you best. Fitness: Essentials of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Develop your personalized plan to build your cardiovascular fitness and achieve a healthier weight. If you are not already exercising regularly, this is a great week to start a walking program. Nutrition: Essentials of Carbohydrates Understand carbohydrate metabolism and the role carbohydrates play in your blood sugar, hunger levels, and energy levels. See how to increase the healthier carbs in your diet. Awareness Journal Record your hunger level before and after eating. Record your activities, particularly your cardiorespiratory exercise. Make note of the type and amount of carbohydrates you eat. Action Plan 1. Set aside 15-30 minutes each day for reading, journaling, and reflecting on this

    process. 2. Read Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Dont Work Chapter 4. 3. Determine your "Hunger/Fullness" number before, during, and after eating. 4. Start or increase your walking or other cardiorespiratory activity. 5. Aim to eat 5 fruits and veggies each day and eat whole grains in place of refined

    grains whenever possible. 6. Work toward consuming 25-30 grams of fiber daily. My Goals for this Week

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    Hunger and Fullness Scale 1 Ravenous: Too hungry to care what you eat. This is a high risk time for

    overeating. 2 Starving: You feel you must eat NOW! 3 Hungry: Eating would be pleasurable but you could wait longer. 4 Hunger pangs: Youre slightly hungry; you notice your first thoughts of

    food. 5 Satisfied: Youre content and comfortable. Youre not hungry or full - you

    cant feel your stomach at all. 6 Full: You can feel the food in your stomach. 7 Very full: Your stomach feels stretched and you feel sleepy and sluggish. 8 Uncomfortable: Your stomach is too full and you wish you hadnt eaten so

    much. 9 Stuffed: Your clothes feel very tight and youre very uncomfortable. 10 Sick: You feel sick and/or youre in pain.

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    Decision Point: How Hungry Am I? Using the Hunger and Fullness Scale, practice identifying different levels of hunger before, during and after eating. Using your observations, what happens and how do you feel (physically and emotionally) when you are a 5 or above when you start to eat? you are a 4 when you start to eat? you are a 2 or 3 when you start to eat? you are a 1 when you start to eat? you stop in the middle of eating and ask yourself where you are on the Hunger and Fullness Scale? you are a 5 or 6 when you stop eating? you are a 7 or higher when you stop eating? Based on your observations, what do you think works best for you? What is your plan for learning to use the Hunger and Fullness Scale?

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    Fitness: Essentials of Cardiorespiratory Fitness Are you currently doing any cardiorespiratory fitness activities? If so, what? Are you committed to improving your cardiorespiratory fitness? If so, what activity(ies) will you choose to do? Look at this sample walking schedule. Which starting point do you think matches your current fitness level? (Keep in mind that you can create a personalized schedule for any type of activity).

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Using a Pedometer to Increase Your Activity A pedometer is a fun way to measure your activity level throughout the day, both during routine activities and while exercising. It is a small device that is worn on your waist to measure the number of steps you take or the distance you walk, making it easy to set realistic goals for yourself. It is incredibly motivating to see those steps add upand see your energy level rise as your fitness improves.

    Why Use a Pedometer? Numerous studies have shown that activity level is one of the most important determinants of successful weight loss and maintenance, as well as overall good health. Although trying to lose weight without exercise is the hard way, making the time and staying motivated can be a challenge. Increased activity throughout the day (lifestyle fitness) and setting aside the time for several weekly sessions of exercising makes all the difference. How Do You Use a Pedometer? Pedometers are available just about anywhere that you can purchase fitness and sports equipment. They are available in a large price range but get the kind that counts steps since that is the best way to see small improvements. Wear your pedometer on your waist, attached to your belt, skirt, or pants (even your underclothes as long as it fits snugly against your body.) Place it in line with the seam of your slacks or over the center of your kneecap, parallel to the ground. It will not give accurate readings if it is tilted to one side or the other. Try it out in different positions along the waist, counting the number of steps you take and compare that to what the pedometer actually reads. Put your pedometer on when you first get up and wear it all day long. At the end of the day, record the number of steps you accumulated then press the reset button to return the step counts back to 0 for the next day. Increasing Your Steps First, get an idea of your baseline activity level by recording the number of steps you take without changing your normal routine. Once you know your baseline, set step goals for yourself each day or each week.

