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AMBA Interface Design RNSIT

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Hardware Implementation of AMBA based AHB2APB processor interface module on FPGA Mahesh V Sonth 1 , NarendraKumar 2 1 PG Student, VLSI Design and Embedded System, RNSIT, Bangalore, India. 2 Asst.Prof , Department of ECE, RNSIT, Bangalore, India. 1 [email protected] Abstract- Designing an AMBA based interface between AHB and APB is the major work described in this paper.The interface between high-performance AMBA bus AHB and low performance AMBA bus APB. Then two target devices Register and Ram are connected to APB side to perform 32-bit read/write operation through the designed interface commanding from AHB side. The design is simulated using ModelSim SE PLUS 6.3f simulator. Timing and power analysis is performed using Xilinx ISE 12.2 Keywords- AMBA Protocol, Verilog, processor interface, FPGA. I. INTRODUCTION The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) is on-chip bus architecture used to strengthen the reusability of IP core and widely used interconnection standard for SoC. The development of SoC and reusable IP cores are given high priority because of low cost and time to market. There are three distinct buses defined within the AMBA specification-Advanced High Performance bus (AHB), Advanced system Bus (ASB) & Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB). AHB: It is for high performance, high clock frequency system modules. The AHB works as the high performance system backbone bus. AHB supports the efficient connection of processors, on-chip memory and off-chip external memory interfaces with low power peripheral macrocell functions. AHB is also specified to ensure ease of use in an efficient design flow using synthesis and automated test techniques [1]. Figure 1 Typical AMBA based Microcontroller APB: Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB): The AMBA APB is for low-power peripherals. APB is made perfect for minimum power consumption and reduced interface complexity to support peripheral functions. APB can be used in conjunction with any of the version of the system bus [1]. AHB2APB Bridge interfaces AHB and APB buses. It is required to bridge the communication gap between low bandwidth peripherals on APB with the high bandwidth ARM Processors and/or other high-speed devices on AHB. This is to ensure that there is no data loss between AHB to APB or APB to AHB data transfers. Signal Source Master/ slave Input/ output Description HCLK Global Input Global clock signal HRESETn Global Input Global reset HADDR[31:0] Master Input AHB address HTRANS[1:0] Master Input Transfer type HBURST[2:0] Master Input Burst type HWDATA[31:] Master Input Write data bus HSELx Decoder Input Slave select HRDATA[31:0] Slave Output Read data bus HREADY Slave inout Transfer done HRESP[1:0] Slave Output Transfer response signal PCLK Global Input Clock signal PRESETn Global Input Reset signal PADDR[31:0] Master Input APB address PSELx Decoder Input Slave select PENABLE Master Input APB strobe PWRITE Master Input Transfer direction PRDATA[31:0] Slave Output Read data bus PWDATA[31:] Master Input Write data bus Table 1 AMBA Signal list [1] II. RELATED WORK The AHB2APB interfaces AHB and APB. It buffers address controls and data from the AHB, drives the APB peripherals and return data along with response signal to the AHB [4].
Page 1: AMBA Interface Design RNSIT

Hardware Implementation of AMBA based

AHB2APB processor interface module on FPGA

Mahesh V Sonth 1 , NarendraKumar 2

1 PG Student, VLSI Design and Embedded System, RNSIT, Bangalore, India.

2 Asst.Prof , Department of ECE, RNSIT, Bangalore, India.

1 [email protected]

Abstract- Designing an AMBA based interface between AHB

and APB is the major work described in this paper.The

interface between high-performance AMBA bus AHB and low

performance AMBA bus APB. Then two target devices

Register and Ram are connected to APB side to perform 32-bit

read/write operation through the designed interface

commanding from AHB side. The design is simulated using

ModelSim SE PLUS 6.3f simulator. Timing and power analysis

is performed using Xilinx ISE 12.2

Keywords- AMBA Protocol, Verilog, processor interface,



The Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA)

is on-chip bus architecture used to strengthen the reusability

of IP core and widely used interconnection standard for

SoC. The development of SoC and reusable IP cores are

given high priority because of low cost and time to market.

