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Amador ledger (San Francisco) 1900-02-16 [p ] · Cures heartburn, raising of the food,distress...

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DOINGS AT CANYON THE EXPERIMENT STATION, Canyon, February s.— The ball on Saturday night, given in honor of John Dohman and family, was a grand success. There was alarge attendance. The music was furnished by a Folsom orchestra. Lunch was served in the dining-room of BrinHupkey's Hall. Mr. Dohman and family, with the ex- ception of his son, Raymond, will take their departure at an early hour to- morrow. Mr. Ed Simpson and family will occupy Mr. Dohman's house. Mrs. E. C. Zorres has returned from Sacramento. . 1 \u25a0 ' Mr. Reagan, our former blacksmith, with his family, is about to take his departure for other parts. Justice Smith left for Angels Camp yesterday. Mrs. Sheets, of El Dorado, is the guest of Mrs. Davies. Mr. Morrow, insurance agent of Jackson, is still in Canyon. Mr. Gee, tho Placerville tailor, visited in Canyon Sunday, remaining over from the farewell ball. Mrs. M. A. Green is on the sick list. Lately two ante-rooms have been added to the schoolhouse. The num- ber of pupils have so increased as to make the necessity of four new seats being provided. Mr. Sells and Mr. Rice of Angels Camp have taken the places of Mr. Dohman and Mr. Reagan as millraan and blacksmith. The new ditch of the Fort Yuma Company is rapidly nearing completion. It looks from the mountain side as if lively times were coming, and betokens the starting up of another mine over the hill. Laura Theresa. The Farewell Ball Was Largely Attended by the Young People. Young Mothers. Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers, because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Con- sumption Cure acts like magic in cases of Croup. Ithas never been known to fail. The worst cases relieved immediately. Price, 25c, 50c and 11. Forsale by A. Goldner, the Druggist* The Queen of Gypsies Dies. Sick Headaches, "Recent analyses of the apples grown at an elevation of from1500 to 3000 feet in the Sierra, show high sugar and acid, or, in other words, a first-rate all- around fruit. There are many locations in- the Sierra foot-hills especially adapted to apples, and we willgladly furnish scions of many new sorts of late- keeping apples to growers within reach of the Station." "Among the additions to the Station collections the past year are some twenty new varieties of figs. Several of these, while new to California, have a well deservod reputation in Europe. I ad vise the planting of more figs inthe Sierra foot-hills. Few fruits are so satisfactory as the fig for family use, and the tree endures a great deal of neglect. "The Station is about to introduce a* very good stock of Belgian hare, which has attracted much attention the past season. Mr. Shinn said: "The Experiment Station has been improving steadily for several years past, and is well worth a visit from farmers, and all persons in- terested in the foot-hill region. The latest addition to tho Station novolties is a pair of thoroughbred Persian sheep of the Bayazit breed of Astrach- ans, imported for the United States government by Minister Bealo some years ago. A pair of the original im- portation were obtained for the Paso Robles Station, and the stock has been propagated there ever since. The June-bred lambs of these sheep furnish the true 'Astrakhan' which is worth about fifteen dollars to the skin, and is in great demand. No part of California is better adapted to these sheep than the Sierra foot-hills. Persons having flocks of sheep, and desirous of intro- ducing this new blood, will bo allowed the privilege without charge, by registering and agreeing to report the result of the crosses. provements. Inspector Charles H. Shinn made a visit to this town recently and was in- teviewed for the Ledger. Inspector C. H. Shinn Speaks of the Im- The curse of overworked womankind, are quickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. the great blood-purllicr and tissue-builder. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Price, 25c and 50c. For sale by A. Goldner, the Druggist. * Broken Eggs Are Bold. Sadie Evans, an alleged gypsy queen, died Thursday night, February Ist, at the camp of her tribes, which is lo- cated between Elizabeth and Newark, N. J. Her age is given at 106 years by the members of the tribe. She has been in America fifty years and was born in England. Her husbaud, Rob- ert Evans, died at an advanced age two years ago, and sho will be laidbeside him inEvergreen Cemetery at Eliza- beth. One son, Edmund, who is 57 gears old and who will inherit her money, which is said to be considerable, survives her. She also leaves fourteen grandchildren.— Globe Democrat. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on a positive guarantee. Cures heartburn, raising of the food, distress after eating or any form of dyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediate relief; 25 cents and 50 cents. Sold by A. Gold- ner. It Wasn't Worth Much. Inthe egg trade a broken egg is not lost to the market. When in the course of the packing at the large houses an egg is broken itis frozen and offered for sale in that way. A writer in an Eastern paper says: "Frozen eggs in great masses are not bad to look upon. They are .not allowed to thaw until the time comes for use. They are shipped in refrigerated cars, and such consignments as go to Alaska for the gold regions are put into cold storage on board of the steamships. The Klondike demand does not begin to take all of the frozen eggs. I Mis- souri alone furnishes millionsof cracked eggs in the course of a year. Nine eggs will average a pound. Tho frozen egg product is sold by weight. With the large bakers and cracker-makers in the cities the frozen eggs are in demand. Some restaurants also buy the big tin buckets of the frozen article. Certain classes of restaurants serve scrambled eggs and omelets in winter mada from the frozen eggs, and patrons are none the wiser. The Manufacture of Fins. "I had bronchitis every winter for years and no medicine gave me permanent relief till I be- gan to take One Minute Cough Cure. I know it is the best cough medicine made." says J. Koontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs, colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat and lung troubles. It is the children's favorite remedy. City Pharmacy. * "I don't doubt it!"howled the mor- tified and indignant youth, grabbing his hat. "But I want to tell you it isn't a diamond ring he wears on his littlefinger! I know what he paid for it, and it's paste!" Chicago Tribune. "I won't hear you say a word against Harold Bicknell!" haughtily exclaimed Perdida Punnkyn-Heddo. "I think more of his little finger than I do'of your whole body!" John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says, "I never used anything as good as One Minute Cough Cure. We are never without it." Quickly breaks up coughs and colds. Cures all throat and lung troubles. Its use will prevent con- sumption. Pleasant to take. City Pharmacy. A Peculiar Announcement. A Tarantula Farm. DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve is unequalled for piles, injuries and skin diseases. It is the original Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of all counterfeits. CityPharmacy. The manufacture of pins is a very interesting process. Tho pin machines cut the wire to pin size, head, point, polish, sort and stick them in the paper. The output of tho Birmingham (England) pin mills is 30,000,000 a day. Several other factories of that country have a capacity of 17,000,000 pins per day. France turns out about 20,000,- 000 per day, Holland and Germany 10,000.000 each. "We are pleased to announce that a Literary Evening will be given on Wednesday next for the benefit of the new school bell, which has just arrived oy freight, which was duly paid by the