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Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took...

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Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies using Arbonne’s Nutrition program & products. These are real people whose testimonies have been posted on Facebook or Instagram.
Page 1: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures

with testimonies using Arbonne’s

Nutrition program & products.

These are real people whose testimonies have been posted on Facebook or Instagram.

Page 2: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

With testimonials like this everyone should be on our 30 days to healthy living!! Maddie lost 40 pounds...

This is her testimonial:

I can’t believe I am actually making this post. I really, truly believed that I would never get here. “Here” is a place where I

feel healthy and confident and strong and excited to wake up in my body. It’s a place that I thought only belonged to

other people. I have spent my entire life confused about health. I have spent the last 15 weeks and 2 days unlearning all

the lies that I’ve believed for so long and replacing those lies with truths. Truths about what “healthy” is and means.

THIS is where the work really is. One of the lies I had formerly believed was that losing weight was HARD. Guess what?!

IT’S NOT! If you have the right information. I am so excited to be in a position where I can share what I’ve learned with

people that I just want to SHOUT IT from the rooftops!!! I *know* there are TONS of men and women out there that

fight the same battle I fought for years and years. My prayer is that you would unlearn the lies too. This is where

Arbonne, which I am SO grateful for, comes in.

My transformation begins and ends with Arbonne’s Healthy Living Program. It’s not because Arbonne has a “magic

elixir” or “quick fix” that will melt all your fat away. No no no. In order to achieve success, you have to make some

MAJOR changes in your nutrition. And I could. not. survive. these changes without Arbonne’s nutritional products. These

products use TOP-NOTCH ingredients that support your OVERALL health and taste FREAKING DELICIOUS!!!! 😂 Yes, we

have a 30 Day Program to help you detox... but I like to refer to it as “Phase 1.” The beauty in those first 30 Days is that

you will (finally... FINALLY) get the TRUTH, while also taking all the “thinking” out of it. It’s all laid out for you... giving you

the space and time to unlearn the lies and relearn the truths. All that being said, this is about SO MUCH MORE than 30

Days. When I look at my “before” pictures, I can’t believe how sad I look. I often said that getting dressed in the morning

was the worst part of my day. Anyone relate? This is about long term health and wellness. And I finally get that.

Time to pay it forward. I can do it, you can do it. Weight loss for weight losses sake is a lost cause. Weight loss as a result

of OPTIMAL HEALTH is a long-term, sustainable BONUS! "

Page 3: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

This is my beautiful Mum, Julie. Prior to doing the

30 Days to Healthy Living & Beyond program she was

extremely unwell. She has an under active thyroid,

had no energy and the doctors didn’t know what

was wrong with her. All her blood results were out

of whack. She thought she was dying it was so bad.

She was also suffering depression and had been on

antidepressant medication for years.

In her first week on the program she got immediate

relief! She went from not being able to lift her arms

above her head to doing the happy dance punching

the air in 3 days! This program has literally transformed

my Mum’s life. Her thyroid issues are better managed

with quality nutrition and she’s been able to get off her

antidepressants as she started to feel happy and joyful almost immediately and this has been sustained for over 2 years!

The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos (8.8 lbs) in

the first month. 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Mum’s also been using RE9 and as you can see this had a dramatic impact on her skin too.

She’s a totally transformed person and it’s all because of Arbonne, I’m so grateful to have my Mum back.


Here’s an incredible 30 days healthy living & beyond testimonial in this beautiful client’s own words.

Weight prior: 106.7 kgs /234.8 lbs

Weight 30 days: 101.5 kgs/ 213.2 lbs

Weight 60 days: 91.3 kgs/ 200.9 lbs

Weight 90 days: 86.6 kgs/ 190.6 lbs

Weight down total: 20 kgs/ 44.2 lbs

Inches down total: 76.8 cms/30.75”

So excited to be under 91 kgs/200 lbs

and lost 4.3 kgs/9.49 lbs during Christmas time 2018.

I am pain free, my inflammation is gone, I went

down a shoe size, my blood sugar is normal, my

hair is getting super thick, my stretch marks are

disappearing, my skin is retracting and glowing,

my confidence is growing, my nails are strong, I

am not fatigued nor depressed, my mood and

sleep are super good, my marriage has done a

complete 180 and my addiction to food and caffeine have been lifted!!

