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Amdavad Quiz Club Session 2

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Amdavad Quiz Club Session-2 MAINS Ishan Mehta and Dhruv Bhatnagar


Amdavad Quiz ClubSession-2MAINSIshan Mehta and Dhruv Bhatnagar

Infinite Pounce 1+15/-10Scoring similar to last Quiz. You can pounce on your own question for a +15,otherwise you get +10.8 Questions. 1 direct to each team.

1. Style Parody of whom?

1. Foo Fighters

2.X is credited with playing a vital role in bringing peace to his country. After the Y qualified for the 2006 World Cup, X made a desperate plea to the combatants, asking them to lay down their arms, a plea which was answered with a cease fire after five years of civil war.X later helped move anAfrican Cup of Nationsqualifier to the rebel stronghold of Bouake; a move that helped confirm the peace process.On 24 January 2007, X was appointed by theUnited Nations Development Programme(UNDP) as aGoodwill Ambassador.His involvement in the peace process led to X being named as one of the world's 100 most influential people byTimemagazine for 2010.

2. Didier Drogba, Ivory Coast

3.Apples acquisition of Beats for $3 Billion is its biggest ever in its history.Which deal by Apple held the previous record and why was it special?

3. $400 million purchase of NeXT in 1997. Brought Steve Jobs back to the company.


4. Gaza

5. A short excerpt from the obituary for X, written by Ys website.X was the longest lived actress ever to appear in Y, appearing alongside William Hartnellin two stories. She played Sheyrah in the second episode of the 1965 storyThe Crusade, as well as having a small role playing an attendant in three episodes of the 1964 storyMarco Polo.

5. Zohra Sehgal, Dr Who


6.Largely a product of British Legacy in the Indian Government.The British Ministers have always stuck to Red but their Indian counterparts have generally preferred Brown.Give funda.

6. Union Budget Briefcases

7. Daniel Wallace won the Gold in the 400m individual medley at the CWG Games two days back.After winning he yelled For Freedom after coming from fourth place to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat.Later talking about it he said I yelled at the top of my lungs "for freedom" because beinghere, in front of my home crowd, really brought the ___(X)____ and Scot inside of me out. I watched ____(X)___just last week to get ready for this. It is such a Scottish thing and it warms my heart.

7. Braveheart

7.X , a painterandprintmaker isregarded both as the last of theOld Mastersand the first of the moderns.In later life X bought a house, calledQuinta del Sordo("Deaf Man's House"), and painted many unusual paintings on canvas and on the walls, including references to witchcraft and war.At the age of 75, alone and in mental and physical despair, he completed the work on his 14Black Paintings,all of which were executed in oil directly onto the plaster walls of his house. He did not intend for the paintings to be exhibited, did not write of them, and likely never spoke of them.They were discovered some 50 years later. The series has been described as "the most essential to our understanding of the human condition in modern times, just asMichelangelo'sSistine ceilingis essential to understanding the tenor of the 16th century".

7.Francisco Goya,Saturn Devouring His Son

8.X was educated atRavenshaw Collegein Odisha but due to his interest in aviation he dropped out and trained as a pilot. X flew with private airlines but at the start of the Second World Warhe joined theRoyal Indian Air Forceeventually becoming head of air transport command.X was good friend of Nehru and upon his insistence, he flew to Java Islands on 22 July 1947, alone on a covert mission to rescue the Indonesian PM Sultan Sjahrir. For his act of bravery X was given honorary citizenship of Indonesia and awarded 'Bhoomi Putra', the highest Indonesian award and a rare distinction ever granted to a foreigner. He later went on to play an important role in state and national politics and was one of the first leaders to be arrested when the Emergency was declared in 1975.

8.Biju Patnaik

SHORT CONNECT3 slides.+25/0+15/-10+10/0

1. +25/0

2. +15/-10

3. +10/0



Infinite Pounce 2Same scoring as Infinite Pounce 1.Direct questions to team in ACW order.

1. What does this list indicate?

Harvard University 8Yale University 5Columbia University 3College of William and Mary 3Princeton University 2United States Military Academy 2Union College 2University of North Carolina 1Texas State University 1University of Michigan 1Amherst College 1Whittier College 1...

