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Amazon Listing Optimization Techniques to Get into Amazon’s Top Rankings

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Amazon Listing Optimization Techniques to Get into Amazon’s Top Rankings

Amazon Listing Optimization Techniques to Get into Amazon’s Top Rankings

Factors that affects the Amazon’s Search Rankings

Amazon search bar is the most used feature on the store. It’s the easiest way to find out what you are looking for without navigating through the category hierarchies.

There are some product fields that one should consider filling properly so as to increase the chances of getting seen through the search bar queries.

Product Titles

• Amazon’s product title is the most important factor to search and has a character limit of 500 words.

• Use as many keywords as relevantly possible into those 500 characters.

• You only need your keyword to appear once and if you use that keyword into the title then you do not have to worry about including it elsewhere.

Amazon Bullet Points

• The bullet points appear beneaththe title.

• Because it is close to the title,image, price and add to cartbutton, it is an important field inwhich to add keywords.

Amazon Keywords

• Amazon has a keyword field and it’s very important from ranking perspective.

• There is no need to add any keyword, which has already been used in the product title or bullet points.

• However if you haven’t used a keyword yet in the other fields, then you can add that keyword into the keyword field. Amazon allows five keywords or keyword phrases that you can add.

Place Your Product in the Correct Category

• Amazon uses a very advanced category structure full of subcategories and these categories are called Browse Tree Guides (BTG’s) in Amazon language.

• If your products are not categorized properly, then you will lose their visibility on refined and unexpected searches.

Get listed on Other High Ranking Listings

• Want to rank regardless of how horribly un-optimized your titles, bullet points and keywords are? Simply get listed on someone else’s listing.

• If you are competing on price, then this thing is not only allowed but it’s recommended. Here is what you can do :

• Search for your product on Amazon as a customer would

• Make a note of the item that is the same as yours that ranks highest for each search (Non-Prime Listing)

• Note the ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Numbers are unique blocks of 10 letters and/or numbers that identify items.)

• In your Product fields, add that ASIN

• Note the Brand

• Lower your price one penny lower than the lowest seller

• Amazon will match you to that product

Get listed on Other High Ranking Listings

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