🌱🙏 Eating to live tastes super yummy and feels absolutely AMAZING

😉 Hello day 91!!! — feeling fantastic.”

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Real, health impacting change. This story is best told from Independent Consultant and RVP, Rebecca who has

experienced it.

This is post is NOT really about weight loss even though at age 19 that is all I could think about. I was so caught up in my

weight gain that I didn’t really pay attention to how I felt. However, even though I didn’t talk much about my issues back

then, looking back I felt terrible, my joints were so inflamed and I was tired all the time!!! I hadn’t even hit my 20’s😢

The photo on the left was me after I had lost 10 pounds of the 40 pounds that I had gained in a very short amount of

time. I had fallen victim to my genetics at a young age and I knew I had to do something, so I committed to eating better

and exercising 5-6x a week and I lost the weight. Insert a huge.. BUT...Just because the weight was gone didn’t mean I

had addressed the inflammation.

The inflammation became more of a chronic situation each day until my body said enough. This is when I began to

realize being a certain size or shape does not guarantee someone is healthy. Yes, being overweight can add fuel to the

fire, but it’s not all about the weight.

For the next 12 years I put a lot of hours in the gym and ate as clean as possible. My symptoms would come and go and

then from age 25-32 I would be diagnosed with 6 autoimmune diseases and several other conditions. This is when I

realized that medications were just masking symptoms allowing other issues to pop up🤦🏻‍♀️ and all my surgical

procedures did not “fix” the underlying cause of my inflammation.

Fast forward after trying multiple popular nutritional programs that truly did focus on obtaining proper nutrition, my

symptoms never fully went away. Why?!?!

I wasn’t fully addressing the inflammation! The damage had been done. When I heard about Arbonne’s program, I really

never in a million years thought it could or would help restore my health. I just knew nothing was fully helping my

situation, not the doctors, not the meds, not the surgical procedures, not the autoimmune protocol, paleo, keto or the

whole 30 programs. So, I just took a chance.

Guys, my new normal has given me a quality of life for the past 4 years that many people may never have😢 These past

4 years I have lived without meds, without pain, without another recommended surgery and without struggling to get

through the day.

As 2019 rolls in, you may have weight loss goals, but I urge you to have health goals. Work on the damage that has been

down to restore health not to put a patch on it❤️

I cannot say Arbonne’s nutritional program is a cure. What I can say is

the science and the 3rd party studies behind what Arbonne uses to

help the body rid itself of toxicity ultimately addresses inflammation.

Some see it quicker than others. Being committed to the change and

consistent no matter if it takes 30 days or 365+days to level things out

(after 10+ years of damage it can take time🤪) it is absolutely worth

learning more information from a source that can give you the correct

information about what Arbonne has to offer💚

Side note: I do not have to kill myself in the gym to maintain😃 —

feeling blown away with this testimonial.

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From Dominic:

Here's my life-changing testimony that has me continuing to use the Arbonne Nutrition Products everyday!

When I started doing #Arbonne, I weighed over 150 kgs (340 pounds) and my sugar from diabetes was in the low to mid

400's. I was at the point to where I couldn't feel my feet because they were always numb with major pain from

neuropathy. I couldn't see, I couldn't sleep and was losing energy even as a teacher. My Dr. didn't even clear my first

physical because my A1-C was at a toxic level of 14+ which was a threat to lose my job as a Kindergarten Teacher. I've

lost many friends and family members to diabetes, some even younger than me. When my doctor told me my kidneys

were damaged, and this is not something to test out on my own, that was it. I knew it and I also knew that I was just not

healthy and not in the right shoes to help raise and enjoy my new born grandson Baby Gio.

I finally did it and after all these years of seeing success stories from #Arbonne, I finally took the trust in the process and

talked to my cousin's Jennie and Lisa, I love my girls and have always trusted them, I just loved to eat crappy and I was

dying inside. I have a whole new outlook on life. It's literally crazy. I've tried everything just like you all. I mean I've tried

everything and spent thousands on supplements that didn't do anything but cause me health issues. I'm now on my 6th

month, but I've only done 2 28-day detoxes, and I feel like I'm 24 years old again!!!