1.Number of US Presidents graduated from each university

2. Who is the person being referred to in the next slide.

2.Alan Turings Royal Pardon

3. A/an X is a device placed in a container of beer to manage the characteristics of the beer's head. The original X was patented in Ireland by Guinness. The "floating X" is found in cans of beer as a hollow plastic sphere, 3 cm in diameter (similar in appearance to a small table tennis ball) with a small hole in one side.You know X as a regular term in UI designs.


4. The Canopus Way of Ancient Alexandria was the central road in the city. The Greeks prided themselves on symmetry in their cities, but in their greatest city this road was 24 degrees off center. This is actually a great testament to their knowledge geometry and astrophysics Explain.Hints on request

4.On 20th July, Alexander the Greats Birthday, the sun would shine exactly on the street.

5. Why was this song discarded from being the theme song of the 2000 Democratic National Convention

5.Because of the line, A little bit of Monica..

6.Xs influence extended well beyond the field of music though, with T.S. Eliot, James Joyce, Francis Ford Coppola and Stephen Fry being a few of the people acknowledging him as an inspiration. However, he is a highly controversial figure and a lot of his music has anti-Semitic undertones. Hitler himself was a major admirer of his work and has referred to him in his speeches on multiple occasions.

6.Richard Wagner

7. Slay the Nemean LionSlay the nine-headed Lernaean HydraCapture the Golden Hind of ArtemisCapture the Erymanthian BoarClean the Augean stables in a single day.Slay the Stymphalian BirdsCapture the Cretan BullSteal the Mares of DiomedesObtain the girdle of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons.Obtain the cattle of the monster Geryon.Steal the apples of the Hesperides.Capture and bring back Cerberus.

7.The 12 Labours of Hercules



The A-Z RoundTake a large sheet of plain paper and get set.Encourage the audience to participate as well.Answers at the end.+3 for each correct answer.A maximum of 78 points to be won.

A is the oldest man to have won a Grand Slam title. He made his Bollywood debut last year in the movie B. B also featured C, who is considered among the first actors to have made a successful transition from Bollywood to Hollywood and international cinema and is known for playing villainous roles.C was part of a movie which was based on the life on Indian President D and premiered at the 63rd Cannes Film Festival in May 2010.D a Bharat Ratna Awardee was declared the Youth Icon of the Year by E.The award has also been won by a Website F and was in the news recently.

Fs parent company G bought H in 2011 in a deal worth $12.5 billion.H was later sold to I, a Chinese firm who also took over a significant part of Js business which reflected a strategic change in Js business model. J has developed K, an artificially intelligent computer system capable of answering questions posed in natural language.K is named after L, Js founder.In 2013, I announced that they had hired M as a Product Engineer and spokesman.M ,co-founded A-grade investments and is an investor in various tech startups like Airbnb, Spotify and N.

On October 29, 2013, celebrated as National Cat Day in the United States, N offered a limited-time kitten delivery service in addition to their usual services.M also made a successful debut in the TV show O in 1998. He is currently dating P, his co-star from that show.Ps performance in the movie Q gained her worldwide accolades, including receiving Best Young Actress at the 67th Venice International Film Festival, as well as nominations for a Golden Globe.Q was based on a work by R.

After winning the mixed doubles Wimbledon title with S in 2010, A became only the second man (after T) to win Wimbledon titles in three different decades.S is professional tennis player from U.Us President is V and has held office in the country since 1987 and is also is currently the world's oldest head of state.V shares his first name with W.W ,a well connected businessman was accused by X of taking loans from the company Y in exchange for political favors.X lost to Z in recent 2014 National Elections by a heavy margin of 2 lakh votes.


A Leander PaesB Rajdhani ExpressC Gulshan GroverD APJ Abdul KalamE - MTVF - OrkutG - GoogleH Motorola MobilityI - LenovoJ - IBMK -WatsonL Thomas WatsonM Ashton KutcherN - UberO That 70s ShowP Mila KunisQ The Black SwanR - TchaikovskyS Cara BlackT- Rod LaverU- ZimbabweV- Robert MugabeW- Robert VadraX- Arvind KejriwalY- DLFZ- Narendra Modi

