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Amarillo and Ginger Extract as Mosquito-Killer (SIP) Improved (2)

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Amarillo and Ginger Extract as Mosquito-Killer An Investigatory Project Of Jan Cedric M. Hernandez Bansud National High School
Page 1: Amarillo and Ginger Extract as Mosquito-Killer (SIP) Improved (2)

Amarillo and Ginger Extract as Mosquito-Killer

An Investigatory Project


Jan Cedric M. Hernandez

Bansud National High School

Regional Science High School

Pag-asa, Bansud, Oriental Mindoro

Page 2: Amarillo and Ginger Extract as Mosquito-Killer (SIP) Improved (2)

Table of Contents

I. Problem and its Settings

a. Background of the Study

b. General Objective

c. Specific Objective

d. Statement of the Problem

e. Hypothesis

f. Conceptual Framework

g. Significance of the Study

h. Scope and Limitations

i. Definition of Terms

II. Review of Related Literature and Study

a. Review of Related Literature

b. Review of Related Study

III. Materials and Methods

a. Research Method

b. Materials

c. Equipment/Apparatus and Utensils

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d. Procedure

e. Training of the Panelist

f. Evaluation of the Products

g. Statistical Treatment

IV. Bibliography

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

Nowadays, number of skin diseases was being diagnosed by scientists during these days

such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever. These were caused by the increasing population of

disease-carrying mosquitoes which was spread all over the world especially in our country. A

mosquito bite can cause severe irritation through an allergic reaction to the mosquito’s saliva.

Many had died because of the mentioned disease. Most malaria cases in the country or even in

the world occur in rural areas and especially in forested, swampy, hilly and mountainous regions.

The victims of the said disease were the poor people and some are the indigenous. Many studies

have been aiming only to repel mosquitoes but repellant drives mosquitoes away only for a short

time. Aside from eliminating their breeding places, one solution to the mentioned problems

above is to kill mosquitoes especially those disease-carrying mosquitoes in our home and

backyard. These are some compounds that can kill mosquitoes.

In order to help reduce the spread of mosquitoes, the researcher made an investigatory

project that aims to produce a mosquito-killer. It was made readily from available natural

ingredients with easy procedure so that people especially in rural areas could help decrease the

population of mosquitoes in their place. Through the use of amarillo and ginger extract, disease-

carrying mosquitoes will die through inexpensive materials, without much effort and with more


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General Objectives

This study determined the effectiveness of amarillo and ginger extract as mosquito-killer.

Specific Objectives

Specifically , this study aimed to:

1. Determine the active components of ginger and amarillo that might kill mosquitoes

2. Know the significant difference between the experimental product amarillo and ginger

extract and the commercial product in terms of:

2.1. Number of mosquitoes killed

2.2. Odor

3. Evaluate if the of amarillo and ginger extract, when boiled will release a chemical that

can kill mosquitoes.

4. Make a mosquito-killer biologically and naturally.

5. Lessen the number of cases of disease cause by insects.

6. Determine the effect of ginger and amarillo in killing mosquitoes.

7. Know if the said mosquito-killer is cheaper than the commercial ones.

8. Determine if the experimental product can affect the health or can kill the person who

accidentally took it.

Statement of the Problem

This research study aims to produce a substance that can kill mosquitoes.

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Specifically this research investigation intends to answer the following questions:

1. What is the active components of ginger and amarillo that might kill mosquitoes?

2. Is there significant difference between the experimental product amarillo and

ginger extract and the commercial product in terms of:

2.1. Number of mosquitoes killed?

2.2. Odor

3. Can the of amarillo and ginger extract, when boiled will release a chemical that

can kill mosquitoes?

4. Can the researcher make a mosquito-killer biologically and naturally?

5. Can the researcher lessen the number of cases of disease cause by insects?

6. How effective is the ginger and amarillo extract in killing mosquitoes?

7. Does the said mosquito-killer is cheaper than the commercial ones?

8. Will this experimental product can affect the health or can kill the person who

accidentally took it?