That all being said:

~I've lost over 27 kgs (60 pounds)!

~My A1C is at a pre-diabetic level of 5.9!

~My sugar meter reading is averaging 87!

~My High Blood Pressure is gone!

~My Acid Reflux is gone!

~I'm sleeping through the night!

~I have a ton of energy!

~My doctor cleared my physical!

~My neuropathy is gone!

~I know how to eat healthy!

~I don't need to wear my glasses all day!

~I'm not taking up to 16 pills a day!

And so much more!!!

This is my 30 day testimony from last

December. I lost 10kg (22 lbs) and was able

to stop my reflux medication I had been

taking for the past 2 years. I felt like I had

unlimited energy and felt amazing. It was

great to go into having my first child in such

good health. I can’t say how much I love this


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TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY! This is my very good, precious friend Lisa. “It’s not about the weight you lose, it’s about

the life you gain”

Okay, so here are some pictures that make me feel vulnerable 😳. Vulnerable at how I look and vulnerable that I will be

judged but so be it here goes. I spent the better part of 2017 focusing on healing 💚. What exactly do I mean by that?

Beginning April of last year, I started investing some time focusing on my wellness as I was tired of still feeling ill after a

2015 leave of absence from work, doctors, tests, diagnoses, therapists, prescriptions, job change, stress reduction, and

the list goes on. I made up my mind 💡 to try something different than ANY doctor had ever suggested.

You see I have wrangled, struggled, battled & gone to war with depression & anxiety for over 20 years and it has left its

marks & its internal & external conflicts too.

Tired of feeling like my body & insides were still managing me and wanting to FEEL healthy, whole & sound again I

thought what if I change what I’m putting in so I can actually change my body’s chemical & hormonal reactions inside??

So, I started to change what I put in my 🍎🥑🍗 body (and later what I put on my body) to see if I could change the

way I felt despite all the other Western medical 🏨 practice interventions. It has taken a lot for me to begin to share my

story but if I don't share how could I possibly help anyone else do the same?

With committed intention I started replacing processed-sugary-high

fat-chemical laden foods with BETTER versions & INCREASED my protein,

vitamin, & mineral intake with Arbonne’s 30 Day Healthy Living From the

Inside Out Program. What it has resulted in the pictures only tell half the

story. The art of war with depression & anxiety has transformed to the

art of healing. With more knowledge, patience, and an open heart and

mind I’ve gained a health arsenal to heal & a program that I put my

stamp of approval on after 20 years. Time ⏰ is not refundable &

HEALth feels far better & is less expensive than dis-ease.

If you’re looking to manage your condition so it doesn’t manage you

I encourage you to open your heart to Arbonne. 💚🙏🏼 🌱

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I am one that has struggled with my eating since my teenage years. Back then I didn’t know how to eat or to nourish my

body and properly fuel it so that it could operate at its maximum potential.

When I had my daughter almost 7 years ago, I was of course running on no sleep and I was eating whatever I could to

just get through the day. When she turned four months old, I was done with feeling sluggish, bloated, and super

exhausted. I was breastfeeding and the weight was not coming off! Probably because I was eating freshly baked

brownies and ice cream. 🍨🤷🏼‍♀️

I was introduced to Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living Plan, and just felt relieved that I had a plan. Once I understood

how what I was eating was truly affecting me, something clicked and I knew I finally figured out the secret. .

My sleep improved, so much bloat went away. I truly always thought that feeling bloated and gassy all of the time was

normal. ☺️ Aches and pains that I had went away. I suffered from horrible knee and shoulder pain for a really long

time. I had to modify workouts, and for 6 weeks nothing intense at all. Once I started eating this way, so much more

than weight loss occurred. I could not imagine following a different way

of eating.

If you think you are too busy to prep healthy wholesome food,

I will tell you that we make it so easy for anyone to make this

plan fit with their schedule regardless of how busy.💗

The before pic was me with me daughter right before I started

Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living Plan, and the second picture

was taken a few weeks ago and also I have had a second child as

well during these last seven years. I have been able to maintain

this way of living during the last seven years and I am committed

to helping as many people as I can to achieve their healthy living

goals as well! ☺️



Page 8: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

A brand new mom in the hospital every few months because holding my daughter was unbearable. Dr's saying it's just

post partum. It's normal. Rest more. Use a pram. Do kegels…. the list goes on.