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Using a Pedometer (continued) Some studies have shown that 10,000 steps per day is ideal for optimal health but your personal goals will depend on your starting number of steps and level of fitness. The most important this if for the trend to be an increase in your total daily steps overall. Watch the steps add up when you pace while you talk on the phone, walk a flight of stairs, skip a half hour TV program and walk the dog (add about 2000 steps!), walk instead of drive, park further, or window shop with friends instead of sitting to talk. Of course not all activities can be counted in steps (for example, swimming or yoga) but they still count toward your fitness. Use the following chart to track your progress. Be sure to set specific goals for increasing the number of steps you take each day or week. You will find that using a pedometer for simple, accurate feedback will motivate you to take a step in the right direction! Tracking My Steps My starting average step count: My goal for the number of steps I take every day: My goal for increasing my steps every day or every week. (Suggestion: write down a specific number of steps, i.e. 250, or a percentage increase, i.e. 10%). My specific strategies and activities for increasing my steps:

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    Life Skills Life Skills: Tracking My Steps Start Date ______________

    Step Count

    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday AverageWeek 1

    Week 2

    Week 3

    Week 4

    Week 5

    Week 6

    Week 7

    Week 8

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    Nutrition: Essentials of Carbohydrates Simple Carbohydrates: Review several days in your Journal. Using the following chart, Simple Carbohydrates at a Glance, write the following letters next to the simple carbohydrates you ate:

    F Fruits H Honey D Dairy S Sugar.

    Now circle the simple carbohydrates you ate that contain fiber and write down the number of grams in the serving size you had.

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    Complex Carbohydrates: Review several days in your Journal. Using the following chart, Complex Carbohydrates at a Glance, write the following letters next to the complex carbohydrates you ate:

    WG Whole Grains RG Refined Grains L Legumes V Vegetables

    Now circle the complex carbohydrates you ate that contain fiber and write down the number of grams in the serving size you had.

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    Add up your totals for each day then take a look at your average intake: How many servings of fruits and vegetables? How many servings of dairy?

    How many servings of grains?

    How many servings of whole grains? How many grams of fiber? Are the principles of balance, variety, and moderation reflected in your choices? Based on what you learned from reviewing your journal, are there any changes you will make in your food selections? Do you have signs of Metabolic Syndrome: Waist circumference >40 in men or >35 in women, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, low HDL cholesterol, and high fasting blood sugar? If you do (or you are not sure), see your doctor. This week pay close attention to how you feel after eating certain carbohydrate foods. Do you plan to make any changes based on these observations?

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought If you put off eating or dont notice that you are hungry until you are at a 1,

    then you will be more likely to eat anything you can get your hands on and you are more likely to overeat.

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Since your stomach is about the size of your fist, it only takes

    a palm-full of food to fill it. When you dont overfill your stomach, you will feel light and comfortable after eating.

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Cardiorespiratory activity provides you with numerous health benefits.

    Live longer, look better, and feel greatsounds wonderful, doesnt it? It is!

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Preventive eating is like putting a coat on before it is cold. Instead of feeling

    unnecessarily uncomfortable, wait until you need it.

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought At the beginning of the week, schedule your walks and write them down.

    Give them the priority they deserve. If you have to cancel, reschedule just as you would any other important appointment.

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Eating frequent small meals according to your hunger cues reassures

    your metabolism that food is available to meet its needs.

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Aim to do cardiorespiratory activity on most days of the week.

    Start wherever you are and use enough effort to challenge your body so you will gradually increase your level of fitness.

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    Chapter 5

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    Chapter 5 Overview Decision Point: What Do I Choose to Eat? Eating should be a pleasurable experience while meeting your bodys needs for energy and nutrients. Learn how food can satisfy both your body and mind when you ask three questions before you eat: What do I want? What do I need? What do I have? Fitness: Essentials of Flexibility A regular stretching program increases your range of motion which can reduce tension, decrease injury and back painand feels good! Use our simple stretching exercises to feel your best. Nutrition: Essentials of Fat Incorporate useful information and great tips for improving your healthy sources of dietary fat. Awareness Journal Pay close attention to how you decide what to eat and how those choices make you feel. Record your activities, particularly your flexibility exercises. Make note of the type and amount of fats you eat Action Plan 1. Set aside 15-30 minutes each day for reading, journaling, and reflecting on this

    process. 2. Read Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Dont Work Chapter 4. 3. Remember to ask yourself 3 questions before you choose food: What do I want?