Statement of Hypothesis

In the study “Amarillo and Ginger Extracts as Mosquito-Killer”, the following was


1. Boiling amarillo and ginger extract in water, can kill and decrease the number of


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2. There is significant difference between the experimental product amarillo and

ginger extract and the commercial product in terms of:

2.1. Number of mosquitoes killed

2.2. Odor

3. Side effects can occur if one accidentally takes the amarillo and ginger extract.

4. The experimental product amarillo and ginger extract is cheaper than the

commercial ones because the materials used to produce that experimental product

is cheap and are abundant in the Philippines and other tropical countries.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables

Formulation of the product

Amount of heat

Time of application

Commercial Product

Volume of the extracts

Dependent Variable

Number of mosquitoes killed


Intervening Variable

Temperature of the Surroundings

State of the Environment

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Significance of the Study

Mosquito diseases are one of the major health problems in the world especially in the

Philippines. Most people think that protecting one family from harm is expensive and difficult to

achieve. Some knows that it need many high-quality mosquito repellant and mosquito-killer to

kill and control the number of mosquitoes but the real is we can achieve is just how one

resourcefully utilizes the cheap, the natural abundance of nature and the untiring quest to

alternatives and remedies in killing mosquitoes.

This study will promote awareness in lessening the number of mosquitoes all over the

world especially in the Philippines without spending much money. Specifically this will bring

benefits to the following:


This would provide the government a new avenue in lessening the number of

mosquitoes. The materials that will be used are organic in which its availability is easily

utilized and therefore they will spend less amount of money in the treatment for the

abundance of mosquitoes in the society


This study raises the awareness level of residents in our country especially the

awareness from the diseases that they may encounter. They would also be able to foresee

the importance of being resourceful of the things in our surroundings.

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This would provide these children and babies protection from diseases carried by

mosquitoes such as malaria and dengue. The materials of these are organic so these

children’s health is not affected.


This study would provide squatters from diseases such as malaria, dengue and

yellow fever that they may encounter due to their surroundings. They can save more

money than paying money if they might get sick. They can sleep earlier and more

comfortable, too because there is less mosquito that might bite them.


This study introduces the new easy way in lessening the number of mosquitoes in

place where almost most natives live like in mountains. This study could raise their

awareness in the disease that they might have encounter and they could know how to

prevent it by using or making amarillo and ginger extracts.


This study provide the most information than other person that will read this

research. This will increase the awareness and experienced in life of the researcher. After

this research was proved, the researcher can make of amarillo and ginger extract

anywhere, and the researcher can save some money. This researcher can benefit in this

research the best.

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Scope and Limitations

This science investigatory project was focused in identifying the effect of amarillo and

ginger extract as mosquito-killer. Three experimental formulations were prepared. The product

was tested on mosquitoes, and its rate of killing, time after the product to effect, number of

mosquitoes and odor were observed. Moreover the significant differences among the three

formulations and the control group were measured.

The aspects looked into were the availability and effectivity of the ingredients to be used

in the experiment, the methods and strategies and proposed solution to mosquito-killer industry


The experimentation was conducted from September 2012 to March 2013 at Alcadesma,

Bansud, Oriental Mindoro. Data processing and analysis were done in Learning Resource Center

Laboratory of Bansud National High School-Regional Science High School for Region IV-


Other variable like intervening such as temperature and state of the environment were

beyond in the scope.

Definition of Terms

The following terms are operationally defined:

Amarillo. This refers to a rather course, erect, glabrous branched, rank-smelling

annual herb, 0.4 to 1 centimeters high. Leaves were 4 to 7 centimeters long, deeply

pinnatified with linear-lanceolate segments (Stuart & Santiago, 2012). In this research

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study, the word “amarillo” was defined as the plant that was in the study that provides the

extracts needed to kill mosquitoes. In this study it is also called “marigold” and “ahito”.

Formulations. This term refers to a substance prepared according to a formula

(Memidex, 2013). As used in the study, formulations refer to the quantity of two liquid

objects prepared as one. In this study, there are 3 formulations and these formulations

were often called as treatment. These refers to Treatment 1, Treatment 2 and Treatment 3.

Mosquito. This term was defines as any numerous dipterous insects of the family

Culicidae; the females which suck the blood of animals and humans; some species

transmit certain diseases like malaria and yellow fever (Farlex Inc., 2013). In this study,

mosquito refers to the type of the insect that will be suspected to be killed by the extracts

of amarillo and ginger.

Organic. This was refer a of pertaining to, or of the nature of animals and plants

(Webster’s Comprehensively Dictionary, 1958). In this study, this word mean not using

any kind of chemical but instead using only ingredients that can be found in nature. In

this study, these determined the amarillo and ginger.

Temperature. This refers to the condition as regard heat or cold(Webster’s

Comprehensively Dictionary, 1958 ). In this study, it refest to the degree of coldness and

hotness of the environment.