My menstrual cycle was always months late and crippling. This went on for two YEARS. INFLAMMATION & weight gain.

Inflammation & fatigue. Inflammation & depression, headaches, muscle stiffness, the list goes on and on.

Spoiler alert ⚠ ⏩ Fast forward to April 2018

All pain and inflammation is GONE!

I just wanted to do a *quick*(ha) post about my first-ever real fully committed Arbonne 30. I started in January because

we had a Chinese New Year holiday in February. So of course I wanted to be bikini 👙 ready, however it was SO much


I have not felt 100% since giving birth to my daughter 2 YEARS ago 😔. I've gone for numerous blood tests, MRIs

ultrasounds urinalysis etc etc etc all to come back with no abnormal FINDINGS. (which is good, EXCEPT that the pain


You might not know, but for the past two years I've been in constant pain. Frig, we did endometriosis tests and ovary

checks It was THAT bad.

After doing the Arbonne 30-day program the pain that was ALWAYS lingering in my lower left abdominal area had

diminished. 4 months in and IT is GONE. I would have posted sooner, but I really thought it was too good to be true.

This alkaline diet, combined with the vegan nutritional line. Life

changing. They have literally made my life so much better. Eating

nourishing healthy foods, alongside the arbonne30 program that

teaches your body to properly absorb the nutrients you're feeding it.


By February (30 days) I lost 4.3 kgs (9.4 lbs)

I'm down 5.2 kgs (11.46 lbs) now and counting.

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This beautiful personal trainer is a celiac, and also

suffered terribly with acid reflux. Through doing the

30 days healthy living program and using Phytosport Line

to support her during exercise, she achieved awesome

results. She lost toxic fat, and improved her gut health

which enabled her to stop taking nexium (a drug she

had been taking for years and was told she’d be on for

the rest of her life!) #gamechanger #healthyliving #healthyhappy


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Wow ... check out the progress of Marissa!! Arbonne lifestyle is amazing!! Her words:

•“You’ll never leave where you are until you decide where you’d rather be.”

•4 years ago vs. now. Keeping little reminders, like a now GIANT sweatshirt, might not seem like a huge deal. When I

bought this years ago I remember thinking I should have gotten a bigger size (that was the biggest.) Now I can fit 2 of me

in it. It started out as a comfy sweatshirt, now every time I put it on it’s a reminder of how far I’ve come.

•This was one of the laziest points of my life. Clearly I’m on the couch like I usually was. The gym wasn’t my friend, food

was. I would binge and eat out of boredom, then I would feel so bad I would make myself throw it up. I had no

motivation to change either. I wanted to change but I wanted to see results instantly.

•I quickly learned “A little progress each day adds up to big results.”

•Once you start seeing results though, it becomes ADDICTING.

Finding the right balance between exercise and clean eating is KEY.

Play around with what works for YOU.

•The strength that I have now both mentality and physically is

unreal. The amount of times I use to say “I can’t” in a day wasn’t

something I was proud of. Now instead of saying “I can’t” I find

myself saying “How can I?”

> How can I get stronger?

> How can I take care of my body more?

> How can I be a better person?

> How can I give back this knowledge I’ve learned along the way?

•If this journey has taught me anything, it’s that self-care is the

most important thing in life. We only get one body, mind, and soul,

why wouldn’t we want to take care of those?

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Page 12: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos
Page 13: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

LONG POST ALERT and AMAZING testimony from Arbonne Independent Consultant - Denise


My entire life I have had ADD/ADHD, OCD and at times anger management issues.

I have ALWAYS had weight issues and body image issues because both of my parents were morbidly obese my entire


I suffered through anorexia, bulimia and diet pills. I convinced myself that food was my enemy because I had my

parents genes and if I ate I would get as big as them.

Going along with the OCD that I had, I would spend 2-3 hours at the gym daily in addition to running anywhere from 5-

10 miles a day. I got to the point where the diet pills and excessive working out no longer worked.

NOT ONLY THAT my body started to break down.

