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Amcat Job Guide

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INTERVIEW SKILLS - An AMCAT Guide to Succeed in an Interview 2013
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SKILLS - An AMCAT Guide to Succeed in an Interview


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TOPIC Page No.

A Million Questions!!! 2

What is an Interview? 2

1. Preparation 3

2. The Actual Interview Process 5

3. Concluding the Interview 8

4. Telephonic Interviews 8

5. Stress Interviews 9

6. Common Pitfalls 10

7. Seven Success Mantras 11

Commonly Asked Questions 13

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What is an Interview?

A job interview is a process in which a candidate is evaluated by employers for prospective

employment in their company, organization or firm. It is a platform used to determine whether

the candidate is suitable for a particular profile/position by assessing if he/she possesses the

required skill set and the motivation to work in the organization.

An interview can be scary when you don‟t know what lies ahead. The duration of an interview

can range anywhere from ten minutes to one hour, but it is typically about 30 minutes long. It

begins with greetings and basic personal questions where the interviewer gets to

know you. This is followed by a discussion of your credentials where the

interviewer evaluates you. The interview is concluded by the interviewer

discussing the next steps.

The entire interview process is carried out as a series of rounds, which consist of

one or more technical rounds and an HR round. However, some companies

choose to have only technical rounds.

A Million Questions!!!

Do you know the purpose of an interview?

Are you confused about how to prepare for it?

Do you know the commonly asked questions in an interview?

Are you aware of the dress code for an interview?

What are the documents that you are required to carry?

How is a telephonic interview different from a normal one?

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Technical Round: In this round the interviewer tests the technical acumen of a candidate with

respect to the job profile. The preparation for this round is profile specific and would depend on

the industry that the company belongs to. A lot of it would be covered in your course-work at

college if the company you are appearing for is core to your stream.

HR Round: This is the final round of the interview process and only the candidates who clear

the technical round appear for the HR round. In this round the HR of the company tries to judge

the candidate on a personal and a professional level to see whether he or she would fit into the

company well enough or not. The questions here are generally non-technical and more inclined

towards personal and professional evaluation.

The thought of your first interview can be a little unnerving, but good preparation can allow you

to beat the blues and take maximum advantage of the opportunity.

Once again, Aspiring Minds‟ very own Tippy is there to your rescue. Let us begin.


Research your Employer: Research the company you are applying to, very thoroughly.

The internet is an excellent tool for this exercise. Go to the company‟s website and read

about them – their mission statement, vision, their clients, job profiles, media reports and all

other relevant information. Try to get in touch with a senior/acquaintance who is already

working for the company. It would be better if you are able to assimilate data about what

personality traits they prefer in their employees and gain knowledge about the work culture

of the company. This will enable you to gauge whether you fit into the company, how well

you fit into the company and if the company allows you to project your strengths

accordingly. It will not only help you to be better prepared and make you ore confident but

also give you an insight about the company for your own good as you will be able to take a

call on whether this company is really the right company for you.

Practice: The interview is an extempore activity and there may be a chance that situations

get the better of you. Minimize that risk by good preparation. Be well prepared for the

standard questions that are a part of almost all interviews. Practice is the best solution.

Practice mock interviews with your friends emulating questions that may be asked in an

actual interview. Be thorough about what you have written in your resume so that you are

prepared for anything that may be asked regarding your credentials. A list of commonly

asked questions is given at the end.

Documents Required: Make sure you carry all the necessary documents with you neatly

enclosed in a file/folder. The required documents are your resume, original mark-sheets of

classes X, XII and all college semesters. Along with these documents make sure you have

certificates/documented proof of all the activities and accomplishments mentioned in your

resume. It is advisable to carry a few copies of the original mark-sheets, in case the

interviewer wishes to retain them. Present them neatly.

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Dress: Dress well because presentation matters and it reflects your seriousness towards the

job. Your dress code will certainly depend on the company you‟re sitting for. For example,

wear formal suits in case it‟s a big multinational company whereas for a start-up you can

prefer to be a little casual. Business formal denotes strictly formal attire i.e. a typical suit

complete with a tie. On the other hand, business casual means dressing professionally,

looking relaxed yet neat and pulled together. In case of business casual, you need not put the

tie or your trousers can be semi professional and so on. Nevertheless, dress professionally as

would do when you are about to attend a business meeting or give a professional

presentation. A set of desirable attire for both is mentioned for both men and women.