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Chapter II


Review of Related Literature

In addition to being looking attractive of marigold, the flowers are also edible, and have

natural pesticidal properties that allow them to resist insect infestation. Some gardeners take

advantage of this property to garden organically, protecting more sensitive species with a barrier

of this plants. Any plant in the genus Tagetes can be considered a marigold, along with several

other blooming plants in the Asteraceae family. (Smith & Harris, 2013)

It is significant to the researcher’s study for the reason that it gives more information to

the background of the marigold. Like the information given that marigold has natural pesticidal

properties, through that the researcher can hypothesize that the study doing by the researcher

can be effective or was truly true.

According to Tvedten , marigolds are whole plant extracts of this species of marigold are

extremely toxic to adults and larvae of mosquitoes, e.g., Aedes aegypti (L.).  Caution: The

extracts may also kill or negatively effect non-target aquatic insects and other

organisms.  (Stephen Tvedten)

It is significant to the researcher’s study for the reason that it can warn the researcher or

people that may do the experimentation for marigold that can gave them risk or danger. The

researcher and the reader can be convinced more through the information.

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According to Santiago and Stuart in 2012, there are studies that proved that “ahito” or

marigold had many benefits or uses. The following are the effects that marigold can benefit to us

in different topics:

• Larvicidal: Study of T patula essential oil on fourth instar larvae of mosquito species

showed greatest activity against A aegypti, followed by An. stephansi and C

quinquefasciatus. Results were compared to synthetic insecticide, malathion.

• Insecticidal: Study of crude extracts and fractions of flower of T erecta was tested for

insecticidal activity against stored product insect pest, Trilobium castaneum. The

chloroform extract showed highest toxicity against both larvae and adults of T


It is significant to the researcher’s study for the reason that it gives information what

type of mosquito can the product of the study can kill. It also gives what amarillo or marigold

can kill.

According to Khazdesignz (2004), ginger contains 0.25 - 3.3% volatile oil, pungent

principles (gingerols and shogaols), about 6 - 8% lipids composed of triglycerides, phosphatidic

acid, lecithins, free fatty acids (lamic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, etc.), proteins (about 9%),

starch (up to 50%), vitamins (especially niacin and A), minerals, amino acids, resins, among


Studies conducted in lab animals found that both gingerols and shogaols have analgesic

(shogaols), sedative, anti-pyretic, anti-bacterial and gastro-intestinal motility effects. Other

investigations show [6]-gingerol to have anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumour

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promotional activities.9, 11 The anti-inflammatory properties of gingerols have been linked to

the structure, which is said to be similar to capsaicin, a known pain killer/reliever. Gingerols

have been found to inhibit the enzyme cyclooxygenase (COX) that causes inflammation.I2 [6]-

shogaol was also found to exhibit anti-inflammatory activities. Ginger has also been found to

reduce cholesterol levels by promoting its excretion and impairing its absorption. It was

indicated ~hat this cholagogic effect (If ginger was due mainly to [6]- and [10]- gingerols.9, 13

Gingerols have been reported to have potent cardiotonic and thermogenic activities.

It is significant to the researcher’s study for the reason that it can give the researcher

and the reader prior knowledge about what is a ginger, what are its active properties and what

its other function. It also gives the major component of ginger that can help the researcher in

determining the component of ginger that can kill mosquitoes.

Review of Related Studies

According to Puengphian and Sirichote reseach (2007), ginger is one of the most widely

used herbs that contains several interesting bioactive constituents and possesses health promoting

properties. [6]-Gingerol, a major pungent ingredient of ginger, also has potent antioxidant

activity. Monitoring of [6]-gingerol content during the drying process, ginger extraction with

supercritical CO2 and bioactive properties analysis of extracts were performed. Fresh mature

ginger rhizomes with 94.17 ± 0.16% moisture content were dried using a rotary air dryer at 55 ±

2 ๐ C for 11 hours to achieve a moisture content of 11.54 ± 0.29%. After the drying process, [6]-

gingerol content of the ginger rhizomes were reduced from 21.15 ± 0.13 to18.81 ± 0.15 mg/g dry

weight basis. Dried ginger was then pulverized to coarse powder, approximately 0.5 mm in

diameter, prior to extraction. The supercritical CO2 extraction of ginger was undertaken with

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two conditions of 200 bar at 35 ๐ C and 230 bar at 40 ๐ C. The results showed that the extracts

from both conditions had [6]-gingerol contents of 238.94 ± 0.79 and 170.50 ± 0.45 mg/g extract,

total phenolic contents of 183.96 ± 1.25 and 126.04 ± 0.72 mg gallic acid/g extract,

respectively. In addition, the ginger extracts showed antioxidant activities using DPPH (1,1-

Diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging assay, compared with BHT standard, expressed

as EC50, that were 13.09 ± 1.77 and 26.68 ±1.76 µg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant activities

using ABTS (2,2′-azinobis [3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid]) radical cation scavenging

assay were 813.33 ±6.67 and 724.44 ± 7.70 µmol Trolox/g extract,respectively.

