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Ambasadori ai Romaniei in lume

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Comenius TED Project Scoala Gimnaziala nr.13 Sibiu
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SCHOOL No.13 SIBIU-ROMANIA Travelling Teds' European Discoveries- ( The T.E.D. Project) Descoperirile Europene ale Ursuletilor Calatori COM-13-PM-1172-SB-IE
Page 1: Ambasadori ai Romaniei in lume

SCHOOL No.13 SIBIU-ROMANIATravelling Teds' European Discoveries- ( The T.E.D. Project)Descoperirile Europene ale Ursuletilor CalatoriCOM-13-PM-1172-SB-IE

Page 2: Ambasadori ai Romaniei in lume

Romanian Ambassadors in the world

Ambasadori ai Romaniei in lume

Page 3: Ambasadori ai Romaniei in lume

NADIA COMANECI is a world-class gymnast, winner of five Olympic gold medals. It is considered to be one of the best athletes of the twentieth century and one of the best gymnasts in the world, of all times, "Goddess of

Montreal," the first modern era gymnast who took 10 in an Olympic competition. It is the first Romanian sportswoman included in the memorial

International Gymnastics Hall of Fame.

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• Is a former professional tennis player and one of the leading tennis players of the 1970s, the world number one twice, in 1972 and 1973.

• Among the 57 singles titles, which Ilie Nastase won over his career include the U.S. Open in 1972 and 1973 Roland Garros respectively. Winning the doubles tournament at Wimbledon in 1973, Roland Garros in 1970 and the U.S. Open in 1975 he has also won four times Champions Tour with Ion Tiriac and was finalist of the Davis Cup three times in 1969, 1971 and 1972.

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ART• CONSTANTIN BRANCUSI , was a Romanian sculptor with

overwhelming contributions to the renewal of plastic language and

vision in the contemporary sculpture.

• Born: February 19, 1876 ,Hobiţa, Romania

• Died: March 16, 1957, (81 years) Paris, France • Major works: • Kiss, Kiss Gate, Endless Column, Table of Silence, Prayer, Sleeping Muse,

Mademoiselle Pogany, The Magic Bird, Toward Child ...

• His work has profoundly influenced modern concept of form in

sculpture, painting and drawing.


• Brancusi - FAMOUS WORKS

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SCIENCE• EMIL RACOVITA was a scientist , explorer , caving and Romanian

biologist , the founder of Biospeology (studying wildlife underground - underground caves and water ) .

• • He participates as a naturalist of Belgian Antarctic Expedition (1897-1899) aboard the Belgica . This expedition , which starts in Antwerp on 10 August 1897 had an international character , besides Belgians, the Norwegian Roald Amundsen was also attended by the chief mate, the American doctor Frederick Cook , the Polish meteorologist Antoine Dobrowolski and the geologist Henryk Arctowski . The expedition scores on the incomplete map of Antarctica the Wiencke Island and Danco 's Land , named after two members of the expedition who died on this journey.

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• The Romanian scientist made a thorough study on the life of whales , penguins and some Antarctic birds , which earned a well deserved reputation .

• In 1920 , the Faculty of Science , University of Cluj , he founded the first Institute of Biospeology in the world.


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• EUGEN IONESCU known abroad as Eugène Ionesco, according to the French spelling , was a French writer born in Romania , the protagonist of the theater of the absurd and a member of the French Academy .

• His first play, La Cantatrice Chauve ( "The Bald Soprano ") was represented in May 11, 1950 at the Théâtre de la Huchette, the most prominent of France. La Comédie Française, presented in 1966 , for the first time , a play of Ionescu, “Thirst and Hunger” , and then “The King dies” . The year 1970 brings to Ionesco an important recognition : his election as a member of the French Academy , thereby becoming the first writer of Romanian origin with such a high distinction .

• Born : November 26, 1909 , Slatina, Romania• Died : March 28, 1994 , Paris, France• Occupation : playwright , essayist• Nationality : Romanian

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Mircea eliade• was historian of religion , fiction writer , philosopher and professor at

the University of Chicago. Romanian of origin but naturalized a U.S. citizen in 1966, he was honored with the title of Distinguished Service Professor. He is author of 30 scientific books , literary and philosophical essays translated into 18 languages and over 1200 articles and reviews in a variety of themes very well documented.


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Emil Cioran• was a Romanian philosopher and writer settled in France, where he

lived until his death without requesting French citizenship. Several major themes run across the work of Emil Cioran: human contingency, original sin, the tragic sense of history, the end of civilization, the threat of evil, the refusal strengthen faith, absolute obsession, life as expression of man's metaphysical exile, etc.. Cioran was a thinker passionate about history, he knows well from his wide reading, especially of the authors and memorialists from the periods of decadence. 

• Born: April 8, 1911,Rasinari, Sibiu, Romania • Died: June 20, 1995, Paris, France • Occupation: philosopher, writer • Literary trends: modernism, expressionism • Debut work: “On the edge of despair” 1934 • Nationality: Romanian

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SURSE: ro.wikipedia.org google-imagini

The T.E.D. PROJECT- COM-13-PM-1172-SB-IE- has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, School No.13 Sibiu, Romania, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