I had finally accepted that my ADD/OCD was getting out of control, so I did a little bit of research. I could either clean up

my eating or I could go on medication. The option was clear to me! I didn't want to give up my Monster, Red Bull & 5

Hour Energy drinks OR my chocolate, ice cream, sugar, and cheese. These were all things (among others) that are

suggested to AVOID when you have ADD. Medication seemed to be my only option (for me)!

I decided to go on Adderall and at the same time was given an additional Rx for anxiety because apparently, I was going

to be having anxiety attacks. I NEVER not once EVER questioned the medication because I was told it was going to make

me better!

Well, I didn't feel better! As a matter of fact, things started to get worse. I don't know if they are all connected but here

is what happened next.

🔥In 2014 my whole life (what felt like it to me...) turned upside down. One of my toes on my left foot lost it's elasticity

and started crossing over my big toe. Ehhh hem... I was under 40... what in the world! SO I needed to have foot surgery

which was going to put me out of commission for 6 months and unable to run for a year. I KNEW there were worse

things that could happen in my life... I mean my dad was essentially dying from side effects of Type 2 diabetes, but this

meant that my whole "gym" life was going to change.

🔥My husband bought me a bike since running was no longer an option. My first day out I flew over the handlebars and

tore my shoulder. No more gym for me. I couldn't even lift my arm.

📢This is when my health started to tank.

💣I was having daily chronic migraine type headaches.

💣I have ALWAYS had massive knots in my back, and I mean always.

💣My lower back hurt so bad that I could hardly walk.

💣It would get so bad that if I walked for more than an hour my back would lock up and I had to sit down for 3 hours.

💣If I cleaned my house for 3 hours I was down for 3 days.

💣If I woke up on my back I couldn't stand up straight until about noon and had to shuffle to the restroom AFTER I

rolled out of bed.

💣I only slept between 3-4 hours a night.

💣My left arm was going numb almost every day.

💣I felt frustrated and yelled at my kids very often.

💣I felt like my life was spinning in a porcelain toilet and I couldn't grab on to anything and couldn't see the ground.

💣I felt like I was dying a very slow death.

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Here is what I did to try to help myself and figure out what was going on:

✔️I went to 3 specialists and had 3 MRI's on my head, neck and lower back. There was NOTHING wrong with me. Have

you ever had a doctor look at you like you're crazy and it's all in your head? Well, that's what was happening to me.

I tried EVERYTHING (except changing my food)

Acupuncture, Acupressure, Massage Therapy (I could only afford 2xs a month), Yoga, Essential Oils, Chiropractor, 800

mg Ibuprophen 2x's a day 😥NOTHING was working. These were ALL band aids.

A friend of mine had told me that she was going to do a "detox" and because she wasn't from CA it took everything in

me to NOT laugh 🤣at her. I asked her questions and she really didn't know much about it, however, she was able to tell

me that she was doing it through a company called Airborn or Arbonnie.

I stopped dead in my tracks and said, "ARBONNE? What do they know about health and nutrition? They are a skincare


Well, this was the beginning of my NEW life. Also, I finally found a D.O. who confirmed that I had fibromyalgia. I told him

I didn't want to go on any medication because I was going to do this "Detox" thing and wanted to see what it would do

for my health. Guys... After 24 hours of doing my first challenge, 75% of my pain was GONE.

😮When I woke up I was on my back and was just waiting for the pain to set it. THERE WAS HARDLY ANY PAIN! I was

able to sit straight up in bed, I was able to swing my legs around and stand straight up, NOT ROLL OUT OF BED. When I

was standing I was so taken back by the fact that I was barely in pain that I clasped my mouth and tears started to

stream down my face. THEN I THOUGHT... I wonder if I can touch my toes? And down I went... I could do it. I walked

directly to the bathroom. NO SHUFFLING.


Part of me was waiting for the other shoe to drop. I hate to say that... but HOW is it possible that 24 hours of cutting out

gluten, dairy, refined sugar, processed foods and adding in all organic whole foods could make such a difference?

WELL, it did!

After 30 days I was completely off my ADD meds, my anxiety meds, the 800 mg ibuprofen and I went from sleeping at

most 4 hours a night to 7-8 hours a night. I WAS HAPPY and LAUGHING and for the first time in my adult life, I have ZERO

knots in my back.