Sober mono-coloured shirt – sky-blue, white and cream are some of the alternatives in

terms of colour and simple black/brown trousers. Shoes and belt should be plain black or

brown. The neck-tie, if worn, should have a neat knot and its length should up to your

belt. No accessories. Refrain from using too heavy perfumes or deodorants. Hair cut

should be neat and hair well-groomed. Do not fold cuffs, raise collars or leave your shirt



Suits in dark variants with a light coloured shirt. Avoid fancy collars and cuffs. Make up

should be minimal, natural looking and conservative. Avoid heavy perfumes. Shoes

should be simple and should be one that complements the style of the suit. Low to

medium in heel is acceptable. Hair should be freshly cleaned and conservatively styled.

Accessories should be minimal.


Food: Make sure you eat properly in the morning, have adequate fluids and carry a water

bottle with you. You need to be energetic throughout the day and only proper nourishment

can help you sustain yourself to your optimum level for the interview.

Certain standard questions form a part of every interview and are crucial in their

own regard. Never commit the mistake of going for an interview without

preparing for them. They may turn out to be your trump card.

Tippy’s Tip


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Arrival: Try to arrive at least fifteen minutes earlier than the scheduled time. This will give

you the time to relax and recollect your thoughts. Inform them of your arrival and take your

place outside the interview room. Even outside the interview room, sit calmly and be on your

best behaviour. Do not fidget, talk loudly, bother them or go up to participants who come out

of the interview hall seeking knowledge about the interview and the interviewer. Their

people are always watching you. Do not arrive late at any cost. Nothing will tarnish your

impression as much as arriving late for an interview without a definite reason. If things do

come up at the very last moment, call up and let the interviewer know. You are not

considered late if you inform them well before hand about your situation and excuse


First Impression: Your interview begins right at the time when you enter the

interviewer‟s room. It is said that by the time you take your seat, even before you have said

anything, half your interview is over. A good first impression is immensely important.

Therefore make sure that you are dressed properly, you walk smartly, smile often and do not

slouch. Look into the eyes of the interviewer and shake hands firmly. Keep you tone calm

and purposeful. As they say, „First impression is the last impression‟.

How to talk about your Credentials: The most important part of the interview is

when the interviewer starts discussing your credentials. The questions targeted at

professional evaluation are meant to determine your focus, goal direction and your aptitude

for the job. Employers want people who are enthusiastic and genuine. Your interview

preparation should involve identifying situations in your life which substantiate the skills that

you have mentioned in your resume and give some concrete testimony to talent that the

company seeks. A STAR approach is a very handy technique of discussing the work you

have done. It is illustrated below.

S -> Situation – Give an example of the situation in which you are involved.

T -> Task – Elaborate on the challenges involved.

A -> Action – Describe what you did to overcome those challenges.

R-> Result – What results did your efforts yield?

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It is useful to tell your accomplishments in the form of a story, in a form that interests the

listener and clearly projects your strengths. The interviewer may further explore parts of the

story that he finds interesting or which relate to qualities he wishes to explore in a particular

candidate. Whenever possible, quantify your results with facts and figures, which reveal a

greater detail about your impact and create a stronger impression. Instead of saying, „I have

worked as a Web Developer for my College‟, you could say that „I worked as a Web

Developer aiding in the maintenance and design of websites for three initiatives in my


Conduct Your conduct would be a very crucial factor for you success or failure. It is important that

your demeanour during the interview communicates positive vibes to the interviewer. Smile

often and look the interviewer right into the eyes. Speak clearly, confidently and assertively.

Have the right posture - sit up straight and do not slouch. Get your body language right, one

that communicates confidence, motivation and enthusiasm. Moreover, towards the end of the

interview you may start feeling comfortable and

friendly with the interviewer. Do not loosen up and do

SITUATION: During the cultural fest of my college, I was responsible for managing

the Marketing and Publicity of all the literary and musical events being held.

TASK: Despite hearty efforts from the Organizing Teams, the participation in these

events had been poor in the previous years and was decreasing every year. Apart from

the numbers, the quality was also not up to the mark. I wanted to improve these

numbers and bring in quality participation.