trustees. The new bell, which is a thing of beauty and a noise forever, is certainly worthy of a Literary Even- ing the best that we can get up. There will be a hot supper and recita- tions from Byron; ice cream and Ten- nyson at 10 cents a plate; selections from Bill Arp's writings and baked 'possum; also dancing to the music of the town band, which has recovered from the pneumonia. A large attend- ance is expected. " Atlanta Constitu- tion. An exchange prints the followingin- teresting announcementof "ALiterary Evening": Yon Try It. Troubles of Winter Clucks, If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which is sold for the small prico of 25c, 50c and tl, does not cure, take the bottle back and we will refund your money. Sold for over Bfty years on this guarantee. Price, 25c and 50c. For sale by A. Goldner. the Druggist. Are Ton a Good Guesser? W. S. Philpot, Albany, Ga., says, "DeWitfs Little Early Risers didme more good than any pills I ever took." The famous little pills for constipation, biliousness and liver and bowel troubles. City Pharmacy. * Tarantulas are Iwing raised in Aus- tralia for the sake of their webs, the filaments of which are made into thread for balloons. They are lighter than silk, and, when woven, lighter than canvas. Each tarantula yields from twenty to forty yards of filament; of which eight twisted together form a single thread. Twenty-five thousand dollars to be distributed among .good guessers. Ffrad all about it iq pur display col- umns. Tho nearest correct guess on the population of the United States willreceive $3,000. Subscribe for the Ledger and Cincinnati Enquirer and avail yourself of this offer, j Old sub- scribers who renew their subscriptions have the bame chance as new sub- scribers. Mrs. J. K. Miller, Nowton Hamilton, Pa., writes, "I think DoWitfs Witch Hazel Salve the grandest Halve made." Itcures piles and heals everything. All fraudulent imitations are worthless. City Pharmacy. * It Is Bather Soothing. A Volcano Boy. Bowel diseases and leg weakness carry off hosts of chicks each year, while the owner in vain tries dosing or new systems of feeding or heating, but linds a bucketful of dead birds each morning. In "The Now Egg Farm" Mr. Stoddard goes straight to the cause of nine-tenths of the diseases which attack chicks in confinement. He says: "Much of the so-called diar- rhoea is not diarrhoea at all. The chicks are weak for lack of exercise, the whole system is enfeobled, but the bowels are not suffering a whit more than all the other organs. The trouble- some symtom of clogging near the vont is almost invariably caused by lack of exercise, but anything else that debili- tates will cause it, and it is not neces- sarily an accompaniment of diarrhoea, dysentary or any other specially dis- eased state of the bowels, or of abnor- mal or vitiated droppings. Tribune. Aciuj.'* E))2)lsh Remedy will stop a cough at any time, and i»U> cure the worst cold in twelve hours, or money refunded; :J5 cents and SO cents, Sold by A,Goldoor, Geo. Barbe, Mcndota, Va., says, "Nothing did me so much good as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. One dose relieve! me, a few bottles cured me." Itdigests what you eat and always cures dys- pepsia. City Pharmacy. * "If we don't know what Is going on in the outside world, we at least have a full knowledge of the things about which the outside world yearns to learn."—Star. "There's one consolation, " said the bcleagured wit of Ladysmith. v 'AVhat i* }t?" asked the Colonol, dodgitig a sholl. Piovkek Flocu Is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, ' ' * Charles B. Hanford, who was born in Volcano and spent his early child- hood there, has just closod a very suc- cessful theatrical engagement in San Francisco. He has been playing with Louis James and Kathryn Kidder, and is an actor of considerable note. THE AMADOU J.EPGrER; JACKSON. CALIFOROTA. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 1900. MISCELLANEOUS. Knock=Out Drops "lama saloon-keeper, and used to think that rock and rye, or whiskey and quinine were proper rem- \u25a0' v. edies for coughs jj~ I I la\g^, and colds. >losf- a f*\ ?§?&\u25a0 t*S of my acquaint- I SsgL | «&k s^?\ ances were of the £, B / 7tfi«S&/>tii>^A \ panic opinion, ifcij [|B^ VjEf iji/ ° a~*i Now I know 'S^il^^^'jSSt- /£( somethingatleast JZj^^lt^^mfm *^J a thousand times == better. It is Acker's fegjpßB 1 ' English Remedy for H»SBEe Coughs and Colds. A Tl n{^ good while ago I began _^ = -J\ pi r to cough and found out ~J[^y (3 y~ then that rock and rye =:= ji '3 I was nogood. I got worse *\u25a0' and I was beginning to think that.the trou- ble would run into consumption. I didn't take any stock in patent medicines, but somehow or other I tried Acker's English Remedy. One bottle did the business for me knocked that cough out completely and it has never come back again. There is never a day passes that I don't say a good word about this wonderful medicine. I al- most forgot to say that I am stronger and fleshier now, since taking the remedy, than I was before the cough began. I write this letter voluntarily and cheerfully and am glad to do it." (Signed) Chris. Hduble, Saloon-keeper, Focatello, Idaho. Sold at 25c.. 50c. and $1a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada; and in Eng- land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. If you arenot satisfied after buying, return the bottle to your druggist, and get your money back. We authorize the above guarantee. W. O. HOOKER & CO n H-oprictore, Sew York. Sold by Alfred Goldner OUR TASTE HAMS Sweet, Juicy and Tender. We livebut onee Why not live well and enjoy life? HALL, LUHRS & CO Wholesale Grocers and Provision Dealers Sacramento, Cal. THE LONDON WOOLEN MILLS J. H. HEITMAN FINE TAILORING Price List as Follows: LONDON WEST OF ENGLAND BROADCLOTH SUIT t4O 00 LONDON CLAY WORSTED, in Blue and Black JO 00 NEW ENGLAND WASHINGTON MILLS CLAY WORSTED, blue- black $3) to 35 00 GERMAN CREPE DRESS WORSTED 35 00 FRENCH BLACK PIQUE $25 to 35 00 •LONrXJN BLACK DOESKIN SUIT.. 35 00 WASHINGTON MILLS GRAY WORS- TED SUIT, to order $20 to 35 00 FINE ASSORTMENT IN TWEED SUITING $15 to 40 00 LATEST STYLE OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN TROUSERING.... U to 12 00 600 J Street , Corner Sixth, SACRAMENTO . S 'TpHERE is a certain stylish ef- «5 I feet about irarments made £j from these Celebrated Pat- jg 5! terns that is not attained by the ;5 use of any other patterns. S M£CAU^ggj ftITTERKSW i(No-Seam-Allowance Patterns!^^| Have not an equal for atyle and perfect S fit. Easy to understand. Only ro and 15 S cts. each— none higher. Sold in nearly 3; every cityand town, or bymail. Ask for 3; them. Get a Fashion Sheet and see our S- desi^ns. Absolutely the very latest styles. £ A FREE PATTERN I of her own selection will be given 5 every subscriber to g MS CALL S^ MAGAZINEW I A LADIESMWAQAZINE^I^ One that every lady should take regu- £* larly. Beautiful colored plates; latest J£? fashions; dressmaking economies ; fancy -»I work; household hints; fiction, etc. Sub- § scribe to-day, or, send sc. for latest copy. 5? Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. *> THE McCALL CO., | 138-146 West 14th St., New York. 3; LEDGER'S CLUBBING RATES. Ledger and Daily Call, one year S7 50 Ledger and Weekly Call, one year 3 60 Ledger and Daily Bulletin, one year 6 50 Ledger and Semi-Weekly Bulletin, 1 ye'r 4 20 Ledger and Weekly Bulletin, one year. .. 390 Ledger and Daily Chronicle, one year 7 70 Ledger and Weekly Chronicle, one year . 3 60 Ledger and Weekly Examiner, one year. 3 60 Ledger and Daily Examiner, one year ... 8 30 Ledger and N. Y. Weekly Tribune, 1 ye'r 3 00 Ledger and N. V. Tri-WecUly Tribune, ly 3 50 Ledger and Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1 yr 3 35 Ledger and S. F. Weekly Post, one year. 3 00 Ledger and McCall's Magazine, one year 2 75 Ledger and St. Louis Globe Democrat, ly 3 00 Ledger and " Twice a Week," one year .. 