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America Looks Abroad Industrial Revolution generated a need for new markets Turn to imperialism...

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America Looks Abroad • Industrial Revolution generated a need for new markets • Turn to imperialism – policy of establishing colonies and empires • Turned from idea of isolationism – Separation from the politics of other countries
Page 1: America Looks Abroad Industrial Revolution generated a need for new markets Turn to imperialism –policy of establishing colonies and empires Turned from.

America Looks Abroad• Industrial Revolution

generated a need for new markets

• Turn to imperialism– policy of establishing colonies

and empires

• Turned from idea of isolationism – Separation from the politics of

other countries

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Causes of the Spanish/American War

• Spain’s Reconcentration Policy– Civilians were forced into camps

• Enabled Spain to separate civilians from guerillas

– Made Spain look bad to US

• American Economic Interests– Cuban plantations were American owned

• Yellow Journalism– Keep stories interesting– Made US want war

“You furnish the pictures, I’ll

furnish the war”

William Randolph


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“A Splendid Little War”

• Fighting in Cuba– US Army was out of date– Teddy Roosevelt led the “Rough Riders”

• Charged San Juan Hill

– Many all black regiments helped win the war

• Naval Encounters– Met Spanish fleet in Santiago, won easily

• “Splendid Little War”– US was dominate, and lost very little

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Becoming a World Power

• The Philippines– Pro-Annexation

• Sense of mission to help the people• Patriotism and Social-Darwinism

– Anti-Annexation• Violated American tradition

• Settlement with Spain– McKinley settled issue through prayer– US asked for Philippines from Spain

• Treaty narrowly passed Congress

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The Philippines• Filipino Resistance

– Emilio Aguinaldo – Wanted their independence

• Most Americans did not like that the US was fighting against independence

• Relations improved as Teddy Roosevelt took office– Sent Taft as a Governor– Aiding the Filipinos to self-govern– He believed they would need several years

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The Panama Canal

• 1890s, US attempted to build a canal through Nicaragua– Too costly

• Attempted to lease land from Colombia– Colombia would not agree, Roosevelt helped

Panama rebel

• Roosevelt defended his big stick policy– He helped get the canal built faster

• Which would benefit all of society

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The Panama Canal

• 1890s, US attempted to build a canal through Nicaragua– Too costly

• Attempted to lease land from Colombia– Colombia would not agree, Roosevelt helped

Panama rebel

• Roosevelt defended his big stick policy– He helped get the canal built faster

• Which would benefit all of society

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The Balance of Power in East Asia

• China and the Open Door– Europe was trying to control Chinese trade– Open Door Policy – promote equal trade with

China for all

• Boxer Rebellion– Boxers – secret Chinese society to oust foreign

control• Boxers fought against Westerners• Sec. of State Hay persuaded other countries to keep

peace in China

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The Big Stick• Venezuela

– Venezuela owed money to Britain and Germany• They set up a blockade until Venezuela paid

– Americans felt the need to defend the Monroe Doctrine• Roosevelt pushed for arbitration

• Roosevelt Corollary– US had right to intervene to stabilize Latin American

countries– Started idea of dollar diplomacy

• US gave money to in the form of loans to keep peace

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The New Deal and the Supreme Court

• Court struck down many New Deal programs

• Roosevelt considered his landslide election a mandate– Rejuvenate the court

• Roosevelt would add 6 more justices

• Both parties opposed, and he was unable to carry through

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The TVA• Tennessee Valley Authority

• Employed 40,000

• Reforested

• Built power plants

• Produced cheap electricity

• Criticisms– Aid should be spread

across the country– Unfair to power companies

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The CCC• Civilian Conservation Corps

• Offered outdoor work

• $30 per month, $22 went home

• Helped conserve resources–Built trees, fought forest fires, built


• Gove County had a camp in Kansas

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The Dust Bowl• Causes of the Dust Bowl

–Overgrazing by cattle–Plowing up grasslands during WWI–Huge drought took hold in the late

1920s–High wind speeds

• All of these factors caused huge dust storms

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Effects of the Dust Bowl

• Farmers had difficulties surviving–Many headed West

• Many became migrant farmers–Traveled and worked

wherever they could

• Nearly 2.5 million people headed West

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Attacks on the New Deal• Three Prominent Attackers

