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Ambleside Elections

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The Scene Elections special Feb 09
ELECTIONS 09 Representation scene the Ambleside
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Monday 16th

February(packs now

available from




Close12 Noon

Friday 27th


Campaigning Begins

Monday 9th March


Friday 13th

March on





Thursday 19th



UCSU Elections and You

UCSU is a student lead organisation, and relies upon you - our student members - taking a taking a direct role in standing and electing the officers that helps improve Your University experience.

The UCSU elections are the single most important activity the SU undertakes, as enabling the students to select their lead representatives is the whole reason this and any other Students’ Union exists. Students who stand and win positions go on to play a major role in directing the work of the SU to reflect the current views

and needs of the membership, and play a major part in holding the University authorities to account on matters of quality of education and how much value for money you get for the fees you pay.

The process begins with Nominations, where those who are interested in standing put themselves forward by submitting a couple of forms. This is followed by Campaigning, where the candidates get out there are make their case for people’s votes. Finally there is Voting, when every student can cast their ballot either online at www.thestudentsunion.org.uk or at paper balloting stations situated on campus.

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Thursday 19th


Paper Balloting9am - 5pm

Monday 23rd March



9am - 5pm

Tuesday 24th




9am - 12noon


25th March

Results Announced

9pm in the SU Bars

Wednesday 25th March

Why should YOU stand?

If you have ever had any kind of good idea or criticism about the University or the Students’ Union you should stand, as it’s the best way to improve things. The Students’ Union is what the students’ make it. It’s a constantly evolving organisation, and by opting out of having a say (i.e. not standing, voting or taking part) you give up your right to shape it to fit your needs. And besides, if you have ever drank in the SU Bar or Coffee Shop, bought something from the shop, taken part in Freshers or any entertainments, played sport/joined a society or even attended a lecture* you’ve benefited in some way from the activities of the Students’ Union.

*Yes, attended a lecture. Through the representatives we send to Faculty Boards and Teaching & Assessment Committee, campaigns we’ve run and our interventions on behalf of individual students, we have had and continue to have a positive effect on the quality of education here at the University of Cumbria. It is after all our core purpose, but it’s also the least visible type of work we do!

How do YOU stand?

You can find out more by either picking up a Nominations Pack online at www.thestudentsunion.org.uk/elections or from your local Students’ Union office. You can also chat impartially with the President Mark or the UCSU Representation staff member Danny through: [email protected] or [email protected]

Positions available to students registered at the Ambleside Campus

Cross Campus President*Ambleside Vice President*Union Council ChairpersonStudent DirectorAcademic Affairs OfficerClubs & Societies OfficerEntertainments OfficerEnvironmental OfficerEquality & Diversity OfficerSports OfficerStudent Executive OfficerStudent Media OfficerWelfare OfficerEducation Faculty RepresentativeScience & Natural Resources Faculty RepresentativeNUS Annual Conference Delegates (3 positions)

Site Representative PositionsBarrow-in-Furness Site RepresentativeWhitehaven and Cumbrian West Coast Site RepresentativeTower Hamlets and London Site Representative

*Full time Sabbatical positions that run from 1st July 2009 to 31st June 2010. These positions are paid an honorarium of approximately £15,000 and the successful candidate will either be expected to take a ‘gap year’ from continuing studies or to be


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Find out what this years Sabbaticals thought of their roles with the Students’ Union.....

Mark Potter - PresidentThe role of President, for me is summed up in 3 Latin words, NIL SIN LABORE, NOTHING WITHOUT EFFORT.The job of being President is about letting NOTHING stand in the way of what you or anyone else wants to do, change or have an impact on. WITHOUT a lot of things, the Stu-dents’ Union just wouldn’t run. The students are what make the SU, the students are what drive the SU and the students are what makes this job such an invigorating and exciting one to do. EFFORT. A lot of hard work and effort is piled into the Students’ Union by a lot of people and, similar to before, without this the SU would not tick over. I think that harnessing effort is something that the Students’ Union excels in, whether it be through volunteering projects, running a campaign or whether it be working behind one of our bars. Working in such a place with such great people, meeting new faces and listening to new stories encompasses all that a Students’ Union is. It’s a place where everyone matters, a place where everyone can be and a place where the door is always open! Being President in 3 words…NIL SIN LABORE!

Andy Gutkowski - Vice President AmblesideWhen I first started as a Sabbatical Officer ‘Vice President’ meant very little to me. What were my aims and goals? How do you lead a team of volunteers? Within a week I knew what I needed to do; planning the year out, working with members of staff and generally enjoying the whole experience. Being an active and involved Students’ Union officer prepares you for the future in so many unimaginable ways and it’s a different journey for everyone. One thing is for sure that you will come out the other side knowing that your CV has been glossed with a gold tint and that you are ready to face the world of work. I would urge anyone even thinking about running for elections to get in touch and have a chat about the role of Vice President - or any of theother SU positions - and stick your name down for nominations. (BTW IMO VP rocks!)

Emma Green – Vice President PenrithOk, so in all honesty when I went in for the VP position - and in fact for the first few weeks - I really didn’t know what I had let myself in for! What I discovered was a new world of learning experiences, excitement, and as clichéd as it sounds making loads of new friends.The last seven months have been the most fun I have had in my entire time at University. Whilst it is true that there are quite a few meetings to attend in the name of representation, it is also the case that without them (or you!) the students would not have such a powerful voice. I would fully encourage you to run for an officer or VP position here at Newton Rigg, be it for a gap year, or a final year of meaningful challenges before leaving the University environment. So give it a go, run for position and you will be in with a chance of having one of the most unforgettable years of your life!

Andy Wade – Vice President LancasterSince coming into office I have learnt that I can deal with anything that is thrown at me. Being Vice-President and dealing with everything that comes with it is a fantastic primer for future employment. The day to day issues you deal with are very wide ranging, and has given me the confidence to deal with anything that arises. I would definitely recommend becoming a Sabbatical or volunteer officer. This has to be one of the only “jobs” in the world where you deal with such a diverse range of issues and responsibilities. What other job can you get where you get paid to speak to students? You become very passionate about everything you do, and do everything you can to further the Students’ Union and strive to make it succeed!!

Danny Morville-Vice President CarlisleWhen I first started this job back in July, I didn’t know what lay ahead of me. Every day brings a new lesson and, if you get the position, I can assure you that you will love every minute of it. Yes it’s true that you have to attend a lot of meetings, but never underestimate the importance of gaining face to face contacts as they will help you throughout your year in office.I wanted to make a difference to the student experience and give them what I didn’t get. I do believe I have made a difference this year, and that means the world to me. This is something you can achieve yourself if you stand for election. The University of Cumbria Students Union is going to be one of the best places to work in the near future and you have the chance to get in there whilst momentous changes are afoot! I strongly recommend that you do!