300 #5- The above rates are strictly in advance. \u2666LIBERTY H SALOON^ Sangulnetti Building Main Street Jackson L. PERLANDA, ::: Proprietor Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Almavs on band, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. "I- I 111 l |L.. -1M WIIIWII.L IMIMIIIM.I \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0IMII tima \u25a0—LI^MJU.JUL '. * r-11- Bl^MimHa, MWJLI LJUI. I.MLMIJHJ —-,——„—— -— ,^— —» \u25a0A. BQTT.AJE3.E- SDiS-^ZIL | ON DEAL BUGGIES BUGGI^ S.-.^S .-.^ ~> SOLD AT * SSI MM MM anJnPLtS UN bAnIEITION Exclusive Agency for the Deal Buggies \u2666 : : BEOADWAT, JACKSON ',', V, This can be truthfully said \\ \\ V, TTJC !> of any of the clothes made ;; HpflP {', V, Itlt :: at our shop. The cutting J |qH j; V, o is done by an experienced J | J ; ! ! I! cutter; we use the best but- J ; - < ; ' I! CJIJT <• tons an^ thread and give ;; PIT *'. !! uUll "' personal supervision to all ;; rll J; o o work. Our stock of suit- |! . > .V . <; | 'I! ings for spring and summer j; j; mi; is about the uobbiest ever X II7TT T J' I! inhere. WILL fi: \u25a0i; | I rll >> !• :: oUH J: 0 o We cannot afford to give Z J; <! o you shoddy cloth or slip- ;; J; M; ; shod work, for we are here J ; FAIT J i !! to stay and cannot live on \ ', Illl) \\ 1 |J one-time custom. |; j; \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666» \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»»^ i MAX LADAR, THE TAILOR MAIN STREET, JACKSON, CAL. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666 w ryi £^ I 111 \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666•\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666» ® ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Z The Aleehan Property will be T J subdivided into building lots and 5 5 sold for CASH OR INSTALLMENTS. \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666»\u2666» Z Will be laid out in blocks, with _ ..^ y«y _^ Z 50-foot streets and 25-foot alley- IJ| | |\ S ways. Each lot can be reached 9 I "I IL# Z at front or rear by wagon. One 1 V»/ 11 Z ma'" street from Volcano road »\u2666\u2666»»\u2666\u2666#\u2666\u2666»»\u2666»\u2666»»» * west of Calvin's house; one east 6 * of Meehan's house; and one west r Z -of Keeney's property, to reach the 0 S property . \u25a0'\u25a0;• ' \u25a0 . ". •. . . Sn B For further particulars apply to A I r NEIL A. MACOUARRIE \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666^\u2666\u2666\u2666^^ , . Spagnoll Building, Summit Street : E. GINOCCHIO & BROTHER | Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise « . * . Water Street, Foot of Uroadway, Jackson WE TAKE PLEASURE IN INFORMING OUR PA- S Irons and the public generally that we have on hand a Z 1 very choice selected stoch of DRY UOODS of all kinds, GRO- Z Z CKRIES AND PROVISIONS, CLOTHING. HOOTS AND Z Z SHOES. We particularly direct the attention of the public Z m to the fact that we keep on hand tho largest assortment of Z m IRON AND STEEL to be found in Amador county. Also a Z m superior assortment of all kinds of HARDWARE, such as ! q Carriage Bolts. Screws, Nuts, Nails, and, in fact, everything Z s the market demands. We are sole agents for the celebrated Z Z HURCULES POWDER, of which which we shall constantly 5 0 keep on hand a large supply. . - J liiMjl M,lnDnAM''Q AaAI a UPON yM^"'*^""^^^^'^^"" l^ 1 " 1^ @n UKDAN [i»HI /(^^LEADINGDEALER&^|P|k M JutJ u t i ' |^|^»^.J.JQRDANMANUFACTURERWfSk M AA A 1 fmsfes? &±?Jiis and &&FMd NSl^fe fIITIFRV i i M ?' i > i" 1 " E^i LANP '. mV^m^i DON'T BE A r * aM And take some other kind because a little cheaper. Best Is always cheapest in tho end, and the Jordan "AaAI " Cutlery is " It. " For salo by the leading dealers everywhere. 1 THE NEW | NATIONAL HOTEL"-- (l)3*V— \u25a0) Foot of Main Street JACKSON, CAL, o-o-cTo-o-o FIRST-GLASS ACCOMMODATIONS FOR TRAVELERS AT REASONABLE PRjCES k Sample Room for Commercial Travelers •* Rooms Newly Furnished Throughout A I Table Supplied With the Best in the Market y&~. I BAR Supplied With the Finest Brands of T \ Wines Liquors and Cigars ' :e\ -v"oo^k:ejis, MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. Eleetriblty ! DR. ..W. F. GREEN, D. D. S. WEBB BUILDING. JACKSON. CAL. Teeth Filled and Extracted Positively Without Pain by ELECTRICITY " Artificial Teeth made on Aluminum Plates. Easy to keep clean ; light as a feather and will never tarnish. Also Gold and Metal Plates. All plate work leaving my office is guaranteed to fit, wear and give perfect satisfaction and com- fort. J:/ GOLD, ALUMINUM AND PLATINUM CROWNS All Crown and Bridge Work made according to the latest and approved method. FINE GOLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY * Ulcerated Teeth, no matter of how long standing, <ured in one treatment. DR. W. F. GREEN, D. D. S. Webb Building, Main Street, Jaokson, CaL FOR <nnA an \u25a0 McCall's Magazine '-7— (the queen of fashion) I Will contain TWENTY-TWO FULL-PAGE BEAUTIFUL COLORED PLATES— more than 1000 exquisite, artistic and strictly up-to- date FASHION designs a large number of short stories and handsome illustrations-—;- fancy work, hints on dressmaking and sugges- With Amador Ledger $2.75 a Year And each subscriber receives a FREE PAT- TERN of her own selection a pattern sold by most houses at 25 cents or 30 cents. i ..... SEASON OF 1899-1900 •••••••••••••••••••••a \u25a0'•."\u25a0\u25a0 _^ \u25a0 LtSan Francisco s:oopm Tues and Fri fI XI C^T •Lt Fresno •-•'\u25a0• 10:23pm. ...Tues and Frl I 1 1^ aP I •Ar LL ° S Angeles 7:«am....Wed and Sat \J \J l\\J MmU 1 •Lt Los Angeles B:ooam... .Wed and Sat v \u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0]' _^ * Ar EUPaso..: 7:l2am. ...Thnri and Sun I" I 11/rTT^l^r^ Z LvKlPllso 9:-J5 am....ThursandSun I 1 jyj I | rll* ArNewOrleans 7:15 p m... .Fri and Mon JLjllll 1 A Lmd JL/ ZAr Washington ............ B:«3am.... San and Wed ••••••••••••••••••••• Ar New Y0rk.........: K:«pm....Sun and Wed Initial Trip Friday, December ""*\u25a0 - THIS MAGNIFICENT train again, for the sixth season, offers its superior service to the traT- oling public. ... ITS HIGH STANDARD of excellence is abundantly attested by Its past brilliant record, and the Southern Pacific management gives the assurance that it will be maintained in allrespects, and improved where possible. For more complete information, call on H. W. GORDON, Agent at lone. ' •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a \u25a0• \u25a0 : up-to-date : I Stationery and Novelties | : right : : AT PRICES 5 I FREEMAN'S VARIETY STORE | . \u25a0 . \u25a0 m PIONEER FLOUR IS PERFECTION^ A Made From SELECTED WHEAT |f Blended According to Our Own Formula M Produclnq Per*>ct Results /\u25a0XTJR RECOnD OF THIfcTY-FIVE YEARS IN AMADOR COUNTY OF HONORABLE V^und upright dealing is withyou. and we respectfully ask for a continuance of your favors ; without prejudice. •- rip! nm mis, niipni # [ LEGAL NOTICES. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT IN pursuance of an order of the Superior Court in and for the County of Amador, State of California, made on the silst day of October, 189ff, In the matter of the estate of G. M L Mathls, deceased, the undersigned, the admin- istrator of said estate, willsell at public auc- tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, gold coin of the United States, and subject to confirma- tion by said Superior Court, on Saturday, the 84th day of February, 1900, at 10 o'clock a. m.. in front of the Courthouse door, at Jack- son, in the County of Amador, State of Cali- fornia, all the right, title, interest and estate ! of the said G. M. L. Mathis at the time of his death, and all the right, title and interest that the said estate has, by operation of law or oth- erwise, acquired other than or in addition to that of the said G. M. L. Mathis at the time of his death, in and to all those certain lots pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and beinß in the said County of Amador. State of California, and bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: The east half of the east half of section nineteen (19), the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section twenty (20), the east half of the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter 4>f the southeast quarter of section thirty (X), all in township seven (7) N R 10 E, M. D. a. and M., containing three huir- dred and twenty (SW) acres of land. Terms and Conditions of Sale:— Cash, cold coin of the United States. 