There are three distinct buses defined within the AMBA

specification-Advanced High Performance bus (AHB),

Advanced system Bus (ASB) & Advanced Peripheral Bus


AHB: It is for high performance, high clock frequency

system modules. The AHB works as the high performance

system backbone bus. AHB supports the efficient

connection of processors, on-chip memory and off-chip

external memory interfaces with low power peripheral

macrocell functions. AHB is also specified to ensure ease of

use in an efficient design flow using synthesis and

automated test techniques [1].

Figure 1 Typical AMBA based Microcontroller

APB: Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB): The AMBA APB is

for low-power peripherals. APB is made perfect for

minimum power consumption and reduced interface

complexity to support peripheral functions. APB can be

used in conjunction with any of the version of the system

bus [1].

AHB2APB Bridge interfaces AHB and APB buses. It is

required to bridge the communication gap between low

bandwidth peripherals on APB with the high bandwidth

ARM Processors and/or other high-speed devices on AHB.

This is to ensure that there is no data loss between AHB to

APB or APB to AHB data transfers.








HCLK Global Input Global clock


HRESETn Global Input Global reset

HADDR[31:0] Master Input AHB address

HTRANS[1:0] Master Input Transfer type

HBURST[2:0] Master Input Burst type

HWDATA[31:] Master Input Write data bus

HSELx Decoder Input Slave select

HRDATA[31:0] Slave Output Read data bus

HREADY Slave inout Transfer done

HRESP[1:0] Slave Output Transfer

response signal

PCLK Global Input Clock signal

PRESETn Global Input Reset signal

PADDR[31:0] Master Input APB address

PSELx Decoder Input Slave select

PENABLE Master Input APB strobe

PWRITE Master Input Transfer


PRDATA[31:0] Slave Output Read data bus

PWDATA[31:] Master Input Write data bus

Table 1 AMBA Signal list [1]


The AHB2APB interfaces AHB and APB. It buffers address

controls and data from the AHB, drives the APB peripherals

and return data along with response signal to the AHB [4].

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The AHB2APB interface is designed to operate when AHB

and APB clocks have the any combination of frequency and

phase TheAHB2APB performs transfer of data from AHB

to APB for write cycle and APB to AHB for Read cycle.

AMBA is a standard interface specification that makes sure

of the compatibility between IP components provided by

different design teams or vendors. The world wide reception

of AMBA specifications all over the semiconductor industry

has driven a comprehensive market in third party IP

products and tools to support the development of AMBA

based systems.


Figure 2 AHB2APB Processor interface

A. State Machine

This is a very vital block for the interface. It determines

when different output signals will come in effect. Two most

significant signal of this block is nextstate and currentstate

both of which are 3 bit signals.

To generate nextstate some other signals are needed like

HWRITE, registered version of HWRITE (rghwrite), accept

and currentstate as well. Nextstate and currentstate will be

used as internal input signals in other blocks.

B. Write Output Generator

A DFF is used to implement this sub-block. It will take

HCLK, HRESET and HWDATA as input and drive the

output to PWDATA. Asynchronous reset is used here.

C. Read Output Generator

Another DFF is used to implement it. It will take HCLK,

HRESET and PRDATA as input and drive the output to

HRDATA. It uses asynchronous reset.

D. Address Decoder

This block the target device for the transfer. It compares the

4 most significant bits of HADDR and compares with some

constants to determine whether RAM or register is intended

for the transfer.

E. APB Address and Control Generator

This section is responsible for generating all other outputs in

the APB side including PADDR, PWRITE, and PENABLE.

This section takes input from state machine, AHB master

side & some internal signals.

F. AHB Transfer Output Generator

This section is in the charge of generating transfer done

output HREADYOUT and response output HRESP signals.

Figure 3 FSM for AMBA AHB

Figure 4 FSM for AMBA APB

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The Advanced high performance bus AHB busmatrix of

ARM consist of the input stage, decoder, multiplexor, and

arbiter and output stage. Fig.5 shows the overall structure of

the AHB busmatrix. The input stage contains number of

masters and output stage contains number of slaves to

perform operation. The input stage is responsible for

holding the address and control information.

Before an AMBA AHB transfer can commence, the bus

master must be granted access to the bus. This process is

started by the master asserting a request signal to the arbiter.

Then the arbiter indicates when the master will be granted

use of the bus. A granted bus master starts an AMBA AHB

transfer by driving the address and control signals.

Figure 5 AMBA AHB structure


AMBA AHB supports various control signals of different

bus width.