– Father Charles E. Coughlin – “Radio Priest”

• Attacked FDR

– Huey Long – Sen. Louisiana• Take from wealthy, give to poor

– Dr. Francis Townsend• Give pensions to all over 60

• President announced a Second New Deal in response

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Work Relief and Social Security

• Works Progress Administration (WPA) – 1935 – Employed writers, musicians, artists, teachers– Other agencies increase employment as well

• Social Security Act – 1935– Unemployment insurance– Retirement benefits– Did not protect all groups

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Later New Deal Measures

• By 1937 the economy was back to 1929 levels–Quickly slumped into a recession

• President said businesses failed to re-invest

• Expanded the WPA and increased military spending

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The Influence of the New Deal• WPA helped actors, artists, writers, and


• Federal Theater Project sponsored plays

• Federal Arts Projects created murals

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The United States at War• December 7, 1941

– Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, HI with little warning

• Destroyed much– Killed and wounded 4500 people

• Draft went into effect– Many were ready to

fight– First time government

recognized conscientious objector as a legal status

• Given other menial tasks to complete

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The Production Battle• FDR gave a War Production Board regulatory

power over industries

• Rapid Conversion to War Production– Weeks after Pearl Harbor manufacturing started

• Cut back production on consumer goods

– Automobile industry moved to tanks and other supplies

– New industries were created– Office of Scientific Research

and Development• Invented devices to help in

times of war

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Financing the War• Increased Taxes

– Extended income tax to lower and middle incomes• Sold war bonds• Inflation

– More jobs meant more people had money– Goods were scarce, so prices went up– Government stepped in and set price ceilings

• Rationed goods in short supply• People planted Victory gardens

• National War Labor Board– Settle labor disputes by mediation– AFL and CIO made no-strike pledges– Wildcat strikes still occurred

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The War and Social Change• Women Assume Nontraditional Roles

– Take factory jobs as a patriotic duty

– Rosie the Riveter – symbol of women’s contribution

– Took over many labor- intensive jobs

• Opportunities for African Americans– Needed to fill jobs

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East-West Suspicions

• Soviet Control of Eastern Europe– Soviet Expansion into Europe heightened US fears of

Communism– Soviet leaders did not keep promise of free elections– Soviet dominated nations, ensured they voted

communist• These nations were known as

satellite nations

– Stalin used materials from satellite nations to restore USSR

– Ordered purges• Removal of “disloyal” leaders

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The Iron Curtain

• Winston Churchill coined term “Iron Curtain”– Describe Soviet policy in Europe

• Division of European nations

• Soviet Union created a Soviet Bloc– Used countries as a buffer zone to keep capitalism


• Truman and his advisors agreed on a “get tough” policy

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The Marshall Plan

• Administration wanted a plan for economic aid to Europe– Fear that economic woes would lead to communism in

other countries

– Fear poor European economies would hurt US markets

• June 1947 Sec. of State George Marshall proposed a massive recovery plan– Aid would be given to all nations in Europe

– Communist nations turned it down

– Very successful

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The Berlin Airlift

• Allies decided on a joint occupation of Germany– All controlled a zone of Germany, split capital city of


• 1948 Western powers agreed to join zones to create an independent nation

• Soviet Union closed off West Germany to Berlin

• Truman ordered an airlift to supply Berlin’s people

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Communist Triumph in China• China was divided after Japan’s surrender• Communists controlled the North

– Mao Zedong

• Nationalists controlled Southwest– Chiang Kai-shek

• Civil War– War between nationalist and communist governments ravaged

country since 1930• Both sides paused to fight Japan

– Truman sent General Marshall to China• Marshall said more aid would not help China

– 1949 Mao Zedong’s forces controlled China

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Communist Triumph in China• Aftermath of Communist Victory

– Chinese Nationalists were angered at Truman

– US recognized Nationalist government in Taiwan as government of all China• Blocked Mao’s tries to gain

a UN seat• Soviet Union blockaded

UN Security Council

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Brown vs. Board of Education• 1951 – Linda Brown’s parents sued BOE of Topeka