10 per cent of the purchase money to bo paid the auctioneer on the day of sale, balance on confirmation of sale by said Superior Court. Deed at expense of purchaser. JOHN G MATHIS, Administrator of the Estate of G. M.L Mathis Deceased. Dated January 19, 1900. : 1-19-S-18 William J. McGee, attorney for administrator. Assessment Notice. Jackson Gold Mining and Milling Company.— Location of principal place of business, Jackson. California.— Location of Works. Jackson Mining District, Amador County: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the sth day of December, 1599. an assessment (No. 3) of one-thirtieth of one cent per share was levied upon the capital stock of the cor poratlon.payable immediately in United State; gold coin, to the secretary, at the offlce of the company. Ledger offlce, Jackson, California. Any stock upon which the assessment shall remain unpaid on the 6th day of January, 1900. ; will be delinquent, and advertised for sale at I public auction, and unless payment Is made be- ! fore, will be sold on Saturday, the »7th day of January, 1900, at 4 p. m.. to pay the delinquent assessment, together with costs of advertising ; and expenses of sale. Byorder of the Board of Directors. WILL A. NEWCUM, Secretary. . Offlce: Weil &Renno Building, Jackson Cal. December 5, 1899. 12-8-12-31 At a meeting of the Board or Directors of the Jackson Gold Mining and Milling Company, held on Saturday, January Rth, 1900, the date ' of delinquency of Assessment No. 3 was post- poned to Saturday, February 3. 1900. and the day of sale to Saturday, February 24, 1900. WILL. A. NEWCUM, Secretary. Dated Jackson, January 6,1800. 1-12—1-28 At a meeting of the Directors of the Jackson Gold Mining and Milling Company, held in the offlce of the Secretary on February 3, 1900, the date of delinquency of Assessment No. 3 was postponed to Tuesday, March a, 1900, and the date of sale to March 34. 1900. WILL. A. NEWCUM, Secretary. Dated Jackson, February 7, 1900. Notice is also further given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the Jack- son Gold Mining and Milling Company will take place at the rooms of the Secretary, Kay Building,. Main street, Jackson, on Tuesday, March 6, 19U0. " WILL. A. NEWCUM, Secretary. Dated Jackson, February 7, 1900. 2-16-3-3 Notice of Forfeiture. To John B. Skinner: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFED THAT I have expended at least $-M) (two hundred) in labor and improvements on the following-de- scribed placer claim: Wtf of EH and EV4 of W4 of SWJ< of NEy of section 88. township 7 north, range 14 east, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian, Volcano Mining District, Amador County, State of California, as will appear by certifi- cate tiled at the offlce ot the Recorder ot Ama- dor County, Jackson, on December 39, 1898, and January 19, 1900, in order to hold said premises under the provisions or section 3334, Revised Statutes of U. S.. being the amount required to bold same for the year ending December SI, 1899, and if within ninety days after the publi- cation of this notice you fail or refuse to con- tribute your proportion of said expenditure, as co-owner, your interest in said claim will be- come the property of the subscriber nnder said section 2324. M. CHRISTENSEN. Volcano, January 20, 1900. - 1-28-4-37 MISCELLANEOUS. A $4.00 BOOK FOR Wets. The Fanners' Encyclopedia. -ga Everything per- 1 tammy to the af- a -^^ ~ic*P&=c*aiea fair,of the farm, gSSnSSrisS^SrtM! 9 homehold and SfiffSsSHKJJIII braces articles on Bra^S- iftSrSl I tbo Qorsc < th e colt, HWH3SH!KIjEBK *Scl I horse hnhila. dia- MSIS iaKuH **a' I eases ot the llorae . PrnrMJjHff-IBw-TT \u25a0Tnlll the fllrm - gra-«w, Lkaif'i, '''"giMBrTCdUWTTI UII fruit culture, dairy. B^fltWHßWffiSlilUaP I lt>K.cookery,hea!th, BRMNn BIISmSsS! '• II cattle . slict- p.swine. KLBJffWPftMaB3«BBjr -olli poultry, beea, the HSnJB Kbi !il d .°S. toilet, locin! H SrHPI Ufe - etc - etc One I §$93 3aJ^MIII of tlle moot com- IIKJIB SasSy ill Pe te Encyclo- IfflvlHsKS'SSHi'l P 6 ' l ' B " Inexistence. IIKKfiS&S3r" AIsr K e bonk, Sxs% VSkS^/SSSr^ Xl% inches. 6So IsSißS^^^ P&S^s, fully lllub- !ES*^ trated, bound in green cloth bind- . Ing and equal to .'-"\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 .': - other books costing M.OO. If yon desire this book send us our special offer price, $0.75, and $0.20 extra for postage and we will forward the book to you. If it is not satis- factory return it and we will exchange it or refund your money. Send for our special Illustrated cata- logue, quoting the lowest prices on books, TWEE, We can save you money. Address allorders to THE WERNER COMPANY, flbUrt.ri Hud Mumf.ctnitri. Akron, OhlO. - (The W«nier Company is thoroughlyreliable.}—Editor. @ van DR. JORDAN'S «•— * ffraflfluseum of Anatomy I 1061 X*3Xl* SI. tot. 6th 4 7th, 3. 1. C»L I ft|M Th * LL * f f" ofl " kll " 1 «* WorM. I wtBQ w * ar? otlli " l " |:i T o-Hing nrw \u25a0preimtns. 11l vw ffConie »n-lImrn how wnnd-rlullryou are ra*l« mM land how to «»«d •uknnuand dimne. If job \ II suff-r from «ht of ibe ill* or m. n, come to Urn Jk £oMest Bpedalut on Faclllo Out, DR. JOBT»A> IMtl V VTE DISEASES OsßtiilutkinrrreaDditrtetlTprldir. Treatment permi- all jorbj letter. MI'IICI f.tboroniblj eradicated from the \u25a0TRtem wltboat asinc fflcrewry* EVKMT«A1 appM'K to v will HCd» our konut opinion of bla compUinl. Wi m-OI Guarantor, a POSITITK CTTtglnmrtaut KtunderlaXc. orfarfitt Oir Tt.ivi.l Dollar!. Write for Book—Pblloaoph.r ormMiriam, MAtLwvMKt 4 Aralnahk bonk for men.) DR. JORDAN AC 0. ,1051 Market St. &F. TO THE UNFORTUNATE TJJWj^Srft themost successful spe- &J\ I%i StmfA costillcontinucstocure BBr% -Lj>*.. .J»"Jti all Sexual and Seminal KUMKIIM^TWSSXvn Diseases. such as Uhon- r*SßUUEZMUTnjl'f(l orrhea.Uleet. Stricture, SL^Wr«l«SBtlu'*l§ s - Vllllili . s in allits forms *^^lrl/jr^I«U*TKSiM k ' n Diseases, Nervous y£y^iMSJki'KalMV4 Debility, Impotency, ;^Njjßß3StS3«T*!Sxxa Seminal Weakness, and v^om»™n.iijj.wK^i&vt Lo SS of Manhood, the consequence of self abuse and excess produc- ing the following symptoms: Sallow counte- nance, dark spots under the eyes, pain in the head, ringing in the ears, loss of confidence, liffldence in approaching strangers, palpitation it the heart, weakness of the limbs and back, loss of memory, pimples on the face, coughs, sonsumption, etc. DR. UUIBONhas practiced in San Francisco )ver 37 years, and those troubled should not ail to consult him and receive the benelit of lis great skill and experience. The doctor ;ures when others fail. Try him. Cures guar- tnteed. Persons cured at home. Charges reas- mable. Call or write. Dr. J. F. Gibbon, 835 Kearney street, San Francisco, Cal. JACKSON Meat Market 3EORGE L. THOMAS, Proprietor (Successor to S. W. Bright) rHE BEST QUALITY OF BEEF, MUT- ton, Pork, Corned Beef, Lard, Sausage, itc., etc., willalways be found at this old-es- abllshed stand, at the lowest rulingprices. Having been in the butchering business In fackson for many years, and being familiar rithevery branch thereof and with nearly all he patrons of both shops, I am In position to mow the wants ol all to the best advantage, and espeetfully ask a fair share ot patronage. " 950598 ?«, TPQHA.3 Pro*.
Page 1: Amador ledger (San Francisco) 1900-02-16 [p ] · Cures heartburn, raising of the food,distress after eating or any formof dyspepsia. One littletablet gives immediate relief; 25cents