ACTION: Designed an active publicity campaign for the marketing of these events.

Created special teams to reach out to colleges, spread awareness about these events,

designed posters for the same and allotted attractive prizes for the winners of these

events. Posted details about the events in online portals meant for literary and musical

events. Created special feedback forms for participants in order to gather valuable


RESULT: Our publicity endeavors paid great dividends resulting in over 30% increase

in participation in the events. The quality of participation improved tremendously

including participation of many out-station teams as well. Valuable feedback was

received which would further aid us in improving our events in the future.


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or say something unintelligent that may hamper all your hard work. Be thoroughly

professional right from the time you enter to the time you walk out of the interview room.

Content: While one should not be shy in an interview, being too verbose may also create a

negative impact on your interviewer. It is really important that you think before you speak.

Do not beat around the bush; answer your interviewer‟s questions to the point. Moreover, if

you don‟t know something that the interviewer asks, there is no harm in saying a no and then

justifying why you don‟t know about it. Similarly, if you do not understand what the

interviewer is trying to say, you can request him/her to repeat or clarify the question. If you

are asked a question which you do not know but feel that you can work out, ask the

interviewer for a piece of paper and some time to do it. If they ask something where you feel

your answer is not up to the mark or if they point at any shortcomings in your resume, you

can tell them that you are aware of it, give a reason for the same and tell them that you are

working towards improving that aspect. For example, if they point out that your percentage is

not good enough, tell them you‟re aware of it and give them reasons why it is so. Do not lie

to your employer about something you haven‟t done because the next question would be:

„Tell us something about it.” Speak clearly, think before you answer and make sure you

assert your point.

Resume: Discussion of your resume is an integral and important part of your interview

process. So do prepare for it well in advance. You must also have true knowledge of

whatever you have mentioned in your resume and be able to elaborately talk on any fact if

asked to. Moreover, you should be prepared with aspects of your resume that may be

construed as negative. For example, a low GPA, no participation in extra-curricular activities

and so on. There is a high probability of these issues being discussed. Therefore make sure

you have your answers in place. Do not make excuses, provide valid reasoning.

Expect the Unexpected: During the interview, don‟t be surprised if you are asked some

unusual questions. Some questions are asked only to see how you react when caught

unawares. Take your time, think it out and answer calmly. The questions can be something

like, “Tell me a joke?” or “Suppose I am an alien. Describe a table to me.”These questions

cannot be prepared for in advance and there is no point worrying about them. The best

strategy is to maintain your composure and answer them calmly to the best of your ability.

Not answering is better than a wrong answer. Do not say anything just for the sake

of saying it. Take time to think and answer the interviewer’s questions honestly

and confidently. There is no harm is saying a ‘No’ or accepting a weakness if you

can follow it up by valid reasoning.

Tippy’s Tip


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Before you walk out, don‟t forget to thank the interviewer for his time and tell him how the

interview was a positive experience for you.

As the interview ends, ask the interviewers when they intend to get back to you on their

decision. This would re-state your interest in the job.

After your interview, do make a note of the questions that were asked, how you responded

and where you fell short. This will help you in future interviews.


Telephonic interviews propose a distinct advantage that cannot be availed in face-to-face

interviews – you can have the preparation material in front of you as you give your interview.

The preparation for a telephonic interview is same as that for a normal interview. However, a

few things need to be kept in mind for the interview. They are mentioned below.

Have your resume in front of you so that you can easily refer to it when the interviewer asks

any question regarding it.

Have a quick sheet of topics and commonly asked questions which you had planned and

prepared earlier. Spread it in front of you for easy reference.

Have a pen and paper at hand for taking notes and jotting down important information.

Evict the room, close the door and cut out all noises in the background. Keep the

surroundings as silent and less distractible as possible so that you can focus on the interview.

It may seem absurd, but smile as you speak. The smile induces a tone of positivity and

enthusiasm in your voice.

If you are called at a time when you cannot talk comfortably, request the interviewer for

another time.

It‟s not necessary to uselessly jabber away if it‟s a telephonic call. You can take time in

recollecting your thoughts and then speak.

It is a good idea to keep a glass of water nearby, in case you feel thirsty or stressed out during

the interview.

