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Amanda Gore's School of Joy

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WAKE up to what really matters! Creating the work life you want with what you learned from Amanda Gore’s JOY School!
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Amanda Gore’s School of Joy!
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Amanda Gore’s

School of Joy!

Wake up to what really matters

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Find a joy buddy – BE a joy buddy to someone else!


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From the minute we wake up in the morning till the

second we close our eyes… life is a series of choices. Become conscious of your

choices and watch

joy blossom in your life.

WAKE UP to what really matters in life!


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BE a spirit IGNITER - not a foofer


 Go forth and ignite people's spirits every day. Be a SPIRIT IGNITER! Ignite the spirits of your colleagues – your customers and your family. They will love you!  


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Stress makes you fat, sick and

stupid! Joy makes you

thin, healthy and creative!

Stress vs. Joy


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Happiness vs. JoyHappiness and joy are very different 

Happiness is

externally dependent.

Joy is an INSIDE job!


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You ARE an astonishing being of light…

you are a spiritual being

inside a human 'temple‘

nurture both.


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A reminder that you ARE an

astonishing being of light

A GLOW WORM I wish I was a glow worma glow worms never glumit's hard to be unhappywhen the sun shines out your bum!!!


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We are living lives of habits and patterns ruled unconsciously by

fear The 3 core fears in life:

1. I am not worth loving/ I am not good enough2. I am unsafe in some way3. Death, separation or abandonment 

These fears are usually embedded by the time we are 5 despite the

great intentions of our parents!www.amandagore.com

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Feel Good About Yourself

This is actually the most important point.

The most important thing in life is how you feel about yourself - because that affects every other

aspect of your life - especially your performance.

A person who feels good

about themselves can focus on

making others feel good

about themselves!

This makes for a great

colleague or boss.


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When you feel great about yourself, you can

focus on making everyone else feel great

about themselves - the secret of success!


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The reason you feel so great when you are 'in

love' with someone else – (before you see their

warts and your own) - is because you finally see

yourself in your astonishing spiritual

nature …and you fall in love with



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Be a walking

JOY spot


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Remember to see yourself as a joy

facilitator . Your mission should

you choose to accept it, is to help

everyone else discover their own

joy - or at least have joyful moments

around you.www.amandagore.com

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A leader’s job is to: Change peoples behaviors by telling

them a story that touches their hearts and makes them want to change.

      Create an environment in which people can be the best they can be - joy filled and fear free.

       Help people believe in themselves - belief in your own ability is a better predictor of success than any level of skill.


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Neurons that fire together wire

together .What you focus on

you create. Focus on good - be a

good finder!

Be a Good Finder

“Research shows that when people work with a positive mind-set, performance on nearly every level—productivity, creativity, engagement—improves.” Harvard Business Review


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Keep Learning Change is

great for your brain - it keeps you smart and young! It keeps you learning, growing and developing.


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Life is all about FARCing, UN FARCing and RE FARCing! Learning, unlearning and re-learning!

To re-hardwire our brains we need to FARC! Which stands for:

F        Focus on the behaviour/habit/pattern you want to       change

A       Attention and Awareness - be aware of what fears     trigger that behaviour/habit/pattern

R       Repetition - repeat the new behaviours

C      Celebration - celebrate any changes! No matter how      small!

How to Change: FARC


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Your job today is to

start rewiring the brain for joy!

The smart brain (pre frontal cortex) controls the impulsive brain (limbic system) but not until our mid 20's!The impulsive brain is fully formed at birth and our 

Amygdala is wired for fear from the minute we are born.

The first emotion in response to change is FEAR


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When you feel fear

- if it's not in response to real physical danger,

say 'thank you Ammy

but not now!' and breathe.


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Watch for these fears

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F.O.W.O.TFear of what others

thinkNo one else is thinking about you - they are

too busy wondering what YOU are thinking

about them!


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F.O.FFear of the future or

Fear of failure

It's a waste of time! STOP IT!