Canyon, February s.—The ball onSaturday night, given in honor ofJohn Dohman and family, was a grandsuccess. There was alarge attendance.The music was furnished by a Folsomorchestra. Lunch was served in thedining-room of BrinHupkey's Hall.Mr. Dohman and family, with the ex-ception of his son, Raymond, willtaketheir departure at an early hour to-morrow. Mr. Ed Simpson and familywilloccupy Mr.Dohman's house.

Mrs. E. C. Zorres has returned fromSacramento. . 1\u25a0


Mr.Reagan, our former blacksmith,with his family, is about to take hisdeparture for other parts.

Justice Smith left for Angels Campyesterday.

Mrs. Sheets, of El Dorado, is theguest of Mrs. Davies.

Mr. Morrow, insurance agent ofJackson, is stillinCanyon.Mr.Gee, tho Placerville tailor, visited

in Canyon Sunday, remaining overfrom the farewell ball.

Mrs. M. A. Green is on the sick list.Lately two ante-rooms have been

added to the schoolhouse. The num-ber of pupils have so increased as tomake the necessity of four new seatsbeing provided.

Mr. Sells and Mr. Rice of AngelsCamp have taken the places of Mr.Dohman and Mr. Reagan as millraanand blacksmith.

The new ditch of the Fort YumaCompany is rapidlynearing completion.It looks from the mountain side as iflively times were coming, and betokensthe starting up of another mine overthe hill. Laura Theresa.

•The Farewell Ball Was Largely Attended

by the Young People.

Young Mothers.

Croup is the terror of thousands of youngmothers, because its outbreak is so agonizingand frequently fatal. Shiloh's Cough and Con-sumption Cure acts like magic in cases ofCroup. Ithas never been known to fail. Theworst cases relieved immediately. Price, 25c,50c and 11. Forsale byA.Goldner, the Druggist*

The Queen of Gypsies Dies.

Sick Headaches,

"Recent analyses of the apples grownat an elevation of from1500 to 3000 feetin the Sierra, show high sugar andacid, or, inother words, a first-rate all-around fruit. There are many locationsin- the Sierra foot-hills especiallyadapted to apples, and we willgladlyfurnish scions of many new sorts oflate-keeping apples to growers withinreachof the Station."

"Among the additions to the Stationcollections the past year are sometwenty new varieties of figs. Severalof these, while new to California, havea well deservod reputation in Europe.Iad vise the planting of more figs intheSierra foot-hills. Few fruits are sosatisfactory as the fig for family use,and the tree endures a great deal ofneglect.

"The Station is about to introducea* very good stock of Belgian hare,which has attracted much attentionthe past season.

Mr. Shinn said: "The ExperimentStation has been improving steadily forseveral years past, and is well worth avisit from farmers, and all persons in-terested in the foot-hill region. Thelatest addition to tho Station novoltiesis a pair of thoroughbred Persiansheep of the Bayazit breed of Astrach-ans, imported for the United Statesgovernment by Minister Bealo someyears ago. A pair of the original im-portation were obtained for the PasoRobles Station, and the stock has beenpropagated there ever since. TheJune-bred lambs of these sheep furnishthe true 'Astrakhan' which is worthabout fifteen dollars to the skin, and isin great demand. No part ofCaliforniais better adapted to these sheep thanthe Sierra foot-hills. Persons havingflocks of sheep, and desirous of intro-ducing this new blood, willbo allowedthe privilege without charge, byregistering and agreeing to report theresult of the crosses.

provements.Inspector Charles H. Shinn made a

visit to this town recently and was in-teviewed for the Ledger.

Inspector C. H. Shinn Speaks of the Im-

The curse of overworked womankind, arequickly and surely cured by Karl's Clover RootTea. the great blood-purllicr and tissue-builder.Money refunded ifnot satisfactory. Price, 25cand 50c. For sale by A.Goldner, the Druggist. *

Broken Eggs Are Bold.