Before disconnecting, thank the interviewer for giving you the opportunity and ask when the

decision regarding selection is going to be made. The follow-up for a telephonic interview

can be similar to a normal interview.

Always wrap up the interview enthusiastically with a smile and thank the

interviewers for their time and ask them when the decision regarding the

appointment would be made. This would re-state your interest in the job and

exhibit your enthusiasm for the same.

Tippy’s Tip


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Stress interviews are those interviews wherein the interviewer tries to put you in an

uncomfortable position just to check how you react under pressure.

In stress interviews, the interviewer might be arrogant and rude to you. He may make sarcastic or

demeaning remarks about your attire or your character. He may make remarks such as „You are

not knowledgeable enough to be hired by our company‟, „You don‟t seem to have any dressing

sense at all‟. He may not agree with your answers and might show an argumentative attitude. In

each of these cases, the interviewer is just trying to put you under pressure and stress. He/She

wants to check how you handle stressful situations and how you respond to his/her comments

and remarks.

In a stress interview, they generally don't check if your answer is correct or not. They judge your

character and behaviour based on your reactions. Here are few of Tippy‟s tips to help you ace

stress interviews:

Do not get angry at the interviewer. Stay calm and composed.

Do not argue with the interviewer. If your answers are being challenged, try to explain

the reasoning behind your answer in a polite manner.

Do not waver just because the interviewer is intimidating you and is making remarks like

„You are not talking sense!‟

Do not find fault with the questions asked. State your assumptions and don‟t be afraid to

ask questions to get clarification.

In a telephonic interview, maintain a confident tone and smile frequently. It may

sound absurd but your smile will induce a tone of positivity in your voice and

project you well.

Tippy’s Tip


Be calm and composed and do not get angry at the interviewer. Don’t get

agitated by the remarks made by the interviewer. It is just to check how you react

when put in an uncomfortable situation

Tippy’s Tip


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Lacking the right attitude may cause you rejection in an interview. Many candidates come

across as arrogant and selfish. While employers can afford to maintain that aura, candidates

should certainly refrain from it.

Taking your dress code too casually may hamper your chances. How you dress is an

indication of how serious you are towards the job.

A person who is well aware of what he is going into always comes across as a smart

candidate to the employers. Lack of know-how of the company and the job profile creates a

negative impression on the employer.

Not being ready with the standard questions can kill your chances. These are areas where

most of the people score because you have an opportunity to prepare before-hand. Not being

able to justify a low percentage or a shortcoming will go against you.

Do not rely solely on your resumes. Companies hire people, not paper. Although a resume is

a representation of your skills and achievements, it is only dialogue through an interview that

will reveal your overall self to them.

When we say do not brag too much, we do not mean that you show extreme humility. While

being subtly modest, project your strengths to your employer to the fullest. Do not be too

humble and keep them from knowing about your talents.

Do not fail to relate your skills to the job profile you are applying for. You must give them a

clear reason as to how you‟d be useful to their organisation and why should they hire you.

When an employer asks you about your future plan, do not be short sighted or say you have

none. He is testing your goal direction and your vision. You must have a purpose in life.

Never be late for an interview. If unavoidable circumstances come into the picture, call them

and inform them about it,

Do not forget to smile and thank the interviewer. Courtesies only add to your value and

project a positive picture of you.

If you are unable to understand a question, ask the interviewer to explain or reiterate.

Moreover, if the interviewer asks anything that you do not know, say that you don‟t know it.

Do not lie. The interviewer will entangle you in your own lies and you‟ll be left embarrassed.

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R: Research – Research your employer well.

A: Appearance – Maintain a simple and professional appearance.

P: Practice – Practice and prepare well.

C: Conduct - Smile, be courteous and carry yourself smartly.

A: Analyse - Think about what is being asked. Answer to the point.

R: Resume - Know your resume well.

T: Thank - Do not forget to thank the interviewer.

The interview is the most crucial and important stage in selection for a job. The employers

get to observe and assess the applicants in person and test their skills. Therefore it‟s

important that you come across as the right person. By keeping in mind certain things, you

can create a great impact upon the interviewer and avoid major errors that can lead to your

elimination. Small things make a big contribution so make sure you dress well, walk smartly,

smile and answer all the questions thoughtfully and assertively.










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1. Tell me about yourself.