    What do I need? What do I have? 4. Do the Stretching Exercises from the Flexibility section at least twice this week. 5. Check the fat content of your food on the nutrition label. Nutrition labels can help you

    make healthier choices BUT don't use them to deprive yourself of foods you really enjoy.

    My Goals for this Week

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    Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes

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    What Will I Choose to EatPutting It All Together

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    Decision Point: What Will I Choose to Eat? What Do I Want?

    Think of a time when you didnt let yourself eat something you really wanted. How did you feel? What happened? What concerns do you have about asking yourself what you want to eat? What Do I Need?

    What specific health issues, such as medical problems, family history, or reactions are you aware of that may affect your choice of food? Is there information that you need (for example, do you need to see your doctor, have your cholesterol checked, learn about diabetes, or obtain other information)? Are there any nutrition choices that you would like to work on (for example, decreasing your fat or sugar intake, increasing your calcium etc.)? It will be helpful for you to do this type of review after each Nutrition Essentials section. What are your specific plans for improving the choices you identified above? What Do I Have?

    Do you keep a variety of tasty, healthful foods on hand (at home, at work, in your purse or brief case) so that you can eat when you are hungry? Are there foods that are difficult for you to keep around at this point? What is your action plan?

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    Fitness: Essentials of Flexibility What specific benefits would you gain from increasing your flexibility? Are you currently doing any flexibility activities? If so, what and how often? Are you committed to improving your flexibility? If so, what is your plan? What are your specific fitness goals for this week?

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    Flexibility Stretching from Head to Toe

    Neck Stretch

    Shoulder Stretch

    Triceps Stretch

    Cat Stretch

    Lower Back Extension Stretch

    Lower Back Flexion Stretch

    Spinal Twist Inner Thigh Stretch

    Inner Thigh Stretch

    Chest Stretch

    Calf Stretch

    Quadriceps Stretch

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    Nutrition: Essentials of Fats Review several days in your Journal. Using the chart on the following page, Fats at a Glance, write the following letters next to the different types of fat you ate:

    SF Saturated Fat PS Polyunsaturated Fat MF Monounsaturated Fat TF Trans Fat

    Add up your totals for each day then look at your average intake. Are the principles of balance, variety, and moderation reflected in your choices? What are your cholesterol levels? (Desirable levels are in parentheses): Total Cholesterol (Less than 200) - LDL Cholesterol (Less than 130; 100 if diabetes or heart disease) - HDL Cholesterol (Higher than 40) - Triglycerides (Less than 150) - Do you have any health issues such as high cholesterol or a family history of heart disease that affect your optimal intake of various fats? Look at the chart called Fat: Making Healthier Choices. Based on what you learned from reviewing your journal, are there any changes you are going to make in your food selections? This week pay close attention to how you feel after eating foods containing certain fats. Do you plan to make any changes based on these observations?

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Amount Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Matching the food you choose to what you are hungry for leads to greater

    satisfaction and more enjoymentwith less food!

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Food decisions are not good or bad. Some foods are fun foods

    while others offer more nutritional benefits. It all comes back to balance, variety, and moderation.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Remember that small changes really do make a difference and healthy

    eating is simply the result of all the positive decisions you make.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Taking a few minutes during a busy day to stretch and relieve tension in

    your muscles will reduce stress and help you relax.

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Keep a variety of foods available that are appealing but not overly tempting. These are foods that you enjoy when you are hungry but wont be calling out

    to you from their storage place saying, Come eat me!

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Improving your flexibility will decrease muscular tension, reduce your risk

    of injury, and maintain your freedom of movement in daily life. A few minutes a day of gentle stretching will relax your body and your mind.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought By balancing your intake of higher fat foods with lower fat foods in the

    same meal or throughout the day, it is possible to stay within the total daily healthy fat guidelines while still enjoying flavorful foods.

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    Chapter 6 Overview Decision Point: How Do I Eat? Being mindful when you eat (or do anything for that matter) allows you to get maximal enjoyment out of the experience. With eating, it will also help you recognize the difference between "satisfied" and "full." Eating mindfully allows you to get more enjoyment from less food - without feeling deprived. Fitness: Essentials of Strength Training A regular strength training program will build your muscular strength, endurance, muscle mass, and metabolism. Our simple exercises will help you! Nutrition: Essentials of Protein Understand the important role protein plays in optimal health. Clear up any misconceptions about high protein, low carbohydrate diets and learn about great healthy sources of dietary protein. Awareness Journal Notice whether how you eat affects how satisfied you feel (both physically and emotionally). Record your activities, particularly your strength building exercise. Make note of the type and amount of protein you eat Action Plan 1. Set aside 15-30 minutes each day for reading, journaling, and reflecting on this

    process. 2. Read Am I Hungry? What To Do When Diets Dont Work Chapter 6. 3. Set aside time this week for several "mindful" eating experiences and record your

    observations. 4. Do strength building exercises 2-3 times this week. 5. Try a vegetarian meal once or twice this week using alternative protein sources like

    beans or soy. Also aim for two servings of fish; if you havent enjoyed it in the past, split an entre at a restaurant where it is well prepared and see if you can change your mind!