It is significant to the researcher’s study for the reason that through this information, the

readers can have additional knowledge about some components of the amarillo and ginger


In Babu’s study (2007), essential oil of Tagetes minuta, a kind of amarillo was distilled in

vacuo in a mini distillation apparatus to study and compare the qualitative and quantitative

characteristics vis-à-vis oil distilled by conventional distillation technique at normal temperature

and pressure (NTP), which revealed that higher oil yield (1.56%) was obtained in the oil distilled

by conventional distillation technique at NTP and decreased gradually with increase in vacuum

to 150 mmHg (1.16%), 200 mmHg (1.07%) and 225 mmHg (0.91%). Concentration of

monoterpene hydrocarbons (MH) was found maximum (55.3%) in the oil distilled at NTP and

decreased with increase in vacuum to 150 mmHg (35.2%), 200 mmHg (31.4%) and 225 mmHg

(27.5%). On the contrary, oxygenated monoterpenes (OM) were found minimum (22.9%) in the

NTP distilled oil but increased with increase in vacuum to 150 mmHg (55.4%), 200 mmHg

(61.3%) and 225 mmHg (65.3%). Sequential evolution of chemical compounds was also studied

by distilling the oil at 225 mmHg vacuum and found that the lipophilic effect plays an important

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role in distillation of MHs. Due to the high concentration of these unsaturated MHs, the oil gets

polymerized easily when exposed to unfavorable conditions and this can be minimized by

reducing the concentration of these compounds by distilling the plant material under vacuum

thus increasing the shelf life of the oil. The physicochemical properties of the oil were also

evaluated. Vacuum distilled oil samples possessed better solubility in alcohol than NTP distilled

oils. The olfactory evaluation of the samples revealed that the oil distilled at NTP possessed

powerful, peculiar and disagreeable odour with burnt note, whereas the oils distilled in vacuo has

pleasant odour varied from powerful fruity odour without any burning note to near true-to-nature

odour of the flowers with increase in vacuum. Due to these improved characteristics, the in

vacuo distilled oil of T. minuta is recommended for exploring its application in high grade

perfumes, flavours and other formulations.

It is significant to the researcher’s study for the reason that it gives another idea aside

from making extracts of amarillo and ginger is, we can also make it in the form of oil and

through the ideas and knowledge contribute by that review of related study, we do not have to

experiment what formulation is the best for the product.

In Peng, et al. study (2012), twenty-nine phenolic compounds were isolated from the root

bark of fresh (Yunnan) ginger and their structures fully characterized. Selected compounds were

divided into structural categories and twelve compounds subjected to in-vitro assays including

DPPH radical scavenging, xanthine-oxidase inhibition, monoamine oxidase inhibition, rat-brain

homogenate lipid peroxidation, and rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cell and primary liver cell

viability to determine their antioxidant and cytoprotective properties. Isolated compounds were

also tested against nine human tumor cell lines to characterize anticancer potency. Several

diarylheptanoids and epoxidic diarylheptanoids were effective DPPH radical scavengers and

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moderately effective at inhibiting xanthine oxidase. An enone–dione analog of 6-shogaol

(compound 2) was isolated and identified to be most effective at protecting PC12 cells from

H2O2-induced damage. Almost all tested compounds inhibited lipid peroxidation. Three

compounds, 6-shogaol, 10-gingerol and an enone-diarylheptanoid analog of curcumin

(compound 6) were identified to be cytotoxic in cell lines tested, with KB and HL60 cells most

susceptible to 6-shogaol and the curcumin analog with IC50 < 10 μM. QSAR analysis revealed

cytotoxicity was related to compound lipophilicity and chemical reactivity. In conclusion, we

observed distinct compounds in fresh ginger to have biological activities relevant in diseases

associated with reactive oxygen species.

It is significant to the researcher’s study for the reason that it proves that ginger has the

active component being called “6-shogaol” or simple shogaol. It can give better and more ideas

about ginger and what it is composed of.