Sadie Evans, an alleged gypsy queen,died Thursday night, February Ist, atthe camp of her tribes, which is lo-cated between Elizabeth and Newark,N. J. Her age is given at 106 years bythe members of the tribe. She hasbeen in America fifty years and wasborn in England. Her husbaud, Rob-ert Evans, died at an advanced age twoyears ago, and sho will be laidbesidehim inEvergreen Cemetery at Eliza-beth. One son, Edmund, who is 57gears old and who will inherit hermoney, which is said to be considerable,survives her. She also leaves fourteengrandchildren.— Globe Democrat.

Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on apositive guarantee. Cures heartburn, raisingof the food, distress after eating or any formofdyspepsia. One little tablet gives immediaterelief; 25 cents and 50 cents. Sold by A.Gold-ner.

It Wasn't Worth Much.

Inthe egg trade a broken egg is notlost to the market. When in thecourse of the packing at the largehouses an egg is broken itis frozen andoffered for sale in that way. A writerin an Eastern paper says: "Frozeneggs in great masses are not bad tolook upon. They are .not allowed tothaw until the time comes for use.They are shipped in refrigerated cars,and such consignments as go to Alaskafor the gold regions are put into coldstorage on board of the steamships.The Klondike demand does not beginto take all of the frozen eggs. IMis-souri alone furnishes millionsof crackedeggs in the course of a year. Nine eggswillaverage a pound. Tho frozen eggproduct is sold by weight. With thelarge bakers and cracker-makers inthecities the frozen eggs are indemand.Some restaurants also buy the big tinbuckets of the frozen article. Certainclasses of restaurants serve scrambledeggs and omelets in winter mada fromthe frozen eggs, and patrons are nonethe wiser.

The Manufacture of Fins.

"Ihad bronchitis every winter foryears andno medicine gave me permanent relief tillIbe-gan to take One Minute Cough Cure. Iknow itis the best cough medicine made." says J.Koontz, Corry, Pa. It quickly cures coughs,colds, croup, asthma, grippe and throat andlung troubles. It is the children's favoriteremedy. CityPharmacy. *

"Idon't doubt it!"howled the mor-tifiedand indignant youth, grabbinghis hat. "ButIwant to tell you itisn't a diamond ring he wears on hislittlefinger! Iknow what he paid forit,and it'spaste!" —

Chicago Tribune.

"I won't hear you say a wordagainst Harold Bicknell!" haughtilyexclaimed Perdida Punnkyn-Heddo."Ithink more of his littlefinger thanIdo'of your whole body!"

John Dirr, Poseyville, Ind., says, "Ineverused anything as good as One Minute CoughCure. We are never without it." Quicklybreaks up coughs and colds. Cures all throatand lung troubles. Its use will prevent con-sumption. Pleasant to take. CityPharmacy.

A Peculiar Announcement.

A Tarantula Farm.

DeWitfs Witch Hazel Salve is unequalledforpiles,injuries and skin diseases. Itis theoriginal Witch Hazel Salve. Beware of allcounterfeits. CityPharmacy. •

The manufacture of pins is a veryinteresting process. Tho pin machinescut the wire to pin size, head, point,polish, sort and stick them in thepaper.

The output of tho Birmingham(England) pin mills is 30,000,000 a day.Several other factories of that countryhave a capacity of 17,000,000 pins perday. France turns out about 20,000,-000 per day, Holland and Germany10,000.000 each.

"We are pleased to announce that aLiterary Evening will be given onWednesday next for the benefit of thenew school bell, which has just arrivedoy freight, which was duly paid by thetrustees. The new bell, • which is athing of beauty and a noise forever, iscertainly worthy of a Literary Even-ing

—the best that we can get up.

There will be a hot supper and recita-tions from Byron; ice cream and Ten-nyson at 10 cents a plate; selectionsfrom Bill Arp's writings and baked'possum; also dancing to the music ofthe town band, which has recoveredfrom the pneumonia. A large attend-ance is expected.

"—Atlanta Constitu-


Anexchange prints the followingin-teresting announcementof "ALiteraryEvening":

Yon Try It.

Troubles of Winter Clucks,

If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,which is sold for the small prico of25c, 50c andtl,does not cure, take the bottle back and wewillrefund your money. Sold for over Bftyyears on this guarantee. Price, 25c and 50c.For sale by A.Goldner. the Druggist.

•Are Ton a Good Guesser?

W. S. Philpot, Albany,Ga., says, "DeWitfsLittleEarly Risers didme more good than anypillsIever took." The famous little pills forconstipation, biliousness and liver and boweltroubles. City Pharmacy. *

Tarantulas are Iwing raised in Aus-tralia for the sake of their webs, thefilaments of which are made into threadfor balloons. They are lighter thansilk, and, when woven, lighter thancanvas. Each tarantula yields fromtwenty to forty yards of filament; ofwhich eight twisted together formasingle thread.

Twenty-five thousand dollars to bedistributed among .good guessers.Ffrad all about it iq pur display col-umns. Tho nearest correct guess onthe population of the United Stateswillreceive $3,000. Subscribe for theLedger and Cincinnati Enquirer andavail yourself of this offer, jOld sub-scribers who renew their subscriptionshave the bame chance as new sub-scribers.

Mrs. J. K. Miller, Nowton Hamilton, Pa.,writes, "Ithink DoWitfs Witch Hazel Salvethe grandest Halve made." Itcures piles andheals everything. All fraudulent imitationsare worthless. City Pharmacy. *

It Is Bather Soothing.

A Volcano Boy.

Bowel diseases and leg weaknesscarry off hosts of chicks each year,while the owner in vain tries dosingor new systems of feeding or heating,but linds a bucketful of dead birds eachmorning. In "The Now Egg Farm"Mr. Stoddard goes straight to thecause of nine-tenths of the diseaseswhich attack chicks in confinement.He says: "Much of the so-called diar-rhoea is not diarrhoea at all. Thechicks are weak for lack of exercise,the whole system is enfeobled, but thebowels are not suffering a whit morethan allthe other organs. The trouble-some symtom of clogging near the vontisalmost invariably caused by lack ofexercise, but anything else that debili-tates willcause it, and it is not neces-sarily an accompaniment of diarrhoea,dysentary or any other specially dis-eased state of the bowels, or of abnor-malor vitiated droppings.


Aciuj.'*E))2)lsh Remedy will stop a coughat any time, and i»U> cure the worst cold intwelve hours, or money refunded; :J5 cents andSO cents, Sold by A,Goldoor,

Geo. Barbe, Mcndota, Va., says, "Nothingdid me so much good as Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.One dose relieve! me, a few bottles cured me."Itdigests what you eat and always cures dys-pepsia. City Pharmacy. *

"If we don't know what Is going onin the outside world, we at least havea full knowledge of the things aboutwhich the outside world yearns tolearn."—Star.

"There's one consolation,"

said thebcleagured witof Ladysmith.

v 'AVhat i* }t?" asked the Colonol,dodgitig a sholl.

Piovkek Flocu Is the same yesterday, todayand tomorrow,

'' *

Charles B. Hanford, who was bornin Volcano and spent his early child-hood there, has just closod a very suc-cessful theatrical engagement in SanFrancisco. He has been playing withLouis James and Kathryn Kidder, andis an actor of considerable note.