Live in the present - be conscious of experiencing the present moment and

STOP the second you think of the past or the future - the past is gone and the

future has not happened yet!www.amandagore.com

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Fear of Separation

Connect your head to your 


Connect your heart to other 

people’s hearts

Connect your heart to the heavens

Get connected


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Epigenetics and Bruce Lipton tells us in The Biology of Belief that our beliefs control our genes. Look deeply - what ARE your beliefs and fears? They become the STORY - the FAIRY story you tell yourself about yourself, your colleagues, your customers or clients, your boss, your family - your partner.

You can change your story any time you want to. 

What Story are you telling yourself?


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What do you believe about your children? What story do you tell yourself about your children - all of them? Even if you don't say it out loud, they will know it!

What Story are you telling your children?


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We don't see reality, we perceive and judge.

We can't see the whole picture in most cases - we only see our narrow

perspective. Be open…

open to knowing that you know very little! Try to see a bigger picture

in every case.


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For example, when an a cappella group of 4 are 

working together perfectly in 

harmony, a fifth voice develops 

Out of nowhere, magic happens and a new sound is created.

Do your part to be a team 

member. Be a joy facilitator in 

the team. 

The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

(Buckminster Fuller)


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Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

Emotional intelligence (EQ)  is critical for success in relationships - at work

and home.

EVERYTHING in life is about feelings.

How you feel about yourself and how others feel around you.

All sales, customer service, performance, leadership, teamwork

depends on how others feel around you


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There are 3 main components of EQ


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Manage yourself and your mood

Managing yourself and your mood will build resilience and to model the right spirit for your team. Use gratitude glasses. Keep them on. Always!


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Take Gratitude Glasses into staff

meetings and make the first question

everyone answers,  “ Tell us something that has happened since we last met for which you are


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…if someone complains, push the glasses across and

ask, “Would you like to tell us why you re

grateful you have a job?”www.amandagore.com

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Build a bridge and get over it!This technique transforms your own stress into humour and also that of your colleagues!You can defuse difficult situations and conflict at work with a carefully placed build a bridge gesture!


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When you feel stressed or tense or need a lift - take two deep breaths and blow the air out forcefully. This brings in oxygen and blows out toxins.

Put on your oxygen mask!


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The number one thing in life that people want (after they can eat and are warm!) is recognition and acknowledgement. Give people the Wiggles thumbs up - say YES and EXCELLENT!!!


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TA DA!Give people TA

DA's - mini ones or big

ones! The most de-

motivating thing you can do for

people is to not see their silent TA DAs!

Create a TA DA culture. www.amandagore.com

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Remember your sparkly bits - be congruent - smile with your eyes as well as your mouth! Be authentic or die!!  

Remember your sparkly bits!


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Honour others. Look at them and think…

‘Ah , it's you' ,with reverence.

Ah…it’s you!


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If you are thinking someone is a nuisance

and your mouth is smiling then they will know you

don't like them!


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F-Joy at WorkBe the

Chief Joy Fairy!or

Chief Joy Facilitator!


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Release EndorphinsRelease and use your

endorphins - wave those smiley fingers about!  Hello!



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In sales, see yourself as a

partner and not just a

supplier to your customers

or clientswww.amandagore.com

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You don't have to be sick to get better! 


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Remember the ‘F’s


FARC(Focus, attention, repeat,


FOWOT (fear of what other’s think)

FOF(Fear of future)




Chief Joy FAIRY


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Amanda GoreAmanda Gore is one of Australia's and America's most popular 'experience creating' speakers. She blends the principles of ancient wisdom with new research in modern science to wake people up to what really matters - in life and at work.

Involving the audience in an entertaining way that gets them all connected, she shares strategies, techniques and skills that allow people to adapt to change, transform their attitudes, eradicate fear, and improve relationships, communication, leadership, sales and customer service. The most important thing in life is how you feel about yourself - because that affects every other aspect of your life - especially your performance. The ability to make others feel good about themselves is rarely taught, yet critical for success in any field. People are 80% emotional and 20% rational - they will never forget how you made them feel! Amanda teaches people how to operate at that feeling level!

To read more about Amanda and subscribe to her newsletter visit                        www.amandagore.com

To book Amanda as a keynote for your next event email [email protected]

To see Amanda in action go to her YouTube Channel – Amanda Gore TV