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Chapter III


Research Method

Experimental method was used in the study, particularly, parallel-group design. This

design was must appropriate because three or more groups were used at the same time with only

single variable was manipulated or changed. The experimental group varied while the parallel

group served as control for comparative purposes.

In this study, there were three formulations, treatment 1 (T1), treatment 2 (T2), treatment 3

(T3) and a control group. Treatment 1 was made up 25 mL of amarillo flower extract and 25 mL

of ginger extract. Treatment 2 was made up 30 mL of amarillo flower extract and 20 mL of

ginger extract. Treatment 3 was made up 20 mL of amarillo flower extract and 30 mL of ginger



The materials used in the study were ½ kg peeled ginger root, ½ kg amarillo flower and

water, about 500 mL.

Equipment and Utensils

The equipment and utensils used in the preparation of amarillo and ginger extract were

mortar, pestle, 2 clean plastic containers, grater, tripod, alcohol lamp, match and evaporating


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In order to do the amarillo and ginger extract, gathering and preparing the materials and

equipment were the first thing that the researcher had done. The researcher divided the whole

procedure into two: the pounding process and the boiling process. The first things in the first

process done were to get the grater and ½ kg peeled ginger root. Using the grater, the researcher

grated all the peeled ginger root until all were finished, put it in a plastic container and covered it

with its lid. Then the researcher used the mortar and pestle to pound the ½ kg of amarillo

flowers; added continuously the pieces of amarillo flower in the mortar; small amount in the first

time and then when it was more compact to each other, the researcher added again some amarillo

flower and about 2.5 mL water. After all the amarillo flowers was pounded, the researcher placed

it into another container, and also place its lid. Then wash the mortar and pestle and let it dry.

After pounding the amarillo flowers, the researcher got the ginger and placed it into the mortar

and had done the same process in pounding the amarillo. After it was done, the researcher placed

the amarillo extracts and ginger extracts in the evaporating dish according to the formulations or

treatment found in the research method. Then the researcher had done the same set-up in the

picture below for the boiling process.

Evaporating Dish


Alcohol Lamp

Figure 1: Set-up for the Boiling Process

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After preparing the set-up, the researcher lighted the candle or alcohol lamp using

matchstick. Lastly the researcher let the extracts evaporate.

Training of the Panelist

The panelists were chosen by picking randomly from the whole population fron the

different barangays of Bansud, Oriental Mindoro.

After choosing the panelist, the researcher trained them. The only attribute that the

panelist will evaluate is the product’s odor, the researcher explained that the panelists should rate

all the products by smelling through it but before that the researcher asked them that the products

that they will evaluate is placed into resealable plastics, labeled A,B, C and D. The researcher

explained briefly that in testing the product, the panelists should rate each product according to

the likert scale presented in the “Evaluation of the Product” that 5 is the highest score the product

can have in each attribute and 1 is the lowest.

The researcher also explained that the researcher will provide the extracts in testing the


Evaluation of the Products

The trained panelists were asked to evaluate the acceptability of the different attributes of

the products using a 5-point Likert scale. Generally, the acceptability was also asked.


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In order to test whether there is a significant different between the experimental

products and commercial product, the researcher conducted or survey with 30

respondents by smelling the product and signing a rating scale 1 to 5 based on the

following scale:

Scale Odor

5 Pleasant Odor

4 Odorless

3 Foul Odor

2 Slightly Foul Odor

1 Strong Foul Odor

Table 1: Scale According to Odor


In order to test the effectiveness of the product, the effect of the products

according to the number of mosquitoes killed, were counted and recorded in the table.

Statistical Treatment

The statistical techniques used in the analyzing and interpreting the data were weighted

arithmetic mean and the F-test or two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). Mean was used to

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determine the acceptability of the quantity attributes of the three formulations and the

experimental group. The formula is as follows:

X=f 1 x1+ f 2 x2+…+ f k xk

f 1+f 2+…+f k

∨∑ fx

∑ f

where X stands for the weighted arithmetic mean; f, frequency; x, weight; ∑ fx, sum of the

product of f and x; and ∑ f , sum of the frequency.

F-test or two-way ANOVA was used to determine the significant difference on the

acceptability of the quantity attributes of the three formulations and the experimental group. The

formula is as follows:

F s=MSs


where F s stands for F-value for samples; MSs, mean square for samples; and MSE, mean square

for error.



where FP stands for F-value for panelists; MSP, mean square for panelists; and MSE, mean

square for error.

In this connection, the researcher opted for 5 percent level of probability to determine the

degree of significance of the findings with 99 percent reliability.

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