Knock=Out Drops"lama saloon-keeper, and used to think

that rock and rye,or whiskey and quininewere proper rem- \u25a0' v.edies for coughs jj~ I Ila\g^,and colds. >losf-a f*\ ?§?&\u25a0 t*Sof my acquaint- ISsgL | «&k s^?\ances were ofthe £, B

/7tfi«S&/>tii>^A\panic opinion, ifcij[|B^ VjEfiji/°a~*iNow Iknow 'S^il^^^'jSSt- /£(somethingatleast JZj^^lt^^mfm *^Ja thousand times ==better. It is Acker's fegjpßB1

'English Remedy for H»SBEeCoughs and Colds. A Tl n{^good while ago Ibegan

_ =-J\ pirtocough and found out ~J[^y (3 y~then that rock and rye =:=ji'3Iwas nogood.Igot worse *\u25a0'andIwas beginning to think that.the trou-ble would run into consumption. Ididn'ttake any stock in patent medicines, butsomehow or other Itried Acker's EnglishRemedy. One bottle did the business forme

—knocked that cough out completely

—and ithas never come back again. There isnever a day passes that Idon't say a goodword about this wonderful medicine. Ial-most forgot to say that Iam stronger andfleshier now, since taking the remedy, thanIwas before the cough began. Iwrite thisletter voluntarily and cheerfully and amglad to do it." (Signed) Chris. Hduble,Saloon-keeper, Focatello, Idaho.

Sold at 25c.. 50c. and $1a bottle, throughoutthe United States and Canada; and in Eng-land, at Is. 2d., 2s. 3d., 4s. Gd. Ifyou arenotsatisfied after buying, return the bottle toyour druggist, and get your money back.

We authorize the above guarantee.W. O. HOOKER & COn H-oprictore, Sew York.

Sold by Alfred Goldner

OUR TASTE HAMSSweet, Juicy and Tender.

We livebut onee—

Why not livewelland enjoy life?

HALL, LUHRS & COWholesale Grocers andProvision Dealers

Sacramento, Cal.



FINE TAILORINGPrice List as Follows:


LONDON CLAY WORSTED, in Blueand Black JO 00






600 J Street ,Corner Sixth, SACRAMENTO

. S 'TpHERE is a certain stylish ef- j§«5 I feet about irarments made 5»£j from these Celebrated Pat- jg5! terns that is not attained by the 3»;5 use of any other patterns. S



Have not an equal for atyle and perfect Sfit. Easy to understand. Onlyroand 15 Scts. each— none higher. Sold in nearly 3;every cityand town, or bymail. Ask for 3;them. Get a Fashion Sheet and see our S-desi^ns. Absolutely the very latest styles. £

A FREE PATTERN Iof her own selection willbe given 5every subscriber to g


IALADIESMWAQAZINE^I^One that every lady should take regu- £*larly. Beautiful colored plates; latest J£?fashions; dressmaking economies ;fancy -»Iwork;household hints; fiction,etc. Sub- §

scribe to-day, or, send sc. forlatest copy. 5?Lady agents wanted. Send for terms. *>

THE McCALL CO., |138-146 West 14th St., New York. 3;

LEDGER'S CLUBBING RATES.Ledger and DailyCall, one year S7 50Ledger and Weekly Call, one year 3 60Ledger and DailyBulletin, one year 6 50Ledger and Semi-Weekly Bulletin, 1 ye'r 4 20Ledger and Weekly Bulletin, one year... 390Ledger and Daily Chronicle, one year 7 70Ledger and Weekly Chronicle, one year. 3 60Ledger and Weekly Examiner, one year. 3 60Ledger and DailyExaminer, one year ... 8 30Ledger and N. Y. Weekly Tribune, 1 ye'r 3 00Ledger and N. V.Tri-WecUly Tribune, ly 3 50Ledger and Cosmopolitan Magazine, 1 yr 3 35Ledger and S. F. Weekly Post, one year. 3 00Ledger and McCall's Magazine, one year 2 75Ledger and St. Louis Globe Democrat, ly 3 00Ledger and "Twice a Week," one year.. 300#5- The above rates are strictly inadvance.

\u2666LIBERTY HSALOON^Sangulnetti BuildingMain Street Jackson

L.PERLANDA, : ::Proprietor

Best of Wines, Liquors and CigarsAlmavs on band,


"I- I 111l|L.. -1MWIIIWII.L IMIMIIIM.I\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0IMII tima \u25a0—LI^MJU.JUL '.—*

—r-11- Bl^MimHa, MWJLI LJUI.I.MLMIJHJ —-,——„——





Exclusive Agency for the Deal Buggies


',', V, This can be truthfully said \\ \\V, TTJC !> of any of the clothes made ;; HpflP {',V, Itlt :: at our shop. The cutting J |qH j;V, o is done by an experienced J | J ;!! I! cutter; we use the best but- J ;- < ;


I! CJIJT <• tons an^ thread and give ;; PIT *'.!! uUll "'

personal supervision to all ;; rll J;o o work. Our stock of suit- |! . > .V. <;| 'I! ings for spring and summer j; j;

mi; is about the uobbiest ever X II7TT T J'I! inhere. WILL

fi: \u25a0i; |

Irll >> !• :: oUH J:0 o We cannot afford to give Z J;<! o you shoddy cloth or slip- ;; J;

M;; shod work, for we are here J ; FAIT J i!! to stay and cannot live on \ ', Illl) \\

1 |J one-time custom. |; j;

\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666» \u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»»^ i


\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666w ryi£^I111


® •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••7 Z The Aleehan Property willbeT J subdivided into building lots and5 5 sold for CASH OR INSTALLMENTS.

\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666»\u2666» Z Will be laid out in blocks, with_..^ y«y _^ Z 50-foot streets and 25-foot alley-IJ| ||\ S ways. Each lot can be reached

9 I"I IL#• Z at front or rear by wagon. One1 V»/ 11 Z ma'" street from Volcano road •


west of Calvin's house; one east6

*of Meehan's house; and one west•

r Z -of Keeney's property, to reach the0 S property . \u25a0'\u25a0;•

'\u25a0 . ". •. . .

SnB For further particulars apply to

AIr NEIL A. MACOUARRIE\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666\u2666^\u2666\u2666\u2666^^ , . Spagnoll Building, Summit Street

:E. GINOCCHIO & BROTHER |•Wholesale and Retail Dealers in

General Merchandise « • . * .•Water Street, Foot of Uroadway, Jackson


Irons and the public generally that we have on hand a Z1 very choice selected stoch of DRY UOODS of all kinds, GRO- ZZ CKRIES AND PROVISIONS, CLOTHING. HOOTS AND ZZ SHOES. We particularly direct the attention of the public Zm to the fact that we keep on hand tho largest assortment of Zm IRON ANDSTEEL to be found in Amador county. Also a Zm superior assortment of all kinds of HARDWARE, such as !q Carriage Bolts. Screws, Nuts, Nails, and, in fact, everything Zs the market demands. We are sole agents for the celebrated ZZ HURCULES POWDER, of which which we shall constantly 50 keep on hand a large supply. . -


liiMjl M,lnDnAM''Q AaAI aUPON yM^"'*^""^^^^'^^""l 1

"1^ @n


' |^|^»^.J.JQRDANMANUFACTURERWfSk MAAA 1fmsfes? &±?Jiis and &&FMd NSl^fe


M?' i>

i"1" E^iLANP

'. mV^m^i

DON'T BE A r* aM—

And take some other kind because a littlecheaper. Best Is always cheapest in tho end, and the Jordan "AaAI



"For salo by the leading dealers everywhere.

