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Amenhotep III 1

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Amenhotep IIIYears of Prosperity.What were the roles and duties of Egyptians Kings?Ans: The roles and duties of Egyptian Kings in ancient Egypt were to watch over the court laws, and be the chief of temples and places of worship. He was the Commander-in-chief of army and led the soldiers in wars; he also managed and controlled trade with other countries. The Egyptians believed that the pharaoh of Egypt was their god in human form. Each Pharaoh would worship his own god. He was the religious leader in Egypt and also the absolute ruler for all parts of Egyptian life and oversaw all temples. He owned all the land and controlled all the wealth and labour. The King of Egypt appointed priests and officials. He made all the laws and he didnt do all the work, relied on the officials to carry out laws and govern Egypt. Comment by David: Who is He?

Why were the kings of Egypt eventually regarded as semi-divine beings?Ans: The kings and queens of Ancient Egypt were regarded as semi-divine beings as the people of Egypt believed that they were the descendant of the god Osiris and that they falcon-god Horus lived inside them.What types of powers did they have?Ans: The kings of Egypt had many powers including the power to govern the two lands of Egypt, which is Lower Egypt and also upper Egypt,to keep the people of his country safe, to keep justice around the country and to make sure the Nile was rising adequately. The kings would supervise the structures built such as temples, pyramids and other things. The Egyptian kings also had the power to control everything that was important and had to do with the whole country.

How were the kings represented in art?Ans: The Kings in ancient Egypt are well represented in art by using hieroglyphics and are written about and also have pictures drawn about them. They have their own temples created; have their names on their own statues and also are recorded on the ancient Egypts history list by scribes.What did they wear that helped to set them apart from society?Ans: The Pharaoh of Egypt often wore Nekhekhor flail. The Nekhekh represented the pharaohs ability to control using justice. It also represented the god Osiris. The crook which represented the kings ability to rule over whole of Egypt. The double crown represented the kings ability to control and rule over upper and lower Egypt. The most rarely worn piece of clothing was the HemhemetCrown . It was only used for very important occasions. The royal wig, blue and white striped soft head cloth which is made out of linen. It symbolises the sole authority of the king. Worn on ceremonial occasions.The Blue War Crown was also worn by the pharaoh when he went to war and it was worn on from the 18th dynasty. To symbolise the kings power the king wore the false beard which was made out of human hair and resembles a goats beard. The Ureus acted as a form of protection for the pharaoh of Lower Egypt. The Ureus was worn on the head of the pharaoh of Lower Egypt. The Bulls Tail was worn on special occasions to remind the people of Egypt that the king was a strong bull. The war mace was used by the pharaoh in war as a weapon and it was also ceremonial maces. Comment by David: Explain what the Nekhekh or flail is. Do not assume that the reader knows what it isComment by David: Same as aboveComment by David: What is it? Describe and insert a picture-that is labelled.

The specific life of the pharaoh.What was the early life of Amenhotep?Amenhotep was born to Tuthmosis the IV and Queen Mutemwiya, nut shortly after he was born his father died. After his father died, Amenhotep became king at the age around 6 and 12. He ruled with his mothers help who also acted as regent. What were the circumstances that made your person Amenhotepking?The circumstances that made my person king was that Amenhoteps grandfather was the high military officer and thanks to that his grandfather became king and so another dynasty began and later after his grandfather gave the throne to his father Amenhotep III shortly became king, when his dad died when Amenhotep was 6 to 12 years old. Also, probably the most important reason that made Amenhotep III king was, because his older brother, Thuthmosis died while, his father was reigning. The positions of pharaohs, were mainly given to the eldest son of the family, although there were also many other younger sons, who acted as a backup, if the eldest son died, before his dad stopped reigning. In this way, Amenhotep became king, because his elder brother died.Comment by David: Get rid of my person and write AmenhotepComment by David: Break this down to two or three sentences. It is quite unclear and I am not sure what you are talking about.

How and when did your chosen king rise to power?My chosen king rose to power at the age from about 6 to 12 because his father died and also that his elder brother died, who was favoured to be king. He did not really rise to power, because he ruled in the New Kingdom period and was considered to rule in the Golden Age. He didnt lead any great battles as at that time no country dared to rise against Egypt and only led some minor expeditions. Comment by David: Dont use apostrophes. Write did not. Do not be LAZY!What set your chosen king apart from other rulers?The thing that set my chosen king apart from other rulers was that he ruled in a golden age and that he didnt have to do much, as no other country dared to attack and raid Egypt. At that time trades for goods from other countries. The goods were like coniferous wood, oils, resin, metal for making weapons and also wine. Also many other goods were mainly animal goods, such as ebony, ivory, leopard skins and ostrich plumes. Comment by David: Dont use such a plain word. Consider aspect/factors/qualitiesDid they lead great trading expeditions?No, Amenhotep III did not lead any great expeditions, but he led some expeditions to Nubia, but they were only minor expeditions.he did lead some minor expeditions to Nubia in the fifth year of his reign. He also, at least led a trade to the land Punt. Most pharaohs of Egypt had to show that they were capable of being a good general and had to demonstrate their skills in battle. Amenhotep did not have to show that he was good at fighting in war or show that he was a great general. The reason that he did not lead any great expeditions was that, at the time he was ruling Egypt was considered to be thriving and no-one dared to stand up against Egypt.

The drawing of the land of Punt on a stone

Did they have great building programs: Temples or pyramids.Yes Amenhotep did buildbuilt many temples for the old gods and new gods. Amenhotep did not really build any temples for himself, but he enlarged temples for more worship. He remodelled the temple for the god Amun and also for a new one for Sobek, Mut and Maat. He built more temples then Rameses the second. Comment by David: Improved/refurbished/expanded/renovated. This phrase is quite clear. Write simply but precisely.

Did they introduce new religious beliefs and systems of belief?No, Amenhtoep III didnt introduce anything new, but he was worshipped like a god it seemed, because it has been shown that he was worshipped at his own temple when he lived. Amenhotep III remodelled the temple of Amun, built temples and shrines for the goddesses Mut and Maat and he also built a temple for Sobek. His son Amenhotep IV better known as Akhenaten, who did introduce new religions.Comment by David: Again. LAZY!Comment by David: Unsure? Get rid of it, you need to write in a confident manner. Not maybe/perhaps/I think!Comment by David: Evidence? Maybe find an archaeological/written/visual source to back this up. Did he die in mysterious circumstances?It is not reallyknown what Amenhotep III died of, though he died of an illness at the age around his mid-forties. He ruled ancient Egypt for about 37 or more years from 1538 to 1501 BC.Comment by David: Dont sound unsure about what you are writing.