Food 🍕🍦🍨🍩🍪🍫🍬made me sick and FOOD 🍏🥑🥒🥦🥕🍓🥝 healed me thanks to Arbonne. I have had

more education in food and nutrition than I EVER had with my 3 different nutritionists and trainers.

NO DOCTOR has ever given me the advice or the education

that we receive from Arbonne according to my lab results,

I have only gotten healthier and continue to get even MORE

healthy with every lab test!


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This doesn’t come easy for me but I’ve been asked so many times to post my Before/After pic! I started my A30 in

January of this year and did several rounds until I got to my goal weight. Once I got there I’ve been maintaining with the

80/20 program which I’ve loved. Apart from having a fall from my horse and breaking ribs I feel fabulous. I’ve had to buy

a new wardrobe of clothes (it was a tough gig but someone had to do it lol!) and my weight is back to what I was in my

30’s! Once I hit my 50’s and then 60’s I told myself that I would never be able to be slim and trim again because my

metabolism had slowed down. It’s just a story you tell yourself and everything can be changed once you make the

decision. Thank you to everyone that has encouraged and complimented me on my results it means the World.


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She had health problems that prevented her from

working out. After the 30 Days HLC, she met her goal

and now insulin free 🙌🏽.

I've seen countless life changing transformations in the last 3 years

since joining this incredible business, and each one still warms my

heart. I'm so grateful I made the decision to join those who have

come before me to pay this incredible Arbonne gift forward.

SPOTLIGHT: Nancy L. from USA

“I have lost over 45 pounds (20 kg) in 6 months...My cholesterol and

blood pressure were always very high. They were so high the doctor

said that I could have a heart attack or stroke so the doctor put me on

medication! I was always very tired and fatigued! Not feeling well! Only

I could do something about the way I was destroying my body! Because

of the long work hours I would rush between jobs eating fast food or not

eating until I returned home at 11pm then going to bed! Liz introduced

me to the most amazing company ARBONNE! I have been using all of

these amazing products! I have been using the shakes and healthy food!

Meeting Liz W. and ARBONNE have saved my life! I will forever be

grateful to God for being brought together!

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Me on the left less than a year ago. Me on the right....now.

Me before... frustrated with my weight, low energy, not happy

with anything I would wear because of how it fit, always getting

on myself for choosing the wrong thing to eat, not being able to

break bad eating habits, not very confident, and hated seeing

pictures of myself. 😔

Me now... so glad I decided to commit to change, lost weight,

have lots of energy, LOVE trying on clothes, educated on the

impact of food, making wise choices, confident, feel great and

excited to help others reach their full potential in overall


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This is another AMAZING testimony!!! 🙏🏼 Talk about a life changed!!

POSTED BY Becky Burdick P.

Wanted to share some good news with you all.

"Good morning everyone! I just want to share a little bit about my experience with the 30 days to Healthy Living

program. The fact is, I believe using Arbonne is literally saving my life.

About 18 months ago I was diagnosed with heart failure as a result of lupus. I had just given birth to my youngest son

and had put on 68 pounds. Despite six doctors having me on a very rigid diet, my heart failure was still causing me to

gain weight. I was averaging a gain of 2 to 3 pounds each week. The weight gain was very dangerous for my heart, but

nothing was working.

I was unfamiliar with Arbonne nutrition plan at that time, but encouraged by my friend and independent consultant, Lou

Baker, I took the plan to my doctors and see what they'd say about me trying it. They told me the plan was ideal,

however, they thought it was going to be too many calories for my condition. After some deliberation they told me to

try it and they would decide whether I could continue on at the end of my first weeks weigh in.

My fiancé and I began the program a week later. We loved how all of the meals were planned, but we're really wary

about cost. We'd never invested so much money into eating. That said, we ate very well before Arbonne. We had a high

lean protein diet filled with organic fruits and vegetables. No sugar and no gluten. That had been the routine for years. I

didn't have heart failure because I took poor care of myself. It was all auto-immune related.

Day 10 was my weigh in. I was crying all morning and telling Nate there was no way I've lost weight. I'd been too full. I

was terrified that I'd gained more weight and would be that much closer to death. I was afraid of losing everyone I loved.

This wasn't just a diet for me, it was betting the farm.