1 THE NEW |NATIONAL HOTEL"--(l)3*V—\u25a0) Foot of Main Street



•*Rooms NewlyFurnished Throughout AITable Supplied With the Best in the Market y&~.IBAR Supplied With the Finest Brands of T\ Wines Liquors and Cigars


:e\ -v"oo^k:ejis,


Eleetriblty !


Teeth Filled and Extracted Positively WithoutPain by ELECTRICITY

"ArtificialTeeth made on Aluminum Plates. Easy to

keep clean ; light as a feather and willnever tarnish. AlsoGold and Metal Plates. All plate work leaving my office isguaranteed to fit,wear and give perfect satisfaction and com-fort. J:/

GOLD, ALUMINUM AND PLATINUM CROWNSAll Crown and Bridge Work made according to the

latest and approved method.FINE GOLD FILLINGS A SPECIALTY

* Ulcerated Teeth, no matter of how long standing, <uredin one treatment.

DR. W. F. GREEN, D. D. S.Webb Building, Main Street, Jaokson, CaL

FOR <nnA an

\u25a0• •

McCall's Magazine'-7—(the queen of fashion)

IWill contain TWENTY-TWO FULL-PAGEBEAUTIFUL COLORED PLATES— morethan 1000 exquisite, artistic and strictly up-to-date FASHION designs —

a large number ofshort stories and handsome illustrations-—;-fancy work, hints on dressmaking and sugges-

With Amador Ledger

$2.75 a Year

And each subscriber receives a FREE PAT-TERN of her own selection

—a pattern sold by

most houses at 25 cents or 30 cents.

i..... SEASON OF 1899-1900•••••••••••••••••••••a \u25a0'•."\u25a0\u25a0


\u25a0• • LtSan Francisco s:oopm Tues and Fri

fIXI C^T •LtFresno •-•'\u25a0• 10:23pm. ...Tues and Frl

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/\u25a0XTJR RECOnD OF THIfcTY-FIVE YEARS IN AMADOR COUNTY OF HONORABLEV^und upright dealing is withyou. and we respectfully ask for a continuance of your favors;without prejudice. •-—

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# [


Administrator's Sale of RealEstate.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. THAT INpursuance of an order of the SuperiorCourt inand for the County of Amador, State ofCalifornia, made on the silst day of October,189ff,In the matter of the estate of G. M LMathls, deceased, the undersigned, the admin-istrator of said estate, willsell at public auc-tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, gold coinof the United States, and subject to confirma-tionby said Superior Court, on Saturday, the84th day of February, 1900, at 10 o'clocka. m.. in front of the Courthouse door, at Jack-son, in the County of Amador, State of Cali-fornia, all the right, title, interest and estate !of the said G. M.L.Mathis at the time of hisdeath, and all the right, title and interest thatthe said estate has, by operation of law or oth-erwise, acquired other than or in addition tothat of the said G.M.L. Mathis at the time ofhis death, in and to all those certain lotspieces or parcels of land situate, lying andbeinß in the said County of Amador. State ofCalifornia, and bounded and described as follows, to wit: The east half of the east half ofsection nineteen (19), the southwest quarter ofthe northwest quarter of section twenty (20),the east half of the northeast quarter, and thenortheast quarter 4>f the southeast quarter ofsection thirty (X),allin township seven (7)NR 10 E,M. D.a. and M., containing three huir-dred and twenty (SW) acres of land.

Terms and Conditions of Sale:— Cash, coldcoin of the United States. 10 per cent of thepurchase money to bo paid the auctioneer onthe day of sale, balance on confirmation of saleby said Superior Court. Deed at expense ofpurchaser. JOHN G MATHIS,Administrator of the Estate ofG. M.L MathisDeceased.

Dated January 19, 1900. : 1-19-S-18William J. McGee, attorney for administrator.

Assessment Notice.

Jackson GoldMining and Milling Company.—Location of principal place of business,Jackson. California.— Location of Works.Jackson Mining District, Amador County:

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ATa meeting of the Board of Directors, heldon the sth day of December, 1599. an assessment

(No.3) of one-thirtieth of one cent per sharewas levied upon the capital stock of the corporatlon.payable immediately inUnited State;gold coin, to the secretary, at the offlce of thecompany. Ledger offlce, Jackson, California.Anystock upon which the assessment shallremain unpaid on the 6th day of January, 1900. ;willbe delinquent, and advertised for sale at Ipublic auction, and unless payment Ismade be- !fore, willbe sold on Saturday, the »7th day ofJanuary, 1900, at 4 p.m.. to pay the delinquentassessment, together with costs of advertising ;and expenses of sale.

Byorder of the Board of Directors.WILLA.NEWCUM,Secretary..Offlce: Weil &Renno Building,Jackson Cal.December 5, 1899. 12-8-12-31

Atameeting of the Board or Directors of theJackson Gold Mining and Milling Company,held on Saturday, January Rth, 1900, the date

'of delinquency of Assessment No. 3 was post-poned to Saturday, February 3. 1900. and theday of sale to Saturday, February 24, 1900.

WILL.A.NEWCUM, Secretary.Dated Jackson, January 6,1800. 1-12—1-28

Ata meeting of the Directors of the JacksonGold Mining and MillingCompany, held in theofflce of the Secretary on February 3,1900, thedate of delinquency of Assessment No. 3 waspostponed to Tuesday, March a, 1900, and thedate ofsale toMarch 34. 1900.

WILL. A. NEWCUM, Secretary.Dated Jackson, February 7,1900.

Notice is also further given that the regularannual meeting of the stockholders of the Jack-son Gold Mining and Milling Company willtake place at the rooms of the Secretary, KayBuilding,.Main street, Jackson, on Tuesday,March 6, 19U0.

"WILL. A.NEWCUM, Secretary.

Dated Jackson, February 7, 1900. 2-16-3-3

Notice of Forfeiture.

To John B. Skinner:

YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFED THATIhave expended at least $-M) (two hundred)

inlabor and improvements on the following-de-scribed placer claim: Wtf ofEH and EV4 of W4ofSWJ< of NEy of section 88. township 7north,range 14 east, Mt. Diablo Base and Meridian,Volcano Mining District, Amador County,State of California, as will appear by certifi-cate tiled at the offlce ot the Recorder ot Ama-dor County, Jackson, on December 39, 1898, andJanuary 19, 1900, in order tohold said premisesunder the provisions or section 3334, RevisedStatutes of U. S.. being the amount required tobold same for the year ending December SI,1899, and if within ninety days after the publi-cation of this notice you fail or refuse tocon-tribute your proportion of said expenditure, asco-owner, your interest in said claim willbe-come the property of the subscriber nnder saidsection 2324. M. CHRISTENSEN.

Volcano, January 20, 1900.-



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Meat Market3EORGE L. THOMAS, Proprietor

(Successor to S. W. Bright)

rHE BEST QUALITY OF BEEF, MUT-ton, Pork, Corned Beef, Lard, Sausage,itc.,etc., willalways be found at this old-es-abllshed stand, at the lowest rulingprices.Havingbeen in the butchering business Infackson for many years, and being familiarrithevery branch thereof and with nearly allhe patrons of both shops, Iam Inposition tomow the wants ol all to the best advantage, andespeetfully ask a fair share ot patronage."

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