    My Goals for this Week

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    Am I Hungry? Workshop Notes

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    Strategies for Mindful Eating

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    Decision Point: How Do I Eat? Close your eyes and recall one of your most memorable eating experiences. Pretend you are writing an article for a magazine. Now, write down as much detail as you can recall including where you were, what the ambiance was like, who was there, what you talked about, what the food looked and smelled like, how it tasted, and how you felt. How often do you have eating experiences like you described above? How often would you like to have eating experiences like that? What gets in your way of you fully experiencing and enjoying your food and eating? What is your plan for resolving the barriers that get in your way of mindfully appreciating each eating experience? Set aside time to practice mindful eating. Walk through the strategies for mindful eating. When you practice it, eventually this process becomes second nature. Describe your experience.

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    Life Skills

    Life Skills: Strategies for Mindful Eating

    Get into the habit of checking in with yourself several times a day to see where you are on the Hunger and Fullness Scale.

    Decide how full you want to be at the end of eating.

    Choose food that will satisfy both your body and your mind.

    Purchase or prepare only the amount of food you think you need.

    Set the table in a pleasant manner.

    Eat in a calm environment

    Eat without distractions.

    Eat when you are sitting down.

    Take a few breaths and center yourself before you begin eating.

    Appreciate the aroma and the appearance of your food.

    Decide which food looks the most appetizing and start eating that food first.

    Savor the aromas and tastes of your food as you eat it.

    Appreciate the occasion.

    If you notice that you are not enjoying what you chose, choose something else if possible.

    Pause in the middle of eating for at least two full minutes.

    Notice when your taste buds become less sensitive to the taste of food.

    Push your plate forward or get up from the table as soon as you feel satisfied.

    When you finish eating ask yourself where you are on the Hunger and Fullness Scale.

    Are you content with the result? If not, what will you do differently next time?

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    Fitness: Essentials of Strength Training Are you currently doing any strength training activities? If so, what? Are you committed to improving your strength? If so, what is your plan? What are your specific fitness goals for this week?

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    Strength Training From Head to Toe



    Superman Leg Lifts

    Bridge Sit-ups

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    Nutrition: Essentials of Protein Review several days in your Journal. Using the chart on the following page, Protein at a Glance, write the following letters next to the different sources of protein you ate:

    D Dairy E Eggs L Legumes MPS Meat, Poultry, Seafood N Nuts S Soy

    Write down the number of grams of protein in the serving size you had of each. What are your primary sources of protein? What is your average daily protein intake? Calculate your daily protein needs using the following formula: Your body weight (in lbs): _ X 0.8 grams of protein = ______ grams of protein 2.2 lbs per kilogram per day per day Are you getting enough, or perhaps too much, protein? Are the principles of balance, variety, and moderation reflected in your choices? Based on what you learned from reviewing your journal, are there any changes you are going to make in your food selections? Do you, or are you willing to, go meatless sometimes? If so, how will you use the suggestions in the book to be aware, be different, and be prepared?

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    How Hungry Am I?



    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Choosing to eat mindfully, in other words, giving food and eating

    your full attention, allows you to gain optimal enjoyment and satisfaction from eating.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought When you pay attention to your bodys signals and savor your food, you feel

    satisfied with smaller quantities without feeling deprived. It is possible to truly enjoy food yet not eat to excess.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions

    Food For Thought Observe your eating from a neutral perspective. In other words, dont judge or

    punish yourself for the way you eat. Instead, learn from your heightened awareness to increase your satisfaction from food.

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    Food and Fluids Type and Approximate Amt.

    Physical Symptoms, Thoughts and Feelings

    Before and After Eating Before Eating

    After Eating

    Fitness Activities Total Time Type(s) / Notes Lifestyle Activity Cardiorespiratory Strength Flexibility

    Goals, Notes, Insights, Challenges, Reminders, Questions