– For not allowing Linda to attend an all-white school

• Supreme Court Ruling– It was unconstitutional to separate school children by race– Overturned “separate but equal”

• As found in Plessy vs. Ferguson

• The Southern Manifesto– 101 Southern Congress

Members signed– Said Supreme Court abused


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Montgomery Bus Boycott• Rosa Parks Takes a Stand

– Refused to give up her bus seat and was arrested– A meeting was held at Dexter Ave. Baptist Church

• Martin Luther King, Jr.’s church• Called for a boycott of the busses• Lasted for nearly a year

– Rosa Parks was convicted and fined– MLKJ and others were arrested for

an illegal boycott• 1956 – Supreme Court ruled segregation

in public transportation was illegal

• Montgomery Bus Boycott started movement– Found their leader in MLKJ

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King Preaches Nonviolence• Churches and ministers led movement• King followed his faith and Gandhi

– Use of nonviolent resistance• Disobey unjust laws• Love oppressors• Never fight, even when provoked

• To carry on nonviolent struggles, King and others founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference– Branched into Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee– Main job was to fight against discrimination

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Crisis in Little Rock• Eisenhower refused to pass civil rights

legislation– Wanted to avoid controversy

• 1953 – Earl Warren appointed as Chief Justice– Took a more liberal approach– Thurgood Marshall, lawyer of NAACP, brought

many civil rights cases• Brought Brown v. BOE to Supreme Court

– Court never set a deadline for implementing Brown ruling

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Crisis in Little Rock

• 1957 – Congress created a civil rights division in the Department of Justice

• September 1957 – Federal court ordered admittance of nine African American students– To Little Rock High in Arkansas

– A former all-white high school

• Governor Faubus sent National Guard troops to prevent students from entering– Eisenhower sent in federal troops to

ensure students could attend school safely

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The March on Washington

• August 1963– Celebrating 100 Year Anniversary of Emancipation


• 200,000 demonstrators came to Washington• MLKJ made his “I Have a Dream” speech• A New Civil Rights Act

– Awakened millions to the movement– Showed support to Congress for Civil

Rights Bill

• Following Kennedy’s assassination, LBJ was determined to follow his initiative

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Civil Rights Act• Johnson utilized remorse over Kennedy’s

assassination to get his bill through• July 2, 1964 – Civil Rights Act of 1964

– Strongest act since Reconstruction– All citizens should have equal access to

• Public facilities• Private facilities serving the public

– forbade discrimination in education– Outlawed job discrimination

• Voting Rights Act of 1965– Paved the way for all African Americans to vote

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The Battle in the North• King shifted demonstrations to the North• Discontent Leads to Riots

– Due to frustrations over urban conditions

• Most riots took place outside the South– In areas they were supposed to have equal rights

• The Kerner Commission– Looked into the problem of spreading violence– Gave responsibility of riots to white society

• Hardened white prejudice

• The Death of MLKJ– Violence continued to grow– Murdered in 1968– Removed last bit of faith in a peaceful solution

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The Women’s Rights Movement• Status of Women

– 1977 – women had <5% of elective offices– 1960 – women made up 1/3 of the workplace

• Earned almost half that of men

• Betty Friedan – The Feminine Mystique– Rejected idea that women were

destined to be housewives– She described how the media

created images of how women should be

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National Organization for Women• Betty Friedan and other feminists formed

NOW– Purpose was to bring women into full participation

of society

• Successes– Ended separate classified employment ads

– Ended rules requiring only female flight attendants

– Helped women get professional jobs

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Equal Rights Amendment• 1972 – ERA submitted to states for

ratification– called for equality under the law, regardless of


• Not all women supported– Phyllis Schlafly of STOP

ERA said it was just single women complaining

– Said ERA would force women to give up roles

• ERA failed to pass

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Title IX• Women’s rights achieved a victory in 1972

– Title IX was passed as a part of the Education Amendment

– Provides legal protection against discrimination• In both education and the workplace

• Details– Recipients of federal funds must designate a Title

IX Coordinator– Everyone must be notified of Coordinator– Grievances must be made public