A. Transfer Size




000 8 bits Byte

001 16 bits Half word

010 32 bits Word

011 64 bits -

100 128 bits 4- Word line

101 256 bits 8- Word line

110 512 bits -

111 1024 bits -

Table 2 Size encoding

The important control signals are listed along with their

control activities in the table 1.The size of the transfer are

indicated by the 3-bit control signals HSIZE [2:0]. The size

is used in conjunction with the HBURST [2:0] signals to

determine the address boundary for wrapping bursts.

B. Protection Control

The protection control signals, HPROT [3:0], provide

additional information about a bus access and are primarily

intended for use by any module that wishes to implement

some level of protection.

For bus masters with a memory management unit these

signals also indicate whether the current access is cacheable

or bufferable Not all bus masters will be capable of

generating accurate protection information, therefore it is

recommended that slaves do not use the HPROT signals

unless strictly necessary [1].


X X X 0 Opcode fetch

X X X 1 Data access

X X 0 X User access

X X 1 X Privileged access

X 0 X X Not bufferable

X 1 X X Bufferable

0 X X X Not cacheable

1 X X X Cacheable

Table 3 Protection signal encoding


Figure 6 Simulation environment

The AMBA processor interface is designed to interface

between AMBA Advanced High performance Bus and

Advanced Peripheral Bus. The entire design process

involves the two master-slave communication.

AMBA AHB slave-AMBA APB master

AMBA APB master-AMBA APB slave

Initially the AHB slave interface is simulated and next we

have designed APB master and slave interfaces. The APB

slave is connected to two slave devices such as RAM and

Register. They are accessed through the PSELx signal.

Page 4: AMBA Interface Design RNSIT


Figure 7 Simulated waveform of AMBA AHB Slave module

Figure 8 Simulated waveform of AMBA APB Master module

Figure 9 Simulated waveform of AMBA APB Slave module

Page 5: AMBA Interface Design RNSIT


Device Utilization 3s400pq208-5

Family Spartan 3

Device XC3S400

Package PQ208

Speed -5

Cell Usage



LUT 1 50 LATCHS 94

LUT 2 12 FDC 5

LUT 3 20 FDCE 89

LUT 4 124 CLOCK 1



MUXF5 21 OBUF 132

Timing Summary Speed grade -5

Minimum period 7.059ns

Maximum Frequency 141.66MHz

Minimum input arrival time before clock 5.072ns

Maximum output required time after clock 11.217ns

Maximum combinational path delay 8.666ns

Table 4 Final Synthesis report


The Design of AMBA AHB interface module is simulated

using Modelsim Simulator 6.3f tool .The major part of the

design includes the State machine coding is done in Verilog

HDL [2]. AMBA Protocol supports three different bus

interconnection based on their performance we can interface

slow speed and high speed peripherals by designing a

processor interface module for different bus interconnection

scheme [5]. Still, there is some room for improvement in

this paper. To name a few: burst transfer between AHB and

APB are not shown here. The size of the data bus of AHB

and APB signals and the size of RAM and register memory

are same (32 bits). In future we can develop the interface for

burst transfers. Also, we want to use RAM and register with

different memory size in comparison with AHB and APB

data bus size.


[1] AMBA Specification (Rev 2.0). [2] Samir Palnitkar, Verilog HDL “A Guide to Digital Design and

Synthesis”. Second Edition

[3] Vani.R.M and M.Roopa “Design of AMBA Based AHB2APB Bridge” IJCSNS VOL.10 No.11, Nov. 2010.

[4] Rishabh Singh Kurmi, Shruti Bhargava, Ajay Somkuwar, “Design of

AHB protocol block for Advanced Microcontroller”vol.32- No.8,Oct-2011

[5] Iqbalur Rahman Rokon, Toufiq Rahman, and Ahsanuzzaman,

“Hardware Implementation of AMBA Processor Interface Using Verilog and FPGA” ICEECE`2011 Pattaya Dec 2011.

[6] AdvancedMicrocontrollerBusArchitecture (AMBA)


[7] Rohit Hardia, Prof.Jai Karan Singh, Prof.Mukesh Tiwari, and



2011, Vol. No. 2, Issue No.V, November ISSN: 2231-5152.

[8] ARM. “AMBA Open Specifications”.



Design Statistics

IOs 215