Speak more from a professional point of view rather than emotional or personal

i.e. answer with respect to your education and skills instead about speaking

volumes about your family and hometown.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Do not brag about y87our strengths. Be measured. Highlight those strengths

which are important for the role. When you speak about your weakness, also tell

them how you overcome them or prevent them from hindering your success.

Never say you don‟t have a weakness since all of us have one. Do not sugar-coat

your answer.

3. How do you react to criticism?

This is to judge your perspective and notice how you react to feedback.

4. How do your friends describe you?

This question is an opportunity to highlight your strengths as perceived by your

peers. Express how your friends perceive your personality and highlight the

abilities in you that they appreciate.

5. Why do you think you are suitable for this job?

Correlate your strengths with what is required for the job role. This is your

opportunity to let the interviewer know that you understand the profile you are

applying for, role that you are required to play in the company and match it with

your personality and skills..

6. Who are your role models? Why?

To see who you look up to and who you try to emulate. You should be able to

provide an explanation on why the person is your role model. It is a bad trait to

have someone, about whom you do not have sufficient knowledge, as a role

model. Remember, the interviewer may ask you questions on your role model.

7. How do you spend your free time?

What you do defines who you are. You should mention your hobbies.

8. What is success? How do you describe failure?

This is to judge your stand on success and failure. Tell them how you define

success and failure.

9. Shed some light on your family background.

What you are also depends on where you come from. You should tell them where

you originally come from and what your family members do for a living.

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1. Tell me about your education background.

What you are depends on where you come from. Co-relate your educational background with the

job profile. For example, if you are applying for a software developer, mention the various awards

and competitions that you‟ve won in the past in the field of Computer Science.

2. Why did you decide to join the institute you are studying in?

This question is to judge how purposeful you are in your decisions. Tell them what you liked in

your college and what was the procedure for joining the same. (For example you can say that I

appeared for the AIEEE examination and secured an X rank, which allowed me to choose

between A,B,C colleges. I chose B because ……)

3. Why did you choose the branch you are currently studying in?

Once again to see how purposeful you are in your decisions and whether you relate to your work

or not. You must tell them how you relate to your work and how passionate you are about it. Talk

about how your interest in a particular area or the industry led you to choose the line that you‟ve


4. What did you learn from your internship?

To validate whether the internships you‟ve mentioned in your resume made any significant

impact or not. Also to judge your learning potential. You should talk about what were the new

things you learnt from your work and the conclusions made, if any. You can talk about the effect

of the internship on your career goal.

5. Which is your favourite course?

A general question to check your interests and perspective. Do not just mention the course name.

Justify why you like it and how you‟ve tried to further your knowledge in it. You can also

mention if you‟ve won any accolades for the same.

6. What were the extra-curricular activities you were involved in?

To gauge how you perform in other spheres apart from academics. This is important as the

responsibilities you undertake and the results you produce are a testimony of your personality

traits and life skills.

7. What type of position/work are you looking for?

To know what you expect from the company. Again a good opportunity to let the interviewer

know that you understand the profile well while at the same time expressing how the working in

the company would fulfil your expectations.

8. Where do you see yourself 15 years down the line?

This question is targeted to enquire your long term goals, purpose and vision in life. Mention how

the current opportunity would help you achieve that long term aim.

9. Describe an activity where you played a leadership role.

Tell this in a story format using the STAR approach. Mention the key takeaways, your impact, the

challenges faced and lessons learnt.

10. Tell us about a time when you failed.

Again use the story format, mention key takeaways and lesson learnt. Your response to the failure

can indicate your reaction to future failures too.

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Please find below a list of web references for some of the interview questions:

1. Tell me about yourself.


2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?


3. How do you react to criticism?


4. How do your friends describe you?


5. Why should we hire you?


6. What is success? How do you describe failure?



7. What did you learn from your internship?


8. What type of position/work are you looking for?


9. Where do you see yourself 5 years down the line?


10. Tell us about a time when you failed


Please note that these sources are only to guide you and give you an indication of how to tackle some

of the popular interview questions. Your answer need not be exactly same as what people have

spoken of, in these videos. Based on your background and the context of the job profile, your

answers would vary. These links have been provided just to give you an indication of what all

aspects should be covered in your response to these questions.

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