When I got on the scale at the doctors, they found I'd lost 15 pounds. 15 pounds effortlessly!! My energy even

improved. Nate had lost 12 pounds and 3 inches in his waist!! We were blown away to say the least, not to mention the

excitement of my doctors. As a former model and fitness obsessive I thought I had seen it all. This was something


Because of my heart condition I was able and encouraged to stay on the Arbonne Nutrition but had to increase my

caloric intake substantially. Now, they only wanted me losing 5 pounds per month because my medication was

regulated by my weight. So since then, I have been using the 30 days to fit and healthy program for my entire family and

steadily losing weight and feeling better. Nate went on to lose another 18 pounds and I don't know how many inches.

His IBS no longer debilitates him. My eldest son who suffered from chronic IBS and bleeding ulcers is no longer suffering.

My daughter, loves the energy that the fizz sticks give her and the ease of the shakes, and lives a gluten and dairy free

diet. Even our baby is primarily dairy free. He shares a shake with me every day.

I can't imagine my life without Arbonne nutrition. Today my lupus and my

heart failure are in total remission! I never could've imagined a dietary change

as easy as this could literally save my life. It is! My doctors have never seen a

remission for either of these conditions. They're astounded!!

On top of all that. Eating this way saves our family an average of $1200 a month.

That's significant! So, if you want to save your life, your energy, your family, and

your bank account. This is the way to go!"

Page 19: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

Lost 35 lbs. Snoring diminished. More energy.

Facial skin issues are better. Sleep apnea symptoms

have diminished. High blood pressure has gone down

and does not have to take meds any more. Caffeine

addiction gone. (No more fraps on the mornings!)

Arbonne’s 30 Days to Healthy Living changed my

life and I know it can do the same for you. I lost 30

lbs over 2 months and about 50 lbs over 6 months

and I could also stop taking my blood pressure

meds. My standard of life and overall healthy,

energy, and mental clarity improved and still


Just blown away💨💨 a client with type 2

diabetes 💌 txt me this.

With medication his blood glucose is

normally around 11-13 …this reading (6.8) is

after just 5 days of our 30 days to healthy

living program🌱!!

Freaking unbelievable how good this

program is🥇💪🏼

Page 20: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

Before Arbonne 2011 2017


Tony has completed multiple Rottnest Channel Swims including solos, duos

and team crossings. He competes in the Open Water Swimming series and

Half Iron Man events. Check out his testimonial...

- Great start to training

- Good base energy level

- Sustained, constant energy

- Great tasting protein powder

- Assisted in muscle repair and reduced general tiredness

- Easy on the stomach

“What I found with using the Arbonne sports Supplements was:- With the Prepare and Endure powder not being that

really sickly sweet mix, I actually enjoyed drinking it before exercise, drinking 500 ml with one scoop of Prepare driving in

the car to the beach or pool became a great habit to get into, or just when getting the bike gear ready, it gave me a great

start to any exercise, it formed a good base energy level for at least the first 15-20min. From then using the Energy Fizz

Stick/Complete Hydration combination worked extremely well in providing sustained constant energy level throughout

an entire 80km training ride in hot WA temperature or a 1 1/2 hr swim session. I must admit I was very skeptical about

the Pea Derived Protein Powder as I have tried a few different brands of this before and found them both very difficult

to handle both in texture and flavor. But again, the mix of Vanilla Protein Powder and the After Workout products went

together very well to provide a great after workout drink and was always that reward to look forward to. It seemed to

assist in muscle repair and boost general tiredness after exercise. I would definitely recommend the use of any of the

Arbonne Sports Supplements products. They all worked well and were very palatable and easy on your stomach.”

Page 21: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

I'm a teen swimmer and runner and have completed 3

Rottnest Channel Swims coming 3rd in the Female Teams

in 2018 and a Half-Marathon in which I came 13th. I've never

used sports supplements before and have noticed a significant

improvement in my training and recovery. I've been using the

products since 2015 and I feel that they have enabled me to

continually improved my training intensity and endurance.

I really notice how the Prepare and Endure kicks in during a

long training session - when I would normally feel tired, I really

feel a noticeable difference in my endurance and ability to

continue at the same pace. The Hydration really helps with

cramping and doesn't leave that gurgling feeling in your

stomach. I combine with an Energy Fizz Stick for an extra

boost for long swims. A post- workout Protein Shake with

After Workout has made a significant difference to the level

of soreness I would usually feel the following day.

He put Arbonne 30 Days to Healthy Living & Beyond program

to the test and was blown away by the results! 💥 💣💥

This inspirational independent consultant had a goal to shed

excess weight, get off coffee and become more healthy.....

As you can see he smashed that goal in the first 30 day round,

then set himself a goal to put on muscle in the next 30 days. 💪

He followed the same 30 days healthy living program

(including meal replacement) both rounds - together

with Phytosport and Arbonne protein ....the only difference

between the first and second 30 Days was his training regime.

#itsnotadiet #healthyliving

Page 22: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

Chris, aged 20 finished the recent State Short Course Championships with a Gold Medal in the 200 Freestyle final and

finished 4th in the 100m Freestyle final. He won the Rottnest Channel Swim in 2015 & 2016 in Men’s Teams “I used the

PhytoSport products during the lead up to and during the State Short Course Championships. I definitely noticed a

difference using the products, although I did find that they helped with my level of endurance during training – I felt that

I finished my training sessions strongly. The Pre-workout worked well. I felt after I took the recommended dosage, I was

able to effectively execute a solid session. There wasn't a spike in energy, more so the ability for me to sustain high

intensity work without over fatiguing. I did need to mix the Prepare and Endure with more water than recommended as

I did find it quite sweet. Hydration is excellent – much better than sports drinks which are filled with artificial colors and

sweeteners and I really like the taste and was able to stomach easily during training. The After Workout powder was

rather surprising the taste proved to be drinkable and

easily dis-solvable, but the effects were ideal. It seemed

to replenish the electrolytes and salts after a tough session

that prominently made the day after much easier to deal

with, in terms of getting up as well as muscle soreness. The

thing I noticed the most was that I would usually go home

and need to rest for a few hours after training, but I didn’t

feel anything like the usual energy drain that I would

experience and definitely had more energy during the day.

I also felt less fatigued heading into the next session. I really

like that the products are all natural – I think that’s a real

positive because that is important to me.”

I am a competitive mountain biker and have been using PhytoSport since the April launch and seeing incredible results.

Mountain biking at the competitive level is grueling punishment and you are near your maximum heartrate or higher for

1.5 hours or longer and using every muscle. The last three years I’ve been using various sports drinks for training and

racing and the outcome was the same every year. I would end up middle of the field every race even with harder

training. This year was different as I dominated the expert men’s division and finished the year competing against pros

at various races out of province with impressive results. Other bikers I talk to would not race back to back to back

weekends like this because they are not able to recover, especially from long distance races.

have been experimenting with the PhytoSport and found a regimen that works best for me but is very different from just

using before, during and after.

For a high intensity sport you need a lot of carbs (sugar) to keep

you fueled. What I do is mix 1 scoop of prepare, one stick of

hydration and one scoop of recover in one 20oz bottle. What

this gives you is enough carbs, electrolytes and BCAA’s (branch

chain amino Acids) to sustain. The important part is the

recovery formula before and during. The BCAA’s provide

instant fuel your body does not have to convert to glucose,

it just goes right into the muscles and also reduces cramping. Cramping is definitely an issue for me in the past and this year

cramping has not been an issue. Not sure what else I can tell

you other than it works and it is working better than anything

I have tried.

Page 23: Amazing ‘Before and After’ pictures with testimonies ...€¦ · The weight loss results took about 6 months losing 13 kilos (28.66) in total, after initially losing about 4 kilos

There are endless testimonies of how this program has dramatically changed

people’s lives. Nothing is more valuable then your health and living life to the

fullest! Contact your consultant to get started on your Healthy Living Journey.

Our program includes:

~ Plant-Based Nutrition Kit

~ Private FB Community

~ Recipes, Shopping Lists, Meal Plans

~ Motivation & Inspiration

~ Accountability

~ Personal Coach to help you succeed

This document has been produced by an Arbonne Independent Consultant and has not been prepared or provided by Arbonne.

The typical results are different for everyone. Results vary depending on individual effort, body composition, age, eating

patterns, exercise, and the like. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products

are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
